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RURAL RETREAT, VA., FRIDAY, JANUARYtlO, 1912. Q 'l* VOL. XXI NO 4‘i ESTABLISHED 1892 Mirk Jennie Lambert, of Rich mond, spent, several days with Mesdames A. B. Hendrick’s and W. G. Delp. Miss MaudeShaploigh, of Har risonburg Normal School writes her mother, Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, that Dr. Burris President of that Institution said: “write your friends of Rural Retreat not to miss the Schuberts quartet. Any town should feel honored to have this attraction. Program will begin at 8 :30 Sat. night 11 inst. ffestiiE Of Ton Comal. Tojjrn Council met Jan. 2nd, 1913. Members present, C. C. Catron, Chairman, W. F. Gam mon, H. L. Deboo, Jno. A. Buck and W, E. Richmond, proceed ings of former meetings were read and approved, Claims were allowed by the fi nance committee to the amount of $28.30. Treasurer reported amount of money on hand to date $1000.73. Mayor reported amount of fines collected Dec. 1912, 2.50. Council adjourned to meet Feb. 0, lDl'3. E. H. Buck, Clerk. Mrs. D. F. Dutton and daugh ter, Mrs. Bob Freeman and little son, of Neb., ware shop Ding in town Monday. We hear that Henry J. Hon* dasli ell, son of J as. E. Houda shell, of this place, was recently married and is now living in Na tick, Mass. Mr. lloudashell was in the ar my during the Spauish-Ameri ean War and saw service in both Cuba and the Fhillipiue Islands Later he was located at Port land, Mr. lloudashell rendering services in the artillery depart ment of the U. S. Army. Mrs. Joe Cormany is on the sick list. Mrs. A. B. Hendricks has been vijrht much indisposed for sever al days. Eiamatm | Midterm examinations begin | Jan 'll), in Rural Retreat High j School, Except the senior class all who, in any study, have made | a combined average on daily and te3t grades of 90 per cent and more, and have not been absent more than four days and whose deportment is satisfactory, are exempt from writing the regular examination on that study. To win exemption from these examinations, which cover four months work, is quite an honor, and it is eucour igiuy to both parents and teachers for pupils j to strive to merit exemptions. lyesBin Nate. The Schuberts, one of last season’s greatest popular success es, will be at the H. S. Auditor ium Saturday uight Jau. If. If you wish to hear something of high order, something that amuses refines and entertains, come out to this splendid attrac tion. Without a doubt some of the country’s best talent is repre sented in the Schuberts quartet. Seldom is a program given of such variety and of such excel lence. There will bs presented quar tets, Duets, Dramatic and Musi cal sketches in costume; Contral to, Baritone and Tenor Solos; Readings and Monologues. Get your tickets at once at C. W. Davis’ store Hero are pomo tilings said about those who are to entertain us Saturday night at the Audi-, orium. The Oliio State Journal com menting on Miss Coburn’s work before a large Columbus Au dience, 3avs: “Hor voice is of the same rauge and register as Madame Shuman’s Hoink’s,” Miss Conover rounded out her musical education in Berlin. Has sung aboard ship at a''con cern in honor of Secretary of War and had encomiums show ered upon her. The two gentlemen have receiv ed their education at Pennsyl vania College of Music and un der James Savage, of New York. They have had four season's of Lyceum work. You can’t afford to miss this rare treat. . Mrs, Jake Neff is visiting her son, Mack Neff. C W. Davis has sold his Gro cery store to Goo. W. Painter. In the future he will be associat ed with the Banjt of Rural Re treat as' Asst. Cashier and will also continue his Insurance and Produce business. Hotice. I have bought C. W. Davis’ Grocery business and will con tinue sgme at the old stand. I. expect to keep a first class just as cheap as they van be sold ■ for cash. Will be glad to run | 30 day accounts with all reliable parties. Hope you will co^e to see me. Yours very truly, Geo. W, Painter. If this circle is marked with a < red pencil your time expires- with next number; with a blue, time expires with this issiih* Mrs. Ed Neft and Miss Grace Baughman spent last Wednes day in Wytheville. Mrs. Geo. Baumgardner and little daughter-, Louise, and Miss Gecil Painter were in Pulaski last Friday. Jow-Baitaai The marriage of Miss Carrie Baughman, ono of the most, pop ular young ladies of this place, and formerly a member of the public school faculty and Dr. Jones, of Knoxville, Tenn., has just been announced, though the wedding took place on Nov. 30. Without divulging the se cret to any save the immediate family Miss Baughman met Dr. Jones at Bristol on Saturday, taking advantage of the holiday, and the ceremony Was perform ed. Mrs. Jones resumed her du ties in the school room without any one being the wiser and taught until the school closed for the holidays, when the wedding was announced much to tlfh sur prise ot her fiiends. Dr. Jones came here during the holidays and claimed his bride, who re turned to Knoxville withjhim fol lowed by the congratulation of many friends. A. B. HENDRICKS, Pres. J. W. BELL, Viee-PreSi THE KEY TO PROSPERITY is in the hands of the'tnau whoBe Hcoount is in this bank. We pro vide every facibty, andoffer every advantage modern methods- have developed* and solicit btieineeson ill* basis of benefiting depositors First KTational Bank. RURAL RETREAT, VIRGINIA. Capital ... Shareholders’ Liability SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS - $35,000 00 35,000.00 $70,000.00 United States Government Depository, L. H. SHUMATE'. Cashier. Wm. F. Garnmon) Pres. fas. T.. Pfickett, V. Pres. Our Bank is a State Bank under the direct- Supervision ot the State Corporation Commisss'iou of Va, to which Com* mission we are required by law, to make and publish five sworn statements annually, also at regular periods, we have thorough examinations by the Bank Examiner. Our stock holders are made up of some of the best men (financially and otherwise) in this vicinity. Asto the reliability and responsibility of this bank we are open at all times for inspection. Thanking our friends and patrons for past patronage, and asking you to continue the same through 1913. We wish you all, a happy and prosperous New Year. The Bank of Rural Retreat, i E. M. Davis, Cashier, C. W. Davis, A. Cashier ARGAINSI BARGAINS'! BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY THE ELEVENTH, THE PEOPLE OF THIS TOWN AND VICINITY WILL BE OFFERED AN OPPORTUNITY, the magnitude of which lias never been equaled i. this section, i„ which t0 slv8 money an the most staples, merchandise. We will put on stile on the above mentioned date Three Hundred Pairs of odd sizes and broken lines of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s SHOES, the values of WHICH ARE EQUAL TO ANY YOU HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO BUY AT FROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF 1 MORI! THAN THE PRICE THESE WILL BE OFFERED WHILE THEY LAST. These shoes will postively be offered at lion, 25 to 50 per cent, below first cost- We will hot conhne this unparalleled offer to shoes alone, bu! we will also have a great many other various articles ol merchandise on sale. These will include a big line ol Men’s Dress and Work Shirts, Remnants, Etc, Etc., which we must get rid ol in order to make room for our big line of Spring Goods. i *. • . «i. f •/ t. ©orne in and measure up our bargain ©ounter Dispfavj \0itf* t^is announcement and you wiH be convinced that this is positively the greatest money saving opportnnity you have ever had. Hr\l •v Don’t Forget the Date, and remember that this is the in which you will be able to save DOLLARS if you will but avail yourself of the opportunity, Yours to serve, ROY J. GORMANY * COMPANY. L:U