LAND CORDER VOL. XXXII MONTEREY, HIGHLAND COUNTY VA., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1910 NO. 18 nee! The ir.ct.nct of modesty natural to every woman is often a ?reat hindrance lo ti.e cute of womanly diseases. Women frhrink from the personal questions bi the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is cb horrent to them, u:?d so they endure in silence a condition cf disease which surely progresses from had to worse. It has been Dr. Pierce's privilege to cure a treat many women who have found a refuge for modesty in his offer of FREE consulta? tion by letter, fill correspondence ls held 83 sacredly confidential. Address Dr. JR. V. Pierce, Buffalo, IV. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates thc womanly functions, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who gives it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong* Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic medicine OF known composition. !ATH ROOM SUPPLIES, PIPE AND FITTINGS, TELEPHONES and Batteries, and everything in the Telephone line? ll' you have an old telephone have it repaired, or trade* it in on a nev/ one. Don't buy a cheap telephone but by the best. If you have 'phone trouble, call and see nie. Information given frc**. W.F.KYLE, W. Main Street. Monterey, Va. 'i O', can save in one v aid ?el better material, I bet ter workmanship I and amore artistic de-' sign, hy buying a mon unieiu o r lieadsto: e irom me If you need an iron -?.&$al3e fe iu e, 1 furnish the best for the money. IV, E. SNYI>K.i, Illghluini Va., Agent For Tlie Marnie Iforl.* SPECIAL PROPERTIES FOR SAl^E. 1., at station, 160 acres good lind, brick- dwelling and all outbuildings: mill 36x40, 4 stories with elevators and necessary machinery for grinding corn and Fine custom. i.Vu-e .SO.OOO. Important to sell at once. 2, Level farm in a beautiful section, 575 acres, about <1(K) dearer], bat-, ance timber. Very go.'d hind, easily cultivated and producive in grass and cereals. Comfortable frame house, outbuildings, :? miles from station. See t {* j - farm and you will bry it. Will offer $22.50 per a ere. H. Do you wish a large body of good land in a splendid region, whose property is increasing in value? Examine with us 775 acres; mod? ern machiney eau lie used on most of it; much of farm in good eon condilion; 10 room dwel ing; nice home: .'. miles from station. $20,000 will pro) al ly 1 e accepted. Immec'ate correspondence ahoul these and other properties is solicited. Ai.vise ns wheie you wish to locate, thu amount you rlesire to in? vest, and information will be prompt.? sent. Our register is free. H. W. H1LLEARY & CO., - - - Chaklottbsvili-E, Va. Failed in Health n%i 'My mother died six y&^rs ago," writer, 'Miss Ruth Ward, ot* Jerseyville, ll!., *%nd left me to c? re for six children. I had never been strong; and this, wtfu the shock of her death, was too much for me. "I failed in health, 1 was tired all ihe .Mme and did not want to go anywhere, nor care for camp any. I had tlie headache a!! the time and such bearing-down pains. "A very dear friend advised me io take Cardui, as it had done lier so much good, so I commenced to use it and now I am in good health." Take J 44 The Woman's Tonic Women's pains are relieved or prevented and women's strength is quickly restored, by Cardin* the 'worian's tonic. You yourself know best if you need it, or not If you do need it, do not delay, but CAm.pi.nce to use it at once. Every day of delay, only lets ;you slide further down the hill. Don't wait, then, but begin to take Cardui today, for its. use, no matter how prolonged, cannot iharm you and will, surety do you good. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Me Jicine Co.. Chatfc nowra, Tenn... lor Special Instructions, and 64-page book. "Home 1Ye2 anent for V/omen." sent .rec. *r-i OBCHARDj am BY F.ETRIGG REGISTER, ROCKFORD, IA. KS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITEO Jl iMMt-P (This matter must not !>e reprinted with out special penalM-ten.] ADULTERATION OF MILK. A Missouri reader of these note: writes inquiring IC there is nay sim pie and correct waj ot itsverniiniu, whether sweet milk luis been adulter sited. In several states thc pure foot laws require runt mille .shrill eontnll not less than a |ier cent nt butter fa nor less than V2\u per cen of mille mil ids. The butter fat couta.t ls readil; determined hythe Babcock test, whirl ls simply made by addia? r degrees F. is 32 the COT recto re.jding" W4)tild be 32 plus live-tenths or B2.5...-ii!_J if the reading of the lac tomuterfs i'>5 ilegrees rive-tenths shouli be subtracted from 32. which WOtth make the* correct reading 31.5. Practical Postry. "Pa. hen i's a piece nf |>opfry tba says somt thing about a ?moat** grange.' \^bat is a 'OKMleri arana* par "Lemme look at if. 1 guess ilia must be a misprint for 'garage.' moated'garage Ls one that's designe for motors. That's lt.?Cleveland Plai Dealer. Contrary. Biggs-That fellow Oliver is Incite* to be somewhat contrary, isn't he griggs?Contrary: Why. if be bat t\vp Ideas in his head they would fa; outV'tb ea*'u other: The\Rcoster Not the Only One. 1 Ton 41 laugh at the rooster fo ; ima gi ni ti .J,J be sun rises only witb hi iperniissior.Viind upon being annoumei !by hhn. fifow much difTerent are you jCan you conceive of a world withou ;you in Itiv??lawrence (Mo.) Journal. Skillful' pilots gain their reputatio -Trout storms and tempests.? Rptcuru* MOTHER GRAY'S .SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, 'A Certain Roi iff for Ke v cr Mi n cm* UonHtlpatlon, II cad ac be i." ?* lo ni u i ii Trouble*, T.ttiiin, I.) i h o r cl c r n. and Dvatro' Worm*. They Break np Cold TradeMark. rn 24 bourt. Ar all DruggiiTs, 2?.cti Don't accept Sample mailed FRICK. Address, any substitute. _A. S. OLMSTED, Le Roy. N.Y GET MORE FOR Hengand'hT.le.^MV',. j ???? aMWBBfc B WI! more f0r them than h VflllD CUD "'ber buyer in uny other town Iii tiffi rilli city in the world. Fun or bid | .wwii a wai bring Irom 10 to 60 per cent, mc : here than If you send them ol.-tewhere and twice wi you can get at home, no matter where you I ive. If 7 ' trap or buy fur Rend today for our big free catalogt trappers' gnide Bnd market report. Free for the -ski and worth many >> to you. Write today; thia maye appear again. Corpy H|de & Fur q0^ . P.O. Box No. ?,;, Corry, P Hodel By&pep&'m Gur Digests whait you oat. | You Don't Want a belter jSPRING BED than the Arm-lock Folding I made, ^sold and warrante by JOHN P. HISE, Hightown, Vj LL GUA The Millions Piled Up In the Mint at Philadelphia. i STORED IN ARMORED VAULTS. jThe'Whole Building ls Embedded In a Solid Concrete Foundation, and the Underground Strong Rooms Are In ptegnable?The Night Watch. Tilt* I'triladelphiu mint always eon laius cohnund bullion which fluctuates 3n value eael) day Ivetween a hair und fthree-<|uarteM of rn, billion dollars. One .hundred milllous of dollars of this wttnouut la lu silver dollars stored for (several years In a room hy itself IOU lbj BO feet In area. About $ ps in gold rota, ready lo be put In cir? culation or to be stored Jv the national treasury ar-Washington against the is MM of a corrfc.sponding Jiumber of gold .ertinVates. _A million or two is in I bronze and ul. kel coins. Finally an [ Jitnotiut of bullion varying from a Minali quantity to several hundred mil? lions of dollar*' worth occupies the four massive vanita designed for the uncoined metal. Now. How is this vast hoard pro Dec ted? First of Va ll. the whole mint ls em? bedded lu.a\30lld concrete foundation about thoee /eel deep. Concrete, as every ont*tknows.?js one of the strong? est of alllklMtni subsiaaices and the most imperwJoii^ fo drilling or wear. Then ou tiietinterJot'.t?t here the vault!" ure placed.*wtitbiiiifhisVoncrele protec? tion, collies* Hi solid arinof of battleship Meei six dnix \au_ts. one foi tho silver .tlread\**.-eferredto. oue for all kLnds of coil tige, bat mostly foi gold, and the revaluing f(mr for the gold, silver arti adckef bullion. The bronze bulliontiies iu another room by itself, but as o.o0o in ruM in lt. Electricity lights tile entire section of each vault, and the electric current ls so arranged that if lt were possible for the vaults to be tampered with tlie electricity would Immediately give no? tice outside that sonn'thlng was wrong. A detachment of guards every night 18 stationed at the eutrance to the stairways leading to the corridor, which gives access to the vaults them? selves. Their orders ore to shoot down any one attempting an entry. For th* protection of the mint from fire a web drilled tire brigade has charge of the extinguishing apparatus There ure thirty-one tire alarm sta? tions located in ihe corridors and rooms throughout the building. At night every fifteen minutes thirty one watchmen rin-r ii signal notifying the watch in the telephone mom thal ..ll is well AU these men carry re volvers during the nh/ht weft h. If the signal from any irntelinuin was r.i.t heard nt ihe riff-M lime an hista;. alarm would be souude.l.-- riiil.-idclp1.... Itemed. il Borrowed: Our wirtvurfVetehw a I some time ago, and we kindly ask them to return same, l.l V. 13. Bishop & Co. i i! AS TO OPENING OF PANAMA CANAL. The Panama Canal will be open early in 1914. This is an unofficial declaration from the highest official sotirce. There is ii possibility that it will be ] completed and ready for the pas-'r sage of ships slightly before that' t time. The same authorities, how- r ever, refuse to change the official j announcement that the work will j be completed in 1915. The later date is used because they do not wish to take any chances on making good and disap? pointing those who wish to cele? brate the event. Barring slides of unusual proportions, labor troubles resulting in strikes or other great unforseen obstacles, there is no rea? son to doubt that the waterway will be open at the earlier date. At the rate of progress in the past, ordinary delays, such as floods, excessive rains, or difficulty in getting materials, can be easily overcome, so that ships can pass through the canal in 1914. FOUR YEARS ENOUGH FOR PRESIDENT. One term in the Presidency is enough for the country, and the country generally recognizes this, but does not see just how to keep Presidencies down to that figure. The authors of the Constitution were very wise men. and they did'< not anticipate the relations be? tween Presidential patronage and a second term. One term is enough for the in? cumbent. The satisfaction of at? taining the most exalted position in the country is intelligible enough, but four years will give a man enough of the distinction, and more than enough of the cares, of office. Most Presidents have a sense of responsibility rather than a sense of power, and the sense of responsibility grows heavy. Mr.' Roosevelt never had a sense of re? sponsibility, but only a sense of power, and a keen delight in using power, but he is quite unlike any other man who ever filled the of? fice. Nine men out of ten would be glad to go out of office at the close of one term if it had not come to be a reflection upon the Presi? dent not to give him a re-nomina? tion. The precedent established by Washington has come to be re? garded as a rule, and the refusal of a third nomination is not deemed a reflection, but a refusal of a second nomination is so regarded. No man can exercise the Presi? dential powers for a first term with the possibility of the second with? out using them to secure a second term, partly for the sake of secur? ing the customary expression of ap? proval, but mainly because the men he has appointed to office want another term and do all in their power to make the President feel that he must have it and the party feel that it must give it to him. It doesn't matter whether Mr. Taft was in earnest or joking when he declared that one term was enough for him. Probably every president has felt so after one year in office, and after three years in office Mr. Taft will be as receptive of the renomination as any of his predecessors. The men whom he has appointed to office and who want to retain their jobs will see to that. Ex. -?-??-. FOR SALE. The heirs of Eli Crummett. dee'd, will offer at public auction, on May 7th, 1910, a beautiful farm, formerly known as the Church place. The farm contains between three and four hundred acres of land?150 acres of tins timber, oak aud pine, 50 acres of sod, and the rest good lev? el farm land. This farm lays on Shaw's Fork, one mile south of Headwaters. Farm is well watered. Arlie J. BoTKIN. A Fine Farm For Sale as administrators of the est ile of J. Il B. .telle..., deo'd, iee will ofter for sale on the premises June 8. 11110, al 12 m. that valuable farm on which h lived, situated i on the v\ hiskey creek road, i mile west of churchville and pike. This is one of, the ino.-t desirable farms in ihe county, well situated, containing IDS acres. 20 acres in saw tinder 4o ar res in blue grass sod, the remainder in high slate of cullivel toft. Excellent 8 room hr use, 1 ?rood (i room house, large hain and all norn ary outbuildings Never foiling water through firm, and two good orch ards in hearing. Fine neighborhood near ohurclus and schools 'I erins of sale $."> ooo cash, hahtnee in 1,2andSyear*, (J W fellers, Home 2 WU Icu alt, bwoope, Va. MAY REACH $2,000,000 overnment Agents Disclose j Jewelry Frauds. 0 Preliminary hearings before a knited States commissioner for the d inc persons arrested as a result of n ie investigation by the Depart lent of Justice into the alleged :welry bankrupt frauds were set ?r April 29th. The frauds upon e arious merchants throughout the 'nited States .ire estimated at from 500,000 to $2,000,000. Govem tent agents say that the operators ot only violated the bankruptcy iws, but prosecution also might ' e under the conspiracy laws. The method of operation of the efendants are thus described by ie Department of Justice: "What purported to be a legiti late jewelry store was started and irge quantities of expensive jewel- c y were obtained from firms in dif- t srent parts of the country. Short ; afterward the jewelry was re- g loved from the store and a pre- s snse was made of shipping it to ime other point for the purpose of ^ aving a public sale. The sale was a uly advertised to take place at a j iven date. "In the meantime the building . i which the jewelry was pretended j have been shipped was destroy y by fire, together with the pack ges purporting to contain the jew Iry in question. The parties then ?ent into bankruptcy and succeed d in' relieving themselves of all heir financial obligations. At a Uer date the jewelry which was upposed to have been consumed i the fire, but which in the mean ime had been concealed, was ship? ed to another part of the state nd sold at greatly reduced prices iv parties connected with the con piracy. "It also appears that in canying mt these operations the parties in 'olved have been guilty of perjury, if the fraudulent use of the mails, ind possibly of violation of other ,'iws of the United States. Full vidence has been obtained by the iovernment cf these violations of aw." Officials of the department inti nate that the end is not yet in ight. There will be other arrests >efore the inquiry now under wa; s completed. Indictments of tlie >ersons arrested are probable under he bankruptcy or conspiracy laws, KMsibly in some instances for per ury. Business establishments in ilontgomery and Greenville, Ala., .re mentioned in the reports coni? ng to the department as places vhere jewelry stores were maintain sd, where supplies were accumulat ;d and afterward shifted to other >arts of the state. The prisoners seven of them irothers who conducted stores in Uabama?and two negroes aie :harged with conspiring to defraud inti with withholding assets from a rustee in bankruptcy. The pris >ners are Jesse H. Shreve and Dan el H. Shreve, who were arrested in ^an Antonio, Tex.; A. C. Shreve, irrested at Tuscaloosa, Ala.; R. T. mreve. Janies E. Shreve. Hilliard 5hreve, George H. Shreve and the wo negroes, all of whom were ar ?ested in Montgomery, Ala. POULTRY AILMENTS. "Only in rare instances does loultry require doctoring" says Kate V. Saint-Maur in Woman's [lome Companion for May," yet it s well to be prepared with suffi jient knowledge to recognize the iymptons of approaching trouble. \ few small, coops should be kept n some dry, sheltered outhouse, to )e used as quarantine quarters. Empty dry-goods boxes turned on [heir sides, with half the front boarded across and a door of wire tietting to close the other half, make good coops for individual pa? tients. They should be covered all around, sides and top and bottom with roofing paper, to insure free? dom from draft. The boxes may be any size, but I like them about eighteen inches wideband high, and about two and a half feet long. To I avoid dampness, and for conveni-j euee in attending to the birds; it J is well to elevate them on legs or; Bland them on a shelf or bench. Before using, or whenever they are vacated, they should be disinfected and the inside thoroughly painted v\ith white wash The enamelled cups without handles can be at? tached to thc side of the coop by wire loops. HORSE TALK bT um. Look out for the brood mare and e sure that she is receiving plenty f exercise. She should spend all pleasant lays in the paddock, and the lights in a well-bedded box-stall. Be sure that the floor is level, so he will not get cast. Avoid constipation by a liberal ceding of wheat bran with some iil-meal. Wheat bran arri oats make trong bones in the colt. When the colt is dropped it ihould receive nourishment from he tlam within the first half-hour. An attendant should be on ham! it the time of birth, for a little lelp has saved many a valuable ?olt. A lazy man should never breed ?ol ts, for he must be alert and cn he job if he wishes to succeed. Start the milk with the thumb md finger if the colt is not very trong or if the udder is at all hard. Take the chill off the water for he mare, and feed her carefully ?nd keep her quiet for a number of lays. During the first days of plowing he collar should be raised often to ool the shoulders. Bathing the shoulders with plen y of cold water after the dav's vork will help to harden them. Go slow the first days of plow ng; it will make a gain in the end. A soft, fat horse will shrink dur ng the first slays of hard work, so ook well to the fit of the collar. A collar ill-fitting and a little too arge may cause sweeny, and your /aluable horse may be ruined. Ahvays remove the harness at he noon hour and dry the collars. Clean the team after work and before bed-time. They will do a bigger day's work an the morrow with less loss of con? dition. Don't let the work team ri n down, because it is money lost tn Jo so. ? . ?? THE NEWSPAPER GUI. I find a man pushing his way through the lines Of the cops where the work of the fire fiend shines, "The chief?" I inquire, but a fire? man replies. "Oh, no! Why, that's one of those newspaper guys." I see a man walk through the door of a show, Where great throngs are blocked by the sign "S. R. 0.," "Ts this man the star that no ticl - et he buys?" "Star nothing! He's one of those newspaper guys." I see a man start on the trail of a crook, And he scorns the police, but he brings him to book. ''Sherlock Holmes?" I inquire. Some one scornfully replies: "Sherlock I.?? Naw, that's one of those newspaper guys." And some day I'll pass by the great gates of gold. And see a man pass through un? questioned and bold. "A saint?" I'll ask, and old Peter 'll reply: ?'No, he carries a pass, He's a newspaper guy.'' ?Louisville Herald. We have some very attractive propositions in business houses, which will realize a handsome per cent on the investment; also good business hits, dwellings and residen? tial lots in Roanoke; farms of every description in Roanoke and adja? cent counties. Any business entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful atten? tion. Our motto', "Will treat you square ami make you money." Speed & Campbell, Roanoke, Va. Ntnfttrel ..athis*No 1 isl (10686) This beautiful Hackney Stallion will make the season of MIK) at Monterey, Va., and J. N. Stover's stable. Terms: S20 to insure mare with foal, parting with mare before foal? ing time forfeits insurance. Care will be taken to prevent ac? cidents but will not be responsible for an) that may occur. Will be at Monterey May 0 ami 16tli. Monterey Hackney 2t Horse Breeding Asso. Subscribe for the RECORDER.