OCR Interpretation

Rural Retreat times. [volume] (Rural Retreat, Va.) 1892-1918, April 23, 1915, Image 1

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Local News
Pt. C. Huddle, of Crockett,
was a business visitor to town
Tboie will be preaching at St.
Paul Sunday at 3:30 p. m. by
Rev. W. it. Brown. Everybody
cordially invited to attend this
Arsenate of Lead for spraying
at the Drug Store, and the price
is right.
Mr. Carl Umberger, of Wythe
ville, was a visitor to town
We have just received a big
shipment of matting, matting
druggets, Deltox rugs, also Ax
minister rugs, many new pat
terns. F. M. Greer & Co
Mr, John S. l)ix was up
from Crockett Wednesday on
Are yom eyes giving you trou
ble? See the specialist at Hen
dricks, April ‘J8-29.
Mr, J no. P. Coplienhaver
spent Wednesday in Bristol on
Get your new curtain goods
from F. M. Greer tfc Co,
Grass seed sowers at E. 0
Tartar’s. ?
Samuel Houseman, of Croc
kett, sjtont h few days this week
with his sister, Mr.-.. M. E.
Singer Sewing Machine Oii.
The good kind. .> <>2. bottle for
20 cts.
L. W, Baumgardner
Rev. Alexander Pbillippi, of
thevrtle, was vi,siting iu
town Wednesday.
Bring the “Youngsters” in and
(get. one of those pretty “Rah
Rah” hat's for them at Hendricks.
Mr. T. Boyd Brown, of
Wytlieville, was in town on
tn.stness Monday.
1 carry m stock nt all times,
nil kinds of oils for machinery,
automobiles, etc.; also the best
grade of gasoline. E. (.!. Tarter.
Mr. J. If. Harris is indisposed
with grippe.
Now is Hie time to sew your
lawn grass, you can get the seed
from F. M. Greer & Go.
Gieeu Seal.Paint, none better,
for sale at the Drug Store.
Garland Blessing, the rural
carrier on route 11 umber one,
spent Sunday at his homo near
N. T. Vaught, ot Wytlieville,
is visiting relatives iu tow:;
this Week.
Swat The Fly! NOW. Get
your screen doors, windows and
wire from
F. M. Greer & Co.
Mrs. Dixie Tobelar and daugli
lers, Mrs. Vergie Arthur and
Miss Bonnie Tobelar. of Bristol,
attended the. funeral of the for
mer’s sister, Mrs. C. H. Cation,
at, this place last Friday’.
Frank Ooldicoft. lias moved his
family to Graham's Forge, where
ihey will reside. Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Phillippi will occupy Mr.
Coklmott’s residence.
We have a nice lot of Extra
large Tuberose bulbs, that we
can furnish you at loe per 1-4
ilor,. or 35c per doss. This is the
kind t hat costs you 50c per doss,
if ordered from the seed catalog.
Yours truly,
L. W. Baumgardner.
Misses Naucy K. Spence and
Helen Humphreys returned to
Bristol Wednesday morning,
•where?they are attending Sullies
Vied Davis, of Abingdon,
spent Sunday here with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Davis.
Mrs. J. T Fulcher atm son,
Leslie, are visiting relatives in
Roanoke this week.
Our “Eye Specialist will be at
our store April 28-29, Be sure
and see him at Hendricks.
Q. D. Brown is ill at his home
ou Black Lick with appendicitis.
Miss Ruth James, of Cripple
Creek, spent Friday night and
Saturday with Miss Minnie Cor
many, at this [dace.
Having decided to put in a
stock of brooms, you can find
here any broom for any purpose
at the right price. E. C. Tarter.
Miss Lettie Snyder spent Sun
day at her homo in Marion,
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Heldreth
were shopping in Wytiieville
have several squares of
corrugated rooting, eight,
nine and eleven loot lengths
that can be bought at a low
F. M. Greer & Co.
Mrs. C. E. Gammon is on the
sick list this week.
C. W. Slater, of Wytiieville,
was in town on business Tues
Norris Candy at t]ie Drug
! Storo. fresh every week. Nothing
like it in town.
Di, Faruey's Teething Syiup.ie the
only biibv medicine that ie always safe
Teething made easy. No bad nights.
Rev. Titos Huddle returned
to Washington, D. C., Tuesday
after vi'sitmg relatives here for
tt few days.
Joe K. Bucg & Co tell us they
have just received a shipment of
Fi tick’s “Detioit Special’' over
alls. Wear like a pig’s nase.
Roy J. Germany left Wed
nesday for a trip through
Eastern Virginia in the interest
of the Empire Cream Separator
Gray Gilmer of Bristol was a
business visitor here Saturday.
Cut glass at the Drug Store
suitable for presents on all
W. R. Greer, of Faiwood, was
the guest of his brother, F. M
Orem-, Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. Ferguson, Roy Hankla
and Jack Hudson were m Bris
tol Sunday.
Edwin Coy tier of the Prodnc
Reporter, Chicago, was in town
All kinds of cabbage seed, re
ceived this year,
Joe K. Buck & Co
Miss Cecil Painter went to
Roanoke Wednesday to spend a
few days.
J. L. Ward is hare again af
ter a trip through Eeastern
Virginia and North Carolina
for W. S. Smdsey, #
We have three or four Cream
Separators on hand that we are
going to close (jut ?.t cost. See
us it you want a bargain.
JT. M Greer (fc Co.
Fickle werther. Dr Farney’s Teeth
ing S0r*'P is always dependable. Doc
ors prescribe it.
Write foi free sutu
XV. C. McCaifty, field secretary
of the Y. M. C. A., of this sec
tion of the state, visited the as
sociatif«i of tlie Rural Retreat
High School, Wednesday, and
made a very excellent talk to
the boys, who are always glad
to see Mr. McCarty.
Dou.t forgtlt the hall
Saturday at 9 c/clock.
Misses Clara and Willie Bnt
ner wore iu Wytheville Wed
Mrs. B. C. Huddle is spending;
a fe’’ ' ;ys in Roanoke, the
gueju /relatives
Miss Nellie Cornett, of Elk
Creek, is vieitiug her cousin,
Mrs. Suavely.
Mrs. L. W. Huddle was a
visitor to Bristol Saturday.
Miss Saliio Vaught was un
able to fie at her place at Hen
dricks store Wednesday on ac
count of illness. However she
is somewhat better now.
Just received a shipment of
Up-ToDate Buggies. E, C
FOR SALE:—Cow and voting
calt. Fretfli April 15.
4 23. M. L. Lindsey.
Prof, E. E. Worrell, state
school pittpedor, made a vi*i
to the Rural Retreat High
School Wednesday, and after
visiting about all the depart
meats made report that the
school is m splendid condition
and being conducted according
to state regulators and requir
nients for first grade high school
Ho also inspected the labora
tory and found the equipment
adebuate for high school work.
On Iihi* t'lirm near town, Mrs.
A. B. Hendricks is applying the
“Clean Up, Paint Up,” idea.
She Inis'had the houses painted,
repair work don«, and is build -
ing a barn and silo. Nothing
would add more to the appear
anew and prosperity of the to wn
than to have a “Clean Up, and
Paint Up” week in winch to
clean up lawns, back yards and
alleys. Repair fences, gates,
p nches, etc. Te.tr down old un
sightly worthless] signs. Paint
store fronts, p >relies, houses,
barns, fences etc.
A trip through this town
shows man./ streets, yards, and
open [daces that are littered
with waste and rubbish, and are
unsightly and unsanitary. It is
hardly necessary to dwell In
detail on tliese facts, as most of
you know that there is a great
need fo1- a thorough Clean Up,
and with the Clean Up goes the
Paint Up, so necessary to majee
the Clean Up permanent and to
make things bright and create
bet,ter living and working con
ditions for everyone
The date for the commence
ment exercises at Marion Col
lege, Marion, Virginia, is May
22nd to 25. President Header
son N. Miller will preach the
baccalaureate sermon Sunday
morning; Hev. Ernest, Rued el
McCaidey, I). D. of Norfolk,
Virginia, will preach the Mis
sionary sermon Sunday evening,
and Rev. Charles L. Fry D. D.
of Philadelphia, will deliver tlie
missionary address at the
graduating exercises, Tuesday
Young Peonies’ Society
Carl Huddlo entertained the
Young Peoples’ Society on last
Friday evening from eight to
ten o’clock.
Iiobeit Sliupe read the'Scrip
ture lesson Tliev then had
prayer and song, after which
Miss Mario Brown read about
the Vashti School for Girls, fol
lowed by a reading by Miss Jtulh
A contest was then explained
oy Mrs. B‘ C, Huddle, and each
one present entered heartily in
to the contest. Miss Marie
Brown was awarded the prize,
she being the successful one.
Delightful refreshments were
served. Each oiw present de
parted, saving he had had a most
delightful evening.
Quite a pretty wedding was
solemnized at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. VV. S. Lindsey
Monday evening, April 19th, at
seven-thirty o’clock, when Miss
Katherine Rainey, who tor a
number of years has made the
Lindsey home her home, was
united in marriage to Mr. Thom
as Bucxley, youngest sou of Mr.
S. R, Buckley, who is one of our
most successful farmers. Just
before they entered the room,
“OhPromi.se Me” was sweetly
sung by Mrs. W. CL Delp, ac
companied by Miss Raney K.
Spence on the piano and Miss
Katherine Robinson on the vio
lin. The young couple then en
tered the room to the strains of
Lohengrin’j wedding march,
played by Miss Nancy K. Spence,
who also played the dower song
softly during the ceremony,
which was performed by their
pastor, Rev. J. A. H. Shuler,
of the Methodist church. The
bride was gowned in a blue suit
with accessories to match and
carried a boquot of carnations.
The groom wore conventional
lilac k.
Immediately after the ceremo
ny a delightful supper was serv
ed, after which the happy con
pie left for the home of the
groom, more than a mile out of
town. Only the immediate fam
ily and a very few fiieuds were
present at the wedding. They
received a number of pretty and
useful presents.
On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. S.
R. Buckley entertained a small
party in honor of the bride and
groom. Those present were:
Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Huddle,
Rev. and Mrs. Ritchie, Rev. and
Mrs. J. A. H. Shuler, Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Lindsey, Mrs. H. D.
Spence, Miss Nancy K. Spence,
Messrs, Frank L. Spence and J.
Lilburn Ward, and the imiut
diate family of the groom
A bountiful dinner was served
and the table was Leautifullv
Ev. ry one declared it a most
delightful day.
Closing Exercises Pri
mary ami Grammer
Rural Retreat High School
The closing exercisos of the
Primary and Grammar Grades
of Rural Retreat Graded and
High School will take place Apr.
30ih and May 1st.
The First, Second Third and
Forth primary grades will give
their program consisting of
speeches, songs, drills, marches
and operatas on Friday April
30, 8 P. M. The Fifth, Sixth
and Seventh grammer grades
will render their program, which
will consist of speeches, song,
music, drills and a play entitled
“Mrs. W iggs of the Cabbage
Patch", on Saturday night May
1, 8 P. M Both programs wil
he first class and entert .ini. l
from beginning to end. Every
body come and hpar the young
er folks.
Admission charges, reserv
ed seats 15 cents for each
program, or two tickets for the
same seat both nights 25 cents.
General admission 10 cents.
Tickets on sale at C. W. Davis’
office. Prooee Is will be used to
meet legitimate expenses of the
Commencement proper will
take place May 29 to June 1.
Rev, J. Stuart French will
preach the baccalaureate sermon
on the titl.h Sunday in May.
Fuller announcements will ap
pear m tins paper later.
Be sure to be out at the Ball
Game Saturday at '•} o’clock..
1. O. 0 F. Anniversary.
The Odd Fellows of this place,
Cedar Springs, and Groseelose
will hold a joint anniversary
! service at the Methodist Church
Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock,
commemorating the 07th anni
versary of the founding of Odd
Fellowship. The sermon will
be preached by J. A. C. Hurt,
of vVytheville. Public cordially
All the members ot these three
lodges, as well as any visiting
brethren, requested to meet at
the Odd Fellows Hall at 2
Ball Game
Rural Retreat, High School vs.
Asbury High School, Saturday
evening at 3 o’clock. Admis
sion 5 and 10 cents. lEVbrybody
come out and root, for the boys.
Funeral of Mrs. Catron,
The funeral service of Mrs. C.
H. Catron, who died last Tnurs*
day at her home near the rock
road, was held Friday afternoon
at 2:30 o’clock at the Lutheran
church, conducted by Rev.
Ritchie, of the Lutheran church,
of Duck Lick, and Rev. Shuler,
of the Methodist ohurelit A
huge crowd ot relatives and
friends attended the service.
Mrs. Catron was about thirty
I years of age, and was Miss
Grace Tobelar before her mar
riage. As stated in last week s
paper, site leaves besides her
husband, three small children.
The interment was made in the
city cemetery.
United States
A NATIONAL Bank like the First National Bank,
is under the United States Government supervision
and subject to the strictest scrutiny on the part of
the National Bank Examiner under the direction of the
Comptroller of the Currency.
The Bank must keep on hand a sufficient portion’ of its
Resources to meet payments to its depositors. These
considerations are important forjthe safe handling of
funds and in addition to the above supervision this bank
is under the guidance of a capable Board of Directors who
are personally interested in the Bank’s success.
3 percent Interest
100percent Security
Rural retreat, va.
Capital and Surplus $65,000,00
BARRED ROCKS, Direct from
the most noted! Strains in A
merica. Big vigerous stock, great
winter layers. A pen of twelve
of my hens layed. 248 eggs in
February which is about 21 eggs
to the hen in 28 days. Can
furnish eggs for hatching now
at $1.50 for 15. Light and darfc
matin us.
J. T. Fulcher
3-2-15 Rural Retreat, Va,
| Rural Retreat,

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