Newspaper Page Text
?a* ^irgittia $iu2tc. IMCMtKKATH WKKKLY ' Knteredat Irvlnjrton P.O.aaSd cliMmattr* : IA. CITIZEN n HL!SI!1N? i ... HHLISHEK>. SuBSCRimoN: $1.00a year, in advai.c. W. R. ROWE. Orncs MXnagbr. Frtday. I>?*ceiii!?er 14?. Ittlo DR CANNON THEIR TARGET NOW Isn*t it a niite uufair iu ti;? liiehmond .lournal to be assun,. injr, and assuminjr, that Dr. Can noii is "in leajjue" with the polit ical ;;orpjitiizatiojr', or "ma <hine\ which it eharges i? con trollin? the State? The Doctor is ntnply able to l.ake c.are of himself, and has gfren back ingood allowance the thrusts numerous paj*>rs and peonle drive at him, and still hol<lin<r his own. It has l>een elearly dHinonstrated that n<> on^of them is his etnml in solid ivtort, elso he would long ago havegotoetmder. For this reason, as much as any other, he necds no help from such lesser scribes at ?c uuioiur whoni he has a liost oi endorsers. There have Ikhmi liiany thin^s of disap;ree mebt beUcetu the "or>ranization" and Dr. Jnwttt Canuon, ?)>., and ihis paper and its editor do not ahravt find themselves in line with him. Were there a^reement on all thiugs, it st ands that Dr. Oannoo had absorbed and was leading the so-called organiza tion. (This the .lournal and its eo-thinkerK will denmr to, since they cliun the "orxniiizatiou" is running thinj^s.) The reverse <<>uld not be any more erroneous ?that the "orgaiiization'' had absorbed Dr. (annon?for that iMiiiiient jreutlenian will not per mir the absorbiii? act. He ap I>ears to be a thinker and a doer i'or hfmttiaf But, pshaw! what's the ute in ar^uinjr? " l'on can't reason wid a muhV'. and if you know anv ihuIh more mulish or stubborii thanour niends who are suffer uur with thp "phobia" of "ma ctune" and "orga-nization", we would lik^ to lav eves on him. fott foremost. The* "machine", and Dr. ('annon (if you wfll have it to), are in muioritv with the Dtnoeratt of Vir-rinia todav: and our honest Virjriuia Dem'o cratk majority aiv nettr wronp. This was iu oridemv \\lu>n Dr. Cavwoo was with thp --orgauizu tioniii electing JudwMnnn and when he was not with it in elect ing nnngwiiiinn Swanson. Hox. HaukySt<;koiu;kTh kki; tfcooght he would score one. n he iuiuped into the papera with a letter enllinjr u|xjn (Joveruor Mann to fall an extra seroion of the I^nrislature to lejralize the priinary. In this not Mr. Tucker ?showed be was as wild as when hecharged the \t?rfolk sub-coiu mittee with havinjr soinethiujr Defore it that dld not SpDMUr. Mr. Tucker is ?retting "nt&d'' in his niatnrer years,and his re? cent hasty iudisVivtions convinoe the jieople they made no mistakr in turmnji him down for Gover? nor. The press and peopla are uuw practicnlly unaniinous in aptelng that CJovenmr Mann <hd the rijjht thiru? not to call an extra session. The Korfotk Led ger-Dispatch, well ediu?d. w.wthe piooeer in behall of an ^xtra Hes sion. but it nowajrrees thedov ornor is right. NbwporT Nbwi in to have a lariiiers' gatherinff on the 17th. Uusticus will be shown the great sights of our ship-building city, and Santa < laus in all his blos soin and fur? will be paraded. 1 his is good. On r Virginia cities eau, and should, offeradvantages to ruralbuyersequal to northern cities?where most of our tradt has been going. Not a sninl! virtue of the drawing tie betweeii Virginia points up the bay and the Xoriolk-Xewport News sec tion, growiug <>ut of the closer .issociation of the past ftveyears in oyster adinini3tration, has l>eenthe factthat Virginians with northern trade procfivitiee have l.'.nned to know these cities and Kichiuond better, spending tens of thousands of dollars in Vir guiia centres that would have otherwise gonenorth. Si'Kaking of the high cost of liviag, a tidewater exchange is incHned to agree with a food srientist that one can live on seventeen cents a dav. Says our contemporary: -noes it occur to the reader that the price of flsh and oysters have not mate rially advaneed in tlte last 25 years? Today one can get the best oysters aseheaply as'ever in the oysters history. We think that aaeeooM live'on seventeen cents per day and include occa sionally a fine dish of oysters." There are iaany wlio reinember how badly were our public schools once conduoted, and who now lecogni/e the wonderful improve uient?despite the handicap yet in 8omecountiesthatdonot have the best men in management, To such the public utterance of Sen ator Swanson. found on our first page, will t>e read with a great deal of interest. This in terview is from a recent issue of the Virginia .Journal of Kducn tiori. Si .wnKKEKs and political as siissins do not meet with much encouragenient even in hot ram palgna in Georgia. A gem of niagnanimity was recently dis pi i.vel by a newspaper "there nntugouisticto lloke Smith, and it is sueh a pure specirnen of fair ness rarely found in political en nniesthat we repmduce it on our iirst page. Vr. ? :'a!>8'-? intwrview wtrn civen out j at WasMngton It will doubtless tnne) ' ihrough Virginia like a "lunawuv ' fieinht car loaded with dynamile." ' t'ollowi'ig upon the heels of Ilarry Sl. George Tucker's demand upon Govtr t??>r Mann to call an extra session of the l?-?islature to enact a legalized primary bill. its etfectis keenly awaited. - Ex \W have iralter) a letr weekt to aee the "effpct". Nothinjr, s<> far, but the 'vars** has l>een demol WHed. Kven the report teeuks lost For.jarant of An erno. W'k sror a niiiiute t<> i-ompii ment the (olonial fieueh Kecord on its efluM-prise in getting out ?ereditable eoitiont when boat schedules and bad weatber put them hardlor paper and materitil. That's puah. To tuk ?'Qysterman and Fish erman":?Thou^h "prreeujrilled". born on l^hmrdteague and adopted in iiampton, you are still read all over. Tiik West Point Weekly News last ww'k cameout with an eigtit page suppleuient. boosUil by its Phamber of Cotntneree. Thut's spirit. Nowthat Dr. Wiley iacourtiiuf. and busy to be wed, the oyster season may pfek up. WE BOW THANKS. The "country weekliea," as some peo ple are disposed to refer to the home papera, are teeming with business and offera of goods. The "country" week? ly is always a source of news and neighborhood information, and solid editorial opinion. ? Richmond Journal. FISH AND OYSTEP NOTES. Virginia continues to produce a greater abundance of oysters than in previous years. Prices remain low. State Commission of Fisheries has made its annual report t* the Gov ernor, offehng no recommendations because no Iegislature will convene this winter. Oyatermen here recently from the Rappahannock rocka were a unit in say ing our oysters were more plentiful and better culled than for years. Patcnt tong plants were last week selling for 65 cents. A well known and extensive producer of oysters in Virginia has been seek ing an outlet for the surplus stock throughout the West. Heretofore they have confined themselves to Balti more business. ? N. Y. Fishing Gazette The Harland & Hollingaworth Com pany, of Wilmington, Del., has con tracted for the construction of a fishing steamer for the C. E. Davis Company, of Reedville, Va. The new craft will hare a wooden hull and will he 155 feet tong, 23 feet beam and 12 feet depth of hold. North Garolina is to hold a State Oyster Convention on December 28th, with banquet at Inight. The object is to consider a revision of the oyster lawa of that State, aomewhat after Virginia'a plan. Hon. W. McDonald Lee and Hon. S. Wilkins Matthews. of the Virginia Commission, are invited guests. the former being "booked" for an addreaa. Our oyatermen ahipped last Monday 1,000 barrels and aacka of oysters. The R. R. Co.f to meet the demands of the increase in business, has added two men to their force in office and three to that on wharf, and has the tug and monitor of Mr. W. M. Needles in its employ. Schooner Nye also is loading hera with 3,000 bushels of oysters for New York.?Chincoteague Corr. En terprise. Messas. Bramble & Dameron have opened up an oyater-shucking business in the oyster house of Mr. G. V. Wag nen at Burton's wharf. ? * The in junction granted by Judge C. B. Jones, upon tne petition of citizena of lower Middlesex aeveral weeks ago in the matter of the proposed fish factory at Ruark's, waa filed in the clerk'a office at Saluda Wedneaday and the required bond executed. It ia understood that the advocates of the factory will make adetermined fight. which means ati intereating litigation. ? Southside Sen tineL CRISP NEWS. By the new census it is seen these United Sutes exceed the ninety million population mark that was predicted. Lynchbuix "wets" won by 85 ma jority out of a total vote of 2,653. The "drys" will contest on the ground of wholesale illegal registerinjr of voters by the "wets". The "drys" were derelict in not having their voters quali fy. about four hundred having failed to do so. Cahrary, the negro agitator who maintains that he is a prophet from Abyssinia and has stirred up intense race feeling in Albemarle and Louisa. after hiding for two weeks, returned a few days ago and resumed his teachinjc. He was apprehended by a mob who thrashed him soundly with riding whipa and barrel staves aad then put on a train after exacting a promise from the imposter that he would never come back. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. The House has beendubbed the "hun dred thousand a minute" House be cause for 3H hours it spent $100,000 a minute in appropriations. No spend thrift eve/ disposed of money quite so fast as this short session of Congress is doing. Preaident Taft has appointed Associate Justice Edward Doug las White, of Louisana, of the Supreme Court of the United States, chief of that tribunal. The new chief justice ip not only a southem man but a Democrat. The president has also appointed an? other southem democrat to the Su Jreme Coart bench in the person of oseph R. Lamar. Senator Ciaude A. Swanson, Vir ginia's new Senator, has received his committee assignments. He is on Pub? lic Buildings and Grounds. Education and lAbor, Library and Expositions. These are all important places, and they give the new Senator an opportu nity toget in some excellent work for his State. Senator Swanson said to the Times-Dispatch correspotident that he waa well pleased with his appoint ments. LKTTER3 TO TaHTA CUH5, DEAR SAN"A ? I UJii H Ltt years old. 1 wai.t you t0 pl. :i-e o ::><? niu Cirhtni:". . i..l bting me lot* lofaici ihiru s. I voold uke ? bubby I horse, air rife, :t Mippio Jorii ;.i d ; goodie?. I will try to be rval good un vtl Christmas E/e. Your Kttl? 1 6l BMDOM EAKL II lrvington, Va. Deak Santa (lacs:- I woodej If you can lind in your pack a doll with a kid body, a red table. doLtbabj rariLfc* and a piuno. I hope you w iil not tl ii k I want tuomurh- goadbjre. YourliUle friend, Kl.I.EN DOUGI \:- <>u\ lrvington, Va. 1 Dear Santa CLAUS:- I ?gun' an air rifle, a set of tool^, u, some randy, some apples and some peanuts ('.. 1 ! byo. From your>- !?? Wli.LKV MoOani lrvington. Va. Dkar Santa Clai's: I wiU wriie and tell you what I want: A sUi-h. a pear! handle knife, candy, nuls, . oranges and tireerackers. IVom your little boy. BftOL I'ittmvn. lrvington. Va. Dear-Santa Ceais:-* am ? girl five and a half years old. 1 bring me a doll's go-cart. sofaVi candy. fruit, nuts and oraage*. I hsw k. | t my doll's bed nice that you brought me last Xmas. If you can't brinR me ti.i go-cart I'll be s?atisri*-<i with aoythihfi else you can bring me. Your Ihtle fW, Margaket Owi n, Weems, Va. Dear Santa Ceacs:-! am a little boy six years old. I'lease -come to se? me Xmas, and bring mc an air rifle, some shot, a pair of gum boota, tbtcs candy. oranges and bananas. I will be a good little boy until Xma?. Clikforo LtmsroftD, Sampson's Wharf. Va. My Dear Santa Claus:-! bring me a doll, a piano, a pair pf gloves, some candy, nuls and oranges. Your little girl. IRMA F. PaDOBTT, lrvington, Va. Dear Santa Ceai's:- Please bring me a wagon, a ball, nuts, cancM, ples and tireerackers. From , . Alton I,ee Dyke. lrvington, Va. Dear Santa Claps:-If 1 am not too amfet making my raq?t, phasp senri me an air rifle, one pound of shot. ;i cap to wear on my head and a whoU lot of goodies in my slocking; and if I am not asking too much of you. please send along one dollar, in cash. to tna; my girl on. so I can make the otln 1 fellow cry who hasn't any money. Your litlle 1 W. CatjQH, Harnktt, Tombs. Va. Dear Santa Clai:s:-As ChtfcataJM is near, I will write to let y?.u knov. what I want you to bring me. bring a little stove, some cookinjr thirvrs, a book of fairy tales, candy, ?pnloa, oranges. nut?, etc. Your little tfirl. ?. , I.n.A Davis. Fisherman, Va. Dear Santa Claus:-As Chr. is near, I will write to l.t y< g know what I want. Pfefuaa bliag m. a little bed. a set of dishes ard ;ill goodka, Your little girl, fitti it Davh, Fishcrman, Va. Dear Santa Cijuis:?I would like for you to bring me a pair of boots, No. 6, and a silver watch that wi!I good time and anything clse you would like to bring me. Ci.ikkord Jktt, l.ynhams, Vu. My Dear Santa:-I will write you a letter to tell you what I want for Christmas, Please bring me a pair of boots, No. 3, and a toy horse and bug gy. I am a good little boy, so pliMB don't forget me. , , juman ii. Jarr. l.ynhams, Va. Dear Santa Claus:-I wish you would please bring me a little pair of boots, No. 10; some orangcs, candy. nuts, and please don't forget my little brother, Johnnie. I will be a good little boy and go to bed early on Christma.s Eve. Mitchell Jett. Lynhams, Va. Dear Santa Claus:?Please bring me a little trunk, a little red lamp, a pair of rubbers, No. 2, and please bring me all kinds of goodies. Gladys Jett, Lynhams, Va. Dear Old Santa:?A? Christmas h drawing near, I will write you a few lines to let you know what I would like you to bring me. Please bring a doli baby, a caariage to ride her in and a first reader. Please don't forget your little girl. AliceJkty. Lynhams, Va. Dear Santa Claus:?I want you to bring me a doll-carriago, dollbaby, some candy, cakes, oranges, bananas and apples. Please come to see me, i'or I am your little girl?will be eix years old Christmas, and will be a good girl, bye bye. From your little girl. atui u , ? Baby-NetOliver, Millenbeck, Va. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl six years old, and I want you to bring me a wagon, tea set, doll, some candy, ap? ples, oranges and nuts. I will try to be good until Xmas. Please don't. for? get my little sister. With lov,. Almira Bkale Chu.ton Boer. Va. Dear Santa Claus:-I am a little boy five years old. I want you to bring me a pair of boots, a red sweat er, little train, firecrackers, Roman candles, candy, oranges, apples and nuts. I will be a good boy until Christ mas- Mama's pet, _ . Lester Pittman. Kegina, Va. Dear Santa Claus:-I am a little boy 4 years o4d and real good. I want you to piease bring me a big wagon, overcoat, horn, some candy, cakes, apples, nuts and oranges. Please don't forget my little baby brother. Please don't for? get where I live. From a good little boy. Waston Ransone, Molusk. Va. Dearest Santa Claus:?I am my mother's little baby girl, 4 years old I good as can ?>??. I want y i it>e brin;-, me a c II u. lit a big wagon, pair of shoos. ting. nomr candy, eakes, apples. not:-. ? ranges and anythinu lhat hopo it won't rain or snow?goodbye. From a fond little girl, IRUBT Ketnor, Molusk, Va. Dear Santa Claus:?I am a little girl three years old. and I want you to bring me a big doll, i litth- ? eakes, candies, nuts and anything you ' me. I will Bttjt: be a good;irI i-on'l fojrget tocome. Yours troly, VtOLA Avi>k!.<)tti: DiZBi l ynhain?. Va. tR Santa tl ai >?:- l anii.little boy one >oar old, $M <niitt- ;? big i*?.i luw too. I want you to bring iik a p?ir of bhoes, coat. arajbberd ? i pair of ><U.< | I will be .1 bye Santa, Jesse .1. P. Dl/E, Lynhams, Va. D -ir^Santa Clau?:?Papa sayfl when i th. ir teetra thtt you give them the ifodge like you rtid my olritr sistcrs last t'hristma", l><. am ju^t twelve years of age and very small fer my ^iz , 1 v\iK ask you to phease bring me :i fiw things tin . mas, and be sur. to briag iher.i bcfore mid-mghl on G!.ridtma:i Eve or you will he worktng on Sunday. 1 would !ike to have a tca-soi, a beok ol* Eah >, and I am ju-t ;'.s fond of ? do'l as over, and candy and nuts are juot what I love -oranget, bananaaaiMl applea bettcr stilt. 1 wili give my big sisUrs just i httV bit of the goinlies you send me, and 1 will scnd you acatd of thanks after Xmas, at:d I'l! try to be good for at tsast two weeka tocome. so eleaae doVt forgti your little girl. n k GBon nfoaaskon, Va. Dear Santa Ciati . V.a Christinafl is i will tell you wbat I want. I want a little Btcara eugine with a . ;i. und Of ehpt and a knife. don't for^i i 1 will be a good boy if you Will br want. Ditcbley, Va. Dear Santa Olau.1:-Don't forget to eome ! .1 am ? little boy just srven 1 livr on the ro.u! DO and Marvin Grove. ' yoaj to bring aae aTcddy a dancfng top, candy, eaki -:ut? and package ol" tire 1 wiil Lo a EOPd boy until . your little boy, Lawson E. BBYAMT, Rakwwood, \ . - I am ! Ifol h< | want ;i>vr nie a horn, iiicirs . dt of. c'.olhv - nuts, ? ? il a i II. 1 bope you won't forget my l ;? brotber. e it Wiil W ? | t. Fr<>m your i.11U- I Mohaak, Va. i 1'iiUe DOJ s.x yeara old and l want j m t(? brine mat m | . a horn. a an aatotnobi i y i ? oft, aOflOC ?>me nulu and CStldy. I will bp i \ nniil Chrlatmaa. From PtCiL RAVBNtCKOFT BALL, Ditchloy. Va. r Santa Claus:- I will write tell you what 1 want you to hrin,: M Christmas. F.ring me a slcd, a sweat iT, a pair of boots. some candy, nuts, apploa and lotabf good thing*. I will try to be a good little boy until you eOQM. Don't forget my little al Your little boy, FAULOONER Hai.k. Whealton, Va. r Stttta: Please bring me a aweatdr, a pair of boots, a dollbaby, a dollbaby's bed, some candy. nuts, apples and other good things. 1 will try to be a good little girl until Christ? mas. Your little ^irl, Anmk GRAT Hai.k, Whealton, Va. Drar Santa Clcoa:? Will you please bring us a doll apiece that will shut her cyoa, a tea-set apiece, two toy atovea and all kinds of niee, good things to eat. We are iittle twins six year old. En.VA and Gra? k i'o.kkei.i., Rainswood, Va. Dearest Santa Claus: ?Please don't slight little me, as I am a very nice lit tie boy. Please bring rr.e a bank, horn, Httle wagon and all the good things you can spare. This is fiom little RaYMOND J. WlI.I.tAM* Heathsviile, Va. Dear Santa Claus: ?FIea.;e bring me a mouth organ, horn, little wagon, car.dies, aota and all good things you can spare. I will try to be agood little boy. This is from Kdwin BarR . Nuttsville, Va. Dear Santa Claus: - Plaaae bring me a spinning top, horn, little wagon and all kinds of good things for a little boy ten montfca oiJ. Gilliam Lewis, Rainswood, Va. Dearest Sacta Claus: ?I am so glad to think that the time is near here for you to viait my home again. 1 want you to please bring mo a big doll, a big cook stove, dollbaby's bed, a wagon. pair ot ?boea, a, pair of giov.-s, some candy, cakes, applea, nuts and oranges. I hope you won't think I have asked for too much. Wishing you a merry Christawa and a bappyj new year, good bye. From a loving little girl. Pkare R. Kktnok. Molusk, Va. BOAi KOTIS. Stoamer Lanca??ter ran ashore near Arnold's Wharf, some distance below Fredericksburg, last Thursday morning while going up the Rappahannoek. She was floatod early Sundny morning by a tug, sent there for that purpose, and proeeoded direetly to Raltimorc. Steamer Tivola was put in her place and made the Fredericksburg trip, re turning to Baltimore Wednetday morn? ing. The passengers were kept on board Thursday and Friday. The oflu-ers did all they eould to make them comfortable and furnished delightful meals during the whole time without oharge. P0L1T.CAL. There now! The great Woodmw Wilson has got the "swelUd head" and is going to scrap with his Democratie iegialatare. It is now said that Representative W. A. Jones will not make a contest for the seat of either Senator Martin or Senator Swanson. Govemor iVlann's reply to Mr. Tucker lusive and so convincing that we jare suro Mr. Tucker isglad theGovern |or did not comply with his request to !cai! an extra session of the Legisla ? ture.- Newport News Times-Herald. It is being published in papers jthroughout the State "that a political I faction ia being formed in Norfolk for jthe purpose of taking charge of the ! politics of the State." The Landmark Ia incorreetly quoted as having first pbbli-hed it. * ? The city is not to annex the State; nor is there olfj p ttidcal faction here working with Utot <tj ct in view.-Norfolk Land b ', Swanson, Tucker, Jones and tor the Scnate and H. C. Stuart tveroor, are poBsibilities in the l next eleetion which is a long time off. Tucker was defeated for the nomina i tion in the recent gubernatorial cam pai^o and he stands a pretty good ahow to win this time if he comes out as a candidate. but as to the Senate we have our ooubts. As to Stuart we doabl Um advisability of his running for Govemor and do not approve of him As to the Senate, the present inaumtwnta we think are all ri^ht ard arttl make better men in this posi ;ti either Govemor Mann, Tuck ? l ?r J( r.os.-Beuna Vista Times. DO YOU WANT A DAILY? We cannot get you out a daily news papcr from lrvington. We have copy enough-and ability enough, if "we do say it" ? but the patronage does not warrant it. It costs us $2 a year now l ry paper we print, and but for tin- libcral advertibing patronage our subjcribers could not get what they do for $1 a year. Bal we have made arrangement by arhteh our can get a daily if they want it, ard one that will suit thtir faney and advocate our country S we refer to the Rich Vinjinian (assome daily competi rora aee At to call it "Dr. Cannons new daily paper.") The price of it is M per year. Any new subscriber to th<- ViuciMA Citizkn sending us $4 will >rt t both papera for a year; or any presenl paid up subscriber to the Citi ZKN who sends us $3 will have the Rtehmond Virjcjnian sent to him daily for a j We are not much on "clubbing" propoaitioas, but this is one that will <?!>. n the door more fully to our people in the way of keeping posted. Now, who aait] be the flrst? Finls H inter'* Troublea T.. rri.nv. winter ia a smson ,.f troul.lo The ? n t.)** nn! Baaw* chapparf handa and blafafl, mM *??*, r?l and rouifh akin?. ? im '1,1m. H,it^?rh trt.i.bloa fly liatjN IlucklcnV Air-u.-iSulvo. A trial oonvinc?n. C.rmtrsit healcr <.r ituris. i{<.iiM. piios. c?ib?. s?r?-s. Baaaaa and M all ?ln?nri?ts. WEST POINT CADETSHIP. Congressman W. A. Jones has been re.juestod by the War Department to nominate a legally qualified candidate for appointment as Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from the First Con rfaaainnal District of Virginia to suc coad I. N. Smith, Jr., the present in cumbent, who will soon finish his course of study at that institution. Mr. Jones wfll make his recommendation as the result of a competitive examination which he kas arranged to have held at tha Golloge of William & Mary. Wil liamsburg. Virginia. on Tuesday, the 20th of this All persons desir ing to Uka this examination should communicatc wilh the Hon. W. A Jones, llouseof Representatives, Wash mgton. D C. Applicants must be actual repidtnts of the First District and not under 17 nor over 22 years of age. The succeaaful candidate must report for entrance examination on the second Tuesday in January next at such place as the War Department may designate. PEACE ON THE RIVER. (Hamptun Monitor.) Reports come from the public oyster bcds of Jamea river at length that all M at peace. This is indeed moat grati fying and fncouraging. For the past three months the atmosphere has been full of threats,and unrest has been mani feat upon all sides. On last Monday Surveyor Ruediger completed running some of the most important lines and set about at once nlacing permanent buoys to mark these boundaries. With these lines run the worK will stop until some time next cpring. It is eminently satisfactory to all parties concemed, the Commission, the tongera and the planters, that the work cease for the winter at thia point. Mr.Ruediger as an unbiased party to theaffafr had an excellent opportunity to feel the pulse of the people in the Krown Shoals neighborhood, and in Hampton a few njghts sincc he took oc eaaaaa to express the general aatisfac tion that prevailed amongall the people. What was a storm of protest some months ago is today a peaceful zephyr. The secret of this success is that the Commission has done the right thing and.has hurried up ahout doing it. THEY ALL DEMAND IT. Irvington Like EveryCity and Town in the Union receives ft PeoplB with kidue.v ills wnut to he cored. Wban oeftaoaVra the titrtoraa uf nn aebing baefc, retiel in aagtrly aonght f tr There are aiany rcaaediea today 'that relieye but do not cnr^. Uerv \h eviilence to prove that Douu'h Kidney 1'nls care, and thecare is kistiug. George W. afOla, Lang'a plaoe, Fwader icksburg, Va.. snys: T think just ns highly oi Diwd'i hJdaey PUIa today aa I did when I puhliely reeommended "them iu 1907. The eure tuey i-nVrted in my eaae has been parnNinant. 1 anflrrad from kidoe} eomplalnt for a kmg time and I was Hnahle to get relief the nmny remedifs I tried. My liack ached inteiiHe ly and waaoften ao waak that I coatd acarceiy ?et up afrer Hirting for any length ..f time. At nijflit. nt.v re?r was badty broken and thia had a had cltatt on my bealtb. Tba kwtry aacrattooa werealao too faaquenthi paawajw, and do wbal I raight, 1 was nable to get relief. s.eing Donn'a Kidney Pniabfgiiry recommeoded, I obtained a aonntr. They i-ured iue and my back has beeii atr.ingand Freefroaji pnia aiaon," Fot aala i>y all deaJera. I'rire SIOrHatn, I'ostelMi'.lMIIll <?>.. Bllffalo, New Volk, atde ngentatur tbr I iiited State*. the M :uie?UoMirK- and tnke no <>| her. GOWANS King of Externals Is the Original in the field of external rem edies for all forms of inflammation such as pneumonia, croup and colds. Nothing can approach Gowans. It stands supreme. M'e hnve been aeUing Gowans Prejtarntion /or Pneumnnia and Colds ever since it Wa* put on th*> ntarket, and have found it one of our sxti.sf.irtorv *.W/er?. CARPKSTKIl ItltOS'., Wholesnle ?nd Ret?il DruKx'u*t8, flreearetfb, S. C, July it, uno. BUYTO-DAY! HAVE ITIN THE HOME All Dratttttt ai. .">???. 25?. GOWAN MEOICALCO.. DURHAM. N. C. ai?f?atftf tM a>aa?| fttaairt ay r*,r 0..(l!tt ORDER OF PUBUCVIION. IntheClerk'aOffice of the CircuitCourt oLu"? County ?f Lancaster, on the 30th day of November, 1910. William L. Messick, ... Pluintiff against ' ['? M- Irving and Orah H. Bussells, adulta and non-resi dents Mary J. Irving and Adelade l. Messick, residents, ".""." " " - - - Defendants. In Chancery and on attachment. The object of this suit is to have an attachment against the estate of I, M Irving to secure and enforce the pay mrnt of a claim due to said William L. Messick by a certain note for one thous and dollars ($1,000.00) dated June21st, 1909 and payable twelve monihs after its date. And an attachment havine been returned executedand the defend? ants L. M. Irving and Orah H. Bussells not havmg been served with a copy of the attachment or with proce?*s in this 8U,i'^nf ? affldavit having been made and filed that the said defendants, L M Irving and Orah H. Bussells, are not residents of the State of Virginia it is ordered that they do appear here within nfteen (feys after due publication hereof and do what may be necessary to pro tect their interest in this suit. And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be pubhshed once a week for four ?uc cessive weeks in the Virginia Citizkn, a newspaiwr published in the Goun?v of Lancaster. and that a copy be posU d at the front door of the courthouse. of this count>" on the 5th day of December. 1910 that being the next succecding rule day after this order was entertd. A copy ?Teste: v ^ vt Wm- Chilton. Clerk. F. G. Newbile, p. q. Select Your Xmas Gifts Now, while our Stock Is Complete. Our prices are the moBt reason able in the city, as proved by thousands of constant custo mers. Cold Filled Baby Brucdet". $1 00 to la nn Solid GoM Baby Rin*,. W ?? u* W te'i.fvu? ?* l?r- ????85 t.t-ntlrm,.ns (Md fWmi Watchc*. $10 (5 LadicV Qold FWad Watrfc*. ,[j , Comb. BniHlt and Mirrur Sct. Sp?vial. ?; ,r> WM. J. trIILLER. THE POPULAR JEWELER, 28 E. Ballo. St.. BUTIMORE, MD. I. P. JUSTIS & GO., Commission Merchants pOR THK dALF OF Prodace, Oy. tera, LlTe Si^, llldea, Pooltr> Egg?, otc. 12 E. CAMDEN ST., BALTIMORE.MD. CEPHASI. LBWIS & S0N8, GENERAL C0MMISS10N MKRCHANTS, 14 E. Gamden St? BALTIMORE, MD. Po?utr?> E**8' Gran and Liv? Stock. The house you will eventually ship to Why not now? 25 PER CENT MORE mileage ia the reeord of one uaer of TEXACO AUTO GASOLINE. Hia average mileage was juat that much greater than with other gaaolines he had uaed. See that you get TEXACO. The Tcxas Company SOLD BY P. A. GUNBY & SON, lrvington, Va. Wm. Gerkard. o *. N. R?ed. U. K. Oerbard. iERKARD, REED ? CO., ltd TAILOR8, Makers'of good Clothea, l lO N. Kutaw St.. (Secead Floor) BALTIMORB. MD. Wrltc for aamplsa. Do You Feel This Way? Do \'i fcel al| toed out? Do you sometimcs think > vj JUKt ca.Vt work iwiy at your profes tion e.r !r;?jo un > I >u; or ? L)o you have a poor apo titp. c?:i! l.t. awafcc :<t i.jjjits luaable to sleep ? Arj your ncrves ot! f.onn, p:ul y. ur atomoth too? Has im hitica lo iorgo ulicnd i.i ti.c v.oild left you? If so. you Baiflu ts wcil pt.t a bt<p iu vour xuiscry. You c^n do it if >ou will. Dr. 1 icrce's GolJcn Mcdical Discovcry will I ba you a dificrvnt iiiv-.viejal. It will sct your lazy Hvcr to work. It w?d sct tlui.-.s aigbt in your stomach, and yoi.r appetite wJ eoaa* back. It will purify your hlood. If there is ai.y tcnJency in your f.-mily toward consumptior j it will keep that drer.d dc.trnycr nway. Even after con cumption lics almost fuitu.**l a foothold in the form of a lnfienn;* OOVgh, bronchilis, or Mrodaag at fhc lungs, it will brin* about a Crr? lP- i '^,r Z?ntw of "" <a!*os- lt ij a reniedy prcpared by Dr. R. V. Pierce cl UuLalo, N \ ., whosc adwet is g:ren frer to aU who wish to write him. Hi* ?.eat success has comc from his wide experienre and vuried practice Doa t bc wbeedlcd by a penny-grabhin* dcaler into fekintf infer'ior substi iute? tor Ur. fierce s medieines. recomntended to be " just as good " Ur I leree's medieines are of known OOMrosmoM. Their cvery inj?redient'printoJ on their wruppera. Made from roots without aloohol. Coattaaa no hebit loimin;' drttgs. World s Disnensary Mcdical Association, Iluffalo, N. Y. ONE OF THE SIGHTS OF N0RF01K. SP^Qd ClohheS 374 AVai ffolk.Va. *^^*mkW II ? Virginta's Greatest Men's aad Boys' One-Price Clothing Store. EICHT (8) BIG DEPARTMENTS Men's Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Men's and Boys' Hats, Men's and Boys' Shoes Cnstom-Tailoring, Trunks and Bags, Uniforms. *UK? CUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ' Visitors to Norfolk are co.dially ihvitod to make THE HUB their head^uarYeT while in the city. 'Twill he a pleasure to he of some ser vice to you. - - PALMER GASOLINE MOTORS. - - 25 Sixes and Stylea, both two and W-cycl, Makea nd Break or Jump Spark. ' MaKW|-n?- ^Hpi OYSTER DREDCE HOISTKRS ijtff^ Catalogu* free, I'AI.MMi ?Ros (,)s ^ CSrO Gatabllahed 1869. ~~ ~ T7 Rafer tO^CI,'?4:?? Natlon.l Ita, k OUR 8PECIALTIE8: "'"^ p , MOIW LM, , N8 Correapondence and -hipmenta solicitcd I- COOKE A SONS, Heneri (^oiutiiisMio.. Merchanta 7 W. PRATT 8TBEET, SALTIMORE. ?aD OONTINUOUS KXI-KRIKN<;E 8|?CE 187,, DAVIS & DAVIS Incorporated, Capital and SurpluS $27,500 00 COMMISsiox MERCHANTS 4 and 6 K. Camden St BALTIMORB, - "? MARyLanIX STOVES. ,-,,^lrTlT8htJH,eater3 frolD factory ??&r LSad lota Write us for prices and cuts Some high ersde stoves at a low price. I5? SnS&I* P^aands of yards of Mattmq at coat to make room for Oarpet and Rugs. E. C. NINE, ^redericksburg, Va. PALMER & MOORE CO., Inc, REEDVILLE, VA. Gasolinc Stcam Electrical Engines Engines Engincs Supplies Supplics Suppiies BALANCE-SASOLINE, COMPLETE BQATg total MTHllYOUMN TBE ABOVE IfflB. ^KOS U you are iatarpotod want to know hc>\v voii ciiii own a beaatiful fnatrument at ooce, even if vou bavan't raady topney topavon <??. wifyouhavethoa^atolbuy iofflataron, write dumk onee lor cataloono aqd informn lion. You have aothiW (() Jooaearidevwythiagtojwtfn l>on t put it off but write at once to PAUL r>KB. KOPS, ITltl.ANNA, - . VIUGINIA OZRGkAJSTS