OCR Interpretation

Highland recorder. (Monterey, Highland County, Va.) 1877-1972, August 14, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95079246/1903-08-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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Highland Recroder
Brief Items of Interest to Honief
roi ks About Their Friends
Anti Acquaintances.
Miss Eddi* McClintic of Hath
has gone to Webster Springs.
Mr J A Whitelaw went to Hut
tonsville this week.
Mr and Mrs A T Townsend were
tip Tuesday.
Rev E C Root's daughter-in-law.
Mrs R 0 Root and children of
Buena Vista, are visiting Mr and
Mrs Root.
* Mr and Mrs George Colaw of
Strait Creek were up doing some
trading Saturday.
Mr J W Eagle, a merchant near
Bolar, was in town on business
"*> Messrs John S Jack and II D
Folks of Crabbottom were in Mont?
erey Mondav. They brought their
relatives, the Life family of the
West here to take the hack for
their home.
Miss Georgie Stepenson of the
River visited Monterey relatives
this week.
Dr II H Fleming and daughter
Miss Mae Fleming of Lynchburg
and their relative Dr Randolph of
Richmond are gu?sts at the home
of J A Jones, Esq.
W P Campbell. Esq. has been ap?
pointed as teacher of the Stuarts
Draft, school, with Miss Marv
Young as assistant.
Epworth League topic Sunday ?
"How to use tact in dealing with
. men*'?T H Slaven, leader.
"Northern Spy1' slioulJ haye
given his real name.
Messrs Forest and Jim Hull re?
turned Saturday from the West.
Misses Mabel Jones and Bess
Bishop, on their trip to Greensboro
last week were in a slight wreck on
the Southern at Danville, but were
Mr ami Mrs Millard F Fisher of
' Philadelphia are visiting the fami?
ly of L A Orndorff. Mrs Fisher is
a niece of Mr Orndorff.
Mr Harper Beverage continues
to improve. He will be removed
to the hospital at Hinton todaY.
Miss Ella Craig of Charleston is
visiting nt the home of her sister
Mrs S B Sieg. She is accompanied
Ly her friend. Miss Lizzie Alexan?
der of Pueblo, Colorado.
Weare informed that Mr Ken?
ton Rexrode of Staunton neighbor?
hood is critical IY ill with fever. Mr
and Mrs J K Varner have gone to
see him.
We are now r^ady to welcome
you in our new store room. Every?
thing has been thoroughly remodel?
ed, and we can now boast of tiie
cleanest, most modern store in the
city. Pay us a yisit. Shreckhise
& Bear.
The first shipment of catii* for
the season from this count?, was
made this week by Mr S A Porter. |
They were grazed by C T Fleish?
er, 0 A Stephenson Dyer Gum.
Eugene Rodgers and J A Jones.
Miss Ella Arbogast of Buena
Vi*ta is making a visit to her old
Matter that would not keep, such
as legal and political notices &c,
piled up for this issue to an extent
that it was necessary to prune pret?
ty heavily some of the letters of
our correspondents, a thing we re
gret to do exceedingly, and will not
if there is a was out of it, possibly.
A regular jeweler's show case
has recently been by Mr Ii M Sla?
ven, placed in his jewelry store,
which is not only valuable as a con?
venience in keeping and showing
up well his nice stock of jewelry,
but is a costly and attractive addi?
tion to the store room.
It is supposed that Wm S Thomp?
son, Esq. of Trimble, is the oldest
acting magistrate in Virginia, or
possibly iu the United States. He
is 89 years of age and enjoys good
There will be a Box Supper at
Seldom Seen on Saturday night,
Aug. 22d. 1003. The public is cor?
dially* invited to attend. A pleas?
ant time promised. Committee.
Probably 300 persons enjoyed the
lecture of Mr Sangi Ogawa, the
Japanese student, nt the Monterey
Methodist church Sunday avening.
That our people thought well of
him and his undertaking was evi
deuced by the creditable voluntary
contribution laised to assist him in
his further education.
The Virginia State Bar Associa?
tion will hold its fifteenth annual
session at the Hot Springs of Va.,
August 20th to28tn.
A call has been issued fora pri?
mary election for the nomination
of a democratic candidate for the
house of delegates, for the counties
of Rockbridge, Bath and Highland,
to be held at the several voting
places in the counties named on
Saturdav Sept. 19th.
We have heard no name men?
tioned in connection with this place
except that of Hon. Wm. McAllis?
ter, our former representative,
whom, we have been informed, is
thinking of announcing himself.
Miss Maggie Virginia Jordon
Notwithstanding the fact that
Miss Maggie had, for several weeks,
been seriously sick, and the people
of Monterey and the county people
generally knew of it, yet, on Tues
day morning, when they learned of
her death, the sad news came un?
expectedly to them and throughout
the town and county a gloom was
cast and sincere sympathies express?
ed for the bereaved family..
}\ Death came to the patient suf?
ferer at 4 o'clock, Tuesday morn?
ing. Just the day before the one
that brought to a close her earthly
life, was her birthday, she being
then 29 years of age, a fact she re?
filled herself and talked of with a
jegree of cheerfulness. During
the last days, it was seen by the
members of the family that Miss
Maggie was growing weaker, and
i.he hope they had been clinging to
jo fondly was gradually slipping
'rom them, but none realized it
nore clearly than Miss Maggie;
fat with her suffering, and the
ract present with her that the hour
>f death was near, she remained
?lieerful, light hearted and happy,
rhese characteristics marked the
lavs of her illness throughout,
rhere was no time that 'ier suffer
ng was too great for her to greet
.boss who visited her with a smile
ind speak pleasant and endearing
vords to the members of lier fami
y, some of whom constantly
stitched by her side.
When the last hour came this
spirit did not forsake her, but see in
*d to shine forth in even greater
splendor. She talked to her moth?
ar, her brothers and sisters of the
change that she knew was near, in
words that showed clearness of
thought, and in manner such con?
tentment, resignation and happi?
ness, that there could be no doubt
? hat that One in whom she had in
life and health trusted so implicit?
ly, had not in the hour of sickness
md death forsaken her.
When asked by her pastor if she
felt that Jesus was with her, she
with a smile, replied?"'Yes, I know
that he has been with me all the
It was in this sta*e of mind that
Miss Maggie, surrounded by her
loved ones, cam ly and peacefully
closed her eves to this world to
have them reopened where there
are "tunny mansions", where there
is no sorrow, no sickness no death.
Thus ended the short but useful
and trustful life of a loveable young
Miss Maggie became converted
to christianity and connected her?
self with the M. E. Church, South,
two years ago. She was a faith?
ful and valued worker in the
church, the League, the Bu lida V
school andnravermeeting.and it was
rare indeed that, ill health, her
place in these services would be
found vacant. Her earnestness and
devoted ness to the cause she espous?
ed was so evident that it could not
fail of creating au impression and
consequently be a good example f.ir
those who came in touch with her
life. V
In her secular employment, be?
ing operator of the M. & S. Tele?
phone Co. at the central office in
Monterey,Miss Maggie showed such
a friendly and obliging disposition,
and was so faithful in the perform?
ance of her duty, that she was not
long in winning the confidence and
esteem of all for whom and with
whom she transacted business.
This position extended the circle of
her acquaintance beyond the bor?
ders of her natiye county, and her
numerous friends of the line will
sadlv miss her cheerful "helo."
\After the visits of many to the
bereaved home with expressions of
sympathy and kindness, on Wed?
nesday evening at 2 o'clock the last
sad rite was performed. A short
touching service which was largelv
attended, was conducted at the
Methodist Church, bv the pastor.
Rey R L Eutsler. and then the re?
mains of the deceased were borne
tenderly to their last resting place
in the cemetery on the bili.
Those of her family, present at
the time of her death were?tin
mother, Mrs Armenia A Jordon
her brothers, Clem and Will and
sisters, leia and Georga, and in
their behalf and at tl.eir request
we state in this connection, thal
they deeply appreciate the kindness
and thoughtfulness of friends, bot I
far and near, shown to them mic
their loved one during her last ill?
Valuable Blue Grass Farm
N Changed Hands
It will no doubt be a surprise tc
many of our readers to learn thal
Rev II H Fleming, D. I), has pur
chased Mr J LnnsfonFs beautifu
home and valuable estate at Wier
in Blue Grass Valley. The dea
was made quietly and had bee I
con^umnted a month before tin
public knew ot it.
In making this purchase Dr
Fleming does not wish to creatt
?the impression that he will now oi
at any future, fixed date, occupy ii
as a home. His idea, briefly stated
is that for any reason that mai
occur at any, time he should give
up his work in the ministry he wil
have a home provided for himsell
and daughter.
* This home is in the neighbor
hood of the birthplace of Dr Flem
ing, and it is his notion, from whs
he bas seen in extensive travel Lot 1
in this country and Europe, tba
there is no country to be fount
like that neighborhood and it:
comity ? Highland.
Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
Eloped To Washington
We are wondering^ it just hap?
pened so that a Highland lad andi
lass, Slr Will Peterson of McDow- ?
ell and Mi*s Lizzie Brock of High- j <?
town, on Wednesday night of last 1t
week, met in Stauntot? lu the 11
recent erstwhile . they may have! I
talked it over; Any way tuey did j I
meet and to Washington they went,
and from the National Capitol thev
started upon life together as Mr.
and Mr. Wm. Peterson. They are
now at Coatesville, Pa. where they
will reside in future. >(
The bride is a daughter of Chas.
Brock of Indiana, but has been
living with her grand parents,
Mr and Mrs G. W. Hevener, since
the death of her mother. The
groom is a son of Mr C S Peterson.
Each is about 17 years of age, and
it was on account of their extreme
youth that opposition arose, mak?
ing elopement necessary.
When You Catch, Its Fun to Fish
It was due to the very great kind?
ness of the Fleisher Brothers of
Strait Creek that a Monterey fish?
ing party was permitted to enjoy a
fishing outing on Friday of last
week, along the headwaters Jof the
Potomac. It is never safe to speak
at length on such matters, especial^
ly when one is not posted on game
laws and do?s not know whether it
is in Virginia, or West Va., or both,
that the fishing is being done. It
is enough to say that the eourteceis
extended by the Fleisher boys was
appreciated to the fullest extent,
and by the entire party a vnte of
thanks is tendered them.
Successful Teachers
In the public school examination
recently held for Highland, by
Supt. J. L. Jones, there were no
failures. All who took the exami?
nation received certificates. We
here give the name and grade of
First Gr \?T>E---Miss MaryL Hiner.
SECOND Grade ? Missis Signora
Keister, Ii. May Hamilton. Lula
F. Bradshaw. Marv E. Bird; Messrs
John ll Pruitt. Wilmot, Strathey,
C. S. H. Cobb and Walter A Colaw.
Third Gradi:?Misses Fannie
Hehns and Elia Cobb.
Three of the teachers in the list
published at the time of tiie exam?
ination, were not taking it with a
new of teaching, and requested
that no certificates be is*lied to
Tournament Notes
Interest in the tournament and
trap shoot is at the pop oft notch.
Everything seems to be getting
in line for a good time.
A few rings are being taken and
a few birds are being cracked, in
the practicing.
Knights of the tournament from
Covington, Warm Springs and
Franklin will be here, it is said.
Dolly Dimple is shaping up for
the foot race, His time oil a quar?
ter mile dash is a secret, but its
Refreshments and red lemonade
will be served on the tournament
The coronation will take place at
night in the city, and the queen
to-be must be near /it hand so she
won't have to be sent for.
Tournament day will serve as a
relaxer tothe hayman u ho is petting
his hay mid the brittle weather.
Did you say everybody had a
mind to go to the tournament?
Yes, everybody.
Come and bring the babies. Cas
toria at reduced rates on tourna?
ment day.
DeWitt ls the Name
When yon goto buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name DeWitt on
every box. The pure, unadulterat?
ed Witch Hazel is used in making
Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
is the best salve in the world for
cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema
and piles. The popultrity of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, due to
its many cures, has caused numer?
ous worthless counterfeits to be
placed on the market, The genu?
ine bears the name of E. C DeWitt
&Co., Chicago. Sold by K H Trim?
From Eastern Highland
Headwaters, Aug. ll ? Mrs S J
Reynolds returned home yesteiday
from Lone Fountain, where she
was visiting her daughter, Mrs J
R Criimniett.
Misses Belle and Rebecca Propst
who haye been living in Colfax,
111. came home last week. Miss
Belle has been in bad health for
several months.
i Miss Louisa Criimniett will be
home this week from Lexington
Messers William . and Marlon
Hodge have gone to West \ a. to
spend the summer.
Miss Martha Simmons is spend?
ing a while at Mountain House.
Mrs Dorthy Hook of McDowell
visited her sister Mrs Lucinda Dev
Miss Marv Deverick spent Sun*
dav with her sister Mrs James
Mrs Lucinda Deverick and fami?
ly are all better of measles.
Mrs Harriet Simmons left yes?
terday to visit her daughttr at
Low rn ore, Va.
Mr and Mrs A B Vanfossen are
visiting her mother here this week.
Mrs Melissa Kincaid, yisited
here last week.
George G McCray is farming for
Mrs Louisa Hook tins summer ,
* Dillly Burns.
On Tuesday Aug. 4, 1903- in the
irpseuce of u large crowd of friends
md relatives a pretty morning red?
ling was solemnized nt Hamilton
'Impel when Miss Bertha the bean-j
ifni daughter of Mr Peter S
innis of Trimble, became thc I
mdeof Mr I'S Dilly of W Va.
XThe bride was becomingly dressed
ii while organdie trimmed in laces
md ribbons and carried a bunch of
vhite geraniums and was a picture
.f loveliness. The groom was at
ired in regulation black and look
d pleased beyond description.
The brides maids-Misses Annie
Armstrong and Kita Dickson of
Primble. Miss Elsie Burns of Kolar]
nd Miss Bessie Dilly stster of the
rroom. were also dressed iu white
irgandie with ribbons and Howers
o match, and were none tue less
oyely because they were not bride-,
ne groomsmen were Messrs.Tobe
'IcClintic. ("has Stephenson, Chas
) Folks and David A Burns.
They were met at the alter . b\
lev S VV Good who impressively
lerfomied the marriage ceremony
ssisted by Bey Jas Gardner. Af
er many congratulations and best
vishes of a host of friends and rel?
ives the happy couple started to
heir future home in W Va. X
? ? ?
Don't send your boys and girls
.way from home to school for the
ireparatory course. The Monterey
ligh School offers advantages equal
o those to be found in any Reade
ny. See advertisement in this issue.
Owing to the continued sickness
d' his father, Prof. H CStotlt could
lot personally visit the homes of
nany whom lie desired to see in ro
fard to his school, the second srs
ion of which will oj en here Sept. I
t!i. It is his intention, we ure as- j
med. now. since he has a good
milding, and can have supervision
iver all the depai tments, to raise
lie standard of the school and do I
nuch more effective work than has
ver been done in the school line at
Monterey. It is np to us to help
lim by patronising the school.
Eat All You Want
Persons troubled with indiges-1
ion cr dyspepsia can eat all tuey
vant if they .will take Kodol dys
>epsia (/lire. This remedy preparts
he stomach for the reception. Te?
eni ion. digestion and assimilation
f ;\'A nf the wholesome food that
nay lie eaten, and enables the di?
gestive organs to transform the
ame into the kind of blood that
rives health and strength. Sold
jy K II Trimble.
x I'v Jul. of Appointments for the
Honth of August
Aug. ll), Monterey ll a. m., St.
>reek, 3 p. m.
Aug. 28, High, to wu ll a. rn,
IVinity 3 p. m., Monterey 8 p. m.
RL Eutsler.
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement Unit a
inventive of suicide has been discovered
viii interest many. A run down system,
ir despondency invariably precede sui
:ide and something has been found that
.viii prevent that condition which makes
micide likely. At the first thought of |
leif destruction Ure Electric Bitters. It I
jeing a great tonic and nervine will |
strengthen the nerves and build up the
>ysteni. It's also a great stomach, liver
md kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satis- j
"action guaranteed by K H Trimble,
Jruggist. .
One Buck and Five
Does wanted right
away. For particu?
lars write to
Lynchburg, Va.
Out of Town Headers
I Have a Gukat Many Customers.
FitoM Out of Town.
I find on my record books the
names of people living in Rock
bridge, Rockingham, Alleghany.
Bath. Highland, Albemarle, Pen?
dleton, and immy "from a distance.
It is only necessary to come to my
office once to have your eyes fitted.
Hy taking the measurements and
keeping a record of it, I can keep
you supplied with glasses. If 1
baye them in stock vou can take
them with you. If they have to be
made to order, I will have them
mailed to vou direct from the fac?
tory, so tiiere will be no lost time.
If you break or lose your glasses,
an order to me receives prompt
Scientific Optician,
Staunton, Va.
aa"MI"MI''iM*1*^ fTHHVT'ip ^s^F^^^^^a^l^l^^^^^^r*^a<^^lgaw^^^
is the most healing salve in
the world. It cures Sores, Cuts,
Burns and all Skin Diseases.
Lt positively
Cures Piles
S. Kingsbaker, 8o East Ohio Street,
Chicago, writes: "I had a bad case of
Piles for several years. BANNER SALVE
aired me quickly and permanently after
leveral doctors and remedies had failed
to relieve me." *
GUARANTEED. P*loe250onia
Sold by all druggist in Monterey
Strait Creek News
August 10.?Farmers are busily
engaged making hay.
Mr I*'rank 1 leverage and wife
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr
and Mrs Arbogast of Crabbottom.
Mr Wm ll nil, wife and daughter
Miss Fannie and Mr Harvey Hull
ami ^rand-daughter of Hightown
spent Fridav and Saturday with
friends of this place.
Miss Georgia Samples has re?
turned home from Heverlv W Va.
where she has been for some time.
She expects to be home some time
on account of the illness of her
Miss Sadie Rexrode has gone to
Durbin VV Va. to help wait on Mr
Harper Beverage. He was getting
along moderately well at last ac?
Mr Austin Woodell ;ind Miss
Mary Hoover of Doe Hill made a
living trip to our neighborhood
Sunday evening.
A large li nm bel from Crubbot
tom attended the teni meeting Sun?
day. It closed with but little suc?
cess but hope there was seed so wen
that will be reaped in time tu come.
? ? ? ?
W & t Alumni Meeting
There will b?* a meeting <>f the
Alumni Association of this county
at Monterey on court day 20th for
the purpose of awarding the schol?
arship conferred on the county,
and other business.
S VV Sterrett, Char.
To Cure A Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature oneach
box. 2oc.
Ovcr>Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once eveiy three minutes.
-_2V ll "*ie kidneys are y?ur
" ter out ihe v/aste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
IXFZ^ySiA l!f of order, they fail to do
\f *]Pj 1 their work
Ui-^ A ^af Pains, achesandrheu
matism come from ex?
cess of uric acid in thc
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart baats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
lt used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to ihe kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin?
ning in kidney trouble. &de&BRmA I? m
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp>Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists in fifty
cent and one-dollar siz?
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y.'
Don't make any mistake, bul remem?
ber the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, and the address, Bingham
on, N. Y., on eveiy bottle.
Homo of Swamp-Koot
I have had occasion to uk your
'Black-Draught Stock ind Poultry Nedi,
cine and am pleased to tay that I never
used anything for stock that gave half u
good satisfaction. I heartily recom?
mend it to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER, St Louis, Mo
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to be
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry are sick give them med?
icine. Don't stuff them with worth?
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured, if it be possi?
ble to cure lt. Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of Black-Draught St<x;k and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself bm
times over. Horses work better. Cows
give more milk. Hogs cain flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. It solves the
problem of making as much blood,
flesh and energy as possible out ot
the smallest amount of food con?
sumed. Ruy a can from your dealer,
?Before buying a?
Headstone or Marker,
get my prices.. I will save you money. If
you need an Iron Fence. I furnish the
beet for the money.
Agent, for The
Marble Works.
Yours to serve,
II. F. Slav n,
Monterey, \ a
Clifton Fora*
Reliance, Warren Co,, Vt*.
Session begins September 3, 1903.
The aim of this College is to lay a foundation so deep and so broad
bat any young man or young woman who takes the course here may
>e well prepared to enter any of the Higher Institutions of Learning*
ind to successfully pursue anv course of study or branch of business.
Latin, Greek. Mathematics. Bible, Sciences, Merman, French, Spanish,
Mimic, Art, Elocution, Stenography, Typewriting. Book-Keeping. Fac
iltv of expelienced and successful teachers. Location noted for health?
fulness?Buildings ample and comfortable^-ateam heat?table fare?
fenns 5110 to $175 per session of 36 weeks. For Catalogue apply to
Rev. W. W Carson, Principal,
Reliance, Virginia.
Putnam Organs*
Buy From the Factory.
Over Fifty Different Styles
From YY Inch to Select.
The Organ Factory at Stnunton is one of
the largest in the world. Present capacity
20 organs p*>r day, 6,000 organs a year, or a
complete organ every 30 minutes.
Why send away for Organs when you can
buy BETTER ONES from your borne fac?
tory and save the agent's profits.
li^Seud for catalogue and prices?or send
youi name?and our Factory Salesman will
call on vou.
W. W. PUTNAM & Co.. "'"' StSSV
lu addition to our line of
High Grade Bone Fertilizers,
Hay, Grain, Seeds and Feed
Of all kinds we also carry a full line of
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Tedders,
Harrows and Cultivators.
We also carry a full line of Buggies and Wagons of the highest grades. The
Weher Wagon is king of all.
We sell the latest improved Manure Spreader made. We represented the J. I
Case Threshing Machine Co. and can giye you a first-class outfit. Bay a Black
Hawk Corn Planter. It has no equal drops just what you want every time. When
thc weather gets warm you will want a Refrigerator. Call on us; we have the beet
one made?not cheap, hut good.
We I:ny Cow Peas by tbe car load. Prices are right.
Black & Bowman,
P. O. Box 532, Phone 548 - - 15 Middlebrook ave., StanntrM
Are YOU thinking of purchasing a Piano?
If so, why not investigate the merits of the
We have placed instruments of this splendid make in the homes of
Messr< VV. H. Matheny, W. H. Stephenson, and J. A. Jones, of High
land County, and refer you to either as to their good qualities. We
have also placed eight in the Lewisburg Female Institute at Lewisburg,
W. Va. Write us for prices, or call.
Brereton & Heydenreich,
Rooms 15-16-18 Crowie Building. - Staunton. V
?***- ' "?"?? .! ?
Buy Paint WithReputation
Paints Uiat are made with Pure Linseed "Oil-onty.
Linseed Oil is the life-giving, preservative ele?
ment in Paints.
Many mixed paints are made with adulterated
Oil. Water, Benzine and Soap Mixtures.
Avoid them, they are low -priced, but have no
durability. They waste your cost of labor.
Jno, W. Mausry & Son's
House Paints
have a reputation of FIFTY YEARS.
They are pure linseed oil paints. In using them,
no experiment is made. You haye success and
groat durability assured before you start.
Color cards and prices for -the asking.
Willson Bros,,
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Staunton* Va

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