Newspaper Page Text
|D Recroder JL NEWS* ERSONAL of Interest to Home |out Their Friends Acquaintances. Ann? lifer Feet is coaling. kincaid of the Bottom May. fie Si pe of Staunton is lterey relatives. hr about Tuesday the 3d L being election day. Jony Lightner was up in business. irs John K Johnston Hf Slaven visited friends H recently. |ry Slaven , of Meadow mpil of the Lewisburg Trimble's you will find britten! of shoes. Call [trough the stock. risit to the valley last IkJ N Stover became ill with much di flic ul ty |ng that she made the We trust she may soon fi Notice?I will be nt 'nesdaY the 10th daY of raiain four days. 0 J Campbell f Wright is milking his trip to Highland. JW Sterrett and daughter, [nie were over Wednesday |ig for you -a pretty stock ins and getieral merehau and new, at i Q Sim motts B Campbell of Meadow in town recently. 1 Mrs W W Gum and Mr <nJ P Terry of Back Creek ??(eeuble callers nt this office Iii V S Trimble will preach at l<y at ll a. m. and Pisgah at ""# joundaY. Ces, outings, flanneletts etc.. '? ciete line just arrived at J. -Lurd & Sons. Y:an get a good hand-made suifcfurniture from T. H. & Ii F S-'avfor $25 either cash or good J'ft?d, such as beef or pork. UiTwear in variety, for all '""dind >izes of people, a coin j'ieteoe at J Lnnsford & Sons'. ff m want to feel real good ind comfortable for the winter let Whitelaw & Co. fit you up in overcoat, a nice pair of boots shoes and a suit of best under ir. ? Charles Hull's family, on 'hany, are haying a serious with measles. John W Bini of Mill Gap is rn gr a visit t<> her old home in Ma count/. ?v. and shoes-you can now be ttf, for the assortnient is com jj|at I ty Simmons' store, Price Campbell of Valley ?Ger was up Tuesday. k to see our line of 12.50 cord? er pants, J Lunsford & Sons. rs Early Gum** sister of W Va. is aktng her a ru& emember, a new subscriber is rs acceptable. For Sale:?A double barrel breech loading shot gan. good a?( new, will be sold reasonable. Ap? ply at this office, Mr M F Wiley came in from W. Va. Monday with GO nice two year .old cattle.?They will probably be fjurchased by Hon C P Jones. For Overseer oe Poor, Monte sy District?1 hereby announce lyself a candidate for overseer of r?r for Monterey district, and Iromise if elected to faithfully per lorui the duties of the office. Respectfully, Joseph A Hiter Your interests carefully looked .fter when you ship your produce the well known commission house, B W Howe & Co., 329 Washington St., New York City, in care of Mr Ed C ftexrode. For your poultry, eggs, chestnuts etc. best prices .obtainable ?ud -jutck returns. All kinds of produce luton in .exfhange for goods at E B White? law & Co.'s v Mr Jo-fph C Wol fen berger, of ^endhton, III. wUJjag been visa? ing his relatives in this section of the two Virginias, was j;i town the latter part of last week.^ He was accompanied by Miss Carrie Wag? goner, of Pendleton county, going on to Marhnton on Saturday. Mr Wolfinberger is a relative of the Siple, Hiner, and Armstrong fami? lies, and his parents formerly re? eded in Pocahontas. Nature Ahr*.\ei? ix Her Brightest Ga Ry .finds a parallel in every section .of our store. There's a bright, crisp newness about the stock., very pleasing to prospective buyers. Our iccreas* *ng patronage is proof that vou are quick to see these things. Our buyers have returned from a trip t) the northern markets and ?ivery thing that is new and up-to-dAte for fall wear is now being shown. Won't you come while every thing fsnew and fresh? Shreckbise & Bear. Why are the roads so dry and lusty and why so windy? The candidates, my friend, the candi lates. Mr Gilbert Siron one of our prominent east side men made us a pleasant visit Wednesday. Mutton every other day is on the bill of fare of a bear which has been circulating in the Tamarack Ridge section for several days. Mr Har iingGum a thrift? young farmer of the Hightown section paid us his respects Monday. Before you buy you should see the line of ladies' cloaks and wraps it E B Whitelaw & Co.'s Genu nely stylish garments. Rev J W McNiel of the Method? ist Church ts doing a good work on die Green Bank circuit. So far, ;his year, he has had fifty conver? sions. This is Mr MeNiel's last fear at Green Bank. Look at the slip on vour paper. [t gives the date to which von are ?aid. If You are a year behind, please remit. Mr Bob McGtiffin and Miss Clara Seed of Bular were in town Tues iay. I Q Simmons, merchant. Crab bottom, has returned from north? ern Marketa, and has now to place jefore his people, one of the bfst ?nd most complete stocks of goods ?ver brought to Crabbottom valley. A look at the goods will prove the statement. HI rs J M Colaw returned this week from Pocahonts county, where she has been visting relatives Another and a larger cabbage head was brought to our office this week by Mr A J VVavbright. lt weighed 19 pounds. Mr ami Mrs Jacob G Hevener re I ur md last week from a visit to relatives in Augusta. Mr .lames 0 Hiner and little laughter Sula of Augusta spent ?e\eral days here recently. Mr J C Harold of Meadow Dale was over Friday, last. I have been very careful in mv selections of ladies' dress goods, and have now a line that is strictly up to date in everY respect. This line I show with pleasure to the ladies of Crabbottom. I Q Simmons Perhaps we saved your property and the town by asking }Ou last fall to examine your Hue. We don't know about that, certainly, but we remind you again that the time of year has come that a little time spent in fortifying against possible loss by fire will be time well spent. You owe it to your? self, your family and the town. We have no way to fight fire, let us take precautions Mr Ed Rexrode, a Highland boy, is still with the established New York commission house, B W Howe & Co.. 329 Washington St, New Yrork City. For four years Mr Rex rode has served these people, and he is in a position to handle to advantge the produce of High? land merchants. Remember this firm when you ship your poultry, eggs, chestnuts etc. *v Maude, the 8 years old, daughter of Henry A Slaven, died of pneu? monia, after au illness of but two days, at her home near Monterey on Saturday morning. The re? mains were taken to Mill Gap. the Wade grave yard, for interment on Sunday. ^ " Mr and Mrs Wm P Rexrode re? turned last Friday from an extend? ed visit in West Ya, -They evident? ly sooke a good word for the Re? corder while on the journey for they brought us three new sub? scribers. Thank you yery much, Mr A G McOu0ij?. proprietor of Bolar Springs, called recently to see u* while in Monterey on busi? ness. He says the best season Bolar Spring has ever known has just closed and that the outlook for the coming season is bright indeed. Mr McGuffin says he finds his bus? iness of shipping the water is in creaiug. Even at Hot Springs hf has regular customers. V B Bishop & Co. will open in a few davs a fine line of fall and winter dress goods and millinery, which are offerre4 at Jow prices. Miss Adams is in charge of this department and will be glad if you will favor her with a call. VMr A H Jones of McDowell pas.-, /ed this way Wednesday with i hunch of 30 or 40 Angora goat*: If he doe* not make sale of them ip the county he will take them ttl Pocahontas. A Jot of 265 Angoras from Texas belonging to Mr Jones and Mr John Robson of Augusta county, will arrive at Millboro this week. They have nearly all been sold to parties in Bath and High? land. Mr Jones says High lane is the greatest goat countn on earth, and he firmly believe* theY eau be profitably handled here. I will (D V) preach Sunday Not 1 at Rehoboth ut ll a. tn. and a' Green Hill at 3 p. m. R L Eutsler. The memorial, or funeral servici of Mr and Mrs Henry Mullenai will be held in New Church, Sun day Nov. 8th at ll a m. H A Murrill -?-?-? Broke Into HU Howe 3 Le Qu(nn of Cavendish, Vt., was rob . bed of his customary health by inyasioi I of Chronic Constipation. When Di King's New Life Pills bnke into bi house, his trouble was arrested and nov 1 he's entirely cured. They're guarantee* ' to cure, 35c at K II Trimble's drug ston Doo Hill Doings. Doe Hill, Oct. 26?Your corres? pondent had the pleasure of at? tending the annual meeting of the Womans Foreign Missionary Socie? ty, which was held in Greene Me? morial church, Roanoke, Va., Oct. 18 20. ^ We had the pleasure of listen? ing to au able discourse on Sunday morning, by Bishop Wilson, and in the afternoon, to addresses by Mrs Bishop Wilson, Pres. of the Balto. Cool Society, and Mrs Robinson, of Washington, urging the impor? tance of interesting the young peo? ple in this great work, and asking the co-operation of the pastors in trying to form new societies. Monday and Tuesday were demot? ed to business. The reports from the different societies showing an increase along all lines of mission? ary work. Monday night Mrs Dr Hankius delivered the address of welcome, which was responded to by Mrs Wilson. Mrs J T Williams, in her sweet, and winning manner gave us greetings from the Home Mis? sion Society of which she is Presi? dent. After service a reception was held in thc Sunday school room for the delegates and visitors which was much enjoyed. Tuesday night's services consist? ed of songs, recitations by the children, interspersed with 6olos. quartettes, etc. by the choir which were exceedingly well rendered. Bishop Wilson gave us a talk on Brazil where he bas recently spent sometime. There were about fiftv delegates present, as well as,somedistinguish? ed visitors, who carry home with them the most pleasant thoughts of Roanoke, and her people. The recent cold spell, and the falling of the leaves, remind us that we will soon be in the grasp of winter's icy fingers. [/A yery welcome boarder has ta? ken lodging with Mr and Mrs Chas Pitzen berger, a little girl. * Mr Jonathan Eagle and Miss Ida Blagg, of this neighborhod, were married at W W Samples'on S rait Creek last Thursday by Rey R L Eutsler. We extend congrat? ulations. Our school, under the manage? ment of Miss Lillian Hook, assist? ed by Misses Mary Hi uer and Rose Blagg opened last Tuesday. The outlook is very promising for a good school. Mr J M Blagg is still quite ill. No marked change in his condi? tion. Occasional de at bc ni th wi in in Ix ed in P<~ P< th ll th fo M sn d<; Wi Si! an lo ail co te sc pl Wt an he he lei ca Kl Di ()< ?fl m <il fa he at of sit \\ co \\ Messrs J ll Grogg and L Dudley of the firm of Dudley k Grogg of Parkersburg, and Mr J H Kidwell, after spending several days at the h me ot Mrs Somers on Bullpas i ure mountain, looking after their timber interests in that locality, re? turned to their homes Saturday. Mr M G Zim, one of the leading oil producers of Dodridge county, W. Va., came to McDowell to see Mr Kidwell itt regard to one of his oil farms in Wirt Co., W. Va. While here Mr Zim secured from Mr Kidwell a lease on the property, paving for same a bonus of $ 1,000 and one-eighth of all oil and gas returned. Mr Zim returned to Parkersburg to prepare for drill? ing. -.?>.?... ?? Betsy and I Killed The Bear11 vLast week an exciting bear chase took place on the Shenandoah. It was enjoyed by several of the Nim? rods of the Cowpasture, the old time bear hunter, Mr Charles Gwin being captain of the party. Bruit) wus started in the double of the Shenandoah and was overtaken at the Slate Rock on Gwin mountain. He was sold to McNulty Bros. for $22 and shipped by them to New Jersey.' He had a crop off the left ear which is said to be S M Niel's mark. He weighed over 300 pounds, ^~ Alderinan Smith Well Again Alderman J F Smith of Indian? apolis, Ind., contracted a severe cold *\ which grew rapidly worse until his physicians said he had all the svin toms of hasty consumption. The physician's prescriptions and seyer al proprietar) preparations failed to help bim. A friend recommend? ed Foley's Honey and Tar, and iii a few days he began to improve and the second bottle cured him com? pletely. He says it is the best rem? edy for coughs, colds and lung trouble he has ever known. Accept no substitutes. Sold by all dealers The Salve That Heal* 'without leaving a scar is DeWitt's. The rame Witch Hazel is applied to miiuy salves, but DeWitt's Witch Ha^el Salve is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that con? tains the pure unadulterated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve is offered you it is a counter? feit. E C DeWitt invented Witch Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by K H Trimble. -*.?>-. Confessions of a Priest Rev .ino. S Cox, of Wake, ArV., writes, "For *2 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted a number of physi? cians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now i cured of a disease that had me in its . grasp for twelve years." If you want a j reliable medicine for Liver and Kid ne/ r trouble, stomach disorder or general de I' bility. get Electric Bitten. It's guaran? teed by K H Trimbje, druggist. Only $Oc Attempted Self-Destruction At a time of temporary mental rangement, Yrs John ll Samples take her life, at her tempted to take nie on Strait Cr eek on Thursday gilt of lust week. Mr Samples and children, except' e Youngest (ton. whom he left th his step-mother, were attend? er, church at Si-ybert Chapel. Dur g his absence, and after the little T had retired, Mrs Samples secur a knife, a Barlow with a two ch. dirk blade, from the boy's cket, and stepping to the back rch stabbed herself twice in the roat. After inflicting tlie wounds rs Samples made her way into e kitchen and fell, where she was lind in an insensible condition by r Samples when he returned. Dr Chas B Fox was hurriedly mmoned and all that could be ne for the comfort of the patient is speedliY accomplished. Mrs tuples regained consciousness. d has somewhat recover from the >s of blood and the great shock, d there is hope that she may re ver. Yet from the grave charac r of the wound it would scarcely mi possible that she could live.JJJJ For a number of years Mrs Barn? es has been a great sufferer, what i would term a hopeless invalid, d the condition of mind causing r to commit this act, was due to r prolonged suffering and help isness and hopelessness. It is a sad occurrance, and has lied forth many expression of re et and sympathy. Aged flan Kills Baby A special dispatch to the Globe miocrat, from Leroj, Kan. dated :t. 20th, states that Peter Winier, ed 70 years, is charged with the ardor of a little girl. Wimer arreled with a man living on his rm and shot at him and just as shot the hired man's wife with :hild in her arms stepped in range the ball which entered the chilli's le and death resulted. Peter imer was a native of Pendleton linty and a brother of Nathan imer of this place. -.-?-. A Cure For Dyspepsia I had dyspepsia in its worst form id felt miseiable most all the ne. Bid not enjoy eating until ter I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure liich has completely cured me. rs VV WSaylor, Hilliard, Pa. No ?petite, loss of strength, nervous ?ss, headache, constipation, bad eath, sour risings, indigestion. spepsia and all stomach troubles e quickly cured by the use of odol represents the natural juices indigestion combined with the ?eatest known tonic and recon ructive properties. It cleanses, irities. and sweetens the stomach. dd by K ll Trimble. otal Registration for Years 19o2. 3 Under New Constitution recincts Whites Col'd Total uck man's 107 107 eveners store 89 2 '91 ew Hampdeu 104 164 jurt House 281 5 286 Nilson's Mill 115 115 ethlehem 171 3 174 ullin's S H 143 10 153 teuart's Mill 62 1_ 63 Totaf 1132 21 1153 How to Be l-l. cted [r Editor: In the charming letter of Wise ?st week reference was made to a mdid ite. a bear and a parson. If ur editor and correspondent will mder Mr Frank Rexrode service i efficient after election, should he e elected, ax the parson rendered fter the bear hunt he will likely old his office for years. Candidates who wish to be sure f election will please send in deer, eef, pork or bear before election. Very truly yours Parson rabbottom, Va. To Cure A Cold In One Day ake Laxative Bromc Quinine Tablets. ll druggists refund the money if it fails >cure. E. W. Grove's signature oneach ox. 25c. A Love Letter Would not interest you if you're look ig for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, urns or Piles' Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Io. writes: "I coffered with an ugly ire for a year, but a box of Bueklen's trnica Salve cured me. It's the hept alve on eaith, 25c at K ll Trimble's rug store . ? -? TRUSTEES SALE General merchandise?As trus ee, I will, for 30 days from this ate, sell Charles m McClintic's tock of general merchandise, con isting of dry goods, groceries, lardware, boots, shoes &c, at Bolar In. At cost, for casu?Parties Bar? na open accounts with the store rill call during this time and have hem adjusted E H McCliutic. )ct 22. '03 Trustee. Dieting Invites Disease To cure dyspepsia or indigestion t is no longer necessary to 'ive on uilk and toast. Starvation produ? ces euell weakness that the whole ifftett becomes an easy prey to lisease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ed? ibles the stomach and digestive irgans to digest and assimilate all >f the wholesome food that one jares to eat, and is a never failing mre for indigestion. dyspepsia and ill stomach troubles. Kodol di? gests what you eat?makes thc stomach sweet. Sold by K II Trim? ble, 60 different games?all new ?one in each package of Lion Coffee at your Grocer's. Hotel Exchange Mrs W A Sipe, Proprietress, STAUNTON, VA. 11,00 per day $1.00 The best of attention paid to the comfort of the trav? eling public. Patronage of Highland people solic? ited. FOLEYSIMriMM Cures Colds; Prcvonts Pneumonia ?aaaaganct'-f-iwTi^-i^-^.ii.^-it.iv .,?~~-._ Jacksons River Items Pine Grove, Oct. 27?Mr and Mrs Frank Gardner of Elkins, W Va.. are visiting relatives here. Mr M Houlihan is improving slowly. Our friend James Corrigan is do? ing some good electioneering at times. Kefp at it Jimmy the time is drawing near. Mr Wesley Shaffier and wife moved to Boyer this week. We had two sermons at the Ail vent church Sunday, brother Koot at ll, brother Gardner at 3. Mr M Houlihan's barn came ne; r being burned Sunday evening? the boy with the cigarette. Farmers are busy with their corn. All the boys have gone to camp. Paul Bunion Pinckney, Oct. 20-Mrs W A McGluaghlin is very sick. One of J II Griffin's children has been very sick we are glad to suv the child is improving. Dr Fox is physician. Eld M H Corbett returned last Wednesday from Rock bridge Co. Mr Musto McUlaughlin was a pleasant caller at Mr J P Hiller's on last Sunday eyening. Messrs J B and P ll Iliner are visiting friends in W Va. Mr P K Kramer of Monterey was the guest of Mr J P Hiner last night. Mr L B Doyle is preparing to build a new house?look out for the weddings. From four medium size potatoes Mr J C Pruitt raised H bushels of fine ones. Mr Dave Corbett is home from the lumber camp. Cleopatra WANTED?Fai'tbfuPperson to trayel and supervise force of salespeople and make collections for manufacturing bouse. Straight salary *20 a week and expenses. Salary paid weekly and ex? pense money advanced. Previous ex? perience unnecessary. Local territory. Business sucessful. Position permanent. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Super intendent. 32-1 Dearborn St., ( hicago. Sept ll, 12t I who represents the Marquis Marble anil Granite Co. of Staunton, Va. wishes to thank his many friends in Highland for their liberal pat? ronage of the past and solicits a continuance of same. FRANK GRIM, Proprietor, is ready to furnish the Best Work at Lowest Prices. See bia before buying. iWBHONEMAR stope the cough and heals lungs The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep? tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by ?? it ? heart disease, pneumonia, heart lil^jJv' t?Y\ ^ty^r^* fa''ure or apoplexy J Inw&'j 'ha ^jj pare often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al? lowed to advance the ^Z kidney-poisoned blood will attack the J.m-?* vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald? ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, lt stands the highest for Us won? derful cures of tba most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis? covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper, Don't make any mistake, bul remem? ber the name. Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's 1 Swamp-Hoot, and the address, Bingnani *pn,N. f., on every bottle Home of Swamp-Roof. [lie Timberlake Shoe Co. 21 W. Main St. - Staunton. Va. 'ery well dressed lady Dught to have a pair of QUEEN QUALITY shoes, they are the most satisfactory on the market today. Send us your orders and we will be glad to fill them. We keep every thing in the shoe and boot line, also trunks, bags, suit cases and um? brellas. The TimtalaiG Sloe Co. Successors to The A. Lee Knowles Shoe Co. UTHAM'S MUSIC STORE In the past eight years we have made and sold nearly 20,000 Organs We manufacture them our selyes at our own factory at Staunton, Va. and eau afford to sell them at lower prices than any one else can porssibly offer?' $27 Upwards :?**&^&&$ Pianos $165.00 Upwards Six Standard makes from which to select I very thing in the music line V. W. PUTNAM & Co.. "'"' "ifffv., FARM MACHINERY! In addition to our line of * Ugh Grade Bone Fertilizers, Hay, Grain, Seeds and Feed Of all kinds we also carry a full line of OSBORNE Jinders, Mowers, Rakes, Tedders. Harrows and Cultivators. We also carry a full line of Buggies and Wagons of the highest grades. Tb* 'eber Wagon is king of all. We sell the latest improved Manure Spreader made. We represented tbs J. 1 us Threshing Machine Co. and can giye you a first-class outfit. Buy a Black awk Corn Planter. It has no equal drops just what you want every tims. Whsa e weather gets warm you will want a Refrigerator. Call on as; wo have the best ie made?not cheap, but good. We buy Cow Peas bv the car load. Prices are right. Black & Bowma^ . 0. Box 532, Phone 548 15 MiddlelS^^^.. Staunton THE LESTER PIAHO. Are YOU thinking of purchasing a Piano? If so, why not investigate the merits of the STEft? We have placed instruments of this splendid make in the homes of lessr- W. H. Matlieny, W. H. Stephenson, and J. A. Jones, of High and County, and refer you to either as to their good qualities. Wo ave also placed eight in the Lewisburg Female Institute at Lewisburg, V. Va. Write us for prices, or call. Brereton & Heydenreich, tooms 15-10-18 Crowie Building, ... Staunton, V Buy Paint WithReputation Paints that are made with Pure Linseed Oil only. Linseed Oil is the life-giving, preservative ele? ment in Paints. Manv mixed paints are made with adulterated Oil, Water, Benzine and Soap Mixtures. Avoid them, they are low priced, but hare no durability. They waste your cost of labor. Jno. .W Mausry & Son's House Paints have a reputation of FIFTY YEARS. They are pure linseed oil paints. In using them, no experiment is made. You haye success and great durability assured before you start. Color cards and prices for th** asking. Willson Bros., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Staunton, Va