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FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1915._ VOI.. XXIV NO. 15 Local New? Miss Edith Keesling has re turned toiler home in Knoxville, after visiting relatives here for a few weeks. We want your wool, can be delivered at any time. Bags can be gotten at ware house. Ui? ion Exchange. Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Ferguson were in Richmond the first of the week. All kinds of cabbage seed, re ceived this year, Joe K. Buck & Co Mr. Geo. A. Lambert attend ed the meeting ot the Wythe County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., at Wytheville Wednesday, and was at Crockett Thursday on business. Norris Candy at the Drug Store fresh every week. Nothing like it in town. David Ho unshell has returned to Emory aud Henry College after spending a few days with his paronts oil Black Lick. Having decided to put in a stock of brooms, you can find here any broom for any purpose at the right price. E. C. Tarter. Mr. and Mrs. A. A Umborger and children, ot Texas, are visit ing relatives and friends here. Get Sheop Dip from F. M. Greer Co. Mr. Carlyle Wright, of the I. O. O. F. Lodge of Comer*) Rock, Mr. Ed. Fowler of Key stone Lodge of Cedar Springs and Mr. S, J. Buchanan of Sum mit Lodge of this place, are re presenting their respective lodges at the Grand Lodge meeting of Oild Fellows in Richmond tins week. Get your new curtain goods from F. M. Grew & Co. Mr. S. M. Cornet, of Roanoke, was in town Sunday. Mr. John Buck, of Roanoke is visiting relatives in and near town. Green Seal Paint, none hotter, for sale at the Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. P. P, Keesling, of Cedar Springs, were in Wythe ville Wednesday, the former to attend a meeting of the Wythe County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., while Mrs, Keesliug had some dental work done. Have you used Dr. Fahrney’s Teeth ing Syrup? It is the whole thing. B i bies like it. Cures all Btomtich troubles. Miss Horteuse Bower left Monday tor her home in Mis ) south after spending several weeks with relatives here. Just received a car of ail kiLds of wue fencing. Union Exchange. Geo. Oox, cashier of the bank at Speedwell, and R. H. Dix, of near Crockett, have each pur chased a Ford. Swat The Fly! NOW. Get your screen doors, windows and wire from F. M. Greer & Co. T. Y. and L. M. Games left Tuesday morning for Roanofce, and will go from there to Dante, Va., where they will work for the Virginia Bridge & Iron Co. Cut glass at the Drug Store suitable for presents on all occasions. O. L. Cogburn is in Norfolk this week on business. I have in stock hand corn planters. You will find them very useful in planting any kind of seeds, E. C. Tarter. Lloyd Keosling, of Cedar Springs, was a visitor to Bristol Tuesday, , Mrs. Hodges, of Marion, was visiting'.' here the first of the weok New line of Neckties just in at Joe K. Buck & Co’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pattison and daughtet, ot Roanoke, Mr. G. H. Pattison, -*f Mississippi, and Miss Mary Cox, wore the guests ot Mr. anu Mrs. G. W. Pattison Sunday. New lot of boys hats just ar rived. F. M. Greer & Co. If you fear hot weather and bad bow el, Dr. H’ahrney’s Teething Syrup is your friend and the Baby’s comfort, A horse belonging to Newton Phillippi became lutangled in a telephone line that had dropped to the ground, last Sunday, and while struggling to free itself the wire cut through one of its legs, cutting the bones apart at the joint, and the animal had to be shot. Get the little ones shoes and sandals from F, M. Greer &• Co. John Buck, ot Roanoke, spent a few days here this week. Carl Slator, ot Wytheville, was in town Monday. They have that tine red can “Wonder’' Stove Polish at Hendricks. Miss Ruth Phipps returned Wednesday, from a fevy days visit with friends at Crockett. We have several squares of 1£ corrugated rooting, eight, nine and eleven toot lengths that can be bought at a low price. F. M. Greer & Co. Rev. Rader, of Wvtheville, preached the closing sermon of the revival at the Methodist church here, on Wednesday night. I carry in stock at all times, all kinds of oils for machinery, automobiles, etc.; also the best grade of gasoline. E. C. Tarter. Misses Grace and Ruth Bar nett, of Lynchburg, are tho guests of their aunt, Mrs. Geo. A. Lambert. Jest received another lot of Virginia Fairy Stones. L. W. Baumgardner. The revival that has been go ing on at the Methodist Church for the past ten days was closed Wednesday night on account of Rev. F. Y. Jackson, who has been doing most of the preach ing, being called to Tazewell. Rev. Early, of Marion, and Rev. Rader, of Wytheville, also preached here during the meet ing. New lot of goods just in at Hendricks. Garlaud Blessing was visiting homefolks in Wytheville Sun day. Mrs. P. E. Nelms ami son Charles, returned Thursday from Cleveland, Tenu., where they have been visiting relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. A. A. Grubb, of Grose - close, was shopping in town Thursday. Mrs. Harve Heldroth has been ill for soveral days Don’t fail to see E. C. TART ER’S add this week. He has something to tell you that is worth dollars. Mrs. R. F. Cecil will return today to her home at Altavista, alter a few weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Dudley. Get your paint, linseed oil, turpeutine and machine oil from F.- M. Greer <fc Coj Week Beginning May 24 Is Tho Time The week beginning May 24 is the week set apart by the town authorities for the Annual Clean up. On Monday anil Tuesday of next week the town will clean Up the streets and all persons are requested to clean up their premises and place all garbage in boxes, barrels etc. and to place same in front of stores, residences not later than Wed nesday morning, for the wagons to haul away. It is to be hoped that everyone will do their best during this week to make the town as clean as possible, after which an in spection will be made by the health department. Meeting Of Town Council The Town Council met in ieg nlar session Mav ti th, 1915, with the following members present; Z. M. Neff, Chairman, Geo. S, Baumgardner, R. L. DeBoe, W . F. Gammon, and W. M Coley. Proceedings of former meetings were read and alopted. Finance committee approved claims for service rendered and hauling iu the town amounting to $31.88. Mayor reported the amount of fines imposed during the month of Apiil, $70.00. Seigeant reported that there wero quite a number ot uncol lected tax tickets still on hand. The following buget was pre sented by finance committee and was adopted by unanimous vote ot all present. May 6, 1915. BUGET FOR 1915-1916. 'Finance and claim committee submit the following statement of all sums lawfully chargeable to the town, which ought to be paid during the fiscal year 1915 1916 to and including August 31, 1916 together with statement of estimated income from sources other than taxes ou personal property and showing amount to be raised by levy for the year 1915. Repairs to roads and building sidewalks, $400,00. Printing and stationary, $20.00. Inci dentals,-legal expenses etc., $100. 00. Street lights etc., $450.00. Town clerk, $60.00. Sergeant, $15.00. Treasurer, $75.00. Jail rent, $50.00. Total, $1305.00. The levy for 1915 shall be $.75 ou the $100.00 for real estate and tangble property, and $.30 on intangible property for gen eral purposes. Estimated income other than taxes on real estate, tangible and intangible property and poll tax; Revenue from licenses, $300.00. Revenue |from fines, $60,00. Total, $360.00. By finance committee, W. F. Gammon, Geo. 8. Baumgardner, R. L. DeBoe, The Council appropriated au amount not to exceed $25.00 to be expended for clearing and re moving rubbish etc. from the streets of the town. Next in ordei, the interest and welfare of the people, was in the minds of the council and was given duo consideration along the lines ot repairing streets, buildings, sidewalks, and ad justing license tax. Adjournment being in order, the council was dismissed to meet June 3, 1915, Z. M. Neff, Mayor, E. H. Buck, Clerk. Wool! Wool! Wool! We are in position as usual, to pay the highest cash price tor wool. It will be to your interest to see us before you sell. BROWN & UMBERGER THE Wool Healers. ms'll School Notes Rural Retreat High School will send representatives in Reading Declamation, Oration, Debate, Essay, Piano and Vocal Solos to take part in the Inter ary Contests to be held at Max Meadows Friday an l and Sat urday of this week under the direction of Supt. Huffard. The Rural Retreat High School Base Ball Team will play the High Sch >ol I’eam of Max Mea dows on the latter’s grounds Friday of this week at :j P. M. This promises to be a very in teresting game. The commencement of Rural Retreat High School will take place May 2;) to June L. One of the host programs in the history of the school will bo given. Here is the Program: Saturday May 2!), 8 P. M Contest in Reading, Music, Choruses and Class Day Exer cises. Sunday 11 A. M., Baccalaureate Sermon, Dr. J. S. French, Bris tol. Monday 8 P. M , Contest in Deolam ition, Music, Choruses and a play. Tuesday 9 A. M., Graduating Exercises. Tuesday 1L A. M., Annual Address, Attorney ^General Juo. G. Pollard, Richmond. Tuesday 8 1’. M., Dramatic Exercises by Senior Class. Tickets for the night enter tainments, at the usual com meucement prices, will tie on sale at C. W. Davis’ office from May 22 on. Rural Retreat High School Basebal1 Team played the Wytheviil High School Team on the latter’s grounds last Sat urday. The Rural Retreat boys were defeated by a score of 12 to 5. This is the second game the the Wytheville H. S. team has won over Rural Retreat II. S. team iu the. past live or six years. Lecture By Dr. S. P. Long, At Marion, Va. Great interest is being maui ested in the series of lectures given by Dr. S. P. Long in the Couit Square auditorium at Marion, Virginia this week. As one listens to the popular pre sentatiou of the greatest themes in the world in language so eloquent and simple as to arrest irrestibly the attention of the large audience one readily un demands why ho preaches to one ot the largest English speak ing congregations in the world. Dr. Long is lecturing every night this week but Saturday night and three timos on Sun day. The Sunday morning lecture will be in the Lutheran church, in the afternoou and night services will be in the uaditorium. The afternoon ser vice will be especially for men but ladies will not be excluded. A special free-will offering in envelopes will be taken at the Sunday afternoon and evening services which will be given to Dr. Long to pay his traveling expenses and as a token of the appreciation of his ^services, for he comes to Marion to lecture without any charge. All the other offerings will be giveu to the college to use directly for its benefit. The choir of the college will furnish the special music Thurs day and Friday nights. James Canter Convicted. James Canter on trial charged as an eccessory in the crimes a gainst Mrs. James K. Wilson, near Bristol, and tried at Ab ingdon was found guilty as charged in the indictment. Judgfe Campbell the presiding judge, sentenced the prisoner to die in the electric chair on June 11; the same date for the electrocut ion of las brother, Luthet Canter who con fi shed that he alone was guilty. The jury was out just about 20 minutes, Returning a verdict about 5:30 on Saturday evening. Both men haVe been tiiken to t.!Ve jail at. Roaitoko; where they will he Held pending thelt* translei* to the Stale peni tentiary; where, they will pay the full penalty of the law. The p 0 le who t’u nge i A' ingdoif during the trial accepted tile ver dict with (Juiiet Approval; satis fied that tlie law; so fa'* as could he doiie; Wdiild ekpiate this titinlo ap*aiiist vvdni.inhodd in' Solithwlest Vitgiiiia. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK NO; 10061 AT RURAL RETREAT, itf THE STATE OF ViRaiNlA. Af THE CLOSE OF BCSLNBSS MAY 1st. 1913. Rtesotifeoiss ,22; Odd. 00 Loans and discoiirits (notes Held iri bank) Total loans Overdrafts unsecured; $ 29; 92 U. S. bonds deposited td secure eircdlatidri (par value) Total U. S; Bonds Securities Other than U. S. bOHds (not ill eluding stocks) owned unpledged l;5ld;00 Total bonds, securities, etc; Subscription to stock of Federal, Reserve Batik, $ 3,000.00 Less amount unpaid 2,000.00 1,000.00 Banking house, $3;750.00; furniture and fixtures, 2,945. Due from Federal Reserve Bank Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities Due from banks and bankers (other than included in 8 or 9) Checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Fractional currency, nickels, and cents Notes of other national banks Federal Reserve notes Total coin and certificate's Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent on circulation) Total 178; 373.4(1 178,373; 4(1 29; 92 22; 000; (W 1,510.00 l.uuo. od 77 6,095.77 3; 100.00 6; 624.01 6; 624.01 * 2,506.95 79; 9l 2,387.85 79.91 640.00 275.0(1 5,444.70 2,390.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 234,157 LIAimUTIlOi Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits 4,451.69 Reserved for unearned interest 3; 000.60 Less current expenses; interest; and taxes paid Circulating notes Due to banks and bankers (other than included in 5 or 6) Individual deposits subject td check Certified checks Cashier’s checks outstanding Deposits requiring notice of less than 3u days Deposits subject to 30 or more days’ notice Liabilities other than those above stated f, 451.69 1; 689.43 22,000.00 3.118.44 105,-831.40 224.00 514.34 33,791.27 50, ono.od 10,000;06 5,762.20 22,000.06 6,118.44 106,569.86 33,791.27 2,915.68 Total 234,157.51 State of Virginia, County df Wythe, ss: I, L. H. Shumate, Cashier of the above nanied bank, do? solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. H: SHUMATE, Cashier: Correct—Attest i W. F. GAMMON; G. A. LAMBERT. J. STANGER BROWN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May, 1915; N. J. HUDDLE, Ndtary Public. Send IJs Your Job Work <D«a RURAL RETREAT DRUG CO. Rural Retreat/ Vir£{tff4