OCR Interpretation

Tazewell Republican. [volume] (Tazewell, Va.) 1892-1919, July 15, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079154/1897-07-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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jProc from All Profuxiity nntl IMirc tu
Iiis Co?MTNiitlna.
I Grant was a most agreeable and af
Jfec-tionate roommate. It. wanna my
[heart when I think of the year we
passed together so pleasantly. At first
jwe had another inmate in our room;
Ibut he was transferred to another corn
jpany and we were alone together. We
(never bad the slightest disagreement.
[Grant was not what we called "njili
jtary." He was careless in dress, he did
|r.ot pay much attention to the minutiae
iof drill. For two years wo were both
[high privates in the company. Then
j\j c w ere made cadet sergeants. We
[had many a good laugh about bur-mili
jtary cadet rank. He *-;*.* foot of the
list, and I next above him. The next
'year, when the appointment of cadet
|ofQcers was made oar. he returned to
the rank of private and I to.->k the foot
,cf tho list. Grant had n good head fot
atics and other studies. He was
mot a hard student; he-studied enough
t.> take the head of the second section.
;n:ul 1 do not doubt if he had been more
[ambitious he could have been in the
Iflrsl section. Three parts of the class
were, below him as it was. lie got n
jgood deal of demerits for trifling care?
lessness in military matters, which low
iered his general standing in the class,
illo joined the Dialectic society, a lit?
erary association, purely voluntary, to
nmprove himself in general education,
.n:id attended its meeting's regularly.
[Although always cheerful and pleasant,
he seemed a good part of the time oc?
cupied in serious thoughts on the great
jproblems of human life. lie was free
pCrom all profanity, and his conversation
?was pure. ITe did not drink liquor or
;r*e tobacco. One of his characteristic
'traits was a great straightforwardness
and a .-err.': ulous regard for truth. He
'would not deviate from it even in jest,
i?E . George Deshon, in N. Y. Inde
'1 ie large coal dealers of Chicago have
informed Mayor Harrison that they are
prepared to furnish enough coal to keep
the city running for three months. Tins
removes the danger of a co.d famine in
that city as a result of the strike among
the miners.
Gene.-:'.' Booth-Tucker, American com?
mander of the Salvation Army, is tnine
t formulate a scheme for colonizing in the
country, the poor of the great cities. He
has called on secretary Wilson, 01 the De?
partment of Agriculture, to secure hi.
advice regarding the scheme. It is said
Secretary Wilson oflered every aid the
department could give to promote the
"Last summer one pfour grand-children
was sick with bowel trouble," says Mrs.
E. G. Gregory, of ?*.*. lerickstown, Mo!
"Our doctor's remedy bad failed, then we
tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarhoea Remedy, whicl gave speedy
relief," For sale byJ. E.Ji ? kson, druggist.
8 2
o - ... ... , o
f> /Os_ Youse't yourseif iu style, q
? S ft We guarantee the quahty,
X ViQ and the price takes care "of ?
fi < :\ itstIf
2 \ n g
.. W HABUI??ON & $
0 1 CiL; &5P.I:-; uBOS. ?
f4 K !.?
Read our ad il.')< and jj
O every Other issue of this paper, c
A fast-growing tro? is net apt to pro
duce very inuehfrv.it.
All superfluous branches are a nced
h ? i drain upon the resources of the
pruning the grapes it U a good
flan to allow five, canes to each pest,
k ittii g back yearly.
Red clover is one of tho best plants
for orchards, it keeps the ground loose
and enriches the soil.
Pruning is done for two reasons: To
in dee symmetrical, long-lived trees and
to cause fruitfuiness.
The most important thing in pear cul?
ture is good, v. ell-drained soil. Train
the trees carefully while young.
When trees are badly infested with
bark lice, one of the best remedies is
to wash them with a streng solution of
tobacco, to which is added the same
tity of soap sutls.?St. Louis Re
Reasons Why Chcigiberiains Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
is the Best.
1. Because it affords almost instant relief
in case of pain in the stomach, colic and
cholera moi bus.
2. .Because it is the only remedy that
never tails in the in ist severe cases of dysen?
tery and dial rh n ...
3. Because it is the only remedy that
will eure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it it the only remedy that
w'li prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is tha only remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
'J. Because it is the only remedy that
can always be depended upon in cases of
cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine in use for t.he bowel
S. Because it produces no bad. results.
9. Because it is pleasant and Kale to take.
10. Eeeause it has saved the lives of
more people than any other medicine in
The 25 and 5? sizes for t-.de by J. E.
Jackson, druggist.
Kverylixlr Says So.
Cnscnrets Candy Cathartic, the most won
deriul medical discovery of the age, pleas?
ant and refreshing to the taste, uci gently
and positively on kidneys, liver sind bowels
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
euro headache, levei*. habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please, buy luid try a box
of C C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold aud
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Ars You "Wcaiil '
Weakness manifests itself in lh^ loss of
ambition and aching bones. The blood is
watery; the tis ties ore wasting?the door is
l*ii.">>p( n( d fordisease. A bottle of Browns
Iron Bitters taken m time will restore your
Strength, soothe your nerves, make your
felooarich and red. Do yon more g>.od than
a special course of medicine. For sale by
Tazewell Db?g Co., Sole Agents.
Dyeing and Cleaning
Alice .Johnson is prepaied for cleaning
and dyeing all kinds of ladies and gentle?
men's* garments. You will find her shop
in the Belew property, Main Street, Taze
well, Va. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Don't Tohnrro Spit and Saioke Yonr Life Anoy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. AU druggists, 50e or 51. Cure guaran?
teed. Booklet and sampls free. Address
Sterling Kemedy Co, Chicago or New York.
Au OIJ Itl?a.
Every day strengthens the belief of emi?
nent, physicians that impure Mood ir the
cause of most of our diseases. Twentjr-five
vi'iirs ago this theory was u^ed as it hasis Tor
the formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. The
remarkable cures effected hy this famous
reniedy are sufficient to prove the theory
correct. Browns' Iron Bitters are sold by
Taz?wki.i. Dkuo ('<>., Sole Agents.
Educate Your IJowels With Cuscarets.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation tore vet.
u\ SSf It C C. C. full, druggists refund money.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Gascaiets Candy Cathartic. 10c or ?5c.
If C C. C. fi'.il to cure, druggists refund rnonc-'
Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cento.
Guaranteed towuxo habit euro, makes WTO*
mtu strong, blooit pure. 50?. fl. All druggists.
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci?
dent to i hese diseases, is i nstantiy aliayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eyo and
Skin Ointment. Many very had cases
have been permanently cored by it. it
i-3 < anally efficient lor itching pile* :n--d
a favorite remedy for sore nipp] s,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 23 cts. per bos.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when iu bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
vents per package.
For sale by J. E. Jackson, druggist.
tiropshire Bucks
Thoroughbred Shropshire Buck Lambs,
Price 310.00.
These lambs are gilt edge in breeding
and style.
Pedigrees can be seen by applying to
GEO. \V. GILLESPIK, at Tazewell, Va.,
or to R. K. GILLESPIE, Pounding Mill,
nwT'" Sch luto in Effect
JULY 4th, 1897.
4.30 p. m. daily and 3.23 p. m. daily ex?
cept Sunday.
1.56 p. m. daily and 11.12 a. m. daily ox
cept Sunday._...
nrr/pm WAT>mn ropcji nnTfTlI nrretip
uUAlli'ufiijij bUUln-liCiOi.
North aivd East.
Falisan Vestibnled Coaches,
Sleeping and Dining Cars,
beb that yocb TICKETS bead ovee ?rAL
NGRFuLK a mum rail :. ;.
Write for Rates, Maps, lime-Tah*i -
j Descriptive Pamphlets to any SU.tior
j Agent, or to
W. B. UiVILL, ALI.ES Ucll, M. F. Bl! s rn,
i Gcn'l Pass. Agt. Div. Puss. Agt.
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's oilioe oi
Tazewell circuit court. June 23rd,
S. S. Barman, administrator of J. Howe
Bayers, deed., Complainant,
vs. In Chancery.
David T, Witten, W. W. Workman, John
A. Brown and the children of Chas. L.
Witten, deed, and his wife Francis Wit
ten, who were infants on the -1st day ol
March, hs'j."?, whose names arennknown
to the complainant,.and who are sued as
persons unknown, defendants.
The object of this suit is to subject acer
I tain lot of land located in the town of Po
cahontas, Tazewell county, Virginia, being
J the same lot conveyed to Jno. A. Brown
j by \V. A. McKinney and wife and others,
|and conveyed by John A. Brown to Charles
L. Witten and by Charles J.. Witten and
wife to David T. Witten, to the payment
of $64.85 with legal interest thereon from
the 21g, day of March, 1895, till paid.
Ann ii appearing hum affidavit on file in
said office that W. W. Workman, John A.
Brown and the children of Charles L. Wit
ten, deed., and ins wife Francis Witten,
who were infante on the 21st day of March,
1895, whose names are unknown to tbe
complainant, and who tire sued as persons
unknown, are non-residents of the Com?
monwealth of Virginia, it is ordered that
tbey appear here within fifteen days after
due publication'of this order and do what
may be necessary to protect their interests
in this suit, and that copies hereof be pub?
lished and posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
II. Bank IIabmax, Clerk.
Chapman & Gi'lespie, p. q.
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's office of
Tazewell circuit court, June 23rd.
Ella F. Hutton,Complainant)
vs. I In chaicerj
S. S. Hutton, Defendant J
The object of this suit is to obtain a di?
vorce ft vmculo malrhnnnli for theeompiain
ant from the defendant, and it appearing
from affidavit on file in said office that the
defendant, S. S. Hutton, is a non-resident,
of the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is or?
dered that he appear here within fifteo'.i
days after due publication of this ord'jr
and do what is necessary to protect his ?>
terest in this suit, and that copies h'jreof
be published and posted as pieecrib'jd by
A copy. Teste:
H. Bane IIabman, "Clerk.
Chapman & Gillespie, p. q.
pie and bootlet free^ Ad. STKP.M\? BSHEDT <:(
Wholesale Liquor Dealer
Quart Gallon
Gibson's Pare Rye .....*..$1.25 |5.00
Knch Golden Wedding. 1.25 5.00
Guckenheimer Old Rye. 1.25 5.00
Goodman's Private Stock (1SG0). 1.15 4.50
Belle of Nelson. 1.00 4.00
Springdale Pure Rye. 1.00 3.75
Baker's Pure Rye. 1.00 3.50
Duflfe?*? Malt Whisky. LOO -
Old Time Kentucky Rye. ?0 3.20
White Mills Old. Bourbon. 75 2.70
Old Virginia Glades Pure Bye. 75 2.50
Honeymoon Pure Kentucky Rye. 00 2.20
Imperial Cabinet. 50 2.00
Commercial Rye. 1-5?
White live (4 years old). 2.70
I'er Gallon.
White Bye.$1.50 and 2.00
North Carolina Corn Whisky. 1.50 and 2.20
Purest Alcohol for Druggists. . 3.00
Any of the above brands in cases of any size.
Per Hot.
Apple (old country-made). 50
Peach (Virginia-made). 75
California Peach. 1.00
Blackberry Brandy. ">0
Distilled Blackberry Brandy. 1.26
Ginger Brandy. 50
K?mmel. 75
Peach and Honey. 50
Rock and Rye. 50
Old Tom.
Booth & Co.'s Old Tom. 1.00
G. H. Mumm & Co.'s Extra Dry.$3.20
Piper Seidsick, Grand Sec. 3.25
Gold Seal. 2.00
Werners. 1.25
Per Gallon.
$1.50 to 3.50
1.50 to 2.25
1.50 to 2.00
2.50 to'?.b?
1.50 to 2.00
1.50 to 2.00
2.00 to 3.00
Strict attention paid to mail orders.
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's office of
Tazewell circuit court, July 13,1S97.
B. Y. Fox, complainant 1
vs. > Iti chancery.
C. J. Fox, defendant J
The object of this suit is to obtain a di?
vorce, (i vinculo matrimonii for the com?
plainant from the defendant, and it ap?
pealing from affidavit on file in said office
that C. J. Fox is a non-resident of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, it is ordered
that she appear here within lifteen days
after due publication of this order and du
what is necessary to protect her interest in
this suit, and that copies hereof be pub?
lished and posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
11. Bank Harman, Clerk.
, \V. B. Spratt > ?
G. W. St. Clair I D? <**
INI A: In the clerk's office of
Tazewell circuit court, July 6th,
Geo. P. Hall, complainant,
vs. In chancery.
J. H. Richeson, Bird M. Robinson, trus?
tee, Holston National Building and Loan
Association, H. Bane Harman, trustee,
and K. D. Ii. Harman, defendants.
I The object of this suit is to sub
|jeet to sale a house and lot situate near
the Norfolk & Western Railway Co's.
station at Kelly, Va., the property of.L
H. Richeson to satisfy a judgment for
$'25.31 srith interest from 24 Nov. 1894,
und it appearing from affidavit on file in
said office that Bird M. Robinson, trustee,
and Hoisten National Building & Loan,
Ass elation are non-resideuts of the com?
monwealth of Va, it is ordered that they
appear here within fifteen days after due
publication of this order and do what is
necessary to protect their interest in this
suit and* that copies hereof be published
and posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
H. Ban-e Harman, Clerk.
G. W. St. Clair, p. q.
TTlKGINIA: In the clerk's office of
? Tazewell circuit court, July 6th,
J. H. Whitlej andJ.W. Whitley, com
vs. In chancery.
ID. P. Peery,J.H.Peery,C. H. Peery,W. F.
Harman,D. G. Savers,trustee,E. W. Clil
lespie, trustee, Frick Company(a corpora?
tion), Greer Machinery Co., the names
of parties composing la?t mentioned
firm unknown, defendants.
The object of this suit is to subject the
j real and ersonat property of D. P. Peery
? :*? ! .?-. H County, Virginia, to sale, to
j satisfy two judgements of $89,30 each, with
j interest from 19th January, 1897; one
: ??? which is in favor of J. W." Whitley and
; ine other in fever ol J. H. Whitley. The
ibove mentioned real property i.-s situate
I on Stouy Ridge and the head waters of
' Cavitts Creek ;?> said county. And to set
I aside and annul a deed of "trust executed
1 by 1/. P. Peery, June 8, 1897, of record in
county court clerk's ollice of Tazewell
County, deed book No. 40, page 200.
And it appearing from affida?
vit on file hi said office that F..
W. Gillespse, Trustee, Frick Com?
pany and Greet' Machinery Company are
non-residents of the Commonwealth of Vir?
ginia, it is ordered that they appear here
within fifteen days after due publication of
this order and do what is neccessary to
I to protect their interests in this Buit, and
that copies hereof be published and posted
as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
IL Bane Hat.man, Clerk.
G. W. St. Clair, p. q.
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's office of the
circuit court of the county of Taze?
well on the 7th day of July, in the year of
our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Ninety
I Samuel B. Thompson, plaintiff,
vs. Trespass on the case.
P. J. Kimball and Henry Fink, receivers
of the Norfolk and Western Railroad
Company, a corporation, defendants.
The following is a copy of the process in
pidd cause.
The Commonwealth of Virginia: To the
Sheriff of Tazewell County, Greeting:
We command you to summon F. J.
j Kimball and Henry Fink, Receivers of the
j Norfolk & V/eslern Railroad Company, a
corporation, to appear at rules to be held
in the Cerk's office of our circuit court of
I Tazewell County on the 3rd Monday in
[July '(1897) next, to answer Samuel B.
Thompson of a plea of Trespass on the
ens'-. Damages ?75.00. And have then
. th ere this writ. Witness H. Bane Harman.
Clerk of our said court, at the courthouse
i the 7th day of July, 1897, in the 122nd
year of the Commonwealth.
H. Bane Habman, Clerk.
A copv. Teste:
H. Bane H arm an , Clerk.
Chapman & Gillespie, p. q.
Physician and Surgeon
I Has lot ated at Liberty Hill (Knob), Va
at which place he can be found at ad
j times ex cept when absent on professional
duties. v
_ _
Wanfed-?n Idea ?S
ProtfHJt your !dpas: they *mny bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDEKBCKN & CO., Patent Attor?
neys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prlre offer
and new litt of one thousand Inventions wanted.
?ip or trine
cfltton. Cancants a -e tie Ideal Laxa.
'.l>ul ranxo casj nau amiresolut. Sam.
Montreal, Can., or Sew Tort. 317.
Look at What You
Free to one of our custo
y mers every month. Ev
dery cash purchase of twen?
ty-five cents or more gives
U you a chance. You get
credit on your ticket for every
five cent purchase. We
will give one of these sets
every month. Come and
look at it.
X Ufa have the best CLARE T ICE, PEACH X
X town, at our fountain. ~
oooooooooooooooo oo
Have just received a Car Load of Earthen
and Stone Ware, the finest quality. Ves?
sels from one-half gallon to six gallons in
i Fishing Tackl
We have a nice stock of Fishing Tackle
?-jointed rods, reels, grass and linen lines,
hooks, with and without snoods.
We have a large quantity of Fruit Jars, all
sizes, which we are selling at bottom prices. <fb
All kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. X
All kinds of Hard?
ware? Cooking and
Heating Stoves, Fur-^
niture, House Furn-4
ishing Goods, Lamps 1
and Lamp Fixtures /
We guarantee they will please you better than any plow on the market.
We will sell yon a first-class Sewing Machine for $20.00 and the best in the
world for $30,00, Guaranteed.
I have for sale three
Poland-China boar pigs;
fan-owed Oct. 29, '96.
These pigs are thorough?
bred, and pedigree fur?
nished with each sale.
Write for prices..
A . J. MAY, JR.,
Fancy Mantels,
Tile Hearths and Facings
Artistically Arranged n Complimentary
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Write
for samples and references.
AockBoxio. Grabam, Ya,
Ue?un with a French Cuisine and
Ended with Free Dinner?.
IIow severe is the struggle for lifo
among tho uptown restaurant men is
shown by the shifts to which one who
lias lately joined their ranks is resort?
ing1 in order to attract customers. Jle
bad a large house on his hands, and not
finding lodgers sufficiently profitable,
decided to start a high-class restaurant,
lie began by furnishing the second
floor in fine style, and offering "the
best French cuisine and fine wines" at
$1.25. His average was two customers
nightly, one of whom ate on credit.
After about two weeks of weary wait?
ing he decided that he had been too am?
bitious, and removing his tables and
few appointments one floor down, he
put out a sign offering "an excellent
dinner with wine" for 75 cents. Four
customers came the first night and
three the second. After that the reg?
ular attendance was two, the same in?
dividuals as before. But the would-be
caterer was not beaten.
"One must begin at the bottom," he
reasoned, and decided on another
The tables and appointments were re?
moved to the basement and a new sign
put out. It ran: "A good dinner with
an excellent cup of coffee, 25 cents."
But basement cafes are viewed with dis?
favor in his part of town. The one
paying customer deserted him, and his
plnce was filled by a tramp who asked
for charity and quarreled about what
was ser/ed. Not even yet would the
proprietor give in.
"My place is not yet known," he said.
"I must show people that I have a
large and fashionable clientele."
So he bade all his family- array them?
selves in their Sunday best and dis?
tribute themselves nightly about the
tables in the restaurant.
Although the diners change their
places every night, the proprietor
thinks that the public must see through
his trick, for while places are laid for
50, more than nine persons are never
to be seen seated at a time. So he has
engaged a score of well-looking young
men to dine from six o'clock to nine
free of charge.?N. Y. Sun.
Juke In on Ulm.
"You know the mean tenant that
Chipper is always complaining about?"
"Well, Chipper thinks he has-ao. awful
good joke on him. The tenant burned
up one side of the coal shed for kindling
wood and now the neighbors get in r/j
night and steal his coal."?Cleveland
VIRGINIA: In the clerk's ofiice ol
Tazenell circuit court, July 1st,
John P. Gose, trustee, defendant,
VS. In chancery.
A. Pbillipi, H. E. JJailey, J. B. Greever,
Thouias Peery, A. St. Clair, J. II.
Crockett, E. J. Collins, 13. Moore, (J. VV.
Keister and J. A. Greever, trustees,
Wartburg Seminarv, a corporation, and
A. Pbillipi, A. St. Clair, -Moore,.!. A.
Greever, J. H. Crockett, C. W. Meister,
Thomas Peery, J. I). Greever and E. S.
Greever, as individuals, together with
all the unknown creditors of J. 15.
Greever, who are proceeded against as
parties unknown, defendants.
The object of this suit is to ask the di?
rection of a court of equity in the sale of
Wartburg Seminary, at Graham, Tazewell
County, Va., under a deed of trust execu?
ted by A. Pbillipi and others, trustees,
Wartburg Seminary, a corporation, J. 13.
Greever and E. S. Greever, his wife, to J.
P. Gose, trustee, and of record in Taze?
well County court clerk's office in deed
book No. 40, page 17.". lie; in the payment
of the debts, secured in the said deed of
trust; and in the distribution of the bal?
ance of the proceeds of the sale of the said
Wartburg Seminary to the creditors of the
said J. 15. Greever. And it appearing from
affidavit on file in said ofiice that II. E.
Bailey, E. J. Collins and B. Moore, trus?
tees, "and B. Moore as an individual, are
non-residents of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, and that the creditors of J. 13.
Greever are unknown, it is ordered that
H. E. Bailey, E. J. Collins and B. Moore,
trustees, and 15. Moore as an individual, ai
well as the unknown creditors of J. 13.
Greever, appear bere within fifteen days
after due publication of this order and do
wliat is necessary to protect their interest
in this suit, and that copies hereof be pub?
lished and posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
H. Bank HaRXAN, Clerk
Greever & Gillespie, p. q.
IRGINIA: In the clerk's office of
Tazewell circuit court, June 23rd,
j John C. Freeman, U. G. Peery and John
C. St. Clair, late merchants and partners
in trade under the firm name and style
of Freeman & Co., wiio sue for the bene?
fit of Ii. G. Peery and John C. St. Clair,
and Alexander Reynolds and F. W.
C'ompton, late merchants and partners
in trade under the firm name and style
of Reynolds & Compton, who sue for the
benefit of Alexander Reynolds, com?
vs. In chancery.
[ John W. Crockett, sheriff of Tazewell
county, and as such, administrator of S.
A. Diilion, deed., Jennie Hart, A. J.
Lovely, Jr.. Jesse lively,Thomas P. Dil?
lion, Thomas H. Dillion, Frank J. Dii?
lion, Grat C. Dillion, L. V. Dillion, J.L.
Dillion, Nannie P. Dillion and S. L. Dil?
lion, the last five of whom are infants,
The object of Ulis suit is to enforce the
lien of a judgment in the name of Freeman
& Co., ai/ainst T. P. Dillion and S. A. Dil?
lion for $07.-18 with interest from July Sth,
lStS5,till paid,and eighty cents cost,and also
the lien of a judgment in name of Reynolds
& Compton against said T. P. Million and S.
A. Dillion for the stun of $43 with interest
thereon from July 7tb,1887,and $1.05costs
by sale of the lands owned by S. A. Dillion
in her life lime and also the interest of T.
P. Dillion therein, and it appearing from
affidavit on file in said office that Jennie
Hart, A. J. Lovely, Jr.. and Jesse Lovely
arenon residents of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, it is ordered that they appear
here within fifteen days after due publica?
tion of this order and do what may be nec?
essary to protect their interests in this suit,
and that copies hereof be published and
posted as prescribed by law.
A copy. Teste:
H. Bank Haruan, Clerk.
Chapman & Gillespie, p. q.
A STORE PROPERTY?By virtue of a deed of
trust, dated the 3ih tiny of October, 1895, and duly
recorded In the oBlceof the clerk of the county
court for Tazewell county, Vi., in deed book Xo.
:5S, page iTS: whereby G. at. Shafci conveyed the
real estate hereinafter referred to, and more fully
described in the said deed, (to which reference is
hereby made), to the undersigned trustee, to se?
cure ninety-live certain negotiable notes of even
date with said deed, each in the sum of SH?.uo,
and payable, one each consecutive month there?
after, to the Iron Belt Building mid Loan Associa?
tion, of Kounoke, Virginia; and default having
been made in the payment of the four of said notes
last duo. and being directed by the said benefici?
ary so to do, the undersigned trustee will, on
AT 4 O'CLOCK P. 31.,
proceed to sell, on the premises, in the town of
Graham. Va., at public auction, to the highest
bidder therefor, a certain lot of land with all of
the buildings thereon, situated in the town of
Graham, Tazewell county, Va., and known as lots
19 aud 20, in section 31, of the map of Graham
Land and improvement Company, of record In
the office of the clerk of the county court of Taze?
well county, In deed book '2'J, page 500. The said
map is known as "Plan additional to Plan A, of
Graham, Va."
This property was formerly known as the Sur?
face Hotel and Store Property. Terms, cash, as
to S110.00 and the costs of executing this trust;
balance payable in equal, successive, monthly in?
stalments of S35.00 each, commencing on the 5th
day of September, 1897. Purchaser to execute his
negotiable notes for said deferred payments, to be
secured by a deed of trust on the property sold:
and to insure the buildingB thereou for the
amount of said deferred payments, and assign the
policy of insurance to the trustee.
C. A. McHcgh, Trustee.
A Trio of Fervent Letters to
the Sympathetic Friend
of Her Sex.
Each Letter Tells in a Different
Way of Agonies Relieved
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Before using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, my
health was gradually being undermined. I suffered untold agony
from painful menstruation, backache, pain on top of my head and
ovarian trouble. I concluded to try Mrs. Pinkham's
Compound, and found that it was all any woman
needs who suffers with painful monthly periods. It
entirely cured me.
Mrs. Georgie Wass,
923 Bank St., Cincinnati, O.
For years I had suffered with pain?
ful menstruation every month. At
the beginning of menstruation it was
possible for mc to stand up for more
an five minutes, I felt so miserable,
ne day a little book of Mrs. Pink?
ham's was thrown into my house and
down and read it. I then got some of
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Pills. I can heartily say that to-day
new woman; my monthly suffering
the past. I shall always praise
Compound for what it has done
Mrs. Margaret Anderson,
363 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me.
I sat right
Lydia E.
and Liver
I feel lik
is a thing
the Vegetabl
for me.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me of painful
menstruation and backache. The pain in my back was dreadful,
and the agony I suffered during menstruation nearly drove me wild.
Now this is all over, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and
advice.?Mrs. Carrie V. Williams, South Mills, N. C.
The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a safe, sure and almost infallible
remedy in cases of irregularity, suppressed, excessive or painful
monthly periods. .**am*rmj-*
chapman & hurt,
Represent the following old reliable Fire Companies:
Liverpool tndL ondon and Globe,
Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool,
Hartford Fire Insurance Company,
New York Underwriters' Agency',
Home Insurance Company of New York,
Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford.
Georgia Home Ins. Co. of Colnmbus, Ga.
Virginia Fiie and Marine Insurance Co.
Virginia State Insurance Company,
Petersburg Savings and Insurance Co.
United States Insurance Co. of N. Y.
North British and Mercantile.
Mutual Life of New York,
Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn.
American Security Company of N. Y.
Lloyd's Plate Glass Company of N. Y.
Policies written by them insure protection, indemnity and security
to their holders. Losses paid in Southwest Virginia over ?35,000.00,
every dollar of which was paid without law-suit or controversy. octl
Genera! Agents for the
Main Office! 328 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
1 Broadway, New York, Old Colony Building. Chicago, 111.
70 Kilhy Street, Boston, Mass., Neave Luildin<r, Cincinnati, O.
Progress Building, Norfolk, Va., 4 Fencburch Avenue, Lond-jn, England,
Terry Building, Roanoke, Va.
If vou want
to see
If you desire sweet repose and delightful slumbers try mine. I have TEN THOU?
SAND GALLONS in stock and will guarantee every gallon to be strictly pure.
. . . Newport (Giles Co.), Vrgnia.
Distiller and dealer in best homemade pure copper-distilled
SOUR MASH?Thia celebrated whisky is distilled only by me and will be deliv?
ered at Railroad Station at $2.00 per gallon. Pure Corn Sour Mash Whisky at $1.30
per gallon by the barrel, 100 proof. Warranted pure goods. All ordere promptly
tazewell, virginia,
(Residence - West Main Street.)
Thanking her numerous patrons for their past support,
she hopes to merit a continuance of the same by good work at
reasonable prices, Promptess my motto.

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