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The Bad River news. [volume] (Philip, Stanley County, S.D.) 19??-1912, October 05, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95076628/1911-10-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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List your land with the Hart
wick Land (Jo. 49tf
Harvey Michael was down from
Milesville Wednesday.
M. E. Phillips was a business
•fsitor in Pierre Monday.
C. Ward left for Des Moines,
Iowa, Wednesday night where he
expects to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown, of
Rapid City, S. I) are recognized
business college teachers of nat
ional reputation, and of twenty
years' experience. Write today.
Latest styles Ladies, Misses
and Children's winter coats at
R. M. Williams.
High grade business and short
hand instruction is a specialty with
the Sioux Falls Business College,
Sioux Falls, S. I). Send for cata
logs and free tuition offer.
K. K. Pohle was called to Des
Moines, Iowa, Wednesday by the
serious illness of his wife who has
been visiting there for the psfit
several weeks.
They are receiving winter
goods daily at R. M. Williams.
Mrs. August Kahl departed
Wednesday noon for Elkton where
she expects to make her home in
the future. Mr. lvalil left on the
same day with a carload of immi
grant goods.
All kinds of sweater coats, all
Unds of prices at R. M.
News and Personal Items
People Coming and Going, Notes of Improve
ments, Social Doings and Items of Gen
eral Interest to the Public
G. F. Moles, of Powell, was a
renewing acquaintance with
many friends in our city.
Mrs. Ethel Bennett and sister,
Sftna Ingham,
have been visit­
ing with relatives and friends in
Philip and vicinity, returned Wed
nesday to their home at Caps.
Thomas Thorson was in town
Monday and took out a load of
planks to be used in building a
dam across North Fork river,
thirteen miles northwest of Philip.
He is going to install a plant and
irrigate next year.
Now is the time to lay in your
winters supply of flour. Buy
your flour at the Philip Mill.
Mrs. Nellie Hansen, who has
been visiting with her mother,
Mrs. C. E McLane, went to Fort
Pierre Saturday noon where she
will spend a few days with friends.
8he expects to return to Philip
before leaving for her home at
Oelwein, Iowa.
Men's, youth and boys' pants
•I R. M. Williams.
Mrs. C. Block and Mrs. H.
B. Fislar entertained last Thurs
day afternoon at the home of the
former, a fifteen cent lunch being
served to those in attendance.
About thirty live of the Philip la
dies were present and the proceeds
of the luncheon were turned in as
a benefit to the Ladies- Aid of the
Methodist church.
Ladies, Misses and Children's
winter coats at R. M. Williams.
Clare Severin celebrated his
nioth birthday Saturday afternoon
by inviting about twenty of his
boy friends to help in the cele
bration at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Severin. The
afternoon was spent in playing
various games and four o'clock
luncheon was served in the play
house which was appropriately
decorated with autumn leaves.
Master Clare was the recipient of
a number of remembrances from
his friends.
Try a Bottle of
Raotall Cherry Bark
Cough Syruy
Per that Cnwuii
P. J. Gallagher made a business
trip to Pierre Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Williams
returned from Pierre Wednesday
C. Royer, of Marietta, made a
business trip to Pierre and Fort
Pierre Tuesday.
Ed Loyd, of Plaintield, Iowa,
was a visitor in Philip last week
and spent a few days looking over
the land in this vicinity.
II. C. Hansen is spending a few
days visiting and attending to
business in the neighborhood of
FOR SALE—Feed barn and
lodging house. For further in
formation inquire of the News
office. illtf
A. I. Cooper, Charles Woold
ridge, Frank Kiester and Tom
Aid rich were in attendance at the
Kadoka fair last week Thnrsday
F. II. Wells, of Wellsburg, de
parted for Pierre Tuesday noon
where he will spend a few days at
tending to business matters.
Attorney James Boyd was a
brief visitor in Philip Wednesday
with friends while en route from
Pierre to his home at Rapid City.
Grace Shannon, of Dead wood,
was a brief visitor in Philip Sat
urday and went out to Ashcreek
for a short stay, returning home
Miss Bernice Clark, who has
been visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Raymond L. Moody,
left Friday night for tier home at
Miss Kmrna Swenson, who has
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Sten Kjos, of Elbon, returned
Wednesday noon to her home at
rs. L. E. Tift, who has been
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Pohle, southeast ol
town, departed last week Friday
for her home at Shelby, Iowa.
Mrs. Tift is a sister of Mrs. Pohle.
Charles H. Zeman departed
Monday noon for Omaha, Nebras
ka, where he will take in the Ak
sarben (spell it backwards) ant
visit friends and relatives for a
few days. He also expects to visit
at Cedar Rapids before returning
to Philip.
Rexall Cold Tablets
Are the CURE for
25 Cents per Box at the
H. E. Dorothy, of Nowlin, was
a visitor with his brother, Grant
Dorothy in Philip Monday, while
enroute to Interior. His Buick car
was laid up at the Fred Robinson
garage a few hours for repairs
but Tuesday morning was again
ready for the road.
George Steffen returned from
White River Monday night where
he has been doing some frieghting
from Marietta for J. L. Core. He
expects to return in a few days in
company with Ira and Perry Tay
lor and they will put up hay on
some land which they have leased
in that vicinity.
£. L. Keith and Eph Nedrow
departed Tuesday morning by
auto for White River where the
former will spend several days
looking after the. business of the
branch lumber yard which was
recently established at that point
by the Philip Lumber Co. Mr.
Nedrow will take a look at the
o u n y v i e
Singer sewing mactines for
safe on easy payments. Chas
H. Qyfcr, Plem* &. D. 33tf
KING PHILIP is the highest
grade first patent flour sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey cheerfully refunded.
Philip Mill & Elevator Co.
R. A. Newsom, of Ashcreek,
returned this morning from an
extended visit at Frankfort,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nesland, of
Ashcreek, departed \Vednesda3
night for their new home at Ano
ka, Minn.
Byron L. Clow is spending a
few days in town renewing ac
quaintance and attending to busi
Men's fall underwear at R. M.
Williams. 30-31
E. O. Roush, Ed Urton and
Eugene D. Aldrich returned the
lirst of the week from their trip
through Millette and Tripp coun
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harges
heimer returned Wednesday morn
ing from a visit with relatives and
friends at Minneapolis, Rochester
and other points in Minnesota.
Mrs. W. O. Robinson, who ha.N
been visiting at the home of her
son, Fred Robinson, departs 1
Tuesday afternoon for Buffalo (Jap
where she will visit for a lew
At the meeting of the city dad^^
Monday evening, it was decided
to put in crossings between Mc
Lane's residence aud machine re
pository, at the corner of the Pres
byterian church and one south
from C. A. Knudson's residence.
See the Bielski Farm Loan Co.
of Philip, for a loan on your
Emmet Fitzgerald was an ar
rival from Irene this morning and
will spend a couple of weeks in
this vicinity looking after his in
Special cloak and suit sale
at the store of H. A. Kumm
by A. E. Lucas & Co., of
Pierre, on Friday October
Will Jasper, of Grindstone, de
parted Wednesday noon for Yank
ton, where he will spend several
days visiting relatives and friends
aud attending to business matters.
Why pay freight.
Buy your flour at the Mill.
We handle a full line of
Dr. Hess Stock Food
Which is the BEST on
the market
Drug Store
At a meeting of the Philip Vol
unteer Fire Department Wednes
day evening, Ned Benedict was
elected as foreman of Hose Com
pany No. 2 and Edw. A. Lios
Asst. Foreman.
You can save money by
buying your flour at the Mill.
The juvenile cantata, "The Jol
ly Picnic Party," which was pre
seuted at the Grand opera house
last Friday evening under the
auspices of the Ladies Aid of the
Presbyterian church, was a com
plete success in every way. The
net proceeds amounted to about
*25 00. The piano duets by Miss
Marie Durkee and Mrs. Nellie
Hansen were greatly enjoyed by
all. About thirty of the school
children took part and they all
handled their parts in a manner
which left no room for criticism.
Mrs C. E. McLane, Mrs. Ray
mond L. Moody and Mrs. Ander
son Michael had charge of the en
tertainment and are to be con
gratulated on the successful man
ner in which it waa carried out.
For Sale by Wray and Nedrow
Philip S. D. tf
Special cloak and suit sale
at the store of H. A* Kumm
by A. E. Lucas & Co., of
Pierre, on Friday October
13th. .. *\f
per cent discount for cash,
All $2.00 and $3.00 Hats
Your Choice $1.00
Big Bargains in Odd Sizes
of Shoes!
New Line of Men's Fall Shoes
Fall and winter line of duck and sheep
skin lined coats
Call and let Hartwick fit you
out for the cold weather
As I am going to California, I will sell at public auction
the following household goods, at the corner of Pine
and Center streets, at 2 o'clock, p. m. on
Saturday, October 7,1911
One Good Refrigerator
One self-generating gas steel range
One private oak secretary
One large leather arm chair
Four heavy oak dining chairs
Six good kitchen chairs
One round oak dining table
One small hard coal heater
Two good washing machines
One small heating oil stove
And many other household utensils
TERMS: Sums of $10 and under cash. Sums over $10
six months time will be given on bankable
Jud Pepper, Auct. Ira J. Welch, Clk.
H. DURKEE, Owner
The Biyer Ntws--cne "pluck" for a whole year

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