OCR Interpretation

The Florida star. (Titusville, Fla.) 1880-1917, August 31, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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yr b i v r < + r
J ioa icr T
Jones president J IL DixM tiewarer J
6 But secretary Meets aecoad Wednes
day sight ia each t Qatli at their rooms
F A A M Indian River ledge No 90 hold
Its meetings the second and fourth Friday
evenings of each loath at the court house
A A Stewart W M F A Morgan Setfy
Hector Service second and fourth Sundays
in each month at 11 a m and 730 p m
Sunday school every Sunday at 900 a m
Hughes pastor Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 a m and 730 p m Prayer
meeting Wednesday 730 p m
BAPTIST CHUBCH Preaching at Titusville
second Sunday in each month morning and
evening Prayer meetings every Wednes
day eveni bat 700 oclock Sunday school
every Sunday at 045 a m Indianola on
the forth Sunday LaGrange on the first
Sunday E N BELL Pastor
Pastor Services first and third Sundays in
each month at 11 a m and 700 p m Sun
day school each Sunday at 10 a m Ep
worth league every Sunday at 330 p m
Prayer meeting every Thursday at 730 p
m Ladies Aid society meets each Wednes
day at 300 p m Everybody welcome
M S Jones Jr marshal and tux collector
C S Schuyler clerk and treasurer John
Henry assessor D L Gauldeu F A Los
ley JtI Dixon W R Knox Juo R Wal
ker couucilmeu The council meets first
Tuesday in each month
ville county judge M Goldsmith Titus
villa prosecuting attorney A A Stewart
Titusville clerk circuit court J F Woot
en Cocoa tax assessor E W Hall Sharpes
tax collector Johu Henry Titusville
treasurer J H Sams Courtenay superin
tendent public instruction J 0 Fries Ti
tusville county surveyor J P Brown Ti
tusville shorifl r J Cockshutt LaGrange
registration officer I
Titusville chairman W H Sharpe Sharpen
Jos Meuilel LaGrange Juo Houston Eau
Gallic J N Waller Atikouit Regular ses
sions are held first Tuesday in each month
Titusville S F Gibbs Melbourne R E
Minis Bouaveutiire
The Most Torrltl 1luco In the Whole
United States
Special Correspondence of The Florida Star
YUMA A T Aujr 24 Yuma is the
hottest city in the United States Dur
ing eight months of the year the mer
cury hovers in the highest parts of the
tube causing man woman null beast
to endure tortures like unto those uf
Dantes inferno Night brings no re
lief from the merciless heat The sun
sinks behind the horizon only to be
succeeded by the dust laden scorch
ing winds from the surrounding plains
They drive into every cranny ut the
low Hat roofed houses dispelling all
traces of moisture and choking the
populace with their arid breath
Picture a town of Tim adobe stone
and brick one story dwellings and store
buildings all with clumsy porches in
front Then place them along a
dreary red brown roasting bank of a
drowsy stream and where rude
tnorouglitares straggle up and down a
naked hill shimmering under the
fiercest sky human eye ever saw
That Is Yuma
Imagine a region thousands of
square milts in area of yellow glisten
Ing sand quaint cacti whitened bowl
ders not one rommanding view of
mountain or other sightly prominenec
a desolate ghastly desert waste
under a liars sun That Is the setting
of Yuma
Imagine yourself on some vantage
spot and looking over an isolated town
paralysed in overwhelming sunlight
scantily clad swarthy Indians spraw1
lug before yon fast asleep on baked
earth In a shifting patch of shade IM
white person visible no signs of activ
ity stores shut houses bolted not a
sound heard save rustling from some
dried sagebrush There you have life
in Yuma on a midsummer afternoon
Yuma is the heart of a land of ex
tinct volcanoes barren hills and sterile
canyons a region of mirages Cila
monsters and reptiles that thrive amid
alkali wastes and deadly thirsts The
only green tliinus to be seen are a few
sparse cottonood trees at the rail
way stations where withering white
sunshine blazes from out a cloudless
sky PJ hours a day Intlamed eyes and
evMi blindness from the intense light
are common The earth is so hot that
people with thin shoes can with ditll
ciilty tread upon it and tough range
cattle sicken and die after but brief
For ttl years Yuma in the Uio Colo
rado in southwestern Arizona has
been the banner hot town of the
country It has no rivals The old
town and Its there summers have been
fruitful topics for newspaper humor
ists Numberless jokes on the Pacific
coast concerning communities where
the mercury climbs high and regard
ing spirits that have found hades
agreeably cool in comparison have
been worn threadbare at Yumas ex
Jrounds for comment on the tem
p F
perature of the territorial settlement
have never been lacking Between
July 1 and 25 1S98 tIJe thei mometer
averaged 115 degrees In the afternoon
The following year as high as 127 de
grees was touched and in September
of 1809 the temperature did not go be
low 108 Several markings of 121 were
recorded Yumas red letter hot day
occurred In 1700 It was Aug 2G
when terrifically hot winds blew from
the desert At noon the fluid rose to
123 degrees and by 4 oclock had reach
ed 129 Several deaths were reported
during the period
No one lives In Yuumfor enjoyment
The trade and teaming from the mines
some of which are uncommonly
rich In copper silver and leadkeeps
the old town prosperous There are
3200 people In Yuma Onethird of
them are Mexicans the rest are Ameri
cans Some have braved the climate
been enterprising and have accumu
lated snug fortunes
At night the whole population sleeps
out of doors Many people slumber
under the open heavens ten months In
the year In midsummer even the old
timers cannot stand the heat and close
ness of an apaitiuont at night The
scene that OLe looks on as he bares
across Yuma at dawn Is unique
Everybody lies sleeping out of doors
There are cots on the Oat roofs cots
on the porches cots In the back and
front yards and cots out in the rude
streets Every cot is occupied by a
human being
The lawbreakers now undergoing
penal servitude In Yuma receive added
punishment from the climate The
territorial penitentiary stands within
a great stone wall on a scorched hill
side in the northern part of the city
Governor Murphy and the legislature
have taken measures toward the re
moval of the crude old structure to a
cooler part of the territory
There are very few prisoners who
live In confinement under this sky
more than eight years and some do
not survive live years said a prison
warden recently
To COlhtUlUpt1t ri
1s an honest remedy Foleys Honey
and Tar does not hold out false hopes in
advanced singes but truthfully chums to
g e comfort anti relief ii t icvery worst
Cat tS and in the early stsiges to effect a
cure Wilson A Son
Post unit e inspector George B llamlctt
of New York is permitted to ieign and is
thus saved the humiliation of removal
He loaned his government railroad pats
You will never find any other pills so
prompt and so pleasant eWitts Little
Early Risers Wilton tl Son
A quantity of counterfeit silver money
has been put in circulation in south
western Tex as The coin is such a perfect
imitation that it fools experts on carnal
Foleys Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all yon claim for it I
have been giving it to my father and it is
the only thiiiir that has ever helped him
writ Sen C Hickock Cnrti > s Wig
Wilson Sen
The Republican ad ministration erected
n tarill wall around America and is now
trying to iorce the door open in Chimi
The harvest Cur the republic will be taxes
and tears
It will surprise yon to experience the
benefit obtained by using the dainty and
famous little pills known as DtWiti
Little Farly Risers Wilson t Son
Mr Itrvan Im nnnoniuvd his itineinrv
for his mp to TorMkji where he will be
notititd of his nomination by Popnlii
and silver Republicans lie expects to
deliver many speeches in Kansas
Mothers endorse it cbildien like it
old folks ue it We ivfer to One Minute
o11211 Cure It will qniclly cure all
tlmmt and him troubles Wil on tl Son
Princes Christina triandjmnt of King
Ilpl a iso of Spain has become insane
and is loll fi Iwl in an asylum Several of
the loyal family of which > he is a
member have befome insane before this
C 5 S T I
Bears the x The Kind You Have Ahyays BsagM
Signature 1fl
A Strong Fortification
Fortify the body against disease
by Tutts Liver Pills an abso
lute cure for sick headache civs
pepsin sour stomach malarh
constipation jaundice bilious
ness and all kindred tl oli = K
U The Fy = Wheel of L1 r
Dr Tutt Your Liver Pil a
the flywheel of life I shall cvtr
be grateful for the accident thi
brought them to my notice I fee
as if I had a new lease of life
I Fairleigh Platte Cannon C t
Tutts Liver PI 2s
Special JUte via Seatfcom Railway
Half rates to Detroit lich Aug 24th
25th and 26th account biennial conclave
Knights Pythiaa tickets will be sold
via Southern railway at one fare for the
round trip on dates above mentioned fi
nal limit Sept 5th Twelve hours quick
er than any other line two daily trains
through to Cincinnati through sleepers
twice a day This route has been select
ed by Florida delegation of Knights of
Half rates to Chicago Ill Aug 24th
and 25th account national encampment
G A R tickets will be sold via South
ern railway atone fare for round trip fi
nal limit Sept 3rf Two daily trains
with through sleepers to Cincinnati mak
ing quickest time
Half rates to Richmond Va Sept 15th
16th and 17th account Independent Or
der Odd Fellows tickets will be sold via
Southern railway at one fare for the round
trip final limit Sept 25th Two daily
trains dining cars sleepers
Through the months of June and
July our baby was teething and took a
running off of the bowels and sickness of
the stomach says O P11 Holliday of
Doming Ind His bowels would move
from five to eight times a day I had a
bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in thr house and
gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of
water and he got better at once JJ Sold by
Wilson tt Son
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Hodgson Bros
> Eau Gallie Fla
Dry Goods Clothing
Steam Launch for Charter
per paper for Needles when ve
NEKDLKS eight large needles
and two embroidery needles for
only 11 CKNTS prrpuiil to your
< tr eini liS yuiir name soul ad
lrets and we will send you 1J
IMCM of needlrs prrpuid SHI
them at 10 criits per ease rein iii
Us the money when sold and se
eu iv i Itkt solid gold ring fret
01 a tint tiantiitfcd watch Kt
Uini unsold xoud > AddrtvS
W E Main St
Slaughterville Ky
In the Iircuit Court of the Seventh Judicial
Cireiiit of Florida in and for IJrevard
EvelineI Clnpper I
H spinster Ioreeluaiuv of
v s IiI Igtgt
John Thoiiia Cleveland
To John Thomas Cleveland
Aflidavit having liren riled hy the + liint t
fur tilt miupiHii ant in tin alcove entit < ii
einse stating that you are eniieealiiig your
Self ho that proecnt raiiUut lie served upon
you and that yon hivr been absent fur n iiv
than un days nel preceding the applict
lion for this order of publication that atr
whereabouts is unknown mill that llxii i
no pvtvoii in the state of Florida crvi nt
a iiiiit uu upon WhOll would bind you ami
that you an over the age olJl > rats
Now t Illnfual it is otdered that yon at
pcai to complainants bill uf complaint at tin
clerks olltee of this court at Titusvith hit
ida uHin the iirst Monday in October I
lilts and answersaid hill in diiecoiii > c < > ihi r
wist the same will be taken al lIt y > u
It is further ordered that the clerk of thi
mist have this order published with a > lilti
delay Jt s may IK in TIIK FLOJCIHA Sr tit t ub
lished at Titusville lIoiida purr each a k
for eight consecutive weeks and that he aN
within i il la of the I
days 11 making f this rra i
post a ropy iheieof at the diH r i the t nii
house of til l yard county and send bv mail n
copy addiv 4ee1 to tin defendant at Miami
Florida Ili1Ht known pimioiiici uddio
Done Mini ordered ut tin clerk ntlin 11
Titusville Florida this iMh dav of luiv1
Clerk l nuit <
uit nit Hitlaid none
By luliii HciiiA D t
lien M Ik iliK id tui t ninir
Alvuys bper
in the end than uuy Heeds
that only cost half as much
Tented true to name fresh and
reliable Alvuy thu bent Ask
for Ferrystake no others
Write for 1IKJO Seed Annal
Detroit Mich
kN eti y DfcUei It
JJiC 1H00000ncMlflcw l o
° Mr G A 8titlSOf < St
a Muchaftt
tlticltaxt of
ara aCOIllwrttcx FOLEY k KIDNEY In
r ui CURE is meeting with woftdcrfttl auc U
C a It hax m
i nd cured acme casts here
olc that nhystciaut prOnoKnced incunbl
I in
sit myself aRt able to t
y testify to its
72 how merats Ky face to
day i t
a living i
and Cure picture of health aB4 Y owr Kidney by
teeth s made it alCb I hat
ed au sUffer to
aloaC twentyaeYea year with the dLlwt
< to ally case and to day I feel ten
years m
touch as to Younger than I did one 5 h
yeaa Jro I
h stngcat isn can Obtain acme
wonderful certiftlM
e of life and I catc of ita medical quaUtioi V certiti H
fact that bi
BANNER SALVE is the Creat Healer
FROMRussia r
us nd to Anitchkoff Palace
St Petersburg immediately
another case of Vin Ma Hani
for Her Imperial Majesty
Empress of Russia
Ordered hy thu Court Physiuitius
yte N E
W a
Mp ctAH
Prominent People Everywhere Use I
Sold bv ntllhuisb Kufnse sUJko titutlOS
Mariani ic Co 32 IV1itt1 St New York pnliliah a handwinie h Hjok
of indor > enients lit Kinperors Fnipiess Princes Cardinals A roll
hihoih and other diMinxiiinheil pt I 4I age It is Matt ntiis null
poMpaid to ail who write for it
We sold a few hundred Universal
Railway Bicycle Attachments
introducing a number of them in TRAVELING BY
each State in the Union Ths BEST
good seed of an excellent product
planted in the fertile soil of an HUMAN
appreciative terday to speak to from the public giant the of infant has today grown of yes so BICYCLE POWER I
The demand this season for
this wonderful machine is unpar
alle ed Our factory has been tax TRACK Indispensable to Section
ed to its utmost capacity running men Statioumeti Littc
ntght and day Nearly every
where we have sent one sample men Road Agents
machine it has sold hundreds I S the Telegraph Opcratn
Our agents have literacy coined and Everyone
money This growing greatness
enables us now to give better connected
vaue to our patrons Our pro RAI LWAY with a
ductions are nearer perfecton
than verthe best that mechan RAILROAD
ical skill with long training in the
service can produce Every ono TRACK Indispensable to every man
woo rides a bicycle wants a who rides a bicycle
Universal Bicycle Attachment Makes cycling a pleasure the
N > bcycs is compete without year round regardless of mud
ore rain or snow
This wonderful device enables a bicycle to be ridden on the rails of any railway track with
perfect ease and safety
The Universal Bicycle Attachment can be attached or detached to any bicycle in 3 minutes
The weight of the Universal Bicycle Attachnert is but ten pounds
The Universal Bicycle Attachment can be aJjsted to any gauge track
The Universal Bicycle Attachment can be teescofea anJ carried on the bicycle when not
riding on the track and we provide with each machine a carrying case for this purpose
The Universal Bicycle Attachment is bah cearmt throughout
The Universal Buyclt Attachment is ruj er t red
The Universal Bicycle Attachment can be ridden at a speed of 25 miles per hour by an inex
perienced rider
It is impossible for the Universal Bicycle Attachment to run off the track as the front wheel
is herd perfectly rigid by a special device
The Universal Bicycle Attachment can be attached to either tandem or single wheel either
ladies or gents
Barsale ID the amount of 125 pounds can bo carried on this machine
The Universal Bicycle Attachments are furnished in black maroon blue or olive green or
wU be nickel plated 70 cents extra
The Universal Bicycle Attachment provides the easiest method of traveling by human power
The Universal Bicycle Attachments are used on nearly every railroad in the United States
I Canada anj Mexico and nearlY every civilized couiiiry on the Globe
I Price 1500
i The qaestiM has been asked can a Railroad Co recover dam Weight 10 Ibs
i ages fwr the use of our machine upon the track should they feel so
I dsposed In order to answer these questions properly we have Attached or
consuted the best authorities I n the country
I with th result that no successful action can 1JH1VEmL81C detached in
be muJIej uness actual damage can be lot Cllr
proven and tne statutes J the different states ATTACtiMEhT
Cv tjnno provsion a vuatio of which wuid PArEHTAPPUEDfcm 3 minutes
resut in actual damages Au legal proposl
tI1l ra roaJ 101 t uasiput highway ard c t
th rrarjtr tnereoi Is not necessarily a tre
cr Bun the event of his being a ties t
tsSer w uld not remove the necessity of r
T > irtoai 3amattts before a recovery =
cc l Ci u i m any csi and the rugs er tires It t
ot a z ye migrt rol upon the seer rails of i + 3
ra ra i ftertura without injuring the y
ra Tne Bicycle ot being restricted L any
tar 4j ni r Ofer i utc r the r M
r a ai ji wei J5 pn a rairoad which 3 4 1c
mazes untenable an action upon any theory
than for actual damages rwrarred and defeats
a calm for injury to track Some companies would lead people who are less enlightened upon the
I subject to beirrP they oud impose a fine and imprisonment in such cases and have published
notices to that effect but these notices operate only to relieve the company from liability in case of
an accident and are sent out solely for that purpose
I GRAND SPECIAL OFFFR CUT rebate THIS of OUT and we wilI allow you
a 5750 on your order for a
I sample machine Mail it to us with your order inclosing 750 for a sample and we will assign you
exclusive territory for the sae of this wonderful machne if the territory you ask for has not already
been assigned This offer not gooc unless accompanied by 5750 and a copy of this advertisement
This offer is only made with a view to introduce our machine in territory In which It has not been
thoroughly introduced Place your order today Our responsibility refer you to any bank
or banker In New York or Chicago to commercial agencies or any reputable business house in
New York ° Chicago
THE UNIVERSAL CO 205 E Lake St t Chicago

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