Newspaper Page Text
iaUU.-.AND RECOUDEH, i erma, $1.W) a Year in Advance. Insueil eve". *? riila,v CTenlnffU'ff W. n. tv_>_.Ti-xiF:Tsrv, ca:roa ___c:s yvaax?z9*ac_Bia. Sntered at the Monteiey postojflce aa second class mattel. Monterey, Va., Friday, Nov. 13, 1903. Dynamite Kills Three at Harri? sonburg. On the 7ih inst., ni rock quarry pear Harrisonburg, William II. pow nan and two colored men wore instantly killed nnd Beveral others jnjiired by an explosion of dymir mi^e. It is not known exactly what caused the explosion. It occurred. however, while several sticks of dynamite were being warmed near a fire, and at the name time Mr. Howman was placing a cup on a piece of fuse. A flammoth Holiday issue The Decent herDel mentor (Christ nias Number) represents the high? water mark of beauty ami utilit.y, and possibly of circulation also, in "" '""n-wotmtH^-jnaga/.ine. having a first edition of " than a millie i copies, lt contains 240 pages. To' produce this mammoth edition 728 tons of paper and 4(.J presses worK iny- 25 days were required. In nd' ditton to equisite color work, clever fiction and strikingly illustrated articles, the number includes rt dis? play of charming Winter fashions! covering forty-two pages - ? * ? Disturbed the Congregation The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday By con? tinually coughing is requested to call and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar as it cures coughs and colds quickly and prevents pneumonia and consumption, ll not only stops thc cough but heals and strengthens the lungs. Con? tains no opiates. Sold by all dealers Autumn The following composition ..a. written by one ot Miss Ulara Hoov k er's youngest pupils. Miss Hoover ??"^?s.?-,?,-is n^ ~ .ri is teifehmg the Campbell School ju ar Valley Center: Th? year is divided into four sea sjuis; spring, summer, autumn,ami winter 1 take for my subject au? tumn. Autumn seems to be writ? ten about every where. The trees ul the forest, have donned their brighest colors, waining us of change and decay. The ripened fruit and grains are being -jather id in by the careful fur mer, and as ins barn groans under the burden of plentv, he looks to God, who has provided for him so bountifully. The chilly winds of autumn are stripping the trees of their beauti? ful foliage, at every blast, while the leaves whirling into each ii >ok and crevice, as if trying to Hud a hiding place from thosg who used to admire their beauty. Instinc? tively the birds feel that autumn is liej_e and gathering themselves to ? tfether depart for a warmer clime, hut when autumn and winter pass away, spring will come, bringing the happy songster with it to cheer us, and though the heart is touched with sifdness as we look abroad and \Vehold signs of death and di*ca\, ret we should seek hapiness in all that it beautiful and good with ever grateful, bear's to the Giver, bf evejr^oiid and perfect gift. -"~"^--H*y'-l Matheuy. [We should like very much to publish one per month /'rom each of the schools of the county, the teacher to decide which one should Le published.-?Editor, j lt Will Wear Away So many people del ure theraseivi i with these words when they notice .signs of kidney trouble, Instead., the aNbeys become more and more affected Vu.itll some fatal malady such as diabetes or bright'*' disi sse. develops. If yoy notice any signs of kid nev or bladder disease, take Foley's Kidney Vnvo as it will cure any case of kidney or bladder dis? ease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. '"I was troubled with .,_-.kidney complaint for twn years," writes A II Davis, of Mt. Sterling. Ia., "but two bottles of Foley's Lidnev Cure effected a permanent cure." Sold by all druggists. Jacksons River Heme Pine Grove. Xov. 10?Mr i Sharp of Frost visited friends here la*t week. ?___^_ Mrs Stanalker is haying some work done on her mill. Mr W U Corbett, is home from \V Va where he has been for some? time sawing lumber. The school at Pine Groy i greasing nicely under the manage? ment of Mr John Pruitt. 'Some of our good people had to fight tire SundaVt ' Mr J X Gardner and Mr E M Dover will start to Horton camp 6ne dav this week. Mr Pub Carpenter and Mr Wm. Armstrong will start tu the Wilder? ness to hunt bear. Kev Father Van ni St. Frances church. Staunton. \ ,\. we hope viii fill his appointment the last Sunday in November at his Mission C..i Jacksons KiV'-r. Paul Bunion Hodel Dyspepsia Oure ?^ Hignett what you eat. //.>,- Hi I D)ings. ! Kuy. IQ-Mr? Mary A Leach, of Vilim, visited friends here inst week. lil ra lo ''ph Rexrode. who spent lust wei vi il h lu r mol her. Mrs. Hoover, returned bonn* last Sunday. 1 r 0 -I Campbell, iiccompaiiied I \ Mrs Amanda Campbell, came over yesterday, The Doctor will ! be professional !v engaged, fora 'few days. >irs Campbell is visit Jjiig Mra -I Vv' Smith. The repqrt, I hat a bear han" crow*: pd I lie road about a mile above town, last. Wednesday night caused considerable excitement among the hunters, and they turned out. en ma*se to capture him, but returned j as they weat, and tiiose of us, who : hud anticipated bear qi eat for sup [per. had to be content without. The greatest excitement, though. "Ihat we have known herc in a long .time, was caused by Dr A C Jones I and Mr-Luke, of Covington. coining into town last night in an j automobile. All of the children I in town and th?j country around. j were gathered thin morning io see , them lea\p. The ladies and children of the Missionary Societies will observe (lie we.'!; of prayer and give an en? tertainment in the church Thurs? day night. Xov, 20, 191)3, begin? ning at seven o'clock, after which an old time Tlinuksgifiug supper tt ill be .er. ed in the Hall All are cordially invited. Occasional Prom West Virginia / Mill Crock. Nov. 2.-The Odd Fellow's Hall was dedicated oil hist Wednesday at HuttonsviUu with about 130 members present. The I Mill Creek and Flinn's band fur? nished the music. Mrs Florence Way bri ght and little son Dennis who baye been I the guests of her brother Ed. White and family ol' (lita place left today [on the poon train for her home in Crabbottom. Miss Maggie McCall who has been spending some time with her sister Mrs Lou Suelson near Hut tongville returned home to attend ischool which will begin Monday, Mr If M Trimble spent last Sun 1 dav in Elkins. Mr Hoy Honchin spent last Sum dav night with his uncle Ed White. Mnny of the children haye bal \ whooping cough but none are dam j gerously iii. Sunshine. In tte morl am. On last Saturday night, Oct. 31, !' ???:. Mi - Emma W liussard, wife of Jno W Bussard, departed tin's life iti'ci- un illness of four weeks. Deceased was a great sufferer during ber illness but never was heard to ni tinner or complain. She was !? yed by all who knew ber. and will be greasy missed, by her many friends and especially by the .dear oi es nt home, who cared for her 80 tenderly. The case is a sad Jone, hut all that a loving husband, \ a kind doctor and friends could do , was done. Deceased was li) years [of age, and leaves a husband to mourn her loss, an iu ! flint babe, father and mother, two ! brothers .1 ;jJ a host of friends and relatives. She was laid to rent on Sunday eve, in Big Valley burying ground,! ill the presence of a large crowd.! j Kev Mr Miller conducting the burial service. We extend to thej dear bereaved ones in this hour nf deep distress our heart felt Ry in pa-1 thy and com mend them to the lov? ing Savior who said. ''Be ye also iready, for in bucIi au hour as ye j think not, the Son of Man cometh.11 ! A loving one from ns is gone, A voice we loved is still; t | A place is vacant, in our borne, Which never can be lilied. Dearest Emma thou has left us, Left i:s here forever more: Wt again we hone to meet, thee, On that bright and happy shore. ll-O-'Oa Vena 8 Bussard, Bolar, Va. ____' _ Disastrous Wrecks C.i'-U'ssii":-? is responsible for many a railway wreck and tbe came causes are making liurharj wrecks of snffl ri rs rn m ; throat and Iring troubles. But sine thu I advent of Dr King'a New Discovery for| i v'oiiMimpt ioo coughs and col] s. cy cn the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless' I resignation is no longer necessa'y. Mrs i Louis Cragg of 1) irebester, Mass'., is one ; of many whose l^fb w-is saved by Dr. I King's Xew J)isi-(.viry. This cnai rem? edy is guaranteed for$11 throat and tnng diseases by K il Trimble, druggist. Trice 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. * n * i To Cure A Cold In One Day j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets., All druggists refund the money if ii fails io cure. B. W. Grove's signature -...-. ich'l box. 2qc. A Knnaway Bicycle Terminated willi an Ugly cul on the1 leg of J B Onur, Franklin 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding . doctors and remedies ior four years. Tho i Bin fcleii'j-i Arnica Salvecured. lt's I for'burns, Bcalds, skin Etup-j i lions and l'ilei;. '$5, al K ll Trimble, ? drug! store. ? <_vvg?^.?^,.;-c'g^s-s-**ra^ I Cured of Piles After 40 Years' Mr C Haney, of Geneva. ().. hud : Ihe pile.- for Fort* years. Doctor and didi,irs contd do him no lasting; | good. D ? Witt's Witch Hazel Sah'e lc u red bin pretuauently.Invaluable Lfor cuts, burns, bruises, sprains,; I laceration*, eczema, tetter. Bait ' rheum, and all other shin diseases. j Lock ior th" name De Witt on tho packu^e-al! .others are cheap, worth? less, co.iyiterfit.s. Sold by K H Trim ble. ness for "ame; a set double bugg\ harness, ive. On tue dav following at tim afore lioiv* Bril ar Spring*, I will jfEer for sale nt 10 a. m. at puldie unc? tion the stock of goods ol' C .M Mc? Clintic. Terms?All amounts nuder$10 cash, over that negotiable notes well endorsed due in -I months with? out interest. E II McClintic. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Mont? erey, Va. November Huh, ino!. to Fred Bird admr. Fred Bini's heirs and Fred Bird's creditors. Yon are hereby notified thal I have fixed upon Monday the Ut li dav of De? cember, 1008, at my office in Monti rey, Va, to state bettie* and adjust ihe follow? ing a.vomits: First: An account of (he transactions of J. Ell arbogast admr c. t. a of Fred. erick Bird, deceased: Second. To ascertain the debts against said Dint's esta'*', together willi their amounts and priorities with any unpaid taxei. Third. An account ol' the personal asscsis belonging to said estate. Fourth. An account of thc real estate belonging thereto and iu fcc simple and air.-"-.-. 1 yal-.i . Fifth. To ascertain, fi ho are thc righi heirs of said Hird, and lo what portion of the net fund in this cause each of them maj- be entitled, which accounts arq re? quired tobe taken l*y an order of the Circuit court for Highland county, enter? ed on the 80th day of September mi':;, in a sci; in chancery therein pending between Fred Bird's adm. plaintiff, ano Fred Bird's heirs defendants, at which time end piece you are required lo attend. Given limier my hand as commis? sioner in chancery of the circuii and county courts of -aid county, the dav and year aforesaid. O. Wilson. Comr. v OMMISSIONER'8 OFFICE, Mont? erey '.'a., Nov. 10tn, 1003. To Mollie Harper and others. R E Har? per's ar.m'r and heirs and SF Harper's creditors. You are hen1'}- notified that I have fix? ed upon Thursday the roll day "i De cembcr, 1003,at mv oflice in Monterey, Va to stan.- sci tlc ami adjust thc follow lng accounts: First: An account showing the trans? actions of E I) Swccker, adm'r of S F Harper dece ised, Second An account of thc debts against sn id estate, showing their amounts and profits; Ihird; An account of tin? personals? sot; belonging lo said estate. Fourth An account of the real j of which said S F Harper, dhjd, seized, showing quantity and location, and its annual and fee simula value wi', li any taxes unpaid and due thereon, which ..(?counts are required to he taken liv an oidcr of the circuit court of Highland county, entered on tbcSQlb day of Sept. 1003, in a suit in chancery therein pend Ing between Mollie Harper and others plaintiffs, and S !?. Harper'- adm'r etc. defendants, at ?which tinco and place vou wc: re io attend. Given under my hand as commissioner in chancery of the circuit and county courts of said county, the day and year aforesaid <? Wilson, Comr. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Mont? erey, Va. November loth. V.t'f) To John A Whitelaw and W V Suck man. You arc hereby notified that I hive fixed Hiern Wednesday ihe 15th day ol December, 1003, at my office in Monterey Va. to make a::.', state an account of the ,:.'ii- binding the property in thc bill mentioned with th-ir dignities and prior? ities and tit* property on which the same is a lien, willi any unpaid laxes due. Second, the annual rental and fee sim? ple value of the property covered by said liens, and whether the same cai: be die charged by a rental thereof for live years. Third; Any oilier matter deemed per? tinent by the comr. which accounts are required to he taken by i n order of the circuit court for Highland county, cater? ed on the80th day of September 1003, rn a suit in chancery'therein pendlnj tween lohn A \\ hitelaw, plaintiff. . . and IV Fi nek rn an &c. defendants, at which time ami place you are required to at? tend. (siren antler my hand and ks commie stoner in chancery of the Circuii and coiuiiy courts of saiu county, the day and year aforesaid 0 Wilson, Comr COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Mont? erey, Va. November 10th, 101 3. You are hereby notified that I bavi fixed upon Tuesday tbe 15th day of De? cember, 1003, at my efflee in Mnnteiev, Va. to mal e and state an account of thc liens binding the lands in the bill men? tioned with their legai dignities and pri? orities; Second, thc conn*, will Inquire and ascertain what lots or real estate Ie owned, by the said defendant Lillie \l Blackwell upon which said Hens res!, andasto wbV.her there are any unpaid taxes. Third, the annual and fee simple value of the same, ind whether Ihe ren? tal value thereof will in live years dis charge the same. Fourth, any othei matter deemed pertinent hy any pally in interest, which accounts arc required tc he taken by an order of the circuit coe,!': fer Highland county, entered on the 80tl* day of September 1903, in a suit in chan cerv therein pending beUyeenC WTrira hie plaint'.;;', and Lillie B Blackwell &c defendants, u which lime ami place yoi' are required to at',' nd. Given, under yiy k*ud and ns ('onimffc slotier ia canceiy-of tbe circuit and county collits of said county, the day am year aforesaid. <> Wilson, ('(.mr. A remarkable Ca*e One (d' the niosi remarkable cases of ii cold, deep seated Oil til* lungs, emiting pui-umnnia, is that of Mrs Gertrude \') Fenner, Marlon, Iud. who \mis entirely*cured bv the ii*'' ? d' Ono Minute (.'ou^h ('ure. *.-'. - -ays: "The coughing and stri;:;i!iir; so wen kened me that 1 run down in weigh! fpmi 118 t" 02 pound's. I Irii d ;i number of rertiediea to ii'1 nviiij until 1 u<od One Minnie 1 I'Ulgll Cure. Four Lotties ol' thia wonderful remedy cured me entire? ly of the cough, btreuglheueri my lunga uud restore nie to ni) normal weight, health and strength." Sold hy K II Trimble. -TO Ontof Town Readers [ Have a Grrat Many Customers Kjmm Out of Town. I find (oi my record booka tin1 j mimes of people living in Rock bridge, Rockingham, Allegheny. Bath. Highland, Albemarle, Peu dli ton, and many from a distance. It is only necessary to come to my office once to haye ronr eyes fitted. By taking the measurements and keeping a record ot' it, I can keep you supplied willi glasses. If I haye {.hem in stock von can luke I hem willi yow. IT tl ey 'neve lo bi made to order, I will have them mailed io you direct, from tile fac? tory . so there will be m. lo*l Huh . i i t you break OT lose your ^ii un ord -r to nie receives proi ijd attention. !' l ia: '. bi icu ti fie I Iplici ... Staunton, Va A 1 |/%___n ?-?'- <- ki ii _;>? l>U.__. :J v_il/I 5 fi 4* o _".i/Yn 0 v*C;4/l'AV./_.l?_?l , n n ri *P vi n t *~ x UNDER THE TOWN CLOCK Staunton, Va. *i -jng-ekj-tyjsnj.^EKJgcr^c^vi 'j?.??mp." '-X-r^aa.--itf****ar? J.:^ni-arar-.r 3 If you havs never caHsd on S iJii W I cs _-__* 4mI * ** -i^ Nh/ (he Clothier, when in Staunton, Vol' HAVE sli:??.:;?) A A Goop Ti M Mai at Popular Prices. Thc people p| Highland ere invited to our ? t *--?' to inspect our goods, j Men's, Boys' and Chil? dren's duthil Harry M, Lewis, The Clothier, ! Masonic Temple, - Staunton, Ya. :;'V fi SLAVIC*, li. Phactuaj, Lan M taky Public ; * nterev, fJIghland Co., Va. . '. Blue Prints a specialty. All ; in this line ollcited. Tom, Il Slave Livery Stable, : R [onk-uvy, V ?!?;.,: Hack, Surrey and Buggies at rea ? ouable prk 93. Horses boarded. My personal atteution given. THE BEST STOCK 0 ' batches, Ladies rn Gcntlcij ? The finest nssortthent of ring i, including DiamondyOpals, Rubies, : FJiiieraldn and nil other stones to he i ha I, eau lie found at our store. j Write to w-^ for prices, bi torc j 011 ' make your purchase. JEWELEK & OPTICIAN, j No. 3, '; . W, E. VVJ DOE HILL, YA. ? flopf 9 If pp .' i Vii ?lwl LuAvl a uilvlul *? : rectors. I A tum line ' 1 ? 1 iii.*.;;,- Oil hil : I. ip or otherwise 1 Cap tone 1 ? Il , FREE TO I ii i he Ai itdeniic i >epnrl tn ont !.-:?'? . i c. MeWi [NE, . S< si ei :' .' V< r ' sj-er, rp TT ll Ll I? Cl : 1 . [J. I'MJ 1.> Ml - Will give special attenti 1 dcrtakin j l?raneb of our bia ines 1. Ali . [(-i ? ? , from thc chi";*.- , esl 1 ioffln to the fine 1 Cask t. ? ty year*' ex pe ri nee, we cl dm te good . ? ?: 'hp- I outfits. ( il . thi an 1 adjoin ha; j ls | : : 1 trashy factory ivoi I . business, and, if you waul . hop work, come cull see ns. VVe are . rateful to oar friends for past [ta^rouagCj and wc will do vur best to | pl-aie and to give satisfaction. 1 Very respectfully, T.H. &H. P. SLAVENJ GIO E. &WAET I ?n k -p pirn Will bi found over L S Dick; . & Co.'s Store. Bil WE, HAIR! HPOO. REASONABLE 1>R1 ' -. In mv diop on Wedi - ' urdavs and all public daj s. mi a trial. Thanks for pits! favors Jan.31, - OADl ' ~ SHELLS. ? :ho\s -hool ri ' esler \ ' ' , . ?'*". . . .;:,:? ' ' ,?der, j I ?'?... ?..:?.?. ? .....** ? J ? ? ????**j ' **"*<'_i.. "ui - ?.,THE SHELLS THE CHA?*1F?!Cr.'S SHOOT. ?* - '- ' ? ? Marl; t, f i ? b I I in Ci .. . eic. Well *?*> ? * er -? hy u stream and " ii v . -. . ? ' jj A. Perfect For All . g Cure: Lung TrouW :. ril faila. Tri ?* -. . a. :. v -. WA : ' ' . 4 jj. S* FL M. Curry (^ . , VV. Va.; A. A. . u i, VV. N a 1 I A 1 ? >n. Ninety-nine of every who have heart trouble n rame . sr wheo it was simple indiges in. !t is a sci snUito fact that all cases of . net organic, are not only . j to, but are the direct result of indl stion. All food taken into the stomach rich fails of perfect digestion ferments and . -h. puffing it up against the This ii crferes with thc action of course of time that il organ becomes diseased. Mr. D.Kau ii, 0., says: I had ttcroach lublo a..; ? . Jtata aa 1 had heart trouble tl; it. I t yapepaia Cure for abeu- 1?jx . ^ ." ' ? fofl Eat of ail nervous sill | -"-sure. . :i times tho trial r 5Cc. ,0. OeWll r* CO., CHICAGO, 'iv. ii. j rim hie. ' ?% f\ and ? Dis sd cured by _* Al V'S* . ?-. _: lr nm .ive ia the world* lld Mtttok Toll." - .- r, Ct!., v/,-'tesi baby coverin,; his li ii of Our . ? uld tu ; ? (> ? bi x cf . ,. Xb.c tint it . .; ii na ;< ? .-.a For it ta doing him .wai une for him.',: A >_ 23 Certs rujj_rist in Monti ri y jd ' ' " A^ _ ?___v*>j58 ? ? ?-.ti^lT' ?'- & ^u'jatfir'v -.v * ?"?? ? " ^IRI lb* plaaiwa .-m<l Usitflt >? arovl i ;r.r. i<lo I ??!? i;m F.-.a ?;?; y i I Jn I '.ai, .u J v..ii... 1 j..o c;C -PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS I - - from $2.50 to $150.00 K ?! I i ng" shoal.1 K lu . - i .1 in snoor ? d (or n Ci.r.y. j. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., p. o. BOX CHICOPUn FALLS, MASS. lit I lill IB1HIII ->-----;--. \ K, - ;zard Ck 8011 i ? lr -A^Q I - ?C/I ic, Ll, VA. ;i ;?, ppci inUtr. - re will be upon re Give ks Q Call. ~/rr?*?~-r ?-.'.~r?ervrrv'r -? ?J^;-rrrr~:~:*f;y'r-Z'tt?~-'%<T^ ?7":" n""~ ' ''' "' ? ' ~"5 rn-*1 M . _?> \ / ?_ J BHI fi"-.'r-r-v<r'i^.. ,*~ ; rn" % ... " 191 V a "**? *r^r!?^ 1 ? ?? -. i .;??.-. ? ?* n 3 POSEUR ii ?f_. y -' :. -,;/ __ Vi-7*34a\ ?f rt '3 n r ra HU ? .ii-; IHn '. ti ? */ i strengthens the urinary ( builds up the kidneys and invig? orates the whole system, it m Bm two si . %?g and $ Pain* .j j m.aa ' I . Co.,Bi ffalo, O, writes: .. tdderl ouble fi r years, paa? . Other medicines only ;lief. / CURE tbe result wu fine stones, etc., I feel like *i new man. TOLL. ( lonem nh of good." until \\ I Kidney Trouble and I a pc rfect cure", and ? that viii compare with it. -?*- ? ? ? ?' TEACHERS WAKTJ5W We nee : al once .1 few more leacuera both Bxperiepi ed and Inexpert) need. Mcm We Imvc nlofe calla this veartban eyer before. Scbpofa and oolfes;ei supplied with teache^ free of cost. Addresa with stump. American Teachers' Awoeia IK111. J. L draiiam, II. D. Mgr. phfs, Tran ...... . I TOKO l^aAoUVc Seven F.:'lion boxrs sol*5 ii jm thc. S*i^^W4laW___Wi Cv? Crip Ls Two Days. & py & oa every a ^rwt** box, 25c. V