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M2I.INQITENT TAX UST Sia'« of &>uth Dakota. ("011114* «i Haakon, Office of County treasurer. To Whom It May Concern: /kled by law, at the office of the County] Win w of said Haakon County, Slate of Smith Treasure/ of said Haakon County. Mate Dated at Philip, South Dakota, this 16th day ~UT N o v A 1 I a s U O Y County Treasurer in and for said C'ounty of Hnakon, State of South Dakota. Township One North, Range Eighteen Fred H. Kberly svv'4sw1, e'jhc'4 se'i ne'4 2, half tax 151gie Bernie e'asw'i 1, nw'-ine'i, ne^nv''! 12 A. K. Miller s hf svv'j 2, n hf nw'y.t 11 Frank T. Coulson Its 1, 2, an.l iAi'.a 1 James K. Jones ae'i 4 ...— Jennie Kui'.v Its 3, 4. and 5 se'iiHV'i '3 Khy K. Hawkey e'ane,!^ 10, sw'i sec 11 ... Wm. Kiel s2sw*4 11 -r |S. B, Wint rode s hf »w*4 12 neV4nwV4, n ne'i 19 ---i Wm. (!. Wintrode nel4ne,4 13 Will. Kiel nw'i sec 14 Gertrude Rintelinan Its 1, 2. and eHnwJ4 18 H,'W. Rintelman Its 3,, 4, e'asw'4 hail in/ surance $12.00 H. W. (!. Rintelman Its 1 2 e'anwV* 19 Charles Frye ne'i 20 Kiln Talbert. nw'i 20 Chiis. T. Duffy nw'4 22 half tax ...... .... Stanley and Ward sw'4 22 Albert Mewes ne'4 23 Bert J. Stanley nw'4 23 Albert H. Mewes sw'4 23 28.63 G. A. Blake ne'4 25 Wm. O. Hopkins e hf nwV* e hf awl4 25 Frank H. Tietge se'i 25 .... Chas. J. Newton n^a ne^4 n'anw'4 26 half tax Meacham R. Ward hf nwV4 n hf sw'4 2( .. Albert H. Mewes s'asw'4 26 hail insurance $20.80 Bert J. Stanley ne',4 27 Stanlev and Ward nw'4 27 ¥i. C. Raffefty It 3, r»e'4K.w n 'asp V4 31? JL. Martinus Larson staiiw,4 n'a^w^' 3« .JifR. Mm. R. S. Ashby ne'4 31 hall^ tax Hhijs C. Nielson n'aiic'4 n'snw'i 33^— John A. Bach s hf ne'4 n hf sel^'35 Emma C. Kiel s'anw'4 n'a.sw'4 3.% ........ Township One North Range Nineteen Lottie R. Babcock Its 3, 1., s'-iiiw'4 1 Jacob Grcteman «w*4 I half tax .. Frank E. Babcock Its 1, 2 s'ano'4 Frank E, Balieock Its i 4 sjanw'4 2 P. P. Sammons sw'4 4 hail insurance $45.20 Catherine C31ear sw'4ne?.4 w^a»e^4 4 nwV«neVi sec 9 Edw. B. Wintrode Its 2, 3 4 ae'isw^i 7 .... Chas. S. Failej^ s'ase'i 8 .ti Jessie Burnie seUswU nw'4«e'4 s'ise'4 9 Jacob Gretenian sw*4 sec 10 half tax ...... Frank Buessing ti'ane'4 n'anw'4 11 half tax Clara Nellis »el4 ^2 ..iw Mortellaro and Triola swl4 13 Mortellaro and Triola sw'4 18-Mi tax 1920'%. Sylvan J. Baye n'ase'4 13 hail insurance $19.60 Nellie Songer nlaneJ4 17 Ed«v. Higbee s'aneU ne'4 se'4 se'inw'4 17.. Che«ter E. Burnie sw'4nw'4 8WV4SW*4 17 .. C'hester E. Burnie se»4 18 Chester E.-Burnie ne'4 18 ....... .... Nebraska Bull Tractor Compnny nw|4 24 half tax ..... i- High swV4 24 half tax .... s'anw1 Townahip One North Range Twenty John Pfiefer Gat. swl4 1 half tax Ira J. Welch Its 1 2 sSne'4 2 half tax I^eoD. Welch Its 3 4 a'anwU gahalf tax Ida Barnes Its 1 and 2 sec 4 WnvSfcaffenberg tr in sw^nw'i 13 half tax#* A. 3. Wray tr in se part of sw'4nwH 13 Williams s,iisvvl4 14 half t.\x JSed H. Honning tr in south part of sw% »el4 sec 14 nw part of nw'^ne^i 23 Walter Hiltgen ne'^4 1$ ........ .......... liValter Hiltgen se'4 19 J* wHne?4 wSase'4ex ry 22 'i tax I*. J. Ulrey w Paul If. Paly tr in «e«4sel4 22 ... MwT'tMiHister tr in ne cor of no'4swV 84 Ramsey nw*4 28 hail insurance $12.00 ry 29 UC74 Loney'eHsw1* w^aeH 88 88 I se^awii 6, lot 1 aeV^nw^ •:«, Notice is hereby given that All lands, town lots Of other real property situated in the County of llaa kon and State of South Dakota, upon which the tax- Raymond (.raves ne«* and Its I. 2 e anw»* *0 for the preceding year or years. \o w^ For the Llln Sims Its *4 year 1921 or prior years shall remain due ami unpaid Ella aims se i 11 he offered- for sale at public auction in the man- 01 Dakota, at the Court House in the City of philip, in Wm. toyle Its 3 s said County and State, on the second Monday in Ic- J'ranlk K(.H,ler sw 4 4 half tax ..... cember A D., 1922. to-wit: On Monday the eleventh I Odelia Kuhn Co. It* 4 se'^nw'* Hlih) dav of December. A. I).. 1 i»22, between the Gorge D. Mc( amnion Its 1 2 e snw'* 7 '*ta (11th) day of Decembe.. hour-s of nine o'clock A. M., and lour o clock M-i of said day and sold for the amount ol the delin-, J. Stanley so 4 ouent taxes charged against said lands, town lots and Gerrit Wolbrink all of sci 16 other real property. and each separate piece or par- W. A. Norenburg w'meU ex 1 eel thereof to this amount will be added the penalty anil interest and the cost of advertising and acciuing costs^if such sale. •Said sale will be continued and adjourned Irom day to day until all of said lands, town lots or other Win. A. Noreitburg Jr. s'ase'4 ex ry 18 n*% real property have been offered lor sale The following is a list of the lands, town lots and Willie Powell ne'4 other real property in County of Hftnkon and State of South Dakota, liable for taxes forjho year 1921 anil prior years, upon which the taxes now re main due and unpaid, together with the amount of the original tax extended against s^iid property, and each separate piece or parcel thereof, upon the jfnal anil duplicate tax lists of said County for the year 1921 and prior year*. S13.12 2b, 99 1^,03 -#1 71S ma I. S2 «'»2 ?!,:n 83.85 17,89 32.21 7.16 36,53 .».12 63.75 2'). 82 28.63 28.63 17.14 36.16 87.28 pmm 37.95 36.34 87.19 87.15 41.99 16.15 19.38 85.53 86.82 80.67 19.38 35.53 19.38 89.57 89.57 s'a ne'i 26 half tax Hans Johnson e hf sw'4 w hf se'i 2i Libbie Sea ries Its 1, 2, e'anw'4 30 half tax.. John H. Cogley Its 3, 4 e'asw^ 30 half tax Heirs ofjjChas. J. Kiel sw'4 32 Theo. M. Erickson ne'i 33 Bernard Wolff sc'4 33 Martin Young nel4 34 P. W. Hickman s'inwV* nHswH 34 P. W. Hickman seV4 35 h. 27.64 83.17 30.40 87.58 North Range Twenty-one 4 «Hmv!4 2 iM*4 2 |3 4 sMmw'4 3 half tax §4 3 half tax 4 4 28.52 ".. 3ulf"uS" (iorrit WolbrinU "24 U. C. Br wer at''t see. 2o ... G. Anderson sw' 25 Gerrit Wolbrink se1* 25 ... C. S. Ciuyer nw'4 2(5 Clara Richards sw'4 29 id It .. For the Ella Sims Its 3, 4 e'asw'* 31 half tax W111. nw'i 33 1020 tax Gage 11 n Gagen nw 4 '53 ft»uin .™„mH w« Township One North Range Twenty-two 2nw 4 4 W. A Norenburg Its 3 4 e'lisw'* 7 acre. 17 (!. P.- Bowman nw' 17 W. A. Norenburg sw'4 17 hail insurance $40 Wm. A. Noftmburg Jr. Its 3 1 e'ssw'^ ex ry section 18 1, A. ne 'i 19 hail insurance $18.00 20 Win. A. Norenburg? nw'4 20 J. K. James e'aiiw1* sw'inw'i 22 Sever Tex ley n lif ne'4 n hf nw'/4 20 Wm. 10. Church sw'4 26 Grover Siedler ne'4 31 J. W. Whitaker se'4 31 Township (Hie Norlh Range Twenty-three Amelia Staley Its 3 4 se^nw^ ue^sw1* 3 .. S. (!. Richardson swU 4 J, Burr Liwllow s'»se'4 nw^se'4 ne'imv^ 5 Sarah and Iyer Nelfton su'^ne1/* ox ry 8 n1a ne'4 sn'tne't 17 Sarah and Ivor Nelson ne'4 9 Barah and Iver Nelson n'sse^ neH«Wl4 ex ry section 9 .» Arthur 1. (b»ss nw'4 10 O. C, and Altn A"pc e'aspH U r»'ane?4 14 half tax Mi's, Pete Daum.n hf »el4 se'4seV4 14 l)avid S. Church Its 3, 4, e'j»rvvl4 19 ........ Jerry Jnrimm ne'4 21 Albin Ries ne'j 22 —... W. A. Reynolds sw'4 22 half tax Karl A. Rise e'jse'4 22 c*£ne*4 27 Albin Ri\s sw'4-23 ,, P'rank Graham se'4 23 D, J. Gretschnian sw'4 25 .... lOrnest M. Blaker *e»4 25 —. Karl A, Ries ne»4 26 Karl A. Ries nw'4 26 Karl A, Ries *w»4 26 Karl A. Ries se'4 26' ... .... W. C. Rippberger w^nw'i 29 80 Kiiwanl Seidler Its 3, 4 e'i!«w'/4 31 J. W, Wymoie ne'i 34 I). M. Finnegon nwJ4 34 John Duggan se'i 34 J. W, Wyinore nw'i 35 ... —... Township One North Ran.e Twenty-four Jas. G. Rogeis Its 3, 4 s'anw'4 1 82.80 Jas. G. Rogers n'ssw'4 n'ase'i 1 39.51' Jas. G. Rogeis Its 3 neSsw^vt se'4nw4 2 37,28" C. A. Linder lt.s 3, 4 seUnw', swV^neH 3 I half tax --v- 17.(49) ('. A, IJnder p'asw^ w 1^80*4 4 half tax .. 89.14! C. A. Under a hf swl4 4 se'/ise'^ 5 ne14ltW& I 9 half tax .......... 45.40iC. A. Linder s'giie^ w'aseU 5 hfllf 1 ax 47.71 G. J. Leander H* 3, 4, s hf nw'4 5 \i(5.90 Clarence M. Best It 4 se'4*w',4 s'ase',4 oxry 7 85.78 C. Lirfder ne^swV* 9 half tax Nit .73 C, A, Under n' #ne'4 sw'.4ne!4 en 15,(55' ry half tax sec 9 ... -4.... 52,19 C. A, Linder »el4 9 half tax "85,78 M. A. Linder ae'ine^ ex ry 9 wHnwMi 2s,63 nw!4 ex ry 10 half tax Anna Under awkneU se^4nw-4 ntasw1/4 ex 50.07, ry 10 half tax 17.00 C. A. Linder s'jsw^ a hf se'4 half tax 10 .. Anna Linder »e'4ne'4 n'ase'i ex ry 10 sw'4 nw'4 11 half tax ...... .... —. ...... J. E. Dempsey ne1* ex ry 12 half tax ...... James Nelson w^aswU 14 n'ase'4 15 Joseph G. Sherman iie^ne'i e'j 8e!4 14 ne*4 ne*4 23 V ..... C. A. Linder e hf ne'^ 15 half tax 87J5 A. Linder w'ane'4 sJanw^ ,15 half tax 18.17 •Clarence W. Best It 1 n^ne1* ne'^nw'/i ex ry section 18 —. F. A. Reynolds »e'4 18 ....... .... S. H. Engleman «e'-4sw'.4 24 eHnwH ^0^4 sw'4 25 .j, .... S. Engleman se'4 sw'4 25 1 —. 87.37 ^Janras Nelson nc'4 28 —. Fred Nelson Its 1 2 e'anwU 31 Township One North Range Twenty-live W. D. Snow Its 1 2 sec 1 Midland Co. n'asw'4 1 n'ase^ 2 John Iverson Its 1, 2 3 4 sec Midland Co. s'anw'* s'ane^4 2 13.73 R. D. Baailey 2 3 4 5 sec 6 *43.73: Jas. G. Rogers It 6 se^nw^ .sw^he14 ex 15.50 cemetery 37.15 i W. J. Elrod Its 1 2 e hf nw*4 7 half tax 17.76! Albertina Legge It 4 seV4sw^ 7 It 1 ne'4nw^4 18.57 section 18 38.76 Elmer Ingram s'4ne'4 nw'4ne'4 se'4nw'4 11 33.92 half tax ...... 35.53 Geo,. E. Wickens elase'4 11 w hf sw'4 12,.. 38.18 Chris Bohl ne'4 36.18: Chris Bohl s'jnwU. eHswH -H Ofi ,iO TKris Hohl sw* 12 _i.42 Chris Bohl se'4 sec 12 IJohn S. Grady It 2 seUnw^ 18 ... ^7.27 {Harry C. Schofield svv'4se'4 se^swH 20 14.16! nw'4 nw'4ne'4 29 half tax 25.56 Chas. E. Root sw'4 21 half.tqxV 15.20 Kathryn Weisser ne*4 22 5.29 I Matilda Owen^neU 23 half tax —, 3.15 Christ Bohl se'4 24 —..n 20.14 I M. C. Murdough ne'4 25 ...| I Guy. E. Ray se'4ne'4 ne'4sel4 w4se'4 5.67 i Lydia May Ray sw'4ne'4 se^nw^ eMiswK oil 86.531 Guy E. Ray Its 1 2 neUnw^ nw^nt'i 30 .. 26.53 Wm. C. Millsap It 3 ne'4sw'4 w'ase'4 31- ,-w 30.21 Win. C. Millsap it 4 se'4sw'4 e'ase'4 311 3.78 Harry M. Rider ne'4 34 .i.. ....... 3.02 James Tow 11 send nw'4 35 47.24 James Townsend wH 35 Township Two North Range Eighteen Isabellft Hohlei- sw'* 1 Paul Walters Its 1 2 s'ane14 2 Bernard M. Hoala swl4 3 Bernard M. Boate seU sec 3 24.39 Alice M. Nowlin sc'4 5 23.46 H. G. Ames s^sseH neV^aeJW Htax 26.27 J. E. Petrie Its I 2 e hf nw'4 7 half tax .i 15.64 Richard Welch nw*4 12 half tax -IS.13fJ. W. Howar sw1* 12 .. 30.02 Iva Shoemaker «e^ 15 A. Helgerson neV4 18 .. Ralph W. Sweeney ne^« 20 Martin Kfegen nwV. 20 .....t ii., te% 20 1 i N_.— w_~ 1.r»! no',.se, 1 2-.77 l*'!izabeth Stratman its 1 2 s'jiie't II half lax. 27.52 Joseph Gasper Its 4 5 so'* nw'4 6 27.52 Will R. Walpole Its 6 7 e'asw'i 6 27.52 Paul Walters Its 1 2 c'jnw'j 7 24.02 Wm. Reynick ne'* 8 hK.13 Wm. Royiiick nw1,* 9 1 Sturgis Lord aw'* 9 half tax 12.51 F. J. Connolly .se14 17 32.Ht» Mabelle Papik ne'i IN half tax 32 Julia M. Peterson Its 1 2 e'anw'4 18 Wm. H. Peterson Its 3 4 e'isw'.* 18 21.57 Mabelie Papik nc^ 19 half tax 12.06! Chas. Nelson inv1.) 28 20.11 1 Township Two North Range Twenty 'itax 12.28 \$ill R. Walpole Its 1 2 s'ane'* 2 25.(59 John K. Degler sw1* 2 25.()'.» C. J. Lamm Its 1 2 s'ane 3 129.57 10.72 22.31 62.34 C. J. C. J. I.a 111111 25.69 32,96 V. A. Bloiiniui.-U, SW '4 4 ... V. A. Blomqiiist sn' 27.96 4,19 12.(54 27.81 31.60 25.28 27 81 32.50 14.33 14.53 26.54 11 53 20.22 29-. 07 :M.02 2.).7') 2V07 27.81 2»5.54 29.07 30.31 36 01 2(5.19 39.29 39.29 39 »29 19.64 19.(54 19.64 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 54.02 39.29 39.29 39.29 39.29 19.64 39.29 39.29 19.64 1 •4 4 4 nwUse^ 4 It 2 swUne Kllcn Dun levy sw'4 5 half tax R. 10. Walpole Its 1 2'., 6 ... 26.81 George Gtuviher Its 3 1 5 sc'^nwVi Will R. Walpole nw'4 8 7N. 16 'Will R. Walpole sw^ 8 25.69 John Degler ne'i 10 .... 25.(59 C. J. Lamm nw' 4 i 10 20.11 C. 10. Wheeler e'asc1* 10 e'ijneU 15 25.(59 Will R. Walpole ne' 4 12 33,99 lOlizabeth Dunlevy ne' 4 13 32.96 John Dunlevy nvv'4 13 32.1)6.10. H, Beatty sw'4 13 half tax (Geo, 1). (VConnell e'yiie't e!a«e',4 17 56.55 Irene Kelly w hf ne'4 w hf se'i 17 51.50 I Jens Jensen nw'4 17 _.'a R, 10. Waljxde sw'4 17 18.40 John H/ Cowen sM-'iseU 19 ..' 1 49.44 |Thqs. J. Cowen n'ase'^ seUae'4 19 ne' 4 4 4 53.(58! Marvin 10. Philips sel,4 5 __ 53.98 Rose A. Walpole nvv' 4 C. W. Couch Its 3 4 e'j 12,83 38,26 27.96 i 1 37.11 37.11 26.50 18.61 37,11 33/73 N_ 4 11 Will R. Walpole nw'4 11 25.69'Will R. Walpole sw'4 11 25.69 Will R. W'alpole ,so'4 11 R. K. Walpole nw' 4 section 30 ... .. 3fl. 18 Viola Jreen mv'i 20 .... 41,50 K. Tn.vlor ne' 4 21 50.31 Geo, 10. Lntmn s^nw'4 wHsw1* 22 49.41 (leo. 10. Lmni e hf fw'4(w hf se'4 22 ... 32.5X5.'Geo. K. Lamm e'jse'4 22 .' ..... 1(5,18 Fred Zellmer se'4 23 half tax «. 32.!H» Joseph Kolacke ne' 23 32,9(5 James F, Md 11 tyre ne'4 21 .. 32.1H5 Will R. Walpole ne'4 25 .... 49.44 lOli/.abeth Zellmer nw'4 25 haf tax ...... 49,44 Will R. Walpole »e'.» 25 ... 12.96 H. B.Fislar »w!4 27 '5^.9(5 lOrvin Hart se'4 27 32.96 1). G. Johnson and A, Hovett sw'4 28 19.11 W. 11, Jones se' 4 29 32.9(5 Alphonsn L, B, Smith nw',4 33 32.SN 1 Viola Buchanan ne't 31 ... 32.'.Hi I A. J, Magmis*n w'asw '4 aeUswk swknw' i 32,96 sect.ion 35 32,1X5 f- Township Two North Range Twenty-oqe ne'4 8 __ 13.90 Matt Kirsch sw^ 10 ....... Albert Omilahl \v'snwH 11 .. Q.2f Ira J. Welch sy'4 9.27 W. C. Jahries,s neU 14 Carrie B. Lynuin nw'4 14 0.32 Will R. Walpole Us 3 4 eHsw^i 19 9.32. Will R. Walpole se'4 19 lH.59 10dna E. Smith ne' .—... .J.............. 4 20 N. 10. Wadden se'4 22 ... P, Fjille ne'4 24 J, R. Wilson sw 14 25 i 13,45 J, R, Wilson se'4 25 ...... ... 1. 17.65 Wm. Nurenberg ne'4 2(5 ... Wm. Norenberg sw'4 2(5 13.45 Iowa A. Hayden sw'4 27 ..... Stphen Fiola se'4 29 half tax 15.98 John Palmer Its 1 2 e'anw'4 30 .1. 16.77 John Palmer Its 3 1 e'aswU 30 sw '4 31 C. Hanson se'.4 31 Township Two North, Range Twenty-two Kate Harrington He't 1 Peter O'Brien Its 3 4 s'jtiw'4 2 ..... 18.64jWm. H, Colvin sw'4 3 4,66 E. J, Hill sw'4 4 half tax 9,32 |C. P. Colvin Its 3 4 s'anw!4 5 I Harrison and McCloud sw'4 se'4 6 nw'i se'/4 25,83 w'ane'4 8 _.c 18,64 Harrison and McCloud e'^ne'/i eHeeM 8 ^... Peter F, Shroeder ne'4 9 27,9s»' Peter F. Shroeder sw'4 9-. 8.39! Peter F. Shroeder se'4 9 18.64 Isaac Colvin nw' 4 10 ........ 18 57 Frank Harrington sw'4 12 Harrington and O'Riely e*ise?4 eli of w4 12.(54 se'4 12 26.54 Kate Harrington wVa of w^ase^4 12 .......i. 30,34 H. A. Fitzgerald nw'4 15 •^7.81 H. A. Fitzgerald sw'4 15 7fe.00 Albert. Nelson sw'4 17 J. H, Wickstrom lt.s 1 2 e^inw?4 13 48.75"tG. R. Wilson Its 3 1 e'asw'4 19tt_ 47.12 R. L. Co'x and L. A. Beck man sw'/4 81 .... W. B. Logan ne'4 22 ...... 74 75 F. H. Barchet nw'4 24 W. L. Camp sw'4 24 ... Loukse Berner ne'i 28 F. W. Otterstgin It 3 ne'48w& nw^4se^4 se rsteir half tax ',4nw'i 31 W A 1 V Township Two North, Range Twenty-three J. O. Murphy se'4 2 Van V. Johnson Its 3 4 s'aiiw^ 4 Carley Riley Its 1 2 s'aneH 6 John C. R.hoades Its 6 1 e'asw'4 6 half tax Chas. Riley seS 6 ... Ernest Stearns nw'4 17 ... E. W. Newman sw1* 17 E. W. Newman ne'4 19 ...."X.'r Tormod Rorheim Its 1 2 e'anw'4 19 Jessie B. Jackson It 3 ne'48W^4 19 .1 Jessie B. Jackson se'i 19 Ella B. O'Brien ne'4 20 Alice Gretschman ne'4 21 ... Z C. H. Mardcn nw'4 21 „s^ Marian T. Blowers se'i 21 Ida Thor.son w'ane'4 e'anw'4 22 .-i Christ Ruedi nw'4 23 half tax Blache Morris w'ase'4 23 w'ane*4 26 half tax H. W. Morris seVsc'i 23 sw'iswV4 24 nw^ nw^ 25 nel4ne'4 2 half tax J. M. Gross se'4ne'4 ne'4se'4 w^ase'* 2b __ Oliver and Nestor Nelson nw'i 26 Blanche Morris ne'4 27 half tax —.... M. Ii. Schnieder se'i 27 Blanche Morris s'anw'* 27 half tax Martha HovMand Its 3 se'4nw'* neUsw'/i .10 a M4. A 1 A A-.2 1 1 4 O O & 4 A a 23.10! 7.30 12.03 Martha Hoveland Its 1 2 3 4 w'4ne'* 31 .. 45.34 I^onard L. Lawton ne'4 30 Hftrry Kunkle se'4 35 23.761 Township Three North Ranre~NTne~tMn Township Two North Range Twenty-four 1 Mary Kelly Its 3 4 s'-inw'i 1 J. A. Peters w'ane'4 nlanw'4 9 half tax 21.34 i Eunice B. Moore sw'4 1 I Bele Peters s'anw'* 9 half tax 11.64'"" Belle Peters swV» 9 half tax .. Belle Peters exa ne'4 9 w hf nw'4 10 half tax James H. Stephens w hf ne'4 eHnwV4' 10 J. A. Peters sw1* 10 half tax J. A. Peters n HseV4 10 half tax ..* J. A. Peters s hf se\» 10 n hf ne?4 15 hf tax Will R. Walpole nw'4 12 Oliver M. Bracken nw'* 13 John Iverson e hf se^ 13 Midland Co. -w hi sw'4 13 ncfline^ 28 nw% swK 24 29.24 Jacob DeYoung s'ase1* 14 n'.site*4 23 15.23 lie lie 1. Peters s lif ne'4 15 half tfx .... ' J. B. Annis ne'4 .18 half tax 33.51 John Killelea lt* 1 2 e hf nw'i 18 35/03 John Killelea ts 3 4 e hf swl 18 30.7(5 Ackley Hubbard e hf se'4 19 w hf s\y'4 20 .. 42.54 Jacob DeYoung neJ4 22 19.01 Midland Co. se'jiieU 23 .... 40.21 Clias. L. Myrland ne^se'* 23 n *8 sw'4 nw!4 17 .M sel4 24 hail insurance 28.80 Jacob DeYoung w .hf sw 23 w hf nw1* 33.51 36.55 17 55 Jacob DeVoung e'asw'i nw'^seU 23 neU nw'4 26 36.551 Jacob DeYoung s hf seU 23 swVisw1* 24 nw'4 neU 26 L. 36.87 Midland Co. s hf ne'4 s hf nwl4 24 37.22 Harry K. Walton e hf seU 25 36S7 Ja.-.ib DeYoung neUneU s hfne1* ne^se^i 26 Miiiland Co. Midland Co. i 4 33 se'inwU e hf sw'4 swUseH 26 nw Use '4 26 1). 11. Rand w hf sw'4 2(5 11 37.22 C. A. Linder sw^se^ and sw' 37.22 James G. Rogers n hf ne'4 37. 37 37 22 «3.61 18 99 2 I 10. F. Ruskel 1 se'4se se'4 18 'ase'4 34 4 4 1 $7/22 Joseph S. Sheeley Its 1 2 sV'ane^i 3 9 :l Chester and Lyjia Stone it 3 sec 5 half tax 'Chester L. and Lydia Stone It 1 sec 6 'atax 38.71' S. R. White Its 4 5 6 7 sec 6 37.22 Chester and Lydia Stone se'4 6 half tax Chester 10. Stone e'aswU 6 e'jnw Anna Welch sw'4 9 J. R. Strader se'4 9 half tax 37 22 -Tohn Iverson ne'4 10 37 22 18.61 37.22 37.22 37.22 Lena Lewis s'anw*4 n'asw'4 10 37.22- C. B. Baldwin nw! 14 half tax C. B. Baldwin «w'4 14 half tax £1.01- Claude M. Flom wVise'4 seUse^ 14 n^ne^ I section 23 ,0.02 Midland Co. s'-jswl4 «wl4se'4 17 se'4se!-4 18 3!).()2 John Iverson It 4 sec 18 It 1 sec 19 .... 29.10 Joseph Butz seUswk w'a ne Useu 19 •'0,02 Midland Co. ne^neU 19 s^anw'4 nwl4nw'4 20 28,77 Fanehon Carson se'4seU 19 n^nw'4 29 ne^4 13,7(5 ne'4 30 27.52 The Midland Co. w hf ne'4 n hf «e'4 swl4se^4 26.27 20 26.27 Mary P. Auld se'^seU 20 e'sneU neUseU 29 26.27 Nellie Peterson neS 21 half tax 27,52 Nellie Peterson seUnwU 21 sw'inwli 22 half 28.16 tax 27,52 Hal D. Wheaton se14sw14 22 ..^ 22.52 C. B. Baldwin s'asw^ slise'4 23 half tax •26.27 C. B. Baldwin sw'4 24 half tax 26/27 W. C, Rippberger nwUneU n!jnw'4 «e?4 nw 4 25 .... 28.77 28.77 Rosa J, Henn sw'4 27 28,77 Rosa J. Henn eljse'4 28 nHm'% 33 ..... 13.761 Lowell S. (VNeal sw'ine'i wlisefi se^sw'4 29 27.52 Horace A, Howes sw?-4nw?i nwH8Wl4 29 «el4 28.77 ne'4 ne'4sel4 30 30,02 J. G. Rogers sw 4.svv'4 HTE. 24.32 24,32 I 24.93 21.32) 29 whnw 85.02 1 section 32 The Midland Co, wlane*4 ne^nw'i 30 ^1, 1 4 32 24.32 Ida M. Howes e?jnel4 34 24,32 Huron and Yankton Colleges wVine Township Three North Range Eighteen Edwin VanHouten Its 3 4 s'anw'4 4 4 see 5 Elizabeth Kerr Its 6 7 e'asw'i 6 24,32 Harry E. Folken Its 1 2 e'anw^i 7 .. 24.32 jJ. W. Dryer Its 3 4 e hf sw'4 7 24,32 Frank R. Folken se'4 7 23.(55 24 32 24.32 Frank S. Potter ne'4 8 Elmer N. Olson «wl.4 8 A. L. Krause sw'4 10 24.93 Emma Clementson se'4 11 24.32 24.32 24.32 Michael Lavin e'anw'4 13 -i.iirnii First State Bank of'Elkton w?inw'/4 13" Frank A. Anderson ne'4 14 John W. Carman w'asw'4 scUsw'A 14 nw44 nw'4 23 :1 j: John W. Percy ne^4 15 Malla Thompson nwJ4 15 .... Clara Lee lt.s 3 4 sec 18 ... I ."III W111. Andrews and Cora Hinesh sw^ne^i n\i' se'4 «e'ise'4 19 -A Julius and Emma Pfieffer sw'ine'i seUnw^* 11.56 41.56 41.56 20.78 41.56 41.5(5 s'ane'* 20 42.37 Julius Pfieffer se'4no'4 w'ase'4 ne'/4seu'20 35.63 Edward H. Kerner Est n' sw'4nw'.4 20 40.48 Michael Rausch sw'* 20' 16.32 S. 10. Blood se^se1^ 20 w'inw'/i 28 ne'^ne'/i 23.76 2ii hail insurance $38.40 i 41.561 Myrtle C. Barman e'ine'* nw'*ne'* ne^4 41.56 nw'4 23 41.5(j Edward J. Slovek sw'ine'i n'lse'* se'4se& 41.5(5 section 23 23.76 F. E. Palmer nw'4 24 20.78 John Q. Peterson ne1* 25 II 11.88 John Q. Peterson c'jnw'i 25 ..T John Q. Peterson se'4 25 •.•£*."' Ii 17 81 Will R. Walpole nw'4 27 28.76 Will R. -Walpole sw'* 27 vl":'.®!!"' 23.76 S.'E. Blood ne^nw'* 28 ll.SSiS. E. Blood e'jsw'* se'4 nw'4 28 ne'4 nw'4 •5.631 Will R. Walojile nw'4 29 5.94 Will R. Walpole"sw'4 29 ...ii. 31 451 Will R. Walpole se»4 29 Walter T. S. Shannon se^se^ 1 e%ne^4 ne^4 20.37 I se'4 12 ."1 20.3T7 C. E. Maxfield It 3 4 s^nw'4 ~2 .."..II 40.74 Eunice B. Moore se^i 2 half tax 20.37 A. L. Krause se'4 4 10.67: A. L. Krause ne'4 9 20.37 A. L. Krause nw1* 9 .. 40.74 A. L. Krause we1* 9 40.74! Mary C. Mayingham nwl4 11 23^.28 'Delog F. Pond neV* 14..•* Ambrose Main se^4 15 48*£6 IV#. P- Kwr It 42.68 11.64 27.94 52. 54.32 45.56 48.50 11.64 77.30 46.56 46.56 46.56 46.56 25.22 46.56 46.56 11.61 46.56 23.28 23.28 4(5.56 23.28 46.56 hf se'« 27 (ieiiitt A. Rogers ne'4 27 half tax 1 Gei it A. Rogers nw'4 27 half tax H. 10. Teacher ne'4 29 37.22 JOmaia Teacher nw'« 29 half tax 37.22 J. S. Birdsall s hf ne'4 s hf nw'4 30 37,98 Theo. J. Rassnian e hf se'4 30 no'4ne*4 3*1 37.98 nw'4 nw'4 32 37.22 Anna Linder vv'ane'i se^neU 31 8w^«nw^4 37.22! 32 half tax 37,22 i C.'Vere Standiford n hf ne'« 32 n hf nw'4 33 37.22!('. Vere Standiford sw'«nw'4 n'a.sw'* sw'4 41.03 I sw 46.56 22.31 56.62 42.68 44.62 27.16 44.62 41.62 34 half tax 11 hT nw'i 35 ._ 19.37 I James G. Rogers se'4 35 37.22 .Township Two Norlh Range Twenty-five 37.22 I Jacob Anderson sw'4 1 37.22 Mary 10. Wolleson se' 31.63 31.63 33.44 3.87 3.87 29.60 15.81 16.52 31.63 4 4 Olive M. Sheeley sc'4se^4 sVjswU 12 ne'4 ne'i 11 A. H. Wolleson e^neL4 e^ase'4 12 Martin Peterson w'anel4 eHnw'4 12 37.2J^Mary Fl. Wolleson ne'4 13 ... 17.'!2 John E. Sheeley e hf sw'4 13 neUnwV4 nw'4 37.22 ne' 4 7 'a tax 7 e'jne'4 ne'4se'4 1 24 ... ...... 18 4 nw '4 31.63 31.63 15.81 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 31.63 15.81 15.81 39.54 31.63 25.29 31.63 31.63 31.63 39.54 31.63 15.81 7.90 7.91 .15.81 15.81 31.63 34.45 81.63 31.63 31.63 4 nwl 4,s\v'4 Rogers It 2 se'4nwl4 nel4swk 30 .. Walton Its 3 4 sel4sw'4 30 32.59 32.59 24.32 Mas. G. Rogens s'aise^nwUseU 30 ... 14,59 Jas. G. Rogers ne31 24,62 Jas. G. Rogers Its 1 2 jJas. G. Rogers Its 3 4 e^aswli 31 .. 29,18 Jas. A. Ripal e'ane 31.63 27.96 23.26 22.83 23.72 81.63 85.06 80.92 15.81 15.82 14 neV4 ne-U 35 23.72 Ida M. Howes se'4«w'4 w^se'4 ne'i.se1^ ex ry sec 35 28.24 38.73 37.52 38.73 35.63 35.71 34.18 36.45 34.18 36.45 36.45 18.23 18.23 •8ft. 45 ,-1- m.-' 32.97 27.34 85.25 16.40 84.89 22.78 23.50 S7.34 34.18 70.72 Mm 84.89 86.45 27.34 11.40 86.67 84.18 34.18 5.70 34.18 37.17 86.45 37.17 27.34 3».50 39.50 39.50 89.24 18.10 39.50 89.50 39.5-) 39.50 39.50 39.*to 41.15 m.a vA- 4