Newspaper Page Text
S, ji SERIAL STORY COhen a Jit an Jftarries By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Jtuthor of The Circular Staircase, The JtCan In Lower Ten, Etc. Copyright 1906, by tli« Bobbs-M«rrill Co. SYNOPS.'S. JVttnea Wilson or Jimmy as In 1« callei by' his friends. Jimmy was rotUTIa a (1 looked shorter than lie really was. His ambition in life was to be taken seriously, but people steadily refused to do so, his art is considered a huge joke, except to himself, if he asked people to dinner ev eryone expected a" frolic. Jimmy marries Bella Knowles they live together a year and are divorced. Jimmy's friends ar range to celebrate the flrst anniversary of his divorce. The party is in full swing when Jimmy receives a telegram from his Aunt Selina, who will arrive in four hours to visit him and his wife. He neglects to tell her of his divorce. Jimmy takes Kit Into his confidence. He suggests that Kit play the hostess for one night, be Mrs. Wilson pro tem. Aunt Selina arrives and the deception works out as planned. Jim's Jap servant is taken ill. Bella, Jimmv's divorced wife, enters the house and asks Kit who is being taken away In the ambulance? Belle insists It is Jim. Kit tells her JIbi is well and is In the house. IlarblBon steps out on the porch and discovers a man tacking a card oa the door. He demands an explanation. The man points to the placard and Har bison sees the word "Smallpox" printed on It. He tells liim the guests cannot !eave the house until the quarantine is ifted. After tte lifting of the quarantine several letters are found in the mail box undelivered, one Is addressed to Henry Llewellyn, Iquique, Chile, which was written by Harbison. He describes mi nutely of their incarceration, also of his infatuation for Mrs. Wilson. Aunt^elina Is taken ill with la grippe. Betty acts as nurse. Harb'son finds Kit sulking on the roof. She tells him that Jim has been treating her outrageously. Kit starts downstairs, when suddenly she is grasped In the arms of a man who kisses her sev eral times. She believes that Harbison did it and is humiliated. Aunt Selina tells Jimmy that her cameo breastpin and other articles of jewelry have been stolen. She accuses Betty of the theft. Jimmy tells Aunt Selina all about the strange happenings, but she persists in suspecting Betty of the theft of her valuables. Harbison demands an explanation from Kit as to her conduct towards him. she tells him of the incident on the roof, he Koca not deny nor confirm her accusation. CHAPTER XIII.—Continued. .{ "I think you are very rude," I said at last. "You fell over there and I thought you were killed. The nerv ous shock I experienced Is Just as bad as if you had gone—all the way." He put down the hammer and came over to me withewt speaking. Then, when he was quite close, he said: "I am very sorry if I startled you. I did not flatter myself that you would be profoundly affected, in any event" "Oh, as to that," I said lightly, "it makes me ill for days if my car runs over a dog." He looked at me in si lence. "You are not going to get up on that parapet again?" "Mrs. Wilson," he said, without pay ing the slightest attention to my ques tion, "will you tell me what I have done "Done?" "Or have not done? I have racked my brains—stayed awake all of last night. At first I hoped it was imper sonal, that, womanlike, you were mere ly venting general disfavor on one particular individual. But—your hos tility is to me, personally." I raised my eyebrows, coldly inter rogative. "Perhaps," he went on, calmly— "perhaps I was a fool here on the roof —the night before last. If I said any thing that I should not, I ask your pardon. If it Is not that, I think you ought to ask mine!" I was angry enough then. "There can be only one opinion about your conduct," I retorted, warm ly. "It was worse than brutal. It— It was unspeakable. I have no words for it—except that I loathe It—and you." He was very grim by tils time. "I have heard you say something like that before—only I was not the un fortunate In that case." "Oh!" I was choking. "Under different circumstances I should be the last person to recall anything so—personal. But the cir cumstances are unusual." He took an angry step toward me. "Will you tell me what I have done? Or shall I go down and ask the others?" "You wouldn't dare," I cried, "or I will tell them what you did! How you waylaid me on those stairs there, and forced your caresses, your kisses, on me! Oh, 1 could die with shame!" The silence that followed was as unexpected as it was ominous. I knew he was staring at me, and I was furious to find myself so emotional, so much more excited of the two. Final' ly, I looked up. "You cannot deny it," I said, in a sort of anti-climax. "No." He was very quiet, very grim, quite composed. "No," he re peated, Judicially. "I do not deny It." U* did apt? He would not? Which? CHAPTER XIV, Almost, But Not Quite. Dal had been acting strangely all Once, early in the evening, when tad doublcy! no trump, kilidM a club without apology, ana later m. during his dummy, I saw him writing our names on the back of an envelope, and putting numbers after them. At my earliest opportunity I went to Max. "There la something the matter with Dal, Max," I volunteered. "He haa been acting strangely all day, and Just now he was making out a list— names and numbera." "You're to blame lor that. Kit," Max said seriously. "You put washing soda instead of baking soda in those bis cuits today, and he thinks he is a steam laundry. Those are laundry lists he's making out. He asked me a little while ago if I wanted a do mestic finish. Yes, 1 had put washing soda in the biscuits. The book said soda, and how Is one to know which is meant? "I do not think you are calculated for a domestic finish,"I said, coldly, as I turned away. "In any case I dis claim any such responsibility. But— there is something on Dai's mind." Max came after me. "Don't be cross, Kit. You haven't said a nice word to me today, and you go around bristling with your chin up and two red spots on your cheeks—like what ere-her-name-was with the snakes in stead of hair. I don't know why I'm so crazy about you I always meant to love a girl with a nice disposition." I left him then. Dal had gone Into the reception room and closed the doors. And because he had bee# act ing so strangely, and partly to escape from Max, whose eyes looked threat ening, I followed him. Just as I opened the door quietly and looked in, Dallas switched oft the lights, and I could hear him groping his way across the room. T"_:en somebody—not Dal —spoke from the corner, cautiously. "Is that you, Mr. Brown, sir?" It was Flannigan. "Y«a Ij? everything here?" "All but the powder, sir. Dont step too close. They're spread all over the place." "Have yon taken tfca curtains down?" Yes, sir." 'Matches?" 'Here, sir." 'LJght one, will you, Fl&nnlgaa? want to see the time." The flare showed Dallas and Flan nlgan bent over the timepiece. And The Mercer Girls Kissed Dal and Anne Was Furious. it showed something else. The rug had been turned back from the win dows which opened on the street, and the curtains had been removed. On the bare hardwood floor Just beneath the windows was an aray of pans of various sizes, dish pans, cake tins, and a metal foot tub. The pans were raised from the floor on bricks, and seemed to be full of paper. All the chairs and tables were pushed back against the wall, and the bric-a-brac was stacked on the mantel. Half an hour yet," Dal said, clos ing his watch. "Plenty of time, and remember the signal, four short and two long." Four short and two long—all right, sir." And—Flannigan, here's something for you, on account." "Thank you, sir." Dal turned to go out, tripped over the rug, said something, and passed me without an idea of my presence. A moment later Flannigan went out, and I was left, huddled against the wall, and alone. It was puzzling enough. "Four long and two short!" "All but the powder!" Not that I believed for a moment what Max had said, and any how Flannigan was the sanest person I ever saw in my life. But it all seemed a part of the mystery that had been banging over us for several days. I felt my way across the room and knelt by the pans. Yes, they were there, full of paper and mounted on bricks. It had not been a delusion. And then I straightened on my knees suddenly, for an automobile passing under the window had sounded four short honks and two long ones. The signal was followed Instantly by a crash. The foot bath had fallen from its supports, and lay, quivering and vibrating with horrid noises at my feet. The next moment Mr. Harbi son had thrown open the door and leaped into the room. "Who's there?" he demanded. Against the light I could see him reaching for his hip pocket, and ths rest crowding up around him. "It's only me," 1 quavered, "that la, I. The dish pan upset." "Dish pan!" Bella said from] back In the crowd. "Kit, of course!" I Jim forced his way through then and turned on the lights. I haWe no doubt I looked very strange, kneeling there on the bare floor, with a tow of pans mounted on bricks behlod me, and the furniture all piled 09 in a back corner. "Kit! What in the world—" and stopped. Hi stared Itself to the pans, to the windows, to tne brlc-a-brao on the aaantel, and back to me. I sat stonily silent Why should explain? Whenever I got into a fool ish position, and tried to explain, and tell how tt happened, and who was really to blame, they always brought it back to me somehow. So I sat there on the floor and let them stars. And finally Lollle Mercer got her breath and said: "How perfectly lovely it's a charade!" And Anne guessed "kitchen" at once. "Kit, you know, and the pans and—all that," she said, vaguely. At that they all took to guessing! And I sat still, until Mr. Harbison saw the storm in my eyes and came over to me. "Have you hurt your ankle?" ho said in an undertone. "Let me help you up." "I am not hurt," I said, coldly, 'and even if I were, It would be un necessary to trouble you." "I cannot help being troubled," ha returned, Just as evenly. "You see, 'it makes me ill for days if my car runs over a dog.' Luckily, at that moment Dal came In. He pushed his way through the crowd without a word, shut oft the lights, crashed through the pans and slammed the shutters close. Then he turned and addressed the rest •"Of all the lunatics—!" he began, only there was more to it than that "A fellow goes to all kinds of trouble to put an end to this miserable situa tion, and the entire household turns out and sets to work to frustrate the whole scheme. You like to stay here, don't you, like chickens in a coop? Where's Flannigan?" Nobody understood Dai's wrath then, but it seems he meant to arrange the plot himself, and when it was ripe, and the hour nearly come, he intend ed to wager that he could break the quarantine, and to take any odds he could get that he would free the en tire party in half an hour. As for the plan itself, it was idiotically simple we were perfectly delighted when we heard It It was so simple and yet so comprehensive. We didn't see how it could fail. Both the Mercer girls kissed Dal on the strength of it, and Anne was furious. Jim was so much pleased, for some reason or other, and Mr. Harbison looked thoughtful rather than ruerry. Aunt Selina had gone to bed. The idea, of course, was to start an embryo fire Just inside the windows, in the pans, to feed It with the orange fire powder that Is used on the Fourth of July, and when we had thrown ropen the windows and yelled "fire" and all the guards and reporters had rushed to the front of the house, to escape quietly by a rear door from the basement kitchen, get into ma chines Dal had in waiting, and lose ourselves as quickly as we could. You can see how simple it was. Everyone ruphed madly for motor coats and veils, and Dal shuffled the numbers so the people going the same direction would have the same ma chine. We called to each other as we dressed about Marmaronec1 or Lake wood or wherever we happened to have relatives. Everybody knew everybody else, and his friends. The Mercer girls were going to cruise un til the trouble blew over, the Browns were going to Pinehurst, and Jim was going to Africa to hunt, if he could get out of the harbor. Only the Harbison man seemed to have no plans quite suddenly with the world BO near again, the world of coun try houses and steam yachts and all the rest of it, he ceased to be one of us. It was not his world at alL He stood back and watched the kaleido scope of our coats and veils, half-quiz zlcally, but with something In hla face that I had not seen there before. If he had not been so self-reliant and big, I would have said he was lonely. Not that he was pathetic in any sense of the word. Of course, he avoided me, which was natural and exactly what I wished. Belle never was fai from him, and at the last she loaded him with her Jewel case and a mufl and traveling bag and asked him to her cousins' on Long Island. I felt strre he was going to decline, when he glanced across at me. "Do go," I said, very politely. "They are charming people." And he accept ed at once! (TO BE CONTINUED.) AN ANTI-8UFFRAGETTB. George Cavan Browne, the expert on international law, was discussing In Providence the Ruspoll case. "An American heiress," he said, "married an Italian, one Ruspoll. H« took her to Italy, treated her badly, then died and left all her money to bis family. She, in consequence, ii penniless. For, by Italian law, th« wife's money, all of it belongs to tb« husband. "But aside from its legal aspect, con: slder the mean, mercenary spirit of this thing. Really, these foreign no blemen resemble Peleg Henderson a Apponaug. "Peleg had two sweethearts, Shawo met girls, one of whom owned a cow. That was the one he married. He ex plained to his friends at the wedding: 'By crlnusl there ain't the differ ence of a cow between any two won en living.'" A Discovery. "In the light of modern Invention I know now what the mermaldB sal on a rock combing out their long gold en tresses for." "What were they waiting for?" "For a Marcel wava to along." V1. '-•t ^4 -V 'J* r''- y y s .v Not 8erlous. "V "1 hear there are grave against Senator Jinks." "What are they?" "Tbs sexton's bills," v v STILL HATES WHITES Chief Two Strike Active Though 90 Years 0W. Succeeded Chief Spotted Tall as He* of Rosebud Band of 8loux In dians—Rules People With an Iron Hand. Sioux Fails, S. D.—Two Strike, the bead chief of the Rosebud Sioux In dians, was so named on account of killing two Pawnee braves at once some time in his early youth. He lives in Rosebud, S. D. He is 90 years of age, and until the last four or five years has enjoyed the very best of health, but now old age has begun to show, and the old time warrior and chief Is getting very weak and feeble, but he still insists on getting out in his buggy and driving his little team of ponies. He is greatly feared by all of his people and still rules his tribe with an iron hand, as he still believes it is right to kill any of his people that dare to disobey his commands, and it is thought that if he dares he would exercise his right when any of bis people displeased him. He has always been what Is known as a bad Indian, and never was friend ly with the whites, and he hatee them all now as much as he ever did. When ever he is Interviewed he is surly and seems to hold himself aloof from the hated whites and acts as if he is lowering himself to even talk with them. He has been head chief of the Rose bud Sioux since 1880, at which time he succeeded Chief Spotted Tail, who had been killed by Crow Dog in a fight which was caused by an old family feud of long standing. Old Two Strike has been in all of the Indian wars that have b«en in his time, and was one of the ad lead ers in the Fort Phil Kearney' massa- rmsrttffi' ere, at the foot of the Big Horn moun tains, where about 200 soldiers were killed in the year 1867. And again in the last Indian war of 1890-91, he was with Short Wool at the battle of Wounded Knee, where he was captur ed and taken to Washington, D. C., and afterward taken to Fort Sheridan as a government prisoner, where he was confined until the spring of 1892, when Buffalo Bill got permis sion from the government to take him with his Wild West show for a period of two years, after which the government allowed him to be turned loose to live the rest of his days among his own people, but Instead of feeling grateful to the government for turning him loose, he has done all in his power to keep the Indians hostile to the whites, bucking all the movements of the gov ernment in sending the Indian chil dren away to school and consequently has caused the government no end of trouble, for it is a tribal custom for them obey their chief in every way. If the inside truth was really known it would probably be found that his orders never coincided very closely to what the government wanted In any thing. The government is no longer obliged to pay him any money, as they have al lowed him to sell all of his lands, and to keep up the proceeds for his old age. They allow only non corns, as they call them (1. e., all those who are too old or sick to work), to sell all of their land. He has had two wives, but only one of them is still living, he has been the father of eight children, all of whom are still living except one. His oldest son will succeed him as chief of the Rosebud Sioux and is known as Littls Hawk. To Burn S,000 Plague Trees. Albany, N. Y.—There will be a bon fire in Winchester county in a few days when the state department of agriculture burns 3,000 4-year-old pine trees Just Imported from Germany. The trees are Inflicted with blister rust, which Is fatal to white pine for ests. It destroyed the white pine of certain parts of Germany, and, ac cording to RaymonJ A. Pearson, com missioner of agriculture, would wipe out the magnificent pine groves of America If it got a itart. The Westchester trees belong to a private nursery man. Work on Harriman Gymnasium, Hempstead, N. Y.—Ground has been broken here for the new Harriman Memorial gymnasium which Mrs. E. H. Harriman and other members oi her family will build for the St. George Episcopal church parish house, in nfrnory of the late K. H. Harriman. J. IS ./ ,l" "When my baby was two months old, she had eczema and rash very badly. I noticed that her face and body broke out very suddenly, thick, and red as a coal of fire. I did not know what to do. The doctor ordered castile soap and powders, but they did no good. She would scratch, as it Itched, and she cried, and did not sleep for more than a week. One day I saw in the paper the advertise ment of the Cuticura Soap and Cuti cura Ointment, so I got them and tried them at once. My baby's face was as a cake of sores. "When I flrst used the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, I could see a difference. In color it was red der. I continued with them. My baby was in a terrible condition. I used the Cuticura Remedies (Soap and Ointment) four times a day, and in two weeks she was quite well. The Cuticura Remedies healed her Bkin perfectly, and her skin is now pretty and fine through using them. I also use the Cuticura Soap today, and will continue to, for it makes a lovely skin. Every mother should use the Cuticura Remedies. They are good for all sores, and the Cuticura Soap is also good for shampooing the hair, for I have tried it. I tell all my friends how the Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured my baby of eczema and rash." (Signed) Mrs. Drew, 210 W. 18th St., New York city, Aug. 26, 1910. Cuticura Remedies are sold through out the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Boston, Mass., for free booklet on the skin. EXPERIENCE. AA# mf "Vr- S •k SETTING STANDARD Child's Idea of Goodness 8et Forth In Perfect Faith, Without .» •v Irreverence. All things are relative, and to the child, gazing at life and its wonders with eyes as yet undlmmed by so phistication or sorrow, nothing is im possible, nothing unspeakable, noth ing too sacred to be discussed or too difficult to be attempted. Not irrev erence nor impertinence, but inno cence prompts such speeches as that recorded of the child of a popular Journalist by his devoted paternal grandmother. "Grandma," said the little boy, de lightedly addressing her, "do you know what's going to happen? Papa says that if we're real, real good, he'll take us to the circus?" "That'sv nice," smiled the young hearted adult between whom and the eager youngling no hint of age sepa ration mars perfect comradeship. "How good do we have to be?" The embryo man, after a moment of silent consideration: "Oh, as good as God, I guess!" ECZEMA BROKE OUT ON BABY vT^hw i yiH i (v\ 1 JBb1 u«4» r\ Teacher—Tommy, what is a co quette? Tommy—It's a thing you make out of what's left of the Btewed chicken. Eminence is not to be obtained without time and energy.—McCormas. To the Childish Mind. Dorothy Ullman of East Eighty fourth street, is a very literal young person. To her mother's definition of the All-Seeing Eye she returned a question as to the size of the eye. "Can God see everything?" she con tinued. "Yes, dear. He can Bee efsrything, at all times." That afternoon Dorothy escor^d her mother downtown. Before an op tician's display she stopped. Then, "Mother," she asked, pointing to the big winking eye in the window: "Is God'8 eye as big as this?"—Cleveland Leader. LA BIBS CAN WEAR MHOKft one Bize smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into tne shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Refuse substitutes. For Free trial package, ad* dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Many a man who swears at a big monopoly is nourishing a little one. FCV A QuMtfcn of Change. A story Is going the rounds of a coupie of young people who attended church recently. When the collection was being taken up the young man commenced fishing in his pocket for a dime. His face expressed his em barrassment as he hoarsely whis pered: "I guess I haven't a cent, I changed my pants." The young lady, who had been examining the unknown regions of woman's dress for her purse, turned a pink color and said, "I'm in the same fix." Ambiguous. Obliging Shopman (to lady who purchased a pound of butter)—Shall I send it for you, madam? Lady—No, thank you. It won't b® too heavy for me. Obliging Shopman—Oh, no, madam, I'll make it as light as I possibly can.—Punch. The Riddle. The Sphinx propounded "Why does it always rain the ds} you move?" she asked. Herewith the ancients gave it up.- "All Run Down" Describes the condition of thousands of men and women who need only to purify and enrich their blood. They feel tired all the time. Every task, every responsi bility, has become hard to them, because they have not strength to do nor power to endure. If you are one of these all-run-down peo ple or are at all debilitated take Hood's Sarsaparilla It purifies and enriches the blood, and builds up the whole system. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called 8arsatabs. Why Rent a Farm and be compelled to pay to your landlord most of your hard-earned profits? Own your own farm. Secure PATENTS U0thereTtite r"d com-back- Untfering cou«h, bronchi?et^hl lunfis^k til" b*" i°"b °l cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy nrena^HiZn "£?ut of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is gittn free to &!1 who w" w v' if'" tool* dnig. »W. CS a Free Homestead in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, or purchase land in one of these districts and bank profit of $10.00 or $12.00 mn acre avary year. Land purchased 3 years ago at $10.00 an a e e a s e e n y changed handa at $25.00 an acre. The crops grown on these ltnds warrant the advance. You can ft® I* Become Rieb by cattle raising,dairying,mixed farming and grain growing in the provinces of Maaltu»a« Saskatchewan and Alberta. hV.v & Free homestead and pre emption areas* as well as land leld by railway and land com panies, will provide homea for millions. Adaptable soil, healthful climate* splendid schools and churches,rfood railways. 3L .' For settlers' rates, descrlpure Literature "Last Best West, how to reach the country and other par ticulars, write to Bup't of Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or to the Canadian Government Agent. I. M. MAC LACHLAN H7 (Use address nearest yon.) 88 Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide 100,000 people last year used Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to ba dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it is better and more economical. To save and beautify the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the month, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and brldgework clean, odorless" To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Believes and strengthens tired, weak, inflamedeyes. Hea. sore throat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists or by mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.,BoiTQN.ftKffc The Army of Constipation Growing SmOar Evary D«pw CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS an ,ShkHn«fcrh,SJwrafc. SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSZ, SHALL rtld Genuine Matbcu Signature are made in patents. IW' m,te?t F°nr Ideas. Our page book free. Fitiftnld ft Co., Box K. Wuhuigton. O. C* W. N. U., SIOUX FALLS, NO. 20-1911. Do Yoa Feel This Way? suvtfjsta'-sj j|°n ®'Htr?de Do you have a poor ape. fate, end lay awake at Dghu unable to sleep Ar# n5rvJ* "ND YOUI1 stomach too Has ami. bition to forge ahead in the world left you? If to vow £fwX "Drpferc^rT ^.- You can do E 3 I S s S 1 wz&xteZ .1