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IF I# ft y ll kS?* f- «S _, T" i I k V- original 4C I V ,l 4.* t* 4"*$ Si* f# Jfcf- DELINQUENT TAX LIST State of South Dakota. County of Haakon, m. ()ff ice of County Treasurer. Tii Whom It Mhv Concern: for the proceeding Bach s hf ne1* 419.60 sJohn £K'i 'JMa A. Barnes S3P* tJ*K w f* 111th) Hay hour* of nine o'clock A |ay and sold for the amount of the delin- J. E. Stanley Mii* 7 a i i I M' n 1U AII Alvah K. Miller s'jnw1*, n'aswVi ?, A. K. Miller s hf sw'j 2. n hf nw'i 11 Krank T. ("unison Its 1, 2, an 1 sec 1 i.Iaines K. Jone* «fH,4 —... .*— 4 Jennie Kurv Its 3, 4, and a sc'iiiw 4 6 —.. l-'liy K. Hawkey e'-jne1* I'), •nvl.inw,4( nwU «w'» sec 11 ....... —*... ........ Wm. Kiel ,'lSW'4 11 •}K. B. Wintrode s hf «wV4 12 n«^in«r*4, nw'4 .'® ne'i 13 .Win. G. Wintro«le neUne'/i 13 Wi Kiel nw'4 see 14 "iGertrude Rintelmarv Its 1, 2 and eHnw*'« 18 )H. W. G. Kintelinan Itn 3, 4, hail In surance $12.00 .. H. W. G. Kintelinan It* 1 2 e^nw'i 19 Charles Frye ne'4 20 "iKIla Talln'rl nwU 20 —.... ("has. T. Duffy nw'i 22 half ta* StanU'y and Waril sw'i 22 I Albert H. Mewes nu'4 23 Bert J, Stanley nw'4 23 ^4 •TAIIiert H. Mewes sw'4 23 1. _• ... A. Blake ne'4 '25 Win. (). Hopkins e hf nw*4 e hf sw'4 25 Frank 1J. Tietge *e»4 25 .... Chas, J, Newton n'a no*4 n and four o'clock P. M. real pio[x*rtv have Iwen offered for sale. The following i* a list of the lands, town lots and other real property in «aid County of Haakon Bnd State of South Dakota, liable for taxeii for t|ie year I'.tvj and 'prior year*, upon which the taxes iu»j\ re main due and unpaid, together with the amount of. the n Said Kale will W continued and adjourned from «cctipn |H ... day to day until all of said lands, town lot-s or other YVm. A. Norenburg Jr. »'n*eV» ex ry \H nh tax extended against said property, and each separate piece or parcel thereof, upon the orU d* gn»l and duplicate tax lists of said County for fhe! year 1^21 and prior years. Dated at Philip, South Dakota, thi* 16th day November, A. D. MR22. County Treasurer in and for said County of Haakon State of South Dakota, Township One North, Range Eighteen Fred H. Kberly sw'^sw'^ 1. e'jseU se'i m»'4 2. half tax ...... »Elgi« Bernie t'jswU 1, nw^ne't, neUnv^t 12 M. LI/TYD. S13-12 5^ 03 31 76 2!l.82 2».82 31.3! hf se'i 35 s Kmnia ('. Kiel a'snwU mtjawH 35 —.../.C Townahip One North Range Nineteen fiLottie R. Balteock Its 3, 4, s'jnwU 1 Jacob (ir^teman sw'i 1 half tax Frank K. Babcock its 1, 2 s'aneU 2 Frank E. Bahcock Its 3, 4 s'ahNy'i 2 F. F, Sammoivs sw'i 4 hail insurance $45.20 .Catherine Clear swUne '4 33.85 17.89 82,21 7,46 36,53 30.12 53.75 29.82 28.63 28.63 47.14 36.16 37.28 23.86 28.63 32.80 39.51 37.28 1inw'4 Meacham#R. Ward hf nw'4 iLhf sw'i 26 ^Albert H. Mewes s'aaw'i 26* nail ^insurance $20.80 .Hert J: Stanley nel4 27 ...... .... ,.Stanley and Ward nw'i 27 .' 1). C. Rafferty It 3, nt'^swU n'jseU 3I ^.V, »f ...i!.... .. 1 26 half 1 iMartinus Larsen nSsw'i 33 Mr,s. B, S. Ashtiy neJ4 34 half'tax 17.89 39.14 45.40 47.71 36.90 35.78 44.73. 15.65 52.19 35.78 28.63 nn Hans C. Nielson n'sne'* n'jnwli 35 John A. wlaseV* 4 nwVine^ s«e 9 2~-: Edw. B. Wintrode Its 2, 3 4 se^sw Vi 7 ..l. Chas. S. FaiIcy s'use'^ 8 Jessie Burnie se'4«w'4 nw'ise'4 s'.jse'i 9 ,'Jacob Greteman sw'4 sec 10 half tax Frank Buessing n'ine'i n'jnw'4 11 half tax Clara Nellis se'4 12 ...... ..... Mortellaro and Triola sw'4 13 't* Mortellaro and Triola sw^i 13 tax 1920 -. (Sylvan J. Bayc n'ase'i 13 hail insurance «4 Nellie Songer n'jne'i 17 Kdvv. Higliee 812ne'» neHse Vi ae'inw^i 17.. **•-. Chester E. Burnie sw'^nwV^ sw^4sw^4 17 Chester E. Burnie se'i 18 1'hester E. Burnie ne'i 18 ^Nebraska Bull Tractor Company nwH 24 half tax .". ... Nettie High sw'4 24 half tax .... L- I.utie Searls s'inw'i 25 s'ine'4 26 half tax Hans Johnson hf sw'4 w hf so'4 29 Jjbbie Searles Its 1, 2, eHnw'* 30 h)»lf tax.. John H. Cogley Its 3. 4 eHswV4, JHeirs of Chas. J. Kiel swi4 32 '-fheo. Erickson ne'i 33 '4, tlartinM.Wolff ternard se'i 33 i_. Young ne'i 34 ..... P. W. icknian s^nw'i n^swH 34 ''l*. W. Hickman ae!4 35 ... ... T®wnahip One North Range Twenty Pfiefer Est. swH 1 half tax .... »lra J. Welch Its 1 2 s^ine1,* 2 half tax I»»on Welch Its 3 4 a'snwH 2 half tax Its 1 and 2 Walter Hiltgen sec 4 Wm. Sta$enberg tr in swVinw^i 13 half tax fA. J. Wfay tr in se part of swUnw'i 18 R. M. Williams s^sw'4 14 half tax ....... 'Ned H, Ronning tr in south part of awH aec 14 nw part of nw?ineH 23 .r_. ne'4 19 Writer Hiltgen se'i 19 .. S w n e i W i s e e y 2 2 &M" Mv My tr in ^»4«e'i 22 Mafe MAty BWilliCer tr in ne cor of ne'isw^i 17.27 14.16 25.56 15.20 5.29 3.15 20.14 tax 24 Rftmapy nw^4 28 hail insurance $12.00 ry 29 ..-,.3^- MHlty eHsw'4 WVise'4 '32 !•%. .ne*4 88 ...•' North Range Twenty-one 3 4 #HnwV4 2 2 2 s'inwVi 8 half tax half tax —. A lot 1 nekawft ..sec 8 II half tax -r ^w, Gerrit Wolbrink se'4 see 24 H. C. Brewer ne3« sec G. (I Anderson sw'^ 25 Gerrit Wolbrink se'« 2S ..__ ... 'Wxr- #*. 2a Norenburg Its 3 e'ssw'i i ne 4 19 luiil insurance $48,00 Willie Powell rie4 20 W, Win, A. Norenbuug nw' 20 J. K. Jaine# o'snw'j sw'4nw'4 22 Sever Texley ji hf ne'4 n hf nwU 26 Wm, K, Church »w'« 3tj ,4 Grover Siedler ne'4 "4 ._ J, Whitaker *e'i 84 Township One North Range Twenty-three Amelin St a ley It- 3 4 seUflw1* ®fiS. ti, Richardson kw«4 4 I J. IJurr Ludlow s'jseU nw'ote'^ ne^nw1* 5 Sarah ^nnd Ivor Nelson ex ry 8 n% ne'4 "se'4ne'4 17 Sarah and Iver Nelson n'ise'« ne'isw'i ex ry section 9 .... ........ Arthur O. Goss nw 4 10 (), C. and Alta Allee s^se^ 11 nHne1* 14 half tax .. Mrs. Pete Daum n hf ne'4 12 David S. Church Its 3. 4, e'i«w'.« 19 Jerry Jarman ne'4 21 Albin Ries ne'4 22 —. W. A. Reynolds sw'4 22 half tax .. Karl A. Rwe e'^seU 22 eVjne% 27 .5 Albin Rie« sw'i 23 Frank Graham se'i 23 D. J. Gretschnian sw'i 25 ... Krnest M. Blaker se 4 o Karl A, Rjes ne^ 26 -i"— Karl A, Rips nw'4 26 26 Karl A. Ries sw'4 Karl A. Rlos seJ4 26 W. C, Riiipberger w'jnw'4 29 n'unek 80 Edwarl Seidler Its 8, 4 e'^ew'i J. W. Wymore nu '4 34 ........ I). M, Fumegan nvv'4 34 ........ John Duggan «c'4 34 J. W. Wymore nw'i 35 ... Township One North Range Twenty-four Jas. G, Roger* Its 3, 4 *'anw'4 I Jas. G. Rogers n'jsw'i n'iise'^ 1 Jas. G. Rogers Its 3 ne'4KW4 seUnwV4 2 .... C. A. Linder lt« 3, 4 se'inw1* »sw^neU 3 half tax C. A. Linder nj2swl4 w^iseU 4 half tax .'. C. A. Linder s hf sw'4 4 se'^se'^ & ne'inw^ 9 half tax .... C. A. Linder s'-.-ne^ v'asp'4 C. A. Linder ne^sw'i 9 half tax nw'i ex ry 10 half tax ...... ^.1.^. 11.45 Anna Linder swUneU se'4n\v'i n^swV ax 50.07 ry 10 half tax 17.00 jC. A. Linder a'jisw1* s hf so'i half tax 10 37.95'Anna Linder so'ine'i n'sse'4 ex ry 10 aw1* 36.341 nw'4 11 half tax —... ....... 87.19 J. E. Dempsey ne'4 ex ry 12 half tax ...... I James Nelson w'jsw'i 14 n'-»se',4 15 37.15 Joseph G. Sherman se'4 ne'4 eH se'i 14 ne% 41.99 ne'4 23 ... 16.15 1 C. A. Linder e hf ne' 4 S. Engleman se'isw' 37.37 13.73 13.73 UV.50 :rni5 17.76 18.57 38.76 33.92 35.53 36.18 36.18 28.42 15 half tax —.... 37.15! C. A. Linder w'ine^i s'inwU 15 half tax .i 18.17 Clarence W. Best It 1 n^ne'i ,nw'i ait 19.38! ry section 18 35.53 F. A. Reynolds «e*4 18 36.82 i S. H. Engleman se'isw^ 24 e»4hw-|4* neH 20.67! sw 4 25 .... 4 25 James Nelson ne'4 28 19.38 I Fred Nelson Its 1 2 e'jnw1, 31 35.531 Township One North Range Twenty-five 19.38 W. D. Snow Its 1 2 sec 1 .... 39.57 Midland Co. n'.jsw1* 1 n'ase'i 2 39.57! John Iverson Its 1, 2 3 4 sec 2. Midland Co. s'inw*4 s^jne' 4 2 R. D. Baailey 2 3 4 5 sec 6 ...... i Jas. G. Roarers It 6 seSnw'4 ex cemetery W. J. Elrod Its 1 2 e hf nw'4 7 half tax Albertina I^egge It 4 se'isw'^ 7 It 1 ne^nw'4 section 18 Elmer Ingram sMineV, nw'^ne'i se'^nw1^ 11 half tax Geo. E. Wickens eHse'4 fl w hf svv)4 12 -. Chris Bohl ne'4 12 4:1*.—. Chris Bohl e'snw^ e4sw'4 12 ... Chris Bohl se^i sec 12 .^.1 John S. Grady It 2 se'inw1^ 18 Harry C. Schofield sw'ise'i se^4«w^4 20 n(j^» nw'i nw'ineU 29 half tax Chas. E. Root sw'i 21 half tpx Kathryn Weisser ne'i 22 -w_. Matilda Owen ne'i 23 half tax Christ Bohl se'i 24 M. 5.67 26.53 26.53 30.21 3.78 3.02 C. Murdough ne'* 25 Guy E. Ray ae'4ne'4 ne'«sc*4 wHse^i 30 .. Lydia May Ray sw '4ne seVinwV4 eViswH 3Q Guy E. Ray Its I 2 ne'4 nw'4 nw'4ne'/4 30 .. Wm. C. Millsap It 3 ne'-isw?* w'^se'i 31 Wm. C. Millsap It'sw'j e4se'4 3tt Harry M. 24.39 28.46 26.27 15.64 13.13 30.02 28.58 86 Rider ne'4 34 ..... -&1 James Townsend nw^ 35 47.24 1 lames Townsend «w'^i 35 27.64 33.17 30.40 27.58 Township Two North Range Eighteen fsabelle Hohler s\v' 1 Paul Walters Its 1 2 s?»ne'4 2 Bernard M. Boals sw*4 3 Bernard M. Boals se'4 sec 3 Alice M. Nowhn se^4 5 .... H. G. Arnes «e»4sw'4 sVisek ne%«e^4 6 4tax I E Petrie Its 1 2 e hf nwS 7 half tax Richard Welch nwH 12 half tax *.... J. W. Howar 12 Iva Shoemaker Ralph seH 15 ... n ne1* 18 dweesey ne^ *80 20 ao.frj 28.77 27.52 27.52 27-V2 eHnwH iO half tax Twenty-two 7 Htax T8.16 26.6ft 25,6'.) 20,11 25.6: 25.6!) J18.40 30.18 44.5(1 80 .'ill 49.41 32.96 16. ts 32.:H» 32. K 32.!Hi 49.14 49.11 32.! 32.!Ki 32.!K) 49. II 32.9* 5 half tj*x C. J. Leander Its 3, 4, s hf nw'4 5 ——... Clarence M, Best It 4 se'4sw'4 s'aseVi exry C, A, Linder n'^ne' sw'inw'4 ex ry half tax sec 9 ... ... C. A. Linder se'i 9 half tax ..—i_. M. A. Linder se'4nel4 ex ry 9 wVjnw'4 neH 15. !)ff 16.77 •*$.88 18K64 18.64 18 57 14 i !. m% 80 54 81 «*.a tk»! ,r.' 88 »-i»» -. 39.29 89.89 89.29 ^.29 19.64 39.8^ 39.® 19.64 "r m-Use^ J- .. ... Kii/.abeth Stratnian Its 1 2 s'siie'i 3 halt tax Joseph Gasper Its I 5 sc'*nw?4 6 Will K. Walpole Its 6 7 e'isw'4 6 4 Paul Walters Its 1 2 e'inw 24.02 Win. Keynick ne'« 8 M.t'i Wm. Keynick nw1., 9 19.51 Sturgis Ixird sw' 'J half tax 12.51 P. J. Connolly se'4 17 38.Maielle Papik ne1., IS half tax 82 VI .Julia M. Peterson Its 1 2 e^nw'j 18 Win. H.-Peterson Its 3 4 e'jw'4 18 24.57 .Ma'oeile P,i| ik ne'^ 11» half tax 12.06 ('has. Nelson nw'.i 2S .. 20.11 Township Two North Raage Twenty 12.28 Will R. Walpole Its 1 2 s'^ne^ 2 .* 2S.6H John K. Degier sw' 2 25.HH (". J. Lamm Its 1 2 s'ane 3 129.57 C. J. Lamm It 4 swUnw^ w'^swU 3 10.72 C. J. Lamm It 1 se^ne'-j e1sse,4 4 22.HI C. J. Lamm It 2 sw^ne'i nw'^se'^ 4 62.34 Kit' n Dunlevy sw'i 5 h^ilf tax •_ R. K. Waljole Its 1 2 s'sne'i 6 26.81 •'Georg-e (iunther Its 3 4 5 se'inw'A 6 Will R. Walpole nw'« Will R. Walpole sw'i 8 •John Denier neU 10 C. J, Lamm nw'4 10 C. K. Wheeler else 4 10 e'aneU V\'ill R. Walpole ne'4 11 Will R» Walpole nw'4 11 25,69 Will R. Walpole sw'4 11 25.6'.i Will R. Walpole .se'4 11 R. E, Walpole nw John H. Cowen sw^4se' i 19 C. W. Couch Its 3 4 e a sw'i 12,83 J". C. Hanson ne'., 31 Isaac Colvin nw 12.64 26.54 30,34 4^175 47-. 12 1 15 4 12 Elizabeth Dunlevy ne'4-13 82.!K5 .John Dunlevy nw'4 13 32.96. K. H. Beatty sw'i 13 half tax jGco. D. O'Connell elsne'4 e'jse'i 17 56.55 Irene Kelly w hf ne' 4 51.50 Jens Jensen n\v'4 17 w hf se R. K. Walpole sw'4 17 4 17 .i9"44 Tiios. J. Cowen n^ase1* se^ise'4 19 ne^4ne'4 section 30 .. Viola Green n\v'4 20 K. Taylor ne'4 21 (loo. E. Lamm sl^nw4 w?isw'4 22 Geo.- E. Lnun e hf sw'4 w hf se'4 22 ... Geo. E. Lamm elase'4 22 Fred Zellmer se 4 2 23 half tax •James F. Mclntyre ne14 24 Will R. Walpole ne'4 25 ... Elizabeth Zellmer nw'i 25 .haf tax ... Will R. Walpole sel4 25 .... H. B.Fislar sw'4 27 ... Ervin Hart se'4 27 ., ... I). G. Johnson and A, Hovett sw'i 28 W. H. Jones se'4 29 AlphonsQ L. B, Smith nw'4 33 32,88 Viola Buchanan ne'4 34 ,. 32,!.»6 82.96 section 35 32.IMi Township Two North Range Twenty-one 32,96 V. A, Blonviuist sw 4 4 V. A. Blomiiuist se'4 4 53.68 Marvin K. Philips se'4 5 .. 53.98 Rose A. Walpole nw^4 8 -18.90 i Matt Kirsch sw'-4 10 Albert Oindahl w'anwH 11 9 27 Ira J. Welch se'i 11 .... 27 W. C. Jahriess ne'4 14 Carrie B. Lyman nw'4 14 9.32 Will R. Walpole Its 3*4 e'^sw'« 19 .,. 9.32 Will R. Walpole se'tt 19 .... 18.59, Edna E. Smith ne 27 .'.Mj 4.19 V-* 13.15 f? .65 4 20 22 N. E. Wadilen ae 4 P. Fjille ne'4 24 .. J. R. Wilson sw 1.4 25 J. R. Wilson se'4 25 ...... ...... Wm. Norenberg ne'4 26 Win. Norenberg sw'4 26 Iowa A. Hayden sw'i 27 ..... Stphen Fiola se'i 29 half tax John Palmer Its 1 2 e'anw'4- 30 John Palmer Its 3 4 e'jsw't 30 ..I. 28^77 31 Town*hip«Two North, Range Twenty-two 38.26! 87*.96 I Kate Harrington se'4 1 i i Peter O'Brien Its 3 4 s'anw'4 2 18 .64! Wm. H, Colvin sw 4 3 ||,t6 E, J. Hill svv'4 4 half tax 9s,32iC. P. Colvin Its 3 4 s'anw'A 5 ...".I Harrison and McCkud sw'4se^4 5 nw'/4seH w^ane'4 8 Harrison and McCloud e'ineVi 8 ...I i Peter F, Shrofder ne'J 9 27,9-,) Peter F. Shroeder sw'4 9 8.39 Peter F. Shroeder se'4 9 ........ .1 4 10 Frank Harrington sw'4 12 .3 Harrington and O'Riely eHoeH eH'cjF^H se'i 12 rrriT". '•S' Kate Harrington w'i of w'jse'/4 12 .11": H. A. Fitzgerald nw'4 15 "z.l'Jl 2^.81 I H. A. Fitzgerald sw'4 15 7K00j Albert Nelson sw'4 17 i" 1 J. H. Wickstrom Its 1 2 e%nwV4 18 .2.^1 2' G. R. Wilson, Its 3 4 eSswU 19 .... R. L..Cox and L. A. Beckman sw% 21 .... W o a n n e i 2 2 F. H. Barchet nw' 74.75 4 24 W. L. Camp sw'4 24 ... I Louise Berner ne' 12,64 27.81 31^60 25.28 27.81 J2 4 F. W. Otterstein It 3 neVisW4 n'wHseH se Unw', 31 half tax Township Two North, Range Twenty-three J. O. Murphy se 4 2 Van V. Johnson Its 3 4 s^2nw'/4 4 ~~3 Carley Riley Its 1 2 s'ine'i 6 II"III"! John C. Rhoades Its 6 7 e'2sw'4 6 half tax" Chas Rilpv K Chas. Riley tse'i 6 ... 26.54 i Ernest Stearns nw',4 17 ...J 14.53 E. W. Newman sw'4 17 ... 20.22 E. W. Newman ne'i 19 29.07 Tormod Rorheim Its 1 2 e'snw^i 19 3«1.02 Jessie B. Jackson It 3 ne^sw^ £).70 Jessie B. Jackson se'4 19 ill 1 ...^ 2^-07 1 Ella B. O'Brien ne'4 20 ..._i_.__II._I_ 27.81 ••Alice Gretschman ne'4 26.54! C. H. Maiden nw!4 21 29.07 Marian T. Blowers se'4 21 30.3 4 Ida Thoraon w'2neU e'tnw', 22 ...... 2_.II 30.31! Christ Ruedi nw'4 23 half tax i.iJL.' I Blache Morris w'ase^i 23 w''i 26 half tkx 36 01 H. W. Morris ^e'4se'i 23 sw^swU 24 nwM 26.19i nw'i 25 ne'.ineU 26 half tax 39.29! J. M. Gr«ss se,4ne14 ne'4seV4 w'sseVi 26 39.29 Oliver and Nestor Nelson nwV4 26 39.25) Blanche Morris ne'4 27 half tax ...... 19.64: M. H. Schnieder seVi 27 19.64 Blanche Morris s'mw1, 27 half tax ...... 19.64 Martha Hovelsfnd Its 2 3 se^4i»r"V« neHsw^i ,39,29 Martha Hoveland Its 1 2 3 4 w'2ne^4 31 39.29j Harry Kunkle se'4 35 39.29 i -mrn u Township Two North Range Tweoty-four 39.29tJ. A. Peters w'ane'i n'jnwli 9 half tax .. 21.34 39.29 Bele Peters s4nw'4 9 half tax 11.64 Belle Peters swV4 9 half tax 20.37 Belle Peters e'i ne'4 9 w hf nwH 10 half tax 20.3T7 James H. Stephens w hf ne'4 eHnsH 10 40.74 J. A. Peters swty 10 half tax .... J. A. Peters nHae'4 10 half tax .. J. A. Peters s hf se1* 10 n hf ne^i 15 hf tax Will R. Walpole nw'4 12 Oliver M. Bracken nw'4 13 .... Johh Iverson e hf se!4 18 MWlaa4 Co. w hf sw* 13 ne^ne'i nw% 18. ol 57.22 37.22 29.18 .84.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 21.93 24.32 28 .... «.£ IIIIIII 2!».24 Jacob DeYoung s12se*4 14 nl2tie'/•« 23 15.23 He lie I. Peters s hf neJ4 15 half ta* 27 11- J. B. Annis ne'4 18 half tax 33.51 John Killeka Its 1 2 e hf nw'j 18 35.03 John Killelea ts 3 4 e hf sw' 18 _— 30.7B Ackley Hubbard e hf se*4 19 w hf sw?4 20 12.64 Jacob DeYoung ne'4 22 1 ji.04 Midland Co. seUne'i 23 40.21 Chas. L. Myrland ne'+se1^ 23 n'jsw^ nwH 17 .'lise'i 24 hail insuranee 28.80 33.51 Jacob DeYpung w hf sw'4 23 w 'hf nw»i 26 3li. 55 1? 5! 36.55 Jacob DeYoung e'jswl4 nw'Vse** 23 neU n\Vl4 26 Jacob DeYoung s hf sel4 23sw^4#wV4 24 ne 4 26 36.87 37.22 36.87 37.11 37.11 26.50 18.61 37.11 33.73 Midland Co. s hf ne'4 s hf nw»4 24 Harry E. Walton e hf se 4 23.10 7.:i0 24.32 24.32 24.32 23.65 24 32 4 3 2 24.93 •4.32 24.32 24.32 12.03 nw 4 4 37.221 32 half tax 37.22 C. Vere Standiford n hf ne 25 Jacob DeYoung neUneU s hfneU ne^seH 26 Midland Co. se'4mv'4 e hf sw'4 sw V4 se 26 Midland Co. nw'4se'4 26 D. 11. Rand w hf sw 4 37 .22! C. Vere Standiford sW'»nw',» n'ssw'4 sw*/4 41.03 37.22 37.22 37.2.i 19.37 37.22 37.22 .37.22 '•'. 22 9 31 sw'4 33 James (J. Rogers s'-ane1* n!sse*.% 34 .... C. A. Linder sw'.ise'4 and sw'i 34 half tax James (!. Rogers n hf ne'4 n hf nw James G. Rogers se'4 35 Township Two North Range Twenty-five Jacob Anderson sw'i 1 Mary E. Wolleson se'4 1 Joseph S. Sheeley Its 1 2 s,sne14 3 Chester and Lydia Stone-It 3 sec 5 half tax Chester L. and Lydia Stone It 1 sec 6 'atax .. 38.74 S. R. White Iks 4 5 6 7 sec 6 Chester and Lydia Stone se'4 6 half tax 37.22 Chester E. Stone e'jsw'4 6 e'jnwU 7 '2 tax 37 i 44 E. F. Ruskell so'ise** 7 e'2ne'4 ne'iseU 18 37 22, Mary A. E. Marker swiiseii'l v.Hm)4 nw-Vi 18.61 se'4 18 9 }f Anna VVelch sw'4 9 .'7 22 i J. R. Strader se'i 9 half tax 37 22 John Lena Iverson [xn\is ne '4 10 ... s'.jnw'i n*2sw*i 10 Olive M. Sheeley se'ise'i 11 s'iswH 12 neVi ne'4 14 __ A. H. Wolleson el/ane'/4 12 37.221 Martin Peterson w'sneV4 eHnwli 12 37.221 Mary E. Wolleson ne\4 13 i7.22 'John E. Sheeley e hf sw!i 13 neHnwK nwii S7.22 ne'4 24 37.22 C. B. Baldwin nw*4 14 half tax C. B. Baldwin isw'4 14 half tax CI .01 Claude M. Flom vvVise'4 se'4se'4 14"nHne^4 section 23 -j'l.02 Midlanll Co. s'sswU swlise' Awl'iCal. 17 cal.uAl/'. 4 «wise*4 17 se'4se^4 "J.02 John Iverson It 4 sec 18 It 1 sec 19 29.40 Joseph Butz seUsw 4 4 30 27.52 The Midland Co. w hf ,ne '4 n hf se 26.27 20 .• 26,27 Mary P. Auld se'4se'4 20 e'ane '4 ne'4se'4 30 30.02 J. G. Rogers svv'isw'4 29 23 41.56 41.56 41-56 20.78 41.56 41.56 42.37 35.63 40.48 16.32 23.76 '41.56 41.56 41..7 41.56 23.76 f1.88 n.78 17.81 2:^.76 23.76 •11..vS 5.94 31 I) 45.34 23.76 20.37 4&.K w'2nt'4 25.02i section 32 1 i The Midland Co. wHneH ne^nwVi 30 32.59 G. Rogers It 2 se4nw'4. ne1-4sw'/4 •82.59j H. E. Walton Its 3 4 seUsw1^ 30 21.321 Jas. G. Rogers s*»se'inw'4se4 30 .... .14.59, Jas. G, Rogers ne 31 4 24.62 Jas. G. Rogers Its 1 2 e'anvv'J 31 j.„._ Jas. G. Rogers Its 3 4 e'asw'i 31 Jas. A. Ripal e'ane'* 32 Ida M. Howes e'ane'-j 34 s Huron and Yankton Colleges wHneV4 ne^4 Ida M. Howes se'ifiw'4 w'jse1, ne'4se'4 ex ry sec 35 .• _____ Township Three North Range Eighteen hdwin VanHouten Its 3 4 s'2nw% 4 Frank S. Potter se'i sec 5 ___„ I..II. Elizabeth Kerr Its 6 7 e'sw 4 Township Three North Range Nineteen Mary Kelly Its 3 4 s^nw^i 1 Eunice B. Moore sw'4 1 Walter T. S. Shannon se'4se^4 1 e^neH ne?4 se'4 12 C. E. Maxfield It 3 4 s'4nw^4 2 Eunice B. Moore se'4 2 half tax '1 A. L. Krause seV4 4 T""* ?, 10.67 A. L. Krause ne'4 9 ".111 20.37 7 4 40.74 23.28 A. L. Krause nw %4 9 A. L. Krause «e'4 9 Mary C. Mayingham nw'4 JU ..IHI Delos F. Pond neH 14 I Ambrose Main ae^4 15 ...: ..." Thos. p. Keyaw se^ 17 42.68 11.64 27.94 52.38 54.32 45.56 48.50 11.64 77.30 46.56 nvf% 46.56 46.56 46.56 25.22 46.56 46.56 11.64 46.56 23.28 23.28 46.56 23.28 46.56 26 n hf sel4 27 ...... Gci ritt A. Rogers ne'4 27 half tax Gerrit A. Rogers nw'4 27 half tax H. E. Teacher ne 4 29 _.i 37.22 Emma Teacher nw'4 29 half tax ... 37.22 J. S. Birdsall s* hf ne'4 s hf nw'4 30 37.98 Theo. J. Rassman e hf se'4 30 rie'4ne?4 31 37.981 mv'4nw'4 32 37.22 I Anna Linder w^ne'i se'/4ne'i 31 sw'inw 46.56 4 4 22.31 56.62 32 n hf nw'4 33 42.68 44.62 27.16 44.62 44.62 4 35 _. 31.63: 31.63 33.44 3.87 3.87 29.60 15.81 16.52 31.63 w'a se'4 ne'iseH 19 "0.02 Midland Co. ne'^ne'i 19 s'*nw'4 nwUnw^ 20 2^.77 Fanchon Carson se'4se'4 19 nl2nw'4 29 nel4 13.76 ne 4 26.27 Nellie Peterson ne'4 21 half tax 27.52 Nellie Peterson se4nw*« 21 sw'inw^ 22, half 28.46 tax 27.52 Hal D. Wheaton se'isw'4 22 .1. 22.52 C. B. Baldwin s'ssw'4 s'ase 4 26.27 C. p. Baldwin sw'4 24 half tax" 26.27 W. C, Ripjiberger nw^ne'^ n'jnw'-4 «el4 28.77 nw'4 25 28.77 Rosa J, Henn sw'4 27 28,77 Rosa J. Henn e'ase'4 28 nHneV4 33 13.76 Lowell S. O'Neal sw'ine'i w?jse!4 sel4.swJ/4 29 27,52 Horace A. Howes sw'4nw 1 31.63 31.63 15.81 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 15.81 15.81 39..1 31.63 25.2!) 31.63 31.63 31.63 '4 sw'i se'4 39.54 31.63 15.81 ne'4se'4 29 7.90 7.91 .15.81 15.81 23 half tax 31.63 34.45 31.63 31.63 nw'4svv'4 29 «e'4 31.63 nw'4sw'i 31.63 27.96 23.26 22.83 23.72 31.63 35.06 30.92 15.81 15.82 23.72 28.24 38.73 37.52 38.73 35.63 35.71 34.18 36.45 34.18 36.45 36.45 18.23 18.23 36.45 6-' Harry E. Folken Its 1 2 e»snw»4 7 J. W. Dryer Its 3 4 e hf swV4 7 Frank R. Folken se'4 7 Frank S. Potter ne'4 8 .....1 Elmer N. Olson «w'4 8 A. L. Krause sw'4 10 Emma ("lementson se'4 11 I Michael Lavin e'2nw'4 13 P^irst State Bank of Elkton w^nw^4 13'«..«' Frank A. Anderson ne'4 14 John W. Carman w'jsw'4 se'iswVi 14 John W. Percy ne'i 15 "IIII Malla Thompson nw'4 15 d... Clara Lee Its 3 4 sec 18 Wm. Andrews and Cora Hinesh sw!4ne'/4:'-a% se1^ «e '4 se '4 19 Julius and Emma Pfieffer sw'i ne'4 se'^nwU s'ine'i 20 Julius Pfieffer se^«ne4 w^se'4 ne'4se'/4 20 Kdward H. Kerner Est n'2nw^4 sw'4nw^4 20 Michael Rausch sw'4 20 S. E. Blood se'4se'/4 20 w'jnw'i 28 ne'4ne!4 29 hail insurance $38.40 Myrtle C. Burman e'ane»4 nw'ine^ne'i nw',4 23 Edward J. Slovek sw',4ne'/4 be%8e% section 23 F. E. Palmer nw',4 24 IHIII.""-II John Q. Peterson ne'4 25 ."IIIIII'II John Q. Peterson eHnw^4 25 "V.1"I_"I! John Q. Peterson se'4 25 ... Will R. Walpole nw'4 27 _*_t- j Will R. Walpole sw'4 27 ..t./.I."""!^!!!1 S. E. Blood ne'4 nw'4 28 I_ _I «Vu' g'oofje'-'sw'i se'4 nw'i" 28 ne'^nw^ 33 WjH R. Walople nw'4 29 ........ Will R. Walpole sw'4 29 Will R. Walpole se'4 29 .. .» I^eonard L. Lawfon ne'4 30 ...n..'I"ri..?r3I--- nw^4 32.97 27.34 35.25 16.40 34.89* 22.78 23.50 27.34 34.18 70.72 36.45 34.89 36.45 27.34 11.40 36.67 34.18 34.18 5.70 34.18 37.17 36.45. 37.17 27.34 39.50' 39.50 39.50 39.24 18. 1 0 39.50 39.50 &• 39 .50 39.50 39.50 39.50 41. IS a-,