OCR Interpretation

The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 15, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95070058/1908-05-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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Not Many Minutes After Adjournmen
of the Council Thursday Aftcrnooi
Dnru Were Open and Glasses Wcr <
The Norfolk innn with a thirst inn ;
tiH have the thirst hut at host In
only a tlilrht of a few hours nccuniu
latlon. It wasn't many nilnutos uftei
Win council adjourned Into Thursdaj
afternoon before nlnu saloon doort
hud opened.
. The three days' drought wa hrokor
Thurwlay evening. Circus day fount
Norfolk Haffly moored In the "wot1
The outcome of the license flghl
wo apparently satisfactory to nearlj
all factlonK. The now "comproinlso'
was > received in a friendly fashion am
not accorded the cold shoulder turner
on the earlier "compromiso" o !
Wednesday afternoon.
Tli < > termination of the council meet
Ing Thursday afternoon was prosldei
over by the figurative dove of peace
After all of the remonstrances RIW
thei on < > against A. A. Helnoccius lint ,
been withdrawn the former Madlsor
saloon , keeper withdrew his appllca
( Ion. avoiding any contest with tin
"W. C. T. IT forces.
Rimer E. Thomas , the Omaha at
torney who represented the \V . C. T
U. , made an open statement In Justl
flcntlnu of the withdrawal of the re
Mr. Thomas stated that the chic
purpose of the remonstrances hat
been to secure a better enforcemoni
of th < law and to call attention to tin
I n t disregard of several provlsloni
of thi Slncum luw. He also said tha
while the first understanding reaches
would have brought about a rednctloi
In the number of saloons a year soon
er than now provided , the final ar
rangement had appealed to buslnesi
mon as fairer. He recognized tin
force of public sentiment.
Hecognining the large liberal sent !
menti hero Mr. Thomas said that tin
\V. C. T. U. had come more than hal
way to reach a settlement , hut hai
etill made a very substantial gain it
the Interest of good government am
law enforcement. Ho enumerated im
portant points gained as , first , tin
provision that the council may call ii
witnesses and revoke a license with
out first securing a court conviction
second , the securing of a fair view o
the Interior of all saloons ; third UK
divorcing of pool rooms from saloons
fourth , the provision calling for tin
revocation of a license on a cour
M. D. Tyler , who with Jack Koenlg
stein had appeared for the applicants
declared that the law would be en
forced strictly. He warned the sa
loon men to tnke out their license :
with this understanding.
Twenty days have been given fou
saloon men to lower their windows
Other obstructions to a view of the in
terior together with chairs and table
are to be removed at once.
The new city ordinance , which it 1
announced will be enforced to tin
Jetter , is even broader than the Sic
cum kvw.
Ordinance No. 316.
An ordinance regulating the sal
and use of malt , sniritous and rlnou
llouorB within the city of Norfolk
Nebraska , providing a penalty for vir
latlon thereof , and repealing ordl
nances Nos. 137 and 145 of said city
find any other ordinance in conillc
He It ordained by the mayor am
council of the city of Norfolk. Nebras
Section 1. It shall be unlawful fo
any i > erson. persons or firm , by them
selves or acent to sell or rive awa'
any ma t. sniritous or vinous linuori
or any Intoxicating drink in the cltv
of Norfolk , or to keep such Motion
for sale within said city , without hav
ing first obtained a license in com
pliance with the laws of this state am
of tliis ordinance.
Sec. 2. Any person or persons de
siring to obtain a license for the sali
of malt , spiritous or vinous Honor ;
within the citv of Norfolk. Nebraska
shall , before obtaining such license
nlo in tln > olllce of the city clerk o
said city of Norfolk , his or their at )
plication in the form of u petltioi
signed bv at least thirty resident free
holders of the ward In which the sali
Manors are to be sold , provided then
are sixty or more resident free-holder !
in said ward , and in case there an
less than sixty resident free-holders ii
said ward , the petition shall be deexi
ed sufficient if signed by a majorlt'
of the resident free-holders of sale
ward , provided , that the number o
licenses which said council shall hi
authori/ed to issue in any municlim
year to any person or persons to sol
such liquors at retail , shall be re
strlcted to seven (7) ( ) in number. G t <
bo located in the business portion o
said city in the main part of towi
and one at the Junction In the Fourtl
ward , and no license shall be prautei
so as to increase the number of place )
where said linuors are sold at retal
in said city , beyond the number abovi
specified. In the event that a Mcens <
to toll suck Manors he forfeited o :
revoked then the council is authorize !
to grant another license upon propo :
application and in compliance will
the laws of the State of Nebraska am
this ordinance , in the place and steai
of the one which has been forfeltei
or re\oked. Said petition or apnllca
lion bhall set forth that the appllcan
Is a person of respectable charade
and standing and a resident of tin
cltv of Norfolk , in the state ot Ne
braska. and pravlng that a licensi
shall be issued to such person or per
Sec. 3. Before a license shall b <
issued as contemplated .by this oral
nance , the applicant shall nlo with tin
city clerk his bond in the penal sun
of $ DOOO.OO. payable to the state o
Nebraska , with at least two good am
sufllcient sureties , free-holders of tin
county of Madison in said , state , o
with a surety companv authorized t <
do business in said state , to bo ap
proved bv the cltv council , condition
ed that ho or thev will not violate an1
of the provisions of this ordinance o
nnv law of the state of Nebraska rol
aliveto the license and sale of in
toxlcatlng Manors , and that ho or thoj
will pav all damages. lines , oennltlei
nnd forfeitures which may bo adindg
d against him or them under the pro
visions of this ordinance and the lawi
of the State of Nebraska.
Sea } , .When said annlic.atlon Ij
' " ' ' " "
presented to'"the cltv'cTer'k" he"siial
receivo'and , file : the same. and.no . nc
tfoiT shall ' bo ) taken upon said anpl.
cation until at least two weeks notlci
' ' '
of"tho fllfnc or f.ho iame has'b'een'glv
en by publication In the newsuaoci
nuhllHhj'd In said Madison Countv.
Nebraska having the largest circula
tion therein.
Sec. fi. After said notice has been
given. If there are no Dhlcctlims or
remonstrances in writing Illed with
the cltv clerk against the Issuance of
such license and the nnivisliiiiH of this
ordinance and the laws of the State
o' ' Nehnixlui hn\e hi en cnmnlled with.
'ild ' council nt their discretion ma\
gtiuil said license.
Sec < ; Itefoie said HeeiiMHhllll lie
h-niied the amillcaiit therefor shall pav
Into the cltv reasurv the sum of
jfiOO.oo as a HeeiiHe fee. taking the
treasurers recelut Ilierefor. which
s'lli ' lecejiil lie Hhall Hie In the olllco
of he elf\ e erlt excent where the
applicant iinnlles for a lleensn to sell
filch lliiimrn jit wholesale only , then
In thai case , lie shall imv to the cltv
' lerk the sum of JfiOO Oil.
? . ' ! ! ! . . 7.I.f..tlloro. Il ( % ' * > ' "Dlectlon.
,01 ; remonstrance Illed In the
olllce of the cltv clerk against the IK-
-sjiaiicu of wild license , the counoll
Hhall appoint a day for the hearing
ol said case , and If It shall be satis
factorily proven that the applicant
for u license has been guilty of the
violation of nn > of the provisions of
this ordinance or nnv law of the state
of NohraHkiirelating , to the sale of
Intoxicating Manors within the space
ol olio jear. or If any former license
Hhall have been revoked for any mis
demeanor against the laws of the
State of Nebraska or the ordinances
of this cltv relative to the sale of In
toxicating Manors then the council
shall refuse to Issue said license.
Sec H Should the person or per
sons holding such license violate any
of the provisions , of this ordinance
or of the. laws of the State of Nebras
ka , relative to the Hale of intoxicating
Manors , a complaint mav be Jlled with
the cltv clerk bv any person , setting
up such violation , which shall be pre
sented to the cltv council and a day
set for hearing upon same , and notice
shall be given to the person or per
sons iiL'dlnst whom such complaint Is
( Hod of such hearing , and If at such
hearing the complaint shall be sus
tained and the charges therein proven
then the council shall forthwith re
voke such license. .
, Sec. ! Whenever a license has
been granted in compliance with this
ordinance the cltv clerk shall issue
to such applicant or applicants a li
cense under the seal of the cltv for the
sale ol' malt , spiritous and vinous
Manors from the date of such license
to the end of the municipal venr , des
ignating some particular place or
building to be described in said li
cense where said Manor is to be sold.
Said license shall be posted in some
conspicuous place In the room where
in the liquor IK sold and it shall be
unlawful to sell Manor under nnv such
license In nnv other room or building
or deliver same in anv other room or
Irulldlng except that described in said
license , without first obtaining the
written consent of the city council
to be endorsed on said license.
Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to irlve or seller
or deliver anv malt , spiritous or vin
ous linuors or Intoxicating drink to
anv minor , apprentice or servant , un
der Ul years of age. or to anv Idiot ,
insane person or habitual drunkard
within the city of Norfolk.
Sec. 11. It shall he unlawful for
anv person purchasing or attempting
to purchase intoxicating liquor of anv
person authorized to sell the same , to
make anv false statement regarding
hla age or in regard to the use for
which said Manor Is intended. . .
Sec 12. It shall be unlawful for
any person to bo or remain within the
limits of the city of Norfolk in the
state of intoxication.
Sec. 115. It shall be unlawful for
anv person or persons to sell , give
away or deliver to nny person any
malt , spiritous or vinous Manors on ,
the day of any general or special
election and on Sunday.
Sec. 11. All saloons or places where
Intoxicating Manors are sold and de
livered in the city of Norfolk at retail
shall be closed at 11 o'clock n. m. .
and remain closed until C o'clock a.
m. , on each day and shall be closed
and kept closed all day on the first
day of the week , commonly called
Sec. 15. It shall bo unlawful for
anv person or persons to whom a
retail license has been issued as pro
vided iu this ordinance to keep or
allow to remain in the room where
such intoxicating Manors are sold any
t-ables. c-hiUrs. pool , billiard or card
tables , slot machines , dice boxes or
gambling devices of whatsoever
nature or kind , except ofllce desk and
chairs for use of proprietor and bar
tenders , and such person or persons
holding such license shall not permit
any jMjraon or persons to play anv
game whatever in such room where
such Manors are being , sold , and no
person or persons shall be permitted
to conduct or operate any pool or bil
liard liall or other place of amuse
ment , or restaurant , which is in anv
way connected with any saloon or
place where intoxicating Manors are
sold , or connected in anv manner by
any door or other opening.
Sec. 1C It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to whom a re
tail Manor license Is granted as herein
provided to keep his doors or windows
of his place of business obstructed by
any screens , partitions or other arti-
cles. nor shall ho place screens or
other obstructions within the room seas
as to prevent a free view from the
street of said room , nor to build or
maintain a partition In said room or
place where such intoxicating Manors
are sold or keep or maintain a roomer
or rooms adjoining where the pntrons
of such saloon may rest , visit or drink ,
Sec. 17. No license shall be grant
ed to anv person desiring to conduct
such retail Manor business In anv
building , the solid front , under the
windows of which is built up higher
than three feet and six Inches above
the sidewalk. A clear view of the
Interior of such building from the
street to alwa > s be maintained.
Sec 18 Anv person , or persons who
shall violate any of the provisions of
this ordinance , shall upon conviction
thereof he lined not less than $10.00
nor more than $100.00 and costs of
pro.iecntlon and shall stand commit
ted to the city lall until such fines
and costs are paid , and it shall be the
duty of the council upon such.con
viction to revoke the license of the
party against whom said conviction
Sec ' 18V. . The provisions of this
ordinance increasing the license fee
and limiting the number of saloons
shall not be effective until the muni-
C"saelcy0i\ \ [ nances No. 137 and
No. 1-15 of said city and other ordi
nances inconsistent and in eonllict
with this ordinance are hereby re
pealed This ordinance to be in force
and effect after Its passage , approval
and publication as provided by law.
1'assed and approved May,7. 1908.
Attest : J. D. JSturgeon. Mayor.
Ed Hurtor. City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 317.
An ordinance to nmend Section 2
of Ordinance No. 231. providing for
the levying and collecting of a license
tax for certain occupations and busi
ness carried on within the , city ot
Norfolk , Nebraska , and providing for
a penalty for the violation of the
" ' " "
ordainedby the mavor and
cltv council of the city of Norfolk.
N Section11. That Section 2. of Grill-
nance No 231 of the , c tjof Norfolk ,
Nebraska , be amended to read as
follows : That the tourth line of said
section he stricken out and the followIng -
Ing inserted instead thereof , to-wit :
Saloons per year $ iOO.OO.
Sec 2 That that part of said sec-
tlon 2 of ordinance231 in conflict with
this ordinance , be and the same Is
hereby repealed. , .
Sec. 3. This ordinance to become
effectlvo Way 4th. 1901) ) .
Passed and approved. May 7. 1908.
Attest : .1. D. Sturgeon. Mayor.
Ed Uarter. City Clork.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postolllce at Norfolk , Neb. ,
May 12 , 190S :
Mr B H. Brown , Merrlam Bond
card ) , Mr. Edna Collins ( card ) . Mrs.
Florence Popstino ; Mr. Geo. Stokes
( card ) , Miss Pearl Stewart.
Parties calling for nny of the above
please say advertised.
John II. Hays , P. M.
All the Appointments Are Confirmed
Promptly Except Water Commis
sioner , Whose Eligibility Is Ques
tioned Meeting Nights Changed.
M. C' . Hii/.en , city attorney.
Alex Peters , chief of iKillco.
Alhrrt Kell , night olllcer.
11. O. Bruggunmn , water commis
O.V. . Lee , street commissioner.
Dr.V. . H. Pllger , city physician.
John Kraut * , chief of the fire de
Julius Degncr , president of the
Norfolk Dally News , olllclnl paper.
Mayor Sturgeon's official family was
constituted Thursday evening when
the several appointments made by the
mayor were ratified by the city coun
cil. City Attorney Hazen , Night Of
ficer Kell and Street Commissioner
Ix'c have served during the past year
under Mayor Durland.
The announcement of the reappolnt-
nuMit of Mr. Htizen was received with
applause. Councilman Kanffman
stated that the retention of the old
city attorney would save a consider
able amount of money to the city be
cause Mr. llazcn has all the suits in
which the city is interested well in
The selection of Alex Peters as
chief was also well received. Mr.
Peters was until recently steward at
the state hospital. There was hearty
applause when Mayor Sturgeon an
nounced that he would retain Night
Olllcer Kell. No action was taken on
the Junction appointment.
The council showed some hesitancy
in approving the appointment of
Henry G. Brneggeman as water com
missioner , due in part to the fact that
a petition signed by some 230 citizens
asked that Whter Commissioner
August Brummund be retained and In
part to the fact that Mr. Bruggeman's
eligibility was questioned on the
ground that his title as a free-holder
was not clear. Councilman Kauffman
as a member of the auditing com
mittee took occasion to speak of the
excellent condition in which Mr.
Brummund had kept the records and
collections of his ofllce.
The appointment of G. W. Lee us
street commissioner was confirmed.
After the council by a vote of five
to three had decided to have a city
physician during the coming year , Dr.
Walter Pllgcr's appointment was
unanimously appointed.
The following standing committees
were then announced by Mayor Stur
geon :
Ways and Means , Garvln , Fuesler ,
Auditing , Kauffman , Degner , Craven.
Streets and Alleys , Dolan , Winter ,
Kauffman , Degner.
Fire and Police , Winter , Fuesler ,
Hlbben , Gnrvin.
Public Works , Hibben , Degner ,
Nuisance , Craven , Garvin , Winter ,
Julius Degner , the nester of the
council and a man who has seen many
years of service on that body was
honored with the presidency of the
council. E. B. Kauffman , in nomin
ating Mr. Degner , said that the latter
was not only the oldest member of the
council but that he had served on the
body longer than any other member
and was one of the most conscientious
of workers.
The following appointments made
by the Norfolk fire department were
confirmed : John Krantz , chief ; Ed
Conley , first assistant chief ; II. W.
Winter , second assistant chief ; Ed
Benning and H. W. Winter fire police
from the Queen City company , J. E.
Haase and Fred Hollerman from the
Pioneer "hooks , " Robert Ballantyne
and Jess Beemer from the Mast com
The Norfolk Dally News was unani
mously selected as the ofllcial paper
for the coming year.
The council voted to pay F. W.
Klentz $20 a month for street sprink
ling from April 1 to November 1.
The meeting nights of the council
were changed from the first and third
Thursday in the month to the second
and fourth Tuesday.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ending May 8 , 1908 , compiled by Mad
ison County Abstract & Guarantee
company , olllce with Mapes & Hazen :
S. O. Campbell and wife to Sarah
J. Reeves , W. D. , consideration $500 ,
lots 1 and 4 , block 8 , Bauch's First
addition to Madison.
Joseph Engelko and wife to Andrew
M. Johnson , W. D. , consideration $300 ,
lot1 , block 10 , Railroad addition to
Newman Grove.
Andrew M. Johnson to S. M. Juol-
son , W. D. , consideration $3-10 , lot 4 ,
block 10 , Railroad addition to New
man Grove.
Mary Halpln to Michael Halpin , W.
D , consideration $2,000 , lot 3 , block 2 ,
Dili-land's First addition , and lot 7 of
block 1 , subdivision , block 2 of Pas -
walk's addition to Norfolk.
Carl J. H. Verges to Arthur H. Par-
Rons , W. D. . consideration $2,500 , SWV'i
of G-24-2.
H. E. Becker to Samuel E. Esh , W.
D. , consideration $300 , EM > of blocks
33 and 38 , Fritz addition to Madison.
Oscar Johnson and wife to C. A.
Bacon , W. D. , consideration $2COO , lot
11 , block 8 , Collamor's addition to
Burt Mapes and wlfo to Henry G.
Bnteggeman , Q. C. D , , consideration
$ fiO. lot 7 , block 2 , Norfolk Junction.
Silas W. Dcucl and wife to Hera
Hajden. ( J. C. D. , consideration Jl.tHt ,
part of SWVi NE'/i of 2C-2I-4.
Silas W. Douel and wife to J. W.
McCallum , W. I ) . , consideration $300 ,
part of SH'4 ' f SE'/i and NE i ot
SUM of 22-21-1.
C. S. Johnson and wife to John M.
llengstler. W I ) . , consideration $3JOO ,
part of NIOU of SW'of 1U-1M-I.
Henry Piller to Louisa Plller , W.
I ) . , consldeiation $1.00 , lots G and G ,
block ! , Norfolk.
Carl Xessln and wife to Arnestlna
Xe.sslu , W. D. , consideration $18,300 ,
NEV' . of 29 and WVfc of NW',4 ' of 2S-
John N. Hhunk to J. C. Schwichten-
beig , W. D. , consideration $3,800 , N %
of lot 7 , block 17 , F. W. Barnes First
addition to Madison.
Charley II. Nelson to Annie Nelson ,
Q. C. D. , consideration $1.00. lot C ,
block 10 , Klmball & Blair's addition
to Burnett.
Albert IX'gner and wife to Adam
Pllger , W. D. , consideration $25 , lot 18 ,
block 1C , and lots 14 and 15 , block 17 ,
Park addition to Norfolk.
Sarah A. Nisonger to A. J. Phillips ,
W. D. , consideration $180 , lots 10 , 11
and 12 , block 8 , Klmball & Blair's ad
dition to Tllden.
A. Hospe , Jr. , and wife to I. T. Cook ,
W. D. , consideration $65 , lot 5 , block
12 , Edgewater Park addition to Nor
D. S. O'Brien ' and husband , W. P ,
to E. P. Elchhoff , W. D. , consideration
$1,500 , lots ( i , 7 , 8 and 9. and east 20
feet of l' fi. i. ' u 7 , Kimball & Blair's
addition to Burnett.
L. P. Pasewalk to L. C. Taylor , W.
D. , consideration $250 , lot 10 , block
1 , Pasewalk's Fourth addition to Nor
One of the first indications that a
girl Is In love is when she looks mad
and turns red In the face when she
hears the men abused.
You have all heard of women who
look like dolls. There is only one In
Atchison who looks like a doll , though
a great many think they do.
Sixty Subscribers Were Given the Us *
of the Automatic Monday Others
Will Follow as Soon as Connections
Can be Made.
The "girlless telephone" arrived in
Norfolk a few minutes after 12 o'clock
Monday noon. At that time the new
company began giving service from
their automatic switchboard.
Sixty subscribers were "cut in"
Monday noon. These were the first
people to use an automatic phone in
Norfolk. Additional subscribers will
be cut in to the automatic board each
day. The sixty phones connected
Monday were along Norfolk avenue.
The first man to use the automatic
system was Councilman B. B. Kauff
man. He called up Sol Mayer at the
Star Clothing store.
The. Initial sixty had to get along
Monday without a directory. A tem
porary directory vs-as prepared , how
ever , for distribution Tuesday morn
ing. New directories will be distrib
uted each day until the comparatively
slow work of connecting the new
phones Is completed.
The independent company opened
their Norfolk campaign last summer.
The Exchange Building.
The franchise passed the city council
July 8 , 1907. A temporary ofllce was
opened July 1C. August 12 the first
shipment of material was received ,
The actual work on the plant began
August 15. The number of men on
the pay roll have varied from seven
to forty-one. The company has spent
$6,713.29 for labor.
Wires have been run for 237 tele
phones , which will be cut Into tha
switchboard as fast as possible.
Some of the conditions imposed by
the franchise granted the company
were that work should be started with
in sixty days , that a $5,000 bond
should insure the city against damage
suits , and that a $500 guarantee should
bo placed that service should bo given
within eighteen months.
No employes or other parties have
been hurt during the construction of
the plant.
The officers of the Norfolk Long
Distance Telephone company are :
Burt Mapes , president ; P. Michael-
son , vice president ; W. A. Wltzlgman ,
secretary-tieasurer ; W. J. Stadelman ,
general manager. In addition to those
gentlemen , Dr. P. H. Sailer IB a mem
ber of the board of directors.
The State Electrical Society of Ne
braska Has Been Meeting In Omaha
During the Past Week Mr. Dullock
Has Long Been Prominent Member.
Omaha , Neb. , May S Special to
The News : E. A. Bullock of Norfolk ,
president of the Norfolk Electric
Light and Power company , was late
last night elected president of the
Nebraska Slate Electrical soclet.\
This organization ha been conven
ing In Omaha during the past week.
E. A. Bullock.
Mr. Bullock has for several years been
one of the prominent members of the
association. His election as president
came unanimously and was the more
of a compliment because totally un
sought or unlocked for by him. Mr.
Bullock made a clever speech of ac
C. A. Smith is in Lincoln.
H. F. Barnbart Is In Lynch.
II. M. Scott was down from Plain-
G. Hooker of Stanton was in Nor
folk on business.
J. S. Smith is home from a business
trip to Omaha and Lincoln.
Mrs. Mable Jasmer of Creighton
was the guest of Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon ,
Mrs. Sherman Willey returned last
evening from Sioux City where she
had been visiting friends for a week.
Elmer E. Thomas , president of the
Dmaha civic federation , who has beer
In Norfolk as attorney for the W. C ,
T. u. remonstrators , remained In the
city until Friday.
A. C. Vradenburg , W. C. Ahlmar
and Ulrich Boehnkc are home frorr
Lincoln where they played with th (
Madison band at the state gathering
of Modern Woodmen. The Madlsor
band won first prize in the contest
among amateur bands of the state.
Among the day's out of town visit
ors in Norfolk were : A. W. McKean
David City ; J. L. Sanders , Stanton ;
M. Wilson , Jack Sullivan , O'Neill ; E <
O'Sliea , Madison ; W. W. Quivey
Pierce ; Fred H. Free , Plainview ;
MlBsea Blanche Bell and Edith Stln
son , Wayne ; H. H. Howarth , Wes
Mrs. L. C. Hurford and son , Archie
who have been spending the winte :
in Norfolk with Mrs. Hurford's fathei
and mother , Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mus
selman , will leave tomorrow for theii
future home in St. Louis , where Mr
Hurford , who is a traveling salesmai
for the Rennard Curtain and Draper ;
company of St. Louis , is to make hi :
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Reid are hem <
from Sioux City.
Otto Holz of Guttenburg , Iowa , ha !
a position in the Leonard drug store
Miss Edith Vlele returned at nooi
from Omaha , where she has been at
tending the state convention of thi
Eastern Star order.
Smith Brothers have sold 610 acre )
of Koya Palm county land tor $15 ai
Mrs. George B. Christoph returnee
at noon from the Eastern Star con
vention in Omaha.
Mrs. George Burton returned yester
day from Omaha , where she attendee
the Eastern Star convention.
Mr. Zastrow , a retired farmer living
on East Norfolk avenue , was operatec
on for appendicitis yesterday by Dr
P. H. Salter. He has been iu pooi
health all winter.
Mis Alice Holt has accepted tlu
position of stenographer for the Sturgeon
goon Music company , Miss Sherde
man the former stenographer havlnf
returned to her home in Friend.
Dr. D. K. Tyndall delivered his
lecture on Palestine nt Clearwater this
Among the spectators from awaj
who attended the enactment of th <
final chapter In the saloon contra
versy at the city hall Thursday after
noon were Rev. E. J. Connelly. th <
Methodist minister nt Pierce , and At
torney W. W. Quivey of Pierce. Mr
Quivey represented the remonstraton
In the Foster saloon light.
The new saloon ordinance will cul
into the school revenue next year
On the present basis the schools re
ceive $ . " > 00 out of a $750 fee , hut next
year they will receive only $300 out
of a $1,200 fee. The wholesale license
foe will remain nt $500 $ , all of which
goes to the school fund. Two whole
sale licenses have been granted sc
far , one to the Gund Brewing coiupanj
and one to Charles Rice.
John F. Flyuu , the retiring chief o )
police , who is Btill constable of thit
precinct , has been presented with c
neat plated constable's badge by a
number of friends. The budge Is In
the shape of a shield topped by an
eagle. On It are the words "J. F.
Flynn. Constable. Norfolk , Neb. " The
n tiring chief has been more or less
of a storm center during his term of
I'lllce ' but probably no ono will deny
that he linn been one of the most ac-
tl\o olllcers who has ovir had nil eye
OUT Norfolk's behavior and the be
havior of the stranger within the
gates. Flynn was sheriff of Madison
county about a score of years ago.
Drug store permits have been Issu
ed for the coming > ear on a new
basis. The council In granting per
mits to the four drug stores Thurs
day afternoon Issued the penults
\\ltli the provision that no liquor
should he sold except In compounding
and tilling prescriptions prepared by
regular phjslchins. The acting city
attorney stated that this would pre
vent the sale of Intoxicating liquor
usually listed In the leports filed with
the council under the old regulations.
It was only by making this restriction
that the granting of ( he permits was
secured. Councilman Dolan took a
decided stand against Issuing any per
mits to druggists.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glldea , a
The June meeting of the clerks' as
sociation will be a social session.
Mrs. Anna Madsen Is making a num
ber of Improvements to her residence
on Madison avenue.
The missionary society of the Con
gregational church met with Mrs. W.
Af Robertson on Tuesday afternoon.
A company of little hoys and girls
were supper guests In the homo of
Dr and Mrs. H. J. Cole on Saturday
Friends of Mrs. H. E. Hardy be
lieve that she will be able to leave the
Columbus hospital by the latter part
of the month.
J. H. Conley , district deputy of the
Eagles , last week initiated twenty
new candidates at North Bend and
sixty-nine at Fremont.
Dr. C. A. McKlm has been appoint
ed as a delegate to the national con
gress on tuberculosis , which meets in
Washington next fall.
An error appeared In the notice of
city council meeting , when it said the
meeting would begin at 7:30. : It
should have read 8 o'clock.
The King road drag has been re
paired and was run over Norfolk av
enue yesterday by Street Commis
sioner Lee. The drag did its usual
efficient work.
It is stated that E. L. Barrett , who
fell from a ladder while attempting
to clean a window at the Junction
eating house and who died a short
time afterwards , was llfty-four years
Madison Star-Mall : The Bradys of
Norfolk , whose children were taken
to the Lincoln home , were residents
of this city for a short time and it
was one of the little girls who was
so heroically rescued from the cess
pool by Wm. Test.
J. S. McClary left Thursday for
Dixon , 111. , where he went to attend
a reunion of his old regiment. Out
of twelve hundred men only about two
hundred are left. Mr. McClary will
also visit a few weeks with Ills sister ,
who lives near Dixon.
Neligh Leader : Sanford Dodge did
a very gracious act Thursday after
noon , giving with the aid of members
of his company , selected Shakespear
ian renditions at the academy chapel
to students of the academy and pu
pils of the high school and grammar
Neligh Leader : Smith Grant moved
to Norfolk. The change was made ,
not because of any objections to Ne
ligh as a home , but In order that ho
might be nearer his business inter
ests , and be able to see his old friends
occasionally. In common with oth
ers1 , the writer regrets losing so good
a citizen in this community.
P. E. Barrett , a Northwestern fire
man , is in Chicago taking an engi
neer's examination. Mr. Barrett was
taking the examination in Chicago ,
when he was suddenly called from
his examination papers by word of
the accidental death of his father , E.
L. Barrett , He returned to Chicago
last evening to resume the interrupt
ed examination.
Elgin Review : Willis McBride is
now the sole owner of a mere -go-
round which Is complete In nil appoint
ments , Including engine , teiitu , etc. .
This In the machliio that Mr. M -
Hrlde'H little gl nvliw hurt Iu la tit
Fourth of July , and the HUIIIC has slncn
hern in litigation , and Jimt. yoni rdny
the matter was closed up by Mr , Mo-
llrhle becoming the owner of the out-
It has not yet been learned dellnlte-
1 > \\heiher or not Grand Worth.v Pres
ident Thcmloio A. Itell of California
will he able to attend Iho nlut ( ) con
vent Ion of Hagles In thin city next
June. Mr. Bell wrote that oilier dnti-n
Interposed hut the local coiumlllee him
continued the coirespondeuco. Grand
Treasurer lleriitg of South Bend.
Ind. , nm.\ come to Norfolk for the
.Mapes' "own , " Norfolk'H amateur
baseball nine which oiitnldo of one or
two occasion ! ! has never been defeat
ed , IK looking about for outside hon
ors. Manager J. S. Mnlhowson ban
scheduled a game with Stanton t < bo
played In Stanton on Juno 5. Stanton
Is enthusiastic over the game and will
turn out In big crowds to support her
own business men. Norfolk automo
bile owners are arranging to attend
the game and It Is thought that nearly
every machine In town will make thw
Stanton trip.
The biennial convention of tlto
brotherhood of locomotive citglncorH
of the United SUites , Canada and
Mexico will convene In the city ol
Columbus , Ohio , tomorrow. At the
coming session seven hundred and
fifty subdivisions will bo represented
by delegates. This division Is repre
sented at the convention by William1
French of Missouri Valley , who wim
sent east by the Fremont division.
Councilman C. J. IHbben was orig
inally elected to represent the Elkhorn -
horn or Norfolk division but was un
able to attend. These conventions
always attract a great number of vis
iting engineers and their families , in
addition to the regular delegates , fully
ten thousand having attended the Los
Angeles convention four years ago ,
with nearly that many at Memphis ,
Tenn. , In I90G. Owing to the largo
attendance and the fact that the ses
sions usually last from three to five
weeks , much rivalry exists among the.
cities contesting for the next conven
Keith Was Acquitted.
Wlllard Keith , who was charged ,
with embezzling $1,500 from the John
A. Davenport store at Elgin , was ac
quitted , Judge Welch Instructing the
Jury to return a verdict for the de
fendant In district court at Ncllglu
The state failed to prove that an em
bezzlement had taken place , according
to the judge.
When liberated , Keith turned
around and sued W. C. Davenport and' '
John A. Davenport for $5,800 dam
ages , alleged to bo duo from frxlso-
A confession signed by Keith ad
mitting that he had taken $1,500 , was
ruled out by the court. It was claimed
that the confession had been obtained
under duress and threats ,
Alex Peters Will Take Office Next
Chief Flynn will remain nt the head' '
of the Norfolk police force until next
Monday , transferring his authority at
that time to Alex Peters , the new
chief. Mr. Peters had. certain busi
ness matters which he wished to close
up before entering on his ofllcial du
The new chief has had experience ;
as an officer. For six years Mr.
Peters was sheriff of Stanton county.
The retiring chief Is an ex-sheriff ol
Madison county.
State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucav
county , as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co , , dolnc business In the1
City of Toledo , County and State afore
said , and that said firm will pay the
each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hnll'c
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence , this 6th day of Decem
ber , A. D. 1886.
( Senl ) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure In tnkon inter-
filly , and nets directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
V. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Sold by all Druggists. 7Gc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Yosemite Valley
This wonderful place will never cease to attract visitors. If one
lias eofii nil the rest of the world , mid 1ms loft this
Valley out , ho Btill lacks BQinothnig in his
experiences. If you cameo
but one place in
By all means let that ONE place be YOSEMITE.
No description can intorpert its sublimity Wluitovor
you miss in life do not leave Yosemite out.
Be sure your tickets read
via the
Uniorv Pacific
For leaflets inquire of
C. W. LANDERS , Agent
: /

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