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TillXOliKOLK ] WHKKLY NlTWS-.IOlTlJN'Al/ DAY. AtMNIi 21 , 1011. HflW TO PREVENT WORMY APPLES Spraying Death to Codling Moth , Illy 11. P. Howard , Department or Horticulture ticulture , University ot NolmiKUu. ) The codling moth has reached such i Htumof development In Nebraska that It Is no longer possible to grow ixpplcH free from wormi without the trees arc given Homo euro Ono may expect neglected trees to have anywhere - where from 20 to 85 per cunt wormy I * If Coddling Moth Eggs on Upper Surface | t of the Leaf. fruits. Half of the crop may drop be ll fore It reaches maturity and the great- It cr part of the remainder will be ren- ilered unfit for market by the codling moth worm. j Spraying with some sort of arsenical [ \ poison Is the only feasible way of controlling - > ' trolling the codling moth. Arsomito ' of load may be used at the rate of r two pounds per fifty gallons ot water. J The first application should bo given as soon as tlio flowers begin to drop , the second about three weeks later , and the third about the 20th of July. The flrst application should be direct- , ADULT CODDLING MOTH. pd downward in order to got the pol son Into the calyx cups. High pressure sure Is essential for the flrst spray Ing , though the department demon Btrated In a Columbus orchard lasi summer that It was possible to contro 'the worms to 3 per cent with a hum Barrel outfit by doing the work thor bughly. Apple scab is the most tronblesoiiK fungous disc aso we have In NebrasUt upple orchards. It begins growth , li the early spring and Causes a scaly brown gtowth on the outer surface WORK OF CODDLING MOTH WORI the apples Some of our promlneii varieties , like the Jonathan and Wlui sap , are particularly susceptible to thi disease. Either Bordeaux mixture c no of the commercial Ityno-sulphu sprays may be used In preventing it development. Bordeaux mixture ca tie made by using four pounds of fres stonollmc , four pounds.blucstone an fifty gallons of water. Slack the llm In a small quantity of water , dlssolv ll.o blucstone. dilute each with twcnt ; ( wo gallons of water and pour t st'thcr. The lime-sulphur sprays ai put on the market in concentrate * * APPLE AFFECTED BY SCAB. form and all that is necessary to p pnro them for use is simply to a about thirty gallons of water ( tl will depend upon the brand used ) ono gallon of the concentrated. Spray flrst for apple scab just bcfc the Individual flower buds open ; s nnd , as soon as the flowers begin fall ; third , three weeks after the flc ITS fall. Since the second and * th ! application for apple scab come at t same time as the flrst and second i plication for codling moth , the nrs ate of lead can be added to the II deaux or lime sulphur , thus reducl the labor to half. More Champagne Riots. Epornay , April 15. Following a < of calm , violent rioting again occ red late last night In the dlsturl champagne region. At Trepall a n of wlno growers sacked the houses wo wlno merchants aiid destroyed the furniture , with which' they erected mrrlcndcH in the streets. Troops sent o quell the distill banccH were greet ed with n shower of broken bottles nit the soldiers , charging with drawn sabers , dispersed the rlotera. Junction News. Harry Witt arrived home from Mis sourl Valley yesterday and resumed Ills position in the shops aa store keeper. LAWYER SMASHES A WILL It Wns on Wax Phonograph Cylinder nnd Ho Foil Carrying It. After ll\lng In i'\pcctaiicy for flvi \onrs heirs of IlniNon llnrton an ( I'lonu'd to disappointment by the awl < wurdiioss nf u lawyer. Before hN dentil icr > llvo years up P.nrion took the novel muthud of tell Inj , ' whore hi- * wealth was hidden li ; tnlKIng Into a phonograph and bavin ; the roooid tiled nvuiy with his will li n lawyer's safe.lioro It was to it- main for the years. The will told the hclr.s that he luu planted his fortune and that his owi voice would tell thorn the exact local Ity Ills \\lsli was compiled with and re ccntly the hull's nuH to hoar what tin phonograph hud to say When they wore nil gathered In tin parlor Iho nrrhnl of the lawyer will the record wns announced. He enter ed the hoiiso and tin wrapped the pro clous article lu the kitchen. As In stopped through the door into the roou whore tlio heirs were lie tripped eve : a footstool , fell and broke the recort Into so many pieces that it was Ini possible to got It to say it word. School Notes. Niullno Cole has been suffering fron an attack of appendicitis. The baseball team went to Stantoi today. Ray Lobdcll has been ill for tin past few days. The chief event of the coming weel will be the Elson art exhibit in tin high school building on Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Programs wil bo given each evening. The Germai club' will render a program one even ing consisting of short plays and mi sic. The children of the grades fin nlsh the program for another evening and Miss Alice Howells of the Un' ' verslty of Nebraska is expected t give readings on Friday evening. Th proceeds of the exhibit will go towar buying pictures for the grade bulk ings in the city. Practice is steadily progressing fo the operetta , "The Countess of Tlvoll , to be given the 5th of May by th grades. Those , in charge are ver much pleased with the results of th practice and the entertainment pron ises to betextrcmely good. Tickets for the senior play , whlc may be exchanged at the News offlc for reserved seat tickets will be o sale by memben , of the senior clas arly next week. Harold Morrison , ' .10 , of the stat nlversity , was a higb. school vlsltc Friday. Clarence MeWhortor , 'member c he ninth A class , has been out c chool for the past two weeks. II been holding n job at the roum for a friend who has been sH bophla Nethaway , who has been 3 ending the Bellevno academy , has n ntered the high school. Carl an Irace Whitmore from Waterloo , la lave also entered as members of tl ; Unth grade , The half-holidays have been give o only a few for the past month , tl eighth A grade being the only or hat earned it In the high school bull ng. Norfolk Boy Now an Evangelist. Evangelist Albert Miller , who d Ivers the opening sermon at the se enteenth annual convention of tl 'ourth district Nebraska Christie Missionary society , Monday evenin s no stranger In Norfolk , having r celved his education in this city undi : he direction of J. L. Stino , former : > astor of the local Christian chur < and once principal of the Hartlngto Nob. , schools. Mr. Miller is probably the younge evangelist In the state to deliver se nons In two languages. He is no about 19 years old , and at the age 17 delivered sermons at evangelist meetings in different parts of tl state. Mr. Miller , although clalmli Wayne , Nob. , as his home , really I longs to Norfolk. The story of tl : young evangelist is a unique or About fourteen years ago he car from Germany with his parents ni located in Minnesota , where his I ther died a few years later. At t age of 15 , the boy was sent by 1 stepfather , M. Wilke , to the Deutsc Paclilk hotel In Norfolk , where his s tor , now Mrs. John Stelnhauser West Point , was engaged as a wa ress. He was put to work as a dli washer. Ho studied after working hours the German Lutheran schools and 1 cr became interested In the Chrlstl church , where he was confirmed. 1 acquired knowledge of the Engll language nnd was soon the leader the choir. It was at this time that B Stino became Interested in the bi who became an apt pupil. Today he preaching at evangelistic meetings both German and English. Ho sir nnd delivers sermons in both li guages. SATURDAY SIFT1NGS. Mrs. Edward Fix has gone to Wi ner , S. D. Tim Preeco of Battle Creek was visitor In the city. Miss Belle Glllesplo of Madison v In Norfolk Saturday. Miss Florence Edwards of Ai worth nnd Miss Mabel Bouton he accepted positions , at the Bee II m store. ) l } stiF. F. M. Hunter went to Newport o uldresH the teachers' association Sat inlay evening. O. E. Pendle , claim agent of tin s'ortliwcstofn railroad , was In the ults raiiKactlng business. Lowell Krsklne and H. M. Morrlnoi ire home from the state university U spend the Kastor holidays. The Misses Myrtle Fisher , Lellal Scott and Llla Williams are homo U spend Easter vacation with their par ontH from St. Mary's academy ai O'Neill. The W. C. T. U. will meet will Mrs. Beebe Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 : 12. 0. HdwardK has moved from IK Indiana avenue to South Sixth street An elegant table for the use of tlu members of the board of educatloi ins been placed in the Hiipcrlnton lout's olllcc In the high school build Ing. Ing.F. F. E. Harrison of O'Neill has movoi to this city nnd rented the cottage a 109 North Eighth street. R. E. Lang , formerly of Lincoln , hai accepted n position with the Norfoll Transfer and Storage company. Ralph Lulkart was in the city ant has ordered the household goods o R. E. Lulkart shipped to Herrlck , S. D Jess Lakey has moved to Elgin Neb. , whcro he has accepted a posl Lion In a confectionery store as bakci Ono of the Norfolk Van and Stor age company's horses Is slightly cu about the legs nnd thighs as the rcsul of running awny nnd being tangled ui In a harrow yesterday. A heavy signpost holding two larg' ' telephone signs , in front of the Pa clfle hotel , was blown across the nidi walk by the heavy wind Friday aftci noon. No one wns injured. The order of the temple was cor , ferred upon Superintendent of School J. H. Kemp of Wayne Friday eventm at a special meeting of Damascus Con mandry No. 20. A banquet was heli after the meeting , during which ad dresses wore delivered. The remains of Mernle Best , th month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. li Best , were Interred yesterday in Pros pect Hill cemetery. The funeral wa held nt the home , 1207 Park avenue Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick of the Metl odist church In charge. Steady progress is being made I the construction of the Norfolk Ol and Chemical company's buildln north of the city. The basement , o lower floor , has been about complete and the workmen have commence operations on the second floor. Fresh vegetables are now gcttln coinmon in Norfolk. New potatoe from Bermuda ; lettuce and radishe from Council Bluffs ; tomatoes an beans from Texas ; cucumbers froi Illinois and strawberries from Louis hum have a good market here. Although quite weak from his Ion confinement during which he suffore with a severe attack of rheumatlsn Tom C. Grant , the traveling salesuiai was taken to his home at Murdo , S D. , Friday afternoon by H. L. Webb , brother traveling salesman of Abe ; deen , S. D. Notwithstanding the fact that th Norfolk ball team's efforts to secur a crowd of ball fans to attend the ! business meetings , the members c the team have arranged a meeting o the driving club diamond Sunday a ternoon for an official workout , llne-np is to be announced soon. Ed Mullen announces that the pro pects look good for the launching ( his motor boat "Ruth" Sunday inon ng , and also that the sugar factor " &m will be the end of his flrst trip lothlng out of the ordinary happer n the line of good weather. Mr. Mu en says that he believes the boat wi nake better time this season tha ver hefoie , and she held the rccoi or speed in 1909 In Norfolk. Fred Hellennnn has returned fro his month's vacVion , which ho spei n the southern wates. For a wee Mr. Hellernian visfc-d with friends : rancitas , Tex. , wheP ? Dr. and Mr J. H. Mnckay of this cV.v , are makit heir home. Mr. Hellertrmn repor that Dr. Mackay has constructed building at Francitas and will soc open up a drug store. At San A tonlo , Mr. Hellerman says , there not very much war talk. Among the day's out-oi-town vislto n Norfolk were : Mr. and Mrs. J. t lones , Crelghton ; W. L. Stanto Meadow Grove ; Mr. and Mrs. Ole Gi vin , Herrlck ; Mrs. J. A. Burron , Co ! f ridge ; R. C. Patrick , Pierce ; A. Ahern , Wayne ; A. R. Davis , Wayn Martin Ringer , Wayne ; G. A. Eberl Stanton ; P. L. Best , Stanton ; E. Brunner , Tilden ; H. F. Harms , P ger ; J. II. Kemp , Wayne ; Charl Nelson , Nlobrara ; G. Cramers , N : brara ; L. Jones , Nlobrara ; II. Halm. Wayne. The report of the Norfolk board charities shows that the board Is mn Ing good , in caring for deserving i pie. One instance shows where it w save the citizens a good many della in the course of n year. A faml moving through the city were sollc ing among the business men for n They were directed to the board charities and given sufficient mon for medicine and provisions on con tlon they did not solicit any furtli aid for the citizens. The board nee the hearty co-operation of every c ! zen In Norfolk. WORKING TO SAVE LIVES. Northwestern Railroad Local Comrr tee Holds a Meeting. There wns an Increase of nine p sengers killed during the year , i cording to the report of the Nor western railroad's safoty-for-ymploj committee. While nn Increase shown in the passenger deaths , t decrease In other deaths , Injuries , el is 1,177. This la considered a vc good showing , according to manyn road men. R. C. Richard , chairman the central safety committee and 01 Inator of the committee , Is being hi ; ly complimented on the work of t ! organization. o There nro three branches of this ganlzatlon n local branch , which .o changed every six months ; a dlvlsl committee , nnd u central committee which meets In Chicago. The locn committee repot ts to the division con inltteo all necessary repairs for th safety of both passengers nnd on ployes. What this committee canno act on is in turn put up to the centrn committee. So precise la the war o I ' all dangcions obstructions by thcs j committees , that ovt-n u nail atlckln | out of a boaid on a platform is n ported. General Superintendent S. M. Bn den of this city , and the originate : U. C. Rlchaids , arc members of th central committee. The members c the division committee arc : Superh tondont C. II. Reynolds , Norfolk ; I O. Mount , Fremont ; M. K. Pangle , I J. Stafford , sr. , Norfolk ; M. T. Creel Scrlbncr ; O. F. Freedman , L. Ben land , Fremont ; A. J. Colwell , J. I Fuorst , E. Williams , J. W. Dletrlck. 5 C. Graham , F. L. Burrell , M. B. Go dun1 , Norfolk ; Joe Shaldn , Fremont. The local committee for six month IH : M. E. Pangle , P. J. Stafford , st F. Ellerbrock , G. L. Barney , J. A. WI ley , C. II. Baker , E. T. Nicholes , A. I Larson , Fred Llnerode , G. F. Young , . C. Spellmau , J. W. Dletrlck , Wllliai Donton. Every branch of the service Is rei resented In the local and division con mlttecs. . The local committee held meeting at the Junction Saturday a ternoon. Verdlgre Farmer Hurt. W. O. Wltthle , 40 years old , a fa mer living near Vordlgre , Is sufferln from a broken arm as the result ( being struck by the rear tank wheel of a Northwestern engine , which li endeavored to board at 4 o'cloc Thursday afternoon. Wltthlo started to climb Into tl cab of the engine where ho Intcndc to make his stay for a ride. The ei gineer ordered him off and he wn struck by tlio rear wheels , probabl because he wns standing too close t the engine. Would Desert His Wife. Mountain Grove , .Mo. , April 15. 1 J. Wyrlch , a wealthy bachelor , wei from hero to Omaha two weeks ag and married Mrs. Clara Adalr , a gras widow. Last week ho brought he hero and took her out to his 1,20 aero ranch. Yesterday ho brought h < to town and left her at the Palac hotel. An hour later ho notified tli proprietor that ho would not bo r sponslblo for her board. Then she g ( busy with a lawyer. A warrant fc wife abandonment has been made t the prosecuting attorney by Mrs W rich. Friends say Wyrlch had know the woman three years before marr ; Ing her. Wyrlck refuses to talk aboi the matter. Commissioners' Proceedings. Madison , Neb. . April 11 , 1911 , at p. m. Board met pursuant to a < journment. Present Commissionei John Fitch , Burr Tuft and Henry Su dcrman. John W. Fitch , who was duly a pointed county commissioner accor ing to law and qualified as such , toe his place on the board of comml sioners for commissioner district N 1 , to fill vacancy caused by the deal of John Malonc , and under the la is chairman of the board. Minutes of meeting of March 1 were read and approved as read. The time having arrived for tl opening of the bids for erection addition to county jail , the followii bids having been filed with the coun clerk according to advertisement we opened , examined and compared , W Ham J. Gores nnd W. II. Craig. Tl bid of J. B. Herman not being fill with the county clerk until after tl time specified and not being accoi panied by a certified check as requ ed by the board , also the bid of A H. Deckenhauer not being filed un after lhf > expiration of the ilino bpe fled lit the advertisement , were n considered. Upon comparison the bid of W. . ' Craig being considered the lowest ai best bid and on motion the contra was awarded to said W. H. Craig. On motion the clerk was Instruct to correct the 1910 tux list by strlkl out the poll tax assessed in Norfc city against C. A. Seavall on accou of his having paid poll tax for so year in Kansas. John Crook , member of the soldle relief commission , made report money received and expended durl the year , which report was on motl approved and ordered filed. On motion II. F. Barney , chalrm of the soldiers' relief commission , w allowed for use of commission the si of $100.00. On motion the county clerk was structed to correct the 1908 tax 1 by striking out the personal tax Schaumann Drug Co. in Madison c for said year of $57.35 , on account erroneous assessment. On motion the county clerk was structed to correct the 1910 tax 1 by striking out the personal tax E. E. Evans of $2.50 In Norfolk c on account of double assessment. On motion the clerk was Instrucl to correct the 1910 tax list by strikl out the 'personal tax of W. A. Be enhauer , Norfolk city , of $6.46 on count of double assessment. The resignation of Daniel E. And son , Assessor of Emerlck preclr was read and on motion accepted P. W. Ruth , county assessor , pointed W. II. Reeves precinct sessor for Emorlck precinct , wh appointment was on motion confirn by the board. The resignation of H. C. Jensen county surveyor was presented and motion accepted. On motion Bennett Seymour of N folk was appointed county surveyor fill vacancy by unanimous vote. On motion the following offlc bonds were examined and approvi John Unkol , road overseer , R. r- No. 21. rIs R. L. Reeves , road overseer , R. Isn n No. 11. The matter of appointing n chief stock Inspector for Madison county was laid over for future considera tion. tion.On On motion the following bills were allowed : A. W Flnkhousc , fees Conway i aso $ 3.40 C. F. lOlseley , fees Conway case 3.35 C. F. A. Mnrquardt , fees Con- case u.lC C. F. A. Marquardt , fees Mc Donald case 2.60 \V. S. O'Brien , fees McDonald case 2.1)0 ) C. F. Elsoloy , fees McDonald case 3.65 C. F. Elseley , fees Shannon case 3.63 James Nichols , 1st quarter sal ary and office ri'iit 230.00 James Nichols , office rent for April 10.00 Salter Grain & Coal Co. , coal for paupers oi.GG N. A. House ] , postage etc 17.1S N. A. Houscl , salary 116.6" Luonan Lumber Co. , coal * for court house 115.20 Gus Kaul , salary for March. . 50.00 J. W. Best , auto hire 6.0C Huso Publishing Co. , supplies 353.90 Huso Publishing Co. , printing 49.18 Madison Telephone Co. , tolls and rent 39.70 C. S. Smith , salary and fees. . . 329.2II S. R. McFarland , recording bonds and making assessors hooks 37.7C S. R. McFarland , postage etc. 27.'Ji ' ! Farmers Mercantile Co. , sup plies for .pauper 14.70 Farmers Mercantile Co. , sup plies for court house 1.5C University Publishing Co. , sup- piles for county superintend ent 6.0C ' II. B. Allen supplies . . . . 170.2C Madison City , water rent for Jail Oct. to March 20.4G S. M. Dowling , ballff fees. . . . 22.7fi A. B. Lang , meals for Jurors. . 7.20 W. II. Field , 1st quarter salary 100.00 Burr Taft , labor and mileage. . 64.20 F. L. Wielergreu , rent for pau per 32.00 Pat Turner , freight on scraper 7.98 Mallory & Jcwett , supplies for pauper 19.00 Ernest Fenskc , stock food for poor farm 14.00 U. D. Mathewb , livery for Sept 36.50 W. H. Field , fees to be paid to jurors 6.00 Wm. Lobus , care of Mrs. Stehr , Jan. 21 to Feb. 11 , 1911 J2.BO Irvin & Melcher , supplies for pauper 10.5i ! .1. M. Smith , salary and boardIng - Ing prisoners 149.25 Henry Sunderman , labor and mileage 56.9E Ed Voss , draylng 7.2J ! W. H. Field , witness fees for distribution 134.6E A. E. Gadbols , attending pauper 121.0C S. R. McFarland , salary for Jan. , Feb. , March , and April 500.0C DIers Bros. , supplies for court house 3.9 [ August Pascwalk , repairs on grader 4.7E Wm. Bates , fees state cases. . . 35.1 A. W. Finkhouse , fees , Shan non case 5.4C Hume Robertson - Wycoff Co. , lumber , R. D. No. 9 28.2J Inme - Robertson - Wycoff Co. , lumber for bridges 7.5J Hume Robertson - Wycoff Co. , lumber for R. D. No. 15 8.3 ( lume- RobertsonWycoff Co. , lumber , R. D. No. 10 20.8 ! [ 'homns Relgle , work R. D. No. 10 44.01 lumo - Robertson - Wycoff Co. , lumber R. D. no 14 40.3 ! Hurao-Robertson. Wycoff Co. , lumber for bridges 2.91 lust Machmueller , work R. D. No. 1 54.21 John Brosh , dragging road , C. D. No. 3 6.31 t 'rank Schinkus , lumber for bridges 14.01 t. B. Baker , lumber for R. D. No. 1 11.11 John Friday , hardware for R. D. No. 1 6.7 Wm. Clasey , jr. grading C. D. No. 3 14.0 Toward Miller Lumber Co. , lum ber for bridges 172.9 Ed Uecker , work R. D. No. 1 , claimed $4.50 , wholly disal lowed as not a proper charge against the county. M. J. Rooney , work C. D. No. 3 20.0 Joseph Lampe , work C. D. No. 2 2.5 J. G. Pollock , for floating roads 100.0 Jos. Mnlonc , hauling bridge lumber 16.2 u John Haggemeler , bridge work 14.7 August Wllle , bridge work. . . . 6.0 Henry Haggemeier , bridge work 3.0 C. H. Fensko brldgo work. . 2.2 Albert ICIrstine , work R. D. No. 10 9.0 On motion board adjourned to race at 7 o'clock , p. m. April' 11 , 1911 , 7 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournmen Present Commissioners Fitch , Taf and Sunderman. John F. Dederman presented an filed the following petition and bou before the board of county comml sloncrs of Madison county , Nebraska To the Honorable Board of Count Commissioners of Madison County , N braska : Your petitioner , John F. Dedormai respectfully represents to your hone able board that he Is now the owm of and In possession of the followln described real estate , situate in tl county of Madison , and state of N braska , to-wlt : The west half of tl : northeast quarter of section twcnt five (25) ( ) , In township twenty-four (24 ( north in range two (2) ( ) , west of tl sixth principal meridian ; that the ge oral location of the said describe land and the south half of soctlc twenty-five (25) ( ) of said township at range , and sections thirty (30) ( ) , ai thirty ono (31) ( ) , of township twont (24) ( ) , north range ono (1) ( ) , we ho sixth principal meridian , uch , that a great volunio of water ( cumulating through imtural water oui'KOH In tlio eastern portion of owiiHhlp twenty four (21) ( ) , In raiigo wo (2) ( ) , west of the sl.xth principal nerhllan , Is deposited along tlio pub- e highway north of section t twenty ho (25) ( ) In township twenty four 21) ) , north In range two (2) ( ) , went of ho Hlxth prliu-lpiil nierldliui wheio It erlounly Interferes with travel over aid highway and at times renders aid highway Impassable , while water landing In ditches along tlio sides f mild highway becomes stagnant , ml a menace to tlio health of persons Ivlng In that vicinity , and people raveling said highway ; that In ad- It Ion to accumulating on said high- vay and In said ditches , water de lved from said water courses as foresald , flows down through the orth half of said section twenty live 25) ) , Into and through tlio south half f said section and Into sections thirty 30) ) and thirty ono ( ! ! ! ) aforesaid , portion thereof remaining standing n sloughu In tlio south half of said eetlon twenty llvo 25) ) and In said ectlons thirty ( HO ) and thirty ono ; tl ) , whcro It is constant menace to ho health of persons living in tlio Icinlty and renders nnt'illablo and greatly detracts from the value of aid land ; that a drain or ditch could 10 so constructed that it would at- orcl and outlet for said water and rain said highways and said land so hat there would bo no stagnant water hcreoti and travel upon said highway vould not be Interfered with by reason f said overflowing and accumulation f water as aforesaid ; that It Is noces- ary for such ditch or drain to bo onstructed for the reason that there s now no natural outlet for said valor , and the const ruction of such Itch or drain will bo conductive to ho public health , conveniencetntid velfare. Your petitioner therefore prays your lonorablo Board that there may bo ocaled and constructed In accord- nco with the provisions of chapter 5 of Cobboy's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska of the year 1909 , a ditch or rain commencing at the northwest orner of the northeast quarter of ectlon twenty llvp (25) ( ) , In townstnp , weiity four (24) ( ) , north In range two 2) ) , west of the sixth principal merid- an , running thence south ono half nile , thence cast one hundred rods 100) ) , thence south sixty ( CO ) rods , hence east thirty rods (30) ( ) , thence outh fifty five rods (55) ( ) , thence in n ontheasterly direction to a point wenty rods east of the north westerner orner of the northeast quarter of tie northwest quarter of section thirty no (31) ( ) , In township twenty four 24) ) , north In range ono (1) ( ) , west of ho sixth principal meridian , thence n a southeasterly direction about orty rods (40) ( ) , to a natural water commencing on the northwest uarter of said section thirty one (31) ( ) , nd emptying into the Elkhorn river n the south part of said section , vhlch said ditch or drain will drain all of said land and said highway into he Elkhorn river. Wherefore your Honorable Board is respectfully requested to take such proceedings as may be necessary and ) roper for the establishment of such lltch or drain , and the proper appor- lonmcnt of all costs and expenses thereof between your petitioner and ho county of Madison , state of Ne braska , and any and all other persons ind companies and corporations who vill bo benefltted by such ditch or drain. Your petitioner herewith presents n > end , conditioned for the payment ot all costs that may occur in case said board ot county commissioners find against said improvement. John F. Dederman. State of Nebraska \ Madison County { ss. John F. Dederman , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says , that lie is the petitioner above named , hat he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof , and hnt the statements and allegations herein contained arc true as ho ver lly believes. John F. Doderman. Subscribed in my presence an ( ! sworn to before me this llth day ol April , A. D. 1911. W. II. Field , Clerk of tlu ( Seal ) District Court of Madlsor county , Nebraska. BOND. Before the board of County Com missloners of Madison County , Ne braska , Know all men by these presents : That whereas , John F. Dederman hai filed his pctltlbn before the board o ounty commissioners of Madison coun ty Nebraska , asking the said board t < locate and construct a ditch or draii from a certain point at the northwes corner of the northeast quarter o section twenty llvo (25) ( ) In townshli twenty four (24) ( ) , north in range twi (2) ( ) , west of the sixth principal raerld Ian running thence south ono hal mile , thence east one hundred rods thence south sixty rods , thence cas thirty rods , thence south fifty flv rods , thence in a southeasterly dlrcc tlon to a point twenty rods east o the northwest corner of the northeas quarter of the northwest quarter o section thirty ono (31) ( ) , In townshl ] twenty four (24) ( ) , north in range on (1) ( ) , west of the sixth principal merld Ian , thence in a southeasterly dlrec tlon about forty rods to a naturn water course commencing on th northwest quarter of said sectio ; thirty ono 31 , and emptying in th Elkhorn river , in the south part o said section , on the ground that th said ditch or drain will bo conductlv to the public health , convenlenco an welfare and a benefit to Individual owning land In the vicinity of sal ditch or drain to bo established. Now therefore , we , John F. Dcdei man , as principal , and A. E. Cral and E. T. Fonsko as sureties , do pron Iso and undertake to tno county c Madison , state of Nebraska , and t the board of county commissioner Old Dutch ! Cleanser I Shortens your clean ing work in the kitchen through- o u t the house. This Oite Cleanser in handy sifter can keeps the house and everything in it spick and span with half the time required with old-fashioned cleaners. Cleaovs. Scrubs ScoursJPolisHe ? lfor porcelain ware and on the bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser is the one safe cleanser to use. The New and Better Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser on a wet cloth , tub well , wipe with a clean , wet cloth. Takes off all discoloration - coloration and scum and will not scratch. Use it fo * nil your clean ing. The one best claanser for the farm. LARGE SIFTER CAN of said county , that wo will pay all costs that may accrue in all proceed ings legally had under and by virtue of said petition in case said board of county _ commissioners find against the improvement prayed for In said petition. In witness whereof we have here unto signed our names this llth day of April , 1911. John F. Dedorman. Witnesses A. B. Craig W. II. Field. E. T. Fonsko. ( Seal. ) The above bond and sureties there on are approved by mo this llth day of April , 1911. 1911.S. S. R. McFarland , County Clerk. On motion the following bills wore allowed : .1. W. Fitch , labor and mileage $ 27.30 S. M. Dowling , bridge work. . . . 34.CO Tony Anderson , work R. D. No. 10 3.00 George Seckel , sr. , work R. D. No. 21 , 12.75 Will Pnrdy , work R. D. No. 9. . 46.15 William Lowe , work C. D. No. 3 14.00 L. E. Burch , work C. D. No. 3. . 4.00 William Gobler , balance on ce ment walk , claimed $25 , al lowed on tax 20.1G William Gobler 4.85 L. E. Burch , work C. D. No. 3. . 26.80 Carl Polensko , work C. D. No. 1 , claimed $206.40 , allowed at 115.00 J. H. Haggemelor , work C. D. No. 2 50.00 II. C. Jensen , surveying , claimed $16.50 , wholly disal lowed as not a proper charge against the county. J. T. Moore , work C. D. No. 2. . 13.50 E. G. Melcher , work C. D. No. 2 8.00 Fred Byorly , work C. D. No. 2. 16.00 On motion the county clerk was instructed to correct the 1910 tax list by reducing the actual valuation of the personal assessment of Henry Amen of Norfolk precinct , from $13,125.00 to an actual valuation of $8,175.00 on account of over valuation. The contract and bond for the erec tion of an addition to jail given to W II. Craig was presented , signed and approved. On motion the county clerk was instructed to advertise for the con struction of the following bridges in Madison county , Nebraska , during the year 1911 : Ono 30x16 foot steel I beam bridge with 12 foot approach , and such other bridges of like class as necessity or emergency may re quire ; also for such repairs on old bridges and all other brldgo work for Madison county for ono year , as necessity or emergency require. Such bridges to bo built and such repairs to bo made in accordance with plans and specifications on file In the office of the county clerk of Madison coun ty , Nebraska. Each bid to bq accom panied by n certified check for the sum of $2,000.00 as guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract and furnish bond for the fulfillment of same in case his bid Is accepted. Bids and check to be filed with the county clerk on or before noon ot May 12 , 1911. DIds to bo opened at 1 o'clock p. m. of May 16 , 1911. On motion the claim of M. D. Baker , coroner , In connection with the death of Fred Miller , was allowed at $18.00. On motion the claims of A. P. Pll- ger and Earnest Sasso for $2.00 and $5.00 respectively for expenses In con nection with the death of Fred Miller were wholly disallowed as not a pro per charge against the county. On motion the board adjourned to meet May 16 , 1911 , at 1 p. m. \ S. R. McFarland , County Clerk.