- I
r a -
SP 4
Vimrmu n y rfcwl
This paper will be mailed regularly
to ita suboeribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Sub3cnptlcm lO0 per year in advance 150
trhennot paid in advance
Display advertising l inch 15c per issue Goc
per month 4 issues 500 per year In advance
Local Notices 5c per line each issue
Brand advertisements 400 per year in ad
vance additionalBpace 3300 per Inch per year
engraved blocks extra 8100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are equested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above ratos if over
6 months in arrears
Notices ofloss of stock free to brand adver j
In all the plenitude of his greatness
and with a halo of sanctity encircling
his head Bro Barker last week showed
the smallness of his nature by criticis
ing us for receiving a rocking horse
from Chicago which was sent to our
little son by his grandmother Not
content with casting an ugly slur at us
he seeks further to prejudice the busi
ness men of Valentine against us be
cause we entered into the spirit of the
holiday season and carried the gift
down Main street where all might see
it Barkers article was about the
most contemptibly little thing we have
ever -seen in a newspaper and exhibits
to a mar ked degree the fraternal spirit
which fills his breast
There is to be a great denomination
al conference in New York the object
and purpose of which is to evangelize
this natiun This is a great movement
and should receive the encouragement
andsupport of every American Ac
cording to the last census there are
over 50000000 peo le in this country
who do not profess Christianity As a
nation we are making war upon a
Christian people whose only offense is
that they love liberty and are willing
to die for it Millions of dollars are
sent every year to foreign missions and
this has been going on for half a cent
ury and the results are most discour
aging It is to be hoped that at this
great conference something will be
done toward directing the millions that
have b een spent abroad to convert the
heathen m missionary work at home
Even the ministry itself is suffering
from sheer neglect A better educated
ministry is one of the crying needs of
the Christian church in America Es
tablish -with some of the millions that
have been sent to foreign missions a
great university at home that will not
only educate the minds of our young
men but one that will educate their
fiouls as well If we had a great nation
al university of this character for fifty
years past and had required every man
that would presume to preach the gos
pel of Christianity to be a graduate
then we would not have had the shock
ing example of a Christian minister
going on the stump in a- national cam
paign and declaring that he thanked
God for the opportunity of making war
on a Christian people This is only
one but therewere many others who
paraded the littleness of their souls
and the shallowness of their professed
Christianity The American people
are not irreligious and the fact that 50
000000 of them refuse to alffiiate with
some Christian body can be very easily
accounted for The fault is with the
ministry and not with the people If
this conference in New York will do
something which will give us a better
ministry the Christian minister will
then have sometlnug to thank God for
and we will no more have our leligious
feelings shocked by a follower of Christ j
glorifying God for an opportunity to
shoot Christianity into a Christian
brother Quill
Whatever may be said of the scien
tific causes upop which the Kev Irl R
Hicks bases his yearly forecasts of
storm and weather it is a remarkrble
fact that specific warnings of every
great storm flood cold wave and
drouth have been plainly printed in
his now famous Almanac for many
years The latest startling proof of
this fact was the destruction of Galves
ton Texas on the very day named by
Prof Hicks in his 1900 Almanac as
one of disaster by storm along the gulf
coasts The 1901 Almanac by far the
finest most complete and beautiful yet
published is now ready This remark
able book of near two hundred pages
splendidly illustrated with charts and
half tone engravings goes as a prem
ium to every subscriber who pays one
dollar a year for Prof Hicks journal
Woiid and WORKS The Almanac
alone is sent prepaid for only 25c Or
der from Word and Works Publishing
Company 2201 Jjocust Street St
i -
We are sole agents for
Jersey I Tea Expectorant n
purely vegetable remedy
for coughs colds hoarse
ness etc which we sell on a
Positive Guarantee
to give satisfaction Your
money back if it does not
Contains no Opium or Mor
L Conducted by Ixkz Pettyckkw 5
1 guess my health is gettin poor
Er somepn er the km
Per every mornln jist as sure
Especially if its fine
1 git such off ul shootm pains
At ma says Its jes crul
To make at poor boy study with
Sech headaches jes fore school
Ma thiuks my mind is breakin down
From learnin of so much
She puts wet towels on my head
An chopped up ice an such
An tpies ter git me off tor bed
But pa says hes no fool
He thinks birch oils the only stuff
Fer headaches jes fore school
An teacher too dont sympathize
Ith boys wots feeliu bad
Fer soon s she sees mc mopin in
She says Now aint at sad
Ter make them suffrin shlldreu work
Young man set on at stool
An do them sums Huh she makes fun
Of headaches jes fore school
Tis klndr funny though how soon
Im over bein sick
An me an Jim Jim lie gits cramps
We sneak off down t the crick
An go in siwimmin Geel We got
A bully divin pool
At springboard Gosh I you bet they cure
Them headaches jes fore school
An fishin too We got a rait
An dandy hooks an lines
Ketch bullheads lots ansnnflsh Say
Down underneath them pines
They bite like thunder Settin there
Feet Swashln nice and cool
Pains nothin Say dyou ever git
Them headaches jes fore schoo
M C JOHN in Chicago Chronicle
Arabia Items
Well Christmas will soon
and the feathers will soon be
Abraham Nichols received
be here
a large
stock of groceries this week
Miss Bertha Thorn Phil Fleming
and Mr Benson went to Valentine this
A M Peterson and family were city
visitors Tuesday
M P Jordan made a flying trip to
Valentine last Saturday
Mr Allen and Miss Esther Benson
were in town Monday and made the
store keeper feel happy
Misses Bertha and Jennie Vhitstone
have d home from Omaha where
they have been visiting friends and
-Our town is booming The hay deal
ers seem to be very busy buying and
selling hay
Misses Esther Benson and Bertha
Thorn and Mr Frank Thorn were
guests of Miss Jordan one night last
week We hear they ate plenty of pop
corn and had lots of music and singing
but whether they danced or not we
dare not tell
Twenty Dollars Reward
Will pay the above reward for in
formation leading to the recovery ot
one black mare one bay mule and a
work team of geldings one a black
weighing 1200 the other a sorrel with
white stripe in face weight 1200 All
are branded SOS on left hip in ad
dition to other brands 48tf
Jack Whipple Rosebud J3 D
linWVKaL ltancr time any 3S8H
SS88BSW They t a 1sht MPH
ufflMt that3 rich aad ifco
WM1 Many styles Sold I mKL
titi imwisafaMffjgywr
The last case of smallpox has dis
appeared in Valentine There is no
contagious disease now known to ex
ist in our town and the quarantine is
raised We suggest careful watch
fulness that no disease be brought
here from other towns The Board
of Health is yigilant and The Demo
crat will rejoice with you all upon
their success in stamping out this
dreaded disease
Commissioners meet today
Dell Rowley spent a few days
town the past week
Fountain pens and gold pens
the kitchen
Elliotts Drugstore -
Corn taken in exchange for goods
by W A Pettycrew
Walter Miseman the Omaha archi
tect is in town toda
Geo Hornby and wife have returned
from Washington D C
Dolls doll heads and doll furniture
at Elliotts Drug Store
George Davis of Simeon transacted
business in the city yesterday
John Lord took another load of lum
ber out to his ranch yesterda
Charley Wellford returned from
his western trip Tuesday afternoon
J S Estabrook and wife visited
near Simeon with friends this week
See those cellnloid brush and comb
sets for 250 at Elliotts Drug Store
R Anderson the hardware merch
ant will pay the market price for ear
corn 48
Finest line of holiday perfumery
ever shown in Ihe city at Elliotts
Drug Store
Mrs L L Bivens went to Crawford
Thursday night to visit her parents
for about ten days
R Hansen wife and son Frank left
Saturday morning for Copenhagen
Denmark for a six months visit
Have you seen those fine pictures
and frames in R Andersons window
They go at 200 each during holiday
trade 48
Miss Myrtle Query returned Sunday
night from Omaha where she had
been receiving treatment at the Me
thodist hospital
John Stetter came down frcm Gor
don Snnday morning and spent the
day with his family He reports bus
iness lively in our siBter town
Holidav rates Tickets on sale Dec
23-24-25-31 and Jan 1 at one fare for
the round trip to any point within 200
miles Tickets good returning until
January 2 J C Northrop Agent
E B Growden of Brownlee was in
town Saturday with the Methodist
minister of that place In conversa
tion with E B we couldnt discern
any improvement in him resulting
from his clerical associations
Mark Zarr who left here over two
years ago and went to make his for
tune returned to Valentine Sunday
morning from Butte Montana look
ing fat and apparently satisfied with
his experience in the mountains
Just at this time the young ladies
of Crawford are handling tbeir left
arms with a marked degree of tender
ness Crawford Gazette
Things are different here Several
left arms have been noticed handling
the young ladies very tenderly in Val
W J Learning caught a large gray
wolf in one of his big steel traps last
Thursday a little over a mile north
east of town The hide of the anim
al measured over six feet in length
Mr Learning caught a gray wolf
nearly as large as this one the week
before and has trapped about thirty
coyotes this season Kimball Obser
WANTED Mtn to learn harber trade only
two months required can earn scholarship
board tools and trrnsportation to our Colleges
atCblchago or Minneapolis Apply by mail
Moer Barber Co liege Representative 1C23 Far
nam t Omaha
Xotlce to the Public
Notice is hereby given that the board
of trustees of the ViUage of Valentine
will at its first meeting in Jauuary
1001 receive bids for the pumping of
water ior the village Bidders may al
so offer separate bids for the pumping
of water and supplying electric lights
and they will be expected to state the
date on which they will be ready to as
sume the contract
A M Mormsey Village Clark
About five years ago I was troubled
with catarrh of the lower bowel says
C T Chisholm 483 Dearborn Ave
Chicago and although I consulted sev
eral eminent physicans who prescribed
forme I found their remedies failed
to in any way relieve me and the
trouble almost became chronic After
suffering several months I one day
concluded to try Chamberlrins Colic
Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy and I
beg to assure you that I was most
agreeably surprised to find after taking
two doses of the remedy that I was
completely relieved of the disease that
had cost me so much trouble and an
noyance I am thankful to say that I
have not suffered from it since For
sale by Quigley Chapmaif I 3
A widow 46 years old wants to cor
respond with sober middle aged man
that can help take care of her prop
erty and enjoy a good home Address
Mrs Eunice Bo wden Valentine Neb
Just Saved His Life
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Bowerston O lately had
from a frightful death For two years
a severe lung trouble constantly grew
worse until it seemed he must die of
Consumption Then he began to use
Dr Kings New Discovery and lately
wrote It gave instant relie f and ef
fected a permanent cure Such won
derful cures have for 23 years proven
its power to cure all Throat Chest
and Lung troubles Pi ice 50c and
100 Every bottle guaranteed Trial
bottles free at Elliotts drug store 1 3
What are you going to
Christmas Get a Kodak
will sell you one at anv price
kind you want
get for
or hffn ft thft sfvpnth dnvnf raniinrv 1901
or anv
No one can rersonably hope for good
health unless his bowels move once
each day When this is not attended
to disorders of the stomach arise bili
ousness headache dyspepsia and piles
soon follow If you wish to avoid these
ailments keep your bowels regular by
taking Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets when required They
are so easy to take and mild and gentle
in effect Sold y Quigley Chapman
P Valentine Lodge No 0
Meets every second and
fourth Wednesday even
ing of efich month at Hornbys Hall A cordial
invitation is extended to all viBiting members
O W MoltfcY President
Order of Hearing of Final Account
In the County Court of Cherry County Ne
In the matter ol the estate of John W Oens
Now on this 19th day of December comes
William E Haley administrator of said estate
and prays for leave to render an account as such
It is therefore ordered that the 5th day of
January 1901 at 10 oclock a m at my office in
Valentine in said county be fixed as the time
and place for examining and allowing such ac
count and the heirs of said deceased and all per
sons interested in said estate are required to
appear at the time and place so designated and
show cause if any sucli exists why said accounts
shall not be allowed It is therefore ordered
that the said William E Haley administrator
give notice to all persons interested in said es
tate by causing a copy of this order to be pub
lished in the Valentine Democrat a newspaper
printed and m general circulation in said coun
ty for three weeks prior to the day set for hear
Dated December 10 1000
48 3t County Judge
Notice to Non Resident Pefendants
Sarah A Davis Mrs Charles II Schlott first
and real name unknown widow of Charles H
Schlott deceased Schlott first and real name
unknown minor heir of Charles H Schlott de
cea3ed Schlott first and real name unknown
minor heir of Charles H Schlott deceased
Schlott first and real name unknown minor
heir of Charles H Schlott deceased Schlott
first and real name unknown minor heir of
Chades II Schlott deceased Schlott first and
real name unknown minor heir of Charles H
Schlott deceased John Doe real name un
known administrator of the estate of Charles
Never before have we had such an op- H Schiott deceased Richard Hoeiduame
portunity to favor our readers Think
of it We offer to send every reader
of this paper free for fifty two weeks
that great fajni paper The Prairie Far
mer published now for more than six
tv years and read by 100000 of the
best farmers in the world Our offer
is a pure gift and we mean what we
say Every one who renews his sub
scription for The Democrat or every
new su bscriber who pays us one year
in advanoe may have The Prairie far
mer free by merely asking for it Spe
cimen copy of The Prairie Farmer may
be seen at this office This great pap
er is far ahead of any other farm paper
in the United States It is admittedly
the leader of the agricultural press
No other paper pretends to compare
with it in the qualifications of its edit
orial staff and it covers as doesno oth
er periodical the whole field of country
life agriculture fruit vegetable and
flower gardening dairying breeding
and feeding live stock including poul
try and bees with due consideration
for the library the Jiving room and
Charles H Schlott deceased non resident de
feudaii ts
You and each of yon will take notice that on
the day of October 1100 the Scottish Amer
ican Mortgage Company limited a corporation
as plaintiff filed Its petition in the district
court of Cheiry County Nebraska against you
as defendants impleaded wuh Aarou Grooms
and Mrs Grooms his wife first and
real name unkuowu as jour co-defend
ants ithe object ana prajer of which i to
foreclose a ceriain mortgage deed executed
on the auth day ot October 183G uy Sarah A
Davis upon the following described property
to wit Lot 8 section 21 lot 5 section U2 mvji
of nU of section 27 and ue4 of neJS of section
23 all in township 34 range 1G Cherry County
Given to secure the payment of one cert in
promissory note in writing made execureci
and delivered by Sarah a Davis to the Scottish
American Mortgage Compam Limited which
is now the holder and owner thereol foi the
sum of 30000 due and payable on the first day
of November 1891 with interest troin date at
the rate of ten per centum per annum payable
semi annually and tnere is now due and pay
able on said promissory note the sum of S1C587
that the plaintiff lias nso paid the taxes as
sessed and levied on said real estate amounting
with interest to 10787 which it prajs to have
declared a lien on said premises and real es
tate that there is now due the plamtilf as
principal aud interest on said note and for
the taxes so paid tne sum of 3787 lor which
witii interest at the rate of ten per cent per an
num from the first day ol November lauo the
plaintiff prays fer a decree that the defendants
pay the same and that in default of such pay
ment said premises may be sold to satisty
the amount found due the plaintiff and for
general relief
You are required to answer Baid petition on
everv fjenartmpnt hninrr THE SCOTTISH AMEKICAN MOKTGAGZ
innwnf tl0 Lcf mnniiVfn COMPANY LIMITED Plaintiff
uiUUigwV wUC cv Uf0 opwuuow 43 41 AM MOKRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
1 Imng patea Valoatjue Nebraska Nov 23dr 1900
ijKriBtUBSry i t ssssr wTOBgggggggawn ifasasHIZ
With new goods and prices If you want some
of the oargains in Holiday Goods go and see
You need not he afraid of anything but bargains
Our prices are low and quality high See our
display and try
10 pi WbI
a w Vis slSvif
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Cut this ad cut and send to us State whether you wish drop held cr up
right and vrc Trill send you our high grade Akron Sewing Machine
by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest
freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to
other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our
tCPIAC CAPTnDV Dome IC n K and the frcieht charees
OlLUIKL rHUIUill I IIIUL g I Uid J The freight charges will
in proportion
t satisfactory
average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances
Give it 4 months txial in your own Iume and if it is not
return it at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is
equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine
sold for less money must De made of inferior material We manufacture in
large quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables
to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price
with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second
National Bank of Akron Ohio and they will tell you of our reliability
w -- provernent of eve
chins with the defacts of none Made right m our factory by
money can Duy
tiniri and my office in valentine in said count v
as the place for hearing said petition at which
time and place all persons interested in siid
estate may appear and show ciuse if any there
be why such administrator should not be ap
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
the 12th day of December 1900
47 3t County Judge
Xotice to Non resident Defendant
George M rroffer will take notice that on the
23th day of November 1300 Hon W It Towne
county judge within and for Cherry countv
Nebra ka issued an order of attachment for
the sum of 3140 in an action pending before
him wherein Lovcll C Starr is plaintiff and
George 31 Troffer is defendant that propertv
of the defendant consisting ot seventeen bead
of cattle described as follows towit Five
cows branded H15 on the left side and one cow
branded diamond bar diamond on tne left side
four heifers branded H15 on the left side four
steers branded H15 on the left side and one
steer branded bar over OD on left side ono
bull branded II on each jaw and one calf
branded bar over OD on the left side some of
these cattle also bearing other brands have
been attached under said order riaid cause
was contiuued to the 18th day of January
1901 t lOoclocka in of said day
Dated Dec 13 IWO - 47 3t iajiuiff
caacacvcoaCOiccror2co Ti
By special arrangement we can furnish
Free for one year to every one of our subscribers All you have- to do
is to renew for this paper for next year and tell us that you want the
Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you one year free We
will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free to every new subscriber
who pays us one year in advance Dont put tlrs off
m v 9 v
Ale and Porter
Sole Agents for
every high grade ma
iwsnL jipi
itilS V 8 1
offer X tfm
1 1 j i
ft a
the most skilled workmen and frcm the best material that
HUC S5 UMDinCI ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration
V 5 reauy ior use tne other our Drop wean macnins
l j
with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The
upnghtor Box Top machine his six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools
needles etc Draw ers are latest 1900 skeleton framecarvedpaneied embossed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy
drawers and one drawer for tools Each machine has the finest high arm
J puiuivc iour niouon leeo seit Mireaaing vioratlng snuttie automatic doc
bmwmaeradjustablebearings patent tension liberatnrimpiovedloose wheel improved
adjustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent dress puard patent needle bar
head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed We
guarantee th machine to be the lif iitest running- most durable and neare noiseleu
machine made Every attachment is furnished free together with a complete instroc
tinn book telling you now to do any kind of pliin or fancy work We issue a written
blndmjr guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to tea and estnv
ine this machine compare it with others selling for from 40 to 60 and if tatbbctory
fay the agent 1695 and chnre3 Send for circulars end full descriptions of sevrisa
machines and blcyoes mast factured by us Order today Addwts all ordera to 1
The Akron Sewinz Machine and Bicycle Co are rcliabicV Edltur
Of the Choicest Brands
a3 c4rc4
Appointment of administrator
In the county court In and for Cherry county
In the matter of the estate of Caroline E Nye
Lida E Bachelor having filed in my office a
petition praying for the nupointment of herself
as administrator of the estate of Cnrolire K
Nye deceased all persons interested in said es
tate will take notice that I have fixed Salurdav
Decemr er 2Cth 1900 at 10 oclock a in a the
Notice of attachment
Worniers will take notice that on
the 5th day of November 1000 W K Towne
irvJudLC within
ma ior Cheny County
Jssued unorder attachment Tfor the
auiii uiowau m an acucn pend ng before hiin
wherein Gehile P Crabb and vi Sm P Mor
gareidge formerly co partners doing bisIuS
under the firm name and style of Crabb
and Morgareidge ate plaintiffs and
Wonders is defendant tliat iV
property of the
fendant consisting of sevitv fl vebShes of com
and a credit of Si500 due tojlhe defendant from
attached one Lafayette underpaid Johnson order has been farisuea and
Said cause was continued to th 3lst dav 0f
December looo at 10 oclock a rn
Dated November loth 1000 riaintiffa
Order for Hearing of Final Account
ntho County Court of Cherry County Neb-
JoliusVlfecSf f he tote r nna P
prays for leave to render amount of iuSffiSS
It is therefore
that ihe 4th in
December 1900 at 10 oclock VS llaill
in Valentine be fixed VL5Ce
u i time
examiu ng and allowim imi Ltna Vace for
heirs of saM deceased - P2ii ccount and the
this ordertoV pubhshed ihe ValeStin5 o
ucrata newspaper primed i i em
cuiation in said eVuntv for 3 wt 8cneral r
day set for hearing pnor to e
Dated XovembeYsw13 County Judge