, . . .
Temporary Insanity Is Believed to
Have Been the Cause of the Deed.
Tawney Owned Quarter Section of
Land and Had No Enemies.
Pierce , Nob. , April 13. Special to
The NOWH : W. A. Tawnoy , a pioneer
of Plorco county and a brother of ex-
CongrosBinan James Tawney of Min
nesota in whose behalf President Taft
made hlu famous Wlnona tariff speech
a year ago last fall , committed sul-
cldo last evening on his farm three
miles west of Osmond by hanging.
The man was In good circumstances ,
owning a tine quarter section of land.
He IB not known to have worried
about anything. Temporary insanity ,
the coroner's Jury said , was the cause.
A brother In Saunders county , Neb. ,
4 > ndcd his life in identically the same
manner ten or twelve years ago.
Tawnoy tied a rope to a rafter and' '
jumped off. Ho leaves a wife and
three eons , ranging from 12 to 16
yearn of ago The man had no en
emies , so far as known. He was in
sured in the Modem Woodmen lodge
and was a church uiuuiber.
The father lives in Saunders coun
ty , near Wahoo A brother , R. A. Taw-
ney , formerly of Pierce , is now en
gaged in sheep ranching at Grand
Junction , Cole , on an extensive scale.
Tawnoy was 4Ii years old. Ho was
considered a splendid citizen and n
highly intelligent man. At times ,
however , ho was moody.
Springfield , 111. , April 13. Edward
Tlldon , president of the National Pack
ing company , and former United
States Senator Albert J. Hopkins are
expected to bo the principal witnesses
oefore the senate bribery committee
when the hearing Is resumed this af-
It was learned that several lawyers
for Chicago packing interests and of'
ticials of several Chicago banks arc
now in Springfield expecting to be
x-allod before the committee.
The line of investigation today is
expected to lead toward the identity
of the ten individuals of corporations
which are charged with raising the
$100,000 fund said to have been used
to elect Senator Lorlmer.
House Blew Away But Little Tot Wat
Found Under the Stove.
Horton , Kan. . April 13. The mosl
thrilling escape of last night's atom
was that of a 2-year-old son ot Mr
and Mrs. J. II. hays , who reside it
Reserve. The baby was blown awaj
with the house , as were other mem
bora of the family. After the house
had been carried some distance it w&
torn to pieces. As quickly as possibh
members of the family began to conn
* noses and found that they wore al
' present but the baby. Then a searcl
was made of what ruins of the house
4 remained. The child could not b <
found and his mother gave him up fo
lost. Then a cry waa heard and , ly
Ing under a heavy kitchen stove , whicl
still remained on its legs upon a smal
fraction of flooring , the child wa :
found. He was uninjured.
An 8-car-oId child of Hays has i
broken arm , but otherwise the mem
t > ers of the family are uninjured.
It Is believed damage in the stern
district in northeast Kansas ma ;
reach $75,000.
Bandit Boards Train and Uses Re
volver When Brakeman Resists.
Syracuse , Kan. , April 13. An uc
known man boarded Santa Fe passer
? er train No. 5 as it left here at
o'clock this morning. He was heavil
armed and pointed a revolver at th
conductor , E. B. Rellloy , and Brake
man O'Leary. He robbed both met
obtaining only a small sum. When h
attempted to rob the passengers Rci
ley made a show of resistance an
was shot twice through the shoulde
oy the bandit. The man then steppe
the train and jumped off. A posse I
searching for the robber. Rellloy , wh
lives here , was taken to the compan
hospital at Lajunta , where it is roper
ed ho will probably recover.
SHI Meets Defeat In the Illinois Le <
Springfield , 111. , April 13. The coui
ty option bill was defeated today by
vote of 80 to C3 in the house. By
vote of 64 ayes to 80 nayes the "wel
bill , repealing the present townshl
local option law was defeated. Met :
bars who on the former roll call o
posed county option , switched whe
the roll call was reached on the "wel
bill and by their action leave the pre
ent law on local option unchanged.
Maximum 70
Minimum 44
Avi-rago 57
Huromotcr 29.80
Ilaliifall 33
Chit-ago. April 1.3 The bulletin is
sued by the Chicago station ot the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Fair and continued cool tonight ;
Friday fair , with wanner tonight.
These Party IVu 'of > Are t. , . be
Rushed Through tru House In Order
to Get Out of the Way of the , Cana
dian Reciprocity Measure.
Washington , April 13. The passage
of a resolution for direct election of
senators with many republican votes
in its favor will bo accomplished In
the house before the end of today's
This fact became apparent before
debate on the resolution had proceed
ed far. Democrats were united In its
favor. While the republicans would
have preferred to amend 1J. so as to
assure control of the elections by con
gress , many of them announced their
purpose to vote for the resolution.
Representative Sims of Tennessee
offered an amendment providing for
the recall of senators when they did
not carry out the wishes of a state
but the determination of democratic
leaders to allow no amendments pre
Former Speaker Cannon declared lit
could not vote for the Rucker resolu
tion because It robbed congress of Its
control over elections of senators
and , he further believed , of members
of the house.
Chairman Rucker's committee voted
ed yesterday to report the popular
elections bill favorably , as it did also
the bill providing for ante-election
publicity of campaign contributions
Passage of the former bill today wouli
mean that the latter measure also
would be put on its pasa ; ; o.
The house leaders did not anticipate
much opposition to these party meas
ures and no attempt was looked for
from any democrat to impede the rap
id lire program outlined by the ways
and means committee. This commit
tee has approved both bills and is dp-
slrous that they be out of the way ol
the Canadian reciprocity bill , which
will bo called up tomorrow.
When the senate resumed today af'
tor two days' recess there was little
before it. Senator Rayner was ex
pected to address the upper house on
the Mexican situation. After a brlel
session adjournment was looked foi
until Monday.
The Mexican Situation Is Discussed or
Floor of the Senate.
Washington , April 13. The move
ment of troops to the Texas bordei
was referred to in the senate for the
first time today by Senator Rayner
Ho upheld President Taft and , appar
ently speaking of the stories thai
Japan's seeking a secret treaty wltl
Mexico was the basis for the move
ment , said he thought there would be
no trouble with Japan.
At the conclusion of Mr. Rayner' ;
address Senators Lodg6 and Cullen
took occasion to confirm the Mary
land senator's statement regarding the
improbability of a misundorstandini
between the United States and Mex
"I have examined the official corre
spondcnce with care and I have bcei
unable to discover any allusion t <
Japan , " said Mr. Lodge , "and , so fai
as I am able to judge , the press re
ports are mere fabrication. "
Confessing Ignorance as to the mo
live * for the circulation of these re
ports , he expressed the opinion tha
there wore strong Interests back o
Saying that he , too , had examine )
> the Mexican correspondence , Senate
Cullom expressed the opinion , "tha
there Is no truth in the reports in
volvlng Japan. "
Presidential Nominations.
Washington , April 13. Nomination
sent by President Taft to the senat
today include the following :
Ambassador to Turkey , Wm.V
Ambassador to Russia , Curtis Guild
Pension agent at Topeka , Kan. , Al
ram W. Smith.
Postmaster , Kansas City , Mo. , Jt
soph H. Harris.
Jfuskogee , Okla. , April 13. "Knocl
out" Brown of Chicago knocked on
Joe Gorman of Muskogee In the flft
round of a scheduled twenty-roun
bout last night. A spectator , dlspleai
cd at the result , whipped out a r <
volver and fired at the celling. None
ono was hurt.
After the shot was fired , the spei
tators indulged in a free-for-all fight.
Brown and Gorman , their manager
and the referee were arrested , charge
with disturbing the peace.
Wires are Down in the Storm Stricken
Territory and Definite Information
Is Hard to Get Many Houses Over
turned by the Wind.
Independence , Kan. , April 13. A
rumor coming over the private wires
of an oil company here at 9 o'clock
tills morning , fuild the town of ISIg
Heart , Okla. , was almost completely
wiped out by yesterday's Uu-midc and
that twenty-eight persons are missing
The Earlier Reports.
Kansas City , Mo. , April 13. Twenty-
four persons are reported dead , at
least a hundred Injured , two towns
practically swept away , scores of
buildings demolished and thousands of
dollars worth of property damaged as
the result of a tornado that raged in
Kaunas and Oklahoma yesterday.
The tornado was accompanied by
rain , hall and lightning. Many build
ings were struck by lightning and
burned. Western Missouri was visited
od by a rain and hail storm , but this
was not in the main path of the tor
nado. Telegraph and telephone wires
were rendered useless in the worst
stricken sections and it is probable
that the complete report will show the
death list and property damage much
greater than they now appear.
Seven Hurt at Joplin.
Joplin , Mo. , April 13. Seven per
sons were seriously injured , many oth
crs experienced narrow escapes , and
property damage of many thousand
dollars was inflicted , and telegraph
telephone and interurban railway ser
vice was damaged for several hours bj
a wind storm that swept the mining
district in four minutes last night.
T. J. Welton was picked up by the
wind in the heart of the Joplin bus !
ness section and carried ten feet Into
the air and blown along the entire
length of a city block , being deposited
in the hall of a building. His right
leg was broken and he is believed to
have suffered internal injuries.
The Storm In Kansas ,
Topeka , Kan. , April II ! . George M.
Scott , an Atchisun , Topeka & Santa
' "o engineer , who was in Eskridge at
lie time of the storm , pays at least
ifteen houses were blowa down.
After ho left Eskridge , says Scott ,
10 could see the tornado sweeping
icross the country for a distance of
en miles overturning houses , barns
and sheds in its path. He heard of
no ono being killed In Eskridge.
Benjamin R. Esch , a fireman in
Scott's engine , was blown from the cab
window and hurled across the street.
The only injury ho sustained was a
slight cut on his head.
While Mrs. Ray Garnum of Pow-
mttan was sitting in her house , the
storm sent the greater part of the
building over her head. She was but
slightly hurt.
Eskridge is twenty-five miles south
of Topeka. The storm struck there
shortly before 4 o'clock. The high
school building was blown down and
Lwenty students were injured. A wo
man and a child were killed at Pow-
Mrs. David Stone , wife of a farmer
living near Whiting , was swept from
the steps of her homo into a neigh
bor's yard half a mile away. She was
picked up dead.
An interrupted telephone message
from Netawaka says several persons
were injured there.
St. Joseph , Mo. , April 13. The St.
Joseph & Grand Island depot and box
cars at Manville , Kan. , were blown
over by a tornado. A farm house was
also wrecked and ono child killed , ac
cording to information received by the
Grand Island offices here. Telegraph
and telephone wires are down and
particulars are hard to get. Six per
sons were injured when the tender of
a St. Joe & Grand fsland passenger
train jumped the track at Balloyvlllo ,
Kan. , and the baggage car and smok
er were thrown into the ditch. None
of those Injured arc in a serious con
dition according to the railroad offi
Boy Killed at Hiawatha , Kan.
Topeka , Kan. , April 13. A telephone -
phone message from Hiawatha says a
schoolhouse was destroyed there and
an 8-year-old boy named Pelton killed ,
Two barns were struck by lightning
and destroyed.
Two Dead at Cheetah , Okla.
Cheetah , Okla. , April 13. Ono man
and a child were killed in a tornadc
twelve miles south of Cheetah yester
day afternoon.
The Course of the Storm.
' St. Joseph , Mo. , April 13. Reports
received at the United States weath
er station state that the tornado start
ed near Nethawaka , Kan. , about sto
miles west of Horton. A northwest ! }
course was pursued by the funnel
shaped cloud. It passed near Ger
mantown on the Rock Island railroad
and Baker on the Missouri Pacific
making its way from there to Man
ville , twenty-five miles from the start
Ing point. Much farm property. In
rinding residences and barns , is re
pern- rue
( Oopjrrlcht. 11L )
Spring Tlm ! Mouse Cloinlng Tim * .
ported destroyed but so far the only
death reported is that of a girl in a
schoolhouse near Manville.
The course of the storm from Man-
vlllo has not been reported here , all
the wire communications being cut off.
Did Not Hit Whitney , Kan.
Kansas City , Mo. , April , 13. When
wire communication with Whiting ,
Kan. , was restored this morning it de
veloped that last night's storm did not
strike that town as lirst reported , but
passed through the farming country
on both sides of Whiting.
Four Killed at Meeker , Okla.
Meeker , Okla. , April IP. . Four per
sons were killed in a tornado that vis-
ted this city. A score of houses were
wrecked. Many miles of telegraph
iml telephone wires \\ere torn Oown.
The Storm Hits Sioux City.
Sioux City , April 1" . A storm ac
companied by hail , rain and lightning
struck Sioux City at 3 o'clock yester-
Iny afternoon and for llfteen minutes
raged with unabating fury. Several
plate glass windows were blown in ,
signs torn down and chimneys wreck
ed. One house was struck by light
ning , but no one was injured. During
two minutes of the gale the wind blew
at the rate of ninety miles au hour.
Havoc at Lawrence , Kan.
Lawrence , Kan. , April 13. Two people
ple were killed , scores of houses de
stroyed and the streets piled high with
debris by a tornado which struck Lawrence -
renco at 8 o'clock last night.
Only a rough estimate of the- dam
age can bo made but the loss is esti
mated at $ lfiO,000. The known dead
are : Mrs. Joe Sullivan , f > 5 years old ,
and a negro woman , employed on the
farm of Claude Doubleday , two miles
west of this place. Four more deaths
have been reported but the rumors
cannot bo confirmed. A do/en persons
were more or less seriously injured.
When the storm was at its height
thirty prisoners in the county ail at
tempted to escape and after firing
their way through corridor were forc
ed to return to their cells at the points
of revolvers held by deputy sheriffs.
The Chicago fast mail train on the
Atchlson , Topeka and Santa Fe rail
road missed the tornado only by a few
seconds. Before reaching Lawrence ,
the engineer saw the funnel-shaped
cloud and started a race to got out of
Its track. As the train pulled into
the depot here the storm passed a few
hundred yards to the rear of the train.
The Storm in North Nebraska.
An ugly looking sky overcast Nor
folk at 5 o'clock. Rain and hall fol
lowed , but the storm did not reach the
fury here that it did in some of the
towns of this section.
Iowa City , la. , April 13. An iron
pot holding J445 In gold pieces was
exhumed in John D. Relchardt's col
lar yesterday. A skull was found near
by. It is believed the money was
buried by a pioneer , who died there
after escaping from Indians in the
early days of Iowa. Reichardt was a
former Omaha merchant.
Clearwater. Neb. , April 13 , Special
to The News : Leo Livingstone , the
young fellow who was accidentally
shot Saturday afternoon while huntIng -
Ing ducks east of town , was operated
on yesterday by Drs. Hlldebrand &
Hall of this city and Dr. Conory of
Nellgh. His left arm was amputated
just above the elbow.
At the present time he is doing as
well as could be expected
Washington , April 13. The llrst
big legal contest arising out of the
passage of the pure food and drug act
of I'JOC had the right of way today in
the supreme court of the United
States. The government was making
a last effort to sustain its claim to
the right to prosecute criminally per
sons who labelled drugs or medicines
witli false statements about the cura
tive properties of their preparations.
Tlie point arose in the United Sta-tes
district court in western Missouri
where an indictment against Dr. D. u.
Johnson was quashed on the ground
that the act did not apply to false
statements about the curative prop
erties of drugs , but only to false
statements regarding the Ingredients.
Dr. Johnson was charged with having
sold interstate commerce drugs which
ho stated would euro cancer , but
which the government claims "were
entirely Ineffective and worthless ( or
that purpose. "
It is claimed , by Johnson that if the
law is to be Interpreted as forbidding
a statement about the curative prop
erty of drugs the act is unconstitu
tional. Such statements are defended
as mere forecasts concerning a future
event. Denial is made that they
should bo regarded as statements of
facts. Physicians throughout the
country would bo in extreme peril , it
is considered by Johnson's attorneys ,
and would hazard the risk of criminal
prosecution by giving any written
opinion to their patients or any pro
phesy as to what it was intended to
accomplish where it should become a
matter of interstate transportation If
the indictment against Johnson were
allowed to stand.
Solicitor General Lehmann , in a
brief for the government ho has Just
filed with the court , says that a study
of the act shows that congress had in
mind striking at false statements re
garding the . remedial qualities of
drugs. He defends the law as consti
tutional when interpreted to forbid
such statements.
j Ho denies that the law so interpret
ed would reach any physician in tie !
practice of his calling. He declares
that the act does not deal with man-
. tal healing , with cures by faith or
! prayer , or Christian Science , but "with
practices. "
Ewlng Woman Has Not Yet Been Told
That Her Husband is Gone ,
Ewlng , Neb. , April 1.3 Special to
The News : The funeral of Harry
Stanton was hold yesterday afternoon.
Business houses were closed. Mrs.
Stanton who is in an Omaha hospital
has not yet been informed of her hus
band's death.
Epernay , Department of Marne ,
France , April 13. Despite the fact
that the department of Manie is n
vast armed camp with infantrymen
and dragoons blvouaced throughout
the night at almost every village in
the champagne district , rioting broke
out anuw today and the tlamo of an
ger and vengeance continues to s > ueep
the grape-growing region.
At Vinay the rioters hastily threw
up barricades with barrel cases am
debris of all sorts and succeeded h
holding back the advancing troops
wbilo another group of manifestants
armed with torches , entered the vast
champagne depot.
The mob smashed all the bottles of
champagne they could find , wrecked
the wine presses and then set flro to
the buildings.
Women were foremost in the work
of destruction , chanting snatches of
revolutionary airs and urging on the
men. When the troops reached Vinay
the women lay down on the roads and
defied the cavalry to rldo over them.
Eventually the troops succeeded in
getting control of the situation and
dispersed the maulfestants.
At dawn many places in the wine
growing districts showed the horizon
darkened by the smoking ruins of wine
depots , burned during the night. At
the same time exploding detonators
summoned additional wiuo growers to
the different rallying points for the
people to resume their march of de
The government officials claim that
the sacking and burning of wine prop
erty is being led by criminal ele
ments which are flocking into this
region from other districts.
The police at daylight this morning
proceeded to Ay where a conflagra
tion started by incendiaries threaten
ed for a time last night to destroy the
entire village and made twenty ar
rests ajnong the ringleaders among
the manifestants.
Who's Who In Norfolk
S. G , Mayor , successful Norfolk
clothing merchant , was born in New
York City on June 1C , I860. His father -
ther , David Mayer , wna a prominent
shoe merchant of the metropolis. After -
ter graduating from the public schools
Mr. Mayer went to Indlanola , la.
where at the age of 17 he was em
i loyed In his brother's clothing store
I hn'o years later he went to Sac City ,
l. > and after six months' experience
In a clothing store he went to Lincoln
where ho entered the employ of Mayei
Bros , for th" > t > years , after which lie
went to Ho'M'ge , where he went tntc
business f himself with a partner
to whom hy later sold out.
Twentf fears ago Mr. Mayer came
to Norfolk from Holdroge and engaged
in the clothing business in the Mafil
bloik , whore-ho htill conducts the Stai
clothing store business. He is one o
Norfolk's most successful business
iiie-n. Ho was a director of the Com
morclal club for a number of years
helping to reorganize the club a fv
years ago.
Both These Mennurea Get Approval In
the Committee Some Opposition on
the Canadian BUI Develop * When
the Measure Is Reported.
Washington , April 13. The Cana-
llan reciprocity bill Introduced yontor-
di\ ; \\IIH repot ted favorably to the
liouae today by the new waya and
means committee. The committee
also passed favorably on the free list
tariff measure , but will not report it
until tomorrow.
The Canadian reciprocity bill wa
taken up first by the committee and
after a brief discussion Representa
tive McCall , its sponsor in the Sixty-
first congress , moved that It bo ap
This was done without division.
The free bill , however , wan not
unanimously approved , the vote on It
In the committee having been a strict
ly party vote , the democrats favoring
it and the republicans voting solidly
against it.
The reciprocity bill will be called
up tomorrow for discussion. Opposi
tion to the hill from the same repub
licans who opposed It in the last BOH-
slon developed when the measure was
reported. Representative Dalzoll of
Pennsylvania asked the privilege of
filing a minority report. This report
'will be made within a few days and
will be signed by several members of
the committee.
Senate Adjourns Till Monday.
Washington , April 13. Giving no
tice that it would be Impossible to
complete the reorganization of the-
senate committees before this week.
Senator Gallinger today moved that
when the senate adjourned , it shall
bo until next Monday. The motion
was adopted.
Would Prohibit Grain Futures.
Washington. April IS. Rcpresenta
tive Macon of Arkansas today intro
duced a bill making unlawful inter
state or foreign buying or selling or
otherwise dealing in futures in agri
cultural products or commodities of
any kind whatsoever. The bill would
prohibit tiio receipt , delivery or trans
mission of Interstate or foreign mes
sages sent by telegraph , telephone or
mail , if such messages are in connec
tion with dealing in futures In agri
culture products.
Beatrice , Is'rb. , April 1.1. Frank J.
[ vimball , a wealthy laundry owner , was
[ tilled and three men were injured ,
, wo seriously , when an initomobtlo
turned turtle at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon two and a half miles south
of this city.
E. P. Mumfort and Walter Meyers
are in n serious condition. A. M. La-
valle was slightly hurt. The homes
of all four are in Beatrice.
The party left Beatrice at 1 o'clock
for Wymore and started home about
3:30 : o'clock. Mr. Kimball was driv
ing the car. After the machine left a
small culvert it ran in a sideway man
lier into an embankment on the east
pldr of the road and turned over twice ,
burying the occupants underneath It
Mr. Kimball was instantly killed ,
Ills head being crushed. The other
three men were pinned under the car ,
where they wore found by William
Hogben. who was on his way from
Omaha to Sallna , Kan. , in a touring
car. Help was summoned and the in
jured men were removed from the
wreckage and taken to town In am
bulances. KImhall'H body was found
lying face downward in the middle of
the road about a rod away from the
Meyer's left leg Is crushed and ho
is injured internally. Mumford sus
tained an injured spine and several
Internal injuries. Lavalle escaped
with an ugly contusion on the side of
his face and a broken hand. It is
feared Mumford and Meyers cannot
Henry Coleiuan , a farmer who lives
near the scene of the accident , said
that when the party passed his place
the car was running very rapidly.
it is supposed that when the car
struck the culvert Mr. Kimball lost
control of it.
Mr. Kimball purchased the car ,
which is a Stearns , at Omaha last Sat
urday and he told his friends before
leaving the city that lie intended to
test the speed of the machine on the
trip. Ho took great pleasure In mak
ing trips about the country with hla
Mr. Mumford is in the real estate
business hero and Lavalle and Meyers
are engaged in the liquor business la
tills city. Many residents of Beatrice
visited the scene of the accident soon
after it occurred and assisted in car
ing for the injured.
The coroner decided that an Inquest
was not necessary.