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Ctjc Rural Retreat Cimes Published Every Friday Morning at RURAL RETREAT, VA. By The Times Puinting Company W. B. Bn mi ( L. W. Baumgardner j.Editors Entered at the Postoffice at Rural Re treat as second-class matter, August 4, 1905. Note—Each correspondent is held re sponsible for the contents of his com munication. Subscription price, $1.00 per yea/. Trial subscription, three months. 25 Cents. Stamps accepted for amounts not ex ceeding 25 cents. TO ADVERTISERS All persons having advertisements on the second and third pages must have their copy in not later than 9 o'clock or. Saturday previous to publication, ‘t hose on the first and fourth pages not later than Wednesday at 3 r. nr. ERID \Y. MA »' 14 1915. Keep School and Civic Leagues Active During Summer Months Many of the 800 School and Civic Leagues in our. state have formed the bad habit of ‘‘going into summer quarters’’ by not having regular meetings during this season. It is to be hoped that this unwise custom will be discontinued by the majority ot the school leagtu s this summer; for there is much that can be done during these vacation months It is a splen did time to use the local talent in some good plays and enter tainments for the young peoi le will be free frc m school duties and can give time to practice. The boys and girls that have been away to college will be at home so you can have their assistance for this work. This would add greatly to the social life of the community and place some money in the treasury. The Health Committee can be very active by keeping up a live interest in screening the houses, fly swatting and clean up days; for these are the months that we need to put forth every effort to keep down typhofd and to prevent dis eases among infants. The building and grounds com mittee can keep things attrac tive about the school and have all needed repairs made to building and outbuildings, so that everything will be in readi ness tor the opening of school. By keeping up these regular meetings and activities of the league you will take away that lonely appearance of the school building for the summer months and thereby make it vdiat it should be, an attractive ulace all the year around. Let us hear from you saying that your league will keep up its active work all during the sum mer then you will have a good report in November as well as in May. J. H. MONTGOMERY, Executive Secretary Co-operative Education Association. ‘Pears to us like it would be a good plan for those people who are bent on seeing Europe to see America first or per haps they may never have the chance. a Sluggish Liver needs Attention. Let your Liver get torpid and you Hre in lor a spell o misery. Everybody gets an attack now and then. Thous ands of people Weep their Livers active and healthy by useing Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Fine for the Stouiacb, too. Stop the Dizziness, (JoDBtipattou, Bill ousness and Indigestion. Clear the Sttecd. Only 25c. at your Druggist. Gtuaranteeci Pure Bred Single Comb Rhode Island Red’s, and Marred Plymouth Rock’s, eggs for hatching, $1.00 Per setting of 15 eggs. Jas. E. Hoydasheil Rural ReJrea!, Va. Phone “Dodson's Liver Tone” Starts Your Liver1 Better Tlian Calomel and You Don’t Lose a Day’s Work Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make vour work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of afnbi tion. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That’s when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest" liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Swift Justice A little more than two weeks ago the people ot this section were shocked by vvha' probably was the most heinous crime ever committed in Vir ginia or Tennessee. Today the guilty men are under sen. tence of death, and just one month from this morning they will die in the electric chair in the penitentiary at Richmond. l’he crime was the brutal violation and murder of a res. pectable and respected woman near Wallace, Va., a few miles north ot Bristol. It was not discovered until the day after it was co nmitted and there was little or no clue as to the perpetrators. But within two or three days two young men who lived in the com munity were under arrest, and within ten days after their arrest they had been condemn ed to die. When the clay arrives on which they will expi ate their crime or crimes—lor it was a double ctime--ouly about six weeks will have elapsed since the afternoon when they entered the Wilson home for a fell purpose which they accomplished in the most fiendish manner. Seldom, if ever, has justice moved more swiftly or struck with a heavier hand. Virginia has a record for dealing prompt. | nals of high and low estate! which is known far and wide} and which frequently is com mented upon by newspapers of other states. And the record has been abundantly sustained in this instance. The officers of Washington county, from Judge Campbell down Rheumatism Yields Quickly to Sloan’s: You oan’t preyeut an tttack of Rheu matistn from coming on, but you cun stop it almost immediately. Sloan’s Liniment gently applied to the sore joint or musole penetrates in a few minutes to the inflamed spot that onuses the pain. It sootties the hot. tender, swollen feeling, and in a very short time brings a relief that is almost unbelievable until you experience it. diet a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25o of any Druggist and have it in the house against,Colds, Sore and swollen joints, Lumbago, Sciatica aud like ail ments Your money back if uot satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Tone toniglit. Tour druggist or dealer • sells yon a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s : Liver Tone under my personal money- j back guarantee that each spoonful will ! clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won’t I make you sick. Dodson’s Liver Tone is real liver ; medicine. You’ll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; headache and dizziness gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely vege table, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to yonr children. Millions of people are using Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of Calomel is almost stopped entirely here. have handled this case in a mann ;r that cemmands the cordial commendation of the law-abiding and law-respect ing public. One of the men was convic ted by his own confession, which was made with brutal frankness. The other was con victed on evidence whicl left no reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury as to his guilt. And now that it is all over, even th ).se who felt that summary vengeance should be visited upon these men by violent means should be glad that no attempt was made to prevent the law irom taking its cou rse.- -13 r i s t o 1 Herald Courier, May ii. Far better it is to vote for your own personal benefit than to vote tor the party, Batavia, N. Y.—Albert H, Call, a swine breeder, has discovered that soft coal will prevent hog cholera. He (lumps a quantity of coal into the pens and the hogs con sume it. For Sale—One acre lot west of Lutheran Parsonage $1200 00 Terms right. 5-7-4t Mrs. W. H. Sprinkle. Announcement. To the Voters of Wythe Comity : I hereby announce myself an independent candidate for re elect ion to the office of Comm is sioner of the Revenue for the Western District of Wytlie County, at the coming Novem her election. Having had three years’ experience as Commis sioner, 1 feel sure that I can transact the business fit’ the of fice in a manner satisfactory to the voters of the County. I hereby solicit, the support of all voters irrespective of party affiliations. This April 12th, 1915. Respectfully, * F, L. MUSSER. WHOOPING COUGH Well —everyone known the effect of Piue H'orests on Coughs Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar-Honey is a remedy which brings quick relief for Whooping Cough, loosens the mucous, soothes he lining of the throat uni lungs. and makes the coughing spells less severe. A family with growing children should not be without it. Keep it bandy for all Coughs and Colds. 25c. at your Druggist. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic,. I GOOD DELIVERY Delivering the goods. Did you ever buy a pair of shoes that failed to give satisfadtion —somehow the style did not please you—little or no comfort in them, and soon the sole? Well, they did not deliver the goods, that’s all. deliver the goods in the form of absolute shoe satisfaction. We will prove it to you. Give us a chance. Joe B o cIsl dto <Oo The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the’United States 120 Broadway, New York. The man who insures his life wants in surance that insures—protection that pro tects. He should demand the best,, and be content with nothing but the best, “Only The Best Is Cheap.” W. B. Brown, Agent Rural Retreat, Va. We Can’t Give You The World Put we cun give you a uice fit in a Tailor made suit. Welme over a tnousand samples with some more coining. Prices from $l> to $50.00 and satisfaction guaranteed [ It jloesen’t cost one cent to envestigato and it we do not save you money we wont trade, that’s all L. W. BAUMGARDNER & CO. f These are V you ^rillryeed Hanna’s Lustro-Finish You can give new life to old furniture and scarred floors with Hanna’s Lustro-Finish. It stains and varnishes at one application. Makes all things lustrous and beautiful. Get a can today and try it, Sold by Rural Retreat Drug Co. Professional Cards DR. R. McRAE ECHOLS Osteopathic Physician nom'fa i Office, INOW 318-A, Old 21. I HONho } Residence, New 309-B, All classes of disease success fully treated. Special attention given to Stiff Necks, Headaches, Backaches, Indigestion, Ade noids, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, and a!) nervous troubles. 10-11 Interstate Building, Bristol, Tenn. M _C- HUDDLE Attorney at Law, Rural Retreat. ------ Va. OHiue over The Bank of Rural Retreat E. LEE THINKLE A'!’ IORNlSV AT LAW," Monev to Loan, Surety on Bonds. Office over farmer’s Bank WYTHEVILLE - - - VA H- M. HFUSER ATTOR NICY- A T- LA W VV ytlieville, Va. OFFICE in Spiller Building. Will pi notice in All THE COURTS. **- . 1915 The Time lor Reso lutions Resolve to have that inside painting and var nishing done now and be ready for spring when it cmnes. Don’t wait until the rush is on. Respect fully, J. H. SULT. The Painter Rural Retreat, Va. Plume We. CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST CHURCH HMV. .1 A H SHULER, Pastor. Preaching every first, Suuday at 11 a. m., and second Sunday night Sumlay School every Sunday at 9:3o GEO. A. LAMBERT. Supt. Prayer-meet ins Wednesday 7 p. m.. with stud ios in t ho Gospel of St. John Junior League meets at 2 p m each Suuday. Everybody cordially invited to al these service* LUTHERAN REV. G H RHODES, Pastor Preaching every second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. in. and7 :3o p. m Sunday Schoo every Sunday at 9:45 J. J. nARR.Supt A cordial invitation to all to attend these services ^ PRESBYTERIAN* REV. GRAHAM GILMER, Pastor Preaching every first aud third Sundays at 11 <i. rn. and 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45, a. m. C. E. GAMMON. Supt. Everybody is very cordially invited to all services. SECRET SOCIETIES ® MT. AIKY LOLXiE NO. m, Aucieut Free /IrSand Accepted Masons hold their statod communications on the second Saturday night in each mouth at 7 ?3o p m Visiting bretheron, in good standing, always welcome ROY HANKLA, w. m J. H. WILSON. SECRETARY : ^gag^. Summit lodge No. 168 I. O. 0. F. ! Meots on the first and third Saturday nights of , each month. Odd Fellows in good standing from other Lodges always welcome . E. H. HUrk, N. G. J J. Harr, Secy Rural Retreat Lodge No. 81, K. of P. Meetings every Second and Fourth Friday j nights at 7:3tO p. m., of each month. | All mombers in good standing Hre request I ed to attend. Z. M. NHFF, Chancellor Commander, i W. F. CORHANY, Keeper of Records and Seais. | - Highland Council No. 222, Jr.O.U.A.M Meets every Tuesday night in I. O. O. Hall, , at 7 :80 p. m. VTisiting brethren, in good stand ing, are always welcome. J. W. MAURIN, Councilor. C, O. MILLER, Rec Secy. Ferguson Camp No. 231 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meetings held on the first Tuesdsy nitrht in : each month at 8o’clock, in I. O. O. F. Hall. All members in good standing are requested to attend. G, K. HUDSON, Consul Commander. F. E. NELMS, Ci.wbk. Singer Sewing Machine Oii, The good kind. 3 oz. bottle for 10 cts. L. W. Baumgardner The Drug Store has the agency at Rural Retreat for the Edisoa Mazda lamps.