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Newspaper Page Text
RURAL RETREAT TIMES Publ'shect every Friday muromit at RURAL RE TREAT. VA. —liy The TimeB Printing Company— DARA R. DOAK, Editor And Manager. N. OMAR DOAK, Assistant. Entered at the poet,office at Rural Re- j treat, ae second-class matter, Aug. 4. ' 1905 FRIDAY JANUARY 31 1913 Note—Each correspondent is held apouaible for the contents of his com munication. Triai subscription, three months, ‘25 cents If out of town send lc Btamps for the amount. To Advertisers. All persons having advertise ments on the 4th and oth pages must not have their copy in later thin nine o’clock on Saturday previous to publication. Thosoon the First and Eihth pages not later than Wednesday at 3 p. m. good sized adver tisement, 1) i g enough to look as if a firm were on the map and in the game, has j ust the effeot oil a business that is si ven to a mau by wearing good domes and presenting a brisk, alert and wideawake manner. It indicates prosperity, and suggests that a merchant has a good record ot having given satisfaction to the public, H, T. Harnsberger Testi fies Cousin of Capt. J. S. Harnsberger, of Harri sonburg, Too Weak to Wear Coat- -Could not. Speak Above Whisper Bear’s Emulsion Cured Him. John D. Boar, Etkton, Va. Dear Sir: Eight years ago I was a great sufferer from weak ness, weak lungs and pleurisy and coughed nightand day and raisod and expectorated a quart in 24 hours. I had as many as four or five night sweats in one night, my pulse would run as high as 140 and my temperature was about 103. I was so weak I could hardly walk to the diningroom. I had no appetite and everything I saw nauseated me. 1 couldn't stand the weight of my coat ou my shoulders, and could not speak above a whisper at times. I was in one of the best sanitariums in the South, but seemed to be growing worse every day and was about to give up whon a friend asked me to try Bear’s Emulsion. 1 did so and had ta ken it but two days when I be gan to improve. My appetite improved, and I felt stronger, I coughed very little, my lungs stopped hurting me and it was not long until I could walk two miles a great deal easier than I could walk around the sanitar ium before taking the Emulsion. 1 took 18 bottles and today I am a well man and owe a great deal to Bear’s Emulsion. Sincerely, G. T. Harnsberger. Anyouo who doubts the genu neness of this testimonial will please write to Mr. Harnsberger, at Elkton, Va,, who will take' pleasure in replying. Sold by Rural Retreat Drug Co NON BELIEVERS IN ADVER TISING i “There are men who do not be-1 lieve in advertising—good men j and wise, bat that signifies ' naught. It is but a brief while since many men believed that the earth was flat, but it was round all the time. The earth did not change its shape; men merely altered their views. The point of it all is that these are established facts in nature and belief or disbelief not change the facts. Suppose tor instance, you were to say “I do not believe in dark ness; I do not want darkness.’' Will it not grow dark tonight quite the sam9 as though you were heartily in favor of it? You may not like the telephone or typewriter or adding machine —thousands of persons do not— but these are established instru ments in today’s activities amt your feelings will not alter the facts. To reluse to use them stamps you as being behind the times, and competition with the man or business which does use them is no longer possible for the man or business which does not use them. The timo has passed forgiving serious attention to the man who does not beliove in advertising, Advertising is as much a part of today’s life as electricity, auti septic or trolly traction. The system under which he who has something to sell tells about it to those who do or should use it, is a proven, established, actual fact and no single fact has yet been whipped by an army of opinions.” The above extended quotation is taken from the chapter “To Non Believers” in a little booklet just issued by N. W. Ayer & Son of Philadelphia, entitled “The Ayer Idea in Advertising.” Aftorau experience of forty-three years in the advertising field, during which time the rise and fall of not only many advertis ing agencies has been noted but of many non-advertisers as well, the above conclusions are most weighty an l well worth the ser ious consideration of every busi ness man. This agency claims, and facts seem to justify the same, that it serves the largest number of ad vertisers as well as a number of the largest advertisers in this country; that it has more ac counts of various sizes and cov State of Ohio, oitv of Toledo, ) ss. L'icas County, 5 Prank ,T. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of P. J, Cheney & Co„ doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December A D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GDEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J CHENEY& CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pill for oonstipation, Adv. Wood’s Seeds For The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood’s Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD fr SONS, SE.E.DSME.N, RICHMOND, VA. era more kinds of legitimate commercial enterprise than any otner concern engaged insimiliar work. It is one of the pioneers in the advertising field and it has at the present lime, branches in fivo of Hie principal cities of the United States.—.Roanoke Even ing World. One man m a nundred reads a book; ninety-nine in a hundred lead a newspaper. Nearly a century ago, when the American press, which is now a spreading oak, was in its green twitr, Thom as Jefferson faid he woul l rather live in a country with newspa pers and without government than in a country with a govern ment and without newspapers, At the beginning of 1013 resolve to at least say a good word for your home paper. Those critical persons who class old Santa Claus as a mythe would bo closer to rhe truth by raukiug him among the sure thing doctors. His anti fat treat ment for pocket books has no rival on the market, A doctor has declared that walking is a tiresome exercise, and not especially beneficial. However, we never knew a man to have a puncture or burst a tire while he was walking. Most every town around us seems to be “done up” by chick en thieves. Wish they would tackle our neighbors’ hen roosts and brighten our garden pros peels. Professional Cards M. C. HUDDLE Attorney at Law, Rural Retreat, ------ Va. Office over The Bank of Rural Retreat E. LEE THINK EE attorney at law, Money to Loan. Surety on Bonds Office over farmer's Bank. WYTHEVILLE - - - VA " THOMAS STHOMAS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Money to Loan. Farms for Sale. OFFICE >n Browning Building. Wytheville. Va. H- M. HE USER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW \ Wytheville, Virginia. OFFICE ia Spiller Building. Will Practice Io All THE COURTS, CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. E. L. ADDINGTON, Pastor. Preaching every first. 8unday at. 11 a. m., and second Sunday night Sunday School every Sunday at9:3o J. H. WILSON. Supt. Prayer-meeting Wednesday 7 p. m.. with stud ieB iu the Gospel of St. John Junior League meet,9 at. 2pm each Sunday. Everybody cordially invited to al of these services LUTHERAN REV. G. H. RHODES. Pastor Preaching every second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 :3o p. ra. Sunday Schoo every Sunday at 9:45 J. J. HARR, Supt A oordial invitation to all to attend these services PP.ESBYTERIAN. REV, M. M. MoFERRIN, Pastor Preaching every 3rd and 5th Sunday mornings and night Sunday School at 9:45, C. E. GAMMON, Supt SECRET SOCIETIES MT. AIRY LODGE NO. 226. Ancient Free /NrNand Accepted Masons hold their stated communications on the second Saturday night in each month at 7 :3o p m Visiting bretheren, in good standing, always welcome W. H. SPRINKLE, w. M J. H. WILSON. SECRETARY Summit Lodge No. 168 I. O. O. F. Meets on the first and third Saturday nights of each month. Odd Fellows in good standing from other Lodges always welcome J. H. HL'FFARD N, 0. J. J. Harr,Secy i' m- « >:j HS> :ssj fesa Hs£“ Frc; >, f‘;Piii> Ott*?sntc*u ; Pleat !'•. < ry f.o winner Plant evp nUU'f-t i Bunerit»f <»( t:i Ofri FOR 10 GfTN~?5 ■\ <> will sent! posfpnil • ■ r r h ... wo wx-' u. pJ.e. 10 !‘»y " ii.i jAg. Sp ‘rrr i.fcf* Un: !.i r - v> v a! ('> *'»>»•■*«• Vari«tic* t'Wulct* r In»;** Reduce The High Cost of Liviai Save the Middleman’s Profit From Manufacturer Direct To You Your Money Refunded If Not As Represented. Your Wife and her worries, you should worry about; lighten her labors and brighten your home with the wonderful SWEEPER VAO The Original Sweeper Type Vacuum Cleaner, U. S. Patent No. 996810 protects every customer. We are going to put 100,000 of these wonderful sweepers into 100,000 homes. This is our way of advertising. We want 100,000 silent salesman. We will sell everybody in your locality a sweeper, after they see yours as it thoroughly' cleans floors, rugs, carpets—anything, everything—just by rolling it over the surface, the same as the old-fashioned carpet sweeper. IT IS A HIGHLY PERFECTED VACUUM CLEANER. Will Last For Years. We realize these are broad statements to make, but ‘‘Sweeper-Vac’’ the original sweeper type vacuum cleaner will do all that we say it will do, and it carries a JVtON EY BACK GUilRATITEK. We intend to reach every nook and cranny of this great land, and to do so we, 1 he Manufacturers Co-operative Co., and The Rural Retreat Times offer you this greatest of all labor, health and money saving household device, including a 3 year’s subscription to The Rural Retreat Times for nine dollars and fifty cents ($9.50.) For further particulars call, phone or write THE RURAL RETREAT TIMES, Rural Retreat, Va. “Do You Spank Your Baby?” Babies are good wh~n they are comfortable, and yoit must soothe their delicate nerves, Follow the example of wise mothers and give them Dr. FAHRNEY’S TEETHING SYRUP The standard American remedy for infant complaints. Prevents Cholera Infantum, cures Constipation and Colic, makes Teething simple and 'afe. 35 cents at druggists. Trial bottle free if you mention this paper. Made only by DRS. D. FAHRNEY & SON, Hagerstown, Mo. See us for Prices Oa JOB WORE