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LOCAL NOTES. Afldrew Wolfer has a new ad io• this issue. Tobc Thompson was up from White Horse for a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Johnson have been visiting at the Sudnieier fiome a few davs this week. Those who put out trees in town «f which there was a goodly num ber, evidently struck a good year io get them started. All show un usual signs of life. A large per .cent of the willow cuttings placed along the lake shore are also doing well. "The Bell'' is the cognomen of a «ew business enterprise presided over by "Dad" McHugh. The building was formerly known as .the "cracker-box mansion" and he recently moved it on to Main St., from the "jungles." It is the only business place in town which has jthe bell service. Curtis Crone returned the first of over by railroad fires this spring the week from Montana, and is flow satisfied with South Dakota. Mrs. Martin Snow was the dele-j gate from the local Rebekah lodge lo the meeting of the grand lodge at Rapid City last week. The school board of this district made a trip down to Promise last Sunday. They had to supplement gas by horse power before they got hack and taking the trip as a whole it was quite an experience. The recent rains have put the railroad track in bad condition. Wherever a gumbo spot is reached the engine is inclined to be affected by the law of gravitation and starts out of sight. A wreck of a train load of steers is reported on the south line but how bad it was we do not know. Three horses belonging to Sam Robinson were examined the first of the week by Dr. Richardson and found to be afflicted with glanders. They were accordingly ordered killed which has been done. The remainder of the herd will be tested soon although it is believed that none but those killed were affected. There is talk of a ball game be ing staged tomorrow "fats" and the "leans" of Timber Lake. This should be an interest ing contest even here although of course it is not so very easy to get real good examples of the "fats" as it might be in some towns, here they drink only good, soft water. between the $75 to The base ball team from the high school at Mobridge crossed bats with the local school team here last Saturday afternoon. It rained /luring the forenoon but stopped about noon and made a good af ternoon for the game which proved to be a very interesting contest. The home school team put up the better article of ball however and won by a score of 14 to 8. Chas. Youmans returned Tues day from Rapid City where he went as a delegate from the local I. O. O. F. lodge to the session of the grand lodge. Mr. Youmans re ports a very fine meeting. In the parade which took place Thursday about 1400 Odd Fellows and Re- bekahs were in the line of march. The total attendance from both or ders was approximately 2000. A petition was circulated during the week addressed to the interior department and asking for a furth er postponment of the principle due the government 011 town lots upon the payment of interest on deferred payments for one year in advance. It is thought probable that in view of crop conditions during the two previous seasons that the postpon ment will probably be granted. An afternoon and evening meet ing will be held in Timber Lake, Tuesday June 24th, at which Messrs. Hull and Woods of the South Dakota Farmers' Institute force will speak on ing," and "conservation of soil moisture," "dry farming" alfalfa grow- COUNTY NEWS. (Trill City Tiding*'from ike Record.) J. H. Becker and son*. Henry and John, went to Louis Benoist s ranch at the mouth of the Moreau River, where they are constructing a large and tip to date barn for Mr. Benoist, on Wednesday. John and Leo Lind of Mobridge are surveying the territory burned preparatory to* settlement by the railroad company. A train of twenty-flve cars of steers passed through here yester day to be unloaded at La Plant. This was the first train of 10,000 head now on the way from El Paso Texas, for the Mossman Cattle Company. R. E. Edwards unloaded a car of household goods and farm machine ry here Wednesday. Mr. Edwards is on his way overland with a num ber of milch cows and horses and is expected to arrive here in a few days and take up residence on his homestead six miles east. (Isabel Individualities iront the New*.I The women have more grit than many men. Last week three of them arrived in Isabel to take up homesteads. Their faith shall have its reward while the men who got discouraged and left will have theirs—constant regret that they were so foolish. The town board has decreed that sidewalks shall be put in 011 Main street and has given notice to all lot owners that they may put in board walks if done at orice but if they delay then the board will pro ceed to enforce the ordinance re quiring cement walks. The rail road company has signified its wil lingness to put in walks to the de pot when the rest did their part so that in a short time Isabel will be well supplied with walks. Frank Smith, one of the bunch that went to Montana some time since, returned to Isabel Tuesday night by train. He left the others at different points in Montana but it is probable that all will soon be home for the conditions are not as favorable there as is painted in the advertising. The land is held from $100 an acre and Frank thinks it is not a bit better than what we have here. Everything is overdone and picking is pretty slim. He says stick to good old So. Dak. (Lantry Leanings from the Ledger.) Mrs. McDaniel informs us that the mail will now be distributed every evening providing the train arrives on time. Mrs. Rosa Meyer arrived from from Hudson, Wis., last week for a visit. We predict that after a short stay in this land of sunshine she will become its willing victim and reside here evermore. Chas. McKaske loaded an emi grant car Saturday and left for their new home in Montana. The other members of the family will visit a short time at the Williamson home before leaving for the wdst, (ICagle Hutte Kcliees from the News.) E. Angell, while assisting in vac cinating cattle last Saturday after noon, was gored in the foot by a steer and quite badly injured. He travels with crutches now and will be incapacitated for work during the next month. "stock raising." Both of these improvements made on the interior. gentlemen were hero last fall and Later the building will be pamted are known to be interesting and in .structive speakers. Plan vour work so as to be able to -take one A snow fence gang is at work on the right of way east of town, building permanent snow fences for protection of the cuts from winter snow storms. This in ad dition to the temporary fence erectcd every fall, will prevent block of serious proportions dur ing the winter months. The ladies of the Congregational church impressed a number of men into service and shingled the church Wednesday. This is only one of a number of repairs being nia) je on and' ]ie church, a rostrum be- to the fixtures and other inside and out. in or both oi these meetings. S-:f- V, -T' Subscribe for the Advocate, Notice far Publication. Departmental the Interior. L'.S. I .and office at Timber Lake. S. D. May 15. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Carl Schroeder, of Pfrasteel, 8. D,, who, on July 0, 1910, made homestead entry. No. 02701. lor lots 8, 4, AE%SW^,|Bectlon 30. township 18N., range 241 J). II. Meridian, Standing Rock Indian lands, has Died notice of intention to make dual com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv er, at limber l,oke, S. D., 011 the 2nd day of July, 1913. Claimant names as wltn—net: Daniel I*. McCarthy, John W. Fitzgerald, Al fred W. stott. llayes (Joins, all of Flresteel, S.D. f. D. Krlbs, RegUter. HOTICB 1*8* VPBLICATtON. Department of the Interior. l". .S. (.and oflice at Timber l-ake. 8. B. May 28.19* Notice Is lierbey given that Jeoree Thump-* son, of limber Lake, s. u., who, on April 12, 1912, made homestead entry. No. 00507. for SK^i, section lit, township 16 N. range25 K.. B. H. Meridian. Cheyenne River Indian lands, lias filed notice of Intention to make liual com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Kecelv er. at Timber uike, a. u., on the 8th dw*f uly, 1913. ('lalmant natues as witnesses: Sam Robinson, Eddie C. Ward, William 'V. Jackson, Herman M. Walby, all of Tlniber 1-ake, s. II. I*. D. Krlbs. Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. *'l t*. ts. l-and oflice at Timber Lake, ft. "D, May 27. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Arthur 11. Mayne of Timber Lake. S. 1„ who, on May 28th.. 1910, made homestead entry. No. U2031. for .S W section 24, township 18 N. range 25 K. B. 11. Meridian. Standing Rock Indian lands, has filed notice of lutentlon to make final commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Timber l.ake, S. i.. 011 the Utii day of July. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: llyron 1'hllllps, Leo Drees, Timothy Uurlght, Henry i'hlillps, all of Timber l,ake, tS. s, I'. 1). Krlbs. Register. South Dakota Prairies in Month of May. (Continued from page I.), it is needed. Scant rainfall itt'Jtlhfe is nearly fatal to the wheat crop, but this occurs very rarely. Corn is now the leading crop in the state. South Dakota stands second among the states in the yield of corn per acre, and will in time raise more corn than any other state in the Ijnion. It is second in the amount of spring wheat grown. The state is lowest among the states in death rate, and has been for years thjB richest in per capita wealth. I "The open prairie, with its easy means of obtaining plenty, seems to have an effect upon the popula tion. There is everywhere an air of generosity and cheerfulness. People are well and fashionably dressed. Automobiles are as com mon as bronchos used to be. Four footed creatures share the general good feeling. Horses and colts scamper away into the pasture as the train sweeps past. Not that they are greatly frightened, but the train seems to give them an excuse to kick up their heels. Cattle are sleek, well fed and contented. Dogs are numerous and seem to regard men as their friends and comrades. Children are every where they blossom like roses and sunflowers. The homes and school houses are filled with them. "And art is not entirely forgot ten in the midst of plenty. About a dozen persons from this little town enjoyed the recent opera in Minneapolis. Had as great a pro poition of the population of Min neapolis attended, the auditorium would not have been half large enough." Health a Factor In Success. The largest factor contributing to mans success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular—he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They are sold by all dealers. [Adv. W'm. Rickle's livery barn is fast nearing completion and is probab ly one of the finest in the north western part of the state. We desire to call attention to the notice of a meeting printed else where for the purpose of organiz ing a cemetery association. All those who have subscribed for i shares are requested to be present. i Methodist services will be held next Sunday at the Baptist church as Rev. Putnam will be at Isabel. Moming subject vice at ..Father 1 them," at II 7:30 p. is, Pastor, {oreive a. m. Evening ser m. Leslie G. Dav Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Timber Lake. S. 1). Apr. 17.1913. Notice is hereby given that Gregory E. Bertram. of Timber Lake. S. D.. who. on Nov. 17.191U. made homestead entry. No. 01796. tor SEW. section 20. township 18 N\, range 24 E., B. H. Meridian Standing Rock Indian lands, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establlshclalm to the land above described, before Register and Re- i cetver. at Timber Lake, S. L.. 011 the 16th day of une, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Anton L. Hole. William S. Reynolds, Uuy C. 1 Ilarvey. George Calkins, all of Timber Lake. S. U i 1». D. Krlbs. Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior L*. S. Land Oflice at Timber Lake. S. 1. Claimant names as witnesses1 William Rlckles. ICd Ward, Lewis Kvans. Al ex. Lal'laul. all ol Timber Lake. S. I. 1. 1). Ivrlbs. Register. i iO 9 Apr. 21,1913. Notice Is hereby given that William K .lackson. of Timber Lake. S. li.. who. on Nov. :2, lyiu, made homestead entry No. 04400. for NW1,'. section 2E. township 16N. range 24K., B. 11. Meridian, Cheyenne River Indian lands, has tiled notice of intention Hn»i commutation proof toestabll' ciauu to tne land above described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Timber Lake, -S. D., on the 28th day of May, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Sam Robinson. Norman .1. Ureen. William Rlckles, lOddy C. Ward,-all of Timber Lake, S. I). P. 1). Ivrlbs, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. L". S. I .and oflice at Timber 1 Ake, S. I). Apr. 29. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Peter M. Hums, of Tlniber Lake, S. 1).. who. on Nov. 1. 1910, made homestead entry, No. 04010. for Nft. section 19. township 16 N, range 24 10., 11. 11. Meridian. Cheyenne River Indian lands has filed notice of Intention to make final com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv er, at Timber lAke, s. u., 011 the lOtU day of June. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: William Dobson. Henry Livermont, William Flavin, Ueorge Dobson, all of Timber lake, S. IX P. n. Krlbs. Register. NOTICE FOR Pl'BI.ICATIOS. Department of tlie Interior. I". S. I And Office at Timber Ijike, S. 1). May 10.1913. Notice Is hereby given that William Voll mer, of Timber lake, s. D., who on June 10, 1910. made homestead entry. No. 02273, for NW '4, section 26, township 18 N, range 2.") K, I!. II. Meridian, .Standing Rock Indian lands, has iiled notice of intention to make filial commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv er, at Timber i.ake. s. o., on the 18th day of June. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: William Coaker, William Knrlght, Silncelo T. lieranek, T. J. Knrlght. all of Timber 1 .like, ,S. D. 1*. D. Krlbs. Register. Notice For Publication. Department of the interior. L\ S. x.and office, at Timber utke. s. D. May 9.1913. Nqtyce Is hereby given, that Sam Robinson, ol Timber Lake. S. 1)., who. 011 Nov. 4. 1910, ,de homestead entry. No. 04152, for SKVi, section 25. township 16 N., range 25 K., IS. 11. Meridian. Cheyenne River Indian lands, has filed notice of intention to make final commu tation proof' to establish claim to the land above described, before lteclster and Receiver, at Timber Lake, s. I)., on the 17th day of June 1913. Notlccefor Publication. Department of the Interior. I'. K. I .and Olfice at Timber I-ake. S. 1). May 17. 1913 Notice Is hereby given that Maro Mildred Wright, of Timber I^ake. S. I)., who on Dec. 8, 1910, made homestead entry so. 04615. forSKi, section 11, township 16 N. range 24 10., II. II. Meridian, Cheyenne River Indian lands, has filed notice of Intention to make filial coin mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above descrlled, belore Register and Receiv er at Timber lAke, S. I)., on theuthday ol July, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: 1). A. Uray, John Gray, Andrew Traversie. Raymond H. McKwen. all of Timber l-ake, S. 1). P. D. Krlbs, Register. SOTICR KOli I'l'BI.K'ATION. Department of the interior. I*. S. i.and oflice at Timber utke. s. i. May 13. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that James Mci iee, of i'lresteel, S. 1)., who on Oct. 13, 1910, made homestead entry. No. OS787, for lots 3 «Sr 4 and of K\\'!4, section 31, township 18 N. range 24 K„ 1$. 11. Meridian. Standing Rock Indian lands, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Register and Receiver, at Timber i.ake, s. J., 011 the 3rd day of July. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John 1.. Johnson, Hayes (iolns. William 10. Coats, ratrlck Oormally. all of I'lresteel. S. D. 1*. 1). Krlbs. Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the .Interior. 1:. S. J.aud Ollice at Timber Lake. s. I) Oil May 17. 1913 Notice 1« hereby given that (Jeorge Moore ol Timber Lake. S. D., who. on May 22,1911, made Homestead Kntry No, 0394#. for NK'/J, section 29, township 18 N, range 25, K. B. II. Meridian. Standing Rock Indian lands has Hied notice of Intention to makelinal commutation proof to establish claim lo the land a hove described before Register and Receiver at Timber i.ake, s. ».. the 5th day of July. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Klmer L. Dielil. A. A. Wood. I liarles M. Mur ray. Henry K. Kamperschrocr. all of Timber 1 jtke. &. i. l\ D. Krlbs. Register. RkeWMtlui Quickly Cured. "My sisters husband had an at-! tack of rheumatism in his arm." writes a well known resident of i Newton, la. "1 have him a bottle of Chamberloin's Liniment which he applied to his arm and the next morning: the rheumatism was gone" For chronic muscular rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment, Sold by all dealers. [Adv. at right prices at I Timber Lake, HOLLANDSWORTHGREENMAN COMPANY. U E and BUILDING MATERIAL O A Lime Cement Plaster Paper and Roofing POSTS— POSTS POSTS A Complete Stock In All Lines Phone No. GJ. J. D. KIMBALL, Manager. OOOOOQCOOGOOOOOOOOQQGOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,000. EING GIVEN AWAY- to those who act as the local representatives to EV ERYBODY'S MAGAZINE and THE DELINEAT OR—all in addition to liberal commissions. Let us show you how you can SECURE A "SHARE, simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals of our pres ent subscribers. Try for this month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons liv ing in towns same size as your own. Write at once to Butterick Publishing Company Butterlck Building, New York City ATLAS LUMBER COMPANY, GILMARTIN HARDWARE COMPANY. Sheet Metal Work of all Kinds. Bring in Your Repair Work. COGGCCOGOOCOOOOOOOOGOOCOOCOOQOOOOOOOCQQOOOQOCOOQOQOOC Walter Lipperl Contractor and Bui letter Plans and specifications furnished upon application. Let me figure your bill for you whether it be large or small. Cup boards, Book Cases, Sinks, Tables and all Cabinet making neatly done. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* v ». 00 DON'T MONKEY WITH A BUZZ SAW Don't monkey with poor 1 lumber. It means trouble and dissatisfaction every time. Start your building right with good lumber— the kind you always find So. Dak. OOQOOGOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOCO