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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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mmm i 9* lJl-A IP l!1 V"' I' rf I* "*L v .V'T i- I %r V 1*' ,m v,', t''~«."- vwt.. "Watch Timber Lake Grow!" VOL. PL S:'V A 4, ,* 1^.' k\ 2. V rt" »ft- NO. 5. fv». .' -V *1 v'.-v'- ,4 *"-k* ^ooooocxxiooooooooooooooooooaoooooooocoooooooooooooooo School Supplies 9 iiniiitHiBiumiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiu our fireproof vault. v V K «.-w I HARDWARE I TINWORK, RLUMBINQ AND HEATING We invite you to cail and get Our Prices. We know they are Right—Vou will CAi=NT^ SIO.OQO We request your business and guarantee eve ry courtesy within our power. Your financial affairs will be promptly and carefully handled if left in our care and all busi ness transacted with us is highly appreciated. Your valuables will be kept secure in wur Safety Deposit Boxes which are K-i ^^\w^»'* n s -*-v?1*" *-*t« "sFk4\ HM-v?* 1' s 1 1 Everything needed in th^ line of Writing Paper, Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Inks. 4 L- ^'V '. —1 1 want to send home* The Kod a k Stor^ 7" 'V .-' A flne llne of local postcard views-just the kind you :-i i «», Si R.T. HOLIHAIN, Druggist. jOOOOOOCOCXSOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPQj imiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHuii^ them so PHONE NO. 11. Waterbury & Son.| illlHIIIIIII llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIHIIIIIl! FIRST STATE BANK The Oldest Bank in Dewey County. enclosed WE FAY INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS OK L. MILLIGAN, Pres. JOHN De Y. SMITH.VIce t»TM. H. J. KINDRED, Cashier. "•*. dli. -ST*.- )?, '-»wh.« A MwHMfityMWiiHWW within ». V&, lT 3T y" -1 ,.„ ., '•',,••._ i k v f'-" "v\' ,* ».' ft s-fcv €n n ntII .* ^-4 ttiii RAILROAD COMMISSION HAVE PLENTY TO DO NLMTRDUS MATTERS WERE ATTENDED TO AT THEIR RECENT MEETING AT PIERRE Any one who thinks the South Dakota board of Railroad Com missioners don't have anything to •do should read the following report of their session held last week at Pierre, as taken from the Capital Journal: A call and demand was made on the Milwaukee road to put in a side track at the mill ol Boyd and Johnson, at Andover complaint as to stock yards condition at Tim ber Lake, was reffered to attorney for commission action on com plaint in regard to station facilit ies at Flandreau is held in abey ance. pending adjudication of the differences without action of the commission a complaint from Baltic in regard to having station opened and heated and lighted at arrival of night trains, was reffered to Commissioner Rice. The road, has established a station and agent at Ravina under order of commis sion. The Minneapolis and St. Louis road asked permission to take off its passenger service between Con de and LeBeau, with a request for permission to put on a daily mix ed train. While no direct action was taken in granting the request, the road was given permission to bring its service within its receipts. The Great Northern road ap plied for permission to close its stations at Osceola and Amherst, both of which were denied a call and demand was made on the Great Nortern for improvement in its stock yards facilities at Gjy^ret son a call and demand was made on the Great Northern and North western roads to put in connecting tracks at Mission Hill. The Rock Island road was granted permis sion to close its station at Schindler, in Lincoln county. The complaint in regard to tele graph service at Pierpont has been adjusted in a satisfactory manner to the people of that place a com plaint has been filed by citizens of Carter, alleging discriminatory telephone rates against their town the local telephone company at Centerville has been granted per mission to increase its residence rates to one dollar a month, but their application to increase busi ness rates has been denied. Hearings at dates yet to be set will be held in regard to side track at Glenham on application of the Marshall Oil company of Marshal town, la., for one-half fourth class rates on return of empty barrels on a complaint of the Adams wholesale house at Deadwood on 1 v .v^-.v? vw^v-/% -.r-:. -.» :v ir*. f^ :-w"C^ :iv* ^,V',:..'-U .- .$ c' .'V r- \4 K.* v.-.." a a --U.' *,*' ,, .' .*. ,'f Jr 4«S'.* X1!' ,£* i W* l,'" i freight rates generally and on the telephone tangle in the application of the road system for connections with other spstems in the Black 1 tills. POET AT POET'S BIRTHPLACE. Shepherd M. Dugger, the bard of Grandfather mountain, recently described for the Observer a dance at Blowing Bock. Could any -words, in truth, embody more sense sublime than these? "Just as the saffron fan from the sunset gathered in ita folds, meu and women darted inti the dance like meteors, and as the sweet zephyrs from the Grandfather whispered poems through the win dows they glided metrically on the thrilling pulse of music to the rhyth mic metre of souls." Or than these? "The gaudily dressed couples were so thick on the floor that they looked jlike a wilderness of blooming hodo idendrons stirred by Charlotte Observer. :t J* V ""JS* This being the first temr of court in this county it also happened to be the first visit of Judge Carpen ter to our town. Mr. Carpenter has a very pleasing personality and during his short stay here made many friends. He also con ducts court with the ease and dis patch of one who has spent years on the bench. A very happy affair in connect ion with the convening of court was the smoker given to visitors by the Commercial Club Monday night. The meeting was presided over by J.D.Y. Smith, president of the club ajjd he called upon about all of the visiting attorneys, Judge Carpenter and others for talks and all responded in a very lfappy man ner. A number of them took oc casion to refer. to the progress Timber Lake has made the high standard of citizenship here and over the reservation in general, and especially the harmony and team work displayed py Timber Lake citizens regarding all public matters. While the meeting was rather an informal one it neverthe less proved a very enjoyable affair. THE MOVEMENT IN EGYPT. Now it is the Moslem women of Egypt who are taking part in the women movement, having asked of the Moslem congress the right to at tend prayers and sermons in the •mosques, a privilege already granted to the women of Constantinople. They also ask that the primary edu cation of young women be made obli gatory that young girls be admitted to schools of medicine to. use means to prevent polygamy and the abuse of divorce and to teach Mohamme dan girls sewing, housekeeping and hygiene, ONCE NUR8ED io go 'v wy 1 i V* r- \('-*4 •.u TIMBER LAKE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, NOV. io. 1911. PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR CIRCUIT COURT OF SHORT DURATION HAS CONVENED ON TUESDAY AND CLOSED SAME DAY. JUDGE CARPENTER MAK ES FRIENDS it'"'j-m "The first' term of the Circuit court for Dewey county was called at 10 o'clock Tuesday forenoon by Judge Carpenter. The calendar was not a long one evan on paper, consisting of six criminal and ten civil cases only. The case of State vs. F. W. Post was dismissed on motion of the state's attorney and L. E. Pierce, charged with keeping a gampling house, pleaded guilty and was fined $130. Bench war rants were issued in the cases of State vs. Leonard Fisher, forgery and Seth Warring, grand larceny. These are the two prisoners who broke jail a few weeks ago. The case of State vs. Wm Dwyer, grand larceny, was dismissed on motion of state's attorney as was also that against George H. Dively as the latter is now serving a term in the state penitentiary from Perkins county. Of the ten civil cases, seven of them were continued for one cause and another. Judgment for the plaintiff by confession was entered in the case of Gilbert Henry vs. F. E. Madison, also for the plain tiff in the action of Gamble Rob inson Fruit Co. against the same party. In the divorce case of Ra chel Takes-the-knife vs. Baptice Takes-the-knife, a decree was granted the plaintiff. '.A?'. THE KINO. The one desire of Mrs. Ann Rob erts, who was for a year the foster mother o"f George V., is «aid to be back from America to Eng land to spend her last days in her old home. She is living with her brother, Mr. Richard Edmunds of Poultney, Vt., but it is hoped that something will be done in her behalf bv the British government. ', "V ,' ,'••'* „, *, -r v, -j ^s*'^' 'i»v-?- JIENRY SEA MAKE THE rlNEST POCKET KnI^ I N E WORLD Deposit 1 *. 4*4' -. Good Building Material Is absolutely essential is order to obtain a satisfactory job. But your troubles will be few indeed if you make your selection from our thoroughly seasoned stock of FIR AND WESTERN PINE The same is true of Doors, Windows, Building Paper, Roofing, Lime, Cement. COAL--COAL--COAL THE WHITTIER-FETT LUMBER COMPANY TIMBER LAKE SOUTH DAKOTA z iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHHUiiHiini HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. Ado doiJt you When you like a. M. T. TWITO. Pres ii 'fir triknim li^wiij "The Town That Does Things.*' Nothing superior to our stock of Knives, and Forks, Spoons, Pocket Itnives, razors, etc. Also bear in mind fhat we sell the cel- brated Laurel Ranges, Hot Blast and Base Burners. They are noted for their substantial construction, md economical use of fuel. Furniture at Low Prices. Undertak ing a Specialty. V. R. Lancaster & Co. What 2wjJRJ£ It is immaterial about the size of your deposit, we Want you anyway. Make our bank your bank and bear in tnijnd that we are always ready to assist you in all ways we 4m Consistent with sound, conservative banking. Let us rent you a private safety deposit box in proof vault. You can't afford to keep your valuables' where they may be lost or destroyed when they will be safe with us. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Stock Growcrs State Baftk V -Tr""^ iiiiliiMijiiiiiiii *4 .t Vyi, i --K' onr a. E. BRECKENRIDQE. Cashier. k38Mr^*l&rMM£r. J, "t °. :"i '.!'•» .: 1 A ?V, •fe' A* mm if? i i u "f 1 S r- ci I Vi, V 'A c,-V '-.t "'V, y 'V fire *GS. ri*. If .. r:. ri d- i i iZeAJT