Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NOTES. Interest paid on time deposits at Stock Growers State Bank. Capt. Carroll was down Attorney P. M. The from abel a few days this week. Is Call 'phone 7T when yon W»nt any draying done—Ben Carls. Small house for rent. Inquire of E. S. Ludlow at Hotel Chey enne. Leave your laundry at Roy Smart's Barber Shop. No express added. Hank and Josh Davis of Reeder. N. D., spent Sunday in Timber Lake at the home of Dr. Baer. We call the attention of our readers to the change of-ad by V. R. Lancaster & Co. in this issue. Mrs. John McBride has been quite sick during the past week but is now reported much im proved. Frank Drees is in Minneapolis this week purchasing his fall and winter goods which will be along in a few days. State's Attorney Brisbine of Isa bel, was in attendance upon the meeting of the county commission ers held Monday. S. O. Webb, of Eagle Butte, was here the fore part of the week in connection with the land case of Geo. Bagola. He was at one time alloting agent for this reser vation. Jerald M. Drew, an attorney who recently located at Isabel, was in town last Saturday. Mr. Drew comes from Omaha. In addition to maintaining a law office in town, he has a claim out (about two miles. The county commissioners had a jneeting here Monday. In ad jdition to other business they ap pointed D. T. Bauman justice of the peace, to succeed C. C. Lever, who sold his land and left here several weeks ago. Bums has rented the offices lately occupied by Dr. Priesbacb in the telephone build ing. Mr. Burns is a graduate of the University of Minnesota law school and has had several years practice in Minneapolis. Like many others he also has a claim. Undertaker S. M. Smith was called to Lantry last Saturday on professional business, in connection with the death of Mrs. Mary £peker, who died the day previous of typhoid fever. She leaves a Jiusband and eight children. The body was shipped to Caledonia, Minn. The following notice has been received from Geo. W. Hibbard, general passenger agent of the C. M. & P. S. Ry. "Give at once publication to the fact that this company does not require official survey of oat fields that are en tered in prize contests at New York Land Show, Nov. 3 to 12, nor is it required of homesteaders competing for prizes." We are informed that Bud Milliken, who lives east of town, will enter a sample of oats raised on his claim this year. Someone should enter a sample of our mammoth pota toes. evidence in quite an im portant land case was taken at the local land office Tuesday and Wednesday. The final decision will determine the ownership of a very fine half section of land locat ed four or five miles southwest of here. These two quarters were filed upon by K. T. Coffey and J. E. Burns, the records at the land office at that time showing them to be open but unappraised. The half section has since been claimed by George Bagola, an Indian, as his allotment. B. L. Crowder, a special agent in the Indian service, appeared for Bagola, and Attorney P. M. Burns for his brother, J. E. Burns, and Geo. H. Puder for Mr. Coffey. The evidence as taken will be certified to the commission er of the general land office for de cision, the local land officials simp ly recommending in the natter. GOOD RULES FOR THE GIRLS Issued by the. Women's Imperial Health Association of Great Brit ain and Ireland. Of more than passing interest to the women of. this country are the' .following rules of conduct issued to "the girls of Great Britain" by the .Women's Imperial Health Associa tion of Great Britain and Ireland. The future of our country is in' jour hands. Look your best by all means, but be your best also the first attracts to begin with, but the second pro duces the most lasting effect. You must obey the laws of hy giene, respecting fresh air, exercise, good food, cleanliness and suitable clothing. A healthy girlhood is the best foundation for a happy life. You must know about cooking,, housekeeping and domestic economy.! You must learn about the feed ing and care of children this knowl edge docs not come by instinct, as many suppose. Remember that home making is' the most dignified and important profession in the world. Attend, if you can, "continuation classes" in personal and domestic hy giene in your own house, remember-' ing that a good daughter makes the best wife. Choose the best companions Weekly. and read the best books you can find. Ac-' cept only the best men as your hus bands, paying as much attention to their character as to their personal appearance. Woman's National NOW THEY DON'T SPEAK Miss Antique—I dreamed of an elopement last night. Miss Caustique—You shouldn't let your imagination run away with you like that PIR8T VETERINARY 8CHOOL. The third fiftieth anniversary celebrating the erection in Lyon of a veterinary school will be held in that city about the middle of May, 1912. Preparations are now form ing to commemorate the event in a fitting manner, and invitations are being issued to all veterinary schools in the United States and elsewhere for the purpose of having delegates in as large a number as possible. It is authentically recorded in the annals of veterinary science that the world's first veterinary school was founded in Lyon in 1761, since which time similar institutions have been inaugurated in many countries, the last being reported from Abys sinia. THE MOVEMENT IN EGYPT. Now it is the Moslem women of Egypt who are taking part in the women movement, having asked of the Moslem congress the right to at tend prayers and sermons in the inosqucs, a privilege already granted to the women of Constantinople. They also ask that the primary edu cation of young women be made obli gatory that young girls be admitted to schools of medicine to use means to prevent polygamy and the abuse of divorce and to teach Mohamme dan girls sewing, housekeeping and hygiene. ONCE NURSED THE KINO. The one desire of Mrs. Ann Bob erts, who was for a year the foster mother of George V., is said to be to go back from America to Eng land to spend her last days in her old home. She is living with her brother, Mr. Richard Edmunds of Poultney, Vt., but it is hoped that something will be done in her behalf by the British government. MIS CALCULATIONS. She—I'll be ready in a minuta dear. He—All right. I'll just fix up this paper while I'm waiting. If won't take more than an hour." Notlcce for Publication. v Department of the Interior. lit K Land Office at Timber iAke, 8.1). August 26,1911. Notice Is hereby given that Charles H. I-oniJ, of Timber Uake, S. 1)., who, on May (i, 1910, made homestead entry. No. 01452, for the SK!4. Section 18, Township 18X, Kange 24K., 11. 11. Meridian, Standing Hock Indian l.and8, has tiled notice of intention to make Final Commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before lieglster and Uecelver, at Timber Lake, fi.1)., OH the 20th day of Oct., 1011. Claimant names as witnesses: (iilbert llolum, Anton Hole, Matts Mattson Carl It. Anderson, ail of Timber I .tike, S. 1). 1'. I). Krlbs, lleglster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. SS. Land Office at Timber t.ake, S. 1). Sept.», 1911. Xotlee Is hereby given that Joseph I. ltaw 8on, of Timber Iake, S. 1)., who, on May 5, 1910, made Homestead Knlry, Xo. 01405, for NWJ4. Section 17, Township 17 X, liaiige 24 K, 1). II. Meridian, Cheyenne Ulver Indian iiiinds, has filed notice of intention to make filial commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the lieglster and ltecelver, nt Timber Lake, S. 1)., on the 23rd day of Oct. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses Clarence Holes, of Firesteel, 8. I„ BtVWd Westby, of Kiresteel, 8. 1)., John I- Johnson, of Timber Iake, K. 1)., It J. Hawson, of Timber, S. 1. I'. D. Krlbs, lleglster. i Notice for Publication. Oopartment of the Interior. U. & Land Office at Timber Lake, S. 1). Sept. 20,1911. Notice Is hereby given that Kevert l«e, ol Cheyenne Junction, S. 1., who on June IS, 1910, made Homestead lintry. No. 02372, for NWJ4, Section 33, Township 18N, Kange 2810, 1). II. Meridian, Standing Itoek Indian Lands, has filed notice of Intention to make Kinai commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before lleglster and lte celver, at Timber Luke, s. D., on the 8th day of Nov. 1811. Claimant names as witnesses: John II. Shattuck, John Lutkeasaen, Otto Lee. Worrou &. ifcrake, all of Cheyenne Junc tion, S. 1. P. D. Krlbs, lteglster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, 17.8.1-aud Office at Timber lattice, S. 1). Oct. 14,1911. Notice is hereby given that Joseph S. Brown of Timber Uike. N. 11., who, on May 7, 1910, made Homestead Kntry, No. 01491, for the NKJi, Section 34, Township 17N., ltange 27K, H. II. Meridian, Cheyenne River Indian Iands, has liled notice of Intention to make linal commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the liegls ter and Receiver, at Timber l.ake, S. 1)., on the 21si day of Nov., 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: William J. Curry, Charles Hire, John Con don, Charles Halllday, all of Timber Lake, S. I). P. 1. Krlbs, lieglster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. C. 8.1-and Office at Timber Ijtke, H. D. Oct. 14,1911. Notice Is hereby given that Stephen K. Dav is, of Timber I -like. S. 1)., who, on June 20, 1910. made homestead entry. No. 02498 for XWii, Section 20, Township 11SN., ltange 24M U. II. Meridian, ('heyenne I liver Indian 1-ands has filed notice of intention to make l-'lnai Commutation l'rool. to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and lie ceiver at Timber l^ike, S. 1)., on the 20th day of Nov. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: William Flavin, Hans Dahlgren, J. Jd. Dun can, Michael J. Kennedy, all of Timber Lake, S. D. 1*. l. Krlbs. Register. SUMMONS state of Soirtti Ia1:ota_ Count:rui Dewey. i8s In Justice Court itefort- John Mock City Justice of the Peace for Timber J-ake. ]ewey County, K. 1). U. T. Jloiilian. Plaintiff ajrnmst Pete Peterson Jiothum and Anna I Peterson iiothum. i eiendante. The state of South liakotu Sends Greeting To Pete Peterson Jiothum and Anna Peter4on BothuttL J'elendantB: You are hereby summoned to appear before iue, at my office in Timber Jjake, In said County, on the 34th day of October, 1M1, at 10:00 o'clock A- M., to answer to the complaint of the above named plaintiff. K. T. Jlolihan, who claims to recover ol you the suiu of Twenty Two and 41-100 Dollars for goods, wares and merchandise sold and delivered to the said defendant at Timber Uike, South Dakota, between May 1st, 1911. and October :ird, 1911, at his raiuettt, said amount being the reasonable value of the goods and no part of which has been paid. And you are hereby notified If .vou fall to appear and answer as above required, said plaintUT will take judgment against you for Twenty Two and 41-100 IxjIIhth and for costs. (liven under my hand this kl day of Octo ber, A. Dm 1W1. John Mock, City Justice of the Peace, Timber hake, Dewey County, S. D. Oct. 14,1911. Adjourned for want of service of numinous until November 9th., 1011, at 9 o'clock A. M. John Mock, Justice of the Peocc. *eorge 11. Puder, Attorney for Plaintiff. If you receive a sample copy of the Advocate consider it an invita tion to become a regular subscrib er. Will consider applications for loans from parties desiring- to com mute. Address Box 116, Timber Lake, S. D. Don't run the risk of losing your valuable papers. Rent a safety deposit box at the Stock Growers liank. For Sale—Half or whole interest in blacksmith shop. Good estab lished business. For full particu lars call upon C\ A, Youmans. Timber Lake Hotel JUST OPENED Newly Furnished Rooms. Best of Table Board Meal Tickets good for 21 meals, only $5.00 Peter Peterson, Prop. A S May be had at Green's Barber Shop in the Best Equipped Room. Also Satisfactory Bar ber Work Guaranteed. r" Walter F. Belcher POOL & BILLIARD HALL CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS AND CONFECTIONS First door South of P. O. ^TIMBER LAKE, SO. DAKOTA. DEWEY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated Bonded Abstractors Office With BIG 4 LAND COMPANY TIMBER LAKE SOUTH DAKOTA. ANDREW L. ANDERSON BONDED ABSTRACTER Will have complete records of titles and transfers of Real Estate for Dewey County, South Dakota. Am prepared to furnish Abstracts to thr- public on short notice YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Office Kast Side Main Street. TIMBER LAKE. SO. DAK. SUMMONS (ieorge 11. Puder. Attorney for Plaintiff. 8 In Justice Court. P., City ol Timber State ol South Dakota, I County ol Dewey Before .John Mock, J. I^ake. C. A. Youmans, l'lalntlfl 1 Pete Peterson llothuni and Anna Summons. Peterson Hothuin, Defendants The State ol South Dakota Sends Greeting: To l'ete Peterson llothuni and Anna Peter soil llothum. Defendants. You Are Hereby Summoned to apuear before me, at my office, In Timber l^ike. In the said couuty, oil the 11th day of October, A. 1., 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M., to answer to the com plaint of the above named plaintiff, C. A. Youmans, who claims to recover of you the the sum ol Forty Dollars and Xo-100 Cents for rent for rooms In the bulldlnc oil lxt 16 Block II, Timber Lake. Dewey County, South Dakota, from June 1st to Oct. 1st, 1911. at the rate of £10.00 per month, no part ol which has been paid. And You Are Hereby Notified, that If you fail to appear and answer as above required said plaintiff will take judgment aKalnst you for the sum of 40.00 with Interest thereon from date hereof besides costs of tills action. liven under my hand this Uth day of Oct. A. 1)., 1911. John Mock, Justice ol the Peace, within and for Timber I.ake Dewey County, S. D. let. 14,1U11. Adjourned for want of service of summons until November 9th., 1911, at 9 o'clock A. M. Dr. Robert's complete veterinary Drug ke John Mock, Justice of the Peace. line of remedies. McCarthy Co. Flax hay for sale. Twenty tons in stack. R. G. Rawson, E 1-2 NE. Sec. 18-17-24. Laundry basket leaves Smart's Barber Shop every Tuesday. Don't forget the day. You can get your draying promptly done by calling 7J. Pettis Bros, The Gilmartin Hardware 5o. Store. Headquarters for anything in the Hardware Line. Tinwork Plumbing Heating E E S O N I FARM IMPLEMENTS Are the Standard make. We carry a full line. Newton wagons and Sioux Falls breaking plows All goods are fully guaranteed. Call and see them and get prices and terms. We also have for sale a number of good farm mares and geldings. All are broke and ready for hard work, Call at Livery Burn to see them. I E. H. STAFFORD. cooexx)ococcoocxx)coocooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooo4 HOLLAINDSWORTH-GREEINM AN COMPANY. U E and BUILDING MATERIAL Coal Time is Here Fill Your Bin With Pure Carbon Coal Give Us Your Order—Get It Now Scranton Anthricite—Hocking and Ze nith Bituminous Phone N0.6J. J. D. KIMBALL, Manager. ^ooooooocoooooooooooooooooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw e. A. SPARKS, LICENSED EMBALMER South Dakota and Iowa. TLN YFARS EXPERIENCE. WITH ISABEL FURNITURE COMPANY, Isabel, So. Dak. FULL LINE OF CASKETS, ROBES, ETC Read the Advertisements Dewey County Advocate i -i V C4 5 fc'Sl,'. s r-S'A '1 1 in the