B l - ii i I i n iMM
- lM ammmmmm - ii H l
I I PL f ALtrtHftL utmuurtAi I I
I I Your I
B This paper will be mailed regularly I KCk
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
The Rashville Recorder came out up
side down last week We are probabl
not tlio only one in trouble but -we are I
wondering what was the matter with
liro Coopers turkey or probably there
was too much dressing with it
Items From the Alliance Grip
Conductor U B Anderson of the
high line fell or wa knocked from
the top of a car near Minnekahta on
tram No 203 morning and
had his bkull fractured lie was tak
en to Hot Springs by special train and
placed in charge of the company sur
geon at that place The doctor reports
that he is in a critical condition and
his recovery is doubtful
Brakernnn P L Havens fell while
running along the side of train No 46
at Belmont Friday night and had his
head badly cut and his back broken
The train was running at the time
and it is thought that in falling his
bod got in far enough under the train
so that his back was struck by one of
the boxes M r Havens had just got
ten off from one of the engines before
the accident He was brought to Al
liance where an examination was made
by Drs Miller and Bell wood and they
decided that there might be a possible
show of saving his life by taking him
to Chicago and placing him in the hos
pital at that place where he could have
the best care and treatment He left
for Chicago on No 44 Friday evening
in charge of Dr Miller From the lat
est reports he is still alive and hopes
are entertained for his complete recov
For some time a disrase has been
going the rounds in western Nebraska
not small pox nor chicken pox but
some of the symptoms of both It has
been designated the Cuban Itch for
want of a better name and it puzzles
physicians for it is something new
Dr Moord informs us that he has at
tended two or three cases already in
Alliance and anticipating a general
outbreak of it he sent to Pennsylvania
for a new vaccine and thinks it would
be well for people to get vaccinated
The first day or two the patient is
qnite sick and then it breaks out over
the body after which no sickness is ex
perienced At present small pox rem
edies are being used
About twenty five witnesses for the
Watkins cattle rustling trial was sub
poenaed this week from Alliance and
vicinity The trial is set for Dec 8
at Sidney This trial is attracting a
great deal of attention as it is the larg
est case of this kind ever tried in Neb
Just Saved His Zie
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Bowerston 0 lately had
from a frightful death For two years
a severe lung trouble constantly giew
worse until it seemed he must die of
Consumption Then he began to use
Dr Kings New Discover and lately
wrote It gave instant relie f and ef
fected a permanent cure Such won
derful cures have for 25 years proven
its power to curp all Throat Chest
and Lung troubles Price 50c and
100 Every bottle guaranteed Trial
bottles free at Elliotts drug store 1 8
Five Hundred Dollars fVitl be Given
For any case of ilieumatism which cannot b
cured by Dr Drumraonds Lightning Remedies
The proprietor do not bide this offer but print
it in bold type on all their circulars wrappers
printed matter and through the columns of the
newspapers everywhere It will work wonders
One bottle will cure nearly any case If the
druggist has not got It he will order it or it wll
be sent to any address by express on receipt of
price 55 Drummond Medicine Co New York
Agents wanted
Cut tWf ad out tvd setuffo US Stale frffctfier
sola lot iss money mas lie nuae oi interior mnauu wc manufacture in
lite quantities and eil only at a small adrence of factory cost wliich eflablran3
to offer you a flfictly filijh Rrade rnhn at a ridiculously low price
REWIRE AC luiTATllM UnhnlvJn are continually offer
DblTAnE UI llRiMIUnOIaffinfeornJachineSunderTarIousname4
with rtrious inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bint Of the geeaad
jiauonsa axjt ei jtsiou vuio cyou ot our reuaoiHtyj
fl 4Q Wnf ii
e are sole agents for
Jersey Tea Expectorant a
purely vegetable remedy
for coughs colds hoarse
ness etc which we sell on a
Positive Guarantee
to give satisfaction Your
money back if it does not
Contains no Opium or Mor
Rice writes insurance
1 R Ballard was on our streets
Jobnn Stetter was down from Gor
don last Friday
Wm J Allen of Ft N obrara spent
Tuesday in town
W H Kelly of Crooks ton was down
Tuesday afternoon
Corn taken in exchange for goods
by W A Pettycrew
W E Haley was down to Atkinson
-on busiuess this week
John Whillans returned from his
visit to Elgin Tuesday
J C Rouuds was transacting busi
ness in Valentine Tuesday
Mrs E J Davenport and son Har
rison have returned from Omaha
The Bondman the serial story
running in this paper will soon be
brought up to the place where it was
before we changed paper houses
It is a little early to think about
Christmas but while ydltafe thinking
about it just drop in at Andrews pho
to gallery and have some photos tak
P5 i
ta x i sf
r Z
CD y
a c b
3 B XL
ri j y
M fl h
fH I4 yt r Hi BMV
ynl Hll i r bril t iSct I
riirht and Vfe 411 lend VOU 0 Wirhrrtdtf AVtkh RftrHi MnrVirto xzvretTr3Sit
by freight C O Dt iiibkrt to txamlnatlm Eanma it at rout nssrec tfL4
freight of f tpress Mlice Jutd If jbortd eticityat ttpttxtilti hctt c Jaai b Mtfifu5ft3
ctner sucnine coninr iroin wo k tw pay me isrefit our
arertjje 75 etJ ft scI 5 I or gtniet flutsitcel In fifopaftieru
Give It i aonthd trial tayoirf own home and If It li notSatislactory
retant It at oitf espertK and o will tcCuwl fuiit money this toathine 1s
equal to ao standard liieh gr4s wiring teiehlne made and ny tasdiirts
How To CUM Croup
Mr R Gray who lives near Amenia
Duchess county N Y says Cham
berlains Cough Remedy is the best
medicine I have ever used It is a
fine childrens remedy for croup and
never fails to cure When given as
soon as the child becomes hoarse or ev
en after the croupy cough has develop
ed it -will prevent the attack This
should be borne in mind and a bottle
of the Cough Remedy kept at hand
ready for instant use as soon as these
symptoms appear Pol sale by Qnig
ley Chapman 1 8
Tom keeper and wife visited L V
Cadys last Sunday
Geo IHlls parents with their three
youngest children and Mrs Hills sis
tar and sister-in-law all from Gordon
spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs
The dance in the Woodmans hall
Thanksgiving evening was well attend
1 Ii Jones aud family also Den
Hunt and wife spent Thanksgiving
Avith E F Sanborn and wife
Mr and Mrs L LTrogden spent
a pleasant evening with Mr and Mrs
Samuel Hale last Saturday
Dan Webster returned from Burt Co
this state Nov 29th
Hoot Owl
i f fr i I i nil-
ffjffijg fJ OiW
i i ii iJl I
at n r m it JTUniilin
B Film
m TiPTWill ra
cblne with tbe defects of none Made right ia our factory by tfic most skilled wotteea and from the best material Stat
money can Duy
flRflP nPIT filRMrTOTs draerBronyourclOice Qua
UJlUr U0N UADMbl ter sawedoalc piano polished One illustration
Shows BoX TOD machine ooal rtarlv nr rh nfftv ntr Drnn HmH mkphiA
with the head dropped from slpht to be used as a center table or dek The
Bprichtor Box Top machine h s six fancy drnwert and one1 draef for tools
needles etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeioton fraratcarred paneled embossed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on fouf casters
adjustable treadle penuine Smyih iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy
drawers and cue drawer for tools Each machine has the finest higharnj
head positive four motion feed self thfeadlng vibrating shuttle tUitottatic bob-
TinoerBaiQuoiaDeannnmtent tension itDeratorimmoveaioosewneeitm
pf essure foot improvel ihuttlo carrier parent aress fruard patent needle
hed is handsomely dvorated nd ornamented and beautifufiv nickel trimmed
Guarantee this machine to be the JlplttKtrnnhbitrmost durable and nearer
t noiseless
machine made Every Attachment is furnished free together trftn a cotnnlete instruc
tion book telling you Imw to On any kind of plain or fancy work We issue a written
binding jrnarantee flh cf ry rnaehine I vill Cost voti nothing to Se and exanv
lix this mhls enmpat it with others selling forfrnm f 40 to Jo and if satisfactory
faytht aent 1695 and chr2 s Svnd fur clrrolrs and full iKsrriptions of sewinj
machines and Wcvoet manufactured li us Order todT Address all orders to
fAkros SfWiBjrKpliiB ted Bcto Cpft tmtitZMtfi
c Conducted by Ixk Pkttyorkw I
Miss Eva Harden who is attending
the Omaha Business College spent
Thanksgivsng and the Saturday mid
Sunday following in Valentine visiting
her parents
We are informed that the pupils of
Miss Hahns school gave a very pleas
ant entetainment at her school house on
last Friday evening
Frank Thorn and his sister Bertha
made us apleasant call last Saturday
The have arranged to join their schools
in preparing a Christmas entertain
ment They borrowed Hons Von
Smash from the High school library
and with the other young folks of the
neighborhood thev will prepare this
amusing play to be given in connec
tion with the school entertainment
Earl Pettvcrew came in last Satur
day from Chesterfield where he had
just finished a successful three months
term of school and on Monday morn
ing he went out to Simeon to begin a
five or six months term of school in
in that district Earl has the spirit of
a true teacher and we prophesy he will
give general satisfaction at Simeon
Miss Alma Carlson principal of the
Cody school is having a months vaca
tion on account of a small pox scare in
Cody Miss arlson made us a pleas
ant call yesterday evening and reports
a very successful year s work so far
Earl Pettycrew took dinner with us
last Sunday and gave us a full account
of his school at Chesterfield He seems
to know by heart every recitation giv
en by his pupils at the entertainment
closing his school This shows that he
did not fail to prepare each pupil for
the part he was to take in the exeroise
Kecently we receive 1 a copy otProf
Waitman Barhos little book Going to
College It is a valuable little book
It will certainly be an inspiration to
manr a young man and woman to try
tovIive on a higher plane than the3r
would otherwise do
We have just finished reading Dr
Quackenboss new book Hypnotism
in Men till and Moral Culture It is a
very interesting book of about three
hundred pages setting forth Dr Quack
enboss experience with young persons
who had become wrecks from the use
the cigarette morphine or whiskey
If it is possible to do what Dr Quack-
enbos claims it would be well if some
of our Valentine pbjsicians wouldjearn
the art
Teaching seems to agree with our
young people Bertha Thorn has gain
ed fifteen pounds Frank Thorn looks as
if he had gained fourteen pounds
Mabel Hahn thirteen pounds and Earl
about twelve pounds Lulu
Hooton is reported to be looking well
but as she failed to show up at our sanc
tum when she was in Valentine last
week we are unable to say how her
school work is agreeing with her As
for AdaStinard well if teaching con
tinues to agree with her so well she will
soon be a full grown woman
Miss Kate McCallum took charge
of the school at Ft Niobrara on Mon
day of this week She reports au en
rollment of sixteen pupils today and re
quests us to have a box of crayon sent
to her
Of course the algebra class want one
more problem If one side of a square
field be increased six chains and the
other side four chains the area of the
field will be doubled Find the area of
the field See whether your classmates
get the sam e answer that you do and
save your answer till school opens
We waut to add 1000 flew subscrib
ers to our paper before New Years
aud we aie going to do it if a liberal
offer will count for anythi ng We
have just closed arrangements with the
publishers of that great farm paei
The Prairie Farmer of Chicago for a
limited number of jTearlv subscriptions
and we propose to give it ono year free
to every one of our old ubscribers who
will renew Detween now alia New
Years and we will give it one year
free to every ildV subscriber who gets
in his order to us beford ev Years
paying one year in advance The
Prairie banner is the oldest fifm and
live etook paper published in the west
ern states It comes Weeklv and con
tains fronrsixteen to twenty pages and
has departments for ail members of the
household This great farm paper is
now read by 1 00000 farmers stockmen
dairyiHen and fruit growdf3 in the
western and central stated and it is
considered the old standby by its read
ers You know wJiat our own paper
is and we vouch that you Will be pleas
ed with The Prairie Farmer Certain
ly we will never be able to make such
an offer again Think of it A prac
tical progressive clean and Useful farm
paper every week for a full year tree
to every one who renews his pa
per for a year and to every new sub
scriber who gets in his order before
January 1 and pays one year in ad
Spark Scraps
Aetna Breachbill lost a nice cow Sat
urday and Ben Peterson lot one the
same day If running in the stalks
causes death to the stock it would bo
better to cut and burn the stalks as
the loss of ono cow would more than
pay for cutting the stalks
Talk about organizing a literary is
all that has been done so far Wo do
not know how it wl terminate but
would like to see one started as they
are a good thing in a neighborhood if
properly carried on
The tuneral of old Grandma Grooms
was attended by a large assembly last
Saturday Nov 24 conducted by the
Itev A Bruce She has been an in
valid and great sufferer for 14 months
until death came to relieve her of her
A skift of snow this morning Sunday
but dont need a sled yet
The general word is are you done
gathering corn and how much have
you the answer is about three more
days 10 finish and about 2000 bushels
or over and to ride over the country
and see the cribs of corn it makes one
feel like forgetting the past and look
ing forward to planting more corn
The next thing is what to do wit
the stalks as it is very dangerous to let
cattle in them as they seem to dieafter
being turned into the stalk fields
J H Semis
About live years ago I was troubled
with catarrh of the lower bowel says
C T Chisholm 483 Dearborn Ave
Chicago and although I consulted sev
eral eminent physicans who prescribed
forme I found their remedies failed
to in auy way relieve me and the
trouble almost became chronic After
suffering several mouths I one day
concluded to try Chamberlrins Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and I
beg to assure you that I was most
agreeably surprised to find after taking
two doses of the remedy that I was
completely relieved of the disease that
had cost me so much trouble and an
noyance I am thankful to say that I
have not suffered from it since For
sale by Quigley Chapman I 8
I will sell to the highest bidder at my place
in 4ernmii precinct near Riege P O Friday
January II 1901 at 10 oclock a m the follow
ing described estray towit
One grav mare 12 years old branded
on left shoulder and T on right shoulder
Weight about 850 Dounds
4tf 5t W A WILSON
Ri obrara Falls
Health in this community is pretty
The cow men on this side of the riv
er rounded up last veek This week
the outh Side of the river will gather
in the strays
Some time ago a horse was discov
ered in a ravine about two miles from
the Darr bridge The animal had
plunged over a bank several feet high
and is supposed tc have killed itself in
stantly The horse was not discovered
in time to discern any marks or brands
Ernest Reed and wife are happy over
the arrival of a new daughter
Mr McLaughlin is in our neighbor
hood these dajTs
Ern Heath and Len Parker went to
Schlegel creek on a fishing tour Satur
John Adamson and Henry Ballard
went up to Whites place last week
lodfdng for stray cattle
One day last week two of our young
men were out duck hunting They
killed plenty of ducks but they were
their neighbors tame birds We wont
say a word about it though for we
were recently invited out to a duck
Elwood Heth and wife visited with
Grandpa Heth today
John Ray and Port White are in the
neighborhood tonight
Ormesher visited in Schlegel
with his cousins Sunday
R Grooms ships a load of vegetables
toNenZel this weeki
We unnerstand Mrs C C Thompson
has been ill but is improving
13At Boy
- t
BBfpiherei 13B
flBpir no deflection so itJM Wm
Ejp dainty Mo light bo
mnLwW charming as the ffijJSnli
H if -fl Li IH m
If H comes from I
- mmmk J h
63J34 Prepared la many color tints IMiXU ii
tVi3 to harmonize with jgstjSH
TrayM roundines in din ins SawlB xo
ttw4 room drawing room aLKM VI
ij bed room of bail Sold MmmM aO
iw g3f7 everywhere Ma do T AMRjLLM yj
Mean atmospheric pressure 3018
Highest pressure 305C on the lOtli
Lowest- pressure 2385 on the 17th
Mean temperature 33 Highest temperature
74 on the 3d Lowest temperature -G ou the
2lst Greatest daily range of temperature 4 3
on the 12th Least dally rane of temperature
8 on the 18th
Mean temperature for this month in 1889 32
180033 189133 189235 1893 31 189137 1895
32 I89G 19 189732 183d 30 189941 1900 33
Mean temperature for this month for 12 years
33 Average exeess of daily mean temp during
month 0 Accumulated excess ot daily mean
temp since Jan 1 1101 Average daily excess
since Jan l3d Prevailing direction or wind
W Total movement of wind G544 miles
Maximum velocity of wind direction and date
4nw l0th
Total precipitation C2J Inches Number of
days with 01 inch or more of precipitation 6
Total precipitation in inches for this month
ill 1889 050 1890093 1891078 1892027 1893
054 1894 010 1895 088 180G 257 1897 0 S3
1S98057J 1S90014 1900 0 2G
Average precipitation for this month for 12
years 072 inches Total excess in precipita
tion during month 046 inches Accumulated
excess in precipitation since January 1 330
inches Wumher of clear days 13 partly
cloudy days G cloudy days 11
T indicates trace of precipitation
Observer Weather Bureau
If you would have an appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They correct disorders of stom
ach and regulate the liver and bowels
Price 25c Samples free at Quigley
Chapmans drug store
Ho one can rersoifably hope for good
health unless his bowels move once
each day When this is not attended
to disorders of the stomach arise
ousness headache dyspepsia and piles
soon follow If you wish to avoid these
ail ments keep your bowels Tegular by
taking Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets when required They
ale so easy to take and mild and gentle
in effect Sold by Quigley Chapman
A Traveling Pain
There is ho Hsellse quite o peculiar as
rheumatism The pain which is in ths little
finger to day may be in one of the toes to-morrow
And so It travels all over the system
seeking tih outlet and finding none it settles
permanently in one place and from its uohle
other pains start out and settle down and mul
tiply Dr Drummonds Lightning liemedies
for Rheumatism attack the disease from all
points at once aud their work is always sue
cessful If your druggist has not these reme
dies write to tiie Drummond Medicine Co
New York and de cribe your case Agents
JPtild Dear For His Leg
B 1 Ulan ton of Thackerville Tex
in two years paid over 30000 to doc
tors to cure a running sore on his leg
nicd Salve Gut ranteed cure for Files
25c a box Sold by Elliott 1 3
Valentine Lodge No 6
Meets every second and
fourth Wednesday even-
inn of ecch month at Hornbys Mall A cordial
invitation is extended to all visiting members
O W MoRRY PresidMit
1 m
Ale and Porter
Cf Cf
52 5 Char
Date i S5 2 acft
Max Min Mean - 5 a
Novl 5G 23 40 0 ltCIdy
2 CI 26 44 0 Clear
3 74 43 5S 0 Clear
4 go 27 44 0 Clear
5 59 23 42 0 Ft Cltly
C 54 2S 41 0 Cloudy
7 49 28 38 0 Clear
8 42 15 28 0 Cloudy
9 54 2G 40 0 Cloudy
10 39 6 32 10 Clouny
11 50 25 38 01 rtCldy
12 C8 25 40 0 Clear
13 55 21 38 0 PtCldv
14 48 20 34 0 Cloudy
15 32 10 21 01 Cloudy
16 43 22 32 0 Clear
17 32 16 24 T Cloudy
18 10 8 12 02 Cloudy
19 20 11 16 03 Cloudy
20 11 -2 4 03 Cloudy
21 37 -6 16 T Cloudy
22 39 13 20 0 Clear
23 44 21 32 0 PtCldy
21 38 18 28 0 Clear
25 56 15 36 0 Clear
2tJ 55 20 38 0 Cloudy
27 46 23 34 0 PtCldy
28 48 20 34 0 Clear
29 55 21 3S Clear
30 55 20 33 0 Clear
Sole Agents for
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Monthly Meteorological Summary
U S Department of Agriculture I
Weather Bureau f
Valentine Nebr December 1 1900
Appointment of Administratrix
In the County Court of Cherry County
in the matter of the estate of Henry 51 Con
stable deceased
W S Barker haviug ill d in my olUce a peti
tion pravinc for ihe appointment of Catherine
Weliford administratrix of the estate of Henry
M Constable deceased all persons interested
in said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed
December 15th 1900 ar 10 oclock a in as the
tune and ni office in Valentine Cherry county
Nebraska as th place for hearing said petition
at which time and place all persons Interested
in nH pstjitw mav nnnear und show cause II
any there be why such administratrix shall not
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
- 28th day of November 1900
45 Couuty Judge
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Sarah A Duvls Mrs Charles If Schlott first
and real name unknown widow of Charles H
Sjhlott deceased Schlott first and reul name
unknown minor hlrof Charles H Schlott de
ceased Schlott first and real name unkuown
minor heir of Charles H Schlott deceased
Schlott first and real name unknown minor
heir of Charles H Schlott deceased Schlott
first and real name unknown minor heir of
Clwles H Schlott deceased Schlott first and
real name unkuown minor heir of Charles H
Schlott deceased John Doe real name un
known administrator of the eBtate of Charles
H Schlott deceased Hlchard Hoe real name
unknown guaidlan of the minor heirs of
Charles H Schlott deceased uon resideut de
Youandeachof you will take notice that on
the 25th day of October 1900 ihe Scottish Amer
ican Mortgage Company limited a corporation
as planum nieu us petition in me oisinci
court of Cheiry County Nebraska against you
as defendants Impleaded with Aarou Grooms
and ftI3 Grooms his wife first and
real name unknowu aa jour co-defendants
the object ana prayer of winch U to
foreclose a certain mortgage deed oejuted
on the ath day ol October 183G by Sarah A
Davis upon the following described property
to wit Lot 8 section 21 lot 5 section 22 uwii
of nwk of section 27 and ue of ue of Bectiou
28 all in township 34 range 20 Cherry County
Given to secure the payment of one cert in
promissory note in writing made execuied
and delivered by Sarali a Davis to the Scottish
American Mortgage Conipan Limited which
is now the holder and owner thereol foi tbe
sum of 30000 due and payable on the first day
of Novembtr 1891 with interest Irom date at
the rate of ten per centum per annum payable
semi annually and tuere Is now due aud pay
able on said promissory note the sum of S4G587
That the plaintiff has also paid the taxes as
sessed and levied on said real estate amounting
with interest to S10787 which it prays to have
declared a lien ou said premises aud real es
tate that there is now due the plaintiff as
principal aud interest on said note aud for
the taxes so paid tiie sum of 85787 for which
with interest at the rate of ten per cent per an
num from the first day ol November 1900 the
plaintiff prays fcr a decree that the defendants
pay the same and that in default of such pay
ment said premises may be sold to satisiy
the amount found due the plaintiff aud for
general relief
You are required to answer said petition on
or beloie the seventh day of January 1901
4n 4t A M MOKKISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated Valentine Nebraska Nov 53d 1900
Notice of attachment
Herman Wonders will take notice that on
the 5th day of November 1900 W K Towue
uvy Judge within and for Cheriy County
rteoaska issued an order of attachment for the
sum of 1750 in an acticn peuding before him
wherein Gehile P CrabD aud William Jb Mor1
gareldge formerly co partners doing busiuess
under tbe firm name and style of Crabb
and Moigareidge aie plaintiffs and Herman
Wonders is defendant that property of the de
fendant consisting ol seventy five bushels of com
and a credit of S2500 due tojthe deleudant from
one Lafayette Johnson has been garnished and
attached under said order
Said cause was continued to the 31st day of
December 1900 at 10 oclock a m
Dated November loth 1900 Plaintiffs
Order for Hearing of Final Account
In the County Court ot Cherry County Neb
In the matter of the Estate of Thomas P
Johns deceased
Now on this 8th day of November looo came
Iselhe L Johns executrix in said Estate and
praj s for leave to render account of such execu
It is therefore ordered that the 24th day of
December 1800 at 10 oclock am aim office
in Valentine be fixed as the time and place for
examining and allowing such account and tile
heirs of said deceased and all persons interested
in said Estate are required to appear at the
time and place so designated aud show cause if
any such exists why said account should not fee
allowed ic is therefore ordered that said Nel
lie L Johns executrixgive notice to all persons
Interested in said Estate ly causing acoDYof
this order to be published In the Valentine Dem
ocrat a newspaper printed and in general cir
culatlon in said county for 3 weeks prior to the
day set for hearing
WoK JPNVNE County Judge
Dated November
8 1900 4ac
Order to Show Cause
In the District Court of the 15th Judicial Dis
trict in and for Cherry County Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Annie E Handy
This cause came on for hearing UDon the ne
tition of Alfred Lewis and Lewis f Handy ex
ecutors of tne estate of Annie E i andy de
ceased praying for license to sell Iotsl489
and tig nek aun ae H nw H of section 10 and
lot 7 iu sectiou 17 all in township 33 rantte 27
west or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the
sum of SlOOO for the toavment at iiiitu
against the estate and the costs of
Then they Wanted to cut it off but lie TA lJtAP8 sclent vper8oiial proper
J ty to nay said debts and exnnps
cured it with one box of Bucklens It is therefore ordered that aJL persons inter-
esteu in earn eaiace appear before me at Hush
ville Nebraska on the 17th day of December
1900 at 10 oclock a m to show cause why a
cense should not be granted to said executors to
sell so much ofsaidreal estate of the deceased
as shall be necessary to pay said debts and ev
uit is further ordered that this order be pub
UshedJor four weeks In the Valeutine Demo
nrt tA ii i i -
irenrjiouBj uuuiisueu ill valentine Ncir
uatfcd mis 14th day of November 1900
43 4 Attorney
W K VK rnvfr11
Judge of the District Court
gAWMMMfcfift S J
Of the Choicest Brands
i SSSSSi Sgiii