Newspaper Page Text
COttWIAWV Me Hat You Want ESTABLISHED 1892 RURAL RETREAT, VA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912 VOL- XXI NO 39 R. I\ Johusou, of Wytheville, was in town Moutlay Santa lias cotue to town ;*t C. W. Hankla’s. Mins Merton Neff, who has ty phoid, is improving. Don't overlook the fact that we have a nice line of Jewelry, Watches Clocks, etc. Suitable for Christmas presents. Don’t put off having that en graving done. L. W. Baumgardner & Co. W. C. Richmond is spending a few days at home. Nice line of shoes. C. W . l.iau kla. T. F. Kidd, of Crockett, was in town on business Monday. Toys, Toys, all kinds, C. W. Hankla. % W. F. Wampler, of Asbury was in town Saturday. Everything gor d to eat C. VV. Hankla. Mesdames Jno. W, Eiffertand vV. W. Buck spent Monday in Bristol. Just in, a nice assortment of ‘•Royal Society” stamped goods, center pieces, table runners, un derwear, etc. These make nice Christmas gifts. Mrs. Geo. Baumgardner. “BrownV’ Buck, of Bristol, spent Sunday in town the guest of relatives. Stoves repaired and made, also stove pipe any size and shape. Maurin & Buck. Robert. Hilton and John Urn berger, ol Wytheville, spent Sunday in town. We are handily located and al ways ready. Manrin Buck. 1). C. Jones returned home from Lodi, Va., Tuesday, after spending several weeks with his son, T. P. Jones. Our work is guaranteed, ask us for prices before placing vour order. Manrin & Buck. fir. P. Keener is able to be out ng-vin after bong laid up for about two weeks with a carbun cle. Man furnish you roofing in any kind or style at, less than elsewhere, see ns before buying Manrin <fc Buck Rev. McMillan, of Abingdon, will preach at. the Presbyterian church Sunday morning a n d night. Mr. and Mrs. (). L. Coghurn have returned from a visit to Ridge Springs. S. C., and left "Wpdnesdav for Chicago. Mrs W R Bridgeforth. nF Pickens. Miss , Thomas G Mc Connell, of Knoxville, Tenn., Charlton L, McConnell a. n d daughter, Miss Marion, of Nash ville, Tenn., attended the funer al services of Mrs. T G McCon nell at Abingdon last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E P Staley left Wednesday on Ko. 11 for Aft,on, Tenn., to visit thpir daughter, Mrs, W. O. Gros< close Anyone having Mrs. W, E Richmond’s last year’s Club Book “Following of the Star,” will please bring same to C. W. Davis’ store. Howard Staley has returned home from Cincinnatti, 0,, where he has been for some time, Shaliah Myers, of Crockett, was in town Tuesday. Miss B^ss Barnett, who haR been visiting at the home of Geo. A. Lambert, has returned to her home in Lynchburg. E. M. Lindamood was i n Wytheville Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Robb Porter and sister, Miss Mosselle, spent Wed nesday in Bristol. Wythe Brown spoilt Sunday in Wytheville. I Usatii Of Mrs. isCoanell 1 Mrs '1', G. McConnell passed i away last Thurday morning at t hree o’clock, at t he home of her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Prickett, after being ill for only three j days, having been taken to li-;r bed Monday night. Her death was caused by a general break down, and she also had a slight heart tiouble. She was born,Oct. 3, 1834, at Obilhowie, Vrt, being in her79th year. Before her mairiage to Mr. f. G. McConnell in the year 18-55. she was M*ss Kacheal Elizabeth Beattie. To this happy union were born eleven children, of which only three survive her, Charlton L McConnell, offish yille, Tenn., Mrs. VV. R. Bridg fortli, of Pickens, Miss., and i Mrs. M. J. Prickett, of this place, also by one brother, Fon taine Beattie, of Alexandria, Va. The funeral Services were held in the Methodist church at Ab ingdon Saturday by Rev. Yallght and the interment made in the cemetery at that place, at eleven o’clock, beside of her husband who proceeded her to the grave by a number of years. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire commun ity. Miss Bn nice Molly spent Sat urday in Wytheville. Paro3l M That distinctive parcel poet stamps must fw used on all fourth class matter beginning : Jamia-y 1, 1913, and that such matter bearing ordinary postage stamps will be treated as “Held for postage.” That parcels will be mailable only at post offices, branch post offices, lettered and local-earned stations, and such numbered sta lions as may be designated by the postmaster. That all parcels must bear the return card ot the sender; oilier wise they will not be accepted for mailing* Mrs, F E. Nel ns was in Bris tol Monday shopping. Misses Cassell and Richard, ol Crockett spent Sunday iu town. B. B. Sullivan, of Bristol, was a visitor in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J 0. Neff came Sunday and will leave iu a few days for Portsmouth, accompan iul by Mrs. S. (J. Kinder, who g.ies for an operation. taral sate A big reduction sale for Cash, beginning Saturday, Pec. 14th, we are going to offer our entire stock of goods at cost for ten days only. Our large stock of goods at cost, consisting of m n’s and boys clothing, all new stock. A big line of men’s, ladies’ and chil dren’s shoes, all our Dry Goods and Notions. Men’s and Ladies’ Underwear, Sweaters In fact everything to bo found in a first class store. We are doing this in order to reduce our stock before taking Inventory. Remember this is no Take tor we are going to sell all at actual cost for ton days only. Remem ber tjais means only for cash at these low prices. W hen charged will be at our regular price. We invite everybody To come in and spend you,r surplus mon ey while you can get big values. Thanking our many friends foi past favors, wo beg to remain, Very truly yours, Joe K. Buck & Co. 1 My Dear Santa Claus. I am going to send you a letter through the Rural Retreat Times. I am llvr<> years old, I am trying to tie a real good girl, so remem ber me. • I want you to bring me a rag mammy doll and two little rag dolls, a folding go-cart, a teddy bear, box with little handker chiefs in it, a set of furs, garden sot., and just as many tilings as you think a little girl like me needs. So bye bye, Your little friend, Allah Katherine Vaught. We are prepared to do any re pairing in Metal or Wcod. Pi ices right, see ns* Maurin & Ruck. Positions in pl-nty are wait ing for the vontig man or young women who can measure up rto requireinont.s. Throughout, the; year the Roanoke National Rn<-u ; ness College reeei\o>« i nqni ries for i pupils and places graduates in; position. At times the demand far exceeds the supply; in fact, the school has been unable fo fill more than fifty per cent, of the applications received from busi ness men. Such is the confi dence the public has in that in stitution. Business mmi know tliov are getting just, the kind ofhclp *hev need and the best. that np-to-date methods in teaching and training can produce. The school is care ful to ascertain the prospective employer just what lie expects from the pupil. The college is just as careful to recommend on ly applicants as it feels confident can live up to t.hese expectations. All its students who become reasonably competent can read ily secure positions. The col lege makes no charge . to either the employer or applicant for its serviees in establishing a mutu ally satisfactory connection. The winter session opens Jan uary 1st. Desk room is reserved in the order in which appli cations for entrance are received. Those contemplating a course should tnakb arrangements ear ly. Statement of the financial Condition of THE BANK OF RURAL RETREAT, Incorporated lioi'ed hi. Rurnl in the Comity of Wythe, State of Vir^r aia at r.'ie oI<»s > of business November 26th, 1912, made to cue Stale Corporation Commission. RESOURCES. Loans ami Discounts .72,393 30 Overdrafts secured unsecured $35.2o . 35 30 Bmking House’and Lot. 3,l')0 00 Other Rsal Estate owned..4, M)0 00 Furniture and Fixtures... . 1,750 On Exchanges and chocks for next day’s clearings. 1,330 61 Dm frnra National Banks. . 14,757 37 Paper Currency—. 3,424 00 Fract onal paper c irrency, nickels a 11 c ;uts.. 17 34 Gold coin. . . .. 39 > 00 Silver coiu...... 322 30 $101,441 68 LIABILITIES. Capita’ stock paid in. ... $15,000 00 Surplus fund ...— •• . 6,6)0 00 Un livi la Iprodts, less amount p ii l for in'erasr, ex >euses an i t vx?s... ... .... 2,39' 46 Individual deposits, including saving deposits.S3,2 4* 4- 23 Time certiflcates of deposit . ... 7,705 98 Cashier’s checkB outstanding . . 587 16 Due to National Banks. ... ... 003 35 Reserved for teemed interest on cortilicates of deposit .. 177 6) Reserved for accurod taxes 129 o5 .$101,441 68 I, E. Marco Davis, cashier, do solemnly swear that thi above is a true sr.amment of the finan cial conditio i of The Bantt o' Rural, Retreat, Incorporated locate! at Rural Retreat, in the - County of Wythe, State of ViriciaW. at the close oAu.iuoss on the 2‘lth day of November 1011, to the best of my knowle 1?> and belief. E. MIRIM DlVId. :asuxail. Correct—Attest i WitFOAMMON, ) •Ino. L. BRDW 7, y Dire :ro is C.O. CATRON. ) State of Virginia, County of Wythe Swot i to an I subscribe 1 before me by K. Marco Davis, cashier, this 7th day of Dec 1012. L. H. Shumate. Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 211915, The National Banking Law requires National Batik to main tain a cash reserve of 15 percent of their deposits .Does not permit them to make excessive loans to one borrower. Rt quires them to make five times a year statements of re. sources and liabilities to the Comptroller of the Currencv. The tunds of the depositors <>t this bank are s 1 f- 511 trded by law, by the close attei tion -vhich an act ive directorate t>ives it affairs and by its resources of $140,000.00. The First National Bank, RURAL RETREAT, VA. CAPITAL - $35,000.00 Interest on Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent. ■ •<! ^ NtJ. 10061. ^ Report of the condition of the First National Bank at Rural Retreat. in the >t,ate. of Vir ginia, at t.'ae of bu.9iQ99B, Nov. 26th, 1912 Rf"(.ir»TT on fig*. Loans and Discounts . 75,870 50 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation .10,000 UO Other bjndi to secure Postal Savings,. ..I, 00 00 H >n Is, 3enr tins ate . ..._10 00 Biukinar -Ion<n. Firuitur*. aad Fixtures 2.130 77 Due from National B inks (not rosnrva agents) .. 29,956 30 • Due from aopr >v * l ftasarvo \areats. 12,711 62 Chocks m 1 ofclur O ish Ico ns. 2,‘>46 85 Notes of other NT iti ma' > lo ts_.. .... .95 Oil Fractional P unr ; Currency. Nickels ai l Cents .. .S3 59 Lawful MomtST litt'jmavw is IL^k, viz: Specie 3 43100 Les?at-ten ler notes 2,75 MU...6.231 oo Redemption fund with U. 6 Treasurer , (5 per cout of circulation) . 5o > oo mai.$ 140^648 69 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.$35,000 00 Un divide I Pro'its. less Expenses and Taxes paid.. 3,131 72 National Bank Notes outstanding ..... 10,030 00 Individual deposits subject to chock... 06,936 08 Time certificates of deposit_ 23,320 82 Cashier’s checks outstanding. 31 73 Liabilities other than those above stated 3,225 34 Total. $ 14 0^64869 State of Virginia. County of Wythe. I. L. R. Shumate, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. H. SHUMATE. Cashier. liORRKOT ATTEST: A B. Hendricks, i J S Etter t Directors »J S Brown ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th flay of Dec. 1912. E. M. Davis, Notary Public. If this circle is marked with a red pencil your time expires wi k next number; with a blue, time expires with this issue. Please do not make us cut you off. so send in money promptly. Honor Roll The following have renewed their subscription since last is sue : Mrs. Jno. W. Eiffert . E. H. Neff Mrs. Anna Kinder Rev, C. K, Miller D. D. Uir.bergor New Subscribers: W. B. M,eredith A. C. Hankla Geo. Painter Jno. W. Wilson W. E. Richmond For Hollins Goods see C. W. Hankla, all kinds of toys, dolls, wagons, books. Big assortment of china and glass ware. Nice line of package caudles suitable for presents. Nice as sortment of plain candies. All kinds of Fruits— Grape Fruit, Oranges. Malage Grapes, Figs, Raisii.s Nuls etc. Prices always right. Millions Of Rospt. Whereas, our brother, W. O. Neff, departed this life on Nov. 19th, and whereas, the wife of our brother, T. E. Sledd, was called away from earth on Nov. 22nd. Therefore be it resolved: 1st. That the members of Summit Lodge I. O. O. F. do ex tend to the families of the deceas ed their sincere sympathy in their sore distress. 2nd. That as a healer of their rorrows, they can find it only in the Saviour’s touch. 3rd. That these resolutions be spread on the records of our Lodge, and published iu the Ru ral Retreat Times. ( C. C. Catron. Committee - J. J. Harr. f J. H. Huffard. Wm. F. Gammon Pres. ]as. T. Prickett, V. Pres. Our Bank is a State Bank under the direct Supervision ot the State Corporation Commisssio.i of Va, to which Com mission we are required by law, to make and publish hve sworn statements annually, also at regular periods, we have thorough examinations by the Bank Examiner. Our stock holders are mad- up ot some oi the Ijest men (financially and otherwise) in this vicinity. As to the reliability and responsibility of this bank we are open at all times for inspection Thanking our friends and patrons for past patronage, and asking you to continue the same through 1913. We wish you all, a happy and orosperous New Year. The Bank of Rural Retreat, E. M. Davis, Cashier, C. W. Davis, A. Cashier XMAS GIFT Send your friend a magazine as a Christmas please them. Below are a lew of the magazines we have to about others. Ainslee’s $1.80 Both $2.00 American Agriculturalist $1.00 Both $1.75. American Boy $1.00 Both 1 65 Automobile, 3.00 r Both 3.20 Cosmopolitan 1.50 Both 1 95 Everybody’s 1.50 Both 1.95 Breeder’s Gazette 1.75 Both 2.05 Fruit Grower 1.00 Both 1.60 Good Housekeeping 1.5° Both 2 00, Harper’s Bazaar 1 25 Both 1.80 Ladies’ World, Modern Priscilla, Pictoral Times 3 50, all for 2 40, gift. It will 1 offer see us Times $1.00 Times $.100 Times $1.00 Times i.oo. Times i.ooi Times 1.00. Times 1.00 Times 1.00, Times x.oo Times f .oo Review