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'1r*' i S. Land Office CI De Y. Smith Alex. W. Stow SMITH & STOW Lawyers. Office first building east of Tele phone Exchange, Timber Lake, So. Dak. Deeded Indian Lands. Loans Relinquishments. Land Office Practice, i OFFICES TIMBER LAKE, S. D. ISABEL, S. 0. This thrilling and vigorous story by one of the best known writers of the day Is About to Appear in This Paper «I!t is a stay that scintillates with action and tells the stoiy of a rich man of strong personality and his fight witn a powerful political machine. C| The power of Wealth, the power of Politics, Ac power of Love—in the triple combat, which wins? You'll find the answer in The Ring The Man Watch for the Opening Chapter Don't Miss an Issue Until You Find It RAYMOND L. DILLMAN Attorney-at-law Genera! Practice. Office in Advo cate Building:. Timber Lake, So. Dak. Land Co, MAN S fv v VE fttflonce P. CahHI John W. Coneway Cahill & Conaway Lawyers Office In Stoc Growers State Ban Go to Smart's {or ytmr barber work and baths. 'SSfe!'' *T*'Vr _#'"• 'e +.- fl'SlTo #"*f "V? y T/- a »:, CONDENSED FROM ANNUAL. STATE MffltT. For tk« Tear Billing December SI, MIO. Of the condition of the AMERICAN 81RETY COMPANY Of the state of New York made to the Commissioner of Insurance of South Dakota pursuant to the laws thereof. President. Henry D. Lyman Secre tary, H. B. Zevely Incorporated April 14, 18S4 Home office New York City. I. CAPITAL STOCK Capital stock paid up In cash 12,500,008.00 Amount of ledger assets, December 31st, 1909 7,774,160.46 II. INCOME! Total premium reoeipts. ... 8,448,611.98 Interest and rents 523,057.07 Profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets 18,346.25 From all other sources.... 7,545.46 Total Income $2,9Sw, III. DISBURSEMENTS Net paid policy holders. To stockholders for inter est on dividends Commission to agents.... Salaries and all other com pensation of officers and home office employees.. Salaries, traveling and all expenses of agents arid agencies not on commis sion account Inspections Taxes. Insurance depart ment fees, licenses Rent, legal and real estate expenses «ind taxes on property Losses on sale or maturity of ledger assets All other items 560.70 395.11 000.00 800.59 376, 223, 203,610.08 629. 16, 220.42 610.29 60,714.11 325,256.87 20, 777.20 060.50 202, Total disbursements ....$2,161,344.16 Balance $8,602, IV. LEDGER ASSETS Book value of real estate. unincumbered ..3,166, Loans on mortgage on real estate. 373.00 047.91 1971 166.67 Book value of bonds ana stocks owned ..3,sod, Cash in office or deposited in banks "s'i80O7 Premiums In course of col lection 996.10 4i29'359.23 Total ........ $8,60 NON-LEDOBR ASSETS fgterest and rent *0 373.00 222.08 Total assets .. v*8,?=?'«ao'5? Deduct assets not admitted 157,632.55 Book value of ledger as sets over market value. 241,433.4i Total 399.066.02 .Total'i'admitted assets...$8 V. LIABILITIES Unpaid claims and ex penses Total unearned premiums.. 1 Commissions to agents.... Due and accrued for sal aries, rent, advertising, agency and other ex penses State, city, county or other taxes and assessments.. Advance premiums Other Items ,243.529.06 826.467.48 377.822.93 16,215.70 11,500.00 40.624.76 19,947.20 48,585.02 Total amount of all 11a bllitles. except capital... -,340,103.09 Capital actually paid up In 2,500,000.00 Surplus 'over' ail 'liabilities 3.403,365.97 Total liabilities .$8,243,529.06 VI. PREMIUMS Premiums In force at the date of preceding state ment yi'L" WSly^ea°rP 2'60* *',l*TO 2,955.946.94 D6Ce"!ber. 2.684.137.63 BUSINESS "IN SOUTH DAKOTA FOR THE YEAR 1910. ...... Premiums received Losses Incurred I',,,-., expenses incurred STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Department of Insurance. Company's Certificate of Authority. Whereas, The American burety Com- Ser any. a corporation organized un the laws of New Vork ha? nied In this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 81. 1910 conformable to the requirements oi ths laws of this state regulating th business of insurance and. Whereas, The said company has Hied IB this office a duly certified copy of Its charter, with certificate of organ isatlon, in compliance with the require ments of the insurance law aforesaid: Now, Therefore, t, O. S. Basford, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of South Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certlf* that the above named company Is fully empowered, through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate busi ness of Fidelity, tf"r«iy'n®urRla' Employers Liabtlitr Title Guar ihty insurance in this state accord ing to the laws thereof, until the last lay of February, A. D. 1912. In Testimony whereof, I have here unto set tny hand and official seal at Pierre, this first day of March A. D. 1911. (Seal) O. S. BASFORD. Commissioner of Insurance. CONDENSED FROM ANNUAL. STATE MENT. For the Yenr Ending December 31, 1910. Of the conditions of the NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY Of the state of New York, made to the commissioner of Insurance of South Dakota pursuant to the laws thereof. 1'resident. Harold Ilerrick Secretary, George W. Dewey Incorporated July, IS30 Homo Office, 25 Liberty street. Amount of capital paid up in cash $1,000,000.00 Total ledger assets Decem ber 31, 1909 6,567,222.20 INCOME. Totnl premium receipts.... 3,161.210.91 Interest and rents .-. 245,783.15 From all other sources.— 1,234.46 Total income $3,398,228.52 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses. 1,477.189.35 Paid to stockholders.... rommissions or brokerage Salaries, fees and all other charges "of officers, clerks agents and other em ployees All other disbursements... 475,000.00 592,961.30 810,611.90 320,888.89 Total disbursements ....$3,176,651.44 $6,038,799.28 Balance ......... LEDGER Mortgage loans on estate, first liens Bonds or stocks owned and loans on collateral 4,493,281.86 ("ash in office and banks.. 322,993.09 Other ledger assets 505,524.33 Total ledger assets $6,038,799.28 NON-LEDGER ASSETS Interest and rents due and accrued 20,296.24 Market value of bonds and stocks over book value.. 195,169.14 Gross assets $6,254,264.60 DEDUCT ASSETS NOT ADMITTED Agents' balances.......... 5,227.22 Total Total amount of all lia bilities except capital.. .$3,197,909.45 Capital actually paid up In cash 1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities, .-2,051,127.99 nolders plus as regards policy :~7 :v- rv ^""•9 "".' v" v. i', «-v _' .•*,.' C- muien Premium? received Expenses incurred Losses paid Losses incurred 835.207.00 33,756.03 5.034.45 6,924,93 8,929.93 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Department of Insurance. Company's Certificate of Authority. Whereas, The Niagara Fire In surance Company, a corporation organ ized under the laws of New York has filed in this. office a sworn statement exhibiting Its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 1910. conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regulating the business of insurance and. Whereas. The said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter, with certificate of organ ization, In compliance with the require ments of tile insurance law aforesaid Now, Therefore, I, O. S. Basford, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of South Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named company is fully ?mpowered, through its authorized 1 fronts, to transact its appropriate busi ness of Fire and Tornado insurance in this state, according to the laws there of until the last day of February A. D. 1912. In Testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and official seal at Pierre, this first day of March A. D, 1911. (Seal) O. S BASFORD, Commissioner of Insurance. Lakota Wotanin, Kol apel a wotanin wowapi kin Timber Lake el opeton peye taku qey as oyake lo. June 16 qon hehan sp ayola niakoce kin ekta maka cancan na tipi wanjikji ki imni keyapi. Ralph White moutian cunwent ku wan Sally eciyapi ca pejito Wjakpala kin hel vtakuyc wanglale eyaya na he anpetu iyohi waonkta pi. Sunkan wan Black Bill eciy api ca Wm. Black Fox yuha ca 4th of July qon heh an one mile ohiy a tokalieya ten yards ecel okihanpi na parte ska kin okihe keyapi. Timber Lake el Aug. 15 na 16 kin han Inyan woslahan na hinhan wakpa oyanke etan wasicu tapa kapiccope base ball e tan tnazaska opawige tute uma ohi ye cin he ota •qu pi kte lo. Woska te eti pi kin ecun han Aehaka isni cum wintku wan Mrs. Ida Rattle Thunder eciy api (fata naku Leo Primeau cinca wan ta lena tinwahe waste tehan pi kin he ca ca ta pi. Moreau River eciyatan (icahi) na (nab kan) naku wanjikji kel Inyan cunkaske cl ipi canke lila wawicaqu pi canke nake talo kin hug ena ayustan pi na napepi key ?pi- Wicasa wan keyecu he caje yat an na heyapi oyate wan waniyank aun we blihe iciy ayo ey api canke maka owicaqu na tnazaska icu qon hena wicaqu na lehanl locin na Ceca, Hece, Kolapi la wiyukcan pa. Lecala 4th' of July qon hehan oyate kin liia wiyuskin pi na Bull Head oyate kin waskate wanji lila waste yuha pi na he wasicu ko iyokipipi na wahba yela ayust an pi na ku taku mniwakan eciy ape laka lieca naku wanice selececa eyapi.. Little Eagle hetan wiyohbe yata kiy a cukaske kin iwotoy a owi caqu pi sm kin ahe olota icunh an maz aska on wicatin kte laka lila sk anpi icunhan naku keyapi wan jikji wanila kel maka kin etan tak ul watin kte eyayi keyapi anpetu kin hejeuhan lowanpi na. Inyan wakagapi kin makoce kin lila peji ota naku owoju kin lila waicaha na South Dakota eciyat an maku kin lila puz a ca slod yayapi peji wanica ca waniyetu kin tegi kte selececa key api can ke wamankaskan yuha kin hena Iny ansa pasltanpi iwazuyatan na pepi ca waste ky key api. I-,.., ASSETS real 717,000.00 5,227.22 Total admitted assets $6,249,037.44 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims 321.179.62 l.'nearned premiums 2,777.577.98 All other liabilities 99,151.85 3,051,127.99 Total $6,249,037.44 RISKS AND PREMIUMS In force on the 31st day of December of previous year 677.622.71M0 Net amount in force De cember 31, 1910, deduct tag re-insurance 528,909,680.00 BUSINESS IN SOUTH DAKOTA FOR Tllf, YEAR 1#" GOOD SHOW. Purchaser—These seats an In tile back row. Is there any chance of exchanging them after I get inside? Theater Ticket Seller—Sure! After the show begins you'll be able to get any seat in the house! THE FIUM. "What happened after the acci dent?" "I don't know. There seemed to be a film before my eyes." "I see. The moving-pictuie peo ple had reachcd the scene." WOMAN'S ORDER. "My husband thinks I ought to eat something substantial for lunch." "Mine, too. Let's order something tnaiuiish." "Very well. Have thqf iqj planked charlotte rone?" iAhV.- ,f .''- ir* I U V .V .V£ ,...J.j. ADDITIONAL LOCALS WANTED—A girl at Hotel Cheyenne. See F. L. Martin for choice re linquishments. Interest paid on time deposits -at, Stock Growers State Bank. For Sale—Good milcli eoH. In quire of H. B. Darling. The Central Lumber Company has a change of ad in this issue. Coca Cola, the popular drink, at our fountain.—McCarthy Drug Co. Dr. Robert's complete line of veterinary remedies. McCarthy Drug Co. Mrs. Janies Woodring arrived Wednesday. Her. husband has been here for the past month. Ed. L. Milligan has moved out to his claim across the lake—or rather the place where the. lake ought to be Earl Connor made an auto trip to Cheyenne Agency Wednesday, John McBride and M. P. Cahill accompanying him. For Sale—Half or whole interest in blacksmith shop. Good estab lished business. For full particu lars call upon C. A. Youmans. Four large rooms together with the toilet, on the second floor1 of the land office building have been secured as rest rooms for ladies during the coming celebration. Auditor Kent and Commission ers Flower and Fett of Timber Lake, were visitors in this city the first of the week. The former was here to assess the property of the railroad company, and the latter gentlemen were inspecting the highways with a view of ordering improvements where needed, ect.— Eagle Butte News. John McBride took up the mat ter with Supt. King, while at the Agency Wednesday, of allowing the Indians to come to our anni versary celebration and participate in the parade, ball games and races. He gave his consent which was upon conditions that have been made known to the committee and which it will undertake to see are complied with to the letter. We are informed that Marshal Butts has been thinking some of quitting his present occupation and go on the stage as a juggler, but while giving a semi-private exhibi tion Wednesday afternoon for the benefit of some of the boys, he had cold water thrown on his enthusi asm and it is now thought prob able that he will give up his aittr 7 bition in the jugglery direction,- The band promises to be in good working order for August 15 and 16. Messrs. Craige and Adding ton of Cheyenne Agency, two ex cellent cornet players and Mr. Weeks, a brother of Leslie Weeks, who is a fine slide trombone play er, have already been engaged and possibly two or three others may be secured. These gentlemen, to gether with our local boys should be able to rip off some soul-in spiring melodies on those days. Standing Committees For First AnnNer sary Celebration Aug. 15-16. General Committee: R. ti. Dillman, chairman P. E. Green man. treasurer R. B. Smart, sec retary J. J. Holley, O. J. F«tt, Logan Fain, J. L. Parrott, Ed. L, Milligan, Dr. C. W. Driesbach. Advertising Committee: JJ". Holley, Dr. C. W. Driesbach, Lo gan Fain. Music Committee: R. L. Dill man, P. E. Greenman, Ed. L. Milligan. Committee on Speakers: R.* Ij. Dillman, R. B. Smart. Sports Committee: Maurice P. Cahill, O. J. Fett, P. E. Green man, Ed. Ward, Dr. C. W. Dries bach. Finance and Auditing Commit tee: P. E. Greenman, B. M. Her man, Ed. L. Milligan. i Transportation Committee: *V. E. Smart, Alex. George, J,:«&j Parrott. Water Supply Committee: DetK nis Gilmartin, V. R. Lancaster, W. H. Waterbury. Committee 011 Privileges: R. s T. Holihaa, £. M. Herman, John McBride. S?/ A .tl •r! -S.IV "V. 4 y. 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