Newspaper Page Text
NATION'S REAL STRENGTH. Washington Post: Ex-Cougressman Phillips, of Pennsylvania, "a man of weaith;and an employer of labor, who has for. a long while sought to solve labor problems through the medium >f arbitra? tion, .was seen at the Shoreham yester? day. "y? "I hope," said Mr. Phillips, "that this Congress will not fail to pass a bill pro? viding for a national labor commission. In the.Fifty-fourth Congress '.this meas? ure ^wns 'Introduced and passed both houses, but did not become a law ow ing to the failure of the President to sign it. There is need fur such a bod:*. Its cost would be moderate, far less indeed than t?>e loss'.of a sing!? strike. If the matter is fonn into scientifically, as would be dono through a commission, I am posi tive that'a plan could be evolve,! that would settle, all disputes that may here after'arise in a way that would be just aud.fair.both to capital and labor, and that would put an cud to strikes and lockouts. "I do not think that society as at pres? ent constituted, hardly appreciates the true valuo o( the laboring man. When we think that our civilization, splendid and luxurious as it is,could not exist but for tho horny-handed sons of toll, it is only right and proper to conserve the in? terests of those wnose bone and sinew constitute the renl strength of the na? tion." SOCIETY REPORTING IN KANSAS. Lonisvillo Courier Journal: A new fea? ture of "society journalism" in Kansas is the pnblicatioi ,lalong with a list of wedding presents, of a list of [tho Jyoung men who have been refused by the bride. This is probably done ou Jthe theory that iu such affairs a list of the '.saved as well as of the fatalities is legitimate news. Gravatt'a Look at our 25 cont books. Fair, 9 Salem avenue. /Woi Lurifcat package?greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. St. LouIr, Now York. Huston, rull-ulclplila. . 1 CONDITION Of THE NATIONAL EXGWAH6E BARK OF P.QANQKE, ' I October 5,1897. Reflsirces. Loans and discounts.$341,215.49 Overchecks. 4S United States bonds (to secure circulation) and premium.. 25.197.50 Real estate, furniture, fixtures, *c. 111,919.28 Redemption fund with United States Treasurer. 1.125.00 Cash and exchange (gold coin $20,000). 138,235.78 $519,103.48 Liabilities. Capital, sui pins and profits.$122,101.00 National bank notes outstanding. 22,500,00 Deposits'Individual, $363,284.38; banks. $10,804.14). 375,088.52 S $519,093.48 ? Santa Glaus Providing a Yuletide Feast. for hi" friends will find lots of good things on our shelves to make merry with for the holiday season. We will have Heinz high giade mince meat for your pies, tho bliest quality plum pudding, just like home made, newLeghorncitron, fancy Smvrna dates,cocoanucmacaroons, Java coffee, highest grade table butter, Queen olives, and everything in staple goods. We beg to call attention to our chocolates, plain candies and Tenney's goods in bulk'und boxes. SANDY P. FIGGAT & GO. YOU EXPECT FULL WEIGHT When you buy COAL, jusl as you do when you purchase a pound of tea or sugar. YOU ALWAYS G KT FULL WEIGHT when you buy <>i' W. K. ANDREWS & GO. - The Belle/1 Team Coal Healers. L-i ?jr-ii-'.'.-r, jCj' TO TH E TQN^j People Esirth Well, that's all right. We will give it to them with a desirable bouse built ou top of it at prices mentioned below. A great, sacritice. Now think of it, a splendid 7-rooni residence, Rorer avetiue, heavy stone foundation, well built, once sold for $2,300. We now ofTer for the small sum ot $850; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. If the above terms are not what you want., tell us aud wo can ar? range them to suit. How does this strike you for an oppor? tunity to get a good piece 'of real estate, for almost nothing!' We will sell yo:i two buildings,residence No. 934 T.r/.ewell ave? nue; G-room storo house on corner. No. 920 Ta/.iwell. Property rents for $12 50 per month. We will sell both properties for $900;$50 cash; balance $10 per month. 8- rootu residence Eighth avenue o. w , beautiful shade, large stible: lot 50\150 feet; $1,000; *175 cash; $12.50 per month. Beautiful G-room house Eleventh ave? nue s. w., all modern conveniences, $1,500; $500 cash, balance monthly. Very detlrable lot Campbell avenue, near Calvary Baptist Church,at a bargain. Easy terms. 9- room residence, Church avenue, near Park street, lot 50x100 feet, corner lot, all modern conveniences; $3,500, $100 or $50C cash, balance $300 per year. Will rent for $300 per year. A very desirable house. Lots any location West End almost any price. One of the flnost. and most desirable houses on Campbell avenue, very large grounds, lot 75x300 feet, splendid 9-room house, beautiful cabinet mantles, $4,500, $700 cash, balance easy. One of the best residences on Terry Hill, H room?, corner lot. beautiful shade, sever.i, handsome cabinet mantles, lovely view, ouce sold for $11,000. Wo now offer at $3,900, $350 cash, $25 or $30 per mouth. Don't fail to see it. Large pressed brick residence. Church nveniie, 11 rooms, stiictly modern; $4, 1150. Cos: $5,000 to build, to Bay nothing of the lot. 'i.'Z 8-room house, Tazewell avenue s. e., $900, $75 cish, $12 per month. 4-room cottage, Rorer avenue, large lot, shade, ?ad only $525. $50 cash. $10 per month. J-^MSCl ' P^G Oesiniule lots, well located,. llehnotit, only $1011 each, $ > per month. Montana Man Gambled Away a Fortune to His Wife. PLAYED DRAW POKER AT ROME. A Smart Woman Whose Uu?bnnd Wiu? a Confirmed Gambler Induced II im to (ilvo Her a Chance to Win His Bill lions. Then? is a business man In Butte, Mon., who has the reputation of being n million? aire, but hasn't got a cent of his own, ac? cording to George Witherby, an admiring fellow townsman, and this is tho way ho accounts for it: The man was n confirmed gambler, but not a lucky one. One night when he "TOO nAP. TOMMY!" reached home after heavy losses his young wifo said to him, "You've been at tho bank, haven't, you, Tom?" Tom owned up. '"And yon look as if you were hit pretty hard. I suppose you were?" "Middling bard," says Tom. "Well, now," Mrs. Tom went on, "1 be? lieve that you just naturally love to gam? ble; that you wero born that way; that you have a passion for venturing your money just for the excitomoiit, the mental stimulus of lt. Am 1 right?" Tom flicked the r.shes from his cigar in a way that said "Yes," but ho kept still. "Well, " said she after a pause. "I've got a scheme. (Jambio with me!" Tom thought, his wife was delirious with nnxicty, but the plan was so novel and was so insinuatingly put that ho couldn't reject it. So he said, "Well, Tlmmy, I'll have to go you." Well, this couplo started their two hand? ed game of draw on tho very next night, and Tom said that from the very go oil* he never had so much fun playing cards in bis life. Not that his wife didn't know the game. He had taught her the game of poker soon after they were married, and on his evenings at home they had often played a quarter limit game for the fun of the. thing. Hut it. was so queer to be play? ing with his wifo for really immense stakes, as they did in all earnestness piny when the game was well under way, that tins Butte man relished the piny enor? mously. He quit tho faro banks altogether and devoted all of his spare time to the at? tempt to beat his wife. The little woman was not loser a dollar from tho very first night they started play. At. the end of n month, as Tom said him? self, it seemed to be no longer a question as to which of the two would come on* ahead on a night's play, but simply a question as to how much ho would lose. At, tho end of six months his wife had j 9200,000 worth of his securities in her ! compartment of their safe deposit vault. "Lose:'" said Tom about this time. "Holy smoke, she doesn't know how to lose! She'll bavo mo a pauper before 1 know where I nm. And bluff! Say, sho bllifts me out of my own jack pots on eight or ten high when there are thousands of dollars in the pot. Then when I conclude to put a stop to this Mulling and raise her up to the ceiling by betting whole slathers Of money on really good hands I happen to hold sho holds fours or a straight Hush. There's no way I know of to get a line on the way a woman plays poker, but. she's got me so deep in the hole now that I've got. to see tlie game through." Wtdl, at tho end of a year this nervy lit? tle woman had not only captured all that, portion of her husband's income that had formerly helped to enrich tho green cloth men of Butte, but she had gathered in about, nn even half of his capital, ft was all his to manipulate and do business with, but it. was in her name. It took her an? other year to brenk him, but sho made a mighty slick job of it at the end. It was almost exactly two years to a day after they had started the. game when tho inevi? table night came on which t Iiis Butte man had to sail tho sponge and acknowledge that he was all up. Each of them had on 11 corner of the table a list of securities, slocks, bonds and other properties, with the money values noted, that they indi? vidually owned, and they bad devised ?1 system of checking this list olf with a pencil as tho securities wero wagered in the progress of tho play. Then at the end of each week they would base a settling day. On the night that she broke him Hat she had been bluffing so persistently that he concluded he would call a hnlt. to that sort of thing as soon as ho got a good hand. His opportunity arrived when ho gave himself three jacks and then another jack on tho draw. Ills list of securities beside him was pretty well checked off by this time, but ho thought he had a good enough hand to do a double or quits turn, and BO, when he saw that his wifo was inclined to raise him in the betting, ho just tired tho whole list in tho middle of the table. "If 1 haven't got you ben ten this time, Tlmmy," he said, "I might as well go broke." "Well, that won't break you, you know," sho replied sweetly. "You've got your diamonds yet, haven't you:-" "Oh, I'm too strong this timoto lot you bluff me out that way, Timniy," said he "I will put into the pot everything 1 own in the world except my duds." "And tho value of what you've got left:-" she Inquired, cool ns a encumber. "Well." said Tom, "I guess my rings und pins nre worth $10,000." The little woman calmly took the pencil and checked off $10,000 worth of securities tin her list, " 1 call you." said she. Tom smiled as he spread out his hand. "Too bad, Timniy," ho said. "Four jacks." "Too bad, Tommy,"said sho, spreading out her hand. "Four queens." EDISON JUNIOR A WIZZARD. Tlio Famous Inventor Has .1 Dangerous Rival in His Young Son. New York, Dec. 7.?Thomas A. Edison has a rival anil it is not Tesla. '.His aou and namesake, Thomas A. E'Mson, Jr., is the man who will make him loot .to his laurels. He is something *of a wi/zard himself, although only 21 years of age. The youth lias been working with his Kther since he whs <> years old, but one bright morning 'last 'August bis father called the young 11 :>n and spake thus: "Thomas, my son, you know almost as much as your father,.but what you kuow will never bo of use to you until you know men. 'jet out, Thomas, and stutly men. Brush up against the worlel for a srhile, am' let us see what you are made of. You havei good ideas. Work them. Good morning." So the young man starteel out, four months ago, rVith a head full of ideas,and a lusty desire to make himself heard in tho world's noisy trnlllc. JTo-dar he has an ollice in a big Broadway building, and the big electrical manufacturing companies with the long titles and the capital of many militutis are studying this young man with great care. Y'oung Edison has invented a device which, he says,is only the first of a series of improved appliances in various lines of electiical work. It Is Jin incandescent lamp, sinvlar to the one uow in use to the inexperienced eye, but possessing, it may be said, many adrnutaKes. He calls it the "Edison, Junior," with conscious pride, and claims for it superiority over all others in the important details of vacuum and filament. To achieve these results the young man designed his cwn pump, and says that with it he can exhaust ten lamps to a high degree of perfectiou, in less time than is required by the ordinary vacuum pumps generally used to exhaust one lamp. The filament is his own invention also- -a chemical combination carbonized at 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, making it as near absolutely pure carbon as it is pos? sible to obtaiu*-Curiously enough, neither tho pump nor tho Qlament hah been pat? ented. "My father's .experience has taught me to steer clear of the patent ollice. Ho ha? takeu out scores of patents, but he has spent as much money and time light? ing to uphold them, I guess, as they are worth. 1 am going to keep my ideas to myself. Secrecy Is a better safeguard than a patent any time." HAIR Itoiiinn. Irritated, scaly, crusted Scalpo. dry, thin, and fallltur. I lair, cleansed, puriOcd, sad bcnutl fled l>y warm shampoos with CtrriCUKA Soap, ami occasional dressings of Cutigosa, purtst of emollients, the greatest skin cures. Treatment will produce a clean, healthy scalp wllli luxuriant, lustrous hair, when all else falls. Sohl thrmiehmit the world. POTTBR Dm u and ClISH. Coar., Snls Props., Itoston. or" Uow to produce Luxuriant Hair," mailr.1 fror. H?r SI?FF! Call up 'phone Mil and 100, both new and old, Where they keep the best WOOD and COAL. A little of our COAL Makes lets of heat, Their COAL is hot It can't be beat. It boi'.s'your pot It fries your tuen?, It heats your room It helps you sleep NELMS COAL CO. for uulance. 101 Jefferson^a'reet,* Ex? change Building. WAN T S". Felt KENT. i ROOMS FOR RENT. ?3511 Church street. MRS. LAMKIN. 12 8 3t FOK HA I.E. VALUABL E Roanoko county hind for sale. Ninety a<TfS on the west side of Franklin road between Leslie's Store and Hsck Creek,".four miles south of Roanoko city. Sixty acres in original heavy tim? ber. A rare chance to secure a farm. Terms liberal. Applv to H. IT. and C. L. CARTER, Blackatone, Va 12 8 lm ACCOUNT FOR SALE. ? Knoxville Electric. Light and Power L'ompany against the Interstate Collection Auencv. I Account !f!>..->0. Address, SAM HARIH I SON, Knoxville. Tenn. 12 8 l\v IIOAKDKKH WANTED. WANTED.?A few more boarders; my new residence, 1141 South Jefferson street (Stewart building); accommauation lirst elass, heated by steam throughout, hot and cold baths. Elegant stable for rent cheap MRS. IL C. HOPKINS. 12 4 lm BOARDERS WANTED-Apply to Mrs. M. A. Moscley, ''.JO Franklin Head s. w. 11-1-tf HOARDERS wanted at 1285 Chapman avenue s. w. 10 22 If AOUNT? \TAN1K1>. WANTED Snlesineu for every town be? tween Ronnoke and Bristol to handle our fine all wool blankets and other house hold goods, sold on easy monthly pay Contagious Blood Poison is cutting" down human beings by the thousand. It is aa awful affliction. Doctors have all sorts of theories about it that they learned at college, but they fail miserably when they try to cure it. Every sufferer should know, be? fore he seeks professional help, that he will be given mercury and other poisons, which never did, never will and never can effect a cure. should know that Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) is purely veg? etable and is his only hope. It will go to the root of the trouble and purify the blood? make it rich, red and healthy?stop the eating sores forever?stop the hair from falling out?drive the ter? rible disease completely away. Free books on the disease ami its treat? ment can be had by ' writing to the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go, ISAAC CANXADAY, REPORTER. Walter Reynolds and J. U. P. John? ston, of Craig county, were in town yes? terday visiting some of their friends. The executive committee of the Luthe? ran Orphanage held their regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon at the homo neat the boulevard. Everyone expressed bis high approval of the new superintend eut. Rev. 11. F. Crouk, who took charge of the Orphanage week before last. I). 11. St rouse is reported by his physi cian, Dr. Minor Wiley, as much im? proved. Mr. 'Strouse expects to have for Florida one day this week The Young Ladies Lunch Club, organ ized nor; lung since here, has had three meetiuas. Their last meeting was held on Saturday last at Mrs. Ballard's. The following are members of the club: Misses Mollie, Elsie and^Sadie Logan, Hannah and Agnes Armstrong, Kate Evans and Kate Hurks. Last night Mrs. (Jeo. W. Logan gave at her handsome residence in West Salem h dancing party. The following were present: Misses Mollie, Elsie and Sadie Logan, Annie Langborne, Agnes Arm? strong, Kate Evans, Kachel Henderson ami Mabel How man. Messrs. J. 1). Cruwle, Marvin Altl/.er, Edgar Deyerle, Harry Slurdevaut. John Lloyd, .John Logan, Ceo. P. Mayo, Wm. Evans, Holl ing Hubard, Willis' Campbell, Frank Wiley, Ersktne Wnite, Ceo. Logan and Robert Logan. Mrs. H. F. Cronk,matron of the Luthe? ran quite sick at the home. Dr. D. IG. Barnitz reports thn* his brother, Wm. Barnitz, who underwent a surgical operation *a few days ago at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Now York, Is much im proved. On December G'and 7,respect i rely,mar? riage licensesweieissued from the clerk's ol'iee to S. "R. Heckrann, of Franklin county, and Miss Mollie Yates, of Roan oke county, and to .lames .i. A Rice, ot Ftao<liiC county, and Miss Jennie P. Thompson, ot Roanoke county. James II. McGeheo, representiug the National Mutual Building and Loan As? sociation, of New York, was In tho city yesterday and had sold by M. F. Huff, auctioneer, two lots in Vinton, both of which ho bid ill. Tho Stover property, which was to have been sob', will]not bo sc hi till January C, at which time also some more Vim on property will bo put ui>. Judge Brand, of Roanoke, was in the city yesterday. (Jeo. 11 u IT, from near Roanoke, passed through the city yesterday with a birgt; drove ot cattte. Mr. Hull' ships large numbers of cattle to Europe evtry year. A ?out twenty-live pupils of the Salem graded and high schools are now practlc ing for a play entitled "Caught Nap? ping," to'be given iu the Town Hall De? cember ',':!. Under a.i execution in favor of the First National Hank, of Marietta, Pa., Sheriff Zirkle will sell to day net r Cave Spring a large amount of fixtures and appliances belonging to the uld Castle Rock Miniug Company. The Junior Auxiliary to St. Paul's Episcopal Church will give their annual bazaar in t he Wolf enden building on De? cember 10. The annual celebration of the Cicero nlan Liteiary Societyjwill be held Febru? ary 22. Tho following men will represent the society on that occasion; President T. H. Yeakey, Va.; first orator, H. P. Stem pie, W. Va.; debaters, Redford BnnM. Ind. Ter., and T. C. Darst, W. Va. Final orator, W. li. Shackelford, Va.?Senti? nel. Miss Mattie Shelor'returncd from Roanoke. On yesterday mistaking Roanoko Col? lege for tho courthouse two gentlemen (evidently from rural districts) knocked j Aak for SB. SIO'XT'S PEN: 1Send for circular. Pi Uli. MOTT'S CHES For sale v OHAS. D. / "THE POT CALLED T ?V. HOU BECAUSE THE at tho door of one of the professors* rooms and enquired for Mr. ? w hom they thought* was loaflug around there. On being informed by the professor that they were at Roanoke College and not ac the courthouse, and that he (the professor) was not acquainted with the gentleman named, they reluctantly decended the steps?followed, it is needless to say, by tho lusty cheers of the class assembled on the inside. O. R. Moore.representing the .Standard Installment Company, .was In town yes? terday. The trainer lor tho Reformation enter? tainment i-? expected here soon. Then practicing will begin at ouce. Yesterday was one of those character? istic dry days iu Salem. People stood on the street corners with their hands in their pockets wonderiug why other peo? ple were iloing as little as they. The oDly thing that seemed to break the solemn stillness was the arrival of the electric car from Roauoke.with its clatter,or the low rumbling of Dullard's 'bus going to ami from tho trains. .Now and then,too, a party of Roanoke College students would come along tryiug loudly to ex? plain why their football team tvas defeat? ed so often this hist season and counting up the victories for next spring's base? ball team, and then by-standers would wonder why they never beard a student talk of anythlug except football and base? ball. Tho centre of att.action in Salem invariably moves with the sun--first on the street corner, then in the postoflice. On court day the attention of tue crowd is quartered as it wereamoug the lawyers on the inside of the courthouse, the poli? ticians on the courthouse green, tho auc? tioneers in front of the courthouse and the jockeys. Dut this tomes only once a month. It should be atlded, we tbinK, that however dry Salem may appear to be, it seems to be that atrractive sort of place whi ih obtains a lirm hold on those who livo here awhile or sometimes even visit here. Everybody falls iu love with our city. 'Tis a pity that it is not a lar? ger city so that there would bo more openings here for those who wish to re? main. It was remarked recently by a lady o( our town that a cer? tain house on a certain street had neen visited at. least by five hundred students?showing even a stu? dent's fondness for his coPege town, somethiuL* that peoplo suopose, because of the proverbial dispute "between tbwn and gown," he never has. NOTICE.?Beginning with Monday, December (>, the first trip on Salem line will be discontinued until further notice. On and after that date ]first car leaves Roanoke 7 a. m., Salen 7:40 a. m. ROANOKE STREET RAILWAY COM? PANY, S. W. JAMISON, General Manager. HOUSEHOLD GODS. The ancient Greeks believed) that the penutes were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worshipped as household gods iu every home. The household god of to? day Is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, troughs, colds and for all affections of throat, chest and lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No house? hold should he without this good angel. It's pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Eree trial bottles at Massie's Pharmacy. Regular size 50o and $1, A NOBLE LIKE. It is indeed Interesting and protitaule to read ami study the lives of noble men and women, and parents cannot spend money more wisely than in supplying their children with good biographies of great ami good men who stand out prom? inently in the world's history, not only as wise leaders but humble Christians. It is also Interesting to note how those excellent t raits of character descend from sire to son through many generations. Recently we received from the Royal Publishing Company. Richmond, Ya., a new book entitled "Robert Edward Lee, Soldier, Citizen and Christlau Patriot." One great advantage in connection with tili? book is that it gives in a brief but charming manner the history of tho Lee finally for several hundred years, show? ing that Richard Henry !Lee, Robert E. Lee and other master minds sprang from a noble family whose history is as profit? able as it is interesting. Resides an ex? cellent biournphy of Gen. Lee and ac? count of his great military campaigns, it tells how he won the hearts of his so1 diors and will retain through all the ages the affection of friends and foes. The work also contains a large number of in? teresting historical documents,glvlog the organization of the various armies, to? gether with brief biographical sketches of such men as (Jen. Joseph E. Johnston, Gon. Albert Sidney Johnston, Gen. G. T. Benureuard, Gon. Draxtou Bragg, Gen. John B, Hood. Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill, Admiral Raphael Semmes, Con. JohntB. Gordon, Gen. James l.ougstreet and (Jen. J II Reagan. This is the only biography of Gen. Lee ever published on this plan, and It is having a very large sale. The publishers 'adverti.-e through our columns for active agents, as it is sold only by subscription. Those who distribute such a work as tbis will bo ex? erting a blessed influence on the rising generation besides reaping a rich and profitably harvest financially. DEVON! DYEING AND CLEANSING ES? TABLISHMENT. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Winter Clothes cleaned and dyed to perfection. Good work guaranteed. 1 1 O Campbell avenue. J. DEVON. Proprietor. iH wrgpgg* Tho only aal'o, a uro anc v reliable Female FILL ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend* _'B ed to marriod Ladies. NTT ROY AT, x>u, and tako no other, rtce $l.OO per box* 6 boxes for 95.00. &ICAJL. CO , ? <Jlevi.-lu.nd, Ohio. CT^"> V 808 COMMrei v STKKUr -A ._ KOANOKK. VA HE KETTLE BLACK." BEW1FE DIDN'T USE H