Newspaper Page Text
4 4 I 1 V 1 THi National Bank of L- m:o ly Rational BanI is tte Cosnty GEO. A. NORWOOD Presides! GEO. C. KORNEGAY, -Cashier Gol dsbor 'This Argus o'er th people righta Doth an eternal vigil keep; - dv: No soothing atraina of Maiaa eon, Can lnll iti handre eyea to sleep. The National Bank of Gcldsbcrc Wants your business and will be gld to talk or correspond with yon GEO. A. NORWOOD, Presfaent M. J. BEST, Vice-Presidt 5 ! 1 r- i ? i j j I Tl 5 V f1 I I f It. . hi , VOL. 1X GOLDSBORO, N. 0., TIIURSDAJY EVENING, JANUARY 1 1914 NO. HEW YORK HAS NEW MURDER KTSTERY TOMORROW HIGH PRAISE FKOJI PULPIT OF MADA31E LABADIE AND 1U M VORIw Riva's Famous Barrel Murder! of a Dozen Years Ago DECIDES IN FAVOR OF JR. SALISBURY I.U- FOlisB Mi is m : : Which Was Tlirovn IhIo the Gutter by livo ?ldn V -.. Palfl Boy to l)a?eii It I' .- Newt's ter-y, whl mens tar ego, waa the polk; th ?:r tbi- .WTChcd ; unit i.ded the et.-dn a pent of a m by Jcm ft::: r. Russian a TO'tE caused h. the body iJC c. it nr. ci de, for .A murder mys s te rival the- t'a- f.:;es::oa of bey noiiSc-J hour lie had . ::. ; i b'afi left ia s:i c; . : 1 a- . employed ir n, W. Va. "On Friday evening of 'this ..week, the C-old&boro Woman's Club will present in tlieir club, room to the patronage oi ilia Gcidsboro public ilaciame liar riot Labaaie, in "Tomorrow", and in er that there may te no possible herisiaa of the nature of the fc.iu:r::iriir.:?nt nc? as ta the atiliry oi r,Iai.-iiao Labaaie, ve pabliih the fol-2c-viig- high endoreement of both,- by i-ier. Leaa.C. Dritron, which speaks for itsol:', the manuscript letter, being in po&ses&icn of the Ai'Stis: - - " "Oaitley lethodlst Church Incleyenaoace and Elmwood Aves. i.san C. Button, Minister -Kansas City, Ms., April 14, 1913. To all LoT'ers cz Truth. 1 Judge Cooke Consents to Issue j Mandamus Proceedings The Goldsboro Grocery Co. This Widelv and Favorably Known Wholesale House Approaches the New Year by Moving Iiito New Quarters all Its Own A SECOND DISAPPEARANCE Arthur Kajle About Four Years Ago Hetired to lfoom and Has Not Been l ound Since Mur der Is Suggested. (Greensboro News, Dec. 30.) Holds That 3Ir. ment IVas Val G!'s to .ST-" Sa!: -'' i.Ip. A 'ad &v Ei lelah, Ieo. a to a i-: c t ieti. cf 111 the la. .- i Dirc ot tae st was cur attt aubaih e".enin 2 ij jam h been irac In.-- forcing tbe man'e :a:ea. Stoat roues aoch to the kneea bandana hanaker ia es a gas and. v had been wrapped this mornijig Jo ajloye of a "pusb held tie and ieot. chief had woman's ptxtir-oat about the Lead. Atoar ,0 ... ( du.1 seph Cccatr. au e cart stable" on Snovhi street nearby rented a cart to two men answering: the descriptLon given by the boy who called the police to see the trunk One of the men had asked the boy tc take care of the trunk after it had been dumped, in the gutter. Cooper said one of the men was tal' and well dressed. The other man p little shorter and dressed in a dark sweater and cap, wheeled the cart and . Ja-elievoil .to., have been- merely tbe employe of the well dressed man When the cart reached Pitt street the tall man gave his companion a coin j and then helped him unload the trunk ! After this the mail in the sweater re turned the push cart to its owner while the other asked the street ur chin to watch the trunk. At a late hour the police had no! learned where the trunk was obtained or picked up by the push cart nor had either of the men who carted it away been apprehended. Kramense, according to the man rwho identified him, has a brother liv ing at Cincinnati. He had been work ing in an Eastside stable. ea one - of the ministry in iveircming to ray pulpit, Madame Hai rier habadie, who interpreted to my congreaaricn, Mr. Macllaye's play ''Xo-rorrcYv-.".. Ebe made a powerful irnare-sion..' Her sweet spirit, mag nificent voice, and wonderful dramatic power, threw an unbroken spell over tbe great audience, as can be pro duced only by masters of interpreia tion. . This good, woman has a great soul freighted with a timely mectage and accompanied with a marvelous "genius ci expression. The perfection of her art. aad the. sincere on t-p curing of- her he.rvt carried us all . through the mcs' delicate and suggestive passaf s with only an impression of the real message.- We feel sure that wherever sdio shall go, -lasting good will result, for which corning generations of perfect childhood shall on the last great morning rise up and call her blessed She should be heard by the youth 'of our land everywhere: Heaven's blessing be upon-her and upon those ministering to her in the inner circle ofner busy life. Very sincerely, i r.AX C. BUTTON. 314 S. Lawn Ave., Kansas City, Mo. x . St, t'ES if': ning ai: v::s . V'. x. -n ' 1- : uuc.e Coobo o, .'mi ti: Tickets,, for .Mr.sjt, JLbadi,. -miai .d.vsej5eral, luj-s Xii.m?SVi aaofiitye ic di'.uiis on the ! -: i t'tat i.J an iiUproiser : t, rty ta tl at it ; boa ' . L; A. B.- Groom." this motion aad by Dr. Anderson's decision tv issue mas .!,..!, a Ct;cacu pointment of Mr. SaUnbin nor Kitciiin vasa .valid n vacancy caused by the i" J. D. Jjiggs and that 'it wp sary for the- appoint ms.-n:; Inavuxl by the benace, as by Dr. Anderson. - ' The case was bfjard yesterday morn iiig before Judge Cooke and tbe.argu m nt of tbe several irffdiiais ponfcum- i tae ;' -by -' a to n;i tb . ;'.-,!:;:; n of :s xioi :iie,.-Tr-; 6 bs "con was claimed Or LertaniU'ent are now on t-aie at ai.ui each, at the Imperial Drug Store. v LOCAL BIUEES Addinonal Briefs on THIRD PAGE to un end shortly- 'after 2 o'cIoek,-dn the afternoon. Dr. Anderson's-formal answer with, its amendments will In filed today and the proper appeal pa pers prepared as soon as possible. Misses Charlotte and Julia Parrott. of Kinston, are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parrott. -Misses Lillian and Bessie Fountain., of Raleigh, are in the City, visiting their cousin Miss Mabel King. MKS. LILLIE BLAKE 1)YI1G. Mrs. Rudolph Skalowski, of Spar tanburg:. S. C. is in "the city, visiting Native of Baleigh and rioneer In j her mother, Mrs. Jos. Edwards. Cause of Woman Sui'frage. . New York.-Dec. 29. Mrs. Lillie Dev- Miss Mary Aycocki of Raleigh, is ir eraux Blake, a pioneer in the cause j tne city, the guest of Miss Mary of woman suffrage in America, is dy- Cleaves Daniels, and all her young FAK3IEBS OF XOUTH CAi;f)LlXA- ABE RICH, Many Millions UlfrCe In l!ie Slate at Close of '191.3 Than Any Other Year Slisce t lie Var. Ing tonight at Lynnwooa l-odge, a sanitarium in Teaneck, N. J., kept by Dr. Allyn Adler, who says she will probably not live through the night. For more than three years Mrs. Blake, who was born 78 years ago had been in the sanitarium, greatly enfeebled physically and mentally; and then, two weeks ago, she fell and broke her hip. ' A woma". of distinguished ancestry Mrs. Blake was long known tbe coun try over as a champion of women's rights. She appeared in her day be fore committees of both branches of Congress and before committees of the Legislatures of many States. For set., friends here are glad to see her. Mrs.' Dr. Ross McElwee, of States ville, to the very great pleasure of her many friends here, is in the city visiting her parents Capt. and Mrs N. O Cerry. Mr. E. C. Duncan, of Raleigh, on his way from a visit to his "old home in Beaufort, was in the city last night, and expressed confidencein the busi ness outlook fGr the country for the Mr. J. H. Wells, a former citizen of Goldsboro, who has been making his en years sue was tne president or tne ome in Farmville for some time is New York State Woman Suffrage-As- !m tne cjty on a vsjt to relatives and sociation and for fourteen years she j friends. Mr. Wells will leave in a few was president of the New York Cit;- j days for New. Bern to join his wife on Woman Suffrage Association. She or !a visit to .their daughter Mrs. Ed? gahized the National Legislative Lea-j Jewell, after which thev will make Id: ,, I: t 1 3d t gue, was president at one time of the New York city legislative' league a was for several years tbe president of the New York city mothers' club. Mrs. Blake was born in Raleigh, N- C, a descendant of Kev. amacl . Johru son, first president c' 1'ik? a College - and rector oi Trinity ; of William S. . Jbhnscn, firit United 8:ate Senator from Connecticut, and oi Jonathan ' Edwards. Her nr&t hushand was Frank G. Q Unisteaa. a Mew lor It' ttierehanc. Mrs their home in Kinston. EUBXISHER ROOMS Two furnished rooms for rent on William street one square from Apply Washington, -Dec 2 0f North Caro Una farmers are richer by severa" ' millions of dollars at tbe close of business in 15)13 tlu'-n. they wete las year, or auy other year sinc e the .'War; according to a bulletin just issued by tbe department of agriculture. The total value of the tobacco crop for the entire country for last year was 28.4 per. cent, greater than for 1912 Tbe largest increase was in the bright districts of North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina. The price was higher than, ever before. According to the bulletin, based or prices of Dec. 1, the following amounts were received for crops in North Car olina: Corn, $1S,C4S,0G0 against $42,418,000 for 1912. "'' Wheat, '$7,503,000 against $5,907, 000. ' Cotton, $45,5159,000 against $30,373, 000. . . " - Tobacco, $30,9SS,000 against $17, 757,000. From the above figures it will be seen that cotton was the only crop that decreased in .value, while tobaccc almost doubled in price, and the corn crop was worth nearly three million dollars more than the cotton' crop. The Goldsboro Grocery Company is now engaged in the work of. moving fromtiie quarters long occupied on West Centre street to its own commodious and up-to-date building recently completed on James 'street Just north of Dewey Bros.' foundry. This change is highly indicative of the progressive policy and substantial pros perity of the Grocery Company, when starting but seventeen years . ago as one of the pioneer wholesale houses of Goldsboro, and steadily keeping pace with the sturdy growth of our city, has ex panded into a staid, reliable firm, serving not only a lengthy chain of local' merchants b-d also holding customers over a constantly increasing territory. The company's new building is most advantageously situated for conducting its great bulk of trade with despatch, facility and con venience. ; Extending frpm the railroad tracks on Centre street, a private spur runs directly to the doors of its commodious "Vare rooms while on the opposite side are suitable platforms, making the work of loading goods iato delivery wagons or country merchants' teams a matter of the" utmost ease. Of course these splendid facilities directly redound to the interests of the Grocery Company's large army of . purchasers, whose shipments can now go forward with great saving of time and loading expense, as well as saving to the company of drayage, which advantage is also shared with its cus-- ; . -i . . . ' tomers. ' " The building itself is a two story structure large, and admirably equipped with freight elevator service, accounting departments, and display shelves of advantageous design and Workmanship. From its first, beginning the Goldsboro Grocery Company has . been under the" continual direction of Mr. Thos. H. Holmes as pres ident, and the marked success of its career reflects the courteous attention, sound business sagacity and commercial enterprise that Mr. Holmes has exercised in winning for his company the enviable reputation that it possesses throughout Eastern Carolna. , ' The Argus takes pardonable pride in the magnificent - achieve ments of our felkrw citizen, Mr. Holmes, and his co-laborers of the Goldsborp Grocery Company, and Is most sanguine in predict ing for this" company even a wider field of patronage, now that its :'"tieW6c&lbnffords all opportunities for Increasing the volume tf - its business, and meeting every demand. Goldsboro goes forward in every line of legitimate endeavorand its wholesale trade commands a territory of patronage that ex perience serves to augment and win and hold every merchant cus tomer of other towns and country stores that once gives our city a trial order. We greet the Goldsboro Grocery Company in its new quarters with the New Year, with all good wishes for continued success and increasing patronage. ' Tbe W. A. I seen la; ( ' "go vra - cat din tilne be vtere- r.;.. tanii.b;?: Tbe a st on mysterious disappearance pf alan, tne cripple who was on Saturday night, is the appearance of a cripple in . Tbe first was four years Arthur Rayle went to hi; CADDIES FIGHT OVER WILSON'S GOLF CLODS President Laughingly Leans Over an Separates Them AGGIES SUPPLY THE EG te one night, since which ; President Is Making It a Real "Vuca. tion His Grippe and Cola uave Left ilim, But Ho i Still In Seed of Rest.' s not been -seen. That both .tied is a belief that has nc thorifies cave no direct clues , where Kilman went. He eta beard of since 10:15 o' curd ay night when he . wa s bis wagon on South Elm Pass Christian, Miss., Dec. 23. President Wilson . played ' eighteen boles of golf today for tne nrst time in many weeks. He male some of time he was coming the holes under bogey, and succeeded in defeating his opponent, Dr. Cary T. Grayson, U. S. N., something he rarely does. A half dozen younsters clambered on the running boa'rd of the Presi dent's automobile when it entered the golf ground; and engaged in a . free- ling tbe description of the for-all fight for possesion of bis. golf J clubs. The President laughed heart Rayie also was last seer : ily as he leaned out and separated Clothing store. Pre- I'y be bad been to the Clegg ho Lor a snort time. It is not be ;a 'tn bearded any of the passen unio but of Greensboro. Th ;r. f.gtnt on duty Saturday n'g enieincer selling a ticket tr tK ic does nt 2 anyone n; cripple. Aithar about xuv bear of bed time when, foui the contestants, while one of rhe so years ago, be went to his room set j cret service men told tbe Loys if th. y of the depot. The next morning the j didn't behave and take their turns window to bis room was found oper 1 orderly, each day, they would not be ana K or. tbe V -1 ;i v.-as gone. He too traveler i ets in a small wagon. Th- r, ', ; '. i .; :. that he never left ad th; bis body aha effects, ;sed of here. , I :dl vana used by Kilman : Sunday morning wrapped: nr permitted to caddy for Mr. Wia-oa all. After that a truce was dcclar;. d. After the golf game tne President spent the rest of the day indoors sleeping during tbe afternoon. "The President is mending sicwly," said Dr. Grayson today. -'His -nippe tees ci heavy brown paper and cold have entirely left him now up in shoe strings. This but what he needs is a rest and some as ftt.nd between Ashe and exercise." The President is receiving many in vitations to attend social function's school plays and eiittrtainmems, -but he is declining them all. Representa tive Harrison, of this congressional district, thought perhaps some of the Lev.-is sa-ezs in a back lot. Besides tne vacn it contained the hand :df: uo-td by tbe cripple in pushing Lis ".-agon r.cng tne street, the leath er shGiro -protected the stubs o: bis kg's, sni a single shoe from whicr a r"i'I ci ne neex naa Deen torn loose, otner members ot the Wilson family Tne paper used evidently had beer. ; might care to participate in social ac in. u-e before in an express shipment : tivities, but they, too, declared, .pre ss .it bad been labelled. It is a sup-; ferring the quiet surroundings of the pcsitlDii "that. Kuman had wrapped ur (Presidential cottage. :.i;-l3P.j:tbi2 59e,.jn.eJLp5?l " Students of .the Mississippi Agriou!- and that u mad been stolen Dy some-1 tural college at Scarkviile hae plan one as whiskey before it reached the-ned to prevent the President's family A GOOD WOMAN CALLED MRS. ELIZABETH SUMMERLIN FALLS OUf SLEEP SUN DAT AFTERNOON". i PEAR FOR LAUNCH. Little Craft With Fishing Party Aboard May Be Lost. Blake's uau&h'ters an Irs, John Bev erly Robinson... of 'St. Louis, and Kath erine Devereaux Blake, principal of public school No. 5, fn'is city. to Chas. Record. A. Brown, editor Weekly THE MYSTERY OF IT. FOR SALE , CM LAP FOil CASH Eight .-"Silent a-lrstnaii" oak hnisb floor Show' Will sell all or singly. Goldsboro Drug Co. 30 THE BEST ASSET ; the average man has, or will have, he ki. . Think thift' statement through, capitalize What-you can earn if you live, then insure your capital. National Life Tvisurauce Co. of Vt (Mutual) E. LI. KUriPHKEY, State Mgr. - Goldiborc, K. C. Two colored men bought a piece of pork, and Sam, having no place to put his share, trusted it to Henry's keep ing; They met the next night and Henry said: "A mos strange thing done happen at mah house last 'night Sam. All myst'ry to me." "Wha dat?" "Well, Sam," explained Henry, sol emnly, "dis mawnin' I go down in de ce'lar for to git a piece of hawg fo' breakfas', and' I put my han' down in the brine an' feels 'round, but dcy ain't no po'k dar all gone; so I tu'n up de bar'l, an', Sam, sho' as preach- in, de rats had done et a hole cl'ar frop de bottom of dat bar'l and' drag rrnA tl o moat nil rnitt" . - Sam waspertified with astonish ment for a moment andthen said "Why didn't de brine run outer de hole?" "" "Well, you' seei Sam," replied Hen ry, "dat's de myst'ry.'i Washington, Dec. 29. Fear that the launch Adirondack which left -Savan nah, Ga., December 13th, with mem bers of a fishing party aboard, has met with an accident at sea caused offi cials of the revenue cutter - service here tonight to dispatch the cutter Ty- bee from Savannah in search of the missing launch. No word has been heard from the Adirondack sl ice De cember 14th whtn she was proceeding towards Beaufort, N. C. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Sum merlin, relict of the late A. J. Sum merlin, of New. Hope township, this county, occurred Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, December. 28, at the home of her devoted son Mr. L. D. Summer lin, -with whom she residedin the above township. Deceased was a woman widely known and connected throughout the county and was greatly beloved by all who knew her for her sterling qualities of soul and neighborly of fices and broad charity. She was an exemplary Christian., and a devoted member of the Metho dist Episcopal Church South, and she goes to her "long home," leaving be hind her a blessed memory to her children as an inspiration and a guide for them to follow her and as a com forting assurance that it is well with her soul. - - - Mrs. Summerlin is survived by five children. These are Messrs. L. D. and Jesse Summerlin; Mrs. Will Langley, Mrs. John Boyett and Miss Rohema Summerlin. besides a wide circle of relatives and friends. The funeral largely attended, was held from Daniels (Chapel Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. C O. Durand, pastor of the Goldsboro Cir cuit and the interment was made in. the Barna Daniel graveyard near by. KILLED BY BROTHER. Tragedy in IreueH County In Which 3-Year-Old Girl Loses Her Life. Statesville, Dec. 29. Katie Lou Car ter, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carter, was shot and instantly killed today by her five-year-old brother at their home a few mile? northeast of Statesville. The four Carter children, there being two younger than Katie Lou, had been left in the house to play while their par ents went about their work. The oldest child, a boy of five, se cured his father's shot-gun, loaded it from a pile of shells on a table, 'and with the muzzle near his sister's face, pulled the trigger, literally tearing the top of the little girl's head off and scattering the fragments about the room. When the tragedy was discov ered the boy at first denied that he did the shooting, but later confessed his guilt without telling why he com mitted the deed. " AT THE ACME. "The Veteran" a Two Part Broncho Feature Picture Tonight RUGS! RUGS! ROCS! A fine lot of domestic and imported rugs on consignment will be offered at cost for ten days-or while they last before returning to owners. , ROBINSON'S 5 & 10 CENT STORE WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy tonight, probably rain on the coast; Wednesday' fair; brisk to high north, to northwest winds. WAS ONLY TAKING CAR FARE. The Acme has a two part feature on tonight that is sure to please, a Broncho photoplay certain to endear itself to many hearts. How often we hear the old generation regretting that the young people of toda yknow so. little about the Civil war. See this picture, it brings back and. makes viv id all the pathos and heroism of the Civil war days. express office, and finding it was no' whisky threw it aside where it was found. However, this supposition seems fo be exploded by the fact that the package did not appear to have any labels other than those which had been used before. No one filling the description of the crippled man went to the express office Saturday night with a package nor was any package received there like the one found. Another supposition was that Kil man, after preparing his package, lef on one of the night trains. The ticket agent on duty Saturday night does not remember furnishing a ticket to any one crippled. It is known that the man had an other wagon of a much handsomer kind, neatly fitted with horn and lights. About two weeks ago he wen' to a local printer and ordered' a cut from a photograph made with him sitting in this wagon. That wagon has not been seen here. Kilman was going to use printed cards containing the photograph in visiting the busi ness men of the city, but he never called for the cut. There is a strong believe that some one took charge of Kilman soon after he left the Vanstory store and mur dered him for his money. from being inconvenience J by the egg famine. Three dozen fre.-h eggs today were sent to President U :-n through the parcel post by the college stu dents, who will continue to ot; .,teh a supply daily during bis stay hero. ALL THIS WEE K. Cough Syrup, Kidney Remedy, Head ache Remedy, Rheumatism Remedy, all at Williams' Drug Store. Guaran teed. Try them. The offering a, the Miifconcr Opera House ail this week will be tbe Mat tice Stock Company, a company well known in tbe East, although new to the patrons of this theatre. Tbcy have an excellent retniiLion as a good clean cut aggregation. Every mem ber of the company is an amsst in h'is or her line. Good plajd well staged and acted are assured by all those who attend. Tbe opening piay will be the four act story of the sea, "The Girl From Out bonder," which will be produced with a strong cast ana all special scenery, costumes and effects. High class vaaae idle will be given between acts. Popular prices of ten, twenty and thirty cents wi.l prevail. Seats now selling. GULF AND SOUTH' ATLANTIC SWJtFI BY RAD hf OUM. Veteran Sailor l s He. Aeit-r Saw Such a Storm Before iu 3J Yeais At Mbi. Mobile, Ala., T -Loss ol the FOR RENT New 9-room house or East Walnut street extension. All modern conveniences. Large lot Apply to N. E. Bradford, Phone 155 FINE PONY FOR SALE I offer for sale my, fine Welsch- Pony, Trap and Harness. W. W. Peirce, Goldsboro N. C. 27 "A Sure Cure" One of those rare j I L SSEK6ER -.OPERA HOUSE HEWttK lymiiruv ncn no Uncle Joe Cannon, in a recent polit ical argument said: "That excuse is not good enough. It reminds me of a Danville bartend er. He came to work in a Danville bar and as soon as he arrived the re ceipts began to diminish. The boss at the end of the week said to the newcomer: , dN " 'Look here, do you take money out of the till?' . . - ' " 'Olv no sir,' said , the bartender 'No indeed, sir. " 'Now, said the boss, 'you must be taking money. I know it.' 'Of course,' said the man, 'Intake out my car fare every night.'- "'Oh, you do, eh?' said the boss And where do you live? In San Fran cisco?' ur:mifniizzn comedy dramas with a real plot. Its a Reliance and-is directed by the well known director D. W. Griffith. "In the Harem of Haschem" Lu bin comedy. HE WAS A PEACE MAKER. The proprietor of the leading 'drug store in a small Kentucky town was coming out of the front door of his place not long ago, when a sihall.toy came tearing round the corner at top gait with his head down and butted squarely into him. . "Hey, kid!" demanded the druggist.. "What's the matter?" "I'm trying to keep two boys from gettin' into a fight,'.' panted the young ster. "Who are the boys?" . asked the druggist. I'm one ot 'era."' Saturday Even ing Post, v Miss Lois Hammond Supported by ltattieo Stock Company In a Repertoire of - MODEEK'PLATS . Opening Play Monqay The Girl from out Yonder '":" ' - With - ' High Ol ass Vaudeville Special Matinee New Years Day Popular Prices 10, 20 and 30 ' Cents British echconer Lord of Avon during Friday's storm in the Gulf of Mexico was established here today when the schooner George F. Scanueii arrived in port with the Avon s ciew The Lord of Avon was bound. Lorn, l'ensa coia to Cuba 'with lumber. An unidentified schooner, believed to be the British schooner CheMie, which sailed from Pascagoula last Tuesday with a cargo of lumber for Havana, is drifting in distress far off the Florida coast, according to other vessels that arrived here today. The Cheslie was in command of Captain -Lcorncr and carried a crew of six. Several other shirs which left gulf ports for Cuba last week have not been heard from. Among these are the American schooner Griffin, the Ameri can brig Motley and the British schooner M. A. Achorn. Tampa, Fla., Dec. 29. The British steamer Hornby Castle, which arrived at Boca Grande last night, reports having spoken an unknown schooner in distress at .10 o'clock Saturday night 120 miles west, of Cedar Keys and 150 miles northwest of Tampa. The vessel was drifting from 10 to 20 miles daily. It is believed it may have been the British schooner Ches lie. The tug Kdgar F. Conlev left Tampa this afternoon to search for the distressed schooner. WANTED , F4RJLlt!XE Prefer man with one or more hi family-large enough to do good work. -. Good brick house, regular work, high wages, etc. This i3 worth investi gating. For particulars apply ? to J. A, Corbett at Grant's brick yard. :);