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WOMcN BREAK DjWN. Sometimes women drift Into a con? dition of 'half invalid." Continual languor?all tired out, run down, back? ache, nerves shattered, Y$ headache, terrible pain, IPiTk "? !,PP?tite, poor diges? tion. Inninecasesout of ten it's because the kid? neys fail lo do their work of altering the poisonous system waste from the blood. The kidneys are wenk and need the strengthening help of Donn's Kidney Pills. Read how these pills repair n weakened phy? sical condition when this condition is caused by sick kidneys. Mrs. Sadie Mettles, of 394 W. 4th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, says: "Prior to the year 1S!?8 1 suffered considerably from backache, pain in the head, lan? guor and depression and weakness of the action of the kidneys. The pain was always worse In Mi" morning and I felt miserable. I was induced to pro. cure a box of Doan's Kidney Pilli and 1 began their lise. They proved prompt and effective. They cured me. and there has been no return of the trouble since taking them. I owe all the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills." A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Mettles will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Milburn Co., Butta lo, N. V. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box._ Seed Corn A Kansas City small boy was Mked by his school teacher to usc 'seed corn" in a sentence. "When I was ont in the country. last summer," said the youngster, "1 seed cornstalks in a field." FITS nermanently cured, ^o lits or nervous r<\?? after first day's us?-of Pr. Kline's Grent Nliveliestorer.t2 trial bottleand treatisefree br.K. H. Kline. Ltd.. PS] Areli St., Pillia.,Ps Reciprocity is the art of exchanging tn netbing you don't want tor something you do. Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSynioforehlldren teething,solti'L the j.unis.m'uieisiullaiuina lion allays pain,curt swiud colic. 25c. abottle What a jolly old world this would be ii all men practised what they preach! Old Sifns. Bsekf if Chairs, etc.. can bs d>ed with POTNAat Fadh.kss Dyes. Thc Girl I hat Buys Him. American Girl?We haven't been over long, you know. I suppose your people always lived here ? Augustus?We caine to England with the Normans, don't you know. American Girl?Oh, indeed, thc Normans ! I'm afraid I don't know j them.?-From Tit-Bits. The tranknes.s with which a seven- i teen-year-old girl refers to herself as ;<n old maid is only exceeded by the ! frankness with which she denies it ten years later. Ihe Butler Boys of Fono Rco. Every morning the people of the large towns of Porto Rico are awaken? ed by little merchants crying "Butter! Butter of thc country!" These are the butter boys who go trotting in each morning as soon as the tropical dawn begins, to sell the native butter which has been made by their mothers thc day before. Each little merchant carries a plate on his head, balancing it expertly fike a juggler, and never bothering tc steady it with his hand, whether he is running or making change. The plate contains about fifty or sixty "pats" of the stuff. lt isn't very good, although it seems delicious to the Porto Ricans, because then climate is nol adapted for keeping but ter well; so they are accustomed to an article that would seem rancid ind strong to the luckier persons in the north. The "pats" are very small, weighing less than an ounce each, and they sell for about one cent. The customers of thc butter boys usually buy just enough to serve for one meal. The butter boys' mothers don') make this butter in a churn. They merely shake milk or iream in a big jar till it is fairly solid. Then they put in lots of salt and send it tc town. _ What a happy old world this would be if people who lose their tempers were unable to find them again ! T -I aria tin? amt AVu'-r, It is practically Impossible to cause nn electric spnrk of high electromotive force to leap from one surface of a liquid to another. For tala reason it is rare that lightning strikes the surface of water. Ttnr,'* Thia? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ilewnrd fot any ease of Catarrh that cannot bu cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. Carnal & Co.. Toledo, O. We, tho niadeisigped, have known P. J, Cheney for *,he last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tran.-T.'. tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West h Tauxx, Wholesale Druggists, To? ledo, O, Waikno. Kiama ? Maana, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. ItnU's Catarrh Cure bj i aleen internally. act In^ directly upon the blood and mucoussur faces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Piice. 75c. per bottb. Sold by ail Druggist*, 'lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation Maa Hight to I'ray for Japan. At least one man in Missouri piously prays that victory may perch on tile banner of the Jap iu the war now bc lng waged. This is Colonel John So bieski, of Richmond, lineal licit King John Sobicski. of Poland. Hope For the Future. "Conic ! come !" cried thc candi date's friend, "don't be disheartener so easily." "But I'm sure to bc beaten," replier the candidate, dismally. "Oh, let your motto be, 'He whe runs and fights away may live to rur another dav.' " Don't take things as they come i.' they belong to other people. ac: xx r^ .-*^. \i 7 \\m Jr/ I km I ?'V ????I ii .' *. '-Vi ?&??.:' ? i ? ? j *J /' / JP? ft To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a woman's constant study. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit of all wives and mothers. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham :?Lydia E. Pinlchnm's Vegetable Com? pound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness. I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful results 6he had had from your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what it would do for me. and used it for three months. At the end of that time 1 was a different woman, the neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suf? fering with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that and built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman.? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Chas. F. Brown, 31 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothers' Club." buffering women should not fall to profit by Mrs. Brown** ex? periences ; just as surely as she was cured of the trouhles enumer? ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubleg, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration. Head the story of Mrs. Potts to al) mothers: ? ?? Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ? During the early f>art of my married life I wes very delicate n health. I had two miscarriages, and both my husband and I felt very badly as we were anxious to have children. A neighbor who hnd been using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advised me to try it, and I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appetite was increasing, the headaches gradually decreased and finally disappeared, and my general health improved. I felt as if new blood coursed through my veins, the sluggish tired feeling disappeared, and I be? came strong and well. " Within a year after I became the motheT of a strong healthy child, the loy of our homo. Yon certainly have a splendid remedy, and I wish every mother knew of it. ? Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anna Potts, 510 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark." If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzliag about vour case, or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced, write to Mrs. Pink? ham Lynn, Mass., and you will be advised free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of female troubles ? curing them inexpensively and absolutely. Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting I lydia E. Pinkham'9 Ven&table GomnountSo TUE SUNDAY SCIIOOI l.'JTcn;iATlONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR APR.L 24. ??? ir rt-. Tie MUalon of the Seventy. E*lM v., 1.1(1 _ f;?I(|pn 1>*t, Latta X., gm ..tul.iiy ViriH, J, SaaaCMMtaMaaSaaVy OB ( I. The seventy sent forth (vs. 1-3). 1. After these things." After Christ and his disciples made their tinal 'leparture from Galilee. According to Andrews this took place early ia November. They are then supposed to have journeyed alo.ig the borders bet Wt en Samaria and' Galilee east? ward to the River Jordan. They crossed over into Peres and then turned south toward Jerusalem. "The Lord appointed.'' j This appointment was temporalv and not pcrmaaent like the appointment of the | twelve apostles. "Seventy ethers" (lt. V.) I ihe apostles had been commissioned i md sent mu about a year before this. As the number ol apostles had reference t* the number of the tribes of israel, so the stventy di-ein'cs sent out rall to mind the number oi Ciders who were chosen to as? sist Moses in governing the people. The number also corresponds to the number .m members of the Sanhedrin. "And sent them." The chief purpose of this sending was not to train thew messengers for a later independent mission, but it was a new attempt to influence to decision at least a part of the people, and by word md deed to prepare tlie coming of the kingdom of Clod in the midst of them. 'Two and two." The same manner in which He sent out the apostles. This was lone: 1. To teach them the necessity of concord a..iong the ministers of righteous? ness. 2. That in the mouth ot two wit? nesses everything mifht be established. 3. J hat they might comfort and support each ither in thpir difficult labor. "Before Hil ;aee." They were to visit those cities and /aces that Ile intended soon to visit. C. "Harvest truly is great." The har-" ?est is plenteous, tlie <?iain is ripe aid (poiling and mu?t be garnered immediate y or it will be lost. There was need tor mob a mission as the district, in l'crea iad been little visited bv .Jesus. There Acre multitudes who had not yet heard >f the coming of "thc kingdom of God." 'Laborers are tew."' True workers have always been hard to lind. This is the ;rca:est calling in the world, and yet there ire so few who are ready to make the cnall. temporary self-denial that is neces? sary in order to see success in Christ an rork. "Pray ya therefore." They must <et out with prayer, and have a deep con :ern for precious sou's. II. Various instructions given (vs. 441). The instructions given them weie distinct 'rom and yet similar to the instruction.. $iven the apostles. The had greater authority to work miracles, and they were to receive persecutions which ire not mentioned with reference to the seventy. 4. "Carry neither purse, etc." rru=?t God for your support. Thc purse mu a small leather bag for carrying money. Thc scrip was a traveling bag used for :anying provisions when traveling. "Nor shoes." The shoes were made for use in the howe. They did not need these; the sandals they were wearing would bc sid Scient. Tn fact, they were to take noth? ing not absolutely necessary for their jour ley. 6, "Son of peace." Any truly pious nan who is worthy of such a blessing. 7. "In the same liou.--? remain." rhett1 *tay was to be short. They were not to choose the besl ??- and nfljr : poor, and were not to spend time gor^ from boase to house in search of better accommodations. "Is worthy." Tiie ono who rea'ly labors is worthy of being sun ported, hut drones need not expect the workers to feed them very long. S. "As are ret betore you." Probab'y Christ here refprs to the traditions ot the ?'ders about their meat. They were ex? tremely critical, end a nish of inWt eoifd hardly be set before them hut thfro was some scruple concerning it. Christ won d not hare them regard those things, but sat what was spt beforo them. 9. "Ilea'; and say." Their mission was twofold: 1. They were to gain th" attention of the people by healing their bodies.. 2. The im? portant part of their work was to preach tbe gospel of the kingdom. 10. "Receive you not." Do not receive vou kindly and accent your message. "Go your wav.-:." You have no time lo con? tend with them. Do not cast your "pearls before swine." "Into the streets." 'I lie most pubiic place. Let every one see the result of rejecting the trui'is concerninje tbe kingdom of God. ll. "Wipe oft' arainst you." The Jews considered them? selves deiiled with the dust of heathen countries, and the action here enjoined did noe exnress anger, but a warning. It sig? nified that these .Jews were ho y no longer, and was, in reality, placing them ni a level with the heathen. "Be ye sure." Thc message was again to bc repeated, if. per? chance, some might hear at the last mo? ment. Ul. Impenitent cities upbraided ^vs. 12 Ifi). 12. "In that day." lu tiie judgment day. "Sodom." See Gen. 19. ( This was one of the "cities of the plain" that was destroyed by God with fire because of ks Kieat wickedness, lt was situated in th* fertile plain of .Jordan, but its exact loca? tion is not known. "Than for that city." Our Lord is here threatening the gui'ty in? habitants of the cities who reject Hi? gos? pel, and font His words ?e learn: !. That there is a future day in which the inhabitant! of the earth are to stand he fore the judgment seat of God and receive their sentence. 2. The decree of punish? ment will he measured according to the privileges enjoyed and the guilt incirred. 3. Acceptance of the message of God is the only method of escape and the on'y means of salvation. 13. "Woe unto thee." "A'as for thee!" This is an exclamation of pity, and it is evident that our Lord used the words in this sense. "Chorazin." A town on the northwest shore of thc Sea of Galilee. Ls location is not definitely known, but it was near (Viemaum. "Beihsaida." On the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, north of Capernaum. It was the birth p'ace of Philip, Andrew and Peter. Mightv woiks." The great miracles. A miracle is a sign, a wonder, and a mightv deed (Acts 2: 22: 2 Cor. 12: 12; Heb. 2: 1.1 14. "More tolerable." The degree of four misery will be greater than even that of Tyre and Sidon. "At the judgment." The final judgment. 15. "Exalted to heaven." A Hebrew metaphor, expressive ?sf the utmost prosperity, and the enjoy? ment of the greatest privileges. "Down to hell." Capernaum was to be brought down to a state of utter ruin and deso'ation. This prediction was literally fulfilled soon after this in the wars between the Jews and the Romans. 16. "Heard h: despis ?th." He that welcomes the apostles and listens to them is listening to the voice of ?e3us Christ and of God Himself, while the one who despiseth the apostles aud will not listen to the message they bring Ls really despising and rejecting .Jesus f'hrist and God the Father who sent Him. t was not long before the seventy ta> turned with joy because of tkeir suocea*. Canadians Justly Indignant. Canada is incensed at statements made about it in certain textbooks used in English schools. Here is a small collection: When the win^r sets in "the people make up their mTnds to be snowed up till spring.' The Atlantic coast is the most useful at present, hut most o' it is frozen ap in winter." "Manitoba is treeless" is another astounding item of in? formation. The English hoy is further informed that "in a blazing forest there is the risk that a fallen trunk or a branch may at any moment bloc!? the line or throw the train off the rails." But here is the gem of the collection: "The chief states at pres? ent are Quebec, Maine and New Brunswick." Had His Wife's Skirt. A Putnam, Conn., man went to church the other evening, carrying on his arm what he thought was bis overcoat. When he started to hang lt over the hack of his seat he was somewhat discoi'certed lo discover that his wrap was one of his wifes, black skins. CWi.utKCiAL REVIEW. R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Review of Trade" says: Commercial conditions h?.ve im I roved somewhat during the past week, although there is still mach to bc de? sired Despatches from the South arc most encouraging. At thc East more seasonable weather prevailed, yet Spring trade is till below normal. 1 he best news of the week was thf settlement Oj many labor controver? sies, or at least resumption of work pending arbitration. Manufacturing return* are still cou '"sir.g, notable improvement in the iron and steel industry being offset bj leal tavorable reports regarding tex? tile and footwear factories. Agricul? tural work progresses rapidly undet letter than average conditions, cotton being planted unusually early. It is a good sign that thc month opened with prices of commodities less inflated Transporting interests are overcoming freight congestion, while railway earn ings in March were only 7 per cent, smaller than in 1003, and largely sur passed all preceding years. Bradstreet! says: Wheat, including flour, exports for the week aggregate L854.4.37 bushels, against 1,267,430 las* week, 2,833,285 this week last year 3,842,012 in 1002, and 6,405.601 in ioor Corn exports for thc week aggregate 1,028,907 bushels, against 1,438,212 last week, 2,654,732 a year ago, 158,565 in 1902 and 2,623,884 in 1901. WHOLESALE MARKETS. Baltimore.? FLOUR?Firm and unchanged. Receipts, 9,185 barrels: exports, 7,683 barrels. WHEAT?Firmer. Spot, contract, 1.05(0)1.05^; No. 2 red Western, 1.0C @i.o6j4; April, l.05@i.05J4; May 103; July, 93 asked; steamer No 2 red, i.oo@i.ooJ4. Receipts, 1.664 bushels. Southern, by sample, 976? 105^; Southern, on grade, 976? I 1.0554. CORN-Dull. Spot, 51*051 H April, 5i^@5i^; May, S^Am^A steamer mixed, 46^ 6^46^. Receipts 80,486 bushels; exports, 137,142 bush els. Southern white corn, 40@52: Southern yellow corn, 40@52. OATS?Firm. No. 2 white, 481/ @491 No. 2 mixed, 46@46|4. Rc ceipts, 7.510 bushels. RYE?Firmer. No. 2, uptown, 8. @8y, No. 2 Western, uptown, 84^85 Receipts, 536 bushels. , HAY?Active and firm and un changed. GRAN FREIGHTS?Dull and un changed. BUTTER ? Firm and unchanged Fancy imitation, 1962)20; fancy cream cry, 25^(0)26; fancy ladle, !5<gfl6: store packed, ia@IA. EGGS?Steady; 18. SUGAR ? Strong and unchanged Coarse granulated, 4.85; fine, 4.85. New York.?BUTTER?Easy. Ex tra fresh creamery, 32; creamer, com mon to choice, I5@22; State dairy, i; @2i; held creamery, 136120; renovat ed, io@i7J/?; factory, io@I4^; imita? tion creamery, 1416)17. CHEESE ?Steady. State fall cream, fancy small colored, Scptem ber, 12; late made, 10^; small white September, 12; late made, io}4; large colored, September, 12; late made 10^4; large white, September, 12; late made, io44 EGGS?Firm. State and Pennsyl? vania near-by average finest, 19; State and Pennsylvania firsts, iS'1*; Western firsts, l8g. FLOUR ? Receipts, 46,998 barrels: exports, 42,947. Markets very quiet with a firm undertone. Winter patents. 5.20615.50; winter straights, 5.00645-20: Minnesota patents, 5.20(5)5.50; winter extras, 3.35(^4.00. Minnesota bakers'. 4.10614.40; winter low grades, 3.15 @3-8o. , RYE FLOUR?Dull. Fair to good 4.30614.55; choice to fancy, 4.60(0^4.80 CO RN M EAL ?Firm. Yellow Western, 1.08(0)1.10; city, kiln dreid, 15. HAY?Quiet. Shipping, 7<>?72l/-'i good to choice, 97^(0)1.00. HOPS?Steady. State, common to choice, 1903, 27(0)36; 1902, 23(0)27; olds, 9(0)14; Pacific Coast, 1903, 246J31; 1902, 2i@StJ\ olds, 9@t4 HIDES?Steady. Galveston, 20 to 25 pounds, 18; California, 21 to 2; pounds, 19; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14- ' LEATHER?Firm. Acid, 23@26. WOOL ?Firm. Domestic fleece, LARD?Firm. Western steamed, 7.40; refined firm; continent, 7.50: South America, 8.00; compound, 65/8 PORK?Firm. Family, 15.00; short clear, 14.75@16.00; mess, 14.7561)15.25 TALLOW?Quiet. City, 4?4; coun? try, _H_g_\_\. COTTONSEED OIL?Quiet. Prime crude nominal; prime yellow, 3514. POTATOES?Firm. Long Island; 3(50(0)4.00; Jersey, 3-25@375; State and Western, sacks, 3.25; Jersey sweets, 1.50^4.50. CABBAGES?Fipn. Florida, 3-5? @3-75- _ Ure Stock. New York. ?BEEVES ?Dressed beef, steady, at 6^(o)8^c per pound, for native sides; a little choice beef, at 8y4c. Exports, today, 1,386 cattle, io sheep, and 8,200 quarters of beef CALVES?Common to prime veals sold at 4.50 to 8.00; city dressed veals, at 8@i2'/4c. , SHEEP AND LAMBS ?Sheep nominally steady; lambs more active and 5(0}icc higher; good lo choice lambs sold at 6.12(06.25. Chicago. -CATTLE ? Good to prime steers, nominal, 4.256^5.Ko: pool to medium 3.50^5.00; stockers and feeders, 2.50(0:4.25; cows, 1.7561:4.25; heifers, 2.00(0)4.50; canners, t.75*0)2.30; bulls, 2.00(0)4.00; calves, 2.501^5.50; Texas fed steers, 4.00(04.60. SHEEP?Good to choice wethers, 4-75@5-4?; native lambs, 4-5?@5-9? WORLD OF LABOR. A" effort is berti), made to organize a union for garment workers in New nloany, Ky. The team drivers' international body has over 100,000 members and 875 local unions. The trade unions of Chicago contain 35,000 women. Even the scrubwomen are organized. Painters and paperhangers at Des Moines, Iowa, are on strike against the open-shop rule. Girls employed in the silk mills and cotton factories at Shanghai, China, are organized to a certain extent. United Minc Workers of America have the largest paid force of organi? zers of any labor union in thc world. Thirty-two unions have been organ? ized by the California State Federa? tion of Labor in the last eight months Every undertaker in Detroit, Mich., but one has signed an agreement to employ none but union hack drivers. Governor Hunt, of Porto Rico, re? cently signed the Eight-Hour bill gov? erning State and city employes on thal island. THE OLD DOMINION Latest News Gleaned From All Over the State. Stevenson Commaudcry, Knight? Templar, at Staunton, is having ita ;i-vitim and antechambers frescoed bj \ aliant & Co., of Baltimore, the fres coers of the new Valley Hank building there. Thc Masonic banquet hall wil' also be improved. Thc old wooden warehouse betweei Baker & Brown's and A. Erskiiu Miller's, in Staunton, will be ton down and a live-story brick RtructUH erected for Humphries & Timberlake wholesale confectioners, Cyrus T. Fox, of Reading, Pa., is to manage the Roanoke Fair agail thia year. Thc Spring terni of thc United States District Court. Judge 11 cn ry C. McDowell, presiding, is in scssior ra Danville. Miss Margaret Mason lias returnee t" her home, in Woodville, after ar absence of some mouths in Charles ti '.vu, Baltimore and Washington. The Bath County Telephone Com panv will extend its line from Warm Springs to Millboro, with a centra' office at Millboro Springo, an J frorr there will extend down Cowpasturt river to Clifton Forge. They wil also build a linc up thc river to con nect with Williamsville linc, and s line from the central office to Goshen There were lt conversions as a re suit of a revival at Wann Springs conducted by Rev. William C. White pssisted by Rev. Henry Miller, ol kockbridge Baths. Rev. Colin Stoke? later began a revival in Covington. The Bath county farm has been sole by thc Board of Supervisors, win will purchase a better place. Mr. J 1.. Blakey bought the property foi $6,500. The Bath county School Board wil' meet on May 4 to select books. Dr. Thomas McClintic, of Washing? ton, spent several days with hil mother, Mrs. William McClintic, o' Williamsville, Bath county, on hil way to Tampico, Mexico, where lu goes to study yellow fever and other tropical diseases. The Old Diminion Steamship Com pany will appeal to the United States Supreme Court from the decision ol the State Supreme Court upon thf corporation commission's assessing for taxation the company's steamer1 engaged in traffic bet wen Norfolk ant' points out ol' thc State. What is believed to have been a systematic conspiracy to defraud tin Cumberland Valley Railroad Compain tut of thousands ot dollars' worth ol lumber was unearthed at Winchester by dectective W. B. Blair, of York Pa. As a result James F. Hottell, a lumber inspector for the railroad, i? in jail and is alleged to have made a complete confession. Officers arc on the track of others who are suspected of being in the conspiracy. Sevorai arrests of prominent persons will, it is said, take place in a few days. Thf plan was for Hottell to give vouch? ers to the haulers who were in the conspiracy for a greater quantity of timber than they had really delivered Agent Bentz of the railroad then gave checks to the haulers for the amount of the vouchers and they and Hottell divided the surplus. One hauler mach a complete written confession. In this way, it is alleged, the railroad has been systematically robbed of thousand of dollars. Robert V. Ladow, of thc depart ment of justice at. Washington, i- 11 Richmond to secure the original pa pcrs in the Aaron Burr trial. Ladov will experience no difficulty in se curing them. They are in the custody of the United States District Court An order allowing the papers to bc turned over to thc government to b< exhibited at St. Louis has been drawn The hotel proprietors of Richmond agreed to provide a hall and com mittce rooms and to pay for printing and music if the Jenomocrattc state convention is held there. Committee? were appointed to begin work on th' necessary arrangements at once. Thc residence of Emerson Dennis near Franktown, was destroyed b] fire. Thc loss was about $2500. parti) covered by insurance. Part of tlu household effects were saved. The Old Dominion Steamship Com pany, through Messrs. White, Tuns tall & Tom, of Norfolk, will appeal tc the United States Supreme Court frotr the decision of the State Supreme Court upon the corporation cominis sion's assessing for extra taxation th* company's steamers engaged in tra! fie between Norfolk and points out 0 the state. The ground taken is thai the company is chartered miler tin laws of New Jersey and liable to tax ation by that state. Rufus Cheshire, au engineer on thc tug Ellis, was tried in Norfolk foi shooting George Alger, also an engi? neer of the tug. Cheshire was giver one year in prison. The prisoner'? wife and child, who were in court wept when the verdict was rendered Cheshire is yet to be tried for shoot ing Engineer Davenport, of the sam< tug. Cheshire was drunk at the time cf the shooting, which was withoti' provocation. The Virginia-Caroline Chemical Company has called a meeting ol stockholders for May 18, in Richmond to consider the issuance of $6,ooo,ooc of preferred stock to cancel the float 1 ing debt incurred last summer. Thf stock will bear 8 per cent, interest "The company borrowed $6,000,000 las) summer," said an officer of the com pany. "Of that sum it has beer lound necessary to usc only $4,500, ooo. The proposed issue of $6ooo,ooc of preferred stock will enhance rathei than depress thc value of thc commor stock." Thc business of the com pany is said to have increased 20 per cent, last year. M. L. Bauscrman, who runs the Middletown stave factory near Fro::! Royal, ha.s bought of Keller & Co two tracts of land lying near Cedar ville, known as the McDermott land ?one of 114 acres aand the other ot 81 acres. Recently Mr. W. T. Killmon, of Ex more, was awakened by a man enter? ing his bedroom. A (lower pot was knocked over, which roused Mr Killmon, who soon put tuc miscreant to flight. Tracks showed next morn ing where thc burglar had gone from ihe house three times during the night. The Roanoke City Council has in? creased the license tax 011 "bucket shops" from $200 to $2,000. The pro? prietors declare that they will remove their shops to the south of the city limits to escape thc heavy tax. Mr. John V. Bundick, of Mapps burg, committed suicide by shooting himself in the right temple with a shotgun. He took his gun and razor and went into the wo >(" nearby and after stationing himself under a small tree placed the muzzle of the gun to bis right temple and blew out his Drains. He was a brother of the Hon. William T. Bundick. the national temperance evangelist. / A MICHIGAN MAYOR SAYS: "I Kr.o.7 Peruna is a Fina Tonis For a Worn Out System." Hon. Nelson Rice, of St. .Joseph, Mich., knows of a large number of grateful patients tn his county who have been cured by Peruna. Hon. Nelson Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen: "I wish to congratulate you on the success of your efforts to win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine. 1 know Peruna isa fine tonie for a worn out system and a specific In cases of catarrhal difficulties. You have a large number of grateful pa? tients in this country who have used Peruna and have been cured by lt, and who praise lt a bore all other medicines. Peruna has my heartiest good wishes.''?Nelson Rice. o MARCH, APRIL, MAY. Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion, Impure Blood, Depressed Spirits. Gentlemen: "I wish to congratulate y ou on the success of yotir efforts to win the confidence of the public in need of a re liable medicine. The sun has just crossed the equator on its yearly trip north. The real equator is shifted toward the north nearly eighteen miles every day. With the return of the sun comes the bodily ills peculiar to spring. With one person the nerves are weak; an? other person, digestion poor; with others the blood is out of order; and still others have depressed spirits and tired feeling. All these things are especially true of thoM who have been suffering with ca? tarrh in any form or la grippe. A course of Peruna is sure to correct ail these condi? tions, lt is an ideal spring medicine, Pe runa does uot irritate?it invigorates, lt does not temporarily stimulate ? it strengthens, lt equalizes the circulation of the blood, tranquilizes the nervous sys teaj and regulates the bodily functions. Peruna, unlike so many spring medicines is not simply a physic or stimulant or ner? vine, lt is a natural tonic and invigorator. lt you do not receive prompt and satis? factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will he pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. STORE FRONTS forall kinds emA siz>!> of store DuiMtnB>. We furnish all MlMMllriM lnfo the ?ous*Tiiction of Store Fronts. Write u* aimil! your propo?ed build in^ an 1 ?tate dimensions md styl? o' front ind we will set. d you, KU l.t. Ol-' i'll AlHiK, an el?(f?nt B!u>'Print Plan, quote you an extremely lo>r price on one of our paiulir Kcniitifiil, 23-%7-ox-lAS.tiu.s; Modern Stoie Fronts. Woirive yon all th ' styleof an eleiruii' New York or Chicano store tat moderate cost Send l?r ( Htnlosii . SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO., Owensboro, Kentucky Love may intoxicate a man, but marriage eobers him. I do not believe PIso's Cure for Consump? tion has anequal for coughs and colds.?John F.BOTM, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900 Two often cease to be company after they are made one. Law is a great thing?for lawyers. "HaTinc taken wonderful "Cascnreti" for three mouths Md seing entirely enred of .toms.-h catarrh and dyspepsia. I think '? w,-rd of prsi.e ia dan to CweiniU ter their wonderful cnnii">siti'>i:. I have taken nutaeroni "iher so called remedies hut without avail and I lind that f'ascarrt. relieve n-i-ire in a day than all thc others 1 havo taictn would In a year." Jawot McGuno, m Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Best For The Dowels ^i___mr i ne uoweis ^ CANDY CATHARTIC ^ORKWHItf^ Pleasant, Palatable, Potont, Tasto Oood. Do Oood, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, Me, 2j<;, 5Cc. Never ? old in bulk. The genuine tablet (tamped f (JO. WOAruntuod to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 59a ANNUAL JAIE. T? mm BOXES T THE BEST nmti suam , IN THE WORLD ^vi0 .Like all our Vioterproof* coats, vjitj and hats all Kmdj of wet work. it is often imitated but never equalled. in b! or yellow and fully guaranteed by KlVwnPTHFiPI?lW AJT0WCRC0, TONER (ANAKANO, k>ltiN Ur I nC rion, (:?t)nmw..hi? linnet woMiotA-i m^ePtf7*fr* POR SALE Br ALL RELIABLE DEALER* STICK TO TH& MOTHER GRATS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Certain Cure for Feverishness. Constipation, Headache), fcton-tiu-h Troubles, Teething Disorders, mw Urn troy Worm*. They Break un Colds in 54 hourn. At ell Dnimjists, Pacts. Sample inailei ?HKE Addroai. w\___2Sx&. A. S. OLMSTED. Le Roy. N Y. PENSION FOR ACE. A new order will gtre pension for age. Write to ns at once for blank? sed Ins'motions. Free of charge. NO PFJBBON NO PAY. Add:*** THF. W. If. WIIil.*! COMPANY, Willa Building, si 1 |im! \v<>. Washington. D. C. iPrW^iftk-mi RADIUM "itkout rain i&attr, nf- : alic, |,wtitlr.iT f'.r?l ;,- hi,>ul -il>ea?*? .till <uB. tampu..n. TreatiM- arni S.uiytoin blank a.ut trw. Pnjslolans Home Cure, 1818 Girard Am., Philada., Ve. CANCER DROPSY! KEWDRCOVERrji^ ntea r?M?f and cur-, wt?t, Bo?k af twttroonlal. aad IO Amye' Free. Dr. H S. aaUlf'l SOVS. BoxB. Atlast*. 9a. PISO'S CUKE FOR CURES WHERE Alt ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druaKiat... I $*? CONSUMPTION V> aaSSSSS aSjastSI B?aS>aa?Sl ? ! A crop that pays may not pay as well as it should. Potash i? a plant food wliicli all crops must have. Without suliicieiit Potash to feed upon no crop can reach that point where it pays first. Experiments have de monstrated the value ot" Potash. We will send free, to any* (aimer who will write for it, a little book that will give facts in full. GERMAN KALI WORKS 93 Nassau Street. tit* Vork. gamfaammfaaxaMmgamagS OMpmmWSMmam%a.^aMg FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in* structions absolutely Free and Post? paid, enough to prove the value of Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Paxtine ts In powder form to dissolve la -water? non-poisonous and far superior to liquid antiseptics containing; alcohol which Irritates Inflamed surfaces, and have no cleansing prop? erties. The contents ol every box makes more Antiseptic Solu? tion ? lasts longer ? goes further?has more uses In the family and does more good than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leu corr hoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challonge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Paxtine; price, Boo. I ab'>x; If yours doe's not, scud to us for it. Don't take a substitute ? there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day. E. PAXTON CO.. 7 Poor. Bldg., Boston, Mast. W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 umna'?? SHOES ! W.L. Douglas shoes ? ate worn hy more ! men than any other ! make. The reason [ is, they hold their Bhape,fltbetter,WM?r longer, and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes. Sold Everywhere. ^_ I.?mk for nunn- and price on bottom. Douglas uses Corona f oltaklii, which ls everywhere conceded tobethe finest Patent Leather yet produced. Fast Co'or.Eylete used. Shoes hf aaaluM rents extra. Write for Catalog. W L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, .Mass. ADVERTISEIN1?TiMfKK IT PAYS w^aVel^ThonyjsoD'sl^eWattar BEST IN THE WORLD.