Newspaper Page Text
Local News Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hank la, ©f Bristol, came down Wednes day to spend a tew weeks with relatives, Get, your now curtain goods from F. M. Greer & Co. Kev. J. A. C. Hurt, of Wythe Ville, was a visitor to our town last, Friday. Grass seed sowers at E. 0 Tartar’s. Hugh Buck, of Bristol, spent a few days here the first of the week die guest ot his sister, Mrs. C. W. Davis. New line of Neckties just in at Joe K. Buck & Co’s. J. A, Whitman, ot Wythe ville, attended the funeral last Friday of Mr. E. S. Keesling at Asbury, and also spent a few hours in town. We have three or four Cream Separators on hand that we are going to close out at cost. See us it you want a bargain. ' F. M. Greer <fe Co. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clyce and daughter, of Bristol, spent a few days last week with Mrs. C. W. Davis. Having decided to put in a stock of brooms, you can find hol e any broom for any purpose at the right price. E. C. Tarter. Messrs. W. S. Keesling and Chas. Vaught, of Bristol, Wa., attended the burial of thei v uncle, Mr. Emory S. Keesling, at As bury, last Friday. Norris Candy at the Drug Store fresh egery week. Nothing like it in town. Miss Lillian Fulcher, who lias been attending Roanoke Busi ness College for the past, few months, is spending several days at. home. All kinds of cabbage seed, re ceived this year, Joe Iv. Buck & Co Messrs. Hankla and Scott, of Marion, were in town Saturday and Sunday. We want vour wool, can lie delivered at any time. Bag' can be gotten at ware house. Union Exchange. Misses Florence Brown and Willie Mae Wilson left Monday for Cliilhowie and Seven Mile Ford for a few days visit.. United States A NATIONAL Bank like the First National Bank, is under the United States Government supervision and subject to the strictest scrutiny on the part of the National Bank Examiner under the direction of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Bank must keep on hand a sufficient portion' of its Resources to meet payments to its depositors. These considerations are important for the safe handling of funds and in addition to the above supervision this bank is under the guidance of a capable Board of Directors who are personally interested in the Bank’s success, 3 percent Interest lOOpercent Security THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK RURAL RETREAT, VA, Capital and Surplus $65,000,00 * n _IS Supervision Tom Sutherland, of Bristol, was in town Saturday. Get your paint, linseed oil, turpentine and machine oil from F. M. Greer & Co. Tile Primary and Grammar Grade teachers. Misses lingers, Brown, Huddle, Gilmer, Dork and Weiser returned to their re spective homes Tuesday and Wednesday. Cut glass at tlfe Drug Store suitable for presents on all occasions. Dr. K. M. Ferguson was a visitor to Roanoke Wednesday and Thursday. Swat The Fly! NOW. Get vour screen doors, windows and wire from F. M. Greer & Co. J. Frank Buck, and “Dog Hair” Richmond alias “The Senator”, have returned from an extended tout* through the At lantic to Bordeau, France and return. They arrived here Sat urday having been gone about a month, and are kept pretty busy relating their experience to their friends. Frank says “The Senator” is some sailor. Just received a car of all kinds of wne fencing. Union Exchange. Mr. J. W. Maurin was a bnsi* ness visitor to Wytheville Thurs day, Blue “Thistle Enamel ware. Guaranteed. Joe K. Buck & Co New lot of boys hats just ar rived. F. M. Greer & Go. Mrs. F E. Nelms and sou Charles left Tuesday for CIhvu land, Tenn., to spend about leu days with the former’s parents, Mr. aim Mrs. II. A. Eitfert. Just received, a shipment of Up-To Date Buggies. E, C. Tarter. f Rev. Geo. H. Rhodes and Mrs. J. S. Etter left Tuesday morn ing tor a two weeks visit to Washington. Philadelphia, and Trenton, N. J. Get the little ones shoes and sandals from F, M. Greer & Co. Miss Gillie Gibson, of Rad ford, is the guest of her, Mrs. J. A H. Shuler. Gr.-en Seal Paint, none better, for sale- at the Drug Store. Mrs. N. (>. Shari tz, of Bris tol, spout a few days liere this week with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Creggar, who has been ill. Bascom Myers, of Bristol, spent Sunday with his Uncle, Mr. 1). D, Ball, on Black Lie;:. Nice new line ot geutlei1',,.‘ neckties. . i yV A. B. Hen ..ticks Mrs. W. W. Buck and Miss were ui W ytheville Tues ■ and,,Mis. Ernest Delp, of Elk Creek, are the guests ot Dr. and Mrs. W. Q. Delp. Mrs. R. L. Dudlev is i 11 with tousolitis. Mrs (j. Hi. Kinder and Mrs. C. C. Neff were shopping in Marion Wednesday. Mrs. Neel Frve is right sick with appendicitis. J. W. Pnilltppi, who has been ill is somewhat better at this time. “Brownie,’ Buck, of Bristol, is in town. Just received another lot of Virginia Fairy Stonos. L. W. Baumgardner. Geo. A. Lambert and daughter, Miss Louise, left Wednesday For Lynchburg, where Mr. Lambert, as a member of the executive committee, will attend a meeting, of the Fanners Union. Mrs. Laura B. Prickett and grandson, Harold Miller, return ed Wednesday trotn a visit to relatives in Washington, I). C. Mrs. W. Q..Groover, of Bland, is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Buck. ^ New lot of Lion Brand shoes at Hendricks, Miss Ruth Buck lias returned to her homo hero from Bland, where sTie has been teaching music. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Hudson returned Friday night from Eastern Virginia and “Buzz” is hack at his post iu the Telegraph office. Waddie C. Haukla, L. P. Ger many, Geo. A. Lambert and P. T. Suavely have each recently bought a “Ford.” Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Waddie C Hankla Sunday evening, an eight pound girl. I carry in stock at all times, all kinds of oils for machinery, automobiles, etc.; also the best grade of gasoline. E. ('. Tarter. We have several squares of 11 corrugated roofing, eight, nine and eleven foot lengths that can be bought at a low price. F. M. Greer .Sr Co. Rev. Frank Jackson, of Marion, who has been assisting in the meeting at the Methodist church, will preach Sunday morning and night. F. E. Nelms, L. H. Shumate' and W. S. Lindsey went to Sugar Grove on business Tuesday. Rev. Henderson Miller, presi dent of Marion college, will preach at the Lutheran church Sunday morning In the absence of the pastor. Mrs. J. S. Cormany, Miss Carrie Cormany and Mrs. L. P. Cormany were in Marion Wed nesday. .Mrs. A. B. Greiner and son have returned front a few weeks visit to relatives in Boston, Mass. Miss Hortense' Bower left Wednesday morning for Pulaski. Misses Kate Dunn and Ina Kegley, who have been teaching school on Black Lick, returned to their homes Sunday, the former n Bland, the latter at Wythe viille,< A Wedding Of Interest* We clip the following trOirl the Illinois State Register, mi der date of Tues. Marcll third, 1015. “MONTANA MAN WEDS VIRGTNiA WOMAN. Traveling all the way f re til the Atlantic coast t<> fjpriUgflehl to meet her lover wlloiil slle had not seen for years. Miss Fannie Huddle of Rural Ret reat.) Va , and Charles M.,Frazier, a wedlhy ranchman of Haynesford, Mon tana, decided to come out to Riverton and get married. , They were married at the home of Mrs. Emery Edwards a relative of the bride, at. 2 o’clock this afternoon, tile Rev. H. C. Mumih pastor of the M. E. church officiating. The couple will leave tonight, for an extend ed trip in the West aim will re side in Montana.*’ The above is of iuteiLe«t as the bride is well known in our town, being the daughter Of our esteemed friend F. G. Huddle The grqom is the youngest son of William Frazier, formerly of Richmond, Va, We wish for them happiness and prosperity in thoir tar awav western home 11. K. it S. Notes The closing exercises of the Primary and Grammar grades were given in the auditorium here, Friday and' Saturday night. These programs were good and well attended. Commencement proper begins May 29 and lasts until June 1. The primary and Grammar grade teachers have returned to their respective homes. Tests are iif order this week. The Viigiuia and Crescent Literary Societies held then re gular mootings Friday April 30. The Frpshman class organized Thursday, afternoon, April 29. The following officers were elected: President Jesse Baugh man; Vice-President Evelyn Spence; Secretary Joe Deboe. Union .vciiool Closes. Rev. J. V. Hall The Speaker. Union School closed ApriL29. The closing exercises were liela Friday night, the doth. The school building had been taste fully decorated by tlis school girls, and presented acounnence liient appearance. Mr. Win. E. Gilbert, of East Radford, was to make an ad dress, but a message was received stating that it would be impos sible for him to attend. We were fortunate, however, in git ting Rev. J. V. Hall ‘ of Cedar Springs to take his place, and a speaker who is better known or better liked by the p rnple of thy Cominunity-couid not have been secured. The suoject of Mr. Hall's address was “General Re marks oil Ei location.-'’ He p oint ed out that the time purpose ot educ'ition was not to enable one to make money, but to teach us how to live stud be of service to our neighbors and tel low man. T^he music for the occasion was furnished by Messrs. Bros key Bros, of Groseclose,- whe played a violin and mandolin Although these young men wert rather youthful mud dans, thei music was of a high order am delighted every one present. Miss Pickle two' solos which wore very approp riate The program gotten up by thi pupils Was the best heard a j. Union School this session Every one on tlie program per formed his part creditably , There were some good humor I ons recitations, and the Negri | Show and the dialogue, “Karry i Pockets*” brought forth roars of | laughter from the large addiftnce | which Was present. The pan I tomimri soiig, “Jesits Lover of My Soul,” by the young ladies of tile school was especially good. The program was as follows; Song; My Boilnie. Speech; No body Cates lor Me. Harvey Phillippi; Recitation; If 1 Knew, Rosjj Felly. Dialogue; Best Days, by primary pupils, Song, IJreanl of U. S. A. Reci tation; Chiuamaa’s {Long of Six pence, Rachel Heldreth. Speech; The Daisies; Clarence Blanken bedkler. Dialogue, Harry’s J’uckels, Aunis Nornlail and Evert Ward. Recitation; The Giggling Girl, Beulah Phil lippi. Speech,- At the Dancing School, Fraser Leslie. Negro Show of SuClndv’s Mistake? Lois Ward; Frank Leslie; David Blankenbeckler and Jack Ward; Pantomime Song; Jesus Lover My Soul. Speed); America; a Humoiious Selection.- Arthur Bedwelh Solo; Our Partiug Song, Miss Pickle. FareWell Recitation; Ella Phillippi. Song; God be with you till we meet a gaiu. 'l'lio following wont to Marion to attend the various school contests which took place April 23 and 24. Teachers, D. A. Brown and Miss Bessie Wilson. Pupils, Ella Phillippi, Ruth Phillippi, Hattie Hull, Rosa Hall, Lena Heldreth, David Blankenbecler, Prank Phillippi and Besse Phillippi. Some of the patrons of the school were also there for the occasion. David Blankeubeckler, a Union School bov. won third place in the half mile race, although the list of winners as published* in the Marion paper did not give him credit for it. He won third place easily, and it was so an nounced to the grandstand. David ran a good race, and feels ttat the only thing which kept him from winning the race was lack of practice, and he is de termined to win this race in the next contest,* He has interested some other boys, and they are already talking of going down to Marion another “year to win. Chilhowie Mivh School got credit for Jthe point in question, whereas it should have gone to Union School. No doubt there was some mistake or ove rsight in the mattor. Of course one point does not amount to much, but it would have put Union School on the map as winners Prof. Preston Hicks of Arkins had intended to be present at our closing exercises, but was unable to come. Messrs. John and Grady Wil son, brothers of Miss Bessie Wil son, the asst, teacher, attended the closing exercises of the RURAL RETREAT DR.U3 CO Rural Retreat* Virgin*# WARNING It being evident for Seine tiiiid that the laws governing the s0eed ot autoniobiles have been ignored by a number Of automo bile drivers* therefore this warn ing is given to all such reckless drivers. The limit Of speed as diced by tile state law for within incorpo rate limits is twelve niiles per hour. Section 4!) A. of the Towil ordinances on automobile speed at crossings, street intersections, and signals, to-wit: The Operator, conductor of drivet of any such machine as Is nientioiied in Sec. -IS slia.ll ap proach and pass all street cHiss ings and Intersections at a rate ot Speed not exceeding eight nlilbs rttl hour which rate shall .licit bd exceeded from a point vfitbin fifty feet ot tlie Side Of siidli intersection or '-crossing front Which the niacliiiie is ap proaching until the crossing is clea ted. la hinting fcdrhfei’3 bf street tile 3(tule fate of s]^eed shall be observed,- and in approaching and passing street corners and intersections and turning cor ners, the operator, conductor of driver, shall at, a point not less than fifty feet nor more than one hundred feet from any such crossing oi intersection, sound his signal—three sharp blasts as a signal that he intends to turn the corner—one long blast for straight ahead, to be followed 1 if each case by repeated short blasts until the crossing, inter section or corner be cleared. Any person violating any of Mm provisions of this section shall upon conviction thereof be' fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol lars. Z. M NEFF, Mayor, It you fear hot weather aud bad bowv el, Dr. R’alirBey’fl Teething Syrup if? your friend and the Daby’s doulfort, FOR SAL!}—One four year old nlare and colt. One teii year oi l Mare, work anywhere,* and Pefcheror. colt. See Mrs. A. B. Heiidrickfi; FOR SALE—-2b bif. nice En durance potatoes, ♦ 5-7. Hal E verso fe FOR SALE:—Cow and young calf. Fresh Apri 1 15. 4 23. M. L. Lmdse^. school. % Miss Wilson has returned to her home on the rock road near Mural Retreat to spend the Sum mer vacation. Principal P. A. Brown will visit relatives in (Jhristtansb’urg, Va. a few <tay«i after which lie' will leave for bis home in South Carolina. “Union.,v —er r*