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*?Ppi|S w IF-"1 f^. ill 4 Ar mms^t HHI ii'vw i!t» w i »mn»f l^1 'J ^f' -0"' THE HENRY MUHS CASE. On last Friday afternoon the cir cuit court of this county in ses tjion in Philip, made a final dispo sition of the Henry Muhs case, which had been before the court In one way and another for nearly year, and had during that time been the subject of some comn.ent both in and out of court. In many ways the case was remarkable, and lo far as the lawyers interested in it were concerned, it furtiished Jfrem a succession oi surprises llrom start to finish. None of the parties are now res idents of this county, and there fore the freest sort of comment not out of place. In the fall of |919, the father of a grirl named (lla Benk made complaint to the Ifuthorities that one Henry Muhs, a lyncher resiing northwest of Jlilesville on the Hopkins ranch lad made an assault upon his daughter, a girl then fifteen years lf age, with intent to commit a Cost serious offense. The father Signed a sworn complaint, a pre liminary hearing was had, and the firl told an incriminating story With much detail, which involved the defendant in a most serious course of conduct, and he was promptly bound over to the next Jerm of circuit court. Soon after the preliminary hear ing the girl, Ella Benk, left the gtate, and a little after the states attorney reclieved a letter from jler saying that her story was a '1 1 Drinks Our pure ice cream and real fruit flavors make the refreshments that you get at our fountain really nourishing food. And wfc try to keep our serving dishes and recep tacles as clean and wholesome as the best housewife in this town keeps her kitchen. Stop In Here and get a thirst-quencher then take a pal of cream or sherbet home to the family. f*OT THE CHEAPEST CANDY IN THE WORLD BUT THE BEST TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED McPEEK'S CONFECTIONERY The education to fit your boy or girl properly for life's work is more certaia if f*m are already SAVING for that di- ntwma* THE SAVEST WAY—THE EASY WAf is to open a faring Account for ed% cation, add to it regular IT, and by the it rtra will aftv* aa ample open a add to time you seed fund on hand. BUT DONT DELAY THE START frame-up and that she had been induced to tell it by her father in order to get money out of Muhs. It should be said in passing and as a setting for the situation, that the girl's father and mother had been separated, and for several years the mother, with her child ren, had resided with Muhs as his housekeeper. Prior to the time the complaint was made but sub sequent to the date of the alleged offense, the mother had died, and had been buried here in the Philip cemetery. It was then that the father came on from Nebraska, evidently to take possession of his children, and after a visit to the Muhs ranch, the complaint was made. It should be added that af ter making the complaint, he also left the state, and has never re turned. He appears to have taken little interest in subsequent pro ceedings. Naturally the state's attorney was somewhat surprised when he re ceived the letter from the girl re pudiating the story she had told at the preliminary hearing, and he was further astonished when he learned a few days later that the girl had also taken occassion to write a letter to the attorneys of the defendant, telling them also Jhafctthe case was a frame-up. At the last October term, tlie case went over the term with little prospect that it would ever be tried. The girl was outside the state, and refused to return. The state had no other witnesses but Vol. 13. No. 33 Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota, Thursday, July 1,1920 t" mmm mm mm The deposition was taken at Tyler, Minnesota, by a notary pub lic, no attorneys appearing for either side. It was assumed by everyone that the depsition would exonerate the defendent and end the matter. It is hard to imagine the stir prise of everybody connected with the ease and the consternation created in the camp of the defend ant when the deposition was re turned to the office of the clerk of courts, and it was found that the girl had now repudiated her repud iation and adhered to her former story regarding the criminal con duct of the defendant. This explo sion was on the eve of the April term of court, and neither side was ready for trial then. The de fendant's attorneys needed time to get their wind again, and the state had no confidence that it might be able to get the girl to return to the state and tell her stroy up on the witness stand. The case was accordingly sep for trial last week, and the state re newed its appeals to the girl. She still refused to return to South Dakota, however, and she could not under the law be compelled to do so. Consequently the state prepared to try its case on the testimony taken at the preliminary hearing and the deposition the defendant had so obligingly furnished from the girl. In order to show to the court it was impossible to get the girl to return to the state, as a foundation for introducing the written testimony, a telegram was sent to the girl by the sheriff with little expectations that she would respond. Again she sur prised everybody by replying that she would come come, and on the morning of the trial arrived in Philip. Common language will not describe the surprise of the defendant and his attorneys when she arrived. Their consternation will go into the legal history of this county, as a most entertain ing chapter.- At this time we for bear comment, much as we would like to make it. Let the incident pass by saying that it was full of humor, bordering at times on the deepest tragedy. Again the defense resorted to delay in order to get its wind. Judge Huges was disqualified be cause it would take a day to get another judge, and the defendant sadly needed that day. No light broke through the clouds, how ever, and on Friday morning the stage was set in Pohle's Hall for the hottest legal battle ever seen in this county. The defendant as sumed that Ella Benk would go upon the stand with a strong story for the state, and the only hope of the defendant lay in breaking it down by the contradictory letters she had written and statements she had made. Again she contrib uted a surprise by going upon the stand and repudiating her repudia tion of her repudiation. Doesn't that make an ordinary mortal diz zy? In a word, she now repudiated her story of the defendant's criir: inal conduct, said her original story was a frame-up that it was induced by her father who was mov ed by jealousy of Muhs a desire for revenge for fancied alienation of hie wife's affections, and a cold blooded desire to get money. She declared that the defendant had never mistreated her in any way. At the close of her testimony the state moved a dismissal, and court advised the jury to return a verdict for the defendant, which was promptly done. The story of this case and its fin al outcome is illustrative of several things, but we leave our readers to make their own comment. ISftough space has already been consumed with a bare recital of softie of the facts. jfJflfS4ft £|4!fl£ u.y CONTINUING THE PIONEER AND THE PHILIP WEEKLY REVIEW the defendant's attorneys realized that the case might be tried, even in the absence of the girl, upon the testimony she had given at the preliminary hearing, which had been reduced to writing and filed with the court. This led them to plan the taking of the girl's depos ition on behalf of the defendant, repudiating the story she had for merly told. This would simply re duce to the form of proper evi dence the letters she had written to both the attorneys for prosecu tion and defense, and clear the de fendant wy. GRASSHOPPERS MAY BE CONTROLLED BY POULTRY F,rom time to time til* Pioneer* Review man has heard consider able apprehension expressed by ranchers in this county relative to another scourge of grasshoppers this year. So far they have only broken out in spots in a few alfal fa fields where they were bad last year, and although they usually do their damage to the second cutting and the deed crop, we are begin ing to doubt whether grasshoppers will do much damage in Haakon and Jackson counties this year. In times past they have been a serious pest, but we believe that they will pass with settlement of the country, as they have passed apparently in Kansas and eastern South Dakota, where they were at one time as disasterous in their raids as they were in the fields of nt .... l. n tT v i U2Uami ui uiu. YYt* nave aiwav» i believed that it would be possible to use poultry, especially turkeys to control these pests. We have had nothing to guide us in this belief except experience with poul try on a farm in our youth. But it seems that our guess in this con nection is correct. It has been demonstrated in a practical way in several western states that grasshoppers can be contrlled by poultry, says A L. Ford, extension entmologist at the State College. Any active poultry such as chickens or turkeys when given the run of grasshopper in fested fields will devour great numbers of this pest. For the best results the poultry should be tur ned into the infested fields while yet young and before the hoppers have attained their wings, as this the time when the insects will be reduced with the greatest rapidity. It is very surprising how quickly a flock of chickens or turkeys will ri*d.s the number of hoppers in an infested area. When the infest ation involves very large areas, however, it becomes necessary to use other methods of control. Probably the most effecient me thod of handling poultry for grass hopper contflG is by means of portable houses placed at intervals in the infested fields. The portable houses should be light enough to be moved by team and yet heavy enough to withstand storms and afford protection against coyotes, skunks, etc. These houses should be moved from time to time thus giving the poultry access to new areas. By keeping a number of portable houses circulating thru a field subject to grasshopper in festation, much is accomplished to ward reducing the injury. This is an excellent system to use in al falfa fields which are to be left for seed. When raised for this purpose, poultry should be handled with the least possihle expense Winter on ly enough fowls to serve as breed ing stock for the coming year. The rest should be sold as soon after grasshopper danger is passed as a good market can be found. Thos who have used poultry for this purpose find that it is necess ary to alter the grasshopper ration with a grain feed for the well be ing twi flock* in nil In H)I w' IHT.IIM I RAILROAD DEEDS FILED Have you ever seen a deed for a railroad? Probably not. Do you know where such a deed is record ed? Just as probably not again. Yet railroads are sold and trans ferred by deed just like any other real property. The othe day the Pierre Rapid City & Northwestern, which cross es Haakon county from east to west, and for that matter from west to east, was sold to the* Chi cago Northwestern Railway Com pany, and t&e deeds have just been filed with Secretary of State at Pierre. The c&ed 'ooks like an or dinary deed, though it has a good deal more lawyer-like talk init, and it has $7364.00 of revenue stamps on it. HOKE PAPER* Ockentry weeklies are pre-emin ently the home papers of newspap erdom. Tfcfijr are not hurriedly scanned while fnen travel to busi ness, then gathr up. homes w duly the to* 4q the brakeman to go to the t«id|ng is a v* ^..^. PIONEER-REVIEW: SKIS. I A a SEED REGISTRATION PLAtt WORKING OUT NICELY Thirty-two county farm bureaus of the state are co-operating with Manley Champlan, extension agro nomist at State College, in the work of registering South Dakota /arm seeds of the leading varieties. The following counties have wa tered into this work. Beadle, Brwn, Butte, Clark, Cod ington, Day, Deuei, Edmonds, Fall River, Faulk, Haakon, Hughes. Jackson, Jerauld, Jones Kingsbury. Lake, Lawrence, Lyman, McCook, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Pen nington, Spink, Stanley, Union. Walworth, Yankton. Five thousad announcement* and application blanks have been sent out. Upon return of these appli cation blanks to the county farm bureau arrangements will be made to examine the fields. Blanks have also been mailed to all members of South Dakota Experiment as sociation, whether living in coun ties having farm bureaus or not. Those experiment association mem bers living in counties not yet pro vided with farm bureaus will send their applications direct to the sec retary's office at Brookings and ar rangements will be made, if possi ble, to have their fields examined. Those varieties that are known to give the best results in -South Dakota are the only ones Eligible to registry. In order to pass in spection, the fields must be free from quack, dodder, field bindweed, field sow-thistle, and Canada this tie. There is always a shortage of good seed of adapted varieties. Seed registration under this jplan will help solve the problem. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE In convening the extra session of the legislature. Governed Nor beck gave to the people of the state one of his most interesting messages, "The causes demanding an ex tra session the governor alleges to be that tht extraordinay condi tions prevailing have become so a cute that public institutions of the state are without funds to do bu siness until the next regular ses sion of the legislature That our service men should have immed iate recognition by the passage ot a bonus bill that the report of 7 tf V- -v 3 "yi v UNLOADING SHOE SALE Beginning July 1st and running all thru month #f July, we will conduct a Great Unloading Sale of /. *11 summer footwear and surplus stock of ehoes. v vC'i We Are Compelled To Unload account of cool backward season, we are coin* gtelled to sacrifice profits in a 4*ick Uafoadiitg Sale «**he,vU,r w 4^ A Great Opportunity ffcf Yon ^v' Buy Ladies Pumps, Oxfonjlt, nous j|nd Silk Hose, Misses and Childrens Shr^l^e». Etc., Boys Outing Shoes, Barefoot SjtifedjMs, Etc., liens Dress Shoes, Work an* fNtgig Sh^ Oxfc i. the committee on the hydro-elec^ trie plant should be passed upon by the legislature. The governor calls attention to the inability of counties, cities, towns and school1 districts to sell their securities audi make much needed improvement#, because of the limitation of inter est rates by the statute. That the, teachers and state employees are quitting their jobs or leaving the state, because they are unable to live on the present scale of wagea. The governor commends some state employees, criticises thers and says "there is a lack of co-operation be tween the various departments such as would not be found in ft large commercial institution." V He asks that this legislature re* adjust salaries to meet present conditions but that it bte made itn* perative that an official or clerk render a full day's service for a day's day. He recommends the extension of the hme building act on the rural credit plan so as to apply to cities and towns. The governor is in doubt about domit anything further on the hydro-el ectric plant until the people have an opportunity to vote upon the project. The cement commission has not yet fixed upon a definite location for a state operated plant and they ask sixty days longer in which to make further investiga tions. The State Coal Commission has not* yet succeeded in locating a coal mine that can he operate by the state at a profit. From the tenor of the governor's message it is indicated that he thinks the neak of the high cost of material# has been reached and that by de laying work on all state projects until a future time when price# ire lower a great saving will to* made by the state. CHURCH ADVERTISING "Deacon Sirams 'lew he prove 'o churches advertisin," re marked Shinbone "but when Alt ist him, in dat case, wuffo' he ring the church bell fo' serviee, he jos* had nuffin' to say."—Ex. For Sale: 1 dining rom table high chair 1 congoleum rug, 6x9 1 white enamel mirror 3 dining room chairs 1 center table 1 bed, springs and mattress I wash stand several lamps 1 deering mowing machine. A. L. Anderson, Philip. 31 2t •A VAIL ORDERS FILLED SATISFACTORILY 0f Money Refunded. Send for our 1 jmce list and folder showing many $aq lave a lot of money en. ar V-' r-. tt&ijL* BV. ts i I v' V v r* ,.r vv .V* i vat-' fji I -ft -i v. i./ V :M 4!*rx jpk ,v4,? .-• -u "t :i8§li