Newspaper Page Text
Uti o o e a o " a o o o o e oo . -1 o M V o e o ; e o e: I. BsTABtuno Mat H.1S7S. Columbus fouruat Golumbuii Nebr. BBtandattheniatofics.ColoabM.Nehrai X suraf -' " ac XamlWalMtltitkr lLX.TfftmN. Q TnuaorsoBSCBxrnoii: w On fwv. ay aw pastas ataBsid' SLM sli S1.S1 tb . npn& awBfWBAnaBJB " AW am - tg tawflOa) B0BnBS sap RAnTawsraw Vaw aLVY as-RV au ! nin ""j Jz 3Z ISC WKDXK8DAY. AUGUST ffi. 1S91. fTHEJomur- at & Up to ills Is-paM Gtaiif Iraat. OmoU Fair, Sept 24 to 27. Madison Fair, Sept. 10 to 13. David City Fair, Sept 17 to 20. State Fair, at Lincoln, August 30 Sept 6. Boone Coanty Fair opens September 25, doses September 27, at Albion. Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York, May 1 to November 1, 1901. State Reunion of Grand Army, Ne braska division, Hastings, Sept 2G to 31. BtfmMicam ttata CsaTsntkn. The republicans of the state of Ne braska are hereby called to meet in con vention at the auditorium in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, on Wednesday, August 28, 1901, at 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the purpose of placing in nom ination candidates for the following offices to be voted for at the next gen eral election to be held in the state of Nebraska on November 5, 1901. One judge of the supreme court; two regents of the university of the state of Nebraska, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before said convention. The basis of representation of the sev eral counties in said convention shall be the vote oast for Hon. John F. Nesbit for presidential elector at the regular election held on November 6, 1900, giving one delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof, so cast for the said John F. Nesbit, and one delegate at large for each county. The entire number of delegates is 1,303. Platte county is entitled to 17. Ed. Journal. It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention, but that the delegates present thereat from each oounty be permitted to cast the full vote of the oounty represented by them. Notioe is hereby given that each of the even numbered senatorial districts in the state is to select a member of the state committee to serve for a term of two years. (Signed.) H. C. LXNDSAT, Chairman Republican State committee. John T. MAi.TiAi.rEU, Secretary. Itjaalicaa County Convention. Bepablieaa electors of Platte coanty are hero- or caiMu xo -aeei in meir rain-cult- rami iBrti and wards. Mondar. Aacnst 26. 1901. beta the boars of J and, for the par Doae of aelectiBS delegate to the conatr eonren- o'clock p. m.. Tuesday. August 27, 1901, for the panose of nominating a county ticket consist Imr at iadm. sheriff, treasurer, coanty clerk. . -r '. " . - , .s aaent, earveyor ana coroner; veieciiaK to the republican stale convention. ad for the transaction of each other business as aaar properly come before them. The township meetings will also nominate Innliaban. The several townships will be entitled to the foUowiac namber oi delegates at tne coanty coavsa'iaa: City of Columbus First ward. 6 Batler Loap Lost Creek.. Granville Barrows Monroe Joliet Third " Cotambna township. ..5 w asHH4jB. St. Bernard.. Creek. 4 Woodville. Grand Prairie S Walker 8 Humphrey. 4 J. D. Btires. Chairman. Joan Wiooins, Secretary. Thursday, a very heavy rain at Lenora, Norton county, Kansas; five inches of water fell. The four million mark in attendance was paoaod Sunday at the Fan-American exposition. It is declared that there are twenty five thousand idle in San Francisco as the result of the strike. Pope Leo XIII is reported in excel lent health, notwithstanding his age. He was born March 2, 1810. The Texas crop of cotton this year is estimated at 2,000,000 bales, more than one-fourth the whole world's supply. The rainfall in Nebraska for July, aocording to the State weather bureau, was less than one-half the average for twenty-six years past. FnxMOXT has an electric clock in the t. It marks oaadal time, being wscratited daily from Washington by the Western Union telegraph company. Jcdqe OnoaoE Osteehotjt, one of the oldest settlers of Butler county, died Saturday in David City. He located on a 1-oaaestead in 1872. He was 73 years oM u Axii the buildings and tents in the new town Anadarko, Oklahoma, were destroyed in n cyclone Wednesday night Tiro parsons were killed and many injured. Thet are surely after them. A man Kearney was arrested by a game fined $3195 and also had to pay $6 for each quail killed; thus, the viola- i of law cost him $18.95. A sraczAL election has been ordered by the city council of Madison to be held September 24, to vote on a proposi- to vote bonds for water works ex- ia the earn of $5,500. The first death from smallpox in i for several years occurred at the hospital there Thursday, Osoffn A. Freeman. There have been i since January last jAGavWiXTEBSET, the man who stole tmjMO in gold bullion from the Selby - works, afterwards confessins. haw hesn awntenoed to fifteen years in the i -penitentiary as uoisom. TwXCAS 1'"T who lives one mile of Dodge, lost fourteen stacks and oats by fire Sunday. It is the in was conunuaioatod to the tkoagh a stubble field adjoin- Wi which had been set on Ore. kssttasated at from six to seven doUars.-Freeaont Herald. aHMraHaVlar-M JOPaUULL. sooooooooooowxux: LET It GO AT THAT. A Gerataa woman, referring to her conntry, gaja that "the Mobility detest, the aasiaess interests-fear, aaw the popalace like America." All Americaas are willing to let the matter stand just that way. Cleveland Leader. IT IS CRIME SUPREME. Pierce City, Ma, is a town of 3,000 people. A girl was attacked by a negro with lecherous intent as she was re turning alone from church sunaay mniM and left dead by the side of the railroad track, with her-throat cut from ear to ear. For fifteen hours the population of the town was in a frenzy or vengerui fury. The supposed murderer was hanged. His grandfather was shot to death. Another negro was cremated in his cabin. The houses of five negroes m hnrned down and thirty negro families before rifles seized at the state militia arsenal were driven from the place to refuge in the weeds and woods. And after fifteen hours of this work the mob finds that it lynched sn inno cent man and that the negro who tallies with the description of the murderer is in jail across the border in Indian ter ritory. And so it proved once again, if that were necessary, that a mob, with im pulses all exaggerated and distorted, cannot be depended on to do the swift justice which it always angrily boasts it can do. The mob spirit seems to be growing in recklessness, if that were possible. This is believed to be the third or fourth innocent man lynched in the last six months. If brutality and savagery do not deter from mob practices, will not the awful mistakes of killing innocent men have some effect? The very exist ence of a mob-, the very suggestion of a lynching, is a rank injustice to every member of society. Omana wona-ner- ald. The bimrast transaction ever recorded in the historv of the apple trade of the United States, has just occurred, the sale for $54,000 cash of the apple product of 1,000 acres of orchard, estimated to harvest 100,000 barrels. The purchasing firms agreed to do all the picking and take all risk of storms and other dangers. The orchard belongs to S. A. Haseltine, Green county, Missouri; the apples are now in splendid condition, and are all of the Ben Davis variety, that will ripen early. Mr. Haseltine says that with the use of a mothcatcher he had been able to orotect the entire apple crop from the attacks of worms, which have destroyed half the apples of the country this season. The September Review of Reviews is an unusual number, even for that maga zine, of which the public has come to expect great things. Merely to list the contents of this issue is to enumerate the topics that now, at the approach of September, 1901, have "preferred position- tu bkoJnU tM-ara. TKo sraat dtl strike, the career of Admiral Schley, the contributions of Dr. Koch to the modern method of dealing with consumption, the rapid advance of the horseless car riage, the conditions in Kansas after the severe summer's drought, are some of the subjects treated in this number, and each subject is dealt with by an expert. The census bureau has issued a bul letin giving the mortality statistics dur ing the census year in the states and territories and the principal registration cities: The total number of deaths reported for the year was 1,039,004, as against 841,419 for 1890. Perhaps the most important feature of the results presented is found in the decrease in the general death rate in the registration area of 1.86 per 1,000 of population, a decrease of nearly 10 per cent The average age at death in 1890 was 31.1 years; in 1900 it was 352 years. One son and a daughter of John Ouidinger, a farmer living three miles east of Leigh, are down with smallpox. They contracted the disease at Fremont, where they had been attending the Nor mal school. They came home on the cars, attended a dance at Clarkson and afterwards, and on the same day that a doctor pronounced it to be smallpox in a severe form, a reception was held at the Ouidinger place, at which a large number were present from various neighborhoods. J at Eye See, 2:10 trotting and 2-06A pacing, nearly bled to death recently at the Case farm, near Racine, Wis., where he has been allowed to run about for the past eight rears. The gelding struck a foreleg on a barbed-wire fenc ing, and cut himself badly. When found by the farm hands he was in a weak condition from loss of blood. A few years ago he nearly bled to death through cutting himself with glass. He is 23 years old. The State asylum for the insane at Norfolk, is to have an additional well sunk, either five or six inches in diame ter and from 190 to 140 feet deep. Con struction of the big standpipe recently ordered to be erected, was begun last week. It is to be 100 feet high, with a uniform diameter of ten feet It will rest on a base of masonry sunk eight feet into the ground and projecting two feet above the surface. Indications point almost conclusively to the suicidal drowning of James T. Hoffman, former assistant postmaster at Newman Grove, somewhere in the Mis souri river near Omaha. Letters and papers found last Friday on clothing left on the river bank indicate his inten tion of ending his life. A letter to his mother tells of his discouraged life on account of whisky. Chicago capitalists have a force of men at work at Brickton, near Hastings, Nebraska, to properly handle the sand that is to be run through the mining machine which it is thought will separ ate and gather the flour gold in the sand. The machine is in place. The state of Kansas has over $7,000,000 in the permanent school fund which it wants to invest in Kansas school bonds, out eastern brokers are outbidding the commissioners, and are thus securing most of the bonds. XSOOSSOOC The census bureau has made public the mortality statistics for the year 1900. In a table of forty cities of the United States. St Joseph, Mo , shows a death rate of 9.1 per thousand, being the low est mortality, whila Shreveport, La-, shows the highest 45.5 being their rate to the thousand. The average age at death in 1890 was 31.1 years; in .1900 it was 35.2 years. Death from all the prin cipal diseases shows a decrease since 1890, the most notable being in consump tion, which decreased 54.9 per 100,000. The Union Pacific railroad announces a 2 percent dividend on both its com mon and preferred stock. This shows how the company is holding its own despite the enormous expenditures for line improvements in Wyoming, im provements, however, which in time will increase the traffic, decrease operating expenses and therefore increase the dividend rate. Omaha Bee. The annual conference of the Ne braska district of the Missouri synod of the German Lutheran church began near West Point Thursday, to continue a week. The total attendance is expect ed to be about two hundred, preachers and elders. HUal tttJ. HUM The League Assembly which was held in Fullerton ten days ending last Friday, was a decided success, so much so that it is probable that the assembly will be kept as a permanent organiza tion. The location at Fullerton is ex cellent, the natural scenery of the grounds beautiful, making one feel that a picturesque bit of mountainous coun try is set down in this vast stretch of plains, for the use of such gatherings. This part of the state is in need of just such kind of an attractive camping place and it would be a pity to give it up, now that it is so well started. The Assembly had as high as 4,000 people in one day; a carload of tents were pitohed, and many more would have been used it available. The programs throughout were good, and the lectures of the famous colored orator, Dr. Bowen, also of Dr. Shepard, and the concerts of the Slayton Jubilee singers, were all excel lent The citizens of Fullerton have recognized the benefits of the assembly and have promised the authorities to put about $200 improvements on the grounds, providing the assembly is made permanent. About thirty people from Columbus visited the grounds during the session, and a great many more will ctoubtleaa attend next year. The suc cess is due largely to the past president J. J. Burley. Rev. E. B. King of St Edward has been elected president for the coming year. It seems evident that the tramp or hobo nuisance has again got to a point needing treatment of a common-sense and effective sort Work, it strikes everybody, is the remedy, and how would this plan do, suggested by a policeman who has the nuisance to deal with every day in some shspe? Let the city have a stone pile, where stone can be pounded for use in filling holes in the streets; also a wood pile, where wood can be sawed; and then whenever anybody is found begging from door to door, arrest them for vagrancy and give them work on the stone or the wood pile? It adopted generally over the country, the tramp might, by force of circumstances, enforced by his own good thoughts, con clude that to work is bettor than to loaf and lounge and steal and disturb the orderly community in their legitimate business. The true principle is, of course, that right work is good in every respect, while being a necessity; the tramp's notion is "avoid work," and it isn't wholesome, either for himself or for the people among whom he meanders during the summer months, The most modern up-to-date tramp who makes that his business all the time is a criminal-minded chap bent upon preying on society, and be don't scruple to do any thing, so he himself escapes the clutches of the law. The practical thing for Columbus is that he will go around the place where he would be made to do work. Cat the The laws of 1901 have added Sec 129 to the former laws on Roads, and we copy it in full for the benefit of Journal readers in Nebraska: "That it shall be the duty of land owners in this state to mow or otherwise destroy all weeds to the middle of all public roads running along their lands at least once in each year, namely, be tween the fifteenth day of July and the fifteenth day of August in each year. And whenever land owners neglect to mow or otherwise destroy the weeds in roads as nerein provided it shall be the duty of the overseer of roads on com plaint of any resident of his road dis trict to mow or destroy the weeds on neglected portions of roads complained of and the overseer may charge and be paid from the general fund of the oounty one dollar and fifty cents per day for a man, one dollar and fifty oauta per day for a team, and one dollar per day for the use of the mowing machine for the time actually spent for the cutting and des troying weeds, provided that no overseer shall destroy the weeds on any road until after the time has passed in which the owner is required to destroy the said weeds." The remainder of the section provides that the charge against the lands shall be entered up as an assessment and paid as other taxes are. Prompt attention now, before com plaint has been entered, may save you trouble and expense. A fanner writes The Journal this, and what he says is eminently true and timely, viz: "It in very discouraging to a tidy farmer who destroys the wesds along the road adjoining his farm to hare it seeded Moh year by weeds that have i been allowed to send on the opposite aide. TheYe is nothing that adds more to the appearanoe of a country than well-kept highways." An enthusiastic republican county convention u in session as we go to Henry Ragatz chairman, Frank Walker secretary. City Monday the First ward selected as delegates to the county convention: E. a Hoclnnberger, Frank T. Walker, M. K. Turner, J:D. Stires, John Wiggins, J. M. Curtis. M. K. Turner was recom mended as central committeeman for the ward for the ensuing year. The Second ward republicans elected the following delegation: Henry Ragatz, Hugh Hughes, Cams. Miner, Bert Galley, Ernest Duasell, Will Zinnecker, Will Schram. The Third ward: Charles Jens, Frank Gerhart, W. A. McAllister. Carl Kramer, G. J. Garlow, G. A. Scott, B. E. Jones, R S. Dickinson, H. A. Hansen. JtHi-lW'iwHi'H m wa Sm.l itatfsa. I a V & i-M WM - L Sibbernsen is up from Omaha. J. N. Heater went south Saturday. r C. B. Tomlin went to Lincoln Monday. Gilbert Anderson went to Seward yes terday. Sam Rickly made a trip to Omaha Monday.. Ben Cowdery, now of Leigh, was in town Saturday. C B. Tomlin is spending several dsys vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Laughlin visited Omaha Thursday. Miss Lizzie Sheehan visited friends in Humphrey last week. Misses Lillian Adams and Susie Roen are visiting in Clarks. D. M. Newman took an early train for Platte Center Monday. Miss LetitiaSpeioe visited in Schuyler, returning last Tuesday. Frank EimerB make a business trip to Chicago, starting Sunday. Mrs. a A. Waddell of Schuyler was visiting in the city last week. Louis Neff is here from Soda Springs, Idaho, visiting his brother Carl. Master Jay Smith has been visiting relatives in Omaha the past week. Miss Daisy Salmon of Omaha is visit ing relatives in and around Columbus. Mrs. A. & Meiklejohn and children of Omaha are visiting friends in the city. Miss Grace Clark went to Fairbury this morning to visit relatives a few days. Rev. Rhine of Genoa, pastor of the Congregational ohuroh, was in the oity Monday. Prof. Campbell, principal of the Hum phrey publio schools, was in the city Mondsy. Anson Connor left Saturday for Boise City, Idaho, and will visit the western country. Miss May King, formerly of Columbus now of Omaha, is visiting Miss Ethel Henrich. Leo Kilian started Monday for his home in Ft Riley, Kan., after a short visit here. Mrs. J. M. Gondring and son returned Saturday from an extended trip to Michigan. Misses Eulalia and Ruby Rickly will return today from their extended visit east to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones visited friends in the northwest part of the oounty last week. Mrs. Spuhre and Mrs. Haahn of Chi cago are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Rud. Giese of this city. Miss Robinson of Clarks left for her home Sunday, after a week's visit with Mrs. Garrett Hulst Miss Madge dishing returned Satur day from several weeks' visit with friends at Fairbury. Miss Emily Rorer returned last Tues dsy from an extended visit in Massa chusetts and Illinois. Miss Edna Hord of Central City and Miss Mollie Ramsburg of Clarks are the guests of Mrs. Garrett Hulst Fred. Williams went to Syracuse to dsy where he will be assistant principal in the schools the coming year. Miss Daisy Hall stopped in the oity Saturday to visit Miss Louise Haney on her way from Denver to St Joe. Mrs. F. W. Herrick left Tuesday of last week for an extended visit to her former home in eastern New York. Mrs. Thomas Keating started yester day for her old home, Harvard, Illinois, to visit for a month among her relatives. Mrs. Anna Chapman, who has been teaching at Casper, Wyo, came home Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Hamer. Misses Grace Lubker, Rose Gass and Gladys Turner visited friends in Schuy ler part of last week, making the trip overland. Win. McAndree and daughter, Fay, of Kingfisher, Oklahoma, visited Mr. MoAndree's nephew, Fred Roberts and family, over Friday. Mrs. Roth, mother of the Roth broth ers, started Monday for her home in Germany. She has spent about two yean with her sons here. Charles Bloedorn of Platte Center was in the oity Monday. He has lately been in the Black Hills country, and saw Col. Whitmoyer at Hot 8prings. Miss Hannah Shefford, (eieter of Mrs. & J. ManaoyX who had been living at George Derry's, Iowa, is now living with her nephew here, Ed. Marmoy. Miss Celia Madden of Omaha earns up Sunday for several weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Smith. She went to Sioux City Mondsy, to remain a few days. - Mrs. E. H. Bailey and two children, who had been visiting her brother John Graf the past two weeks, started yester day morning on their return homo, Chicago. Miss Mary Borowiak started Inst Wed nesday for Chicago where she will spend two weeks in the interest of her work. She was accompanied by the Mathews and Sslsor of Schuyler. Sals af Military Stock. The-Royal millinery stock, including all kinds of millinery goods and notions, located on Olive street Columbus, Nebr., will be sold Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m., August 31, 1901. A good clean stock, a good opening and location for a good milliner. C J. Gablow, Att'y for Owners. and Tidnity. A fine shower Fridsy night Mr. and Mrs. Asians were trading in Columbus Saturday. Miss Carrie Abart entertains Miss Crosby of Iowa as her guest. A nephew to Rev. M. Anderson is here from Grand Island, coming overland on bicycle. Walter and Ruth Butler of Columbus are spending this week at the home of their uncle, George Mentzer. Fred and Henry Hoppe have a week's job of straw baling near Leigh. They intend to camp and board themselves. Muses Winnie and Ruby Young of Columbus were pleasant guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stevenson Sunday. Everybody is invited to attend the M. E. Sunday school picnic Aug. 30 at Mc Allister's (Gondring's) lake. Bring your baskets well filled and enjoy an outing. B. C Boyd k Son were recently out and put up lightning rods on the resi dences of Henry Rickert and H. Grote lasoheo. Mr. Boyd has a fine battery with which he illustrates the striking of a miniature house by electricity from imitstion oloud, proving to one the value of good rods on buildings during a, thunder storm. Xtal Irtate Transfers. Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers, real estate agents, report the following .real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk since our last report: E AGerrard toALHendryx, lot 2 bl F Monroe, wd $ 75 00 Sarah Robley to R H Vanleer, lot 3 bl F Monroe, wd 75 00 Wm Zinnecker to E L Kenyon, lot 9 bl 6 Smith's add to Co lumbus, wd. 80000 E A Stookslsger to J T Steffes, lota 3 and 4 bl 4 let add, Hnm 2250 00 N P Nelson to Rhine Rade, se4 21-19-3w, contract 5350 00 Ann Meyers toE H Leach, lots 1 snd 2 bl 8, Lockner 1st add to Humphrey". 694 50 P E McKillip to Frank Con nelly, pt lot 10 bl 7 Linds, wd 37 50 M M Graham toVantin Gehr, e2 lot 7 bl 13, Lockner's 1st add to Humphrey. 40 00 State of Nebraska toM Hoesly, w2 ae4 16-19-lw, deed 5G0 00 Peter Johnson to Lindsay State Bank, lot 8 bl 12, 1st add to Humphrey. 1600 00 Henry Deyke to Ed Higgina, lots 1, 2 and 6, 14-17-2w, con tract 210000 C H Davis to Ella M Jergen son, lot 2 bl 171, Col, wd 1 00 Total $13583 00 This Jj Tour Cnance. In order to introduce it into your home The Semi-Weekly State Journal will be mailed from now until January 1, 1902, for only twenty-five cents. This will give you a paper every Tuesday and Friday and will be almost as good as a daily. It will give you all the markets which just now is a valuable feature, worth to every farmer many times the cost of the paper. The Journal is print ed at the state capital and is more of a state paper than any of its competitors. It prints the news of the world fresh from special wires in its own office and prints it twice a week, while it is fresh and doesn't oharge you any more for it than does the old-fashioned weekly. Send your quarter to The State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Cnrni ay Osteopathy. Mrs. Antones Schendler of Deloit, Nebr., has been suffering for the last two years with stomach trouble, and a lame knee, having to walk with orutches. She has taken six weeks' treatment of Dra. Meeks, the Osteopaths, at Schuy ler, Nebr. Was cured of the Btomach trouble and has laid aside her orutches. Low Sates to Linceln Nebraska lUto Fair. September 2 to 6, the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Lincoln at half rates, plus 50 cents for admission to State Fair. This will be "the big show." $18,000 has been spent this yesr in permanent improvements on the fair grounds. $30,000 in cash premiums. All entries, except speed, free. Ask nearest sgent Burlington Route, for further information. 2 Osteopathy. G. P. Meeks, D. O. N. H. Meeks, D. O. Gentleman's dep't Ladies' dep't. Graduates of the American school of Osteopathy. Chronio diseases and deformities a specialty. Literature furnished upon application free of charge. Consultation and examination free. Oaacs Mrs. Merrill's residence, Four teenth street, Columbus, Neb. tf YeUewsteae PaxkCleaas Sept. 16. Go new if you would see Yellowstone Park before the season closes. No better time of year than this. Everything is at its best weather, roads and scenery. It takes only about ton days to make the trip, and by going in August you can exchange the heat of a Nebraska summer for the cool, sweet air of the mountains. Write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb., for folder giving full information about the Park. Itoontainsalargemapof the Park, as wsll as a description of the principal points of interest Excursion rates daily ask the ticket agent about them. Constipation, impaired digestion and n torpid liver, are the most common ail ments that are responsible for that tired, listless, fagged-oqt feeling that makes the summer a dreaded period to so many people. HEBBINE will cure constipa tion, it improves the digestion and arouses the liver to normal activity. PrioeSO cents. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. TeaNcaen' atettimr A specisl meeting of the Columbus city teachers is called for Saturday, August 31st 9 a. m., High school build ing. W. M. Kern. AM HEAL CUIATE The first white man to set foot on Utah soil, Father Silvestre Teles de Escslsnte, who reached the GREAT SALT LAKE on the 23rd day of Sept, 1776, wrote in his diary: Here the climate ia so delicious, the air so balmy, that it is a pleasure to breathe by day and by night." The climate of Utah ia one of the richest endowments of nature. On the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction the climate of cli mates is found. To enable persons to participate in these scenic and climatic attractions and to reach the famous HEALTH, SATHINQ AND PLEASURE RESORTS of Utah, the UNION PACI FIC has made a rate to OUDEN and SALT LAKE CITY of one fare for the round trip, plus 82.00, from Missouri River, to be in effect June 18th to 30th inclusive, July 10th to Aug. 31st inclu sive. Return limit Oct. 31, and $30.00 for the round trip on July 1 to 9 inclu sive, Sept 1 to 10 inclusive. Proportionately low rates from inter mediate points. For full information, call on or address 9t W. H. Ben-ham, Agent. FOR A SUMMER OUTIMG. The Rocky Mountain regions of Cole redo reached best via the Union Pacific provide lavishly for the health of the invalid and the. pleasure of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps are to be found some of the most charming and restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilarates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in effect by the Union Pacific en able you to reach those favored .localities without unnecessary expenditure of time or money. ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP pluB $2.00 from Missouri River, in effect June 18th to 30th; July 10th to August 31st inclusive. The Union Pacific will also sell tickets on July 1st to 9th inclusive, September 1st to 10th inclusive, at 5515.00 for the round trip from Missouri River points. Return limit October 31, 1901. Proportionately low rates from inter mediate points. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. 9t W. H. Bexiiam, Agent Osteopathy, the Drugleu Science. It is a means of curing diseases, with out the use of drugs or the knife, by using the hands to remove any pressure on the nerves, arteries and veins, so that the circulation of the fluids and gases of the body will be restored to a normal condition. It is based on a knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and chem istry of the human body. Osteopathy cures all curable diseases. The suspensory treatment cures curva tures nnd all abnormalities of the spine, when all other methods fail. This device is something new, and we would be glad to have those who have spinal troubles coll and investigate this new treatment. Consultation and examination free. G. P. Meeks, D. O. Nelle II. Meeks, D. O. Office: Mrs. Merrill's residence. Co lumbus, Nebraska. tf Legal Rotices. America is a tolerably free oonntry when yon think right down to the foun dation of things, and not accordingly. Tne Journal has had thirty years' ex perience in handling legal notices of all descriptions, and takes this occasion to say that it is thoroughly equipped for this sort of work. We desire that you remember us when yon have work of this sort to be done. When you do the paying, you have the right to place the work. Special atten tion given to mail orders. Call on or address, M. K. Turner & Co., Journal Office, Columbus, Nebr. Some Special Rates Via Union Pacific. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, $15.00 round trip, limited to return October 31st On salo July 1st to 9th and September 1st to 10th, inclusive. Chicago, 817.20 round trip, limited to return August 3l8t. On sale July 23, 24 and 25. For further information call on W. H. Benham, Agent. For mosquito bites, bites or stings of insects, animals or reptiles, spply BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It counteracts the poison in the wound, subdues the inflammation nnd heals the flesh. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. Choice Bred Shorthorns. Eighteen bulls for sale. I want you to see them, whether you wish to buy or not It will do you good to look at them. They are for sale at prices guar anteed to be as low as in lows, at retail. tf C. K. Davies. When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at The Journal office. Nitici ti Stieklillirs if Bisnark Cnanry Ci. TOD WILL TAKE NOTICE that at a raeet itut of the directors of said company held AuKMt 27, 1901. it was ordered that a special meeting of the stockholders be called to con Tene. at Firemen's Hall, Colnmbas, Saturday, September 7, 1901, at 2 p. m.. for the purpose of discnssing the advisability of selling the cream ery mad also, if found advisable, to then and there make the sale. Br order of directors. . D.G. BARTEL8, 1 President. WHEN IN NEED OP Briefs. Dodgers, Sale bills, Envelopes, Catalogues, Hand bills, Statements, Note heads, Letter heads, Meal tickets, Lam! blanks. Visiting cards, Milch checks. Business cards, Dance invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations, Or, in short sny kind of JOI PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus, Nebraska. B COLUMBU8 MARKETS. Wheat, old 58$ " new 56 CornT shelled bushel . . . 44) Oats, V bushel. 32 Bye V bushel U Hogs y owt 5 20 5 40 Fat cattle V ewt 3 00 4 50 Potetoes-V baaheL 90 1 00 Butter V 1). 11014 Eggs $ docen. 12 Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. TIME TABLE, COLUMBUS. NEB. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph. Kansas City, St. Lomis nnd all points Bast and South. Denver, Helena, Butte, alt Lake City, Portland, S n n Francisco and nil points West. TliAIKH DSTAST. No. Si Paawaaer. daily except Studay. 7:15 a. m No. 32 ArcomauNlatioa, daily except ftUorday OS p. a TBAISS ABKITE. No. 21 Pas wanner, daily except Sunday. 9:00 p. n No. 31 Accommodation, daily except Baoday lJOp.m TIME TABLE U.P.RR KAST BOUND, MAIK LINK. No. 8.t Colombo Local It. SJ8 a. m. No. 102, Fast Mail 1:08 p. m. No. S, Atlantic Expreea. 2:15 p.m. No. 2, Overland Limited 5:17 p.m. No. 4. Chicago Special. 4:40 a. at. No. 28, Freight. 6:00 a.m. No. 22, Freight, 10:10 p. m. WEST BOUND, MAIN UNK. No. 1. Overland Limited WJO a. m. No. 101. Fast Mail 1135 a. m. No. S, Pacific Expreea 6:55 p.m. No. 5.Colo.Spcifc; 130 a.m. No. 7, Colnmbas Local 8:25 p. m. No.2J. Freight 7-00 a.m. NOaTOLK BBANCS. Depart No. 63, Passenger 78 p. at. No. 71, Mixed 6:00 a.m. Arrive No. 64. Passenger 1230 p. at. No. 72, Mixed ...1130 p.m. ALBION AND CKDAB BAPID8 BBANOB. Depart No. 69, Passenger 2:15 p.m. No. 73, Mixed 6:45a.m. Arrive No. 70, Passenger 1-05 p. m. No. 74, Mixed 9:00p.m. Norfolk passenger trains ran daily. No trains oa Albion and Cedar Rapids branch Sundays. Colnmbas Local daily except Sanday. W. H. Bksbam , Agent. Di N". NEWMAN", E jo SpeoitUist. Practice Limited to Errors of Refrartiea. THURSTON' 1IOTKI., COlUHlbllS. Dr. Newman, the well known European Eye Specialist, who has toured the west extensively has decided to locate permanently in Colum bus, making this headquarters from which to visit a number of cities and towns in this wectioB. Dr. Newman is a graduate of the best schools of America and previously took a two year coarse ia Europe. His wonderful system of correcting errors of sight has given hun dreds better vision and saved many from blind ness. Dr. Newman will visit a number of the towns and cities of this vicinity, bat will be la ads knis bar fraam tn SSi to lat af Mb xaaxttk. Dr. Newman fits glasses or all defects of vision. His glasses cure headache, indigestion dyspep sia. Complicated cases specially solicited. Cross eye in children cured without the use of medicine or the knife. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. lOjuntf To 0 a? -VIA- THE ELECTRIC-LIGHTED LIMITED Equipment ths lest that the Chicags, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul Railway can turn out. Elegant Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars, Buffet Cars, Library Cars and Smoking Cars. ELSCTBIC LICIT V EVBLT IBfl. ams sweu irain leaves umana daily at 8 p. m. and arrives in Chicago the next morning at 8 JO. connecting with all eastern roads. Buffalo and Return from Omaha Thirty Day Tourist Tickets $41.50 Fifteen Dsy Tickets 33.00 Ten Day Tickets. 25.75 r0BS-4fi WHWAUKEEL SHORT TIME TO CHICAGO. For full information about rates, etc., ftddrofls F. A. NASH, G. W. A., 1504 Fsrnam St., Omaha. H. W. HOWELL, T. F. & P. A. J. M. CURTIS Justice of die Peace. ty Would respectfully solicit a share of your business. CFTZCZ: Over First National Bank, 1st door to the left. 18sprtf W.A. McAixiBTxa. W. M. CoBaaxict. WeAIXISTEm at CORUXUUB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, KKSBASKS Uaatf JT D. STIRE8, ATTORBTBT AT LAW. Oalca, Oliva St., ap-ataira ia First National osuanf. M Cnnzckt SsnAs-u. wawBF -U nVsawsawBkv Biffali mm Blacksmith and Wagon Work... Everythiag ia aar line and eYerjtaiag gHaraateei. Waeaas Made to order. Bent Morse-shoeing ia the ritjr. A iae line of Baggies, Carriages, etc. am siren t for the old reliable Colnmbas Baffry Company, of Coluai bns, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran tee of strictly first-class goods. LOUIS SCHREIBER. 25octtf . C. CASSIN, raoraiBToa or tbk Oaak Meat Market SBawSBBBBBmB aSSBjammja" BsnpSBjBj aanj m Fresh, and Salt M eats.. Chme and Fish in Season. atsT'Hitfhest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA ZSaprtf IIWIIMIIttWsMllllsiHS B EST SERVICE, 5 EST EQUIPMENT. EST TRAINS, i i c EST TRACK. 3 EST ROUTE 5 TO- ICHICAGOil with direct censectiens for All PfiKlfai Easttn Gitiis, S VIATHF Urkmi Pacific and i Chicago & North-Western I Unas. Passengers destined for prominent cities east of the Missouri River should pat ronize this route. The through trains are Sol idly Vestibuled, elegantly -equipped with Double Drawing Room and Palace Sleepers, Dining Cars,meals a la Carte, Free Reclining Chair Cars. i 2 For tiokets and full information g call on 5 S tf W. II. Brnham. A rant S - - w n --... 4--) Now is the Time -TO GET YOUR- rase -Mi -AT GREATLY We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates : Chicago Inter Ocean (semi weekly) and Columbus Jour nal both for oue year 9 3 10 Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly) and Columbus Journal both one year for. 1 75 Peterson's Magazine and Co lumbus Journal one year..... 2 25 Omaha Weekly Bee nnd Co lumbus Journal one year.... 2 00 Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly) and Columbus Journal, one . yenrfor. 2 15 Subscribe Now. S fin n v V. r ,-li - SC n 5 .T s. JTt" -.?--- .W- - '"'-. t i vytW -..