Newspaper Page Text
»SpT-— w I Monday. ••"Wv- -si- LOCAL NOTES. P. M. Burns was in Mobridge Alt legal business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, D. J5. Gilmartin visited friends at Ducharme fast P. E. Gre«nman and C. R. ftsazeldine were Mobridge visitors test Saturday. R. L. Dilltnan was down at the he Agency on professional busi iifcss last Tuesday. Martin Klingman returned Tues 4a y from an extended visit to hisj Aid home at Elkadcr, la. A. L. Moore, the merchant at White Horse, was transacting busi fiess here last Wednesday. Otto Mock is taking charge of *he harness^fshop during the ah* #ence of L. L. Poitras. Forest Merrin returned Tuesday from a several days visit to dif ferent points east of the river. Curtis Crone left Monday for JGreat Falls, Mont., where he ex jpects to work during the summer. A brand new baby girl arrived At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perron last Saturday night. James Wilson and son, Ivan, yiaited relatives and friends here a *hort time the fore part of this week. Mrs. Ben Sudmeier returned last 'Tuesday from a several weeks visit with relatives and friends at Ban croft, la. B. M. Herman was transacting business down in the southeastern part of the state the fore part of he week. Work was commenced on the ttlie Rickles livery barn, just east .of the fire house, the fore part of Vhis week. Maurice Cahill returned the first *f the week from. Cedar Rapids, Jia., where he has been practicing law for some time past. H. M. Walby had the misfor tune to have his barn, southwest of £own, completely destroyed by the jsevere wind on Monday night. Miss Blanch Simar returned the ^rst of the week from Mobridge and has resumed work as operator at the local telephone exchange. Arthur and Elton Griffin came iover from Selby the latter part of last week for a few days visit at the home of their sister, Mrs, P. JE. Greenman. F. E. Sexton was in Mcintosh several days of this week on busi ness connected with the South Da Jcota Independent Telephone Co., oi which he is general manager. The women of Timber Lake and vicinity who are interested in or ganizing a vvomans' club, are re ^quested to meet on the second floor of the land office building on Saturday, May 3. at 3 o'clock. There is a movement on foot at this time to organize a baseball league in this section, comprising the towns of Mcintosh, Selby, Mobridge, Timber Lake, Isabel, McLaughlin and possibly other points. Under the new automobile law, owners must pay $3.00 fee for the six months from July 1st to Dec. 31st, 1913. and $6.00 a year there after. No person under fifteen years of age may run a car unless accompanied by its owner. Ap plication must be made to the county treasurer for licences. Mo torcycles must pay $2.00 a year. Anew country gets many a black «ye from those who are dissatisfied with the conditions and who as ,soon as they can get proved up or tnake other arrangements to ship back to wife's folks begin growling and knocking to everybody they see. And what stems queer is that there are people who saw the ,countrv grow from the Mississippi west and who as each new locality was settled had a try at it and went back east and then when it made good came out only to find that they were too late and go farther west, did go farther only to repeat their former mistake j' ..t .» ». fpif ^fPPtffPlfipflf?^^ COUNTY NEWS. (ftilill City Tl,lines from the Kecord.i John Lutkeassen shipped a car of fat hogs to Sioux City on Monday. John returned yesterday. Judging from the numbed of new milk cans being received by farm ers in this vicinity, the dairy side of farming is receiving the atten tion it rightly deserves In this sec tion of the state. Mrs. Wm. Ducheneaux and Pet er Hersum of Van Meter, were married at the bride's residence near Promise by Rev. Father Vog el of Eagle Butte, on Tuesday af ternoon of this week. O. J. Fett, the hustling yini|*g lumberman of the county seat, was in town Thursday and promises several improvements and build ings in connection with the Whit tier-Fett lumber yard early in Juue. F. E. Sexton was in town Mon day securing the right of way for an extension of the S. D. I. Tel. Co., from Firesteel to Eagle Butte and Faith. The new line will connect with the government line on the Cheyenne reservation. P. R. Sletten, who recently un loaded two carloads of cattle at Landeau, for his ranch north of here, yesterday unloaded another car of stock and farm machinery for carrying on his new ranching project. Mr. Sletten realizes the fortune in store for the settler in this portion of the state. (Isabel Individualities Irom the News.) M. A. Keegan of Lawler, has been here the past week looking the country over and has decided get some of this fine land, P.' B. Saunders of Hopkinton, la., has been spending some time here in search for a chance for an investment in real estate. He has found several that look good to him. S. Stapert arrived last week with a car of household goods and ma chinery from Granville, Michigan, and has moved to his claim south of town and will settle down to be a real farmer. Father Kipp last week fenced his lots near the church and set out a number of trees. If all citizens would do likewise and keep on do ing it there would be a goodly number of shade trees to grace the town and make life pleasanter. The Winkel lumber yard at Fire steel has sold to the Plymouth com pany and possession will be given next week. This leaves one good yard to"supply that country which is sufficient and the reduction of expenses will make lumber prices as cheap as found anywhere in this section. (Katie Hutte Kchaes from tho News.) W. S. Lansford is in receipt of news from Forest City, Mo., that his niece died suddenly of heart trouble in that city, a week ago. She leaves a husband and two small children. Billy Dunn entertained the peo ple of his neighborhood at his home last Friday night. Dancing was the order of the evening and a very pleasant time is reported. Music was furnished hy the Libolt or chestra. The Lantry Ledger has suspend ed publication temporarily, T. G. Gorman having severed his con nection with the paper. Mr. Gor man is a clever writer and made the Ledger an interesting and read able newspaper. Arrangements are being made by local parties to buy the paper and continue its pub lication at Lantry. Joe Collins met with 'a painful accident last Friday evening while playing catch on Main street. There were two sets of players in action at the same time and when Joe was in the act of catching a ball thrown to him one of the oth er players let a pitched ball pass and it struck him on the temple with such force as to knock him down. A badly swollen eye and a must then headache the day following was the only damage done. rcr -ti-r iaiw»wii!pwyi^ lfMWpMWPIPWI A v o stt-. »-*•,•»" v -f saeejs tmm A Proclamation. Executive Chambers. Pierre, S.D. Yearly establishing itself more firmly as one of the most worthy of American customs, is the annual observance of the second Sunday in our beautiful memorial month as Mother's Day, and it is in ac cordance with this custom that I, Frank M. Byrne, governor of the state of South Dakota, do hereby designate and set apart Sunday, May 11, 1913, as the day for such observance. We realize that the very foun dation stones of our national struc ture rest in part upon each individ ual home, and we acknowledge as well that in like manner the burden of the home rests upon the mother for to her it is given to nurture the child, to encourage and educate the ycuth, to elevate the family standards, and to strengthen the cause of truth- and right i$ the minds of all. Nothing we might do cou/d* re move the debt of gratitude we owe to our mothers nothing could re pay them for their sacrifice and de votion but on this day which has been dedicated to them we perhaps can in small measure evidence our appreciation of mother-love. I trust that the people through out the state may observe the day with reverential respect and further .ecommend that the clergy shall de vote one service in their respective places of worship to appropriate and fitting exercises. Done at the capitol in Pierre ^jbis 23rd day of April, 1913. Frank M. Byrnes Tony Acker A 1-ueene Bruiculer, Defendants.) The State of South Dakota Sends Greetingtb Tony Acker and Kucenc Bruleuler. De fendants: You are hereby summoned to appear before mo at my office. In the town of Timber J.ako, in said county. oA the 21st day March, ltfH. at ten o'clock a. that day, to answer t^the complaint of the above named plaintiff who claims to recover of you the sum of Ninety three and seventy-five one-hundredths dollars, by the foreclosure of his lien as livery stable keeper, upon one certain black, male horse, kept by him as such livery stable keep er, on and from the lirst day of November, 191?, to tho date hereof, being a total of 125 days, and you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer as above required said plaintiff will apply to the court fur relief demanded in the complaint. V. To the sheriff or any constable of said cotufr* ty: Make legal service and due rbturu Dated this 10th day of March, 191:1. John Mock, Justice of the Peace, DcvvWp County. South Dakota. Itaymond I.. Dillman. Alfy for Plaintiff. March 21: Adjourned for want of service to March 2d, 1911!. March 28: Adjourned for want of service to April 14,1913. April 14: Adjourned for want of service to May a. itna. 1 Governor to By the Governor. Attest: Frank Glasner, 4 .j Secretary of State. .%**?.• SUMMONS. State of South Dakota. County ol Lieuey I In Justice Court lief ore Joho Justice of the Peace. S. D. Pettis, Plaintiff.] John Mock, ustlce of the Peacc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of South Daokta, County of Dewey. j8"' In County Court liofore Alexander W. r~ Stow, Esq.. County Judge. in the Matter of the Estate of Ambrose Traversle. Deceased. Notlcc Is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Ambrose Traversle, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessa ry vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said admin istrator at Cheyenne Agency, In said county and state. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1913. Whitney Traversle. Administrator. BURMESE SUPERSTITION. A curious idea among the Bur nese is that people born on the Bamo lay of the week must not many, »nd tbat if they defy the fates their onion will be marked by rr.uch ill luck. To prevent these disastrous marriages, every girl carries a record »f her birthday in her name, each Soy of the week having a letter be longing to it, and all children are tailed by a name which begins with ihat letter. It 13 rather hard if the Marys and Marks of Burma fall in love with each other as in this coun try. Unlike other Oriental lauds, the young people are allowed to mar jy as tasle dictates, subject only to the birthdav restrictions. TAME. "George has told me *11 the secr«ts »f his past." Mercy! What did you think of ifl a Thill •isaowojii'ed Notlcce for Publication. Iepnrtment of the Interior. U. K. I .a ml Office at Timber lKln, g, D. V-lsswi*.section19, March SVlSlS Notice is hereby elventhatlleorcc p. ltapps, ol Timber I-ike, S. I)., who on May 21. 1910, made homestead entry No. MS79, for lots 3. 4, A township 18:.-, ranee 2D R, II. II. Merldiau, .Standing Ruck Indian lands, has tiled notice ol Intention to make fi nal commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Timber lAkc, S. J)„ on the ",th day of .May, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Ale*. Cattnach. Kdna Wallace. Georee Wal lace, II. K. Durke, all of Timber Lake. S. 1). 1'. 1). Krlbs, iteelgter. Notice For Publication. Department of the interior. I". S. Lund Ofliee at Timber I .a k t. s. 1 A i i i Notice Is hereby given that Mary Kathnrina Kokcmeyer. of Timber l.ake, s. D„ who, oij March 20, 1912, made homestead entry. No, 06-HB for lots 1,2 A SJ5N10J4, section 4, town ship 18 N„ ranat 24 K, it. II. Meridian, Stand inir Ilock Indian lands, has filed notice of in tention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, at Timber ijike, S. 1).. on the "9tli day of May, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: William .I. Maloy, I'red J. Galbralth, I«o I„ iltitler, William C., all of Timber ijike, S. D. o P. t. Krlbs. Reelater. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. N. land office at Timber Lake, S. D. Aprils. 1913. Notice is hereby given that Frank I'.uschena of Timber I-ake, S. p.. who, on March 14. 1911, made homestead entry. No. 00182, for lots 1. 2 & section :S, township 18 N.. range 24 K., 1$. H. Meridian, .Standing Hock Indian lands, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Keglster and iteceiverat Timber l.ake 8. D„ on the29th day of May, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: James W. Maloy, Fred J. Galbralth. Leo L. ISutler. William C. Long, all of Timber ljike, S. D. P. 1). Kribs,* Uegteter. Notice for Publication.- Department of the Interior. C. S. Land Office at Timber Lake, S. I). Apr. 10,1913. Notice Is hereby given that Kranels II. flal bralth, of Timber Lake. S. I)., who, on June 22, 1911, made homestead entry. No, 04707, for SV.'/i, section township 18N, rauce 24 k. II. II. Meridian, Standing Hock Indian lands, has liled notice of intention to make linal commu latlon proof, to establish claim to llie land above described, before Keeister and Receiver at 'limber lAke. S. p., on the 29lh day ol May. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Huschena, James W. Malloy, Kred J. Ciafbraith, !,eo U llutler, alt of Timber Lake. 3. D. P. IX Krlbs. Keirlster. Notice for Publication. department of the Inlerlor. I*, fci. Land office at Timber Lake. S. D. Apr. 17, 19i:!. Notice is hereby Riven that Gregory K liartram. of Timber I.ake. S. I)., who. on Nov. If. 1910. made homestead entry, No. 01795. for SK!4, section 20, township IB N., range 24 IS., B. II. Meridian Standing Hock Indian lands, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establlsliclaliu to the land above described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Timber iAke, S. I)., on the Kith day of June. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Anton L. Hole, William S. Reynolds, Guy C. Harvey. Georee Calkins, all ol Timber I-ake. S. I). P. 1. Krlbs. Register. Notice for Publication. Department ol the Interior. L*. S, l.and Ollice at Timber l.ake, S. I), i Apr. 21. 1D1S. I Notice Is hereby given that William 1'. Jackson, of Timber I.ake, S. 1)., who, on Nov. iil, 1H10, made homestead entry No. U1*X), for N\V'4. section 2u. township 1BN, range 24K., II. II. Meridian, Cheyenne ltlver Indian lands. has liled notice of intention to make linal commutation proof to establish claim to the I land above described, before lteirlster and lie ceiver, at Timber I.ake, S. D„ on the 2Utli day of May. 1H13. Claimant names as witnesses: Sain Kobinson, Norman J. Ureen. William itlckles, Ivddy C. Ward, all of Timber I.ake, S. D. Health a Factor In Success. The largest factor contributing' to mans success is undoubtedly health, It has been observed that a man is i seldom sick when his bowels are regular—he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite so good GETTING READY. Bowler—All ready for the bowl ing season! I thought you were go ing to make extensive improvements in the alleys this summer? I don't see any. Proprietor—Great Scott, man, the alleys will be fully six and a half inches closer to the bar than they were last year!—Puck. Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on na ture's plan, relieves the hr.ige. expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a heal thy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use and can al :.c de en.:er. -r °-'J i all dealers. Atlv, at right prices w I'. D, Krlbs. Itedster. 1 as Chamberlain's Tablets. They, not only move the bowels but im-! prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They arc sold by all dealers. [Adv. 1 !OQOOCCC 1 & it 4 vsftsitP'SSfiWBp^f^i ^j? *'Cp ^OOGOOOQOOOOOOOC&OQOOQQOOQQOOOaQOOQOCOOOQCOQOCOaCOGOU. HOLLANDSWO RTH-GREENM AIN COMPANY. U E and BUILDING MATERIAL -COAL- Lime Cement Plaster Paper and Roofing POSTS POSTS POSTS A Complete' Stock In Ail Lines Phone No. CJ. J. D. KIMBALL, Manager. OCCCCOCCCOOOCOCOCOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $53,000.00 EING GIVEN AWAY to those who act as the local representatives to EV ERYBODY'S MAGAZINE and THE DELINEAT OR—all in addition to liberal commissions# Let us show you how you can SECURE A SHARK simply by forwarding the subscriptions of yoar friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals of our pres ent subscribers. Try for this month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons liv ing in towns same size as your own. Write at once to Butterick Publishing Company Butterlck Building, New York City CCPY HiGfiT- at 4 DON'T MONKEY WITH A BUZZ-SAW Bon' monkey with poor lumber. It means trouble and dissatisfaction every time. Start your building right with good lumber— the kind you always find ATLAS LUMBER COMPANY. GILMARTIN HARDWARE COMPANY. Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds. Bring in Your Repair Work. Walter Up pert Contractor and Bujldt/r Plans and specifications furnished upon application. Let me figure your bill for you whether it be large or small. Gup boards, Book Cases, Sinks, Tables and all Cabinet making neatly done. Timber Lake, xXxx?X oooo€3€Kooaooew' 1 So. Dak.