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1 Ki F# -J': .f.iW'( 5? Jv"V-'• fV A,. •r: 15^ Pr IS*' is.- ,-i-. I- *. *5 •t Wis# •MM 1Mb te a 4 ELECTION RETURNS Primary election day register ed a light vote in country pre cincts, in this section of the stat©, on account of weather conditions. All returns are incomplete but the papers that arrived this morn ing state that Sterling has been nominated for United States senator over Byrne. On other contests on the state ticket are indefinite. In the judicial district Hugh es and McOord have been nomi nated, eliminating O'Brien. Five precincts in the county hare not sent in their balot boxes yet, Marietta, Elbon, Bridges Creek, Ash Creek and Butte being the ones lacking. REPUBLICAN On the soiiatorship the returns received show 179 for Sterling, Byrne 1611 For state senator Haakon coun ty has given Bielski a substan tial majority, 227 to 131 for Howe. The latter carried Jack /PHILIP FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH AFTERNOON AND NIGHT New Acts, Features and Wonders from All Parts of the Globe Traiaed Dogs, Ponies, Monkeys, Goats, Pigs, Ba boons and Elephants The Greatest Lady and Gentlemen Performers. An Army of Funny Clowns. Fine Bands of Music. Qtifp Madam Yvette, tkehmmtm butterfly th• boxing mon AMpa the bmby elephmnt the giant baboon: the fight ingtiemi mnd hear the pneumatic mir calliope, with 1VGO BROS. SHOWS s. p% .» •m-fammw-.vrz Everything Spring ivf TRUMPS IMPLEMENTS st«* And Garden "W'/ |s Big Hundreda of SATISFIED petioDf W tMt ewmmmfty hiTi bought garden and farm implements, neh how, rakes, spades, scythes, (tA) Iron tu. WHY NOT YOU? This ia the tin*. G. G. WHEELER, The Hardware Man PHILIP, S. D. son county by 19 votes and it is understood that Bielski has a substantial mmajority in Stan ley county. Fischer has been nominated over Walker for representative. This county gnve the former 208 and Walker 134. For sheriff Lins is leading on the returns with 163, as a gainst 132 for Burns, 53 for Peterson. For county commissioner from the second district, Jar man, the present incumbent^ was defeated by Piersall by a vote of 81 to 54. DEMOCRAT U. S. senator—Reinham 76, Coffey 50, Kelley 76. 1 State senator—Watwood, 193, Dahlbcrg 23. Mr. Watwood has also carried the other counties in the district by good majori ties. Sheriff—Slocum, 130, McCoy 95. Superintendent of schools— w v* f- J.'Vti "^V rQrr* -1^ I 1 Duryea 141, Culp 76. For circuit judge on the non partisan ticket, the sixteen, pre cincts gave Hughes 320 O'Brien 119, MtfCord 114. A WOMAN HUNG Around her sweetheart's neck begging* him to take her to see, Hugo Bros. Railroad Shows and Trained animal Exibition, which will exhibit at Philip, Friday, June 7, afternoon and night, rain or shine, under acres of waterproof tents. All new this year, with new acts, features and wonders from all pairts of the globe. The show that is different and without doubt the most mo ral and refined as well as educa tional exhibition that will ex hibit in our city this season. There is a fascination about a tented show that appeals to •verybody, makes the children happy and takes the older folks back to their childhood days, the music of the brass hands, the trumpting of the elephants, the funny clowns with their comical donkeys, the roar of the lions, and the gaily dressed lady and gentlemen performers, every thing,to make the day a happy one for all. Hugo Bros, program is made up of high class Euro pean novelties, in horses, ponies,' monkeys, dogs, goats, pigs, baboons, and elephant aets and scores of aerial and ground gymnastic and acrobatic feats, with a dozen or so foolish and ludicrous comedy a(Ct« by an to makeup the two houTs and army of funny clowns, all help half of fun and entertainment as well as education for the old as well as the young. Don't let the children miss seeing the boxing monkeys, the baby elephant, the educated ponies in marches and drills and the trained dogs and goats that do everything but talk. Everybody come bring the children and have a g.iod time. SWISS CATTLE AND MEAT PRICES FIXED BY GOVERNMENT The Swiss Federal government has by decree fixed he maximum price at which farmers may sell their cattle for slaughter as well as the prices at which various qualities of tfutcher meat may be retailed. Farmers may demand no more than 23 cens per lb. for first class fat beef cattle. The price applies to cattle sold on the farm. If sold In a city or other distant market, cost of transportation may be added. With the exception of sirloin and fillet cuts, retailers may ask no more than 40 cents per pound for beef. The weight of bone must not exceed 25 per cent of the total weight sold. According to a statement by the Department of Agriculture there has been an actual shortage of more than 2,000,000 tons of sugar annually since the war began. Prior to the war practically all the bellgerent coun tries except the United Kingdom ex ported sugar, the total amount being more than three million tons. In 1918 i is estimated that the allies must im port a minimum of 1,200,000 tons. WARNING TO AUTO OWNERS This warning is for the bene fiti of those who have neglectec to procure their 1918 number plates. If you haven't got your number do it now and save ex tra expense, as I will enforce the law on that matter strictly from June 1st on. Tours respectfully, 13t2 Fred H. Root, Sheriff. "Work or Fight," is the order issu ed from Washington to the register ed men of the country, effective July 1st The idler, the man engage4 la pursuits non-essential in war times, and the one holding a Job hat a wo man or boy canhandle, are the ones who must sit up and take notice. They must answer to the local board in their jurisdiction that their em ployment is essential to the war or it is them for the trenches. The or der is far-reaching and sensible and will have noticeable effect right away in directing the supply of labor to our war industries, which have been handieapped by shortage of man power. TAKEN UP—One stare, one gelding, two to three years old, color brown, small star in fore head of each, no brand. Jacob Frein, Philip, S. D. I4t4 PHILIP WEEKLY EE VIEW ivfiry ""left side Bight hip Noi v s*?*?* .•'~*7 THE PHILIP WEEKLY REVIEW J. D. Rainey, Publisher A legal weekly newspaper publish ed every Thursday afternoon at. itsof fice en North Center St., Philip, S.L. Official paper ef Haakon county Entered as seaond class matter on August 2, 1907, at the postofflce at Philip, S. D., under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. FEEl»l.\ft HEAD AMMALS TO HOGS IS HAD PHACTIri: Feeding dead animals to hogs should be a criminal offense, says Dr. G. S. Weaver, inspector, State college extension division. Hogs may contract many contagious diseases from eating carcasses. For instance: A cow suddenly died on a farm and was dragged out for the hogs to eat. In a few days they swelled in their throats, and as the farmer said, "all died with the quinsy." The fact was. the cow died of anthrax and of course the hogs died of the same disease. Frequently the question is asked "Why is it not safe to feed dead ani mals that are not diseased?'' The proper reply is, "How do you know the dead animals were not diseased?" l^on't take chances. Proper Food for Weak Stomachs The proper food for one man may. be all wrong for another. Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak stomachs need to be especially careful and should eat slowly and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular. "When they be come constipated or when they f°el dull and stupid aafter eating they should take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stomach and move the bowels. They ar« easy to take and pleasant in effect. 1 vy What is a blllton dollars? Can the enormous size of that much wealth be visualized by the average individ ual. The Watertown News illustrates vividly how much this really amounts to, and In closing a really good article, it says, "If we had been laying aside a dollar a minue since the birth of Christ we would have accumulated only about one billion dollars to this date. While it would take one man a million years to earn this sum at a salary of ?20 a week, one hundred million Americans raised four times as much in less than thirty days in the recent Liberty Loan drive!" MORGAN SMITH, Plum Creek. Cattle branded Left hip A and thigh I Right jaw Bight side 3 Bight n jaw Coming to Philip DR. DORAN A SPECIALIST, NOT IN NAM$ ONLY, BUT BY EXPERI ENCE OF ALMOST A QUARTER OF A v CENTURY i 'v, DOES NOT USE THE KNIFE WILL GIVE FREE CONSULTA TION FROM 9 IN THE MORNING UNTIL 5 In the afternoon at NORTHWESTERN HOTEL THURSDAY ,JUNE 20 ONE DAY ONLY THEY COME MANY MILKS TO SEE KIM tr.iI)oran is a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and lias a spe- ciai license and authority granted by the State Medical Board of Soutl* Dakota to visit professionally the more important towns and cities, snd offers to all who call on this trip con sultation and examination free, except the expense of treatment when desired.* According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He nas to his credit Many wonder ful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, Mood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed-wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheuma0sm, sciatica, leg ulcere ana rectal ailment#, yon have been ailing for any *i of time and do not get any do not fall to call, as improper measures rather tlian disease are very of sen the cause tA your long standing treuble. Bemember above date, that exam Mtlon en this trip willbe free and t|lt hi* treatment la different. ^Married ladies must come with Awlr hnahapds and children with tfceirpermu. Medical Laboratory of Dr. Kfrylr 111 Chain Tread $ That's just you. .urj, ,^ ni|r^ ^.'EiTS",,,,^ .!•' i REGISTERED Hereford Bulls FOR SALE I have just received a cdtv load of registered Hereford bulls which I am offering for sale# These are all good heavyvboned strong individuals* Prices are right May be seen in pasture adjoining Philip ANDERSON MICHAEL Philip, South Dakota Advertise in Our Business^ Local Column JiJTJuo i ib United States Tires are Good Tires 'SFiSsS? n li 'j"' |j_ The Real Meaning of Tire-buying Economy Your car Must ptop greater service tbi« year than ever before^ It speeds up your work—increases your working power. The highest car economy lies in utmost service. The most economical tires are those which will give you greatest use of your car. what Vy-. v... 1 United States Tim Irfll do tor You can depend on them for continuous servic©, —most mileage at lowest mileage cost. Vr Equip with United States Tire*. :,K'1 Our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer wilt be glad to assist you in selection. United States Tubes and Tire Accessories Hcvt All tht Sterling Wtrth ami Wtar that Mak* United States Tires Supnmt. Ford Garage, Cottonwood ImpL & Hdwe. Co. Cottonwood -r E -dm [f i It. .1. £?'. y***, 14*' 1 ,-*& it,