I t - aeggroTff VALENTINE DEMOCBAT VALENTINE NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES The Norfolk Tribune has publication suspended Decatur has twenty five well devel oped cases of Smallpox The Danish Lutherans- have dedicated a church at Ord Beatrice is being flooded with worth less checks signed by J P McKeever Two men have been arrested at Ne braska City for passing forged checks Mrs P O Judklns of Fullerton passed away as the result of heart failure The West Point Republican has com pleted the fifteenth year of publication Stock raisers of Harlan county fear that they will run short of rough feed before the winter is over Charles E Holmes of PlattEinouth has been arrested charged with stealing brass from the B M shops Fred Harrison of Grand Island has dedicated a march to Governor elect Dietrich The postoflice at Humphrey was en tered by burglars and 250 jn stamps end 575 in cash taken The Nebraska German Lutheran con gregations have organized the Mutual Aid association which is nothing other than a new insurance company While out hunting near York W L Kirkpatricks gun was accidentlly dis charged and tore off Kirkpatricks right ear The dead bpdy of Errick Sebol was found hanging from a tree near Cozad tt is not known whether he committed suicide or was murdered Frank Glasgow a one armed member af the Pawnee football team broke his blade in the game with Hum Ehoulder oldt high school at Humboldt Governor Dietrich is said to have said j that he would select his adjutant gen eral from among the members of the First Nebraska who served In the Phil ippines The docket of the term of district pourt at Madison which opened last rveeK is me ugntest it uaa oeeu iwr rears Governor elect Dietrich has appointed Dr Frederick Teal of Omaha superin tendent of the Norfolk asylum rtC 0 0 M PAUL PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC LANDS IN FRANOE RECEIVES AN OVATION French People Cheer and Welcome the Grand Old Man Who Fought For Liberty Marseilles Special Last Thursday proved a triumph for Mr Kruger such as even the Boer delegates and his most ardent admirers failed to anticipate The delirium of enthusiasm which marked every step of his progress from the time he landed until the hotel was reached was a revelation to the people of Marseilles themselves It fully equaled if It did not surpass the frantic demonstration of patriotism with which France opened her arms to Major Mar chand at Toulon on his return from Fashoda An assembly of such masses exceed ing even the most sanguine estimate might perhaps be partly explained by the ceremonious obsequies of the bishop of Marseilles including an imposing re ligious procession from the cathedral but nothing can minimize the spontane ous explosion of sentiment displayed toward Mr Kruger by the entire popu lation of the first port and one of the largest cities of France Tet the grandeur of this demonstra tion perhaps ranks second in impor tance to the emphatictnanifestos of no compromise which Mr- Kruger deliv ered in a low voice but one vibrating with emotion accompanied by energetic gestures of the right hand stirring the hearts of all within hearing THERE IS NO HALTING The last sentences of his declaration were uttered with a vigor and a deci sion which bore out his reputation as the Incarnation of iron will and stub born resistance His mere delivery of a declaration of such far reaching impor tance testified to the independence of his character as It came as a surprise even to his intimate political advisers who up to the last were In ignorance of his determination He announced to the world that the iSfSrSfVSf sets sr ss Fisch bat cattle are dying in large numbers fef what is called cornstalk disease The Polk County Independent at Osceola has been sold to Wilbur M ohnson who will move the plant to Shelby and run a redhot republican- baper Rush O Fellows editor of the Daily Post has filed an applica Eiouth the governor to appoint him Steward at the asylum for the insane ktUucoln While attempting to steal a ride on a xeight train George Montgomery a noung man hailing from Ravenswood 11 was killed by falling under the wheels at McCook Addie Sides living near South Sioux City sent his hired man to town -with jl load of hogs to sell The man sold the hogs but failed to show up with the team and proceeds of the sale While repairing a stable door at his home In Fremont Dr Jerre Gay slipped an the ley driveway broke his right leg and dislocated his hip joint He vill probably be a cripple for life Some one cut a large hole in the water main which crosses Salt Creek near Ashland It Is supposed that the party wanted to get even with the city offi cials for shutting off the water supply lately A P Sherry one of the oldest resi dents of Beatrice dropped dead at his home of heart disease while doing chores around the barn E A Coger a contractor of Nebraska City Tvent across the river fishing and llsappeared His hat was found lodged fislowmeomrorthebaniwhSMe band ot students and he was last seen From tne circum stances it appears that the man was Srowned although his two children and t fisherman were within a few rods of the place where he must have fallen in Omaha Neb Special The first jury case In the term of federal court Is that the faces of the men about him er Wessels Grobler and the other Boer representatives bore the look of ear nest determination reflecting the spirit that Mr Kruger declared animated ev ery man woman and child in the Transvaal The unfortunate occurrence at the hotel on the main boulevard alone marr ed Jthe character of the demonstration which up to that moment had been unanimously and exclusively a tribute of sympathy and admiration Vive Kruger Vive Ies Boers and Vive la Diberte were the croes that formed a hurlrcane of cheering and swept over the city Unfortunately the highly reprehensible foolishness of a half dozen persons in throwing small coins Into the crowd as Mr Kruger passed acted like magic in conjuring up an anti British outburst which it need ed all the promptness and energy of the police to prevent becoming a seri ous disturbance The hotel remained for the rest of the day in a state of siege while at one time a procession several thousand strong marched In the direction of the British consulate shouting Down with the English and raising other threat ening cries The result was that a strong body of police was compelled to disperse the demonstrators al though It was not found necessary to make more than a few temporary ar rests Throughtout the evening however other youths marched up and down in front of Mr Krugers hotel and of the hotel which was the scene of the unfortunate incident cheering in chorus for Mr 1 Kruger and the Transvaal and denounc ing England These demonstrators were more noisy than dangerous and tional bank of Nellgh against J J Me- the police wisely left them to relieve to lick one of the former stockholders recover on a note for 2000 given for trfrotr Tho evidence discloses a sys tematic wildcat banking in which the former cashier C R- Alder figures at great disadvantage It will be remembered that Alder skipped to Mexico where he now is the authorities being unable to bring him back owing to a defect In the ex tradition treaty as to such cases as his President Reimers and his son were tried last spring and founu guilty due their feelings by shouting Instead of interfering with them which might have created disorder INDIGNATION UNIVERSAL The incident was the main topic of conversation in the evening and indig nation was universally and vigorously expressed but the adult better classes did not seek to magnify Its importance The mayor immediately on hearing of the sentence has not gone into effect J what had occurred issued vigorous in- owing to aeiayea proceedings lousing structions Tor the discovery ana prose to a new trial ti ovtrtonoA introduced in this case hows that Alder introduced several of his relatives to sign notes for various amounts- The makers swear that it -was expressly understood at the time that on Alders representations that they were never to be paid but were given without any consideration at Al ders solicitation sometimes without ex cuse and in other cases to enable him to take up Melicks stock and get him out of the bank and to turn the na tional bank into a state Institution m it Labor delegates representing many thousands of members will propose to the coming convention of the American Federation of Labor the creation of a standing protective fund of 1000000 to fee a nucleus for strike funds in case of future large strikes of far reaching effect like the miners strike or the building trades lockout in Chicago Those in favor of the fund believe that In order to handle effectively the labor contests in which a large army of work ingmen is invovled it is necessary tc foave the proper sinews of war i cution of the culprits Every one expressed astonishment at the robust and healthy appearance of Mr Kruger considering his advanced age He walked firmly leaning but lightly upon his cane when he crossed the landing stage to the landau in which he drove with Dr Leyds and MM Pauliat and Thourel The landau was followed by five carriages contain ing Boer officials and these were fol lowed by six others conveying the offi cers of the Gelderland and the mem bers of the Marseilles reception commit tee all forming a procession headed by various societies with handsome ban ners and t escorted by a large police Mr Kruger repeatedly acknowledged the acclamations of the crowds that filled the sidewalks and balconies of the houses black with sight seers wav ing hats and handkerchiefs At sev eral points along the route bouquets were presented to mm ana on me oai Boston Transcript Injured Wife- cwjfJ in cala uniforms who hear When you asked me to have you I nevej imagined you coma ever oe buuu fcrute The Brute No of course not J You were so overjoyed that you could t think of anything but the offer yor kad got I I v r S- rf nflirera tily joined in the ovation On arriving at the hotel Mr Kru gers ears were greeted with the strains of a Boer hymn played by a local band hi the standard bearers drew uo in iJtiTSAS AWgaJMmS i J k 7tw ranks at t entrance ant war their standards as Mr Kruger bare headed passed between them to his apartments APPEARS ON BALCONY Soon after In response to a thunder ous ovation he appeared on the bal cony and repeatedly bowed but as some ten minutes elapsed without a sign of abatement In the enthusiasm he spoke a few word3 which were interpreted in French by Dr Leyds and were followed by a renewal of the frenzy In order to testify his gratitude he took In his hand a corner of the French tricolor that was flying on the balcony between the Transvaal and Free Stated flags and pressed it to his heart again and again The enthusiastic people cheered him until he withdrew to hisi rooms which he found half filled with bouquets -and garlands presented by his admirers The prefect and mayor then called to pay their respects the latter M Flas siores making an eloquent speech in sympathy with the Boers Mr Kruger replied briefly declaring how deeply he had been touched by the unexpected warmth o his reception in Marseilles and by the sympathy of the French people After luncheon and a little repose Mr Kruger descended to the hall of the hotel where he received the delegations He sat in a glided chair Immediately in front of the Are place Dr Leyds and Messrs Fischer and Wessels standing near him Dr Leyds briefly interpreted the addresses of the various speakers but it was evident that Mr Kruger was fatigued and found it a great strain to follow the gestures of orators speaking a language unintelligible to him When this was going on his eyes frequently roamed about the room but he listened attentively with his hand to his ear BECOMES FATIGUED Eventually becoming fatigued he asked that the other addresses be pre sented to him in writing and then with drew again to his apartments where he passed the evening quietly receiving no one IT CHILLED THEM The reception committee of which Senator Paulllat was the president had been waiting in the cold damp morn ing air for two hours when a boat from the Gelderland landed Dr Van Ham- mel the bearer of a message saying Mr Kruger could not land for another two hours The messenger explained that the commander of the Gelderland before Mr Kruger left Dutch territory otherwise the Dutch warship desired to render him the honors due to the president of a South African republic and the commander also wished the of ficers and crew of the Gelderland to take a solemn farewell of Mr Kruger who would leave the ship with a guard of honor drawn up on her deck For this ceremony the sailors would don their full dress which would involve a delay of a couple of hours The message dumbfounded the mem bers of the committee who were unable to conceal their annopance as they recognized that such delay would dis locate all the arrangements and lead to the dispersal of the immense con course along the route The president of the committee there fore explained the situation to Dr Van Hammel and urged him to persuade Mr Kruger to land without delay as otherwise he feared that the Marseilles people who had already experienced disappointment on the previous day would become disgusted and the demon stration would collapse Dr Van Hammel left with this mes sage and there was great relief when a reply was received to the effect that Mr Kruger would land In twenty min utes APPROACHES THE LANDING The Gelderland was decorated with flags in rainbow fashion An outburst of cheering from on board the vessels in the harbor announced to those wait ing to receive him that Mr Kruger had left the Gelderland and a few minutes later the barge of the warship with the Dutch flag flying at her stern a gold laced officer standing at her tiller and a group of civilians sitting in the stern among whom was the unmistak able figure of the Boer president was seen approaching the lauding stage His companions Messrs Fischer Wes sels and others were bareheaded Mr Kruger was wearing a tall hat bound with deep crepe and much the worse for wear a thick dark overcoat and muffled and steel rimmed spectacles As he approached the shore he raised his hat and acknowledged the cheering He seemed strong and had no need of a helping arm from the barge to the shore For a few mintes the shoute of Vive Kruger Vive les Boers ren dered every other sound inaudible When the cheering subsided Dr Leyds presented President Kruger to the French committee The sun was then shining down upon Mr Kruger and he held up his hat to shade his eyes from the glare As he stood in this attitude his headslightly bowed with his hair brushed back he was an unutterably pathetic creature which at once won the sympathy and reverence of every person present Hats were doffed until the speechea and Mr Kruger was conducted to his carriage VILLAGERS MAKE OBJECTIONS Decline to Pay Taxes and Freeh Outbreak is Feared Hong Kong Special One thousand of the black flags have returned to Can ton Although the rebellion has sub sided the East river district is still disturbed Villages are refusing the rule of the mandarins and are refusing to contrib ute taxes They have established a kind of self government The French are extremely active re lying on the visits of the gunboats as an effective means of vsettllng the In demnities Three gunboats remain at Shantek to enforce the claim of 170000 taels The mandarins offer is CO per cent which has not been accepted There are fears of fresh outbreaks of disaffection Business at a Loss Chicago 111 Special As a result ot the years operations the Internationa Packing company lost 343604 At the annual meeting Attorney Jacob New man characterized the event as the funeral of the company A resolution providing for a committee to Investi gate the companys affairs and report as to the best course to be followed was unanimously adopted and W H Hen kle of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank E A Potter of the American Trust and Savings bank E A Shedd and R- G Tennant were appointed for that service The president reported that keen competition caused the de- ficit The company is capitalized foi 2500000 Last years business amount ed to over 55000000 Jk 1 - UBA LI BRE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION IN SESSION AT HAVANA CAUTION IS ADVISED Gen Sangullly Says Every Member of the Convention Should Ex press His Fairest Views Havana Special There was a large attendance of the public at todays ses sion of the Cuban constitutional con vention in the Marti theater An ani mated discussion took place over the question whether the sessions are to be public or private The delegates of the national party who were supposed to have been pledg ed to support private sessions swung over to the other side only one Senor Quesada voting in favor of private sessions The final vote stood nineteen for public sessions and ten for private Senor Eduardo Tamayo who is a can didate for the presidency made a pas sionate appeal to the public in the gal leries to sustain him in his argument for public sessions and was called to Drder by the president of the conven tion who ruled that a delegate had no right to address the audience Consid erable confusion prevailed for a few moments and eventually Senor Tamayo apologized to the convention Thirty eight additional articles of the Yaya rules were adopted as the rules of the convention including one providing that two thirds of the delegates shall constitute a quorum and another di recting that after organization the delegates shall be allowed eight days during which to bring in projects for the basis of a constitution or complete drafts Senor Ilorento urged that the conven tion should appoint a special commit tee to draw up a constitution He said he did not believe that all the delegates were capable of doing work of that character In his opinion- the conven tion did not want constitutions like those of the South American republics or of republics in any other part of the world but something distinctly Cuban Senor Capote argued that the Yaya rules provided for the appointment of a committee to consider all schemes presented and to make a draft constitu tion for discussion General Sanguilly said The rela tions to exist between the United States and Cuba although a definition of them will not be Included in the constitution will be of equal Importance and I do not believe a constitution should be drawn wthout considering these Ev ery delegate should present his views regarding these relations CONGER IS SILENT ON SUBJECT Has Said Nothing1 of Steppage of Negotiations Washington D C Special The state department so far has heard noth ing from Minister Conger respecting the impasse reported to have been reach ed by the foreign ministers at Pekin In fact save a brief expression respect ign the insufficiency of the punish ments proposed by the Chinese govern ment to be inflicted upon the respon sible leaders of the Boxer movement Mr Conger has not communicated with the department for more than a week Without talcing issue with Mr Con ger respecting this matter of punish ment the state department has ear- nestly advised him not to insist on im possible conditions in the negotations An interesting problem is suggested by the possibility which now Is almost a probability that the ministers repre senting the powers at Pekin cannot reach an agreement If Russia France and the United States should refuse to accept the German idea as seconded by the British representative much would depend upon Japan and even pome Of the lesser powers represented at Pekin by ministers might have great power in swaying the proceedings of the council The impression seems to be that if a majority of the ministers or perhaps even one of the representatives irreat nower withholds assent of a to the agreement then the whole undertaking falls and there must be either fresh negotiations directly between the home governments in the effort to agree upon new bases of action or the powers must proceed to deal with the Chinese situa tion singly or in groups the latter con tingency having been provided for in Ihe German British agreement FEARS MILITARISM IS C0MIM6 Early Legislation Has a Trend in That Direction Pittsburg Pa Special Senator W Fairbanks who passed throu C rV o Tittsburg today en route to Washing ton stated that the bill providing for an increase in the regular army would be passed shortly after congress con vened The increase he said could not be less than thirty or forty thousand The ship subsidy bill would also receive Favorable consideration and it was like ly some definite action would be taken nn tiiP isthmian canal The senator believes this meeting of rongress will be the most important short session of congress held in the oast quarter of a century Grtftgs Joins a Corporation Washington D C Special When attorney General Griggs sent word to he president the other day that he would resign his portfolio on the 4th March nest he had before him an irgent telegram that impelled him to ike the action Indicated It was from the head of the New Jer sey Liquor Dealers association and told nim that unless he did resign his cab net position the association would be compelled to hunt up another attorney The association pays its principal at tnnT S2S00O a year It Is understood Mr Griggs will open a law office INew York City In awwufimu mou jZ4jltr mWmgftysTiivj f0fir JffffiMv rllmtrrmTjf GENERAL NEWS NOTES The Federated Tradw assembly ha decided t6 order a general sympathetia strike at Tampa on account of the trou ble between the Cuban and American clgarmakers This is causing much alarm among those who will be affect ed but are not directly interested Mrs Bessie Hodges of Denver has been identified by Mrs Flora Betts as one of the people who assaulted and robbed her of 7000 worth of diamonds last August It Is charged that Mrs Hodges wore male attire J Fletcher Shera the New York stock broker who failed last week has been arrested at the Instance of General Daniel E Sickles who charges that he gave Shera 10000 to Invest in stocks last summer and since then has seen neither money or stocks Rumors that Chili is buying guns and other armament are entirely without foundation Germanys pig iron production for Oc tober was 742720 tons the highest fig ures ever reached The Chilean government has invited tenders for 10000 tons of rails for the ne w railroads A house collapsed In Barmstadt Ger many buring a score of workmen of whom twelve are dead It Is reliably asserted that Mr John A Russell attorney general of Porto Rico has tendered his resignation The next convention of the National Association of State Dairy and Food departments of the United States will be held in Buffalo lime Marie Goetze the best also at the Royal opera Berlin lies in a crit ical condition from the effects of an escape of gas in her bed chamber Governor Allen has beefr unofficially notified by a Venezuelan officer that the rebels in Colombia are occupying the coast towns In the department of Pan ama Maurice Brennan one of the three men arrested for dynamiting the prop erty of the St Louis Transit company during the recent street railroad strike was found guilty by a jury and sen tenced to serve ten years In the peni tentiary Arrangements are nearly completed for the launching of the monitor Ne vada at the Bath Me Iron works The monitor will be christened by Miss An nie Curtiss Boutelle daughter of Con gressman Charles A Boutelle of Ban gor The National Grange which has been in session in Washington for several days has adjourned sine die The receipts of the war revenue ac count for the first four months of the past fiscal year were 38398956 The London Anti Gambling league has taken out summons against G A Pearson for publishing skill competi tions in his weekly papers Cracksmen blew open the safe In the Farmers bank Orlando O T with nitro glycerine and escaped with 1700 in currency leaving no clue At the Old Bailey F F Hodgkinson a former British vice consul at Bre merhaven was sentenced to eighteen months penal servitude for trying Id sell a foreign code book to an agent of a foreign power AFTER THCnEMATERS Colorado Authorities will Punish Burners of Negro l Denver Colo Special District at- torney McAllister of Colorado Springs has ordered Sheriff Freeman of Lincoln county to proceed against the members of the mob who burned Prestor Porter jr at the stake last week The order was issued after corre spondence between Governor Thomas and Mr McAllister Just how the grand jury will proceed has not yet been decided Mr McAllister says it will be compos ed of men who will do their duty al all hazards The governor insists on prosecution Criticising McKinley Berlin Special The press in gen eral severely criticises the United States for not agreeing to the demands of the other powers in China The Vos cische Zeitung which claims that the Chinese are only induced by the Amer ican attitude to remain obdurate says It would be impossible to aid more ef fectually the joint enemy of western culture The Berlin Tageblatt remarks The Philippine X Ration is causing ths United States a severe stomachache hP7ce the shilly shally policy of Wash ington toward China The Cologne Volks Zeitung the lead ing centrist organ says editorially Count von Buelow will not succeed in restraining the kaiser from making ex travagant speeches If he had been able to do so lie undoubtedly would have prevented the delivery of the nc pardon speech Stylish Military Thief Leavenworth Kan Special The hearing in the habeas carpus proceed ings of Oberlin M Carter late captain of engineers U S A will come up in the United States district court in this city Judge Amos Taylor of the United States court at St Louis will sit in the case Carter has made a strong effort to have the case heard without having to appear In court desiring to avoid th gaze of the curious His request has been denied However he will be spared the degradation of appearing in the prison uniform Colonel John W Clous judge advo cate of the military court which tried and sentenced Carter will be present to assist the United States attorney Frank P Blair of Chicago attorney for Carter and General Grosvenor of Washington D C have arrived Hot Fight With Bandits Durango Mex Special A hand of bandits led by the notorious robber Ulalie Carrillo who have been commit ting robberies and murders in the east ern part of the state of Durango were overtaken by a force of government rurales and a desperate fight took place on the Del Hule ranch just over the boundary in the state of Zacatecas One of the bandits was killed and oth ers were wounded One of the rurales was wounded Thebandits fled Into the mountains and are still being pursued by the rurals wrho have been reinforced by a detachment of troops from Zaza tecas A large reward is offered for Carrillo dead or alive Powers Must Punish Them London Special Nine of the for eign envoys says the Pekin corre spondent of the Morning Post have written strong letters denouncing the punishment edict and declaring that Tung Fu Hsiang must be punished Dr Mumm von Schwartzenstein the Ger man minister has told Li Hung Chans that the foreign powers mnst themseivci punisit the guilty officials J i -- p t l LITERARY NOTE The land of Mary Johnston has V 3uced another historical romance writer Miss A- M Elwell who has writte what Is said to be an excellent histor ical novel of the time of Bacons Re bellion In Virginia in 1678 The story will be known by the title A WUtj Guard to Satan the title being derived from an Incident of Bacons struggle which forms the Introductory episodtJ of the novel It is a love story in an historical setting the latter made mora suggestive by the assumption of tn speech of the time an undertaking In which it is said the author has been very successfuL Governor Berkeley and Bacon were utterly unlike in char acter and their followers were no less so Bacons wife was also a strangely unique character there were a numbe of men and maids then as now to fall in love with each other the result hero being a most pleasing one In furnishing several romances of more than usual -interest A NEW BOOK The Bennet Twins Is a bright inter esting book written evidently with a purpose It should be reaa Dy younts people and their fathers and mothers as well It shows In a forcible way the unwisdom of trying to educate a boy away from his natural bent I It gives a very vivid description ot the life of the twins in a large city the obstacles they met and overcame their sympathy for and loyalty to each er It Is a good book to place In tho hands of boys or girls in their teens who diser educational advantages which their parents have not the means to give them It shows that young pie can help themselves If they will but that they must expect to meet hard cViJna unflinrhincriv Published by the MacMillan Company 68 Fifth avenue New York One of the most important industries of the Bahama islands Is the gathering o fplnk pearls It Is the only place vn the world where these pearls are found These pearls when perfect bring very m tm Why not doctor yonrseif7 Gonova Tohlnta a ra eninrsintpflfl hv Kldd Dm ST CO Elgin HI to cure all diseases Inflamma tions ulcerations or the urinary system organs bladder etc or send free medi cine until cured if guaranteed lot fails An Internal remedy with injection com bined the only one In America Price 3 or 2 for 5 sent per mail Retail ana wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Da vis Drug Co Council Bluffs Rigga Phar macy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux Cityj Complete line of rubber goods ask lot wnat you wane Out In the west they think they hava ttruck the other side The Wlchitq Eagle of Kansas says The bottom of the Sterling salt well has dropped out Several attempts to grapple some thing have been made but the hooks bring up nothing but Chinese atmos phere HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in aljf business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm WEST TRUAX Wholesale Drug gists Toledo O WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter- nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drug Sists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the besL Confucius once made this pointed ut guarded remark and it is good up to the present day To acknowledge Our faults when we are blamed is mod esty to discover them to ones friends in ingenuousness is confidence but to reach them to all the world if one 8 oes not take care is pride Vital weakness ana nervous aebHIty ca ue uureu v uLuama AaDieis are guar anteed by Kldd Drug Co Elgin 111 tc cure all nervous diseases debility and vi- tal losses or send free medicine until I cured If guaranteed lot fails Pale thin emaciated tremblnlg and nervous peopl phould try these tablets greatest of nerve tonics If you are not what you ought to be or want to be and can be ei o them - iiu jwi nm imu3o luem inr Bver 2 a package or 3 for 5 per mall Retail and wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Dmaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs RIggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City Full line of rubber goods ksk for what you want Mr Hanna takes no stock in the re port of trusts When Mr Hanna takes stock In a trust he wants more than a report Menses surely Tjrougnt on regularly suppressions neglected often Tesult to blood poisoning and quick consumption and is the direct cause of womens trou bles therefore keep the menses regular with De Le Dues Female Regulator and women will be happy and healthy If It falls Kldd Drue Co Elgin 111 Bend free medicine until relieved and fully cured 2 per package or 3 ror 5 per mail Retail and wholesale of Myera Dillon Drug Co Omaha M A Dillon South Omaha Davis Drug Co Council Bluffs Riggs Pharmacy Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City A complete line of rubber goods on hand ask for what you want A swell new drink is being but out by sideboard artists and is called the October high ball THE M LY WAY TO CHICAGO and ST LOUIS IS THE CHICAGO ALTON BRAND NEW TRAIN ALL AROUND THE TRIANGLE Write For Particulars to D BOWES AGPA St Louis Mo Ah nevah found remarked the cul ud gemman in the Turkish baths that you could evah chase dull care iway with a dull razor COUNTRY PUBLISHERS COMPV UM AH A Vol CUR6K WHfft tit lt Bt Cough S jrup TaswsGood Us I wnan wh ix oxBsiuta rgIaireiaSgTSIPl k i h t