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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
i t- tX f" Ji ss*. ,1 i V it iv m4' U 1 I .ft 7 *V V* :$ u 4jfe 'W fcl i i 1 ft t- fT- •v« P' -t?i iC'1\ H- if Vi 3 IfrJ* i. v V V Watch Timber Lake Groivf* VOL. i. NO. 21. R.T.HOLIHAN, ED. L. MILLIGAIN, Pres. L. H. mmm 00000000000000039090000000 0300003000000030039030000 EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS The music df the Masters brought to your Own Drawing* Room. Eastman Kodaks, together with all necessary supplies. The Eastman is the Standard. None Better Made. Call and hear the Records and look over our Large Stock of Kodaks. CX.CCCCCCCOQOOOOOQOOQOOQCy:::OOOOOCOCOOOOO^OOOO^OOOO^ ^]llllllllllllli!lllllllllllllillllllll!!llllllli!illlllH illlllllllSlillSlllllil! lillllli!!!.^ I HARDWARE I Mr. Farmer: We wish to call your attention to the fact that spring is now approaching and that we are able to offer you some of the latest improvements for handling your farm and crop. We especially call your attention to the fact that we sell J, I. Case Plowing and Threshing Machinery. McMartin's Steel Grain Bins, any size. Geo. A. Clark & Sons' Wind Motor Wind Mills and Towers. Pumps of all descriptions. Harness and Saddlery of all kinds. Come in and let us show what we can do. We are sure we can please you. WATER BU RY & SOIN. alllllllllllll lllinilllll HllllllllllllllHlllllllllHimilllllHIHIIIIilllHIIIHI limillllium FIRST STATE BANK The Oldest Bank in Dewey County. CAPITAL $10.000 DOIN'T RISK YOUR VALUABLES PRIVATE PAPERS, INSURANCE POLICES ETC., TO THE DEPRE DATIONS OF THIEVES AND BURGLARS, TO THE DESTRUCT ION OF FIRE AND WATER, TO CHANCE, MISPLACEMENT AND LOSS. KEEP THEM SECURE IN OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES ENCLOSED IN OUR FIRE PROOF VAULT. BOXES FITTED FOR PRIVATE LOCKS. Druggist. JOHN De Y. SMITH, Vice Pres. LANG EN, Cashier. petnei) Cunntij the iM •*-4'' AN EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO HAVt A PERMANENT BUILDINO READY BY THAT TIME. Logan Fain received a mesftat* last Saturday from the General Land Office at Washington to the effect that if we could have a per manent building ready for occu pancy by May 1st, the land office would be moved from Aberdeen at that time. He received while there a general idea of what will be re quired of the department so that word was immediately sent back that the building will be ready at that time. The exact plans will be received this week. To comply with the department's requirements, will of course neces sitate immediate action on the part of the company who is to erect the building. We understand, how- ever, that the material has already been ordered and that actual work will begin within the next v" *4 *"•, '. *. f"4'. •'Vs V 'V,». .. -«&• ^r, ,j, *n', f^Y%-* *", *f TIMBER LAKE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY. MARCH 3* 1911. LAND OFFICE TO BE 'A BUSY SEASON MOVED MAY FIRST1 ALREADY COMMENCED 10 days. At this writing we are unable to state what will be the location. That of course is a matter to be de ciced upon by the people who fur nish the money and put up the building. Sexton Gets Telephone Fran chise. At the meeting of the county commissioners on Tuesday, the matter of granting franchise was taken up again and disposed of. Mr. Wright of Wes sington, S. D., and F. E. Sexton, of Mcintosh, have been after the franchise for some time but owing to the absence of one commission er the matter was not settled until Tuesday. Mr. Sexton comes highly re commended. He is a practical tel ephone man and intends to put in a copper system. His material will be here in a short time and we will probably have long dis tance service by the time the land office is moved h^re. BROWN'S TRUNK WAS PACKED Ha Was Ready on Time This Day, but the House Keys Were Locked up Also. fThig time," said Mr. Brown, tri- unvphantly, "I've got my trunk ss packed long before the arrival of any thereof can be given. 55 possible expressman." Everybody at him. The habits of Mr. Brown in relation to his trunk were well known to all his friends and acquaintances. They were such that Mrs. Brown had long ago gi"en up any attempt to ameliorate them. She packed her own trunk and left Mr. Brown to deal with his according to his nature. As she sometimes said, "Mr. Brown's trunk always gets to the train, but I take care not to be round when he is packing it." But this time Mr. Brown had tak en time by the forelock. The trunk was packcd and the expressman not due for 15 minutes. They all sat down to breakfast in great satisfac tion. Breakfast was half over when Mrs. Brown had a sudden anxious thought. "Have you the keys to the house, Henry she asked, pleasantly. Mr. Brown paled. He felt in all his pockets. Then he rose nervous ly from the table, still holding his napkin. "My goodness!" he exclaimed. "I haven't! They're in the pocket of my other trousers in the bottom of my trunk." And as the ring of the expressman resounded from the back door Mr. Brown disappeared with long leaps up the front stairway to unpack and repack his famous trunk. SJRANGERS COME TO OUR TOWN EVERY DAY—BUILDING OPERATIONS HAVE ALREADY STARTED. A business man the other day succinctly stated the situation here with respect to thr business outlook when he said: "Two months ago the comparatively few strangers who came to town looking for business location would come in and ask you if you really thought Timber Lake would make as good a town as many here seemed to think and ask other questions in dicating that they were undecided as to what might be the future im portance of the town. Now the stranger simply asks if you know of any property or established busi ness for sale. They have ceased to express any doubt as to what our town will amount to within the next year." The above quotation expresses the matter so well that it is need less for us to enlarge upon the mat ter. We simply state as a matter worthy to be chronicled in a news paper that during the test week our town was visited by no less than a dozen men of means from other parts of the state and neighboring states and that some of them are to return and cast their fortunes with ours while none departed be cause they were discouraged with the prospect. We simply wish to say to the man who will have time a telephonej to make the observation: "Just watch the town do things." electin£ i v -r i v i- i n ."•••""•v.- .. .v':'-. v"*"'' v i i that does tilings, Timber Lake Will Incorpo rate. At the meeting of the county commissioners on Tuesday a pe tition was presented to them show ing the proper number of signa tures, plat, etc., and'asking that a day be fixed for a vote upon the matter of incorporation. At this writing we undertand that a date has not been fixed upon but it wilt no doubt be as soon as the ten days' notice required by law can be given. If the vote is for in corporation, we don't suppose there will be a single vote cast against the proposition, then an election will be called for the purpose of officers which will be done as sootl as another ten dials' notice KNIQHT8 IN FEATHERS. India is peculiarly rich in birds of character. It is the happv hunt ing ground of that unique fowl, Cor vus splendens—the splendid crow— splendid in sagacity, resources and adapHveness, boldness, cunning and depravity—a veritable Machiavelli among birds. I might almost say a super-bird. The king crow (Di crurus ater) is another creature which can be described only by su perlatives. He is the Black Prince of the bird kingdom—the embodi ment of pluck. The thing in feath ers of which he is afraid has yet to be evolved. Like the medincval knight, he goes about seeking those upon whom he can perform some small feat of arms. In certain parts of India he is known as the kclwal —the official who to many stands forth as the embodiment of the mighty majesty of the British raj.— Douglas Dewar, in Journal Royal Society of Arts. TH* MAIN DIFFICULTY. Harold's mother questioned her •on a« to why he received so low a mark in music. "I don't know, mother," he de clared. "I get along pretty well with everything except the sharks and flaps."—Delineator. I I 1 j- r? 4 1 vcate. The best that mort ey can buy. In The Line Of Stoves: THE "RENOWN" COMBINED HEAT. ER AND BAKER. HICKORY RANGES. WILSON AND CORAL MOT„ BLA|T STOVES. In The Line Of Enamel Ware: I HICKORY-IT COMES WITH A WHITE INSIDE. IT IS EASILY CLEANED AND WILL LAST A LIFFTIME. PIECES FOR EVERY USE. '•3 K i'- ^,.\ PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS Should exercise business caution. This means that before the claimholder lets his contract for lumber for the erection of new buildings before a townsman contracts for the material with which to put up his residence, office building or store, he should call •nd look over our stock, get our figures and terms. This will cost you nothing If you don't buy and may save you money if you do. Also bear in mind that we COAL--COAL—COAJU and plenty of it. the WHITTIER-FETT LUMBER COMPANY n 1 I" II lT»l. 'Mimf intuitu .nil IIMI1 1 IM 1 nn ||i |IJ| l.u .in, In The Line Of Miscellaneous Articles: "KEEN CUTTER" TAKE THE LEAD. NOTHING BETTER IN RAZORS, SHEARS, KNIVES ETC. V N'"""-I4'»*||HUI|U nfumt When you want the best goods at the lowest price*, call at, i Gilmartin Hardware Co. Store. •T" TV u ... V-V v ... V, s»C s••«/ v an ."i j- 4 I [»V PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR. hive .3* vl V- --1 1 "The Town That Does Things." :ir-l• 4 A K ti| V-'l 1 ~4j a if vi $ I 't I ,j'iiit .* I "*'4 5 I I?* "rVM i 5 T. 1 *, Lt Tri! •, A i'A tycL A' & -t i .-.1 1! 7' w V & j£*y Ti 'A y*? -r?&7 -^rC4 $ 7