Newspaper Page Text
Hl<_m : w) Recorder. Isstieil p-erv Krill av crftiinphv W. M. ivr a THENT, Enteied at the Mont et ctr portofflce m second elliss mutter. Monterey, V*., Friday, Nov. (S, 100". Hi^h'anrl C.nttle To London Town ?E A Dudley's Grazing Thus Honored A coppin.: of a recent issue of the K'corder which gave the freight (,f M,.Ssr.< Wiley Terry and Stephenson's two year old cat He Bold to W P Cr i chen berger of Nen Market, found its way to the live stock com mission merchants, Messrs Newton & Co., Jersey City. N? J. In regard to it this firm wrote us n letter complimenting the cattle, but at thc same time Uley claim for Highland better things in the way of two year olds, the herd mentioned being that of Mr E A Dudley, shipped hy Col D V Ruck niau and handled by this firm. The letter of Messrs Newton & Co is as follows: Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 28, 1903. Editor Highland Recorder: Enclosed find a clipping from your paper that was sent to us. Wi il say it speaks well for J ac te? tons river cattle, but we want to ^ sav we sol.l 47 two year njfls for *"Mt-B V tiuekuian a few days ago that lie bought of one of your best gratters, Mr E A Dudley, nf Crab? bottom, that weighed here 1140, end wore poid to J Shani burg & Sons, the largest exporters iu the U. S. and nut of the 47 they sent 42 to the London market, where only fine quality of castle go. So do not think Jacksons river is in it with Mr Dudley. Yours respectfully, Newton & Co. ?Di5turbed the Congregation The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by con? tinually coughing is requested to call and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar as it cures coughs and colds quickly and prevents pneumonia and consumption. It not only stops the cough but ht ala and strengthens the lungs. Con? tains no opiates. Sold by all dealers Doe Hill Doings. Nov. 2.--We are having very wann weather now and the moun? tains are on fire. Mr W E Wilson's little girl Lois lias measles. Mr J M Blagg we are sorry is not improving. Mr Elbert Vint of Rockingham is visiting friends and relatives at this place. Several of the Doe Hill men vere at Staunton last week pur? chasing flour. Mr Ami Blagg and his daugh? ter Nora are visiting Mr J M Blagg. A large eagle was seen near Mr. J W Blagg's Thursday. The school at Doe Hill is getting Qn nicely. The road through town looks! very much better since Mr Ashby! Hammer bas fixed it. Mr John E Wilson spent last Saturday .ui_r]?t and Sunday in J .Atn-Mrey. ' >^ Messrs Frank Blagg siiSd Charlie, Caricoffe returned from "uglying sheep to Buffalo G.ip yesterday, X It Will Wear Away So many people del nee themselves! prith these words when thev notice j signs of kidney trouble, Instead, the kidneys become more and more affected until some fatal malady such hs diabetes or bright's disease.! develops. If you notice any sjgut of kidney or bladder disease, take! foley's Kidney Cure as it aili cure; any case of kidney or bladder dis-! ease Ul at is not, beyond the reach ; of medicine. "I was troubled with kidney complaint for two years," writes A ll Davis, of Mt. Sterling. Ja., "out two bottles of Foley's; Kid nev Cure effected a permanent .cure." Sold by all druggists. for children safe, sure. Ho n-pintm. - -, 0?.. _ ___ Nati'hk Arrayed it\- Hem Briohtkst Oahu finds a parallel in every section of our store. There's a bright, Crisp newness about the stock, very pleasing to prospective buyers. Our ii.creas? ing patronage is proof that vou are quick to see these tilings. Our buyer*- liavs returned from a trip < > the northern mark.-ts and livery 'liing that is new and up-to-d.-ite I'or fall wear is now being shown. \\ on't you come while every thing its new and fresh? Sii reck bise & Rear. A Runaway Bicycle Terminated willi an ugly cut on the leg of J B Omer, Franklin Grove, 111. if developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies (or four years. Them Bucklen's Arnica Salyecured. lt's ?just as good for burna, scalds, skin Erup? tions and (Mles. 25, at K ll Trimble, .lrii'r >tore. i?ddol Dyspepsia Cure Oitiests what you eat* Filipinos and Opium. i '"We haye nothing more serious . i lippi nes,1 smsa letter from Manila, "than j tue opium quest ion. Under Spanish ! rule, ail Filipinos were forbidden to j smoke opium. Tile privilege Af selling it to the Chillest! vhs funned ont. With our coming, this custom and law lapsed with others that w<*re Spanish. Literally, anybody who pleased could then buv the drug. As a result, tiie import is H(5U,"00 pound, now to 120,000 five yenia ugo. American soldiers as weil as Filipinos have fallen vic? tims to the habit. The Commission prepared a bill on the Spanish lines, licensing its sale to Chinese alone. This was defeated largely bv the same influences that killed the iirniv canteen: The Government should not traffic in opium anv more than in drink. Now a com? mittee of three, appointed by the Com mission, are studying the ques? tion in India as well as in China Nine out of ten Chinese smoke opium as moderately as the average man smokes tobacco at home. Like an American, when a Filipino gets the habit he becomes a fiend. He knows no more moderation than a village drunkard. For the well-be? ing of the natives as well as our garrisons, opium ought not to be within their reach."?Collier's Week Iv. Shenandoah Normal College?A Highland Students Letter As Highland is so well represent? ed -at S N C. probably a few items from here would be of interest to our Highland readers. But first I must give von a brief description of our building, the management of the school, etc. The balding is most substantial and comfortable, 4 stories high, roofed with slate and heated by stenmaplendedly arranged to ajcomodate more than 100 boarders. Each department is in charge of an efficient and experienced teacher Messrs Carson. Kline, Dick, Cole? man, have charge ol' Creek, Math? ematics, Science. Literature, Taki graphy. Bookkeeping; Penman? ship; Stringed Instruments ami Vocal Music. Mrs Carson and Mrs Dick have charge respectively of the Primary department and Histo? ry; Miss Brown English Branches; Miss McCue Latin; Miss Hale Piano Miss Chew Typewriting and Mr Mouagas Spanish. The equip? ment is of the very best- Among other thing we could mention are 5 pianos, <1 organs, 7 typewriters, 1 microscope and many other advan? tages and conveniences. This a level connrty well ndaptad to farming and fruit growing bat can't compare with Highland for gJass and cattle. The Highlanders are all happy and wei! satisfied, and could you note their appearance, it would be sufficient evidence oj the ability of our cook. A large number of our students; chaperoned by Prof Kline took an outing to Front Royal yesterday to witness a game of foot-ba ll be? tween Eastern College and Finer son Institute. We enjoyed the game very much, also the sights of Front Royal ami [tiverton. We have a very good foot hall team here also a tennis court which af fords us amusement and exercise during our leisure hours. Mr W F Jones is here taking les- j sens at the piano and seems to be j learning, With best wishes for the Recorder and the Candidates. Yours trulv. A Student. From West Virginia Richwood,Oct 20-1 will try to jit you a few items from this hus? tling lit!le city in the woods, only between two and three years old and has a population of 2.500 or more. All who will work can find pleiltv to do at good wages, All the business enterprises are backed up by plenty of money hence there is no irag or drawback to progress. There are four larga industries. First the Cherry River Boom and laimbpr Vp. which is an immense affair making all Linds of timber into uiateiiil for build-; ing and manufacturing purposes,! running on full time and employs] iu the woods and in the mill over; one thousand men* Then there is ? he wagon hub fsctorv which is al-j BO a large affair. The clothes pin factory which employs 73 girls be-' sides a number of men. The steam j tannery is also doing an immense1 business running on full time. Then the woods in the surround? ing country are full of portable! sawmills sawing lumber and hiv? ing it hauled here for shipment. There are some as good here as you will timi anywhere. They are here to make money though and not for their health. No one perhaps would select this as ah pleasant place to live and enjoy i life, though J am very well salish-1 ?"? " . |1 The laboring men spend theirli money freely ami not a few very j' recklessly. |, 1 succeeded in getting a good man interested in the harness bus? iness for whom I am working. This is the only shop in town or 1J [his section and we are baying aj, good trade. Instead (d' sewing by j alight of hand as formerly I now if operate a $250.00 Landii> Wax!1 liiiv;:.] machine and if a customer'j is in a hurry I simply make his har- i neso wfiilehe waits. Of il! the '< places 1 know I would rather live in Monterey. If you see fit to publish j may '( writi- again. G. F. C, < Editor I'.irder: As we hav< had one end presented bj Ri v Root may I liol give the other end ant then all take a rest, I thought I had presented argn. menta in my reply. I do not think I used personalities. Rut Root ii; flu; end has nothing else. To sa\ a man is '?discourteous" "on-GhrisI like" and without understanding ii the same as calling a fellow hard names for Argument. However 1 shall just smile at that, and still keep in tune, This puts mo in mind of a big house cat that got into an argu? ment with a little rat-terrier over Hie quality of his pie. When flu argument waxed warm the big eat took to a near hy apple tree. After awhile he arched up his hack and curled np his tail and from his comfortable limb, spit down at the terrier and with a look and scorn of contempt said, "What you nre after is so evident to my mind, and your conduct is so discourteous and unhrotherlv, and because of a iack of understanding between us. 1 refuse to condescend to lower my dignity to come down until thc way is more clear." Now Mr Root savs he cheerfully leaves his conduct in the hands oi the good people of the county, That being so he can certainly have no objections to my relating the following facts. I give them as facts and am pre? pared to stand by them. He visit? ed a home in this district, telling the family that he was around lak? ing the religions census. He wai treated kindly and was told they were Methodists. Instead of leav? ing after getting what he cl.limed to come for, Mr Root std to work to prove Hie Methodists wrong, Tried to persuade the lady of the house (her husband being absent ami. an officer in the Methodist Church), to leave her church, ami and wanted to leave his hook, "Why I am a Baptist".?I ask, was this called courteous and Christ like? Now I wi?h to assure the good brother that lam of a brotherly disposition, good humored, and in perfect tune so far as I am musi? cal Iv qualified. And I promise to lie down iud remain quiet unless his excellency decides to condescend to lay aside his dignity and come down to eat s une of my pie. And 1 desire in conclusion to as? sure Mr Root I am not .it all out ot fix over this discussion, in perfect? ly good hu rn or. and have enjoyed the debate and hope our readers have done the same. I assure you that 1 am. and al? ways Lope ttl be just what I claim. So with good wishes for the Recor? der ami many thinks to the Editor I end the other end. Citizen McDowell, Va [ Now as the discussion has been ended at both ends we take the lil<erty to end it in the middle? tor. 1 Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman k Martinez Pure Paints. Every church wi!! be given a liberal quantity wliepeyer they paint. Don't pay $] 50 a gallon for Lin? seed oil (worth 00 emits) which vou do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 0 make ld, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, hut only eight gallons of L & M.. ind mix six gallons of pure linseed oil wit!) it. Von need only four gallons of L. & M. Pn|nt, and three gallons of Dil mixed therewith to paint a good giged hr-nse. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby, even after 18 tears. These celebrated paints are sold by -I Lunsford & Sons. Monterey J<>Hii J Hiner, McDowell. John M Jones. Doe Hill Disastrous Wrecks Cariessness is responsible for many tx railway wreck and lite same causes arc making human wrecks of sufferers from throat and Inns troubles. But since the idvent of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption toughs mid colds, eyenthe worst cases can lie cured, and uopele-w resignation is no longer nocessa-y. .Mrs horns ('rasg of Dorchester, Man., is one pf many whose life wis saved by Dr. Kins' a New Discovery. This great reg* Jdy is guaranteed for all throat UHrfTutm HseasesbyK ll Trimble, druggist Price K>C, and ft] (m. Trial bottles free. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Mont ney, Va. Oct. bili, 1008. '1;; John M Colaw, Exor. of John M Hook, dec'd and the said John M Hook's ieirs. You an: hereby notified that I have fix )d upon Monda] (be '-i->d day of Noyein-, ter. 1903 al my said office, to takj$>r$fttle md adjust the following socoUBwP*^'* ? First ai. account ujf the transaet'jdiiR )f the plaintiff aa exwutoj* oT'jbini M [look, ticed. Second. An account of the debts ?gains! said estate. Third An account of personal assets ulonging therein, and whether the gnuie. o>' bequeathed by said will or pass out ide of ihe same. Pouria An account, as far as ia ny be nab: al this initial si ale of the proceed iigs, of the distribution of the funds ?urning into the hands of the said plain ill', among the parlies entitled thereto. Fifth ile shall ascertain and report >y taking proper testimony, whether all d' the Moyen land was sold to Oeorge W look at the sale made by the said Kxor. >n Nov loth 1902, and if not what part hereof was not sold,with its location and ?abie, aud to this end the said commisr ?ioner may employ a surveyor, if hp deem he same necessary, to determine the ame; which accounts are reqaitpd to bc liken by the decree of the circuit court >f Highland COUnlV catered on the 1st lay of October 1008 in the chancery suit herein pending between John M Hook's ?xor. Puff and John Vt Hook's heirs lefts al which time and plane you are puuired to attend. Given nuder my hand as one of the ?omis of said court on the date aforesaid, i o Wilson, Comr. A Ketuarkable ruse One ol Mu* most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, j causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs ; Gertrude E fenner. Marion. Ind. who was entirely cured I", the ?|-'' ; of One Minute Cough Cure, S1* says; -The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 118 to 02 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to m> avail until 1 used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of thia wonderful remedy cured me entire? ly of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restore me to mv n*>rniul weight, health and strength." Sold by K II Trimble. on?i ?np-??-rn ? ,i i ii ? ??? i ?? ?aKmatu.wammvm??~??a*. ?TO? Ont of Town Headers I Haye a Great Many Customers From Oct of Town. I find on my record books the names of people living in Rock hridge, Rockingham, Alleghany, Bath, Highland, Albemarle, Pen? dleton, and many from a distance, lt is only necessary to come to my office once to have your eyes fitted. By taking the measurements and keeping a record of it, 1 can heep you supplied with glasses. If I haye them in stock von can take them with you. If they have lo be made to order, I will have them mailed to you direct from the fac? tory, #o there will be no lost time. If you break or lose your glasses, au order to me receives prompt attention. II L. LANG. Scientific Optician, Staunton, Va. Albert Shultz Bookseller, Stationer, and Printer, UNDER THE TOWN CLOCK Staunton, Va. if you have never called cn LEWIS the Clothier, when in Staunton, I Yoe HAYE MiesiD a A Goon 11 A*flim rr ? + Jl Poplar Prices. The people of Highland are invited tn our stor*> to inspect our goods, Men's, Boys' and Chil? dren's Clothing Harry M. Lewis, The Clothier, ' Masonic Temple, - Staunton, Va, JJENITi A. SLAVEN, PkACTICAL f-AM- SURVF.VOU AM) Mi taky Tc ni,ie. Monterey, Highland Co., Va. Mapa ead Blue Prlnu aspeclaltr. All :i thia line solicited. Tom. II. Slaven's Livery Stable, Monterey, Virginia. Hack, Surrey and Buggies at reas. unable prices. Horses boarded. My personal attention given. THE BEST STOCK OF Watches, Ladies and Gentlemen, j The finest assortment of rings, including Diamonds. Opals, Rubie*, Emeralds and ali other stones to be had, can be found at our store. Write to us for prices, before you make your purchase. id. Xj. switzer jeweler & opticcan, No. 3, East Main St. W. E. WILSON & (X) DOE HILL, YA. Undertaker Funeral Di? rectors. A full line of coffins and caskefs ttlwttve on hand. Orders by tele? phone or otherwise promptly at? tended to. (iii versity ot Virginia rr IS Tlili Capstone of the Public School Sys? tem of the State. FREE TO VIRGINIANS In tiie Academic Department Letters, Science. Law Medicine, Engineering. Session lJe</i>!- 15th September, For Catalogue address {' li, Hair in? ger, Chairman. Charlottesville, Va OT&H. F SLAVEN, UNDERTAKERS FURNITURE' DEALERS.! Will give special attention to the Un- | dertaking branch of our business. All j grade's ol' Burial tun tits, from tbe cheap- \ est Coffin io tbe finest Casket. With for? ty years' experience, we claim io have good judgment in the selection of trim? mings and finishing outfits. Orders can j he sent hy telephone from any section of this and adjoining counties* HAND-MADE FURNITURE is preferred by many ever tbe cheap; trashy factory work. Weare still in the j business, and, if you want ibop-made . work, come and see us. We are grateful to our friends for past i patronage, ami we will do ./ar best to J pl-ja-re and to give satisfaction. Very respectfully, T.H. &H. F. SLAVEN GEO E. STE?ART BARBER Will be found over L S Dick? enson & Co.'s Store. SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO. REASONABLE PRICES. Iii my shop on Wednesdays, Sat? urdays and all public days. (jive mt a trial. Thanks for past favors Jan. '41, (Jojo ri top ?PP_H_MB__Mbv_hhbk!b_m_b__^^ i FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SPELLS. | lt's net sentiment?that m-jikei the most Euccc9_rulf_hotJ shoot i WinchesterFactory Loaded Shelis. It's the fl& t'-**F*_>. salts they give. It's, their entire reliability, even* ???__. of -pattern and wiif* nu shooting. Winchester f-^j^fe : " Leader" shells, kad-su witfc smokeless powder. lr* *3 tc the best shell, on tim market. Winchester ^SKjfl black powder on ths mmket on account ci tv ' . . ir *f.b coring and reloadim-; qi'-tlties. Try either of K-lfc S;M |T^;j these brands and you'll he well pleased, 'i hey ar {?feiii.THE GHELLS THE CMA^P^S SKOCn\i '.'/ . ? Sj^ijs^xfc^satt.-g.'-;*: -_&'-.'?aljM^iJi':_t__1.. ..* *>**?fc-_*aLaS ?Before buying a? Monument. Headstone or Marker, pet my prices. I will save yon money. If yoe, need an Iron Peuce, I furnish the best for the money. Yours to nerve, II. F. Sl.AV'N, Mot. lc rey. Va Aufnt. for The Clifton Forge Marble Works. Private Sale -OP? I Crabhottoin Farm I vt iii i.ilVi-fm-Sill -* priviilelv mv farm in Cmbhottom, *,'.', milw north of the town, coi.turning 80* 1-4 ncr***, nearly nil improver! hind, on which is Intuited good, brick il wei 11 uk -uni neccssiirv out building*, orchards etc. Well watered by a stream and 3 ueverfailing springs. A Uti ress Taswell Filzwnter, Crabbottom, Va. i I Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Winings 8W Pisoover^ For f^KBSHKS0" ?? A Perfect For All Throat r.nd Cure : Lung Troubles. ney back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. (S__3___C_U A. Lek Wi mer, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, Crahhottt-m. Va. Work done at. reasonable prices and guaranteed. Have appointed the following agents: II. M. slaven. Monterey, Va.; J. II Curry (Jreen Bank, W. Va ; A. A. >l_i tin, franklin, W. Va. WeaK i Hearts ire due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of evetf ne hundred people who have heart trouble an remember when it was simple indigo*" on. It is a scientific fact that all cases of eart disease, not organic, are not only ?aceable to, but are the direct result of Indi* estion. All food taken into the stomach 'hich fails of perfect digestion ferments and wells the stomach, puffing it up against the eart. This Interferes with the action of ie heirt, and in the course of time that el;cate but vital organ becomes diseased* Mr. D. Kauble, of Nevada, C. says: 1 had stomach oubl3 and was in a bad state as I had heart troubid itn it. 1 took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure (or about four tenths and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat nd relieves the stomach of all nervous train and the heart of all pressure. -ottlesonly. ?1.00 Size holding 2'4 times the bid size, which sells for 50c. 'repared by E. 0. DeWITT * 00., OMIOAOOb K. ll. Trimble. and all Skin Diseases cured by a il ii a?! ANNE SALVE fhe most healing salve in the world. The Doctor Said "Stick To lt." Geo. L. Heard, of High Tower, Qa., writeat Eczema broke out on my baby covering his ntire body. Under treatrr.i-nt of our family hysician lie got worse as he could not sleep or the burning and itching. We used a box of 1ANNEX SALVE on him and by the time it vas ^on- he was well. The doctor seeing it waa url Og lii:n acid: Stick to it for it la doing him nore good than anything I have done for him.' ?? 5UARAKTEED. 23 Cent* ?old hy all druggist in Monterey _J_h a m mBMmmmmmmBmBBBi If youri; men only knew the pleasure and benefit derived fmtn au ont-of-dior life tbey would provide tfcjBM(l~M witli a reliable FIREARM and enjoy a grand SSett, We make a large and varied line of RIFLES, PISTQLS,SHOTGUNS \.a,.g,r.j ta pf ice front. $2.50 to $150.00 Sold by all dealers. Onr catalog ahoald bo in tho hands of every ono interested iu SHOOT? ING,. Send lat a copy. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P. O. BOX CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. J. X. Buzzard Ck 8011 Undertakers BOLAR, VA. Fine coffins a specialty. Furniture will be made upon re nest. . . Oive us a Call. This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as diseased kidneys allow the impurities to stay in the system and attack the other .organs. This accounts for the many different symptoms of Kidney Disease. You begin to feel better at once when taking FOLEY'S SCIHiEY GOUE as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor. TWO SUES 5?c asid $1.09 Chicano Business Wan Cured Foley & Co., Chicago, Gentlemen;?About a year ago my health began to fail, I lost flesh and never felt well. The doctor thought I had stomach and liver trouble, but I became convinced that my kidneys were the cause of my ill'heaitl! and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It in creased my appetite and made me feel stronger, and the annoying symptoms disappeared. I am now sound and well.?J. K.Horn, 1354 DiverseyBlvd., Chicago. June ll, 1902. Cuped ?.. w|fc E. C. Watkins, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., writes; " My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit, After taking one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." One Bottle Cured Him A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, Ia., writes: "I was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years, but a one-dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a permanent cure.'"1 Druggists cf Monterey TEACHERS WANTED. We peed at onoc ? few more teachers both experienced and Inexperienced. We liave more tails this year than eyer before. Schools ind oollejei supplied W?th teachers free of cost. Address willi stamp, American Teachers' Associa? tion. J. L. Giuliani, LL D. Mgr. Mem? phis, Tenn K W '"?' -^?MA *. Oy\M 111 l\tff> Fi/HV Cures Grip 1 IJ ? \^?>M #21 Wilt} &9Uy in Two Days. ?_?4_-_ /* OMO ?.5;i,ri*dliie Tablets. Seven Mellion boxes sold in past *2 months. TfelS Signature, &<%& on every <?r(Ftrt^r box. 25c. j