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The Roanoke daily times. (Roanoke, Va.) 1895-1897, October 20, 1895, Image 5

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sp~c'a;, sale
Our f*toc\k of Ladies' and
Children's Triairued and Un
trimmed Hat.?? has been con?
ceded by t Ladies to be the
tr.o:-t styli-h of r.ry in The city.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
News of People
and Events.
Happenings Briefly and Reliably
Put Before You.
ItoglMtor at Once.
Have you registered yot'.' If not you
had batter attend to thU duty to
(ir.y; to-morrow ;,om may fotgot
it. In tbo First ward you wiil find
tbo registrar. O. D. Derr, at Rob
. rts' store, corner Coremerco and Camp
boll street-;, oppoite. tbo courthouse;
Second ward, Leo II. Simmons., ro^is
trar, at 17 Campbeil avo.; Third w?.rd,
.1. L Kelloy, registrar, at 4 12 Common
weilth ave.,after 0 o'clock p m., worss
in the Norfolk and Western oflicso;
Fourth ward, Iviwar? White, registrar,
at 10S South JelToraon street; Fifth
ward, M. P. Scott, registrar, at Doha's
store, Park street.
Tin- Annual Library Ball. ?
' Tho annual hop and german for the
benefit of tho Roanoko Public Library"
will be given on Friday, October 25, at
Hotel Roanoke. The matter is In charge
of Messrs. Archer L. Payno, Harvey
Holl, E. C. Watts and William Frye,
and under their able managotnont can?
not but be a grand success. Tho
patronesses are: Mesdamos P. L Terry,
H. S. Trout. Themas Lowis, M. M.
Rogers, Frank Uuger, -T. Allon Watts,
D. W. Fiickwir, S. K ''ampboll, H.A.
G?lls, C. C. Churchill, Jos. W. Coxn. W.
W. Cor-, S. W. JamiBon, J. D. Laz?ll, H.
I). Lillerty, D. H. Matson, P.. P. C.
Sanderson and <:?orgo R. Henderson.
Tickets can bo had of Johnson .t John?
son, Massio Martin, Christian & Rar
boe, and also of tho managers and
patroness at SI each or two tickets to,
ono person for $1.50.
Shows Vatm Through.
Two special cars a', tiched to tho ves
tlbuled trt>in yesterday morning brought
into tho city all tho show people of tho
Hagorsto *n fair, numbering ninety livo.
Tha most prominent feature of all the
shows represented by those people was
Nor.h's Ark, containing the trained and
untrained animals exhibited at the.
fair. Tim untamed lion, Wallace,
wnich escaped in New York two years
ago and killed a horse and wounded
about twenty people, Is in ttio collec?
tion They remained h to until 1:40,
whrn their cars were attached to No 4,
:n d the entire party left for Ra oigh,
I 'N C , where ibey will become a part of
tho exhibit at tho Raleigh Fair.
Officer Uou'-i Case.
Police Oillcpr Oro was arraigned In
Poiice Justice Williams' court yesterday
on tbo charge of assault on tho person
of Will Waugb with folonious intent to
kill. The warr\nt was sworn on ; by
Robort Waugb, Will's father, on Thurs?
day last, four days after tho alleged I
assault was committed, and after
Waugh ploaded guilty to tho charges
brought a'/Siinst him and admitting that
Lieo va't j;is\il!ablo in clubbing bi:n. A
large numto: of witnesses w?ro sum
moned by both sides, and Col. J. Hamp
ton Hogo appoared for Mr. Waugb.
Judge Rrand and C II. Vines were
counsel for (lee. After hearing tho evi?
dence Judge Williams sent tho case on
to tho grand jury.
Discourse on the Uolv Lund.
Rev. J Yazbek, tho Syro Maronito
missionary, is still the guest of Rev.
Father Lynch, of S;. Andrew's Catholic
Church, and will conduct the aorviceB
and celebrato tne mass at, 10 o'clock
this morning. His sermon, which will
relate prinopallv to the church and
situation in tho Holy Land, from which
ho hails, will be of Bpcc'.al interest to
all who feel anxious to hoar tho facts
from a divine no well acqaintol with
tho Bubjeot. Father Yazbolt seems to
be greatly beloved by his Syrian con?
gregation, among whom bo has done
much good.
Noonday Prayer Mrctinc:.
The noonday prayer meeting r?*. the
Y. M. 0 A. hall continue to grow ir. in?
ternst, and many r.f our business men
take advantage of tbo opportunities of?
fered for serving God. Tbo services
begin promptlv at 12 o'c'.cck every day
aud close at 12:45; Tne loader for to?
morrow, Dr. J. L. Doggo;!; subj ct,
'?Take tbo Right'Side and Run No
I.oft for Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. N. n. Rngland and
child, who Binco their return from
Europa a week ago, havo been visiting
tho family of Maj. J. II. Featherston,
of Marshall avenuo s. w., left yester?
day morning for Paris, Tex. Thoy woro
accompanied homo by Miss Lizzie
Feathorston, who will Bpend tho winter
in Texas. _
Itoglut ration to Date. \^
Tho registration up to dato stands as
follows: First ward. 715; Second ward,
400; Third ward, 510; Fourth ward, 300;
Filth ward, 472; a total of 2,397. The
registration yesterday afternoon and
last night was very brisk. The registra?
tion in tho Fifth ward is climbing up
from tho fact that the registrar i3 mak?
ing a personal canvass.
X. ?I.C. A.
Thoro will be no mooting at tho Y.
M. C. A. Hall to-day, owing to tho
union service for men at tho Calvary
Raptist Church at 3 o'clock. All asso?
ciation men ate urge.I to attend this
Auxiliary Meeting.
All members of tho Ladles' Auxiliary
to tho Order of Railwav Conductors aro
requested to meet at Mrs M J. Jen
nolle'*, 333 Eighth avenuo s. w., at 2:30
p. m , fchr.rp, Monday evening, October
31. Business of importance.
Much Interest Manifested.
Tho noonday evangelistic services at
the Ea3t End and West End round houses
are still in progrcas and much lntorost
is manifested by the largo crowds of
working men who assemblo to join in
those services. Rev. P. A. Anthony of
tho East Roanoku Baptist church con
ducted tho ehop service yesterday.
Mr. Schoollleld To-day.
EvangeliBt Schooliield, who Is con?
ducting such a wonderful meeting at
tho Calvary Baptist Church, will preach
to-day at 11 a. m., 3 p. m., and 7:30 p.
m. Tho 6orvico at 3 o'clock will be for
men only, and it is expected that tho
houao will bo filled.
Colored Church Entertainment.
The closing programmo of tho anni?
versary txorciseB of Mount /ion A. M.
E. Church will bo held to- morrow nigh:.
The programmo will bo reploto with
song services, and poveral Interesting
pipers will bo rvad. After tbo ox'.r
ci"?os rt f'eahmen'.s will bo served.
Second PreM>ytct Inn Church.
Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30
p. m. to day by Uov. Hay Watson Smith,
Young Pooplcs' Mooting at 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 3 o'clcck p. m. Seats
freo. A cordial invitation to attend is
extendod to all.
No Meet lug Today.
Owing to the fict that the evangelis?
tic meetings will be conducted at 3 p.
no. t^day, there will bo no meeting of
the Railroad Y. M. C. A. at thBir taber?
nacle near tbo West End round house.
St. Pnal'H Itcformed.
The paBtor, Rev. Lewis Reiter, will
preach at 11 a. in to day. At 7:30 p. m.
the subject will be "The Customs and
UsagOB of tho Reformed Church.'' All
;aro Invited.
In the Police Court.
In the police court yesterday only one
cai? was docketed, that of a white
woman charged with disorderly con?
duct. It was postponod until Monday.
Two More Placed.
The National Business College suc?
ceeded in placing two moro graduates
the pist week Prospects aro good for
many navi students this coming week,
AliirHliall .v Wendell Pliiaon
In all styles ?.nii natural fancy woods
in stock at Hobbio Music Company.
A Powerful Sermon I.?nt Night?Ornat In
forest Manifested? ninny Conventions.
Rov. J. E. Schoolfleid, tho lay evan?
gelist, preached another eloquent and
powerful sermon at Calvary Baptist
Church last night to a largo and appre?
ciative audience. The meeting oponed
with special prayer service Tho sub?
ject of Mr. School field *8 discourae was:
"Tho importance; of doing God's will."
IIo :ia.id tliorr, are five classes asking
what tiod taSB for them to do, n&moiy
the ministers, tho rank and lilu of tho
church, iho little chi'dren, tho bick
slidorand tho p9nitont slnnor.
liiu answer to tho llrst was to go unto
all the world uud pro ich tbo H?rpel to I
every creature; in warn tau wicked of
the <".'ri;r o( their way. to preach the
whole truth without fear of public opin ?
i n, ar.d to strike Bin wherever ho lii.ds
To thn rank and ?lo of tbo church ho
said: "Ud work in my vineyard to-day."
[ It is the duty of every Christian to
i wort- to savfl souls Evv-ry soul saved
has b on influenced by someone. God
I will reward us for our work and punish
I our disobedience, for the unfruitful
branch will bo cut off.
In reference to tho third class, ho
said tho hone of tho country Uos in the
children. Ho sounded the warning cf
standing in tho way of th>* children in
their seatch for Christ, and especially
charged parents to point their children
to the cross
Ho classed the c >ld, formal church
member, who has coir, mitted no open sin,
as a backslider. Ho advocated in a
powerful manner the return of tho
backslider to tb? church on the promise
that ho would Vi? received by tied. A
turontr personal appeal was made to
backsliders to confess their sins and
start out again, confession being neces?
sary f,:r salvation.
To too penitent sinner, he said, you
nrc dissatisfied v.itu the thing.t of tht
world and feel tbo lr.clc of something
that cannot bo supplied through any
other agency but Christ.
A large number of lukowarm chur-iu.
members signified their desires to r,>
consecrate their souls to God. About
twenty-five conversions wore made,
The entire servioe was characterized
by :?? special spiritual power.
There will bo special evangelistic
Sunday-school ncrvico for too benefit of
the children this morning At 3 o'clcck
p m the service will bo for men only.
Tho rrgular services will bo held at 11
a. m. and 7.30 p. m The revival ser?
vices will bo extended the entlro week,
alBo the shop meetings at noon.
If you want a substitute for anthra
cito coal call on W. K. Andrews & Co.,
219 Salem avenuo, for their hi h grade
Brush Mountain coal. They can furnish
you lump, egg or nut sizes at bottom
t. An oiegant lino of caVpets, rugs an l
\rl squares can be found at the E. FI.
Stewart Furniture Company.
I W. K. Andhkws A Co., 210 Salem
avenue, handlo Pocahontas, Russell
Crook. Thacker, Banner, Brush Moun?
tain, Anthracite and Semi-Bituminous,
Red Ash coal; also crushed coko and
CARI.0AI) tloorlng and ceiling just ro
coived. j. H. Wilkinson.
Buy your Brush Mountain coal from
W. K. Andrews & Co., 210 Salem ave?
nue. Thoy will soli it to you cheaper
than i; has ever boon sold in tho city.
Just received a c\rload of sash, blinds
j and door3. .1 El. Yv'irmn-jon.
The ThoniBB-Btaford Nuptials.
Tho Chattanooga Werld ot ?ctob: r 1"
says: This morning ?, 0 o'clock at s: .
Paul's Hp t-conal ohurch Miss Ria Bin
ford ana Mr. Dolos Thvm^i of R>inok",
V?.. were united in murri?;t;o Rov W.
M. Pettis p^r^orm^j the ceremony. No
cards wore Issued and only tuo family
and Immediate friends wer" prrseat
Too bride wore a v. ry becoming trav
eling costume < f brown c'.oib. A wed?
ding broakf.ttit svan served r.f tbo homo
of the bride'J brother, W. 15. Bintord,
No 511 East Fourth sfeet. Tho happy
couplo loft at 7:10 o'clock on tho vt-stt
buled train for Roanoke, Va., wbero
they will reside In tho future The
brido belongs to a tine old Virginia
family, and while she has only resided
her?* a Hhort time ba4 made tt;any pleas
tan acquaintances. Mr Thomas is
chief clerk to tho gonerU f.-eight agont
tf tho Norfolk and Wostern railroad.
?I/o It?
La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs,
"Two years ngo^ I bail lb" grippe,
ninl i? lufl iiiu with :i cough which gave
mo no rest night or tliiy. My fninily
physician proscribed for the, changing
the medicine ;r often its ho found tho
things ? hud taktni wcro not helping'
me. but. in spit.- of bis nttonrinncc, T tt"t
im bettor. Phi illy, my hushttml,?rend?
ing one day of n geiitlctuhn w ho hail
had tin- grip|H) und whs eureil by Inking
Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral,?procured, for
:no. :t bottle <>r this medicine, stud before
I bad taken h ilf of it. 1 was cured. 1
huvo used ilo- Pectoral for my children
niul in my family, ivhonevur we huvo
ncoded it, am! have found it a s]u-ciii<
Tor colds, coughs, and lung troubles."?
Emily Woon, Norlh St.. Elkton, Mth
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsapariib.
That Is, have yon called and taken time to see and con?
sider the vastness of our stock, and the unusual values
we offer from the very lowest in price on up the whole
range of qualities? It" you have not it will pay you.
We Ask Yon to See:
Our Special 4C-inch BlacX Serve, at i.'.Se.
Our inch Wide All Wool i-'r<>i.r:i berge, i ft. and f 1 50.
Onr linen of Figured Mohairs, at ric, SSc.,
at ac.
i "ir 16 !::<-!>. Wide Storm Serge, Ht :i'
OarEO-lnth Wide Serge, at r?c
Oar lines ot Figured lilac
t'Cc. G v.
our lines et Black Chevtats, lna variety ot
weaves, at M'c. 7So . ?i and ?1.(6.
Thi* line ol i-.: ...? Goods onbracei route iu>
Stuffs, at ISc, j stylet >>r tnotu at '. Is a '-.-edit to ltoatioke
sei- it.
Special Sale To-pay
many of them ol sufficient length tc make dresses, ac?
tually worth from 75 cents to $1.50 per yard. We make
two prices of the !ots: cents in! 59 cents fir a choice,
do'not delay to
: u
Ladles1 Jackets from to
Ladles'Canes from $5 to *}V<.
Von Know Cottons arc going up. Every day j
iiu advance takos place, in ti>irty days more
they arc honed to be 10 to i"> per rent, higher. I
Th< refore the more wonderful this offering of I
1,0(0 yard*. u?*t tjuattty, rix i Bleached
Sheetings. In pieces ranging from IB to 98
yards; Worth to-day SSo; to go al sre by the
plccr; ii,-. by the yard*
Children's.! lekets troin to fH.SC-.
Everything In the Hue. >ectlinu
At Sic? 4-BHton Ulacc Kid Gloves, the ?i
?ort, either Ulark or colors, at S3c. None ot
the above rnaranlcril.
'I liri-r Sjiorliil? in Kid lilovc?.
At ",!?.-. pair ladles' Surd' Kid Gloves, t
button. Black or White,the ?1 eon for a fhort
time, v.'c.
At Ifflc 8-Button Monrqnctalre i niirr.*ed
Kid (Jloves.Blacb or White, worth $1.50,
ii>cr (or a short time,IMc.
Five dozen l.n<".cV Wool Sktrt fniicnis:
worth, fl, !?!??.
Fifty pairs o( New Derby Curtains In ah
Now Coloilnee, ranch utore drsirable than
CIIBNILB CURTAINS, nt $8.80 the pair.
Don't torcet our I pect alt In Lad!?*" Vests
and Fants, nt 5'ir . SOc , and ft. Those
value? cannot tie I'eut.
the Fit reed llr?l*h. advertised '.as: week, is
the greatest vuluo ever offered
See the better grade In White, Red and
Gray, nt f 1.
Every department In our house is full of
rarest values, qualities and style- which can
not he duplicated at price" ami it behooves
you to see ibout.
Hais I rimmed \
Free of Charge./
no s
I Hats Trimmed
vrec of Charge.
:tc than li?Sv, Our Millinery
bus Our stock been more absolutely ci
Goods f'roni both foi etgn iintl homo markets have been much greater this eea
Mni t u) hny previous one, und ivo In>:s^t of having ihn most complete find
ntlrnci ve hne of Millinery ever disrilnj*?:d in this c-ty. We ngnia emphasize
tin! po itit, we do not oller n list of clionp und worthless 'ji?<).is ut microscopic
prices, quoting them us being worth many limes thut price but we do insisl
that trustworthy goods in nil qunlilies, from the lowcM-price goods lo ih
very ii;.ost. nre sold in our Departments ai rock-bottom prices. This s'nio
mcut It subject to substantial proof during every business hour tit lln day,
We respectfully invite everybody I" iuspo-l nur goods.
Cloaks, fir.ks Cloaks.
The sl)l(s nri' awfully ITU", this sea?
son-the mos! graceful of any ><-.r. In (act.
All the,cloak-makers I .iv<- been turning ool
extra Ant work. Onr lee Is even ilnor than
most of ilie others von look ut. Ii contnu - n
bi??er and better class ot gu "!?' ht sides, snd
in addition we're placed such low nrlces on
every garment that hesitancy when pur
eoasiug !s wholly unnecessary.
Black Boncln'Clolh .itrket. 88 liubee >ng,
extra sl/e donble-stltchefl mandolin sicevey,
iiinitcdti.irk.uu-o ihreo-Uuttoiifroht vsloe
$6.50. * ' ?H.
Mack Hearer Cloth Meefer, '.'l Inches In
leiiirOi.-iik line.4, large Inlaid ne<rl buttons,
extreme Urge shawleleevc, ripple hack,
value $9.98. 97.50
I.? dies' All Wool Heaver .larkcts, r-alf
satin lined, box coat, $5, $5.85, 1550.
Ladles' All-Wool Bztra Heavy Cheviot; it's
far bolter man any beaver for good h?ru
wear Our price, $4.98, should In- ft.
Ladles' All Woo! Imported Kine Beavet
velvet piped edges and seams, flO. Would
bo cheap at $13.50.
Boucle .larkets, we mean genuine I! incle,
not something thai look* like It We sr?M
ttic price, fA.50, $7, f8, (.>, and Up to :
Peerless Plush Capes.
I Fine Seal Plush Ospes, 3> inch length,
I Marlin Fnr-trlmmed usual pricj 416.01?
our price only. Slo 00
KmcSfai I'lnsh Capes handsomely braid <i
and Fur edge, nowhere less lhan $15, on*
prlce only.910 00
Fii e s? ui Plash Capes t ., -ircuUr sweep,
can t be matched andetbQilO.OU, o;ir nrlcn
! only.*t .'.?)
Plasn <"a es. made with full tipple collar,
edired w tu I'hlbet fur, elaborately trimmed
with i t and haudsoinclv braided, satin
lined, value $18.00. 81? 50
woiibn's CAPS8?In nnest . -.a'.lty
Plush, embroidered with cut beads and alia
braid in beautiful deals ns, collar and edgings
o( ceep, rieb Thibet Fur, lined with tlnest
satin at .. . 9S0.oo
Ol.OTU CAPES? Rlegant Uoncle beaver
and Astrakhan Don bio Capss, flneat wool,
proper Hweep. We undersell these positive
fS oi?,. ids at the sweeping price.SO no
?andsom? Cloth Capss, satin edged, with
five row <ot stitching, usual pries CO. Our
1'rlcc .90 00
CLOTU OaPBS? Newdeslgni In 'Sweep'
and ? Flare" wlllbe lonnd in largest variety
of Boucles, Beavers, Astrakhans, Coverta,
Uhevlots, Kerseys, Broadcloth, Clay Dia?
on als ami Fancy Cloths, trimmed to suit the
ttbrlc, a dozen ityles.u> si.%
fvl. Inder-ky, /
Manager. \
Prompt and Careful Attention Given to Mail Orders.
\ 10! Salem
I Avenue.

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