Newspaper Page Text
,OI.. XXIII NO- H WYME OOUNTY MU I U AL TEW.PHONE OO MRETS Tit.* annual niwitiiiK of thp atorWiolilers of the- \Vythe (J«», Mm toil 'IVl»*plnai« Company vh> iit-lil last. S:it unlay at Wythe VII If. -it f in* oflh*» pf till* Secrp tacy ■ i i'll Treasurer. Tim ut ttnulanee \v;ts very small. Tin* imports .»f t.lio «**c rptarv nicl treasurer ami tin- maimjrer wen- vphiI, I'WPivt'il awl ftp pr..v«l Mr Kol't L. Pierce w ri* elect-eil pri>si<1i*nt, hihI M'*s--r-i. Jumps M. Oralmtn, H. J (Vtiwifpv, John H. Crockett, 1) A Smith -uni Edmund Pen <11 mh wprpplppt.pil il i rectors for the I'oirtmr veat\ In )1ip ah* «piipi‘ nf a quorum, tlip directors did i«ov oruitiiizp. The meetuiy tlipp mljtSiirnpil until Jump ‘iOt-h, at. which time additional bus iness oi‘ pjpvtiiijr a secretary «*ml treasurer, man niter, etc., will lie transacted, The present Secre tary ami treasurer,. Mr. F. H. Terry, lias clpclineil re-electiou. The treasurers rejtorts alnsw that the cumpaiiv is in gned fi: condition. 1» order to reduce our st<>t«' «»t summer goods before taking our yearly inventory which comes in July. we\ will oft -i our dress goods and all slipo'-rs and ‘■hoes (except men - and boys heavy work sho’* ) less ro oer cent, begi n niu^ Sat. June 6. A R. Hendricks J>r Henderson Miller, ot Mar ion will deliver a. utemipticvin lecture,-on llm Rel’ormsilimi of tin* - ixieenth Century, on Sunday eveninu, the fonvteei'th at eiylil <>eh>*i;, at the Lutheran L'hurch. 'The nntdie Cnnliiil’v invited. 253 Acre Farm For §aie Fine 253 acre farm, Smiles from railroad town, 1A from pike, good neighborhood. Very goo 1 8 room house, and 3 room tenant house, 2 ponds, a boot (> • acres in timber and about 190 acres in cultivation, fencing reasonably good. Lays well, part of it some rolling. Public road through middle of farm. Good grade of soil for wheat and grain, a valuable stock farm , Only l mile to church .and school. R. F. D, Will sell all, or part, on account of having other business and more land than I can cultivate. Terms; one half cash, and bal ance on 12 months time. Add ■'ess: Will T Cannon R. F. D 3-Box 110 Jefferson City, Tenn. 11 vi*n expect, to paint this pnng don’t fail to see me. I Jm»v* ' he beat paint that money can buy. also, linseed oil. E. C. Tarter. Miss Bertha Baiurhman left Friday for Knoxville, and Coal Creek Tenii., i,o spend several weeks. j The Inter County or District. Literary contest. will come off 18, 1ft and 20 .Jinn* at WvtlnviJTe.1 This promises to he one of tin* live-' liest literary contests ever held in the ninth Conirressionnl District. Representatives fr**m the hit'll schools of Hfistol, Washington Co., Smyth**, Blninl, Wythe, Pu • hirki. Giles. Carroll an-t Grayson will take part. Followin'; is the proc ram. Thursday June 18, 8 P. M., Oration ami Recitation. Fri day June lft, !»;30 A. M., Essay ami vocal Solo. Friday 3;.10 P. M., Ball Game Friday 8 P- M., Delia)e and Piano Solo. Satur day ‘40, 9;30A. M., Declama tion and awarding of medals. Eiiforfaimmeiit will lie provided for the contestants Mini I lie teach ers who.accompany them. W R, Bowers t Executive F. B. Kelley - Committee J. li‘<* Qiu ( Prof 3. A. 0, Hint, Local Man ager. Would be glad to learn where those who are circulat ing the report that we are fix ing to go out of the mercan tile business got their inforrha tion._ We have made no such statement. A. B. Hendricks Misses t?tar« Bui tier ami Lizzie CojwSniiHVwr 1-ft. Tuesday for Rocky Hill, Ohio to visit, Mr. and Mrs Geo. 0. Rattier anil Mr. ami M'S Mil jet* Copenhn ver. M>. and Mrs. H. D. Spence arri ved Wednesday from Kirksyille, Mo. The School Imp. League will serve ice cream and lemonade at | Grosecldse Saturday June 13, from 5 to 10;30 oclock P. M. I wid continue the agency for The Breeders Gazette, so come in when your subscription ex piles. Mesdames Hendricks* Robin son, Ttth+. Cormany, Hmvi* K<l«|reth hh«1 Miss Mauda Houn shell went to Johnson City, Tftm.. TiihmIry to attend the •innmil meeting of the (Method ist) Missionary Society. Klue Stone and Paris Green at K. Cf. Tartes. Mrs.Lester Parsons, of Colum bia, S- C., is visiting her par ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. H. Shuler. If you need a hc’nd corn planter go to E C. Tarter to get it. You will hurt at Dehoe & Frye’s, Heinz celebrated Pickles, Chow Chow. Olives. P Nut Rut ner. Catsups, Raked Reams, etc. Strayed - A ten months old shoat, strayed from my place 28 th of May. If seen notify, A. J. Lindamoody, %|j$&3t Rural Retreat, Va. ■■vr%v t WOOL WOOL Me wptt your wool, ou<1 air ii» position to pay the highest cash price for it, it will paiy you to see us before yoif sell. BROWN & UM BERGER. LOOK HERE!!! I have the most complete line of Sprays that has ever been shown in this section. Can sell you a Spray from 40 cents on up. Now that the insects are working on » 1ihe crops you should look to the * spraying at Once. Do. you need a good second hand, binder worth about twice what I am asking? This machine is in good condition and will do the work. Come in at once and see the machine. Yours for bargains, E.C. Tarter. i Better Hygiene in Berber Shops. Richmond, Va., .June 10, 1014 (Special). For the protection of the public and for the prevention of diMeases carried by barber’s tools and similar instruments. ‘ The State Board of Health has adopted new ret;illations which are to be enforced in barber gimps, hair dressing establish* moots and public bath-houses ill the State. The full text of these was given out t<wlay. The Board adopted these reg ulations at its last meeting, but its officers have not insisted up oi» tb«ir enforcement until full publicity was given to the re quirements. Placards are now in press and will 1 soon be sent oat., containing the text of the regulations. One of these plac ards must be posted in every shop coining uiuter the provis ions of the law’. The regulations for barber shops, hair-dressing parlors and public bath-houses iu full are as follows: 1. No person with any disease of the skin ot the face shall be shaved ui a public barber shop. 2. Barlieis must wash their hands thoroui'lily With soap and water before attending any per son. :J No aluni or other astiiugent shall be used in stick fornr. If used al all to stop flow of nlood, it must lie applied in the fur 141 of powder. \ 4. The use of pow’der puffs is prohibited. 5. No towel shall lie used for more than one person without being laundered or sterilized. •5. 'I'he. use of sponges is prd bibiied. 7. Mugs ami shaving brushes must lie thoroughly washed af tet use on 'each person. 8. Com 1 is, razors, clippers and scissors shall be thoroughly cleansed after every separate Use thereof. ft- FI<airs must be swept or mopjied eVery day, and all fur niture and woodwork kept free from oust. 10- liuiiiiing water shall be provided wherever it is possible to lie had. 12. Ali tools or instruments used by barbers outside the shop in serving any person suf fering from infectious or con tagious diseases are required to be thoroughly and efficiently disinfected with 15 percent for maldehyde or by boiliur imme diately after Using the same. 1:3. No person suffering from any infectious 01 contagious disease, including tuberculosis or venereal diseases, shall serve any perseu in **ny barber shop, school, public bath room or hair dressing parlor in this Statp. The regulations for manieur ists anti chiropodists are veey similar in scope anil content. In paiticular they provide that no person suffering with any disease of the skin, hands or feet -hall lie treated in any public- manicure or chiropodist, shop. " Persons suffering from infectious or eou taious diseases, including tuber* culosis. are prohibited from working in these eataVdishments. Paragraph It provides that “all scissors, clippers and other inst ruments and utensils shall be thoroughly cleansed after each separate use, either by being with a 15 per cent solution of foruiahlehyed or by hoping immediately after useinu. The Board announces that it will send a copy of the regula tions posting to all estalishments the address of which it can as certain, Proprietors, however, are urged to forward their names end address in tinier that • hev Uiav be sure to receiVe-copies o. tile regulations and he familial with the rt*qiprtne»t*. Failue to observe the regulations is a misdemeanor, punishable in attV court, * pioper jurisdiction. wt TV* party. Miss Henrietta Hu {ford gave a birthday party on Tuesday, June 9th< in honor of her twellth anniversary. Tft** guests were—Misses Jos ephine Huffnrd, Margaret Black hirfy Nannie Catron, Elizabeth BroWnv Chloe Lin Isey, Elsie Neff,; Grace Neff, Bessie Miller, Mftrie Scott, Mary Umherger, Hattie Tarter, Lura Jennings and Ruth Tarter. Messrs. Jack Price, George Suit, Raluli Um herger, Kermit Price and Harold Miller. Many interesting games were played, such as, Wink, Spin ning the Plate; and out door games. Refreshments were served in the dining room, and consisted ot ham sandwiches, ice cream, cake and candy.' The cake sat on ilm table, surrounded by twelve lighted candles. Miss Mabel Repass, of New Market Tenn., assisted Misses Nannie and Leila Hntford in entertaining. The hostess received many useful and lovely presents. Want. A Pig?, 1 li«v«» for sale, five fine pigs. See me quick. lM2-3t x M. L. Liiwfoey. The Jr. <). U. A. M. will have Ice Ooaiw ami Strawberry Supper in tlm vacant lot in Front of Manvir. and Buck’s shop Saturday night June ]3tli, for tiie benefit. of the Jr. O. IT. A. M. Orphanage. Ev erybody invited. Now to Repbliras and Oth 5B Interested Persuant to a call, the Re publican County Cora mitten, met in Wytlieville, this the 6th of June 1914, ami fired the 20th day of June 1914 for a mass meeting of the Republicans of of this county, to be held in the Court Houso at Wytlieville, tor the purpose; 1st. of electing delegates to represent this county in a Con vention to be held iu Bristol on July 9, 1914, to nominate the llepuhlicau candidate tor Con gress. 2nd,, to elect the County Chairman, Secretary, and Coun ty Committee. All persons interested are cordially invited to attend this meeting. J. B. Hunt, J.W. McCavock. Secretary: Rep. County Chm. Shirts Shirts!! We carry the celebrated Whitney shirts for dress pun oses. also a big line of the best work shirts on the mar ket, F. M Greer & Co. M. anil Mrs. Hai-ve Greever and childrp$ left Wednesday for Texa*v JJtooro, cn»hi£r of the Peo ples Bank of Btijprts Draft, a Hcliuo|inate of Bsles, spent several days tfvfc week visiting the latter. J^fr. -Moore brought two bachelor friends, Mr. Wil ey and Mr. Gwin fr<gu Hot Springs, Bath County, who came to see about some stock cattle for fall delivery and mci dentally to look thtgv np two pretty Southwest Vp.'girls. Mr. Rhea Gutip$u>n, who has been teaching ip JhieriMii, Tex as, has return*^ jjpnne. See the Elwood Lawn mower beforgfcpu buy. We have a Jmnplete line EM Greer & Co Mr. and Mrs. Chits. Cregger aiul little (laughterspent Sunday and Monday in Marion. Mr. Emory Hankla, of Bristol, spent Sunday here with relatives and triends. We have just received several uew paterns ot flowered crepe. Joe K. Buck & (Jo. Rev. and Mrs J. A. H. Shuler spent last Thursday in Wythe yilie. Mrs. W. F. Gormanv and sis ter, Miss Mary Neff, spent part of Just week in Roanoke. Have you lead tilt adv. of the Huge McDowell Co. Commission Merchants, in this issue? Mr. K.O. Neff has recently purchased a new auto. I have just received a ship ment of buggies and they are high grade. The prettiest you ever saw. If you need a buggy corno iu and loon them over. E. C. Tarter. Mi, and Mrs. John Buck, of Koanoke, are visiting relatives here. Mr. Dwight Ball has returned to his home on Black Lick, after attending King College, Bristol, the past session. Five very attractive lines of mens tailor made clothing can he seen at Joe K. Buck & Co. . W. BELL, PRES GEO-A. LAMBERT, VICE-PRES-, I • The United States Is Now Divided Into Twelve Banking Districts. • The first decisive step toward the establishment of the • Federal Reserve Banks under the pew Banking Law was • taken last week when the reserve bank organization com • mittee in Washington, D. C. announced the twelve banking • districts and the twelve cities where Federal Reserve Banks • are to be located. | The First National Bank of Rural Retreat will be a member • Bank of the 5th District under the new Banking Law. Th$ 5th District is composed of the District of Columbia, the State! of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina and a por tion of West Virginia. The Regional Bank for the 5th District will be estaBtiSfj^ in the city of Richmond, Va. The Bank will have a capital of $6,303,868.00. will be 475 member banks in this district. As a member bank of the 5th District, the First National Bank will give to the people of this community and the territory we serve, every advantage and benefit of the new financial and currency system now in process of organization First National Banb. RURAL RETREAT, VIRGINIA. ‘'“P***1 " - - $50,000 00 Shareholders’ Liability • „ 50,000.00 SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS - *100.00,,. United States Government Depository, L. H. SHUMATE, Cashier. ARK YOU (JOIJSGTO BUILD? If so. you will need Lime, Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, Wood Fiber* Cement, Lath, Flooring, Ceiling, Sash, Doors, and other materials. W« have it all, and assure you that our prices are at tractive. We also have in stock Red Cedar Shingles, and Locust Fence Posts.Linseed Oil Etc. VERY TRULY YOURS, If you make pictures, come to us for your supplies. We sell lots of them; that’s why our plates, films and supplies are always fresh. If you don’t make pictures, begin; its lots of fun. M o can instruct you. Every family should have a camera to keep the family history in pictures. Come to OUR Drug Store. al Retreat Drug 5tore