Newspaper Page Text
i •"TV LOCAL NOTES. post card Celebration Holihan's. A full line of views at school supplies. McCarthy Drutr Co. Money to loan on real #Stock Growers State Rank. estate. Ypu can get your draying promptly clone by calling ?J. Pettis Bros. Work has been started on F. E. ^Silvers' house. Jornen Goodheim is doing the job. Quite a number of young people from here took in the dance at Isa bel Tuesday night. If you get a sample copy of the Dewey County Advocate consider it an invitation to become a regu lar subscriber. George Puder is enjoying a visit Irom his mother, Mrs. J. C. Puder of Big Stone, S. D. She arrived Monday for a week's stay. Remember our corn contest. Ten dollars in gold for the best ten ears, and five dollars for the second best. McCarthy Drug Co. Fred Herald and Mr. Stage went] by auto to Fort Yates Monday to to take in the Standing Rock Indi jan fair being held at that place this week. Among those from here who went to Dupree for the Cheyenne River Indian fair were P. E. Greenman, H. D. Brown and Dan Trauger. The date of the corn contest be ing conducted by the McCarthy Drug Co. has been changed to Oct. 4th. Full particulars are printed elsewhere. Logan Fain returned home last Saturday. He recently spent about a week in the Rosebud country and reports good crops and pros perous conditions there. August Albert took out a Case .oil and gas burner breaking outfit this week which he purchased through Waterbury & Son, the (Case company's local agent. For Sale or Rent—Good paying meat market in county seat town. iGood proposition for a hustler. For further information call on or write C. A. Flbwer, Timber Lake, iS- D. Bishop Busch of the diocese of Lead, was here Tuesday and held a confirmation service at the Cath olic church. A large class was "^confirmed consisting of 19 young 'people. G. E. Breckenridge's little girl, Elizabeth, who has typhoid fever is getting along as well as can be expected. The fore part of the week her temperature was very high but the fever has since abated somewhat. G. P. Sheldall left Monday for Williston, N. D., where he will visit relatives. Mr. Sheldall has great faith in this country and has no intention of disposing of his farm or leaving the country per manently. Dennis and William Gilmartin pre enjoying a visit from their father, F. Gilmartin, of Calmar, la., his wife and daughter, Laura. They note a great change in con ditions here since their previous visit two years ago. Buy a' Big Ben Alarm Clock and be on time. For sale by L. C. Nungesser. Also every other article of jewelry you might want. Come in and ask questions and be convinced. At McCarthy's Drug Store Eyes examined free. A 1 \T 55°% ''1 i ju "ft uy 1 k good many thought there was frost Tuesday night. The govern ment thermometer here showed the minimum temperature to be only 41 degrees. On other occasions when the local station showed 39 or 40 above there has been signs of scattered frost in the low places* Tuesday ushered in the hunting season in this state and several hunting parties were out from here. •None of them report any great luck although there are a few sloughs containing a large number of ducks jyliich evidently hatched here and thtyc are where 1U12. i chickens if one knows to look for tiw*?. Notice for Publication. JH'p.'iI'tliK'Ml of Ihc interior. 1. s. I .ami Olliee al Timber I4»k«», H. I't, AUK. H, L!H2. Notice l« hereby itlven thattMHirvc I*. Smith of Timber l-akc. S, It,. Who, uu Mnv IS. Mill, made homestead entry. No. (WIS, lor SK'4, xeetIon tv township H5N., range 2,"K.. II. II. Meridian, iluycnne t)l\ Indian l.mds. has tiled notiov Intention to make linal eom mnt.ilUm »m*l. to claim to the land above UxvrU*d Iw«.rp Kt-sixur iiiut itnviviT at TimN-r lj»k«. S. It,, on Hie ISth day ol Nip mt. r. l-t'.i, I'taiuiam names as w imesses: .K»hn KiHUiw. I'luttfut Layman. John De Y. Smith. Kvaus •»*t.allotTimber l.ake. K. U. I*. 1). Krilut, llt'tisler. NOTirK JMR PfBUtWriOS. ltfitartment ot the interior. I". s. 1 Jtnd (itllee at Timber I jtke. s. It, August 7. U'lt Notice Is hereby E I veil that Arthur 11. N'uetxmnn. ol Mrt'SUFL. s. P., who on May US. li'U. made Homestead Kntry. No. oVS2, (or lots I, 2. and s.'jN KV section 1, township ItiN, range 23 I*-. H. II. Meridian, Cheyenne lilver ImlianIamUi ,h ls noti ,ro( latt .ntion tH make linal eonumuation proof, to establish claim to the land alnne descrllttHl. before HeRlster and Keceiverat Timber l.ake, s. i„ on the 17th day ol Sept.. l!U2. 'laimant nann-s as witnesses: rharles Mader. Kd l.oeb, Bert Small, Frank Vainer. a!! ol Kiresteel, s. D. I". 0. Krlbs, Hoclstcr. NOTICK FOB PITBUCATJON. department of the interior. I', s. i.and oltice at Timber Lake. s. n. August lti,l!)12 Xotl«e Is hereby given that Aksel Hanson of Timber I-ake. S. I., who on .May Id. 11110, iV !•'',S\Y1 j. section 7, township :8 N, range 25 I'. H. 11. Meridian. Standing liock Indian lands, has tilednotlce of Intention to make Una! commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Keglster and lieceivcr. at Timber J.akc, s. u„ on Uie 23th day of Sept. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Alexander c'altnach, .laiues Hamll. GeorgeR. Howder, Arthur J. Johnstone, alt of Timber Lake, S. 1). 1'. 1. Krlbs, liegister. made homestead entry. No. U17!Hi. for lots l! A- 4 i homestead entry No. 01841, (or N \\'!4, section 23. township ibN, range2.1 K„ 11. II. Meridian, Standing Itoek Indian lands, has liled notice ol Intention to make linal commutation proof NOTICE FOB M'BI.ICATION. Department o( the Interior. L". fc. Land oltice at Timber I .ake. S. U. A HE.12, 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Schuyler N. Bates, of Timber Lake, S. I)., who. on Slay 1«. 11)10, made homestead entry. No. 01685, for N10 X, section Ml. township 17 N. range 2} K., IS. II. Meridian, Cheyenne Jtiver Indian lands, has llled notice of intention to make Final Com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before KeKlsterand Receiver, at Timber I Ake, S. 1., on the 19th day of Sept, Claimant names as witnesses: Howard Mitten, Krank Ijintz, Samuel Itob inson, Julius Slmonsou, ail of Timber Ijike, S. 1). 1'. I). Krlbs. Register, Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land ofKce at Timber Uike. S. D. July :ii, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Henry T. Thors tensou. of Kircsteei, S. i„ who on Nov. 25. UMU, made homexU'ad entry No. (HoM, for SK1,*. section 27. township 1H N„ ranueSSK. U. il. Meridian, standing ltouk Indian lands, lias liled notice of intention to make linal commu tation prool to establish claim to the land Above described, be/ore J..I. llolley, Clerk ol Courts, in iiis office, at Timber l*ake, N, i)., on the 17th day ol Sept., Claimant names as witnesses: Andar Peterson. Annie Peterson, Kdward Peterson, Mary 3'horstenson. all ol Firesteel, s. D. P. 1. Krlbs. liegister. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. I". S. uaud Office at Timber I,akc, s. d. Aug. 2t, 11U2. Notice is hereby Riven that die Anderson, ol Timber l.ake, S. Iwho, on May 1U, litio, made Homestead Kntry No, (Jl.'ilT, lor N W!4. section 21, township 18 N, range 25 K. if. 11. Meridian, Standing Hock Indian lauds has filed notice of intention to make linal com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ltegisterand Itecelver at Timber Lake, s. u„ on the 1st day ol Oct. 1MI2. Claimant names as witnesses: 11. K. Kampcrscltroer, Mary Kantperschroer, M. K Mllloan, Melindy Milloan, all ol Timber ijike, S. IJ. 1*. I). Krlbs, liegister. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. IT. H. l,and Olllee at Timber l.ake, H. D. Aug. 20. Illt2. Notice Is hereby given that William J. Hos len, of Timber 1 -ake, S. I ., who, oil .May Kith, 101U, made homestead entry. No. OliiT!) for NK'4. section £, township 18X., range 24 K, 11.11. Meridian, .standing liock Indian lands lias liled notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ile^iuter aiui Ite celver, at Timber ijike, K. D., on the 14th day OL Nov. 1K12. laimant names as witnesses: Olal Anderson, i'eter .lacobson, iienjamin Johnson, Ferdinand i'odoll, all oi Timber i-ake, ts. 1). 1'. T. krlbs, Register. Notice For Publication. Uepartment of the interior. I". K. 1-uiid uillce at Timber Lake, .S. 1). Aug. 24,1912. Notice Is hereby given that Christopher .lor censon, of Timber l.ake, s. 1)., who, on May «, l'Jlll, made homestead entry. No. IUl1 uv lots I, 2 and K/2 N\v!4, section 1!, township IS N., range 25 il. 11. Meridian, Standing liock Indian lands, has liled notice of Intention to make linal comminution proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Hegislerand lieceivcr. al Timber l.ake, !S. D., on the 1st day ol Oct., 1H12. Claimant names as witnesses: Alexander Cattnach, John (i. Klder, Oscar Ol son. 1'atrlck w, iieacom, all of Timber l^ike. s. D. 4 1*. D. Krlbs. lieulster. Notice For Publication. Uepartment of the interior. 1.'. S. J.anil olllee at Timber i-ake. H.IJ. August 10.1912. Notice is hereby given that (iuyC. Long, of Navan. S. D., who, on l)ee. 20, 1910. made homestead entry. No. 04H77. for NW%, section 10 township 18 N., range 24 10.. H. II. Meridi an, Standing Hock Indian lands, has liled no tice of intention to make linal commutation proof, lo establish claim to the land above de scribed, before liegister and Hecelver, at Tim ber Lake. S. D„ on the 18th day oi Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. IT. S. Laud Olllee at Timber Lake. S. 11. Aug. 9,1912. Notice Is hereby given that Martin Elton, of Nnvan, S. IX. who. on May 18. 1H10, made homestead entry. No. 0173(1. lor N Wii, section 14, township 18 N„ ranee 24 R, M. 11. Meridian St&ndiiii! Hock Indian lands, has (lied notice ol Intention to make linal commutation proof, to establish claim tothe land above de scribed. before Keslster and Receiver, at Tim ber 1-ake, S. I)., on the 18th day of Sept., li)12. i'laimant names as witnesses: John A. llougiand. Italph McCulloch, Chris tian Alpers, Samuel K. llolt, all of Navan. S. 1. P. 1). Krlbs, Ueclster. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. l\ S. i.and olllee at Timber i.ake, s. D. Aug. Jit. 1012. Notice Is hereby given that Chris .Morten sen, of Timber l.ake, S. 1„ who on May 12, lilld. made homestead entry. No. Qir8u. (or NK sect lou ID. township 18 s, range 24E, n. H. Meridian, standing iiock Indian lands, has tiled notice of intention to make linal com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Register and ueeelver, at Timber Iake, S. L., on the 7tli day of Oct. 11112. Claimant names as witnesses: Anton Hole, Mary A. Dakan, Cnxl H. Ander son, I'rank Murray, all ol Timber Lake, S. 1. 1'. I. Krlbs. Itecelver. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, I'. iS. I jtnd olllee at Timber l^tkc, S. U. Aug. 31,1912. Notice Is hereby given that Itoyal Klines, of Wrested, s. I)., who, on Nov. 15, 1910, made to establish claim to the land above described, before Kegistcr and Itecelver, at Timber Lake, S. I)., on the Till dayolucl., iai2. Claimant names as witnesses: Martin ostruiu, liobert Heck, Albert Lynum, 1' i'ed Ulennj, ail ol Firesteel, S. O. ... 1*. 1). lvribs. Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior. I.', s. i^ind oltice al Timber l-akc, S. 1). Aug. Ill, 1»12. Notice is h'ereby given that Ilattie K liahl greu, of Timber ijike, s. D., who, on Oct. 27, 1U10, made homestead entry. No. OIWoH, lor and S\V4.Si ,lt section 4, township lii N., range 24 K., li. it. Meridian, Cheyenne Kiver Indian lands, has liled notice of Inten tion to make linal commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before itegister and Receiver, at Timber Lake, fci. D., on the 12th day of Oct, 11112, Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Swenson, William Flavin, R. Henry McKwen, Jians M. Hahlgren, all of Timber l4ike, Cj. D. i'. D. Krlbs, Itegister. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Olliee al 'Timber Lake, S. D. Sept. 3,1912. Notice Is hereby given that John I), lloover, ol Timber I .ake, ,s. 1)., who, on May 10, 11)10, made homestead entry. No. UIXSI, for NK^, section'.2, township IB N. range 25 K. 11. 11. Meridian, islanding Koc.k Indian lands, has liled notice of Intention to make linal commu tation proof, to establish claim to the lanu above described, before itegister and lteceiver at Timber Lake, S. p., on the 9th day of Oct. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Ai A. Wood, ueorge Olaze. Albert Kllngman, Luther \V. Colllnii, ail ol Timber 1 -ike. K. D. 1*. D. Kribs, liegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the 1 nteiior. U. fcl. i.and olllee at Timber 1 .ake, S. D. 22, Sept., 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: I John A Houglaud. Martin Flton Christian Alimm, Auguit Albert, ait ol Navan, s. li. P. P. Krlbs. Kegl»$er. Hept. a, 1912. Notice Is herbey given that (ieorce W. l"t ley, oi Timber i,ake, s. p., who, on May i:i, 1910, made homestead entry, No. UlKSi, for SW^4, section 12, township 18 N. range 2:1 K„ 11. u. •Meridian, Standing Hock Indian lands, has liled notice ol intention to make linal commu tation proof, to establish claim io the land above described, before Itegister and lieceiv er, at Timber i.ake, s. p., on the Sth day of Oct. *1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles K. Whitney, of Timber l-akc, «S. 1„ liben Handstroin, of Firesteei, S. 1., Hichard Litrson, of Flreiteel. s. D„ Inga l-arson, ol Flnaiteei, ,S. D. I'- D. Krlbs, Heglster. NoUce for Publication. Department of the Interior. I". .S. i-and Olllee at Timber l-ake, S. 1. .Sept. 4,1912. Notice Is hereby given that Charles Schroder, ol Timber I-ike, S. I„ who, on May Hi, 1910, made Homestead Kntry, No. 01H9S, for lots 1,21 and l'v-.\ W'. sect ion -JO, township 18 N, range 2(iK. H. 11. Meridian, .StandingHock I Indian lands, has liled notice of intention to make linal commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before lie gister and itecelver. at 'limber I-ake, ,S. 1)., on the 7th day of Oct. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: li.vron I'liilyjs. Kdward .Starr, Frank lirces, Harry Philips, all ol Timber I -ake, 8.1. P. I. Krlbs, liegister. Notice for Publication. Department ol the Interior, r. S. land olliee at Timber l.uke, s. r. Sent. 7.1HI-, Notice Is hereby piven that John II. Kredift of Navan. S. 1)., who, on May 31, 1!)1«, mailt eoniesteail entry. Xo. (13)71, for lots 1 A- 2 & sj NKli, section 5, township 18 N., raneu ill:., I 11. MerliU.m, .Standing Kock Indian l:uM has liled notice of intention to make lina commutation proof, to establish claim to th land above described, before KeglBter and ceiver, al Timber i.ake, s. i„ on the lfilli da, of uct. 11)12. Claimant names as witnesses: Orrlno. Iienjamin. William o. Wald, Ua.\ moud 11.1-ease, Auftust V. Albert, all ol Na van, s. 1). 1'. 1. Krihs. lleirlKtei Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. 1 .and olllee at 'I'lmber Lake, s. I Sept. a, 191:!. Notice is hereby given that Philips, .loin*, of Timber I .ake, H. D„ who, on March l. Jin. made homestead entry, .No. (JMt.j. fur EJvSVV'-i section township 17 N, range 21'K. It. II. Meridian. Cheyenne Kiver Indian lands, has liled notice of intention to make linal com mutation prool, to establish claim to the land above described, before Itegister and Jieeeiv er. at Timber 1,ake, M. D„ on the 17th day of Oct. 1912. ('laimant names as witnesses: Jauieu H. Heed, Diedrlch Harms, Iielubard Frerlchs, William A. Fuimell. all ol Timber Wdfcft 8. tt i'. U. Krlbs, Iteglutcr. When an author can get $isooo|Q for the serial rights of a new novel |g it is safe to guess that his book is going' to be an affair of national interest. This is the price which Rex Beach, author of "The Spoil ers" and "The Ne'er-Do-Well," has just received for first publica tion of his new romance, "The Net," and the enterprising news paper that has secured the story i^ The Chicago Record-Herald. "The Net" is described as a thrilling no vel of love, mystery and adven ture dealing with the murderous deeds of the Italian "Black Hand" in the United States. Mr. Beach himself says it is the best he ever wrote. "The Net" is to be pub lished exclusively in the Chicago Record-Herald, beginning next Sunday. It will be an event for all story levers. Notice to Firemen. Notice is herebv given that a meeting of the Timber Lake Fire Department will be held on Mon day evening, September 16th at 7:30 p. 111., for the purpose of electing new officers and any other business that may come before the department. All membcis are re quested to be present. R. T. Holihan, Chief. Frank Swain, Sec'v. NOTICE OF CONTEST. DEPAIITM KNT OK TIIK INTKHlOIt, UWTHD STATES I.AND t'KFU'K. Timber Lake, South Dakota, August 2ttt!i, 1912. To the following named Children of Orln Knutson. deceased, Hebeecti Thompson, and Karl ICnutson, both of Edinburgh, North Da kota, and Knut Knutson, .address is unknown, and all other unknown heirs, if any there are, of orin Knutson, deceased You are hereby notified that Marie is. llai ley, who gives Firesteei, .South Dakota, as her post-office address, did on August 24th, 1912. file in this office her duly corroborated appli cation to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead, Serial No. 04628. made June 2.1011, for he Northeast Quarter (NKj^J Section 10, Township 18 N\, of Kange 2 i E., of the B. 11. Meridian, and as grounds for her contest she alleges that the above named persons, children of the above named Orin Knutson, deceased, and any and all other lieirs, of the said orin Knutson, deceased, have wholly failed to cuttijCiUc the said land above described, or any plvrt thereof, within six months after the death of said entryman, or at any time thereafter, and have wholly failed to reside on the said land at any time thereafter or at all. since the death of said entryman, said failure so to do, being on the part of each heir heretofore named or any other heir or person whatsoever, You are. therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this oftice as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will be cancelled thereunder without your further right lo be heard therein, either before this oMice or on appeal, if you fail to tile in this office within twenty days after the I'Ot'KTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or it you fail within that time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said con testant either in person or by registered mail. If thiy service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant in person, proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledg ment of her recipt of the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the allidavit of the per son by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered if made by registered mail, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was maiicd stating when and the postoffiee to which it was mailed,'and this allidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the postoflice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. 1*. I. KHIHH. itegister. .1. L. I'Aicno'jT. Receiver. Date of first publication August:*), 1UI2. Date of second publication September rt, 1912. Date of third publication September i'i. T.M2, Date of fourth publication September 20, HM2. o framework, is covered with a /y fitted slip, with square top and made of thick white Turkish e, ^ling. jveral of the covers are owned, so can lly a ing To Keep Green Vegetables. hen wishing to keep vegetables— as greens, lettuce, parsley, etc.. the following day, place, with oots, or where they have been a vessel containing water, ex s you would a bunch of cut they will be as fresh as him wer firec the and tinu Sai be frequently changed fresh one is put on each Home-Made Soda Water. ur three pints of boiling water on pounds of white sugar when Is cool add two ounces of tartaric the we!l-beaten whites of three find to every pint of sirup add teaspoon of flavoring put it in lcs and cork tight. Put three ta poons in a glass fill two-thirds of water and then add one-third poon of soda. I •5 Rc y brat othe y he v K and y Char crow don, adini $ and 8Upt char.® Roue 2 Mrs. •$ neve "A ning ing Tor Sale—Thirteen acres of nice standing corn, two miles from Tim ber Lake. Inquire at Advocate office. For Sale—Pedigreed I Turkey Red winter wheat seed, variety No. 287 Nebraska experiment station. Grown near Firesteei.—-A. Firesteei. L. liolt, News for Novel Readers. Ooooooooooocoooeoooooooooocooooeoooooeooooooooooooooci 66 The THE HOLLANDSWORTH-GREENMAN COMPANY. U E BUILDING MATERIAL -COAL- Lime Cement Plaster Paper and Roofing POSTS POSTS POSTS A Complete Stock In All Lines Phone No. 6J. J. D. KIMBALL, ManaftFr. OQQOOOOGOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOO To the East or West Travel on the MILWALJ shortest line through a new country of land and magnificent scenery. Fast Through Trains Daily OLYMPIAN Tilt COLUMBIAN The Finest Trains Across The Continent Both trains carry standard sleeping cars, commodious ^fid comfortable tourist sleeping cars, dining cars and coaches. In addition, "The Olympian" carries a lounge-observation car with library, buffet, barber and bath. Both trains ars efettric lighted throughout. GEO. W. HIBBARD, O 0CCCC^C.CCCCOC*^C fX3OCX7OV3Gi:j OOOCOQOCXXiC^OCCQOOOQOOQCiO 0 1 QUALITY COUNTS 1 ONCE MORE THE CARY PROVES ITS SUPERIORITY. Herreid, Cary Safe Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Gentlemen: s. This Is to certify that I had one of your #7 safes in my store when it burned with several other buildings on the night of July 26, 1910. The safe was in the hot test part of the fire for about 9 hours, and it preserved its contents in first class condition. The paper money was not hurt in the least. When I put in &tiother safe it will be a Cary. Read the Advertisements Dewey County Advocate i i For further information regarding fares, train service, etc., call on or address it 9* fertile fafrm 1 F. R. HOESLEY, Ticket Agent, Timber Lake, S. D. D., Aug. 4, 1910. Yours truly, Karl Weber. CARY SAFE COMPANY, BUFFALO, Manufacturers of .'M High Grade Safes, Vault Doors and Safety Deposit iiim»,Vj Boxes. Correspondence Solicited. OOCsCOGOCOGQQCGQQGQQOOOQGQQ OOOGCOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQC* jjWpk- N. I & V V V V V •J •J Al V V V V A V in the v 9 V V V V v 9 V v v 9 3 $ i $ V