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80 Telegraphic News. RUSSIAN APFAIRN. London, July 10.—A Berlin din patch says the Russian delegates will not protest against the occupation of the island of Cyprus. It is said that Schouvaloff was apprised three weeks ago ol the Anglo-Turkish understand ing Paris, July 10. —Intelligence re ceived from Constantinople states that the withdrawal of Kussian troops Irom Han Stefano being negotiated, they will leave when the Turks quit the heights commanding Varna and Hhnmla. THE BKITISH II.AL. London, July 10.—The /W/y Telegraph believes the British flag was hoisted at Cyprus on Monday by Lord John Ilay, commander of the Channel squadron, who had sealed orders to that effect. CUBANS LIBKKATKJ). Havana, July 10. —One hundred and forty-three Cubans, who were transported to Hpain during the insur rection, have been liberated there WASHINGTON IMO t’E.V Washington, July 10.—General Reward’s official report irom Oregon shows ’that the Indians were routed and pursued by our troops. Five enlisted men were wounded and probable twenty horses killed. The enemy’s loss in killed and wounded is difficult to tell. There is a well grounded impres sion that Sherman’s visit to New York has reference to early resump tion. The propriety of paying out the smaller gold coin is already a matter of discussion in the Treasury here. MOHRini.E Ol TRACES HI Hl'S* MANS ANB Bl LCiAKIANK. London, July 10. —A Constantino ple dispatch to the Times says: “Mr. Fawcett has returned from Sagos, and reports that intense suffering exists among the population south of the Rhodope mountains. He enu merates the horrors perpetrated by the Bulgarians and Cossacks, and sometimes by regular Russian sold iers, whose design seems to be the extermination or utter dispersion of the Mussulmans and Christians fav orable to them. In the Dornada dis trict fifty-three villages have been plundered and burnt by Russian and Bulgarian troops w ithin the past two months, twenty-three villages have been equally laid waste and burnt in the district of Haskiev, and in the Phillippopolisdistrict twelve villages have been burnt. In numerous vil lages there has been wanton distrac tion, attended by deeds of un heard of barbarity. Cases of men and women deliberately burnt alive have been fireqnent. Violation of the young has also been very frequent. Nothing more horrible than the par-f ticnlars of this report can be imagined. Its veracity rests on the official au thority of one of the most respected of Her Majesty's servants, aud of men employed by him upon his con viction of their perfect trustworthi ness Mr. Fawcett intends to lay his report before the English, Aus trian ami French Ambassadors with a view to sending out a commission of inquiry to the spot to endeavor to put an end to these excesses.” oisi ituTil i: nut; in mi n. London, July 10.—Advices from Port a;. Prince, ilayti. state that thirty-eight houses in the central part ol the city were burned, June 23. Loss $500,000. — G s:nti,i;men. —Perhaps a gentle man is a rarer man lhan some of us think for. Which of us can point out many such in his circle—men whose aims are generous, whose truth is constant, and not only con stant in its kind, hut elevated in its degree; whose want of meanness makes them simple; who can look the world honest ly in the lace, with an equally manly sympathy for the gre t and small'? \Vc all know a hundred whose coats are very well made, and a score who have excel lent manners, and one or two happy j beings who arc what they call in the ! inner circles, and have shot into the very c< liter and bull's eye of fashion; but of gentlemen, bow many? Let us take a little scrap of paper and each make out his list.— l hackery. Q L. KEENE, MILLINERY. Fancy and Dress Goods. fi7 Went Bar St., cr. Lrnira, JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Has uow in stock a tine and coinplete line of Millinery Goods, consisting of Pattern Hate and Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and The Latest Novelties in Millinery- Including a One line of black dress silks, cashmeres, drap d’ete. Henrietta elotli and fancy suitings, with galoons and fringes to match. Ladies', Gent*'and Children's hosiery, si Ik ties, searfs Mini hrtnii kt-Tchiefe; laities’ and children's merino and gaiizo vests, children's socks mittens waists and worsted sacques. /Sith Umbrellas and Parasols. A Hue hue of kid, undressed kid and lisle cloves, corsets, including the celebrated “Cork Corset.” Table Liaen—Napkins towels, tidies, lace curtains. A Fine 1/ine of White Goods. Real hair switches and puds Bergaiant & Co.’s zephyr worsteds, worsted patterns, zephyr ar.d Shetland shawls: the Wencks’ perfumery and toilet soaps. deeSS-Hm Wanted. GOOD LIVE 3G3UTE3S MEN. To sell the Improved Excel sior Letter Copy ing Book. No Press. Brash or water used, copies instantly. Agents outfit $350. Agents make from SIO.OO to $15.00 per day. Address Excelsior Manufacturing Cos., 47 LaSalle St-., Chicago. 111. Incorporated Feb. Kith 1877. Capital $100,090. Exclu sive Territory given. FOB RENT OR SHE. At Picolata, St. Johns River. A farm containing 80 acres, good House. Barn, Cis tern, Well and Wind Mill. Orange Grove, Lemons, Peaches, Guavas, Grapes and Plums. For further information apply to Mbs. JAMES HALE, Picolata, Fla. n23333i5E2iE8i STAND MOST ECONOMjCALMACHINESJ FIRST PREMIUM AT 13S STATE FAIRS! GRAN^MEDA^CENTENNIALEXHIBITrojy OF I SORGOANOIMPHEeJSHTmt YT OTICE—In the County Court aud -1’ of Probate. Volusia County, Florida. Notice is hereby given that after six months publication of this notice, I shall apply to the County Judge of Volusia County, for a discharge from my adminis tration as administrator of the estate of the late James M. Elwood, deceased. Notice is also hereby given that all ac counts against said estate, not exhibited to me within Iwo years after the date of my letters of administration of said estate, to wit., the 3rd day of July a.i>. 1877 will be forever barred. Of which all creditors and persons entitled to distribution will take notice. A. K. ELLWOOD, jo 35 administrator | WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, ST A UNION, VIRGINIA This time lionorod Institution opens September 10th. 1876.. Among the firs] schools for young ladies in the United States. European and A uioncan I ear.lter?. Surroundings beautiful. Climate unsur passed. Patronized by seventeen States.— AMONG THE BEST TERMS IN i HE UN ION : Board, Washing. Lights. Englisti, I j.'ti in. Ft ciich, tor each naif of tho Scholastic year. - slls. With musicaflrlul.sl4o. For Catalogues, address Rev. W.M. A. HARRIS, 10 ir. President, Staunton, Vu CAPE FEAB MILITARY ACADEMY, WILMINGTON, N. C. Next session begins 2Stl of September. A full corps of competent, instructors. Loca tion unsurpassed. School thoroughly equip ed, and expeuocs moderate. As on tv m .lew vacancies exist, those who desire to enter arc requested to ones. For Cata log nes, addess M;ij. B. J. BURGK. S, 10 i;j Principal. Florida. Report of tho Florida Fruit Growers As sociation, a 78 page pamphlet,lull of infor mation about tho Stato: also the Clima tology and Resources cf Florida, a 35 page pamphlet. The two lor 35 cents. Address FLORIDA AGRICULTURIST, DcLiuid, Fla. THE FLOMDA AGHICULTUBIST. DURT &CO., U Successors to Burt & Barnes. Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, JEWELRY. Florida Curiosities, Etc. Etc. 29 WEBT BAY STREET. Golden Alligator \ Jacksonville. Fla. AU kinds of repairing done aud warranted, r me Watches a specialty. deo2Byl Honeymoon Nurseries. the: largest Tropical and Semi-Tropical Nurseries 111 the World ! ONE MILLION ol the CITRUS FAMILY offered this season. Send for Catalogue. Address. L. A. HARDEE, Jacksonville, Fla. 0 IIARLES C, FULLER, Civil Engineer, Surveyor and Fhaughtsmun. State and Government Lands located. Improved and Unimproved Lands for sale at bargains. Maps, Platts and Profiles furnished. Information in regard to all parts of the State given. Office at EHTEEPSI3E Yoltuia Cos., Fia. novls-tf 'yyiLLIAM HURTER & CO., Commission Merchants And Dealers in HAY, COKN and OATS, And Wholesale Dealers in Northern and Western Goods JACKSONVILLE Fla. fJYHE ONLY ONE PRICE Clothing House IN FLORIDA ! J, I). BUCKY, 5 West Bay St., JACKSONVILLE, Fla. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &c. I’V Country orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaantecd. dec2B-6m One of the Oldest Medicines in Use. I 1838 TAYLORS 1877. OIL OF LIFE! OIL OF LIFE! (hires Whooping Cough and Croup. OIL OF LIFK! Cure;, the worst of Coughs and Colds. OIL OF LIFE! without leaving a Scar OIL OF LIFE ! It baa No Equal for Burns. OIL OF LIFE ! A sere euro for Colic in Horses and Mules OIL OF LIFE! Will cure nil it is recommended b.r, every time, or money refunded. OIL OF LIFE! Having stood tho test of noarly 40 years constant use, wo defy its equal for both man and beast, internally or externally. Try it! if n ot satisfied return the empty bottle anilgecyour money. Bold by dealers at 35c and 50c per bottle. O. C. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Fair port, Mornoo county, N. Y. for bale inr i J. B. oi and vn, DeLand. Colcokd <fc Fklt, Borosford. doo 38. TAYLOR & LANE, 76 Barclay Street, - - New York^ Commission Dealers —IN— FRUITS, VEGETABLES. POULTRY, &c. Especiabattention given to Florida Produce. Stencil Plates furnished on applica tion. Price Current sent regularly to shippers. Consignments solicited. 9-52-8 STEAM SAAV and PLAINIG MILLS. I I ■ C. MEKEEL & CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Have leased the Swine Mill at DeLaud, torun in connection with the old mils. Rough lumber at DeLand —rough and dressed lumber at the old place. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF LUMBER Constantly on hand. 8-52-7 W. M. CONKLIN. Agent, ORANGE CITY STORE ! A FULL LINK OF Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Dru°:s. &e. Will sell 10 to 30 per cent, cheaper than any other house in the county. My stock includes almost every variety of merchandise known to the trade, and receiving addi tions daily it is lull anti fresh, and on account of m.v large cash sales I can and will sell as above stated. TF. X,. HMITH C. J. SMITH. Justice of the Peace. Conveyancing done. stf Drugs. Medicines Cor. Bay and Pine sts. GILBERT HUNTER, Jacksonville, DEXTER HUNTER, Albany. N. Y„ Proprietors of the Eagle Steam Saw and Planing Pliil, G-. Hunter & Son, JACKSONVILLE, Fie. Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ali descriptions of YELLOW PINE LUMBER! For the Home and Foreign Markets. mouldings,'Planed Lumber, Shingles, *c., constantly on hand. Turning and Scroll Sawing done to Order. Oi'iic es—J ackson ville, Florida. Albany, N. Y. janlO-9 Bricks! Bricks! I f . you want a No. 1 quality o£ bricks, at a price to suit the times, call on 11. Brown at his Brick Yard, two miles west cf De liandaml one and a half miles north of Beresford, on the Volusia road. *-12r 11 BROVIN, DeLand, Fla. JNO. C. L’ENGLE, V . D. Barnett. E. N. Knapp. Barnett & Knapp, Dealers in FURNITURE! CARPETS, MATTINGS. MATTRESSES i Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames and Mouldings, Moss bought and sold, South Side Hay Street, between Pin a end Laura, JA CA SON VILLE\ Fla . Parties desiring goods will find it to tL advantage to order direct from us, as th can thereby save at least 5 per cent, on all cash orders. Satisfaction guaranteed ivolleston Nurseries, PALATKA, Fla. ORAGE TREES, SWEET SEEDLINGS, Oranges in variety, on budded sweet stocks; varieties for early fruiting, suited for hot-house culture. LEMONS IN VJRIETV, BUDPEI*. Limes, Citron, Grape Fruit, Shaddock, Bananas, Guavas, Peaches, Figs, Japan Plums, Apricots, and riums. GRAPES SUITED TO THE CLIM ATE. Send for Price List. Address. A. J. BEACH &. SON, myls-tf Palatka Fie Jacksonville, Fla. and Garden Seeds