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TIME TABLE. "Train to No. 103, west bound lue leave 4 p. 111. Train No. 160, East bound due to leave 8:30 a. m. The above schedule temporarly abandoned. The west bound train arriving about 3 p. m. returning east bound about 7 p. ame day. V. E. SMART, Practice in U. S, and State CONTRACTOR Prospective builders will save money and insure the BEST POSSIBLE results jfly letting your bill be figured and job done by, A. L. HOLT, Contractor. New Meat Market J. M.'Evans & Co. have opend a Meat Market in the building formerly oc cupied by A. Wolfer on the east side of Main Street. They carry a full line of meats of all kinds and everything else to be had in a first class mar ket. A share of your pat ronage is so 1 i i e d. Give them a trial. J. M. Evans & Co. TIMBER LAKE A E The place where you get a variety of well cooked dishes at reasonable prices. Tickets good for 21 meals or short order service No waiting at our short order counter. Meals Served AT ALL HOURS SAM CHRISTENSAN, Proprietor. V to has been A*'t. ALEX. W. STOW Attorney-at-law Courts and Land Office Practice So Timber Lake, Dak. RAYMOND L. DILLMAN Attorney-at-law General Practice. Office in Advo cate Building-. Timber Lake, So. Dak. DON'T Let your contract for building until you have seen ... WILSON & MANSFIELD Contractors & Builders I: Timber Lake and Isabel. COCKATOO IS 112 YEARS OLD Ancient Bird It Somewhat of a t!lar Though on Verge of the Grave. Cockatoos are to well known to lire patriarchal age, and probably the oldest bird in the world whose age can be traced with eeftainty flour ished in a well-known hostelry at Tom Ugly's point, near Sydney, New South Wales. When he had feathers enough He was owned for 80 years by a well-known master mariner of Syd ney, who died at the Solomon islands in 1887, aged eighty-nine. The bird was presented to the cap tain when the latter was nine years of age, and he was then informed that Cocky was just the 6ame age. The bird was left as a legacy to a Mrs. Bennett of Sydney, but she did not get him until 1891. Since that period the bird has lived at George's river, within sight of where Captain Cook landed and where "the first fleet" anchored about the year of his birth. None of his faculties arc weak ened, and he is as loquacious as youngsters of his tribe, who may be a hundred years younger. In hila rious moments he will flap his stumps—you could not call them wings—and yell, "I'll fly—I'll fly! By gee, I'll fly!" a palpably menda cious statement. EFFECTS OF SABBATH BREAK BAKfc* Gladys—Dear me! That's what comes of going automobiling 00 Sunday. Tom—Wlat happened? Gladys—1 ran over a laboring man, who swore frightfully. On a week (lay he'd been in a shop. 1 ACTIVE WOMAN YOUNO. The longest-lived men are those engaged in healthy outdoor occupa tions, such as farming, simply be cause they lead an active, muscular life in the open air. Bodily activity keeps at bay the diseases of sedentary middle life. Gout and rheumatism lie in wait for the man who does not walk five miles in a week, who hates games and believes that golf is a "waste of time." It is the active, busy woman who keeps her complexion when she is past forty years of age, and girls twenty years her junior grow sallow and anr.emic for lack of outdoor ex ercise. You must live a sedentary life, you say? I don't bolieve it. Even if your day is spent in an office or a shop, you have the early morning for a "tub" and 20 minutes with dumbbells. You have your evenings, and you have your week-ends* OLDEST TOWN IN STATES. Arizona prides herself on having the oldest town in the United States, Tucson. Ancient parchments dis covered in the old mission of San Xavier, near this town, are claimed to establish the fact that Tucson was settled in 1555, and that Mar cos de Niza, after exploring Arizona in 1539, made such a glowing report on the country to Charles I.—suc cessor to Ferdinand and Isabella— that that monarch sent out the col ony whose descendants were found at Tucson by missionaries more than a ccntury Inter. This find enlisted Tucson in a controversy with New Mexico's capital, Santa Pe, whose claim to being the oldest town on this continent lias long been diapuU ed by St. Augustine, Fla. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Get your name on a business trip to Aberdeen. Mr. Banden, to distinguish his species, he was rec ognizable as a lemon-crested cocka too, but as he had been "under bare poles" for half a century, few living people can remember when he had more covering than he shows at present. claim west of Doe Buttes. If you get the ADVOCATE and are not already a subscriber please consider it an invitation to becomc one. Mr. Jones, who The Gilmartin Hardware Co., has an attractive display of Coial stoves and ranges in their show window. The display, like theii ad, will be changed each week, fT. H. Batkins, of the Cheyenne Agency, paid his first visit to Timber Lake this week, and was greatly impressed with the rapid progress and general appearance of our town, The Advocates's Honor Roll. The ADVOCATE'S honor roil gives the names of persons who have subscribed for the paper since the last preceding issue: G. E. Breckenridge, Sam Christensan, Rev. J. J. Enge, O. J. Fett, H. S. Green, A. L. Holt, W. P. Johnson, Wm. Jollie, E. S. Ludlow, Geo. A. Leach, James Murphy, F. E. Madison, J. E. Meredith, C. M. Wilson, Wm. Wilson, Alex W. Stow, Walter Belcher, Hollands- worth-Greenman Lumber Co., M. Barnes. Big 4 Land Co., Ed Hag- erty. Political Announcements. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of County Judge at the coming election and ask the support of my acquaint ances and friends to the end that I may be successful. my bkbwbwbwb a w the CATE'S honor roll, ADVO Logan Fain left Wednesday on Chas. A. Youmans returned Tuesday from a business mission to Aberdeen. lives east of town, returned from his flying trip to Mitchell the first part of the week. Bud Millican has his new house almost completed, which, when finished, will be the finest house on the reservation. G. E. McAllister and family ar rived Tuesday from Marietta, Minn. Mr. McAllister has a claim four miles north of town, Quite a number from here went down to Cheyenne Junction last Sunday to witness the loading of cattle from the Matador ranch. Evangelist Thornton, of Verdon, will be here for Lord's day, Oct. 30, for the purpose of organizing a Christian church. Come and hear him. Waterbury & Son have had a plate glass front put into their hardware store this week and will soon have everything in smooth running order. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A first-class set of carpenter tools complete. Inquire or write E. R. Duncan, who lives one and one half miles east of Timber Lake. ALEX. W. STOW. FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of State's Attorney in and for Dewey county, to be voted for at the approaching election called by the governor for the organization thereof, and re quest the support of all voters, who upon inquiry concerning me and the exercize of their own judg ment, feel that I am the proper party for the place. RAYMOND L. DILLMAN. FOR CLERK OF COURTS. I take this means of announcing to the voters of Dewey county thaf I am a candidate for the office of clerk' of courts, at the election to be held Nov. 8th, enemies. and solicit the support of my friends as well as J. J. HOLLEY. FROGS IN SUPREME COURT Tribunal at Leiptic Rules That Their Nolee Muet Be Sup preeeed. 1 An who comes from North Dakota, is visiting on his uncommon case was lately fought before the German tribunals right up to the supreme court in Leipsic. Two neighbors lived for a long time in close friendship until one of them had an artificial pond con structed in his garden. After a time a number of frogs appeared in the pond, and their croaking was so loud and continuous as to deprive the neighboring family of its night ly rest. The disturbed family objected and relying on a law which forbids anyone from diminishing the value of another's property, requested the pond owner to make arrangements for keeping the frogs within bounds. The pond owner replied that he was not to blame for the musical activity of the frogs, which he had not placed in the pond. The first tribunal upheld the pond owner on the ground that the frogs were a dispensation of nature which must be put up with like the sun and rain. The judgment was upset by the next higher tribunal and the decision of the latter was affirmed by the supreme court. The supreme court reasoned that whoever made a pond had to reckon with the subsequent appearance of frogs, and that the noise emitted by them constituted injury to neighbor ing property. NEW TYPE OF WAR BALLOON Zorn Veseel le Made in Three Parte, Separated and United at Pleasure. Count Frederick *on Moltke, nephew of the great field marshal, has formed a company to construct a fleet of airships especially de signed for military purposes. The government has promised to assist the enterprise as soon as a trial diri gible has been finished and tested. The vessels will be capable of carrying light guns and a quantity of explosives. The type chosen is a peculiar triple Zorn balloon, which within a single framework of Cana dian fir contains really three motor balloons, each with its own motor, and each detachable in two minutes, together with its own share of the framework. Thus, on arrival over the enemy, the front balloon can be quickly de tached to take back to headquarters any dispatches, photographs, etc. the rear balloon can follow with Jafcr news, while the middle part re mains to take part in the light and drop bombs over the enemy. All three parts can be put together again rapidly. The whole construction is 360 feet long. The effective lifting pow er after deduction of the airship's own weight and the weight of the cars and machinery is 11,000 pounds. The entire framework can be quickly dismounted in sections. Each part of the triple balloon can also be anchored separately. LOVE THAT FAILED. For ten long but blissful years ihey had walked along the path of love but as yet the lovesick youth had never mentioned about their getting married. Courtship is very charming, but when there does not seem to be altar-rails at the end of it girls naturally begin to lose inter est in the game. Anyhow, Jane thought it time that the marriage day was fixed, so she threw out gentle hint to her lover by way of encouraging him. That, she thought, was all the dear fellow wanted. •"Nathaniel," she whispered, coy ly, "they're saying we're going to be married soon." "Are they, though" answered the stolid swain. "What a jolly sell it'll be for them when they learn we ain't." OOOD SHOW. Purchaser—These seats are in the back row. Is there any chance exchanging them after I get inside? Theater Ticket Seller—Sure! After the show begins you'll be able to get any seat in the house 2 THE FILM. "What happened after tile dent?" "I don't know. There seemed to be a film before my eyes." "I see. The moving-pictim jplo had reached the scene." MMjiiiwii IMUH iigri|n»triiTti 7Y»"«T -Y-Y i I V V 1 2 $ 8 i $ ft V V V V V V V V V 9 V •J •J S V V V 9 V V V y V i ft- V ft s $ $ V V V $ $ $ v v v V V V $ $ v v v v A 't i V V $ s V V V $ V V V V a 9 $ V $ V V V •J V $ 9 v v v v of ft I I i V V $ •J ft ft V i a^^upiweau "WF n.npc v. I if for the ADVOCATE DO IT NOW! A newspaper is 9 semi-public institution* You need it jmd it needs you. Subscribe for itfe"" ADVOCATE now and get the first chap^ ters of our serial story Read our editorial as to particulars re garding subscrip tions, then fill out and mail us the following DEWEY COUNTY ADVOCATE TIMBER LAKE, S. D. GENTLEMEN: Please enter me on your list as a subscriber. I enclose $1.50 as paymeul for one year, or I will make payment l|jt Nov. 5th. My P. O. Addres is Yours trulyv sw^srr^'™*1 ff .1 V* *r- & k- w ifo m. 4 i-V.H-'fe, V- jt: A"- r, li V, S-SSIRS: wm «v mf v .• ... i- r- ."55 •3 K J** ,, A '-4£JK