J. W. Maui-ill was in Wythe-;
ville Monday on business.
Mrs. Quo. Porter spent several
days at Crockett last week.
B, P. Jennings was a business
visitor in Wytheville Monday.
L. JI. Shumate Was in Wythe
ville last Friday on business.
t Miss Lula Arinbruater spent
Sunday and Monday at her home
at Wytbeville.
Miss Willie Dill man _ spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Musser, at Crockett,
Mrs* Mary Tibbs left Friday
, after spending some time with
Mrs. E. M. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Copen
haver are all smiles over the ar
rival of a son, Jau. 23rd.
Mrs. A.. J. Clark, of Crockett.
Was m town last Thursday Hav
ing some dental work done.
Miss Edna Lindsey was visit,
ing friends and rolati vesin Crock
ett the latter pirt of last week,
Samuel Housman, of Cre-ckett,
and daughter, Mrs. Jim Qox, ol I
Black luck, spent Tuesday with
Mrs. M. E. Vaught.
Miss Con 'Robinson leturned to
her home at Roanoke Sunday
morning after visiting at this
place for a week.
Miss Bessie Tophata, who is
teaching at Lambert’s school;
house, spent. Saturday arid Sun
day at her home in Wythe ville. I
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Baum- j
garclner, of Bristol, and family!
ily spent Sunday here the guests 1
of Geo. S. Baumgardner and the 1
Misses Baumgardner.
Miss Bessie Ourriii who has |
spoilt some limo with Miss Mao j
Oreinor left Wednesday*,; for horj
home iu Cal. She was accom- j
paniod as far as Marion by M»ss
Mae Greiner.
a Tuesday the local W. G.
I'. I', hid the honor ami pleas
are of having with them Mrs, II. J
M. Hoge, State Pres, of the W. |
. O. T. U.
In the afternoon Mrs. Hugo
visited our school and in her at-j
tractive way told something j
the work that has been, and i; !
being done by this grand organ- j
ization. She laid down special
stress on the importance of tem
perance being taught in all grades
in the school and urged the teach
ers to do this.
From 4:30 to 5:30, Mrs. W. H.
Sprinkle entertained , a number |
of ladies in Honor of Mrs. il ige. |
Those present Were: Mesaauv s :
R. H. Miller, T. W. Mustard, E. |
P. Scott, J. T Priojcot, E. M
Davis, E. C, Tarter, Rhodes,
Baughman, Dudley, KHanger,
Richmond, Head ricks and Misses
Maddox, Lea, Hoy, Cline and
Baumgardner. Mrs, Hoge made
an interesting and instructive talk
along the line of . work being
done,—“according to a plau,”—
and told us how much more good
our “mites” could do when sent
through tins channel than other
wise. The hostess served most j
delicious rel reshments. She war
assisted in serving by Mesdames
Dudley, C. W. auu R. 0. Han-j
The reception was greatly en ,
joyed by all present, in the ev
ening at 7.30 Mrs. Hoge delight
fully entertained a good sized
audience in the Methodist church
with a description of the trip of
the “White Ribboners,” Tem
perance meeting at Portland,
Ore. She told us of many things
that are being done to forward
this great work and which should
and does, encourage every one
who is fighting this terrible li
quor traffic. Our local, union
had 6 names added to the list,
May God speed the day when we
can call our beloved Virginia a
“dry” state.
Miss Ruby Steele, one of the]
popular teachers of Asbury High
School spent Saturday and Sun-;
day with, her parents, Rev. and |
Mrs. C. E. Steele at Wythoviile.
The Oivie (f/lnb met last Thurs
day for the annual election of of
ficers. A larger . number than
usual was in attendance and
much interest was shown iu
plans for future works A rum
mage. sale mentioned elsewhere
at length in tins issue was ar
ranged foi Sat Peh. 7th.
The Club voted to gi ve a note
§200.00 and a check for §75
to equip a labratory for the high
school. It, was a. matter of sat
isfaction. to the club members
that Prof. Bowers had no dilli
.culty in obtaining the endorse
ment of many substantial citi
zens and the Bank of Rural Re
treat gladly discounted the note.
During the past year the club
has raised over §400.00 and we
are glad to know that'our people
have faith in our works,
Tho officers for 1013 are: Presi
dent, Mrs. Iv. M. Ferguson. Vice
If resident, Mrs. W. E. Rich
mond. Treasurer, Mrs Ed Nell.
Sect. Mrs. W. W. Buck.
Executive Board, Mesdames
Oe >• Baumgardner, Lou fiankla,
Ed GhmAon and the officers of
the society.
\Ve appreciate the loyal sup
port, of our town and hope for
even -'stronger support and co-op
eration iu our future work for
tile school and Civic betterment.
Ate® To Wr S
Wythoville, V.i., Jan. .25 - A
dastardly attempt was m t lo to j
wreck the north bemad Wash
ib&t0ii'M«'mplus special at the
eastern eu 1 of tbo. litU>> ejif, east
of where thu old tank stood one
mile oast of WythoviUe, List
night. The would-be wreckers
use 1 a la-g.isaw-logchain, which
they wrapped ar mud the rail
two or three time • an 1 the i fas
toned the links with a piece ot
iron. The criminals know h. nv
to “throw" a train, for they pla
c-'-'d bh. > obstruction on a sb nrp
curve, at the high point on the
curve. Air. George Bathers, a
Well known resident of this vic
inity, who liv is only a few yards
beyond, the cat in question, had
Oaen to town and was returnig
home, walkin' oi the railroad,
whe i h > disQ.n ftfe l tin eb.hrae
tio i. Hi heard the Washing -
ton-.VI nnphis sp jcial coning i t
th ■ distance, so a • ran to a neigh
DO l y g.»«. M icb'l aui U ID l LVt'l
to Mr. Steve Souter’s an lphone 1
to the Wytheviile station to fl .ig
and hold the special until the
chain could be removed.
Mr. Slithers thou phonal
Sheriff Davidson, who took
tho blood hounds and went
at once to the sconce. The dogs
“took a trail” at,once, go ini' oat
to tho MoAdam road, them down
to the over head bridge aud then
up,tho railroad to the point from
which they they started. The piece
of chain used was about four feet
long. The Norfolk & W astern
sent a defective to Wytlieville
this morning, a Mr. Funk, who
has the case in charge. Several
parties are under suspicion. No
arrests have been made. Tho
general opinion in Wytlieville.
is that robbery was the object.
Just beyond where the chain was
placed is a deep till. The cul
prits evidently had in mind
throwing the train down this fill,
then robbing their victims. Sev
eral years ago two efforts were
made in two nights to wreck a
passenger train about one iriilo
west of Wytlieville. A negro
• named Grubb was arrested aud
tried for the attempt aud was ac
Miss Hattie Hopkins, of Gvose
close was shopping in town
great Bargains.
On February the fourteenth,
there will be held by the Civic
League of Rural Retreat, a rum
mage sale at Mr. Luther Baum
gardner’s Jewelry Store “The
Ark.” Great bargains will be
offered to everyone. Como ear
ly and have first choice. Sale
will open promptly at nine a. m.
All persons who have articles
for this sale will please see the
committee, Mrs. A B. Greiner
and Mrs. F. 33. Helms.
All who are interested in mak
ing a success of the rumage sale
which is to be held by the Civic
League will kindly send their do
nations to “the Ark” on Friday,
February 14.
Anything, such as clothing,
dishes, furniture, stoves, carpets,
rugs, etc., is earnestly solicited.
Those who desire that there
shall be on sale home made cakes,
doughnuts, cookies, candies, etc.
will kindly make it kuown to
Mrs. F. E.' Nelms or Mrs. A, B.
Greiner, the soliciting commit
The school fun 1 for the p>ty of
teachers in Black Lick District
is som*-.l,lung like Hi tee i hand red
dollars less this year Hi an usual,
due to tlie fact that the whole
e unity lost about twenty thou
sand J-'liars paid hr th iCu uber
lauil Corporation whoso office-e
uulil last, yea" have b)?n loc ite 1
at M. : x Mead >ws. This has en
tailed a distinct loss to Black
Lick Dial riot for teachers' salary
alone, of at least fifteen hundred
lo'lars. Ttie school b ) trcl will,
therefore, bo compelled to re quire
those schools of i.'ne district that
rim more thin five or five and a
half mouths to pay a simple neat
hi the way of a reasonable tui
tion for the remainder of the'reg
ular school terms, This is abso
lutely necessary for it is impos
sible tor the board to run. the
schools longer without the mon
ey. It has therefore b?en decid
ed that fifty cents a month, par
able in advance, will bo require 1
of all pupils iu Rural Retreat
(Traded School from the ssventh
grade - down, beginning March
the third. No ad Utioual tuition
in the high school dap mm mt
will be required as the high
school pupils are air >ady paying
a tin .-ion. or si -}y a month. 1 m ■
! i.r; in tlxe other achoois that de
sire a longer term the board
can pay for, will be adjusted ac
cording to local conditions.
The Rural Retreat High School
now receives annually from the
State four hundred dollars which
is entirely independent of the
district or the county fund for
school purposes. This spxjjal
aid is given to an y high school that
moots the Statu requirements as
to course of instruction and local
financial support and patronage.
The patrons of Rural R Treat
school cannot afford to let their
school term bo out down because
if the term is ro laced the State
aid can no longer be obtained
and this would seriously injure
the school both as to the main
tenance of its present course of
instruction and its standing as a
high school.
The school board desires to
give out this information now in
order that the patrons may .have
due notice of the situation.
Very respectfully,
The Black Lick School Board,
0. 0- Catron, Chairman,.
G. vV. j. Bharit'/, Sec’y.
Juo. L. Brown,
This Jan. T:;, Tilth
[f this circle is marked with a j
red pencil your time expires with !
next number; with a blue, time:
expires with this issue.
Batavia, 0., Jan. 35.—A baby !
boy was carried by parcels post I
on rural route No. 5 out of Bat- ;
avia today. The child weighing I
10J pounds and, carefully wrap
ped. was given by its parents,
Mr,; and Mrs. Jesse Beagle into i
the hands oi Vernon (). Lytle,
the carrier. He safely delivered
the “parcel” to the baby’s grand
mother, a mile away. The pos
tage was fifteen cents and the
“parcel” was insured for 850.
Examinations in Rural Retreat
Graded and High School closed
Tuesday January 31. with very
satisfactory results upon the
whole. #
There were a great ruttuy who
were exempt from the mid-term
examinations as to daily work
aud tests, attendance and deport
ment. All oi the pupils are
working harder this term and if
this good work is kept there will
be a much longer list of exemp
tions in the May examination
Nancy E. Leonard, wife of
Jacob Leonard, was born in
Smyth county, Fa., July 24,
18 30, and died Jan. g, 10i,3.
She was the mother of J. W.
Leonard and Rev. W, A. Leon
ard, members of Encampment
Lodge No. 44,1. O. O. F.
Sue lived to see more than S3
summers. The changes'of times
aud faces from, her girlhood to
death must have been many.
This aged mother seen tb e roses
bloom , and fade away summer
after summer, and the leaves
fall thick upon the ground.
She was a member of the M. E.
church South about 63 years ago.
Wo belioya her thousands of
prayers she prayotl since tho day
she joined tire church of her
youthful choice has been realized
to her fullest joy. She was laid
to rest by her husband, who was
a faithful Christian, What a
meeting in the skies has never
yet been told in her long stay on
east u.
one passed oy a .many taJLleu
castle of human beings.
We the members of Camp No.
-it, do most deeply sympathize
with our bereaved brothers.
Your mother has gone to heav
en. She is 11 ot no w like us, weep
ing. God lias taken from his
girdle, his great handkerchief,
and wiped away all tears from
her eyes; and we all may live
throughout the oeasless ages of
eternity in the light of our bles
sed Lord and with our friends,
in ‘that happy land of the soul,
far away. May all of her chil
dren, as they are called to cross
the river one by one, meet her
again in the skies.
Heaven and earth is hanging
in God's hands. Life and death
are awaiting his commands.
With the Christian alias bright.
Jesus said: “I go to prepare
you a place that where I am
there you may be also, .if it were
not so I would have told you.”
David said: “Whan I awake
with the likeness of the Lord I
sliall be satisfied.”
\ A. J. Buckley
Camp Com. \N. .1. Morideth
(P. J. Suavely,
A. B. KENDRiCKS, Pres.
i «*
J. W. BELL, VJce-Pres.
it you want a loan. Come and
talk it over with us. We extend
loan accomodations, at reasonable
rates of interst, on satisfactory se
curity hoc! resist von in every way
to secure the funds you desire.
Why not, carry a checking account
with this bankY You will tind it
very desirable.
c « c
jflarst Ptf atlonal Ba
Capitol „
Shareholders’ Liability
$35 000-00
United States Government Depository.
L. H. SHUMATE, Cashier.
with ample capital and surplus has in these two items
alone excellent assurance of stability. This
bank gives you this assurance.
But No Bank is Safer or Stronger Than
The Men Who Direct It.
This bank invites your most careful investigation.
Its officers and directors are successful
men of well known integrity and conservatism,
w. t'. Gammon
J. T, Frickett
Geo. A, Lambert
F. E. Nelms
C, C Cati-or:
Oden Neff
W. S. Lindsej
.Sno S RfMi-tt
E. M. Davist
Qeo. A. Lambert, President E. Marco Davis, Cashier
T, Prickett, Vice-President C. W. Davis, Asst. Cashier
We appreciate your business, whether large or .small,
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
to those who act as the local representatives of Everybody'S
Magazine and The Delineator—all in addition to liberal
commissions. Let us show you how you can
simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and
neighbors and collecting the renewals of our present sub*
scribers. Try lor THIS month’s prizes. There are lots of
prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns same
size as your own. Write at once to the
Butterick Pu blishing: Company
Butterick Buiiding, New York City.
frfr*$40$60 exHM^tv^SK'G o *FWK< £$$$440 i
(Blttractiye 3 arm S’*or 'Sale.
87 Acres, 5 Miles North of Wytlieville,
It has Two Dwelling Houses on it, and about 400 choice
Fruit Trees. About 60 acres cleared, balance in tim
ber. Most excellent, land for grass or grain, • Fences
in good condition.
Apply to us for Price and Terms.
South Western Virginia Land Agency,
’ Wytheville, Virginia.