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VOL. XXI NO* 49 ESTABLISHED I892~ RURAL RETREAT, VA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913. Dr. Portor in in Washington City this week on business. We have all colors of Calcimo —tlio best wall coating on the market. The Drug Store. J. C. O. Fitter has bought the farm of J. C. Lundy, north of Marion. Don’t foi’get the enlainment at the H. 8. Auditorium Satur day night Born to Mr and Mrs. E. C. powers, a tine boy. . Don’t forget that load of wood you promised us. We need it right now. Miss Bertha Tei,f,y, of Wythe ville, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Nannie Huiiard. It’s time to paint— and the place to get your paint is at the Drug Store. They have the best there is—Hanna Green Seal. Paint brushes, too. Prof. Laymen, Principal of Max Meadows Hivh School, spent Saturday night and Sun day with Prof. Bowers. We have the well-known Kabo Corset. It fit3 and satisfies. Don’t forget the uam^ “Kabo.” Dix & Clark, Crockett, Va, Miss Mabel Qroseclose who is teaching at Wytheville, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. W. W. Buck. Whoa iu town come in and let us explain tlio Sharpies Separa tor to you, J. K. Buck & 0o. Mrs. Cora Blackard, of Crock ett, spent several days with Z. M. Neff and family. Just received full line of La dies dress goods, come in, take a peep. J. K. Buck & Co. Miss Mae Snavely, ot Crockett, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Merton Neff. All kinds of laces and ham burgs at Hendricks, ready for your early sewing. Ifciss Ethel Hankla left Satur day for Lynchburg and N. C., where she will visit for some time. Now is the time to do your white sewing. Get your laces etc. at Hendricks. Miss Mary Margaret Brown who is aPeudiugaohool at W y the ville spent several days at home. Have you seen the pretty new Ginghams etc., at Hendrick’s, Cn Wednesday Feb. 14, 1913, Mr. J. C. Fuller and Miss Pearl May Harmon were married by Bev. C. K. Miller. We have new goods coming in now. Come and inspect the slock. Dix & Clark, Crockett, Ya. Mrs. Simon Steffey died at her home near Crockett last Friday morning at six o’clock. She was about 45 years of age. The bur ial took place at Bethany church in that neighborhood Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. What is it you want? Give Hendricks a trial, we think you will find is there. Prices bight. A. A. Tibbs, of Fontaine, Va., stopped off with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Houdashell Friday night on the way to Marion. Don’t miss getting a dress off one off of those beautiful Voile flounciugs at Hendricks. J. Clyde Croft lest Tuesday for Covington, Va., where he lias purchased a drug store, having sold his interest here to Mr, A. H. Price, and extending his good will to all their former custom ers. We are sorry to lose Dr, Croft as one of our citizens, but we wish him all success in Coving ton. Tho Drug Co., wish to thank their customeis for their patron age in the past, aud ask tor their business in the future. Dsath Of Mr. CjpIiyst. Mr. Pearson Copenhaver hied at his home not far from this place Saturday morning, being in his 70th year. The funeral took place st Fulton church at 11 o’clock Sunday and the burial was at Kimberling. Rev. Ad dington conducted the funeral service. Besides his wife, four children survive, namely: Mrs. Goo. Miller, of Pulaski county, Miller, Pearl and MissJLizzie Co penhever. The deceased was married twice. _ Jas. E. Houdasliell; purebred Single Comb Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching; Rura1 Retreat, Va. 1-31-12. We can now please the most fastidious. We have just receiv ed a beatiful line of Ratines, Voiles, Charmuse, Repp, Poplin, Chuddah, Serge, Linens, Ramie Linens, etc. Also a complete line of notions and dress trim mings. Don’t go and order your dress goods, you will find our prices right. A. B. Hendricks. Coafve Fur Station In The South. On April 15-18 a great meet ing, known as the Conference fnr Education in the South, will be held in Richmond. This meet ing will bring together hundreds of the leading people of the South ern States, as well as a large num ber from other sections of the country. There will be discussions on the educational ami industrial problems of the youth, and some ot the greatest speakers of the nation will deliver addresses on such subjects as: Co-operation Among Farmers, The Country Ctmrcli, Good Roads, Rural Credits and Sanitation. Governor Wm. H, Mann has written the governors of all the Southern Stares inviting them to send delegates to the meeting. Not only are educators invited to attend but it is hoped that farm ers, business men, and preachers from every county in the State will come to this great meeting. The railroads have decided to give special rates for the occa sion. Kills In Mem. Roanoke, Va., Feb. 2-itli. Geo. Joyce, formerly of Danville was shot and killed by Austin M. Dillman in the latters home this morning about six-forty o’clock. Undue inti mac y with Dillman’s wife, who was Miss Lena Ayers, is alleged to be the cause ot the killing- Joyce secured a room at the Dillman home about two months ago. This morning Dillman, who is a painter in the Norfolk & Wes ! tern shops, started osteusiby for his work but returned in a few minutes. He found his wife in Joyce’s room. Joyce was notifi ed to stand still and he would not be shot, but not heeding the ad monition he made a dive for his pistol when Dillman began firing. He shot three times and Joyce staggored into the hall aud fell. Dillman laid his revolver on a drosser and walked straight to police headquarters, where he re lated the circumstances and sur rendered. He was locked up pending an investigation by the coroner. Joyce’s body was removed to an undertaking establishment, where an autosy will be held this afternoon. Joyce was abont twenty-one years old, and is said to be di vorced from a wife residing in Danville. Dillman and wife were mamodm January, nineteen and eight. ! On last Wednesday, Feb. 19 1913, Mr. Everett Cormany am Miss Lillie Copenliaver drove tc Wytheville where they wen quietly married by Rev. Steele. Their many friend wish then all the joys of a wedded life. Saturday afternoon and nigh; we will show nix reels, tliref Haud (Jolored and threo blact and white. One of the best shows you will have the opportunity ol attending, beginning at 3 o’clock Saturday March 1st. Mystic Theatre. 8000 Frost Proof Cabbag* Plants for sale cheap. Apply ai Times Office. Frank Brown is improving some now, we are glad to state. Willow Sprint Farm Rural Retreat Va. I am offering about twelve head of young horses for sale, comiug two and three years old. Will puce them worth the money. A. B. Hendricks, Prop. Dr. J. M. Brown Is right much indisposed. The Methodist Missionary So ciety will meet with Mrs B. P. Jennings Thursday, March Oth at 2:3d o’clock Please come out to this meeting if you can possi bly do so. Plan ahead for it as you would for other things and see how easy it will bo to attend every meeting. Use Kexali Family Remedies. A remedy for each ailment. Guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or your money refund by us. Rural Retreat Drug Go. The Rexali Store. Hugh Buck, of Bristol, was visiting his sister, Mrs. G’. W. Davis last week. We have always noticed that the tanners who plant D. M. Perry & Go’s, cabbage seed al ways have cabbage for sale. Yon can get them from A. B. Hen drick’s. A. B. Horn!ricks was in Wytlie vilie Wednesday on business. Notice. Notice is hereby givon that the co-partnership “heretofore exist ing bdtweeu J. C, Croft and A. H. Price, under the firm name ot Rural Retreat Drug Co., doing business at Rural Re treat, Va., has this day dissol ved by mutual consent. J. C. Croft is now retired trom said firm aud business. But tho said A, H. Price will continue the business at the same place and under the same name. Tho in side business is now being con ducted by a Registered Phar macist. Feb. 20, 1913. Mrs. Arthur Calhoun, of Groseclose, was shopping in town Tuesday. Now is the time for white sew ing. Get your material at Hen drick’s. A complete line of Hamburgs and laces, for early sewing at Hendrick’s. Come in aud see our line of “Queen Quality” and “Packard” shoes. J. K. Buck & Co. ww—awwr*-,*' SEEDS BUCKBES'S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER Mate to Solid Sew Business. A trial will' rua&aycm our permanent customer. Prize Collection varieties! Let-1 , ■ • Care, 12 kinds; Tomatoes. ' ' 11 tlie finest; Tarelp, T; Onion, s best varie ties! 10»prinf.«iowerlng Bolb.—c4 varieties In all. GDAHAMTEEO TO PLEASE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. If this circle is marked with a blue pencil your subscription has expired with this issue. Kindly renew at once. Rev. J, B. Greiner will hold services in Pleasaut Hill church Sunday at LI o’clock. We handle the latest patterns in community silver; guaranteed 50 years. Also pocket cutlery. 1 Our prices count. Rural Retreat ' Drug Co. Today’s Magazine is the lar gest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciates a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, Today’s Mag azine, Canton, Ohio. Resolutions 01 Rsspnct. Whereas, it has pleased our heavenly father to remove by death, Mrs. Emily E. Dutton, mother of our beloved brother, J. Wylie Dutton. Therefore bo it resolved: 1st, That we, the members of Summit Lodge No. 168, bow in humble submission to him who doeth all things well aud who makoth no mistakes, 2nd, That wo extend to our be loved brother and mourning friends, over whom sorrow has hung her sable mantle, our heart telt condolence, and pray that infinite goodness may bring speedy relief to their burdened hearts and inspire them with the consolation that hope in futurity and faith in God give even in the shadow of the tomb. 3rd, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent our bereaved brother, bespread upon the min utes of our meeting and be pub lished in The Rural Retreat Times. f C. C Catron Committee ■] L W. Baumgardner ( G. P Keener, TRACE MARK THE BEST REMEDY For all forma of RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Scat, Neural gia, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh and Asthma “6-DROPS” STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Relief It stops the aches and pains, re lieves swollen Joints and muscles act3 almost like magic. Destroys the exocss urio acid and is Quick, safe and sure in its results. No other remedy like it. Sample free on request. SOLD DY DRUGGISTS One Dollar per bottle, or Rant, pre paid upon receipt of price if not t obtainable In your locality, SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. k 163 Lake Strait CMeage ^ANSONPtTb pr Bask Remedy for ' Constipation,Sick Hoidacfct) Sour Stomach, Belch sit* and Liver Troubles. 330 Per Sox at liriigsists, ague, piles, PiMPLES, SCALDS, KKJHS, WBIIIDS, SALT R!!£UH, RIKQ WORM, Els., (juteily healed by using the 5* DROPS’* SALVE SSs Pit Boy ai Druggists QUICKLY HEALED A. B. HENDRICKS, Pres. > J. W. BELL, Vlce«Pre8. { ] SIGN IT HERE % if you need money. Brin* your l lisf, of securities here and we will • look it over and tell you how much • we are prepared to lend you on it. • Any loan accommodation within • rur power we are glad to extend • to business people or iudividuals • on proper security. Have you • considered the advantages of carry • 'ng an aooount here. • First National Banls. RURAL RETREAT, VIRGINIA. Shareholders* Liability - $35,888.00 SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS - $70,000700 United States Government Depository. L. H. SHUMATE, Cashier. Bank of Rural Retreat with ample capital and surplus has in these two items alone excellent assurance of stability. This bank gives you this assurance. But No Bank is Safer or Stronger Than i The Aten Who Direct It. This bank invites your most careful investigation. Its officers and directors are successful men of well known integrity and conservatism. ' Dire otors s W. F. Qammon J. T. Prickett Geo. A. Lambert F. E. Nelms C. C. Catron Oden Neff W. S. Lindsey Jno. L. Brown E. M. Davis Officers: Goo. A. Lambert, President E. Marco Davis, Cashier J. T. Prlckett, Vice-President C. W. Davis, Asst. Cashier We appreciate your business, whether large or small. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. The Rural Retreat Water Mills. I will offer to the highest bidder on APRIL 5, 1913 my Twenty-Five Barrel Water Power Rolller Mill, with up to-date machinery. Buckwheat Mill, Corn and Chop Mills, Com Shellers, etc. All in good shape, and running every day. This mill is only TWO MILES FROM STATION, in the best Wheat Section of our country. Fine custom and trade center. Call and see what I have. Sale Will begin at f p. m„ at Mill, Terms to Suit Buyer. E. P. SCOTT, FOR E. P. SCOTT & BRO,