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CELEBRATION NOTES. Two Lances took first with his pony in the half mile race, Ed Glenny demonstrated that he is some hopper and hopped in first in the sack race. The three-legged race was won by A. Coffey and Bruce Fort who fan like the Simese twins. The hundred yard dash was not ft swift race but was nevertheless a race, J. Village Center winning. Mrs. Little Dog and Elizabeth Eagle Man are the names of the women who won the tepee contest. One of the interested visitors in town was Chief No Heart, who is judge of the Indian court down at the agency. The thoroughbred half mile run ning race was won by John Bates' sorrel horse, with William Clay jnore's black coming in second. Runs the Enemy received first prize as the finest costumed Indian in the parade on Wednesday, Mrs. High Hawk second and Mrs. Black Body third. The bucking broncho contest on jthe second day was fine and con ducted, in a manner that all could £ee. Armstrong Four Bear won first prize and John Gates second. Not content with the horse races during the celebration, a number of side bets were made and several races were pulled off yesterday for the pleasure of a large audience. The slow horse race is when: you let the other man ride your horse and you take the other fellow's and the horse that comes in last wins. George Claymore's horse took first prize by coming in last. A delegation from Lemmon .came in by auto Tuesday night. In the party were C. R. Braught, jjyiyor W. H, Dougherty, secre tary of the commercial club Leo Ginther and Thos. D. Potwin, pub lisher of the Signal. In the baby contest seven white and twelve Indian babies competed for honors. Mrs. V. E. Smart's little girl was awarded first prize among the white babies entered and Mrs. Chas. Maupin's little girl was first among the Indian babies. P. E. Greenman, as marshal of' the day, did fine work and re ceived many compliments for the excellent manner in which he con ducted the program. He was right on the job from early to late putting in about ten hours a day in £he saddle. All persons having bills against the celebration committee should get them in to the finance com mittee by Monday noon at the latest as the general committee wishes to make a detailed and complete report to the commercial £lub next Monday night. P. E. Greenman, B, M. Herman and W. F. Belcher made some fi nance committee. They had every penny that was subscribed col lected and in the hands of the treasurer the day before the big do ings started. The winner of every /event was paid by check right on the grounds. There was seven entries in the roping contest. The contest con sists in seeing which man can rope, throw and tie a steer the quickest, giving the steer a running start of about one hundred yards. Dan Love Man got first prize in the good time of one minute and fwenty seven seconds. Tommy loud Cloud was second in one min ute fifty-seven seconds. The Indians seemed to like the band for after the parade the first day was concluded they followed the band wagon back to Main street where it was stopped in the square and the Indians, bedecked with paint, feathers and tinkling bells, circled round the band wa gon on their ponies to the strains of an inspiring quickstep. This impromptu feature was so in- teresting that it was arranged as a Lakota Wotanin. Lecala wi yanwapi aketopa kin icon han Blecan kin el wana ahi tipi na skatapi kta on igluwinye api. Mobridge ecujatan tap skata qeya Timber Lake ob skatapi qeyas Timber Lake kin ohiyapi pte koyak yecin ins yjnyan wosla tan han ohiyapi. Timber Lake iwiyohpeyata ki ya hel wasicu wicahcala wan cante yazan kin on ta ti kin eton siha iyutapi wikcemni yamin ecetu key api hehanyan eta. Heon eciyatan tokata April 1912 kin hehanyan maka wokajuju ecunpi kte sni keya kta Lakota yaun pi kin takehapi waste ka e wanyaglakapi naceca. Wikan yutitan pi kin hohuwoji kin whiyapi. Tapskata pi ins hohuwoju kin ohiy api. Wakan yeja waste oliiye kin ins James Bear Rips cinca wan ohiya na Charlie Murpin cinca wan okihe ohiya. Lecala itokahta makokspe wan Oklahoma eciyapi kin el lakol tamaka pi kin el maka yugan pi qeya wasicu icu pi kin le Omaha kin opta waicage sni ki han toqey as tokata April kin hehanyan wak ajuju econpi kte sni na iranhan ag ustan pi na klapi kta na le tun kaslayapi oglateya senate kin vus tanpi naku sicangu na Nebraska kin el Omaha qeya un pi qon hena e e pi nahu letu na wivohpcyata kiya maka icupi kin eyapi. Gov. Yessey woglake na lila onaron waste kin ogna woglaka Lakota kin naron pi waste ka, vu kan heya homestead qeya maka icu pi kin yaunpi ki lena magaju sni on kin un eciyatan wacinyeya yapi sni kta wan ognayan qeyas ayablezapi kin han hekta waniyetu conala qun heehan maka vicago wiohiyapatan icakla lecehci wakipa pi qeyas nape sni na wacin wosake sni skanpi na ecel ekicetu nalehanl tanyan canke ins eya hecetu kta naceca canke ayableza pi kin wob lihica on ovate kagapi canke nis eya hecetu kin taku un yaglulia pi kta na sanpa nin niglo ayapi kta na sanpa taku maka okaspe kin lei ivvaste kta wan un lustanpi kta yu kan tihmonga wan wahca el yagan kin eyececa nis eya taku oyaju kin hena mazaska icage kta lena hece tu ni ecanmin na isanpa wawoun kihiju ni ecanmin. Woskate Kin El. Nata tanka na to ka hin speya kici toka he ya mani pi. Waskate kin ho huwoju oyate kin tanyan skanpi. Sunklakota inyankapi kin hel wasuyuhamana oheya. Klesed a Dead Cow. Told that her pet cow that had been struck by a train was so badly injured that the animal would hav« to be killed, Mrs. Max Johnson, of the foot of Jasper street, Camden, kissed the cow several times and then walked away. The cow was buried near where it was killed, and a board was placed at the head of the grave by the heart broken woman, who, between sobs, ex plained to a number of persons that the animal had been the pet of the family for years.—Philadelphia Rec ord. Sounds Warning. "If the duties of lawmaking and interpreting the laws are pushed upon the people of this country, one-man rule will inevitably result. The com munity is bound to center its confi dence in certain men who represent their sentiments at the time. The gov erndfcnt will eventually become a one-man system, and this man will have behind him the power of the people he is^able to interest. This system created Julius Caesar. It is the very reverse of the representative government upon which this republic is built."—Jacob G. Schurman. A Color Transition. An aged colored man was engaged in burning the grass off the lawn of a young broker when the latter returned to his home and, thinking to have some fun with the old man, said: "Sambo, If you burn that grass, the entire lawn will be as black as you are." "Dat's all right, sub," responded the negro. "Some o' dese days dat grass grow up an' be as green as youh are." —Judge. Just Why. "Do you find the cost of living any higher than it was, say five years ago?" "Yes, sir. Two of my daughters have go regular attraction the second day,! «M- married since."—Washington Her- Notice for Publication. Department of the interior, 0» S. .and office at Timber Lake, S. D. June 24,1911. NeMee 18 hereby given that Ray J. Martin, of Timber Lake, N. 1)., wlio, on May 2, 1910, made homestead entry. No. 01338, for SK!4. Section 7, Township 17N'., liange 25K., 11. II. Meridian, Cheyenne itiver Indian Lands, has filed notice of intention to make Final Com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Iieglster and Ilecelver at Timber Lake, S. 1)., on the 8th day of August. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: John C. Anderson, William Jollte, George Hreckeiirldge, J. 1. llatchford, all of Timber Lake. S. J. J', J). Krlbs, Iieglster. Notice for Publication. popart meat of the Interior. C. 8. l^md Ofliceat Timber U&t, 8. D. Claimant names aB witnesses: C. A. Youmans, of Timber Lake, 8. D., An drew Wolfer, of Timber Lake, S. p., V. 15. Lancaster, Timber ljtke, S. 1)., Tobias Thompson, Timber Lake, S. D. 1*. 1). Krlbs, Iieglster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. V- 8. I .and office at Timber tJikn, S. 1). August 1. 1911. Notice Is hereby given that John W. liar grave, of Timber Lake, S. 1)., who, on May 2, 1910, made Homestead ICntry, No. 01332 for Northwest quarter, .Section 8, Township 17 N, ltange 25 K, H. II. Meridian, has llled noticeol intention to make linal commutation prool, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Keglster and lieceiver, at Timber Lake. S. 1)., on the 5th day of September, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses John C. Anderson, Timber Lake, S. I)., Wil liam Jolley, ol Timber l.ake, 8. I)., frank nrees, ol Timber Lake, S. D., J. 1). Kimball, of limber Lake. S. 1). P. I). Krlbs, Register. Paris Green for potato bugs.— McCarthy Drug Co. FIRST STEP DOWN IS FATAL Will Irwin's Little Sermon Teaches That Hotels and Newspapers Must Remain Respectable. Suppose you are an innkeeper, with a fine, respectable establishment To stimulate profits you take down a few bars, begin to admit disreputable and unpleasant people. Your hotel enjoys great prosperity for two or three sea BODS, then suddenly falls toward bank ruptcy. The hotel bore a reputation for respectability the soiled charac ters wanted to enter ft in order to con ceal their real nature and intentions. The newspaper bore a reputation for sincerity prostitute causes wanted to enter it in order to get by association the color of truth. As time passed, more and more disreputable people came to the hotel, so that it lost utter ly its old reputation. As time passed the newspaper had to lie more and more boldly, suppress more and more brutally, and the public began to per ceive. Finally, even the disreputable abandoned the hotel because it no longer covered their intentions. Final ly, the corrupt powers which fed the newspaper discovered that its word carried no more force, that it was un able to further their causes, and thej ebandoned it to failure.—Will Irwin. RUSE OF CHICKEN THIEVES In New Jersey They Have Been Steal ing White Leghorns and Dyeing Them Black. Chicken thieves in New Jersey have adopted an astonishing ruse to baffle owners of the fowls they steal. Late ly several poultry farmers discovered that valuable white leghorn hens were missing. A thorough search waa made, but no one could be found in the section who bad recently acquired white leghorns in a Quantity in pro portion to the number that had been missing. The first clue as to their disappearance came a few days ago, when Mrs, Edward Hall, who has a fine lot of white leghorns, found that walking among her leghorns were three black hens. She "shooed" them out of the yard, angrily, as they were of an inferior type. An hour later the evicted hens were still hanging around the place, and when she finally cor nercd one, Intending to throw it out side, the fact was disclosed that the black hen was wet and the wet came from black dye. Investigation showed that the "black" hens were her home sick prize jvhlte leghorns. Gentle*~8arcasm. She felt quite enthusiastic In downtown cafe, this young woman. "Waiter," she said, "call me a taxi cab." A few minutes later the waiter came and said: "Your taxi cab ts here!" Her escort, meanwhile, wondered why the taxi had been ordered. "We're going to the ," and she named another cafe, which happened to be right across the street—and is still there. "All right," he said. And they rode across the street In the taxicab. Once within the other cafe, she looked about and saw her mother and 'several friends at another table. "We can't sit at this table," she said. "All right," acquiesced her escort. "Call a taxicab and we'll get another table!"—San Francisco Chronicle. Timber Lake Hotel JUST OPENED Newly Furnished Rooms. Best of Table Board Meal Tickets good for 21 July 24,1911. Xotlco Is hereby given that James N. Mc Ilugli, of Timber Lake, S. I)., who, oil Junc^7, 1910, made Homestead ICntry, No. 02598, for the (Southwest. Uuarter of .Section 5, Township 1BN, itiuige 25K, H. 11. Meridian, Cheyenne Itiver Indian Lands, has tiled notice of lu tentiou to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the laud above de scribed, before the iieglster and lieceiver, at Timber Lake, iS. !•., on the Fourth day Sep tember, 1911. meals, only S5.00 Peter Peterson, Prop. City Dray Line. 31 A portion of your business solicited. Prices Reasonable. PETTIS & SON, Props. May be had at Green's Barber Shop in the Best Equipped Room. Also Satisfactory Bar ber Work Guaranteed. Walter F. Belcher POOL & BILLIARD HALL CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS AND CONFECTIONS Fifst door South of P. O. S TIMBER LAKE, SO. DAKOTA, jjj DEWEY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated Bonded Abstracters Office With BIG 4 LAND COMPANY TIMBER LAKE SOUTH DAKOTA. $ A A S •J Egg. W. DRIESBACH Y S I I A N & S U E O N TKI.KI-HON1! JH'II.DIKO TIMBER LAKE, S. D. Night calls at Office. ANDREW L. ANDERSON BONDED ABSTRACTER Will have complete records of titles and transfers of Real Estate for Dewey County, South Dakota. Am prepared to furnish Abstracts to the public on short notice YOUR PATRON AG E_SOLICITED Offlcc TCast Side Main Street. TIMBER LAKE, SO. DAK. TIMBER LAKE CAFE Meals Served at Lunch Counter at All Hours Tickets Good for-21 Meals IS $5*00* Only We treat you so well that by coming once or twice You Get The Habit Hook & Christenson, Proprietors, Hardware Line. .. "the f..„ Gilmartln Hardware Co. Store. Headquarters for anything 1ft the Tinwork Plumbing Heating EMERSON I FARM IMPLEMENTS $ Are the Standard make. We carry $ Newton wagons and Sioux Falls breaking plows ft ft 8 All goods are fully guaranteed. Call and see them and get prices and terra®. We also have for sale a number of good $ 3 farm mares and geldings. All are broke and $ ready for hard work. Call at Livery Barn to $ $ see them. $ I E. H. STAFFORD. QeOCCCGGQCCQQOCOOQQQeQQOGCGGOQOGCGGGCGGOOOOQGOCOQQOC HOLLANDSWORTH-GREENMAN COMPANY. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Protect Yourselves From the Typhoid Carrying FLIES with screens for windows and doors. J. D. KIMBALL, Manager. OGGGGCGCGCOGCOeOOOQCOQOCCOGCGOGOOOOGOOOOOaOOOOQQOOOO I Bread Bread-- Bread •ti For the Reservation. & TIMBER LAKE BAKERY CO. TIMBER LAKE, S. D. 8 Special Attention Given To Shipping Trade jjj and Wholesale Orders. I Read the Advertisements in the Dewey County Advocate "if I v & i V V A a full line. & $ v 9 9 v V & ft Sf V v A S ,v