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RURAL RETREAT TIMES Published every Friday morning at RURAL RETREAT. VA. —Ry The Times Printing Company— D\R \ R. DOAK, Editor And Manager. N. OMAR DOAK. Assistant. -U-l'.-1.— " --- --- -- Entered at the poetortice at Rural Re treat, as second-clues matter, Aug. 4 1905 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 1913 Note—Each correspondent it nel f sponsible for the contents of his com municat.ion. Triai subscription, three months, 2o cents If out of town send lc stamps for the Bmopnt.___ The subscription price is $1.00 pHr year IN ADVANCE.' arid whenever the time expires to which h subscription is pitid, it will be discou'inued. The Postal Daws requiies this, and we must onmply wit.h them in ordei t,o get the booelit of the postage rates otherwise the One Dollar would not much more than pay the postage. To Advertisers All persona having advertise ments on lire 4th and 5th pages mnst not have their copy in later than nine o’clock on Saturday previous I o publication. Those on the First and Edith pages not later than Wednesdav at 3 p. m. Here is another method of computing interest on any num ber of dollars at six per cent, which appears simple. Multi ply any given number ot dollars by the number of days of inter est desired, separate the right, hand figure, and di vide by six, the Result is the true interest for such sum for such number of days at six per ceut. This rule is so simple and so true, accord ing to all bnsiness uses, that ev ery banker, broker, merchant or clerk should post it up for refer ence. There being no such thing as a fraction in it, there is scarci - ly any liability to error or mis take. By no other ai ithematical process can the desired in (urina tion be obtained bv so few fig u res. ( ntarrli Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as *hey cannot reach the sent of the d.seas e Catarrh is a blood or constitutional cie, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catairh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years and is a regular presonp tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined witn .he best blood purifiers, acting directly on tne mucous eurfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such woudeiful results ill curl, g ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, fiee K. J CHENc.Y& t O , Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pill for cons ipaticn Adv. nicrobes in Your Scalp Authorities say that a microbe causes baldness, if you are losing balr try our remedy at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, and Dr. Sabouraud, the great French Dermatologist, claim that a mi crobe causes baldness, and their theory has been verified by eminent scientists. This microbe destroys the hair follicles, in time causing the scalp pores to close and the scalp to become shiny. Then, it is believed nothing will revive the growth. If treated before this occurs, baldness may be overcome. We know of nothing that has given such universal satisfaction in treating the scalp and hair as Rexall "93" Hair Tonio. It has'been de signed after long study to overcome the cause of falling hair as discovered by Prof. Unna, Dr. Sabouraud and other scalp and hair specialists, and we believe it will do more than any thing else can to remove dandruff and stop falling hair; and if any human agency can promote a new growth o* hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Rexall "93” Hair Tonio used dur ing a trial, if you will use it ac cording to directions, and are not thoroughly satisfied. When we will do this, you surely should not hesitate to at least try it. Start the treatment today. You» mere request will get your money back if you want it. Two sires: 50o and *1.00. You can buy Rexall “93” Hair Tonio 4b this community only at our store: RURAL RETREAT DRUG CO. *Re£e«t «• Virginia urea* pnwuu. 13 « uuwou. Jtejuedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— #&ch especially designed for the particular 111 4PT which it is recommended. ||» H—fH Stor«< are America's Croatset Pruj? Stores And ’hit a rainin The New York Sun is throw ii g tils ivti I lie probable up pointment oi Mr, Brjau at sec. retary of State. But nobody seems to | ay much heed. If the man who lakes up the whole seat in the car while some ledy else stands, will try the plan of sharing his seat with someone else, he will be surp"is (dlo find how much more com fort a hie liis seat, will become. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles tnd how to relieve them. Don’t neglect indigestion, for it may lead to all sorts of ills and com plications. An eminent physician Once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their origin in a dis ordered stomaoh. Our experience with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be one of the moat dependable remedies known for indigestion and chronio dyspepsia. Their ingredi ents are soothing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. Rich in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine, the relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short, time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomaoh disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help Insure healthy appetite, aid diges tion. and promote nutrition. As rvidenoe of our faith in them, we ask fou to try them at our risk. If they flo not give entire satisfaction, we will return the money you paid us without question or formality. Three uses, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00, You nan buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablet* (d this community only at our store; RURAL RETREAT DRUG CO. ^Retreat »• Ston Virginia There is a Rexall^ Store in nearly every town and oity in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill each especially designed for the particular 111 for which it is recommended. Tho R«ull Storfli art America's Grsatsst Drug Stores DOES MONEY BRING COM FORT. The great aim of the mass of mankind is to get enough money ahead to make him “comforta ble” and yet a moment’s reflec tion will convince us that money will never nurcltase comfort, on ly the means of it. A man maj be “comfortable” without a dol lar. We are not guessing at this but know from actual experience. But to be so, one must have the light disposition, that is a heart and head in the right place. There are some persons who are lively and cheerful, and good natured, kind and forbearing in a state of poverty which leans upon the toil of today for to night’s supper and the morning's breakfast. Such a disposition would exhibit the same loving qualities in a palace or on a throne. Every day we meet persons, who, in their families are cross and ill-natured, dissatisfied, find ing faul with everybody and ev erything, whose first greeting in the breakfast room is a complaint whose conversation seldom fails to end in an enumeration of difii culties and hardships, whose last word at night is an angry growl. If you-can get such a person to reason on the subject they will acknowledge that there is some 'want” at the bottom of it—the want of a better house, a finer dress or more handsome equip page, a more provident husband, a more cleanly or sympathetic or domestic wile. HOW TO SUCCEED During the last tew years, conditions in all lines of business, even professional life, have changed so completely thnt every man is waking up to the feet tnat in order to win success he moot special ise and learn to do some one thing and do it well. So it is with any article that is sold to the people It must have genuine mer it or no amount of advertising will mnin tain the demand for the article. For many vears we have watohed with mucP interest the remarkable rec ord maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp R iot, the great Kidney, Liver and Blad der Remedy. From the very beginning the proprietors had so much confidence in it that they invited everyone to test it, free of cost, before purchasing. It is a ph.t8ioiac’s prescription. They have on file thousands of letters received from former sufferers who are now enjoying good health as a result of its use. However, if you wsh first to try a sa tuple bottle, address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghampton,N. Y.. and mention this paper They will gladly forward you a sample bottle by mail, absolutely free. Regular sizes for sale at all druggists - fifty cents and one dollar. THE SEWING MACHINE OF QUALITY. NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you v/ill have a life asset at the price you pay, and will pot have an endless chain of repairs. in Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. iy If you want a sewing machine, write for • -,r latest catalogue before you purchase. l ] How Home Sowing lilaeltina Co., Orange, Mass. It is a well known tact tliat the most severe critics of the pub lic schools and the churches are the people who have never taken •h trouble tr--enter the doors of the institutions that they criti cise. They stand outside and bark instead of entering and learning for themselves the truth about matters. Is it is far easier to set. up a line and cry than to make a thoraugh investigation. This is the age of woman. We find all the avocations, profes sions and trades of life opening their doors to admit the enter prising woman. Some are going into their own and some are go ing into people’s business. In our admiration for thenew wom an there is danger of forgetting the wife and mother and wom an’s true sphere as a home-mak er. I Professional Cards- • M. C- HUDDLE Attorney at Law, Rural Retreat, ------ Va. Office over The Bank of Rural Retreat EL LEE TRINKijF AT LORN'EY AT LAW, MoDey to Loan. Surety on Bonds Office over Farmer's Bank. WYTHEVILLE - - - VA IHOEVIAS & THOMS ATTORNEYS-AT LAW Money to Lo n. Farms for Sale. OFFICE >“ Browning Building \\ ytheville. Va. H- M. HEUSER ATTOKNEY-AT- LAW Wy<lioville, Vi giiiia. OFFIUE in Spiller Euildmg. Will Practice In All THE COURTS. CHURCH DIRECT RY. MKTHODI8T CHCROH. Rev. E L ADDrNaTON. Pastor. I’roaoliinit every first Sunday at 11 a. m., and second Sunday ni*?ht Sunday School every Sunday at 9:3o J. H. WILSON. Supt. Prayer-ineetinfr Wednesday 7 p. in., with stud ieb in the Gospel of St. John Junior League moots at. 2 p ra each Sunday. Everybody cordially invited to al of these services LUTHERAN REV. G H RHODES, Pastor Preaching every second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and? :3o p. ra. Sunday Schoo every Sunday at 9 .45 J. J. HARR, Supt A cordial invitation to all to attend thete services PRESBYTERIAN. REV. M. M. McFERRIN, Pastor Preaching every 3rd and 5th Sunday mornings and night Sunday School at 9:45, C. E. GAMMON, Supt SECRET SOCIETIES MT. AIRY LODGE NO. 226, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons hold their stated communications on the second Saturday night in each month at 7 :3o p m Visiting bretheren, in good standing, always welcome W. H. SPRINKLE, w. m J. H. WILSON, SECRETARY Summit Lodge No. i 68 I. O. O. F. Meets on the first and third Saturday nights o each month. Odd Fellows in good 8 tan din/ from other Lodges always welcome J. H. HUFFARD N, O J. J. Harr.Secy Rural Retreat Lodge No. 8i, K. of P. Meetings every Second and Fourth' Frida: nights at 7:30 p. m., of each month, All members in good standing are request ed to attend. C. C CATRON. Chancellor Commander. W. F. CQKJ1ANY, Kaeper ol kttuCaan - - ■ _ -.—— ■ ■ ■■ . ■■■ in...— .in □PH© Sweeper "Va© The Rural Retreat Times iree ITears for S9.50. Your Money Refunded If Not As iiepresented. For further particulars Cull, Phone or Write TilK 1‘iJHAL RETREAT TIMES, Hural Retreat, Va. For The Farm and Garden. Our New descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood’s Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD &• SONS, SE.E.DSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. If that'Qkio man who says he is looking for:, the end of the world is in del^l earnest, Doc Cook can find it fbr him. - ——=—x-: ^.. FOLEY KIDNEYPlLLS FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS ANO BLAODER “Why Sees Papa Walk The Floor ? At niffht? Ral-.v i« rpc»l.>cc _i_ -r> , =t58T »» At night'' Baby is restless and will not sleep. Too many fathers anti mothers have sleepless nights because of baby’s little nerves. He must ^ be soothed—give-your boy or girl baby a dose of * i DR. FAHRNEY’S teething syrup V The greatest infant remedy in the world. Prevents Cholera Infantum cures Conoti. atmn and all bowel troubles. 25 cents at all druggists^ Trial bottle free if you mention this paper ss Mrde only by DRS. D. FAIIRNEY & SON. Haqekstown. Mo, From Rockingham People Samuel A. urnitry Praises Bear’s Emulsion. Best Thing to build up Rundown System, Cure Long Standing Coughs and Weak Lungs. Dear Sir: livery winter I have been getting a dry hacking cough that last ed me through the whole winter; and at times I had such paius in my lungs that I could hardly stand it. After using a great many different things I purchased a bottle of Bear’s Kmulsion. Th* cough and soreness left me in a couple days and 1 can honestly say I don’t believe there is any preparation that will relieve a cough, heal the lungs and tone up the system, after being run-down from a cough, with as much satisfaction as this preparation does. I have also used it with great success with my little two-year-old boy. Sam Gentry. One dollar a bottle; 6 bottles for 5 dollars. Can he bought, at RURAL RETRTCAT l)RlrG GO. roR RICH IN CURATIVE ttUAUTIES-NO HABIT FORMING DRUGS liural Retreat Rrvig; Oomany.