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Mrs. H. H. Bridges spent Sat urday in Wythaville. All kinds of laces and ham* burgs at Hendricks, ready for your early sewing. • B. J. Huddle continues ill at! his home east of town. Now is the time to do your white sewing. Get your laces etc. at Hendricks. Mrs. E. C. Eversole is visiting in Pulaski and Austinvilte. Have you seen the pretty new Ginghams etc., at Hendrick’s, J. T. Fulcher is moving into the T. S. Buck property. Spray now. This is the time. Use Rex lime and sulphur, sold only by Rural Retreat Drug Co. Rhea Netf, son of R. 0. Neff, has appendicitis, but is improv ing. See Dix & Clark’s add this week. , Mrs. J.uo. Phillippi spent sev eral days in Max Meadows this week. We have new poods coming in now. Come and inspect the stock. Dix & Clark, Crockett, Va. Z. M. Neff is improving- his property by putting a nice porch to his resiueuce. We have the well-known Kabo Corset. It fits and satisfies. Don’t forget the name “Kabo.” Dix & Clark, Crockett, Va, P. A. Copenhaver continues Very ill at his home on the rock road. Whon in town come in and let us explain the Sharpies Separa tor to you. J. K. Duck & Co. Mr, and Mrs. R. 0. Jiauk'a are spending this week in Blue field. Dr. W. W. Buck left Sunday night for New York, where he will take a course in medicine. Just received full line of La (dies dress goods, come in, take a rfteep. J. K. Buck & Co. Mr. Crumbpacker was in town Monday in the interest of “The Mother State Canning Co.” J. W. Eiffert, who is working in Roanoke, spent a few days with homefolks last week. All members ot the “Book 'Club” are requested to meet at the office of the Bank of Rural Retreat, Friday at 4 P. M. Mrs. H. C. Tarter and Miss Blanche Staley spent Thursday with Mrs. B. C. Huddle. Mrs. M. E. Vaught and daugh ter, Miss Sal lie, speut Saturday and Sunday in Wytheville and Max Meadows. Mrs. James Heldreth and son, Harry, of West Va., are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Frank Wilson. Do not think hard ot ns for having so many adds this week. Jump on the advertisers for that. Any one having last years Club Book, “At the age of Eve” ■will please bring same to the Bank of Rural Retreat, at once. Don’t forget the entainment at the H. S. Auditorium Satur day night. “Scenes at a Union Depot” Saturday night in the H. S. Au ditorium. Don’t forget that load of wood you promised us. We . need it right now. Dr. Henry L. Smith, president of Washington and Lee Univcr versity will make an address hero before the high school next Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. All the patrons and friends of the school are invited to cpmo out and hear this address. Dr. Smith is one ef the ‘most able speakers in the State, v. Death 01 Mrs. Hi. Mrs. J. P. Neff died very sud denly at her home with her dau ghter, Mrs. O. K. Harris, near this place Sunday. The funeral service took place at the late home Monday morning at LI o’clock and was conducted by Rev. Addington, The burial was at Pleasant Hill graveyard in that section of the county. She left two daughter?, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. E. Q. Sprinkle also by one brother, R. B. Hedrick for merly of this place. Roy J Oorraany was in Bris tol Monday on business. Jas. E. Houdashell; pure bred Single Comb Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching; Rural Retreat, Va. 1-31-12. Brown Kinder spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kinder, and left for his home on No. SO Sunday night. Now is the time for white sew ing. Get your material at Hen drick’s. Harvey Kinder was in town Saturday after being confined for sometime. We are glad to see him out again. We are just in receipt of T, W, VV ood & Sous, seed and flow er catalogue, ot Richmond, Va., and return many thanks for it. Send and get you one today. Rev. A. B. Brooks will give a Bible Lecture at Fulton church Friday nighi March the 7th. A complete line of Hamburgs and laces, for early sowing at Hendrick’s. Mr. Mills, foreman for The Mother State Canning'Co., has moved into the Ghas. M. Ei.ter property in the west end of town. Work was begun on the factory Monday of this week. Everyone will be glad to know that this new enterprise has been added to our all ready progressive little town. Come in and see our line of “Queen Quality” and “Packard” shoes. J. K. Buck & Co. We handle the latest patterns in community silver; guaranteed 50 years. Also pocket cutlery. Our prices cuunt. Rural Retreat Drug Co. Round-Trip Fares to Washing ton, D. 0., Via Norfolk & Wes tern Railway. Tickets on sale March 1, 2 and 3, limited to March 8, 1913. In addition to regular train service, and to accomodate many who wish to spend only one day iMarch 4th) in Washington, a special train of coaches and sev eral sleeping cars will leave Bris tol 3:30 P. M., March 3rd, stoo ping at principal stations, via Shenandoah Valley and B. & (). arriving Washington early morn ing of March 4th, Returning, will leave Wash ington 12 midnight March 4th. Rates and additional informa tion upon application to Agents N. & W. Ry. W. B. Bo villi, Passr. Traf. Mgr. W. C. Saunders, Gen. Passr. Agent, Roanoke, Va. Mrs. James Kinder is very uwucli improved, after being con fined for six weeks. Willow spriEi Farm Rural Retreat Va. I am offering about twelve head of young horses for sale, coming two and three years old. Will pi ice them worth the money. A. B. Hendricks, Prop. e __1 J. O. Croft spgnt last Friday and Saturday in Coviugtou, Va., on business. Use Rexall Family Remedies. A remedy for each ailment. Guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or your money refund by us. Rural Retreat Drug Go. The Rexall Store. Messrs. A. B. Houdricks, L. H. Shumate and J. S. Etter spent Sunday in Abingdon tiie guest of J. W. Bell. We have.always noticed that the farmers who plant D. M. Ferry & Co’s, cabbage seed al ways have cabbage for sale. You can get them from A. B. Hen drick’s. Mrs. Juo. P. Davis, of Grose close, spent one day last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Davis, who continues ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Liud sey. Rural Retreat High. School C, L, S, and V, L, & February 22, 0 P, M, PROGRAM PART I. Chorus ' - Old Glory Revered on Every Strand Duet - * Polka Brillianie * - Van Raalte Maude Hounshell and Mattie Groseilose, Declamation - 'Examples ot our Forefathers, - Paul Brown Duet • - - Forget Me Not, - » Martaine Beulah Mae Cornett and Lawrence Davis Recitation - Tribute to Washington, - Grace Buck Duet - - - Sizilietta, - - - f on Blon Sarah Hawkins and Mrs. Hayes Declamation - Character of Washington, - Herman Wyrick Solo - * Wandering Jew, - - BurgmUller Myrtle Jennings Recitation • Glory of Washington, * Nannio Huffard Duo - - Grande Marche Tnumphale, - • Kuhe Nannie K. Spence and Mamie Hudson Uncle Sam and Mexico, - Mercer Williams and Chas. Baughman Duet - 11 Travatore Neva Sharitz and Lizzie Hudson Chorus.My Dream of the U. S. A. Recitation • The Grave of Washington - Bertie Fisher Duet - - Cavalry March, - i Hompesch Annie Porter and Lillian Fulcher PART II. SCENES AT A UNION DEPOT A Play of Thirty Eight Characters Proceeds for Benefit of the School. If tliis circle, is marked with a blue pencil your subscription has expired with this issue. Kindly renew at once. You Mod. OM Men. Watch for date winch will be ; some time in March. That we : expect to have The Inter-Stale ; Tailoring man, of Balto , with us for a three days opening. He will fit and please you wilh the latest and most snappy spring j clothing. Dix & Clark, Crock-j ett, Va. Rev. Addington is holding a revival at Atkins this week. Look at John S, Dix*s add this w eek. 8000 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants for sale cheap. Apply at Times Office. * -? Sctal Inspection in Oranp Is Bajifllj Boms Complete! Richmond, Va., February 19, 1913. (Special.) Reports re* ceived today at the State Board of Health indicates that the med ical inspection of the Orange county public schools, which has been in progress for two weeks, is rapidly being concluded. Most of the schools have been visited and a few more days will suffice to inspect those which have not yet been reached. The results of this inspection, which are being awaited with much interest, will be prepared in statistical form and will be is sued by the United States Bu reau of Education for the infoi* malion of school authorities throughout the country. tie Boy Whs Will Be Famous. Somewhere in the United States is a young fellow between fifteen and twenty, who is making the most of the small opportunities that come to him day by dav, little thinking that he will be President of the United States thirty or forty years lienee. Somewhere among us is the youth, yet obscure, who will be chief of staff of the United States army, or perhaps full admiral in our navy, of president of a great railway system or other indus try. Who knows but one or more of these will get some in spiration from the series of ar ticles on “The Making of Men,” to be contributed to The Youth’s Companion during 1913? There will be “The Making of a Law yer,” by Governor Harmon of Ohio; “The Making of a Minis ter,” by Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts; “The Making of a Seaman,” by Admiral A. T. Mahan, U. S. N.; “The Making of a Journalist,” by Talcott Wil liams, director of the Pulitzer; School of Journalism; “The Mak ing of an Inventor,” by Hudson Maxim; “The Making of a Hoc tor,” by William M. Polk, M. D., clinical lecturer in three great medical colleges; “The Making of a Business Man,” by Theodore N. Vail, president of the Wes tern Union Telegraph Company. This is only a small part of the contents announced for the fifty two issues of 1913—tbe equal of thirty bound volumes of the best reading, all for $3.00, or loss than four coats a week. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, 144 Berkely St.( Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. • ••• A. B. HENDRICKS, Pres. J. W. BELL, Vice-Pres, SIGN IT HERE if you need tnoney. Bring your list of securities here and we will look it over and tell you how much we are prepared to lend you on it. Any loau accommodation within our power we are triad to extend to business people or individuals on proper security. Have you considered the advantages of carry 'ng un account here. First National DSa.xi.1s. RURAL RETREAT, VIRGINIA. CaP'lal - - - $35 000 00 Shareholders’ Liability - - 35,000.00 SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS - $70700000 United States Government Depository. L. H. SHUMATE, Cashier. Bank of Rural Retreat with ample capital and surplus has in these two items alone excellent assurance ot stability. This bank gives you this assurance. But No Bank is Safer or Stronger Than The Men Who Direct It. This bank invires your most careful investigation, Its officers and directors are successful men of well known integrity and conservatism! Directors: W. F. Gammon J. T. Prickett Geo. A. Lambert F. E. Nelms C. C, Catron Oden Neff W. S. Lindsey Jno. L. Brown E. M. Davis Officers* Geo. A. Lambert, President E. Marco Davis, Cashier J. T. Prickett, Vice-President C. W. Davis, Asst. Cashier We appreciate your business, whether large or small. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. There’s a Right and a Wrong Way to Everything. THE RIGHT WAY TO BUY CLOTHES IS TO HAVE THEM MADE FOR YOURSELF AND THEN YOU’RE SURE ABOUT IT. YOU’RE SURE ABOUT THE FABRIC, THE STYLE AND THE WORKMANSHIP, THAT IS IF YOU ORDER TAYLOR TAILORING. WE ADVISE IT AND RECOMMEND IT AS the FIN* EST IN AMERICA. . JOE K. BUCK * COMPANY