I 356e Bordmacr J
5 GMtfrned
Rachel Jorgenson was tne only daugh
ter of the governor 01 Iceland She fell
In love with and married an Idler Ste
phen Orry Her father had other hopes
o her and In his anger he disowned her
Then orry deserted her and ran away to
sea Of this union however a child was
born and Rachel called him Jason Ste
phen Orry was neara rrom In the Isle of
21a n where ho ws naln married and
another son was born Rachel died a
broken neartett woman but told Jason of
his fathers acts- Jason swore to kill
him and If not him then hl3 son In the
meantime Orry had deserted his ship and
sought refuge In the lle of Man and
was sheltered by the governor of the
Island Adam Falrbrother Orry went
from bad to worse and marled a disso
lue and their child called Michael Sun
locks war born The woman died and
Orry gave their child to Adam Fair
brother who adopted him and he be
came the playmate of the governors only
daughter Greeba Time passed and the
governor and his wife became estranged
their five sons staying with their mother
on account of their jealousy of Sunlocks
who had become a favorite with the gov
ernor Finally Stephen Orry confesses
his misdeeds to Sunlocks who promised
to go to Iceland to find Raehel If possi
ble and care for her and If she was
dead to find her son and treat him as
a brother He bid good bye to his sweet
heart Greeba and started on his journey
Meantime Jason had started on his
journey of vengeance and his ship was
wrecked on the Isle of Man He saved
the life of his father unknowingly Orry
died and on his death bed was recog
nised by Jason
He had always stood somewhat In
awe of these great persons and his
spirits rose visibly at the loss of them
for he had never yet reconciled him
self to the dignity of his state
Its wonderful how much a man
may do for himself when hes put to it
he said as he groomed his own horse
next morning His sons were not so
easily appeased and muttered hard
words at his folly for their own sup
plies had by this time suffered curtail
ment He was ruining himself at a
breakneck pace and if he came to die
in the gutter who should say that it
had not served him right The man
who threw away his substance with
his eyes open deserved to know by bit
ter proof that it had gone Jason heard
all this at the fireside at Lague and
though he could not answer it he felt
his palms itch sorely and his fists
tighten like ribs of steel and his whole
body stiffen up and silently measure
its weight against that of Thurstan
Fairbrother the biggest and heaviest
and hardest spoken of the brothers
Greeba heard it too but took it with
a gay Hghtsomeness knowing all yet
fearing nothing
What matter she said and then
But strange and silly enough were
some of the shifts that her fathers
open handedness put her to in these
bad days of the bitter need of the
islands poor people
It was the winter season when things
were at their worst and on Christmas
Eve Greeba had a goose killed for
their Christmas dinner The bird was
hung in one of the outhouses to drain
and cool before being plucked am
while it was there Greeba went out
leaving her father at home Then
came three of the man who had never
yet been turned empty from the Gov
ernors door Adam blustered at all
of them but he emptied his pockets to
one gave the goose to another and
smuggled something out of the panto
for the third
The goose was missed by the maJ
wliose work it was to pluck it and its
disappearance was made known to
Greeba on her return Guessing at th
way it had gone she went into the
room where her father sat placidly
smoking and trying to look wondrous
seren and innocent
What do you think father she
jgaid someone has stolen the goose
Im afraid my dear he answered
treckly I gave it away to poor Kin
xade the parish clerk Would you be
lieve it he and his good old wife hadnt
a bit or a sup for their Christmas din
Well said Greeba youll have io
be content with bread and cheese for
your own for we have nothing else
In the house now
Im afraid my dear he stammered
I gave away the cheese too Poor
dafe Gelling who lives on the moun
tains had nothing to eat but a loaf of
bread poor fellow
Now the rapid impoverishment ot
the governor was forcing Greeba into
the arms of Jason though they had
yet no idea that this was so and when
sold his tithe charges by auction in
England and they were knocked down
to a Scotch factor a hard man un
troubled by sentiment and not too
proud to get his own by means that
might be thought to soil the cloth of
ing that bluster as he would while th
When the news of this transfer reach
ed the island the Manx clergy looked
black though they dared say nothing
but the poor people grumbled audibly
for they knew what was coming It
soon came in the shape of writs from
the Bishops seneschal served by the
Bishops sumner Then the cry of
the poor reached the governor at Cas
tletown No powers had he to stay
the seizure of goods and stock for
arrears that were forfeit to the church
courts but he wrote to the bishop ask
ing him to stay execution at a moment
of the islands necessity The bishop
answered him curtly that the matter
was now outside his control At that
the governor inquired into the legality
of the sale and found good reason to
question it He wrote again to the
bishop hinting at his doubts and then
the Bishop told him to mind his own
business My business is the welfare
of the people the governor answered
and be you bishop or lord or both be
sure that while I am here I will see
to it
Such is tne penalty of setting a beg
gar on horseback the bishop rejoined
Meantime the Scotch factor went on
with his work and notices were served
that if arrears of tithe rent were not
paid by a given date cattle or crop to
the value of them would then be seized
in the bishops name When the word
came to government house the gov
ernor announced to Greeba his inten
tion to be present at the first seizure
She tried to restrain him fearing trou
ble but he was fully resolved Then
Jthe crisis came that loosened the ties encouraged the people to resist the
which held Greeba to her father it
came as a surprise to all three or
The one man in the island who had
thu far shown a complete indifference
to the sufferings of the poor in their
ihour of tribulation was the Bishop of
Sodor and Man This person was a
fashionable ecclesiastic not a Manx
mana Murray and a near kinsman
of theLlord of the island who had kept
the see four years vacant that the sole
placeof profit in the Island might
thereby be retained for his own family
iBlany years the Bishop had drawn his
stipend tithe and glebe rents which
f were very large In proportion to the
diocese and almost equal in amolnt
to the emoluments of the whole body
of the native clergy He held smal
ujsgwnerce with his people and the bad
seasons troubled him little until he felt
the pinch of them himself But when
he found it hard to gather his tithe he
began to realize that the island was
she1 sent word by Chaise AKHley to
her brothers at Lague begging them
to go with their father and see hint
through but one and all refused There
was mischief brewing and if the gov
ernor had a right to interfere he had
a right to have the civil forces at the
back of him If he had no light to
the help of Castle Rushen he had no
right to stop the execution In anj
case they had no wish to meddle
When old Chaise brought back hit
answer Red Jason chanced to be a
Castletown He had been at govern
ment house oftener than usual since
the clouds had begun to hang on it
Coming down from the mountains with
his pipe in his mouth his fowling piece
over his shoulder and his birds hang
ing from his belt he would sometimes
contrive to get up into the yard at the
back fling a brace of pheasants into
the kitchen and go off again without
speaking to anyone Greeba had been
too smart for him this time and he
was standing before her with a look
of guilt when Chaise came up on his
errand Then Jason heard all and
straightway offered to go with the gov
ernor and never let wit of his inten
Oh thank you thank you said
Greeba and she looked up into his
bronzed face and smiled proudly and
her long lashes blinked over her beau
tiful eyes Her glance seemed to go
through him It seemed to go through
all nature and fill the world with a
new glad light
The evil day came and the governor
was as good as his word He went
away to Peel where the first seizure
was to be made There was a great
crowd already gathered and at sight
of Adams face a great shout went up
The bishops factor heard it as he
came up from Bishops Court with a
troop of his people about him Ill
mak short shrift o a that the noo
he said When he came up he ordered
that a cow house door should be broken
open and the cattle brought out for In
stant sale for he had an auctioneer by
his side But the door was found to
be locked and he shouted to his men
to leap onto the roof and strip off the
thatch Then the governor cried to
stop and called on the factor to desist
for though he might seize the cattle
there would be no sale that day since
no man there present would take the
bread out of the mouths of the poor
Then they shall try the milk said
the factor with a hoarse laugh and
at the same moment the bishops sene
schal a briefless advocate stepped out
pushed his hot face into Adams and
said that governor as he was if he
sumner should then and there summon
him to appear before the church courts
for contempt
At that insult the crowd surged
around muttering deep oaths and the
factor and seneschal were both much
hustled In another moment there was
a general struggle f people were shout
ing the governor was on the ground
and in danger of being trodden under
foot the factor had drawn a pistol
and some of his men were flourishing
By this time Red Jason had lounged
up as if by chance to the outskirts o
the crowd andnow he pushed throuel
eer and the riffraff of the church
Courts were going off up the road with
best foot foremost and a troop of the
people like a pack of hounds at full
cry behind
Then the remnant of the crowd com
pared notes and bruises
Man alive what a boy to fight
said one
Who was It said another
Och Jason the Red of coorse said
a third
Jason was the only man badly in
jured He had a deep cut over the
right brow and though the wound bled
freely he made light of it But Adam
was much troubled at the sight
I much misdoubt me but well rue
the day he said
Jason laughed at that and they went
back to Castletown together Greeba
saw them coming and all but fainted
at the white bandage that gleamed
across Jasons forehead but he gave
her a smile and bade her have no feai
for his wound was nothing Neverthe
less she must needs dress it afresh
though her deft fingers trembled woe
fully and seeing how near the knife
had come to the eye all her heart
was in her mouth But he only laugh
ed at the bad gash and thought with
what cheer he would take such another
just to have the same tender hands
bathe it and stitch it and to see the
troubled heaving of the round bosom
that was before him while his head
was held down
Arent you very proud of yourself
Jason she whispered softly as she fin
Why proud said he
Its the second time you have done
as I have bidden you and suffered for
doing so she said
He knew not what reply to make
scarcely realizing which was her ques
tion tended So feeling very stupid
he said again
But why proud
Arent you then she said Be
cause I am proud of vou
They were alone and he saw her
breast heave and her great eyes gleam
and he felt dizzy At the next instant
their hands touched and then his blood
boiled and before he knew what he
was doing he had clasped the beautiful
girl in his arms and kissed her on the
Jipsand cheek She sprang away from
him blushing deeply but he knew
that she was not angry for she smiled
through her deep rich color as she fled
from out of the room on tiptoe From
that hour he troubled his soul no more
with fears that he was unworthy of
Greebas love for he looked at his
wound in the glass and remembered
her words and laughed in his heart
The governor was right that there
would be no sale for arrears of tithe
charges After a scene at Bishops
Court the factor went back to Eng
land and no more was heard of the
writs served by the sumner But wise
folks predicted a storm for Adam Fair
brother and the great people were
agreed that his conduct had been the
maddest folly
Hell have to take the horns with
the hide said Deemster Lace
Hes a fool that doesnt know which
side of his bread is buttered said
Mrs Fairbrother
The storm came quickly but not from
the quarter expected
Since the father of the Duke of Athol
had sold his fiscal rights to the Eng
lish Crown the son had rued the bar
gain All the interest in the island
that remained to him lay in his title
his patronage of the bishopric and his
governor generalship Kis title counted
for little for it was unknown at the
English court and the salary of hifc
governor geneialship counted for less
for not being resident in the island he
had to pay a local governor The pat
ronage of the bishopric wa the one
tangible item of his interest and when
the profits of that office were imperiled
he determined to part with his trun
cated honors Straightway he sold them
big and baggage to the crown foi
nearly six times as much as his father
had got for the insular revenues When
this neat act of truck and trade was
complete he needed his deputy no more
and sent Adam Fairbrother aa instant
warning with half-a-3-ears salary foi
smart money
The blow came with a shock to Gree
ba and her father but there was no
leisure to sigh over it Government
house and its furniture belonged to the
government and the new governor
might take possession of it at any mo
ment But the stock on its lands was
Adams antl as it was necessary to dis
pose of it he called a swift sale Half
the island came to it and many a brave
brag came then from many a vain stom
ach Adam was rightly served What
was there to expect when jacks were
set in office With five hundred a
year coming in for twenty years h
was as poor a3 a church mouse Aw
money in the hands of some men was
like water in a sieve
Adams six sons were there looking
on with sneering lips as much as to
say Let nobody blame us for a mess
like this Red Jason was there too
glooming as black as a thundercloud
and itching to do battle with somebody
if only a fit case should offer
Adam himself did not show his face
He was ashamed he was crushed he
was humiliated but not for the reason
attributed to him by common report
Alone he sat and smoked and smoked
in the room at back from whence he
had seen Greeba and Michael Sunlocks
that day when they walked side by side
wifti great strides lifted the governoj into the paved yard and when he said
td his feet laid the factor on the broa within himself Now God grant that
of his back and clapped his pisto this may be the end of all parting be-
hand under one heavy heel Then th tween them and me He was thinking
hangers flashed around Jasons face of that day now that is was very very
and he stretched his arms and laid ou far away He heard the clatter of feet
about him In two minutes he ha helow and the laughter of the bidders
made a wide circle where he stood an and the wondrous jestslof the facetious
in two minutes more the factor and hi auctioneer 4
passing through sore straits Then he I men with seneschal sumner action - When the work was over - ami the
ir m j
- - -
house felt quiet and so eo empty
Greeba came in to him with eyes large
ffnd red and kissed him without saying
a word Then he became mighty cheer
ful all at once and bade her fetch out
her amount books for they had their
own reckoning yet to make and nov
was the time to make it She did at
she was bidden and counted up he
J fathers debts with many a tear drop
ping over them as if trying to blot
them out forever And meanwhile he
counted up his half years smart money
and the pile of silver and gold that had
come of the sale When all was reck
oned they found they would be just
fifteen pounds to the good and that
was now their whole fortune
Next morning there came a great
company of tne poor and stood in si
lence about the house They knew that
Adam had nothing to give and they
came for nothing they on their part
had nothing to offer and they had
nothing to say but this was their way
of showing sympathy with the good
man in his dark hour
The next morning after that old Adam
said to Greeba
Come girl there is only one place in
the island that we have a right to go
to and thats Lague Lets away
And towards Lague they set their
faces afoot all but empty handed and
with no one but crazy old Chaise AKiJ
ley for company
To be continued
Nobody has ever been able to ex
plain the mysterious fascination of
counterfeiting said an old federal offi
cal at the custom house There is
without a doubt something about the
work aside from its possible profits
that draws men into it and keeps them
there at the sacrifice of almost every
thing that would appear to make life
worth living Once a counterfeiter
always a counterfeiter is an axiom ol
the secret service and it is borne out
by facts
Yet counterfeiting would seem on
the surface to be one of the least at
tractive branches of crime It involves
an immense amount of hard work ac
companied as a rule by exposure and
privation and there is not a single
case on record in which a maker or
shover of the queer retired in peace
with anything like a competence In
deed there are very few instances in
which a counterfeiter ever made as
much as 5000 out of the operation
They are almost invariably caught or
driven to cover before they succeed in
floating enough of their wares to pay
them ordinary day wages for the time
they have put in
The engraving of a treasury note Is
a long and tedious operation Even in
the government bureau at Washington
where every modern labor saving appli
ance is at hand and the work is dis
tributed among a dozen skillful oper
atorsone doing the vignette another
the lettering another the scrolls and
so on It takes several months to nish
a plate One man doing the whole
thing and working under cover in con
tinual dread of discovery would easily
be occupied two or thiee years at the
same task And you must bear in mind
that an engraver competent to turn
out a dangerous replica could easily be
earning from S to 12 a day at honest
employment In other words he puts
all the way from 7500 to 10000 worth
of work into the undertaking and when
the plate is at last ready for the press
he has no assurance whatever that a
dozen of the bills will ever actually be
passed The chances are about two to
one that the job will land him in
piison -
But in spite of all this continued
the officer some of the best engravers
In the country have turned counterfeit
ers and persisted in it to the bitter end
It is veiy btiange The same rule ap
plies to all grades of bogus money mak
ing None of It ever pays as a business
proposition Some time ago an Italian
was arrested here in New Orleans for
manufacturing spurious quarters He
turned out a cleverly made white metal
coin but had shoved less than 10
worth when he was caught and given
u term behind the bars The fake
quarters were first cast In a mold and
afterward- touched up or sharpened
as it is called technically by hand The
reeding around the edges was also
hand work and very tedious I calcu
lated that he could not finish over eight
coins a day working hard for at least
ten hours Just think of It Only 2
a day for highly skilled labor and even
then hjdidnt reap that amount as net
profit The cojns had to be passed the
object being of course to secure good
money in change That necessitated
making some little purchase with every
piece so at best not more than 20 cents
was actually realized on the transaction
In short the Italian was obliged to pui
in one day counterfeiting and the bes
part of another day shoving all foi
a beggarly 160 and meanwhile ha waj
constantly jeopardizing his liberty He
was a man of considerable ability and
ought to have been able to have earned
3 or 4 a day as a pattern maker or
-Almost every one of the famous
bank note counterfeiters has had op
portunities to quit crooked work with
full assurance of no future molestation
on the part of the authorities You see
the government is generally only too
willing to make terms with such dan
gerous fellows But it is no use Not
one of them has ever stayed straight
six months after alleged reformation
They cant resist the fatal fascination
New Orleans Times Democrat
Philadelphia Press The most con
siderate wife I ever heard of said the
Cornfed Philosopher was a womar
who used to date all her letters a weel
or so ahead to allow her husband tinu
to mail them
At eventide to me sometimes seems
That ere the morrows sun shall rise
once more
Perchance tis but a fancy born of
My new born soul beyond the skies
shall soar
And the imprisoned spirit its bonds In
The life beyond shall seek and not in
And Night dark Night shall come to
us at last
And end the closing of the setting day
When Death the grim gray messenger
his net shall cast
And from this vale shall summon
us away
To join the throng of those who went
And in the unknown world to live foi
Horace Wyndham in Cape Argu3
It is a question Prof Kirkhoffer
said quietly between this and that
Saying thus he looked down at the
two objects between which choice had
to be made This was a man a
brown skinned man of the upper Asian
steppes He lay prone upon the desert
sand his eyes unseeing eyes wide
open motionless save for an occassion
al twitching of the limbs as the fever
shiver shook him silent except when
his parched lips moved in the inarticu
late manner of delirium The profes
sors gaze did not linger upon this pit
eous figure It traveled to that two
loads of clay tablets evidently of ex
treme antiquity and closely covered
with a strange cuneiform character
which had just been carefully strap
ped by his companion to the backs of
two kneeling camels
Seeing we are now reduced to two
beasts only he went on his eye shift
ing for an instant to the body of a
third camel which lay dead some twen
ty yards oft seeing also that we are
In a waterless desert probably twenty-four
hours ride from the nearest
well and that this man is a dead
weight on our hands
You dont dream of abandoning the
poor chap Dick Harding broke in
The professor glanced uneasily over
his smoked spectacles Harding was a
puzzle to him a man of distinguished
scientific attainments and capable of
strong scientific enthusiasm yet oc
casionally betraying a vein of senti
mentality altogether out of place in
connection with scientific explorations
Kirkhoffer had had inconvenient ex
perience of this peculiarity more than
once during the year spent with Hard
ing in the remote fastnesses of Thibet
You wouldnt leave him here to
die the Englishman persisted
The professor rubbed his forehead
thoughtfully He is bound to die soon
in any3 case
I dont see that at all If we can
keep him alive till we get out of
Impossible my friend He cannot
walk and these two camels cannot
carry him in addition to you and me
and the tablets
Then leave some of the tablets be
The professor fair gasped for
Leave leave behind some of the
tablets he stammered Leave the
records of a civilization to which the
Arcadian Is a thing of yesterday to be
swallowed up by the next sandstorm
Give my great discovery the greatest
of the century maimed and imperfect
to the world Harding you must be
mad What is the life of a Khirgiz
Tartar besides these priceless things
Kirkhoffers short sighted eyes then
bleamed angrily behind his glasses his
voice was thick with passion
Whats a Khirgiz Tartar he growl
ad like a wild animal
Hes a mar anyway Harding re
torted Suppose I refuse to leave the
Then the professor became all at
once ominously cool I shall be forced
to remind you that I am the head of
this expedition and you are my salaried
assistant Also that these animals are
my property I go and they go with
me You can join the party or not as
you please
Harding grew pale That is the
choice you offer me Then I say you
are a blackguard
And I say Indifferently you are a
fool Come will you mount
No furiously
The German shrugged his shoulders
Have it your own way he said And i
gathering up the long leading rem
which he had fastened to the head of
one camel he prepared to seat himself
on the other
But here Harding sprang upon him
suddenly No you dont he cried
You shall leave me one you brute
though it were a hundred times your
Stand off the professor cried
Hardings answer was to close with
him silently and there ensued a trial
of strength whereof the issue seemed
for several minutes doubtfuL The
men were not ill matched Kirkhoffer
was the taller and heavier but then he
was also the elder by twenty years
and Hardings naturally lithe habit of
body had known an English public
school and university training The
result of the conflict was still un
certain when the professor suddenly
loosed his hold and fell back leaving
the prize of contention the camel al
most in the others clutch Harding
stooped to seize the creatures halter
and rose again to find himserf covered
by his antagonists revolver
Now perhaps the man of science
observed you will consent to hear
reason No use my good friend as
Hardings hand went briskly to his
made both
and began tc
Harding remains
breast pocket I drew the charge basis
i - iESJI
tmjzfg -
distance he continued to ht
volver raised and leveled slt
wise on his animal to insure
curate aim But after a mini
camels broke into a long a
trot in two minutes they were
pursuit three and the professor
eted his firearm and threw his
across the saddle Your own fault
remember was his final greeting be
fore he disappeared over the top of the
nearest sand duns
When he had disappeared Harding
looked about him reviewing the situa
tion It was no cheering prospect that
met his eye a dead waste of sandhills
to north south east and west white
hot In the glare of the tropical sun
Two dark blots alone broke theNpaIe
surface of the wilderness the stiffen
ing bulk of the dead camel and the
limp figure of the fever stricken camef
driver Truly no pleasant place to dl
in more especially if you happen to b
young and strong and the death t
which you stand condemned be deatk
by hunger and thirst A few hour
would exhaust the scanty remains ot
food and water left in the skin and
saddle bag lying hard by the deatf
camel and then
Harding shook off anticipations erf
coming torture to take stock of hit
wretched commissariat and rumraaff
Ing in the bag found a priceless treas
uie nothing less than an untouched
bottle of quinine Wnv with this h
might hope to revive the Khirgfcc
whose case but for the supposed ex
haustion of the expeditions medlclnf
chest had never been a serious onat
Escape was yet possible
Escape Escape from a trackless wil
derness in which they could only -wander
aimlessly to and fro having no sin-
gle instrument by which to determine
their position or point the way Sav
ing his assistants pack the professoi
had carried off everything
No not everything Even as thli
thought sank like a stone Into Hard
ings heart his eyes fell upon some-
thing glittering at his foot With a
shaking hand he grasped it lifted It
and broke into a cry of mingled tri
umph and thanksgiving which startled
the Khirgiz from his lethargy Push
ing back his long hair the man mads
an effort to sit up
The master Where Is the master
he asked looking about him in sur
Harding laughed grimly Heaven
alone knows since he has left his
compass here
And heaven alone knows to this hour
the course of the wretched Kirkhof
fers wanderings When Harding and
the Khirgiz guided by the instrument
which he had dropped in his scuffla
with the Englishman reached aftei
manifold toils and sufferings the con
fines of human habitation they could
obtain no tidings of their vanished
chief And although Harding insisted
on organizing a new expedition tc
search for him its labors were fruit
His fate remains as unknown to th
world as the history of that ancient
empire whose records lie buried with
him in the sands of Central Asia-
Chicago News
Keen at Diagnosis
Some doctors have a most extraor
dinary gift of diagnosis remarked a
clergyman of New Orleans apropos of
nothing in particular A very start
ling example of that sort of thing came
under my observation a few years age
and made an indelible impression o
my mind A physician with whom I
am on very friendly terms had dropped
p at my study and I showed hira a
letter I had just received from an ac
quaintance hi Chicago touching upon
a subject in which we were mutually
interested After studying the hand
writing closely for a few moments th
doctor surprised me greatly by saying
That man has locomotor ataxia I
couldnt help but laugh Youre greatly
mistaken I said hes in vigorous
health quite a noted athlete and one
of the brightest young business mei
Chicago That may be he rep
but he has locomotor ataxia all the
same and I wouldnt give him over
three or four years to live He explain
ed in a general way that he based his
opinion on certain peculiarities in the
penmanship and an apparent difficulty
in keeping the writing on the lines of
the paper I took no stock in ths
prediction and was greatly startled
about nine months later to learn that
my Chicago friend had suddenly bro
ken down and he was regarded as t
complete wreck He did have latent
locomotor ataxia at the very moment
of the conversation in my study and
it subsequently developed in Its mosfc
appalling form In a years time ht
was reduced to a condition of almost
complete idiocy and not longafterwar
his unhappy life was abruptly termi
nated by an accident The doctor sayi
mow that there was a good deal ot
guesswork about his long distance dt
agnosis but I prefer to attribute it tc
one of those singular intuitions tba
generally have a profoundly scientist
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