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THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , . . . NORFOLK NKUltASKA Kill DAY MAY 'J2. I'.lOb ' JUDGE WELCH SETS ASIDE DI VORCE RECENTLY GRANTED. WINDER NOW HAS TWO WIVES After Obtaining a Divorce Some Months Ago , Winder Was Married to Mrs. H. A. Haley of This City , Who Had Also Secured Divorce. Madison , Nob. May ll. ! Special to Tlio News : The dlvorco granted 10- conlly to A II Winder of Norfolk from hlH wife , Mary I Winder , was lust night net aside by Judge Welch , on the ground that Winder obtained his dlvoicu by collusion This loaves Winder with two wives After the clivoicc' hud been gianted to him , Winder was niairlod , lecontly , to Mrs. H. A. Haley , of Norfolk , at Superior , Wls Mm Hulcj secured a dlvorco from her huHband dome mouths ago , aUo. Mr Winder and Mr. Haley had been bimlncHH purliiota In Norfolk. The Febi uiuj teim of couit wag Adjoin nod this moiiilng and the May toim taken up Dociee for dlvoice was gi anted In thu case of David T Hodson VH. bin wife , in the case of .Mis Pearl Holcomho her hus band , Gu > A. Holcomho The couit took up naturalbatlon impure * this forenoon Chris LeiiHer's tilal has not yet come up. His sureties will bo hero today. Annexation Case Comes to Norfolk. The Norfolk annexation cases will IHJ tried in Norfolk after the jury work IB finished her * . Maloney-Osbornc Marriage Annulled. Now York , May 21 The man luge f Miss Helen Maloney of Philadelphia to Arthur Osborne , a stock broker of thU city , was annulled by order of JuHtico McCall. The young woman went thiough a manlago ceremony . with Mi Osborne before a justlco of ) tlio peace lu Mamaioneck , N. Y. , In December. 1905 , during which she gave the name ot Helen Eugenie and Mr Oshoino gave the name of Herbert Ogdcn After the marriage the two re turned to their homos and Miss Ma- lonry lived with hoi parents for a long time without the escapade being known In October , 1907 , she eloped with Samuel Claikson , a } oung Kng- llsbman , and the ) weie man led in Monti cnl. f GAS EXPLOSION IS FATAL Furnltur * Store at Chicago Wrecked and Several Persons Injured. Chicago , May 21 The retail furnl- tuio store of John A Colby & Sons was badly vviacKcd , one woman fatally Injured and several other slightly hurt by an explosion of gas Some workmen who wcro making tepalis In the collar loft a lighted candle close to the gas meter , and a terrific explosion followed. The win dowg of the building on the first , second end and third floors wer * blown out , the first floor was torn up and much furniture badly damaged. MARSH DIESJF RABIES Wealthy Brooklynlte Bears Up Bravely to the Last. New York , May 21. The fate that the physicians at the Pasteur Institute predicted for him ou Monday overtook William H Marsh of Broolyn when , at his residence on Ocean avenue , the well-to-do manufacturer of water meters died of hydrophobia His end was peaceful , as he wa put under the influence of opiates early In the day and was kept free front pain to the last. Mr Marsh bore up bravely and busied himself in winding up hU per Bonal affairs until the paroxysms be < gan to seize him and induced the admin Istratlon of opiates. In hli intervals of freedom from pain , he bade fare well to the members of his family , who had gathered at his home , and made final disposition of hla business affairs Balloon Ascension Is Fatal. Rio Janeiro , May 21. A fatal bal loon ascension was made here by Lieu tenant Fonseca of the Drazllllan army. Fonsecn entered the car and was completing his final preparations when a strong gust of wind obliged the men who wore holding the guy ropea to let go. The balloon shot up into the air , breaking the laat ropes that held It to the ground. It rose to an altitude of 3,000 feet , wh n suddenly donly it collapsed , and fell down to the earth with unchecked rapidity. The lieutenant was crushed to death Fourteen Inches of Snow at Sheridan. Alliance , Nob. , May 21. The mosl severe snowstorm of the year raged at Sheridan , Wyo. , where the snow Is fourteen Inches on Uie Uvel. The weather Is gradually growing coldw here. Cummins Out for Prouty. Dos Molnes , May 21. Governor Cummins has caused considerable commotion In district political circles by making the formal announcement that ho favors the nomination of Judge S. F. Prouty of this city for congress as against Captain J. A. T. Hull , who Is a candidate for re election. Missouri Bankers Meet. Joplln , Mo , May 21. One thousand Missouri bankers held the eighteenth annual convention of their state asso elation Colonel J. D Powers of Louisville , president of the American Bankers' association , reviewed "Gen- MISSOURI IS JOB BRYAN Thirty Six Delegates to National Con vention Instructed 'or ' Nebraskan. Jefferson City. Mo. , Mu > 21. Voclf citui } u\n \ i.iuii ii u\ui > moiil. on of William J Biuti9 ) name , the U , | futea to tlio Democratic stiito ieiM ! n- lion hero Instructed MlHsourl'ti ti la.- six delegates to the national u IIM.M- lion tooio us a unit for the * lion of the Nohnukan for piusiiti'iit. Tin,1 convention ulao re elected \ \ Ill- lit in A Holhwell of Moborlj national coinmltteeman , declined for a deep terway and voted down a luuolutum to disfranchise lt'iioiant and vicious Tlio convention wiw oigunlzod torn- porurllj with 1,000 delegate" ! piouent and with John M. Atkinson ot Rlplov county nu tempoiaiy chairman and Ovid Hell of Pulton OB fiocu > tai\ State Senator F. M McDavtd was made permiinjiit chairman and W T Jenkins or Plntt tonnty secretary Governor Folk and United States Senator . A Stone were chosen delegates gates i < ? ; < o by acclamation Jailing \ Rood Kansas Olt > and 0 11 ri.-uuls c Louis were clotted by ballot * o AGED NEW YORiv SENATOR CAR. RIED INTO COURT. NEVER PROPOSED TO MAE WOOD Repudiates Signature Purporting to Be His on Marriage Certificate Of fered in Evidence by Omaha Wom an Pajd $10,000 to Miss Wood. New York. May 21 Ph > 8kally BO weak that piactically he had to be car ried in and out of the court room , United States Senator Thomas C. Platt was at times a spirited witness when he appeared to testify In bin own behalf in Mao 0. Wood's suit for absolute divorce irora him Ills denial of ull the charges brought by Mls Wood in her suit was emphatic and when pioddod too hard by the plain tiff's counsel the aged senator proved hlmsolf capable of vlgotous response While the defendant in tlio action was In the coi t room much of the day , Miss Wood , the plaintiff , did not attend the trial. The presentation of the case for the delense , aside from Senator Platt's own testimony , was marked by u sharp attack on the au thenticity of the imuiiago cettillcate which .Miss Wood offered in evidence to support her contention of a matrl menial contract with the senator. Thii was followed by an effort to show that a letter , Invhlch Senator Platt is said to have admitted Ills marriage to Mist Wood , was vviltten over his signature on a blank sheet ot paper , to which h previously affixed his nutogiaph on re quest of two women applicants foi it while he iras stopping at the Hotel Arlington in this city In 1906 Senator Platt , himselt , In his testl mony , categorically denied that he ov r married , or promised to marry the plaintiff , repudiated the signature purporting to be hie on the marriage certificate and the genuineness of sev eral letters which Miss Wood testi fied cam * to her from him. He tentlfled that he paid $10,000 to hie son , Frank H. Platt , to bring about * settlement of a suit brought agalnit him by Miss Wood , through the law firm of Howe Si Hummell. FLEET ENTERSPU6ET SOUND _ Battleships Round Extreme Northwest ern Point of United States. Seattle , Wash. . May 21. The Allan tic battleship Heet this morning round ed the extreme northwestern point of the United States and entered the Strait of Juan do Fuca , proceeding In the direction of Puget sound. When Port Angeles Is passed the Louisiana , Missouri and Ohio will turn out of the line and drop anchor in that harbor. Opposite Port Townsend the Illinois , Koarsarge , Wisconsin , Nebraska and Kentucky will turn to the right. The two former will anchor at Port Townsend , while the two latter will go on to the navy yards at Bremerton. The remaining vessels of the fleet , led by the Connecticut , will continue on through Deception pass to Belllnghnm. At every port where the ships of war will stop extensive plans have been made for entertainment. On the morning- May 23 all th * vessels will raise their anchors and assemble at Port Towneend and steam to Seattle for a visit of several days before proceeding to Tacoma. MANUFACTURERSELECT OFFICERS _ _ J. W. Van Cleave of St. Louis Again Head * National Association. New York , May 21. With olectlom of officers , followed by a banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria , th * National As soclatlon of Manufacturers closed 1U annual convention here. The principal address was made by Senator Bever- Idge of Indiana , who spoke for a mod ernization of the tariff , and eongratu latod the manufacturers on their prompt action in adopting a resolution demanding a permanent tariff commts slon. slon.Tho The association re-elected J. W. Van Cleave of St. Louis as president , Fran cis H Stlllman as treasurer , and dl rectors at large ns follows , David M Parry of Indianapolis , Ludwlg Nlssen of Now York , C W. Post of Bsttle ! Creek , Mich , D. A Tompklns of Charlotte , N. C , John Klrhy , Jr. , of Dayton , O. ; J. Burtollo of Columbui , 0. EDWARD SCHWANCK OF WISNER HAS FATAL FALL. SIDE OF WAGON SEAT GAVE WAY Mr. Schwank Was Driving Home With a Load of Shingles The Shingles Shifted and He Leaned Back to Re arrange Them , When Seat Broke. Wlsnor , Neb , May 21. Special to The News. 13d vv aid Schwank , a farmer living no-ir here , lell out of a lumhei wagon while driving homo last night and broke his neck. Ho was leaning back to rearrange some shingles in tlio wagon box , which had shifted , when the side of the seat bioke , allowing htm to drop to the ground , sttlklng upon his head. Two neighbors , who were driving just behind Mr. Schwank , saw the ac cident. A wife and two children sur vive. The mother of Mr. Schvvauk lives In Wisnei and the icmalnswere hi ought to town The accident oc curred at about 5 o'clock last night. Minnows "As They Run. " Nollgh , Neb , Ma ) 21. Special to The News' The demand for minnows from John Ma ) bin } of this cit ) has leached the extent that not only home talent are his customois , but patrons of bait fiom Omaha arc coming to Neligh to secure the best there is "us they run. " II. D. Noel ) , manager of a life in- suianco company , with headquarters at Omaha , has been In the city this week In company with his son , Fay Neel ) . Wednesda ) the ) concluded to take a fishing tilp , and secured an order from Mr. Mabur ) for the ie- qulicd amount of minnows for the occasion. After an examination for the fulfillment of the eider that ex tended fiom the mllkliun to the city paik , the ) finally "took a tumble" that the minnows should be caught as the ) run. The treat was on Mr. H D Johnson Family Outnumbers Smith. Omaha , May 21 With a pi open- sit } of piogoti ) tiul ) Rooseveltlan , Johnson has succeeded In outnumber ing Smith bv flfty per cent Omaha's new cit ) dliectory , out to- da } , sas there aie 1,790 Johnsons in town and only l.USO Smiths. There aie 11 % pages of Johnson , embrac ing 7G ! ) sop.mitc names , which means 1,790 members of the famil ) , counting those In the diiectoi ) . Thoie aie ' /fe pages of Smith , embiacing 1,228 names , which means 1,380 in the fam ily. Lightning Victim Critical Condition. Rosalie , Neb , Ma ) 21 Carrie Cop- pie , aged 9 , who was lecently stiuck bv lightning is in a critical condition and it is doubtful If she will recover. The llttlo girl is the daughter of W. II Copple , who was murdered by Illg- gins a few months ace AINSWORTH BEATS ATKINSON. 2 to 1 Ball Game at Ainsworth Bride groom-Elect Makes a Score. Ainsworth , Neb , May 21. Special to The News : Atkinson and Alns * worth plaved ball hero last evening , Ainsworth winning b ) a score of 2 to 1. One of the runs for Ainsworth was made by Robert M. Herre , the bridegroom-elect. Herre-Rathburn. Ainsvvorth , Neb. , May 21. Special to The News : Robert M. Herre , as sistant cashier of the CltUens State bank of this city , , and Miss Jennie Rathburn , weie married last evening at the home of the bride's sister , Mrs. J. H Davlson. The groom Is a son of the late Fred Herro of Hooper , Neb. 60FFEY CONTROLS CONVENTION Pennsylvania Democrats Decide Not to Instruct for Bryan. Harrlsbuig , Pa , May 21. After one of the hardest fights within the party in several ) eurs , the Democratic state convention here decided not to In struct its delegates at large to the Denver convention for Br > an. It wa * a clean cut victory for the Democratic organization , headed by Colonel James M Guffey of Pittsburg , the POHUB- ! vanla member of the national commit tee. Colonel Guffey maintained all along that he and his friends would control the convention , but their claims wore always disputed by th * leaders of the faction who wore in fa vor of issuing binding instructions for Bryan. The Brjanltes , under the lead ership of the executive committee of the Bryan Democratic league , had a large following , and they foueht to the bitter end Th * platform declares for tariff re vision and that "such revision should be based upon the equitable protection of American labor when compatlnu with foreign manufacturers " Broker Molntyre ArresUd. Now York , May 21. Upon the find ing of an indictment against him by the grand Jury , Thomas A. Mclntyro of the failed brokerage firm of T. A. Mclntyre & Co. wan arrested ou a warrant charging grand larceny lu the first degree He gave ball in the sum o' $25 000 and was released Mr. Me- Intyre's arrest was made in the face of vigorous piotost b ) his physicians at the sanitarium , where he has been a patient since shortly after the fall- Business Rivalry Ends In Killing. Hot Springs. S D. May HI William Bto'Kton Bliot and killed Robert Cramer hero Although mortally wounded , Cramer grnsped a heavy Iron liar and bout his assailant almost Into Insensibility before ho collapsed. Cramer was a pioneer of the IJluck Hills countr ) Doth ho and Stockton WCTO blacksmiths and the fight was the result of business rivalry Stock ton surrendered. Carnegie Hero Fund Awards. Plttsbure. May 21 The Carnegl * hero fund commission , at its regular quarter ! ) meeting , passed upon clchty- live cases Investigated since its last meeting , granting a medal or medal and cash lu thirty and rejecting fifty- five applications as not coming within the scope of the comnjlsslon's work METHODISTS ELECT DR. ANDER SON AND REV. NUELSEN. LONG LIST OF CANDIDATbS Dr. William A. Quayle of Chicago Like ly to Secure a Place on Episcopal Board Colored Candidate Is Ninth on First Ballot. Baltimore , May 21 The first ballot for bishops at the Methodist Episcopal general conference resulted in no ehoico. Rev Dr William Anderson of New York headed the list , with 44C votes ; Rev. J. L. Nuelsen of the Chicago cage German conference was second , with 44G ; Rev. William A. Quayle of Chicago , third , 319 , Rov. Dr. B. H. .Hughes , president of Dapnuw univer sity , fourth , 271 , Rev. Dr. J. R. Cooke of Tennessee , book editor of the church , fifth , 260 ; Rev. Dr. Henry G. Jennings , manager Western Book con cern , sixth , 256 , Rev. O. W. Smith , seventh , 251 ; Rev. W B. Lowla , eighth , 248 ; Rev M. O. B. Mason ( colored , ninth , 237 There wore 770 effective ballots cast , of which 514 were necessary to a choice A second ballot was ordered. A number received over 100 votes and the remainder of a long list from that figure down to a few votes each Information believed to be reliable is to the effect that the second ballot cast by the confeienco resulted In the election as bishops of Rev W F An- derton of New York , secretary of the board of education , rreedman's Aid and Sunda ) schools , and Rev J L. N'lolseu a professv % of the German Wal'ace ' college at Uerea O L BISHOP MORRISON ASKS AID His Iowa Jurisdiction May Be Split Into Two Dioceses. KeokuK , la , May 21 The most im portant business transacted at the first day's session of the Episcopal state convention was the appointment of u committee to consider Bishop Thomas Monlson's suggestion that the diocese of Iowa bo divided , the committee be ing instructed to report in the morn ing. Bishop Morrison , in his annual ad dress , thought It advisable to have a coadjutor. Ho did not propose to ask for another bishop , he said until con vinced that adequate support would be provided and until he Is assured that the support of another bishop was without detriment to the existing work of the church. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew held its annual meeting , the feature being an address by J L. Houghtellng of Chicago on "Brotherhood , Man's Atti tude in Service. " IOWA CONGREGATIONALISTS MEET General Association of Churches In Conference at Waterloo. Waterloo , la , May 21. The sixty- ninth annual conference of the general association ot Congregational churches of Iowa Is in session here , with a large attendance of clergymen and delegates. The session will last four days , and the theme is "The Forward Movement of Congregationalism. " Addresses of welcome were given by Mayor Daly on the part of the city and by the Rev. W II Rollins on the part of the local churches , with a response by W. D. nvans of Hampton , the retiring moderator. The twenty-second annual meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary union opened The feature of the aft ernoon program vvaa a missionary ad dress by Miss Lldia A Ringer of Chicago cage Move for Church Union. Pittsburg , Ma ) 21 The Methodist Protestant general conference gave decided impetus to the movement to unite all Methodist bodies in the Unit ed States into one organized body when it ordered printed the report of Its committee on church union , pro viding that a commission of nine be appointed to confer with a Ilka com mission from the Methodist Eplacopal church , with a view to amalgamating the bodies which have been separated for eighty years. Baptists at Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City , Okla. , May 21. With 1,000 delegates In attendance and from 2,000 to 3 000 due to arrive the Northern Baptist anniversary was con vened In White temple The object of the convention , which IB to continue for a week , is to receive and consider reports of the American Baptist Mis slouary union , the American Baptist Homo Missionary society , the Amer loan Baptist Publication society and any other general denominational or WEST POINT GIRL WEDDED A MARRIED MAN. FIRST WIFE CAUSES ARREST William P. Hnynes , Who Was Married to Miss Eleanor Thlele of West Point , Neb. , Two Years Ago , Al ready Had Wife , Who Now Appears Omaha , Neb , Mn > 21 Special to The News William P Haynes has beou arrested and lodged In jail lioio on complaint lllod by u deserted wife , charging abandonment and nonsupport port Two joins ago Hiijnea wasmar- ilod to Miss niennor Thlolo of West Point , Neb , daughter of a newspaper man at that place It has just devel oped that at that time Ha > nes had a wife whom he had deserted The original wife succeeded lu learning of Ha ) HOB' second martiiigc and caused his arrest. SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PARADE Two Thousand Reviewed by Veterans of the Grand Army at Hastings. Hastings , Neb May 21. Two thou sand school chlldien ot Hastings nfarcliod lu the Grand Array pniailo heio , which was headed by Dopatt- moiit Commander Thomas Crelgh and the other officers of tlio patriotic or ganization The exeicls H of the morn Ing concluded with the presentation of a Hag to the children by the Worn on's Relief Corps and of a plctur * of President Lincoln by the L-adlea of the Grand Army of the Republic. The secret business sessions of the throe allied bodies began , the veterans meeting in the ICerr opera house and the Women's Relief Corps and the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re public In churches. The business of chief Importance is th election of of ficers and the selection of the place for holding the uoxt encampment. Among the candidates for department commander are Judge B. A. Barnes ot Grand Island , A. W. Tnylor of Nelleh. Fiod Denier of Syracuse , L. D. Richards - ards of Fremont and' ' Freeman Marrl- man of Kearney. Pluttsmouth and York are contending for the next ses sion , with York in the lead. Among the candidates for office at the hand of veterans , Dr. Biothersa of Beatrice Is mentioned for senior vice commander , W H. Stewart of Geneva , for Junior vice commander , and Rev J. MIcKel of Lincoln , for chaplain. A large list of candidates Is In the field for the position of delegate to the na tional encampment that will meet at Toledo , Aug 31 to Sept. 5. Four hundred and fifty veterans have registered at the various aux iliary associations CHURCHMEN FAYOR NEW ORDER CongregatlonallstE of Omaha District Indorse Consolidation. Springfield , Neb. , May 21. Cougre- nationalists of the Omaha association concluded their session here after de ciding to follow out the recommenda tions of the national council and taka steps for incorporating and consolidat ing the various district sessions lu Ne braska. A meeting for this purpose will be held in October , to which Rev. L. O. Balrd of Omaha was elected min isterial delegate and G. U Loomts of Fremont lay delegate. 'ilie treasurer elected wan R v , J. H. Storm of Irvlngton , and the scribe , Rev. Frank Mills of Omaha. The Oma ha association voted to donate | 300 to the Weeping Water academy. Shercllff Under Arr t. Omaha , May 21. Chief Donahue has received word from the chiet of police at Lanslne. Mich. , that Frank Shcrcliff has l > een arrested there on the charge ot highway robbery and wants information about him. Sherollff was the man convicted of the theft of the Pollock jewels in 1892 , receiving a sentence In the penitentiary of sev enteen years and later was the stai witness for the state in the trial of Tom Dennlson , charged with being hit accomplice In th robbery. MURDERESS OFFICIALLY DEAD Coroner Mack Files First Verdict In the Gunness Case. Laporte , Ind , May 21 "It Is my verdict that the body so viewed Is that of Mrs Bella Gunness and she came to her death through felonious homicide and that the perpetrator thereof Is to me unknown. " Such was the verdict rendered by Coroner Mack The official declaration that the body of the adult female round in the ruins of the fire of April 28 , which destroyed the home of Mrs Bella Gunness , was that of Mrs Gun- ness Is the sequel to the report of Dr. r. P Norton. Mrs Gunness' dentist , that the bridges Holding gold-filled teeth were those of Mrs Gunness The official finding of the cot oner will re lieve the state's attorney of the neces sity of proving In court , should occa sion icqulre , that Mrs Gunness I dead Coroner Mack expects to file verdicts In the other deaths In a few days This Is the first official verdict In the Gunness case. Mining Troubles Ended. Kansas Cit ) , May 21 After scvent ) da ) s of negotiations , the coal mining troubles of the southwest , where 35 000 men are upon a strike wore prac tical ! } ended when the Joint subcommittee mitteo of the operators and mlneis reached an agreement on the wage THE CONQITIONJJF THE WEATHFR Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * . Forecast for Nebraska. Condition of ttiu weather a record oil for the tw out-four bourn ending at 8 a in today. Maximum Sr > Mlnliiniin Hit Av outgo < ! 2 Haiomoter 29 > 0 Hnlnfnll II Chicago , May 21. The bulletin IB- sued by tlio Chicago Btutlon of tlio t'nltcd States weather bmoaii gives ( ho foiocast for Nebraska na follows : ( lOtieiall ) fait tonight and Pi Ida ) Light float tonight YESTERDAY'S ' BASEBALL RESULTS National Loasue St Louis. 1 , New Yoik , 0 Pittsburg , 1 ; Hrooltlyn , X. Chicago , 5 , Boston , 3 Clncilinutl , 8 ; I'hlliuk-lprla , 0 American League Philadelphia , 1 ; St IxiilH , 3 Uoslon , 3 , CloNoland , 4. Amei iciin Ashoclatlou Indianapolis , 2 , ColumbtiH , 1 Minneapolis , 4 , St Paul. 3 ToloiU ) , I ! , UuUvIllo , 0. Kan- has Clt > , 4 , Milwaukee 7 WoKtoin League Lincoln , 4 , 1'ueb- lo , 3 Ul Innings ) Oinaba , 4 , SlouK City , 8. Dei Molnes , 7 , Denver , C. FINDINGS OF COMMITTEE IN LIL- LEY CASE UPHELD. HIS ACTS WERE IN BAD FAITH Williams Denounces Connecticut Con gressman as Being Guilty of Treason and Wants Him Expelled Senator Rayner Speaks on Stewart Case. Washington , May 21. The conclu sions ot the special committee which has been iuv estimating the charges of Represuntatlvo LI Hey Umt mombcru of the house had buun improperly in fluenced in connection with submarine ) torpedo bout construction , that Mr. Lllloy had violated hla obligations aa a mum her and hud acted in bad faith toward thu committee and in contempt of the bouse were sustained by tb9 house by a vote of 167 to 82 Tha Con necticut meinhciB joined In voting againat the resolution by which the house adopted the conclusions of the committee as Its o\\n Williams ( Miss ) denounced Lilloy as being guilty ot treason , for which , ho said , lit should be expelled He presumed that tlio reason tlio committee did not cairy its lopoit to a recommendation to that end \\as because Mi. Lillcy was at ills home ill and unable to be present to defend himself in such u. proceeding. The partial conference report on the sundry civil appioprlatlon bill occa sioned a livel ) debate It was adopted and the tonfeices will continue their efforts to arrive at a complete agree ment Senator Rayner on Stewart Case. Senator Rayner again made an ap peal to the senate for a vote on a reso lution "authorizing and requesting" the piesident to appoint a court of inquiry to investigate charges against Colonel William V. Stewart , coast ar tillery , stationed at Fort Grant , Ari zona. Rayner declared his belief that the committee on military affairs would not report his resolution during the present session of congress and asked that a modified resolution he had prepared be acted upon by the senate without the Intervention of the committee. Objection being made , the further consideration of the resolu tion was postponed. The omnibus public buildings bill was passed by thu senate It carries appropriations ag gregating about $45,000,000 A bill to prevent the desecration of the Hag of the United Statey was passed. The conference report on the fortifications bill was adopted and a partial agree ment on the civil sundry bill was re ported by the conferees and approved by the senate FAIL TO AGREEJN MONEY BILL Congressional Joint Committee Favors Naming Currency Commission. Washington , May 21. The appoint ment of a currency commission , to be composed of nine senators and nine members of the house , will be provid ed for In a bill which Senator Aldrich will Introduce In thu senate , and if this Is passed by congress It will com prise all of the financial legislation that will be enacted at the present session. This course was decided upon by the confoiees on the Aldrlch-Vreoland currency bill at a conference , which demonstrated bejond question that there is no hope of getting an agree ment between the senate and house on an emergency measure. Undoubtedly odly this decision means that leaders In congress are detoiulned upon a final adjournment of congress next Saturday. Waddell Quits St. Louis Team. Philadelphia. May 21. The St Ixiuls Fiasoball team of thu American League left this city for Boston , leaving "Rube" Waddell , the former Phlladol phla pitcher , behind. "Rube" quit the team after declaring that he had not bcf-n treated fairly by the munace inent. Alaskans for Bryan and Grant. Jutxau. Alaska Mio J1 John Ron nun vvut > nominated for deli gate to congre 3 by the Alaska U < > no ratu convention Delegates to the Denver convention were Instructed to support for TWO TRAINS COLLIDE IN BCLGI- UM , KILLING MANY. 100 OTHERS ARC INJURED Many of the Injured Victims Will Die. All of the Cars Were Telescoped Excepting One Accident Is Result of Misplaced Switch. Anlwc'ip , HclKluiii , May 21 A tluoiiKh o\pioss tialu inn Into the I'll- Kilm special , near Conllncli , thin iiioinlnK , telescoping all of the coach es except one on the I'llplm train. It Is believed that 100 peiHinm woio Killed and as nuiii ) moio Injuied , man ) of whom will die us n lesult of tholt Injuilos The accident wan the lomill of n misplaced switch NEBRASKA PHYSICIANS ELECT Dr. L. M. Shaw of Beatrice IB Mndo President of Association. Lincoln , Neb , Ma ) 21 Special to The News ) L M Shaw of OH- oiolii was todii ) elected pioslilonl of the NobiasKu State Medical associa tion Di III ash of Hoatilco , Dr. McCo- natighe ) of York and Di Mult head of Omaha woio locomniciulcMl as mem- boi s of the state boaid of health. AGAINST COMMISSION GRAFT. Doctors Build Up a Defense Fund Against Speculative Suits. Lincoln , May 21 If the Nebraska Medical association can help It , the pi notice thai obtains In some cities mil towns of doing husincs on a com mission hauls must .stop U has du- v eloped that there are doctors who > are lu the habit , when they inn nctoss iKlcal cases in their practice , to send them to some suigoon lu Lincoln 01 Omaliii , who will divide up with him In foes The state association , in session hoie , denounces this us unethical A pioposed law Is Intiodiiced avowedly "to control dishonest competition" The fact that this Incioases tlio cost to patients Is dopiocatoil , hut th * chief objection llos In the fact that the business ROC" ? , not to the most skillful sniKoons , but to the one who will divideup. . The association also docldod to put a ciimp into the business of shstr kiw.veis who hi ing malpincllco casou fiRalnst doctois. It has assessed mem- boi.s $1 a ) ear lor a fund which will be used b ) "holdup" ai lists The doctois sa ) the ) don't waul to lellevo an ) praetltionoi ol the consequence * of unskillful tioatmont , but wish to put n stop to these cases , which me glowing moi o nu morons each jcar , where the suit is piuol ) speculative , hiought to be settled , man ) doctoiu proferilng to pay the amount of the foe they would have to pa ) a lawor to defend them and save publicity. Wallingford-Frazey. Valentine , Neb , May 21. Special to The News J. R. Walllngford of Lake , Neb , and Miss Kiavoy of New ton , wore married jesterday aftemoon at the Prefab } torlnn parsonage by Rev. Mr Ileale The ceremony was pri vate , the bride's sister being the only person at the wedding. Mis William Abel and daughter of Tllden weie In Norfolk. Mrs. P. J. Juhl and chlldien went to Omaha to attend the wedding of Mis Juhl's niece , Miss Maty Petter- son Indiana Prohibs Name State Ticket. Indianapolis , May 21. The Piotii- bitionlsts of Indiana nominated a state ticket , headed h ) Siianer W Haes of Portland for governor Knights Discuss Insurance. Kansas City. May 21 Whether or not the Insurance rates of the society should be raised was the qut-atlon which occupied the time of the annual convention of the Catholic Knights of America Delegates from fourteen states are present , including Presi dent Dennis B Kelly of Memphis Land Fraud Case Nears End. Washington , May 21. The govern ment's case In chlel against Messis. Hyde , Benson and Schneider , now be ing tried In the criminal court on the charge of trlng to defraud the gov ernment of valuable public lands in the west , will probably be concluded today The trial has beto in progress tbirt-five INJUNCTIONJILL CAUCUS House Members Fall to Reach Agree * ment and Will Meet Again. Washington. May 21. The Repub lican members of the house met In conference to determine what should bo the attitude of the majority toward the enactment nt thla session of legis lation modifying thu power of the federal - oral courts to Issue injunttions. Tim ( Onforonco failed to roach an agree ment ami adjourmd until tonight It is i\i i ; in > iitl > a foroRono conclusion i hat li tlio audio ngn-os upon a bill it will tint oxccc | Uio BC op of tin * I ill an 1 li , i ! ' < n i l..i . I. . is . \ . * ! i i < 11 I un % nu 11-i i i t I , , * \ > ti 1 - I tl < l Mi ) I > > N ) i or i > ' > i i "t li ( in. l hiii . .ml i lit j Tov\usi > iil ) IL-Lh ! . ! . 1 .L-Stl'il l