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Cfee Rental IHftreat Cime# Published Every Friday Morning at RURAL RETREAT. VA. By Thb Timks Printing Comyany W, 8. Brown ( _ . ft. laumgardnar { -.Editors Entered at the Postoffice at Rural Re treat as second-class matter, August 4, Vorr—Each correspondent is held re »|«>nsible for the contents of his com munication. Subscription price, $100 per yea.-. Trial subscription, three months. 25 cents. ; .amps accepted for amounts not ex ceeding 25 cents. TO ADVERTISERS All persons having advertisements on xhe second and third pages mitst have their copy in not later than 9 o’clock on Saturday previous to publication, 'i hose on the iirst and fourth pages not later vhan Wednesday at 3 r. M. FRIDAY. APRIL 23. 1915. Higgle—King On Wednesday, April 14, 1915 xt two o’clock, -it the borne of Mr. and Mrs Isaac King, near Crockett,. Va., was the scene of a beautiful wedding when their youngest daughter, Miss Stella Pauline became the bride of Mr. Seaver Higgle. The bride was beautifully gowned in white satin inessaline trimmed in oriental lace and carried white carnations. The groom, was dressed m the conventional black, Messrs French King and Poise Kigglo were the grooms men. Mjsses Coda Sharitz and Mae Copenhaver, ttie brides maids, were dressed in dainty frocks of white silk, and carried pink carnations. The wedding party marched into the parlor, which Was tastefully decorated in garlands of cedar and narcissus, to the sfatiis of the wedding maich beautifully rendered by Mrs. A. K. King. They were married by Rev. 1' Steele, using the simple, beautiful ceremony of the Methodist Church, after which the party repaired to the dining room where a delicious dinner was served. A number of relatives or ootn partita were present. Tire popuHi'ity of the eoanle whs shown by rnituy beautiful valuable presents. The bride is a very popular and attractive young lady, and is admired ami loved by a wide circle of friends. The groom is a successful young business man of Crockett, 'holding a responsible position in the mercantile company of l)ix & Clark, (now the Crockett Mercantile Co.,) for several years The next, dav the bride and groom with quite a number of friends repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Higgle, the parents ol the groom, where a very sumptuous dinner was serv' d and very much enjoyed by all. .. Th-“ Bride and groom will be at home to their many frieuds at Crockett after April :20th. tcur Olt Id’s Sough is a Call or Help Don’l put off treating your Childr’B Cough. J: not only saps their strength, butoftin leads to more serious ailments Why risk? You dou’t have to. Ur. King’s New Discovery is just the re medy your child needs. It is made with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams. Will quickly check the Cold and seethe your Child's Cough away No ucidtj how bad the Cough or how loug standing, Ur. King’s New Dis ec. ery will stop it. It’s guaranteed. Just get a ^xittle irom your Druggist and try it. Farm For Sale Three miles from Rural Re treat. 3.30 acres with eight room bouse, good barn and other out lmildiugs. Also good orchard. Close to church and school. Any one interested in real estate ap-j viy to C- Huddle, Attorney Rural Retreat, A'a G-uaranteea Pure Bred Single Comb Rhode Island Red’s, and Harred Plymouth Rock’s, eggs for hatching, $1.00 Per setting of 15 eggs. Jas. E. Houdashell Rural Retreat, Va. Phone GfiLQtntL iS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE "Dodson's Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and Doesn’t Salivete or Make-You Sick. Listen to me! Take no move sick ening, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the lames. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. ’This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and ‘'all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just take a spoonful of harmless Dod son’s Liver Tone on my guarantee. Here’s my {—On to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son’s Diver Tone. Take a spoonful to night and if it doesn’t straighten you right up and make yon feel fine and vigorous by morning t want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and (dean your bowels of that Hour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that, a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep vour entire family feeling tine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Resolutions. Whereas on March 15, 1915, God in His infinite wisdom saw fit to remove from our midst Mis. S. E. Boyer, and whereas by the death of Mrs. Boyer t,ue Woman’s Missionary Society of the Rural Retreat Methodist Episcopal Church, South, has lost, one of its most loved and loyal members, therefore he it Resolved; That we, the .entire membership of the Missionary Society hereby tender our most sincere and heartfelt, sympathy to the bereaved husband, daughters, and other loved ones. Resolved; father, that a copy of these resolutions he sent the family, a copy to the Midland Methodist, the Ruial Retreat Times, and that it he spread up on the minutes of the Society. Mrs. J. A. H. Shuler, Mrs. G. A. Lamoert, Mrs L. W. Baumgaidnei, Committee. Rheumatism Yields Quickly to Sloan's You Can't prevent an tttBok of Rheu mutism from commit on, but you can stop it uimoBt immediately. Sloa .’e Liuuueut gently applied to the Bore joint or muscle peuetrates in a few minutes to the inflamed spot that siuiues the paiu. It sootliea the hot. Lender, swollen feeling, and in a very short time brings a relief that is almost jnhelievsble until you experience it. G>et a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for J5c of any Druggist and hare it in the House against jCulds, Sore and swollen joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ail ments. Your money back if not satistied, but it does give almost instant relief. Announcement To the Voters of Wythe County: | I hereby announce myself an | independent, candidate for re-1 election to the office of Commis sioner of the Revenue for the Western District of Wythe County, at the coming Novem ber election. Having had three years’ experience as Commis-i siotier, 1 feel sure that 1 can transact the busiuess of the of fice in a manner satisfactory to the voters of the County. I hereby solicit the support of all voters irrespective of party affiliations. This April 12th, 1915. Respectfully, . V. L. MUSSER. a Sluggish Liver needs Attention. Lei your Livei\ get torpid and you are n lor a spell ,-jf misery. Everybody gate ap attack uU aod then. Thoue- j ands of people kb >p tbsir Livers active aod Healthy by ueeiug Dr. King’s New Life Pills; Pine for the Stomach, too. Stop the Dtzaineee, Constipation, Bili ousness and Indigestion. Clear the 'Jplood. Only 35c. a*, your Pmggiet. For S ale Six room, two stc-y dwelling house, wired and fitted up with electric lights. Large commod ious porch encircling the north, least and *south part of house. Rooms nicely papAred and new mantles. Large roomy yard and good garden. One acre lot, good fences, several good bear ing apple trees. Dairy, coal house, cow stable, good well and cistern. An ideal home for one . desiring to live in Rural Ritrcat. Price reasonable. Terms will lie made satisfactory to desirable purchaser 13. P .THINNINGS. For Sale. Two 2 year old mule colts. Been worked. dtp. C4po. R. Lindsey. Toilet articles and pretumes at the Drug Store. Wood’s Seeds Cow Peas are one of the best and surest of summer forage and soil improving crops. We have all the best varieties: New Era, Brabham, Iron, Groit, Whippoorwills, Red Rippers, Clays, Blacks, Etc. All choice recleaned stock and of superior quality. Write us for prices and "Wood’s Crop Special’’ giv ing information about Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Sorghums, . Millets, Sudan Grass and all Seasonable Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. I will sell a limited num ber oi eggs lor hatching from my Ringlet Barred Plymouth Rocks. HH1 j. H. Harris Professional Cards* ' DR. R. McRAE ECHOLS Osteopathic Physician 1 Office, .-MOW H1K-A, Old 27. I HONES j Residonto, Now 309-11. All classes of disease success* fully treated. Special attention given to Stiff Necks. Headaches, Backaches, Indigestion. Ade noids, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, and all nervous troubles. 10-11 Interstate Building, _Bristol, Tenn. M. C. HUDDLE Attorney at Law, Rural Retreat, ------ Va. Office over The Bank of Rural Retreat K- LEETR1NKLK ATTORNEY AT LAW, Money to L/onn. Surety on Bonds. Office .over farmer's Bank WVTHEVtLLE-VA__ H. M. HFUSER attorney-at-law Wytlieville, Va. OFFICE in Bpiller Building. Will practice in All THE COURTS. 1915 The Time for Reso lutions Resolve to have that inside painting and var nishing done now and lie ready for spring when it comes. Don’t wait until the rush is on. Respect fullv, J. H. SULT. The Painter Rural Retreat, Va. Phono Me. CHURCH DIRECTORY. M KTHODT8T C H V. R H RklV. J. A. H SHULKK, Pastor. Preaching every first. Sunday at. 11 a. m., and second Sunday night Sunday School every Sunday at fl :tfo GEO. A. LAMBERT, $upt. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p. m.. with stud ie.s in the Gospel of St. John Junior League meetu at i p in each Sunday. Everybody cordially invited to al those j Services LUTHKKAN RKV. G H RHODES, Pastor Preaching every second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and? :3o p. m Sunday Schoo every Sunday at9:-l?> J. J. nARR, S lot A cordial iuvitatiou to all to attend these services PP.KSBYTEKIAN. RKV. GRAHAM GII.MKR. Pastor Preaching every first and third Sundays at 11 a. ui. and 8 p, m. Sunday School ev%ry Sunday at 9:4.V a. in. C. E. GAMMON. Supt. Everybody is very cordially invited to all services. SECRET SOCIETIES ® MT. AlltY LODGE NO. 22tf, Ancient Free /S^.antl Accepted Masons hold their stated communications ou the second Saturday - night, in each month at 7 *30 p m Visiting bretheren, in good standing, always welcome ROY HANKLA. w. m J. H. WILSON. SECRETARY Summit lodge No. i 68 I. O. O. F. Meets ou the first and third Saturday nights of each month. Odd Fellows in good standing from other Lodges always welcome E. H. MJCk, N,0. J J. Harr. S*cy Kura I Retreat Lodge No. 81, K. of P. Meeting!* every Second and Fourth Friday [lights at 7:30 p. m., of each month, All members m good standing are request ed to attend. Z. M NEFF, Chancellor Commander, W. F. COR11ANY, Keeper of Records and SeaiS. Highland Council No. 222, Jr.O.U.A.M Meets every Tuesday night in I. O. O. Hall, it 7 :30 p. m. Visiting brethren, in good stand ing, are always welcome. C. 8. CREGAR. •‘Councilor. M.C. SHUPE. Rec Secy. ._ / Ferguson Camp No. 231 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD « Meetings held on the first Tuesday night in each month at 8o’clock, in I. O. O. F. Hall. All members in good standing are requested to attend. G. K. HUDSON, Consul Commander. F. E. NELMS, Clots. We can give you three magazines one year with The Times for only $1.25 The Drug Store lias the agency at Rural Retreat for the Edison Magda lampy. When You Dress theTAYLOR Way You Dress the Bight Way You get right styles-right ; models-right prices and the right service, Try a TAYLOR made to-measure suit this Springand enjoy the sat isfaction that comes from the knowledge that you - are wearing the court try’s best. Joe It. B uck tfc oo. # The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States 105 Broadway. New York. The man who insures his life wants in surance that insures—protection that pro tects. He should demand the best, and be content with nothing- but the best, “Only The Best Is Cheap.” W. B. Brown, Agent Rural Retreat, - - - Va, We Can’t Give You The World But. \vt: can give you a nice fit lit a Tailor made suit. We have over a tnonsand samples it itit some more enuring. Prices from .*:) to $50.00 and satisfaction guaranteed. It dneseu’t cost one cent to eti vestigato ami it we do not save you money we wont trade, that’s all. L. W. BAUMGARDNER & CO. HANNA’S LUSTRO-FINISH work* like magic in renewing, worn stair treads, soiled window-sills, etc. No experience is needed. Just get a can of Hanna’s and set to work. The results will delight you. It’s the unmatched finish for floors, etc Will not fade. b II Sold by Rural Retreat Drug Co,